Items 251- 500 of a provisional bibliography of over 1100 modern books on the subject of alchemy. Back to modern books page 251 Dumas, J.-B. Lecons de philosophie chimique. Paris 1937 252 Duval, Paulette. La Pensee alchimique et le conte du Graal. Champion. Paris 1975 253 Duveen, Denis and Emil Offenbacher. An alchemical correspondence under the Nazi regime. New York 1951 254 Duveen, Dennis. Bibliotheca alchemica et chemica. Weil London 1949 255 Duveen, Dennis. Some symbols used by the alchemists. n.p. 1947 256 Duveen, Dennis. Bibliotheca alchemica et chemica. Martino 1995 257 Eamon, William. Science and the Secrets of Nature: Books of Secrets in Medieval and Early Modern Culture. Princeton 1994 258 Eberly, John. al-Kimia: The Mystical Islamic Essence of the Sacred Art of Alchemy. Anamnesis Press 1995 259 Eckartshausen, Karl von. Chimische Versuche �ber die Radicalaufloesung der Koerper. Montag en Weiss Regensburg 1801 260 Eckartshausen, Karl von. Essais chimiques. Paris 1963 261 Eckartshausen, Karl von. Magic. The Principles of Higher Knowledge, translated into English and edited by Gerhard Hanswille and Deborah Brumlich. Merkur Scarborough Canada 1989 262 Eckartshausen, Karl von. Neue Erfahrungen �ber k�nstliche Salpeter-Production. Montag en Weiss Regensburg 1802 263 Eckartshausen, Karl von. Essais chimiques. Paris 1938 264 Eco, Umberto. Foucault's Pendulum. New York 1988 265 Eco, Umberto. L'enigme de la Hanau 1609. Enquete bio-bibliographique sur 'l'Amphitheatre de l'eternelle sapience' de Heinrich Khunrath. Paris 1990 266 Eco, Umberto. Foucault's Pendulum. Secker and Warburg London 1989 267 Edinger, Edward The mystery of the coniunctio: alchemical image of individuation. Inner City Books Toronto 1995 268 Edinger, Edward F. Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy operations Open Court Publishing Company 1985 269 Edinger, Edward F. The Mysterium Lectures : A Journey Through C.G. Jung's Mysterium
Coniunctionis Inner City Books 1995 270 Eliade, Mircea. Forgerons et alchimistes. Paris 1956 271 Eliade, Mircea. Metallurgy, magic and alchemy. Paris 1939 272 Eliade, Mircea. Schmiede und Alchemisten. Stuttgart 1980 273 Eliade, Mircea. The Forge and the Crucible: The Origin and Structure of Alchemy. Harper London 1971 274 Eliade, Mircea. Mephistopheles et l'androgyne. Paris 1962 275 Eliade, Mircea. Aspects initiatiques de l'alchimie occidentale, Studi di filosofia della religione. Rome 1955 276 Eliade, Mircea. The forge and the crucible. Chicago 1956 277 Eliade, Mircea. The forge and the crucible. Chicago 1978 278 Eliade, Mircea. The forge and the crucible. London 1962 279 Elias Artista. Das Geheimnis vom Salz. Freiburg 1979 280 Elias Artista. Das Geheimnis von dem Salz. Berlin-Weissensee 1920 281 Elias Artista. Das Geheimnis vom Salz. Stuttgart 1862 282 Elias Artista. Das Geheimnis von dem Salz. [Edited by H. Wohlbold.] Munich 1924 283 Elkington, G. The aims and claims of the alchemists. n.p. n.d. 284 Ellis, Oliver C. de C. A history of fire and flame. London 1932 285 Endrei, Walter. Old chemical symbols. Budapest 1974 286 Engel, Michael. Chemie im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden 1984 287 Equem de Martinaeu, Mathurin. Le pilote de l'onde vive. n.p. 1972 288 Erlanger, Philippe. l'Empereur