Items 1- 250 of a provisional bibliography of over 1100 modern books on the subject of alchemy. Back to modern books page 1 Abraham Eleazar. Uraltes chymisches Werk. Stockholm 1982 2 Abraham, Lyndy. Marvell and alchemy Scolar Aldershot 1990 3 Achelis, J.D. Die �berwindung der Alchemie in der paracelsischen Medizin. Heidelberg 1943 4 Adiramled. The art of alchemy or the generation of Gold. New York n.d. 5 Adler, Jeremy D. "Eine fast magische Anziehungskraft" : Goethes "Wahlverwandtschaften" und die Chemie seiner Zeit C.H.Beck Munich 1987 6 Afnan, Soheil M. Avicenna. His life and works. London 1958 7 Agricola, G. De re metallica. Dover New York 1950 8 Agricola, G. De re metallica. 1912 9 Ahmad, Maqbul; B.B. Datta. A Persian translation of the eleventh century Arabic alchemical treatise [...]. Calcutta 1929 10 Albertus Magnus. Libellus de alchimia. Ed. Virginia Heines. Berkeley 1958 11 Albertus, Frater. Alchemist's Handbook. RKP London 1976 12 Ali Puli. The center of nature concentrated. Edmonds 1988 13 Ali Puli. The epistles. [Edited by J.W. Hamilton-Jones.] London 1951 14 Alleau, Rene. Aspects de l'alchimie traditionelle. Paris 1953 15 Alleau, Rene. Aspects de l'alchimie. Paris 1970 16 Alleau, Rene. History of occult sciences Leisure Arts London 17 Allegretti, Antonio. De la transmutatione de metalli. [Edited by Mino Gabriele.] Roma 1981 18 Allendy, Rene. La table d'emeraude d'Hermes Trismegiste. Paris 1921 19 Allorge, Henri. Le secret de Nicolas Flamel. Paris 1929 20 Amadou, Robert. Ramon Lulle et l'alchimie. Paris 1953 21 Amadou, Robert. Le feu du soleil. Paris 1978 22 Ambelain, Robert. L'alchimie spirituelle. Paris 1974 23 Ambelain, Robert. L'alchimie spirituelle. Paris 1961 24 Ambelain, Robert. Dans l'ombre des cathedrales. Paris 1939 25 Ambix. 26 Anderton, William. Inner alchemy. Soluna London 1981 27 Andreae, J.V. The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz anno 1459. A modern poetic version by Jon Valentine with imaginations by Arme Salmonsen. St George Publications Spring Valley 1981 28 Andreae, J.V. Kristian Rosenkors Alchemiska brollop 1459. Livskraft Stockholm 1983 29 Anes, Jose Manuel. Re-cria��es Hermeticas. Ensaios diversos sob o signo de Hermes. Prefacio de Lima de Freitas. Hugin Lisboa, Portugal 1996 30 Antiquariaat W.N. Schors. Catalogue Nr 121. Feb 1980 Rare and valuable books relating to Occult sciences Amsterdam 1980 31 Aquinas, St Thomas. Aurora Consurgens. [Edited by Marie-Louise von Franz.] Bollingen. London 1966 32 Aquino, Thomas d'. Tractatus... de lapide philosophico [Italian/Latin bilingual edition.] 33 Archarion [Willi Slezacek]. Von wahrer Alchemie. Freiburg im Breisgau 1967 34 Armitage, F.P. A history of chemistry. London 1906 35 Arnaldus de Villanova. Chemische Schriften. Stockholm 1973 36 Arnaldus de Villanova. Le chemin du chemin. Raymond Lulle. La clavicule. Milano 1974 37 Artephius. The secret book. Edmonds 1984 38 Ashmole, Elias. Theatrum chemicum Britannicum. Hildesheim 1968 39 Ashmole, Elias. Theatrum chemicum Britannicum. New York 1967 40 Atwood, Mary Anne. A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery. Belfast 1918 41 Atwood, Mary Anne. Hermetic philosophy and alchemy. A suggestive inquiry into `The hermetic mystery'. New York 1960 42 Atwood, Mary Anne. A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery. Belfast 1920 43 Atwood, Mary Anne. A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery. London 1850 44 Augurellus, Johannes