insolite. Rodolphe II de Habsbourg. Paris 1971 289 Espagnet, Jean d'. The hermetic arcanum. [Edited by Sapere Aude.] Edmonds 1988 290 Espagnet, Jean d'. [Enchiridion] La philosophie naturelle restituee. n.p. 1972 291 Espagnet, Jean d'. l'Oeuvre secret de la philosophie d'Hermes. [Edited by J. Levebvre Desagues.] Paris 1972 292 Etteila. Les sept nuances de l'oeuvre philosophique-hermetique. Paris 1977 293 Evans, R.J.W. Rudolf II and his world. Oxford 1984 294 Evola, Julius. Die hermetische Tradition. Interlaken 1989 295 Evola, Julius. The Hermetic Tradition. Inner Traditions 1994 296 Evola, Julius. La tradition hermetique. Paris 1983 297 Evola, Julius. La tradition hermetique. Paris 1985 298 Fabricius, Johannes. Alchemy. The Medieval Alchemists and their Royal Art. Diamond 1994 299 Fabricius, Johannes. Alchemy. The Medieval Alchemists and their Royal Art. The Aquarian Press Wellingborough 1989 300 Fabricius, Johannes. Alchemy. The Medieval Alchemists and their Royal Art. Rosenkilde and Bagger Copenhagen 1976 301 Faivre, Antoine, and Needleman, Jacob. Modern Esoteric Spirituality. Crossroad 1995 302 Faivre, Antoine. Access to Western Esotericism. S.U.N.Y. New York 1995 303 Faivre, Antoine. The Eternal Hermes Phanes Grand Rapids 1995 304 Faivre, Antoine. l'esoterisme. Presses Universitaires de France Paris 1992 305 Faivre, Antoine. Toison d'or et alchimie. Editions Arche. Milan 1990 306 Faivre, Antoine. The Golden Fleece and Alchemy. S.U.N.Y. New York 1993 307 Fauvel, John; Flood, Raymond; Shortland, Michael; Wilson, Robin [Editors]. Let Newton be! A new perspective on his life and works. Oxford University Press Oxford 1989 308 Favero, Piero. L'Oro di S. Marco. Il romanzo storico della Lega Lombarda. Studio Editoriale Programma Padua 1994 309 Federmann, Reinhard. Die koenigliche Kunst. Vienna 1964 310 Federmann, Reinhard. The royal art of alchemy. Chilton Philadelphia 1969 311 Ferchl, Fritz and A. Suessenguth. A pictorial history of chemistry. London 1939 312 Ferguson, John. Bibliotheca chemica. (2 vols.) Maclehose Glasgow 1906 313 Ferguson, John. Bibliotheca chemica. (2 vols.) Derek Verschoyle London 1954 314 Festugiere, Andre. La revelation d'Hermes Trismegiste. Gabalda. Paris 1944 315 Fictuld, Hermann. Fuerstliche und monarchische Rosen von Jericho. n.p. 1760 316 Fierz-David, H.E. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Chemie. Basel 1945 317 Figuier, Louis. L'Alchimie et les alchimistes. Paris 1970 318 Figuier, Louis. L'Alchimie et les alchimistes. Paris 1860 319 Figuier, Louis. L'Alchimie et les alchimistes. Paris 1856 320 Figuier, Louis. l'Alchimie et les alchimistes. Paris 1854 321 Figulus, Benedictus. A golden and blessed casket of nature's marvels. London 1893 322 Flamand, Elie-Charles. Erotique de l'alchimie. Paris 1970 323 Flamel, Nicolas. Le grand esclaircissement de la pierre philosophale. Vesoul 1976 324 Flamel, Nicolas. Chymische Wercke. [Stockholm ?] 1983 325 Flamel, Nicolas. His exposition of the hieroglyphical figures [...] concerning the Philosophers Stone. Bath 1889 326 Flamel, Nicolas. His exposition of the hieroglyphical figures. Edited by Laurinda Dixon. Garland 1994 327 Flamel, Nicolas. Le livre des figures hieroglyhiques. n.p. 1893 328 Flamel, Nicolas. Alchemical hieroglyphics. Heptangle New Jersey 1980 329 Flamel, Nicolas. Le livre des figures hieroglyphiques. Le sommaire philosophique. Le desir desire. [Edited by Maxime Preaud.] Paris 1970 330 Franz, Marie-Louise von. Alchemie als psychologisch ontwikkelingsproces. Rotterdam 1983 331 Franz, Marie-Louise von. Alchemy. An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology. Inner City Books Toronto 1980 332 Franz, Marie-Louise von. Alchemical active imagination. Spring Publications. Irving (Texas) 1979 333 Franz, Marie-Louise von. Alchemie, een inleiding tot haar symboliek en psychologie. Amsterdam 1983 334 Franz, Marie-Louise von. Alchemical active imagination. Shambhala Pubns 1997 335 Freher, Dionisius Andreas. Freher's Analogy. The Alchemical Press Edmonds 1983 336 French, Peter. John Dee. The World of an Elizaethan Magus. RKP London 1972 337 Fulcanelli. Les demeures philosophales. Paris 1965 338 Fulcanelli. Les demeures philosophales. Paris 1930 339 Fulcanelli. Le mystere des cathedrales. Esoteric interpretation. Spearman Suffolk 1977 340 Fulcanelli. Le mystere des cathedrales. Paris 1964 341 Fulcanelli. Le mystere des cathedrales. Paris 1926 342 Fulcanelli. Le mystere des cathedrales. Esoteric interpretation. Albuquerque 1984 343 Gabriele, Mino. Il giardino di Hermes. Roma 1986 344 Gabriele, Mino. Commentario sul Mutus liber. Milano 1974 345 Gandra, Manuel J. Atanasio Kircher (1602-1680), Doutor das Cem Artes Ecos portugueses. Centro Ernesto Soares Mafra 1977 346 Ganzenmueller, Wilhelm. Die Alchemie im Mittelalter. Paderborn 1938 347 Ganzenmueller, Wilhelm. l'Alchimie au Moyen-Age. Paris 1945 348 Ganzenmueller, Wilhelm. Beitr�ge zur Geschichte der Technologie und der Alchemie. Weinheim 1956 349 Ganzenmueller, Wilhelm. Die Alchemie im Mittelalter. Hildesheim 1967 350 Garbers, Karl and Weyer, Jost. Quellengeschichtliches Lebesbuch zur Chemie und Alchemie der Araber in Mittelalter. Helmut Buske Verlag Hamburg 1980 351 Garcia Font, J. Histoire de l'alchimie en Espagne. Paris 1980 352 Garcia Font, J. Historia de la alquimia en Espana. Madrid 1976 353 Garc�a Font, Juan. Historia de la alquimia en Espa�a. MRA Barcelona 1995 354 Gardner, Frederick Leigh A catalogue raisonn� of the works on the occult sciences. Vol.1 Rosicrucian books. Privately printed London 1903 355 Gardner, Frederick Leigh. Bibliotheca astrologica : a catalog of astrological publications of the 15th through the 19th centuries / by F. Leigh Gardner ; with a sketch of the history of astrology by William Wynn Westcott Symbols & Signs No. Hollywood, Calif. 1977 356 Garstin, E.J. Langford. Theurgy or the hermetic practice. London 1930 357 Garstin, E.J. Langford. The secret fire. London 1932 358 Garstin, Langford [Editor] The Rosie Crucian Secrets. Aquarian Press Wellingborough 1985 359 Gatti, Hilary. The Renaissance Drama of Knowledge. Giordano Bruno in London. RKP London 1981 360 Gebelein, Helmut. Alchemie. Eugen Diederichs Verlag Muenchen 1996 361 Geber. Of the investigation or search of perfection. Edmonds 1983 362 Geber. The Works. [Edited by E.J. Holmyard.] London 1928 363 Geber. The discovery of secrets. [Edited by Robert R. Steele.] Edmonds 1988 364 Geber. Die Alchemie. [Edited by Ernst Darmst�dter.] Wiesbaden 1969 365 Geber. The alchemical works of Geber. Edited by E.J. Holmyard. Preface by Todd Pratum. Weiser 1994 366 Geber. Die Alchemie. [Edited by Ernst Darmst�dter.] Berlin 1922 367 Geber. Book of furnaces. Edmonds 1984 368 Geber. Of the investigation or search of perfection. Bothel 1983 369 Geber. His book, of the invention of verity or perfection. Edmonds 1989 370 Gerardin, Lucien. l'Alchimie. Paris 1972 371 Geron, T.F. Clavicule de la philosophie hermetique. n.p. 1986 372 Gesner, Konrad. The newe iewell of health. London 1576. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. New York: Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 373 Gessman, G.W. Die Geheimsymbole der Chemie und Medicin des Mittelalters. Graz 1899 374 Gessmann, G.W. Die Geheimsymbole der Alchymie, Arzneikunde und Astrologie des Mittelalters. Arkana-Verlag Ulmen 1959 375 Gessmann, G.W. Die Geheimsymbole der Alchymie, Arzneikunde und Astrologie des Mittelalters. Berlin 1922 376 Gettings, Fred. Dictionary of occult, hermetic and alchemical sigils. London 1981 377 Gettings, Fred. The Hidden Art: A Study of occult symbolism in art. Studio Vista London 1978 378 Gilbert, R.A. A.E. Waite. Magician of many parts. Crucible Wellingborough 1897 379 Gilbert, R.A. A.E. Waite. A Bibliography. Aquarian Wellingborough 1983 380 Gilbert, R.A. A.E. Waite. Magician of many parts. Crucible Wellingborough 1987 381 Gilchrist, Cherry. Alchemy. The great work. Aquarian Press. Wellingborough 1984 382 Gilly, Carlos. Adam Haslmayr. Der erste Verkunder der Manifeste der Rosenkreuzer. Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam 1994 383 Glasgow University Library [Edited by David Weston] Paracelsus. A Catalogue of works published 1529-1793 preserved in Glasgow University Library. Glasgow 1993 384 Glashow, Sheldon L. From alchemy to quarks : the study of physics as a liberal art. Brooks/Cole Pub. Pacific Grove, Calif. 1994 385 Glauber, Johann Rudolph. Glauberus concentratus oder Kern der Glauberischen Schrifften. Ulm 1961 386 Godwin, Joscelyn. Harmonies of Heaven and Earth. Thames and Hudson London 1987 387 Godwin, Joscelyn. Robert Fludd: Hermetic philosopher and surveyor of two worlds. Thames and Hudson. London 1979 388 Godwin, Joscelyn. Athanasius Kircher and the Occult. [From 'Athanasius Kircher unde seine Beziehungen zum gelehrten Europa seiner Zeit: In Kommission bei Otto Harrassowitz, Weisbaden'] Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbuttel 1988 389 Godwin, Joscelyn. Chanel, Christian. Deveney, John P. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor. Weiser 1995 390 Goltz, Dietlinde; Joachim Telle and Hans J. Vermeer. Der alchimistische Traktat 'von der Multiplikation' von psuedo-Thomas von Aquin. Wiesbaden 1977 391 Gorski, William T. Yates and Alchemy. S.U.N.Y. New York 1996 392 Grassot, Louis. La lumiere tiree du chaos. Paris 1930 393 Grassot, Louis. La lumiere tiree du chaos. La philosophie celeste. [Paris] 1981 394 Graubard, Mark. Astrology and alchemy: Two Fossil Sciences. New York 1953 395 Gray, R.D. Goethe the Alchemist. Cambridge 1952 396 Grese, William C. Corpus Hermeticum XIII and early Christian Literature. Brill Leiden 1979 397 Grillot de Givry, Emile. Le musee des sorciers, mages et alchimistes. Paris 1929 398 Grillot de Givry, Emile. Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy. Bonanza New York n.d. 399 Grillot de Givry, Emile. Picture Museum of sorcery, magic and alchemy. University Books New Hyde Park 1963 400 Grillot de Givry, Emile. Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy. Translated by J. Courtenay Locke Frederick Pub. 1954 401 Grillot de Givry, Emile. Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy. University Books New York 1958 402 Grillot de Givry, Emile. The Illustrated anthology of sorcery, magic and alchemy. Causeway New York 1973 403 Grillot de Givry, Emile. Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy. Houghton Mifflin Boston 1931 404 Grossinger, Richard. Alchemy: Pre-Egyptian Legacy, Millenial Promise. North Atlantic Books Richmond, Ca. 1979 405 Gruner, Christianus Gottfrid. Isidus christiani et pappi philosophi iusiurandum chemicum. Pragerus en compagnons Jena 1807 406 Gugel, Kurt F. Johann Rudolph Glauber 1604-1670. Leben und Werk. Wuerzburg 1955 407 Gullan-Whur, Margaret. The Four Elements. Century London 1987 408 Haage, Bernhard Dietrich. Alchemie im Mittelalter. Ideen und Bilder - von Zosimos bis Paracelsus. Artemis & Winkler Zuerich und Duesseldorf 1996 409 Haatan, Abel [= Abel Thomas]. Contribution a l'etude de l'alchimie. Paris 1905 410 Haeffner, Mark. The Dictionary of Alchemy: From Maria Prophetissa to Isaac Newton Aquarian. Harper Collins. London 1991 411 Haeffner, Mark. The Fountain of the Philosophers. Alchymia Press Oxford 1986 412 Hall, Manly Palmer Orders of the Great Work: Orders of Universal Reformation. P.R.S. Los Angeles 1949 413 Hall, Manly Palmer Orders of Universal Reformation. Utopias. P.R.S. Los Angeles 1976 414 Hall, Manly Palmer Codex Rosae Crucis Los Angeles 1938 415 Hall, Manly Palmer The Most Holy Trinosophia of the Comte de St Germain. Philosophical Research Soc Los Angeles 1983 416 Hall, Manly Palmer Codex Rosae Crucis Los Angeles 1971 417 Hall, Manly Palmer Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy. P.R.S. Los Angeles 1976 418 Hall, Manly Palmer Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy. P.R.S. Los Angeles 1949 419 Hall, Manly Palmer Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy. P.R.S. Los Angeles 1976 420 Hall, Manly Palmer. Sages and Seers. PRS Los Angeles 1959 421 Hall, Manly Palmer. The Rosicrucians and Magister Christoph Schlegel. Hermetic Roots of America. PRS Los Angeles 1986 422 Halleux, Robert. Les textes alchimiques. Turnhout 1979 423 Hannaway, Owen. The chemists and the word. Baltimore 1975 424 Haq, Syed Nomanul Names, natures and things : the alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan and his Kitab al-ahjar (Book of stones) Kulwer Dordrecht London 1994 425 Hargrave,John. The Life And Soul Of Paracelsus. Victor Gollancz London 1951 426 Harpur, Patrick. Mercurius. The Marriage of Heaven and Earth. MacMillan London 1990 427 Hartlaub, Gustav Friedrich. Opera Chemica. eine unbekannte Bilderhandschrift der italienischen Fruehrenaissance. n.p. 1960 428 Hartlaub, Gustav Friedrich. Signa Hermetis. n.p. 1937 429 Hartlaub, Gustav Friedrich. Alchemisten und Rosenkreuzer. Willsbach 1947 430 Hartlaub, Gustav Friedrich. Der Stein der Weisen. Munich 1959 431 Hartmann, Franz In The Pronaos Of The Temple: Containing The History Of The True and False Rosicrucians. Aries Press Chicago 1945 432 Hartmann, Franz In The Pronaos Of The Temple: Containing The History Of The True and False Rosicrucians. Theosophical Pub London 1890 433 Hartmann, Franz Occult science in medicine Theosophical Pub. Society London 1893 434 Hartmann, Franz Occult Science in Medicine. Samuel Weiser New York 1975 435 Hartmann, Franz. Magic, white and black : the science of finite and infinite life containing practical hints for students of occultism Metaphysical Publshing House New York 1890 436 Hartmann, Franz. Chemie und alchemie. Leipzig n.d. 437 Hartmann, Franz. The Life of Paracelsus Redway London 1887 438 Hartmann, Franz. Paracelsus. Theosophical Publishing House New York 1918 439 Hartmann, Franz. In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom Health Research California 1963 440 Hartmann, Franz. The Life Of Paracelsus And The Substance Of His Thought. Kegan Paul London 1896 441 Hartmann, Franz. Alchemy. Edmonds 1984 442 Hartmann, Franz. The Life Of Paracelsus and the Substance of his Teachings. Kegan Paul London 1910 443 Hatch, D.P. Some More Philosophy of the Hermetics R.R. Baumgart Los Angeles 1898 444 Haven, Marc [Emmanuel-Henri Lalande]. La vie et les oeuvres de maitre Arnaud de Villeneuve. Paris 1896 445 Haven, Marc. La vie et les oeuvres de maistre Arnaud de Villeneuve. Geneve 1972 446 Heliodorus. Carmina Quattuor ad fidem codicis casselani. [Edited by Guenther Goldschmidt. R. Reitzenstein. Alchemistische Lehrschriften.] Giessen 1923 447 Helmond, Johannes. Alchemy Unveiled; Secret Of Philosophers Stone Explained. Canada 1991 448 Helmond, Johannes. Die entschleierte Alchemie. Bopfingen-Wuerttemberg 1963 449 Helvetius, Johann Friedrich. Zoudt u de steen der wijzen herkennen. De geschiedenis van een wonderbaarlijke transmutatie van lood in goud. Vertaalde fragmenten uit het Gouden Kalf (1567). [Edited by Z.R.W.M. von Martels.] n.p. 1989 450 Helvetius, John Friedrich. The golden calf. Edmonds 1987 451 Hemleben, Johannes. Rudolf Steiner in selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Reinbek bei Hamburg 1963 452 Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes Trismegiste, la Table d'emeraude.
Les belles lettres. 1995 453 Hermes Trismegistus. The Divine Pymander. Translated by Everard. Intro by Hargrave Jennings. 1884 454 Hermes Trismegistus. Aureus. The golden tractate. Bath 1886 455 Hermes Trismegistus. La table d'emeraude. [Edited by Jean Mallinger.] Bruxelles 1932 456 Hermes Trismegistus. The Divine Pymander. Translated by Everard. Intro by Hargrave Jennings. Wizards Bookshelf 1885 457 Hermes, Trismegistus. The virgin of the world of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus P. Kailasam Bros Madras 1885 458 Herre, Ludwig. Das Faustbild von Rembrandt und die Beziehungen zu D�rer's Melancholie. n.p. 1910 459 Herre, Ludwig. Die Kr�fte der Schoepfung. n.p. 1910 460 Heuser, Emil. Der alchimist Stahl. Neustadt an der Haardt 1911 461 Heusser, Ulrich. Die fr�he Alchimie. Koeln 1976 462 Hille, Carl Gustav von. Der teutsche Palmbaum. Munich 1970 463 Hillringshaus, F. Herbert. Die Neugestaltung anthroposophischer Arbeitszusammenh�nge im Hinblick aufihre mich�lische Zukunftsaufgabe. Freiburg im Breisgau 1971 464 Hirst, Desiree Hidden Riches: Traditional symbolism from the Renaissance to Blake. Eyre & Spottiswoode London 1964 465 Hitchcock, Ethan Allen. Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists. Boston 1857 466 Hitchcock, Ethan Allen. Alchemy and the alchemists. PRS Los Angeles 1976 467 Hitchcock, Ethan Allen. Remarks upon alchymists. Carlisle 1855 468 Hoefer, Ferdinand. Histoire de la chimie. Paris 1842 469 Hoefer, Ferdinand. Histoire de la chimie. Paris 1866 470 Hoever, P. Hugo. Roger Bacons Hylomorphismus. Limburg an der Lahn 1912 471 Hof, J.J. De alchemisten en hun leer. Den Haag n.d. 472 Hogart, R.C. Alchemy: A comprehensive bibliography of the Manly Palmer Hall Collection of Books and Manuscripts. P.R.S. Los Angeles 1988 473 Holmyard, E.J. Alchemy. Dover New York 1990 474 Holmyard, E.J. Alchemy. Dover Harmondsworth 1957 475 Holmyard, E.J. Alchemy. Harmondsworth 1968 476 Holmyard, E.J. and Mandeville, D.C. Avicennae de congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum, being sections of the Kitab Al-Shifa, the Latin and Arabic texts. Guenther Paris 1927 477 Holzer, Hans. The alchemist. The secret magical life of Rudolf von Habsburg. Stein and Day New York 1974 478 Holzer, Hans. The Alchemy Deception. 1973 479 Hopkins, Arthur John. Alchemy, child of Greek philosophy. Columbia University Press New York 1934 480 Horlacher, Conrad. Kern und Stern der vornehmsten chymisch-philosophischen Schriften. Graz 1975 481 Howard, Ian. Heretical diagrams. A suite of prints by Ian Howard. With introduction by Jane Lee. Peacock Printmakers Aberdeen 1996 482 Howe, Ellic [Editor]. The Alchemist of the Golden Dawn. The Letters of the Revd. W.A. Ayton to F.L. Gardner and others 1886-1905. Aquarian Press Wellingborough 1985 483 Howey, M. Oldfield The Encircled Serpent: A Study of Serpent Symbolism in All Countries and Ages Arthur Richmond Co New York 1955 484 Hubicki, Wlodzimierz. Chemie und Alchemie des 16. Jahrhunderts in Polen. Lublin 1957 485 Huffman, William H. Robert Fludd and the end of the Renaissance. Routledge London 1988 486 Huffman, William H. Robert Fludd: Essential Readings. Aquarian London 1992 487 Huginus a Barma. Le regne de Saturne change en siecle d'or. Milano 1971 488 Hung, Ko. Nei P'ien: Alchemy, Medicine and Religion in the China of 320 AD. [Translated J.R. Ware.] MIT Press Cambridge, Mass. 1966 489 Hung, Ko. Nei P'ien: Alchemy, Medicine and Religion in the China of 320 AD. [Translated J.R. Ware.] Dover New York 1981 490 Husson, Bernard. Anthologie de l'alchimie. Paris 1971 491 Hutin, Serge. l'Alchimie. Paris 1987 492 Hutin, Serge. La vie quotidienne des alchimistes au Moyen Age Hachette [Paris] 1977 493 Hutin, Serge. A history of alchemy. Walker/ Sun New York 1962 494 Hutin, Serge. De alchemie. Deventer 1954 495 Hutin, Serge. La tradition alchimique. St. Jean de Braye 1979 496 Ibn'Arabi, Mohyidin. l'Alchimie du bonheur parfait. Paris 1981 497 Ivanoff, Michael. l'Alchimie spirituelle. Paris 1947 498 Jacobi, Jolande. Paracelsus. Selected writings. Edited with an Introduction by Jolande Jacobi. Pantheon New York 1951 499 Jacobi, Jolande. Paracelsus. Lebendiges Erbe. Bollingen Series XXVIII. Princeton 1942 500 Jacobi, Jolande. Paracelsus. Selected writings. Edited with an Introduction by Jolande Jacobi. Bollingen Series XXVIII. Princeton 1988