Aurelius. Les trois livres de la chrysopee. Paris 1977 45 Aurach, Georges. Le jardin de richesses. Paris 1978 46 Aziz, A.A. Alchemical Solution Banton Press Isle of Arran 1995 47 Backer, H.J. Oude chemische werktuigen en laboratoria van Zosimos tot Boerhaave. Groningen 1918 48 Bacon, Roger De l'admirable pouvoir et puissance de l'art & de nature, ou est traict� de la pierre philosophale ; Roger Bachon ; traduit et francois par Iaques Girard de Tournus Gutenberg Reprint [Paris] 1981 49 Bacon, Roger. Miroir d'alchimie. albert le Grand. Le compose des composes. Milan 1974 50 Bacon, Roger. Essays contibuted by various writers. Ed. A.G. Little. Oxford 1914 51 Bacon, Roger. Opera quaedam Lactenus inedita. Ed. J.S. Brewer. London 1859 52 Bacon, Roger. The Mirror of alchemy. Edited by Stanton Linden. Garland New York 1992 53 Bacon, Roger. Opus Maius. Edited J.H. Bridges. (3 vols). Clarendon Press. Oxford 1897 54 Bacon, Roger. On the nullity of magic. New York 1982 55 Bacon, Roger. The root of the world. Edmonds, WA 1985 56 Bacon, Roger. Secretum secretorum. [Edited by Robert Steele.] Oxford 1920 57 Bacon, Roger. The mirror of alchemy. Hermes. The smaragdine table. Press of the Pegacyle Los Angeles 1975 58 Bacstrom. Alchemical anthology. Ed. J.W. Hamilton-Jones. London 1960 59 Baker, Dr. Douglas M. The Diary of an Alchemist. Potters Bar 1977 60 Balls, Heinrich. Albertus Magnus als biologe. Stuttgart 1947 61 Barbault, Armand. L'or du Millieme Matin. Paris 1969 62 Barbault, Armand. Gold of a Thousand Mornings. Spearman. London 1975 63 Basilius Valentinus. Cocchio triofale dell' antimonio. [Edited by Mino Gabriele.] Rome 1978 64 Basilius Valentinus. The triumphal chariot of antimony. With Annotations of Theodore Kirkringius. Edited by L.G. Kelly. Garland New York 1990 65 Basilius Valentinus. Azoth ou le moyen de faire de l'or cache des philosophes. Geneve 1976 66 Basilius Valentinus. Le char triomphal de l'antimoine. [Edited by Sylvian Matton.] Paris 1977 67 Basilius Valentinus. Le dernier testament. [Edited by Sylvain Matton.] Paris 1978 68 Basilius Valentinus. The triumphal chariot of antimony. London 1893 69 Basilius Valentinus. Les douze clefs de la philosophie. [Edited by Eugene Canseliet.] Paris 1956 70 Basilius Valentinus. Les douze clefs de la philosophie. [Edited by Eugene Canseliet.] Editions de minuit Paris 1972 71 Basilius Valentinus. Chymische Schriften. Hildesheim 1976 72 Batfroi, Severin. Alchimie et revelation chretienne. [Paris] 1976 73 Batfroi, Severin. Alchimiques metamorphoses du mercure universel. Paris 1977 74 Bauer, Alexander. Die Adelsdocumente oesterreichischer Alchemisten. Wenen 1893 75 Bauer, Hans. Der wunderbare Moench. Leben und Kampf Roger Bacons. Leipzig 1963 76 Bauer, U. Chemie und Alchymie in Oesterreich. Vienna 1883 77 Baulot, Isaac (I). Mutus Liber... preceded by an explicative hypotypose of Magophon [Pierre Dujols]. Stavanger 1985 78 Baulot, Isaac (I). [Mutus Liber]. Le livre d'Images sans paroles. (Mutus liber] [Edited by Magophon.] Paris 1914 79 Baulot, Isaac (I). Altus. Mutus liber. [Edited by Jean Laplace.] Milan 1979 80 Baulot, Isaac (I). Altus. Die Alchemie und ihr Stummes Buch (Mutus Liber). [Edited by Eugene Canseliet.] Amsterdam 1991 81 Baulot, Isaac (I). Altus. Le Livre muet de l'alchime, commente par Eugene Canseliet F.C.H. Paris 1974 82 Baulot, Isaac (I). Altus. L'alchimie et son livre muet. (Mutus liber). [Edited by Eugene Canseliet.] Paris 1967 83 Baulot, Isaac (I). Altus. Mutus liber. Le livre d'images sans paroles. n.p. n.d. 84 Baumgardt, Rudolf. Der Magier. Das Leben des Albertus Magnus. Munich 1949 85 Bechtel, Guy. Entretien avec E. Canseliet sur Fulcanelli suivi de le mystere Fulcanelli. n.p. 1974 86 Beck, Hermann. Vom Geheimnis der Stoffeswelt. Basel 1942 87 Bede Gallery, Jarrow. Art of the Invisible. Jarrow 1977 88 Beguin, Jean. Tyrocinium chymicum. Chemical essays. Heptangle Gillette (N.J.) 1983 89 Bein, Willy. Der Stein der Weisen und die Kunst gold zu machen. Leipzig 1915 90 Ben Cantara. Simeon. Cabala mineralis. Paris 1986 91 Benzenhoefer, Udo. Johannes' de Ruperscissa Liber de consideratione quintae essentiae omnium rerum, deutsch. Wiesbaden 1989 92 Bergman, Madeleine Hieronymus Bosch and Alchemy: A Study on the St Anthony Triptych. Almquist and Wiksell Stolkholm 1979 93 Bernus, Alexander von. Goldmachen. Wahre alchymistische Begebenheiten. Heilbronn n.d. 94 Bernus, Alexander von. Alchymie und Heilkunst. Nurnberg 1981 95 Bernus, Alexander von. Alchemie et medicine. Paris 1960 96 Bernus, Alexander von. Alchymie und Heilkunst. Nurnberg 1948 97 Bernus, Alexander von. Das Geheimnis der Adepten. Sersheim 1956 98 Berthelot, Marcellin. Les origines de l'alchimie. Paris 1938 99 Berthelot, Marcellin. Les origines de l'alchimie. Paris 1885 100 Berthelot, Marcellin. Introduction a l'etude de la chimie des anciens et du moyen age. Paris 1889 101 Berthelot, Marcellin. Die Chemie im altertum und im Mittelalter. Leipzig 1909 102 Berthelot, Marcellin. Introduction a l'etude de la chimie. Paris 1939 103 Berthelot, Marcellin. Introduction a la chimie des anciens et du Moyen Age. Brussel 1966 104 Berthelot, Marcellin. La chimie au Moyen Age. Paris 1893 105 Berthelot, Marcellin. Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs. Paris 1887 106 Besant, Annie and Leadbeater, Charles W. Occult Chemistry. Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements. Theosophical Publishing House. London 1919 107 Bibiotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Das Erbe des Christian Rosenkreutz. Amsterdam 1988 108 Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica 500 years of gnosis in Europe : exhibition of printed books and manuscripts from the gnostic tradition, Moscow & St Petersburg ; organized by Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, M.I. Rudomino Russian State Library for Foreign Literature. Compiled by Carlos Gilly, in collaboration with Marina Afanaseva. Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam 1993 109 Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Cimelia Rhodostaurotica. Die Rosenkreuzer im Spiegel der zwischen 1610 und 1660 entstandenen Handschriften und Drucke. [Edited by Carlos Gilly.] Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam 1995 110 Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Les symboles spirituales de l'alchimie Amsterdam 1988 111 Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Splendor solis. Een 16e-eeuwse alchemistische traditie verbeeld in 1992. Tekeningen door Laurie Lipton. Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam 1992 112 Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. The Hermetic Gnosis. Amsterdam 1988 113 Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Kabbale et philosophie Hermetique. Amsterdam 1989 114 Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Johann Valentin Andreae 1586-1986. Die Manifeste der Rosenkreuzerbruderschaft. Katalog einer Ausstellung in der Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Amsterdam 1986 115 Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Paracelsus in der Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. [Edited by Carlos Gilly.] Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam 1993 116 Biedermann, Hans. Materia prima. Graz 1973 117 Billings, Al and Greer, John Michael [Editors] Caduceus. 1995- Seattle 1995- 118 Birgelen, J.H. van, P.E. de Vries-Ek. De geest in de fles. Rotterdam 1986 119 Biringuccio, Vannoccio The Pirotechnia New York 1942 120 Birkholz, Adam Michael. Des Hermes Trismegists wahrer alter Naturweg. Berlin 1915 121 Birkholz, Adam Michael. Des Hermes Trismegists wahrer alter Naturweg. [Stockholm] 1977 122 Birkholz, Adam Michael. Universal Kathechismus f�r Kenner und Bekenner des allgemeinen Dreiecks und Vierecks. Leipzig 1803 123 Bischoff, Erich. Der Sieg der Alchymie. Berlin 1925 124 Blavatsky, H.P. Alchemy and the secret doctrine. [Edited by Alexander Horne.] Wheaton 1927 125 Bodemer, C. Medical investigation in 17th century England 1968 126 Boeren, P.C. Codices Vossiani chymici. Leiden 1975 127 Bolton, H.C. Contributions of Alchemy to Numismatics. Reprinted from American Journal of Numismatics. New York 1890 128 Bolton, H.C. The revival of alchemy. Washington 1898 129 Bonardel, Francoise. l'Hermetisme. Paris 1985 130 Bonus Petrus. The new pearl of great price. [Edited by A.E. Waite]. London 1894 131 Bonus Petrus. The new pearl of great price. [Edited by A.E. Waite.] Vincent-Stuart London 1963 132 Borel, Pierre. Bibliotheca chimica. Hildesheim 1969 133 Bornia, Petro. La Porta Magica di Roma. Studio Storico. Genoa 1979 134 Boyle, Robert. The sceptical chymist. London 1965 135 Braekman, W. L. Studies on alchemy, diet, medicine and prognostication in Middle English UFSAL Brussels 1986 136 Breyer, Jacques. Arcanes solaires. Paris 1959 137 Brinkman, A.A.A.M. De alchemist in de prentkunst. Amsterdam 1982 138 Brinkman, A.A.A.M. Chemie in de kunst. Amsterdam 1975 139 Broglie, Jean-Albert de. Le sablier d'or. Paris 1971 140 Brooke, John L. The Refiner's Fire: the making of a Mormon Cosmology. C.U.P. Cambridge 1996 141 Brooks-Davies, D. The Mercurian Monarch 1983 142 Broszinski, Hartmut. Lux lucens in tenebris Splendor solis oder Sonnenglanz. Zur alchemistischen Handschrift 2* Ms. chem. 21 der alter Kasseler Landesbibliothek Fulda 1994 143 Brown, J. Wood. An enquiry into the life and legend of Michael Scot. David Douglas Edinburgh 1897 144 Brumbaugh, Robert S. [Editor] The most mysterious manuscript. Southern Illinois University Press Carbondale, London and Amsterdam 1978 145 Buchner, Karl. Johann Konrad Dippel. Leipzig 1858 146 Bugaj, Roman. Hermetyzm. Warsaw 1991 147 Burckhardt, Titus. Alchemie. Olten 1960 148 Burckhardt, Titus. Alchemy. Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul. Element London 1967 149 Burckhardt, Titus. Alchemie. Basel 1974 150 Burland, C.A. The arts of the alchemists. New York 1968 151 Burland, C.A. The arts of the alchemists. 1967 152 Caetano, Manuel. Ennoea ou Aplicaca�ao do Entendimento sobre a Pedra Filosofale. Edited with an introduction by Manuel. J. Gandra. Mafra 1987 153 Calvesi, Maurizio. Arte e alchimia. Venetie 1986 154 Camacho, Jorge en Alain Gruger. Heraldique alchimique nouvelle. Paris 1978 155 Cambriel, L.P. Francois. Cours de philosophie hermetique ou d'alchimie. Paris 1843 156 Campbell, Joseph and Roberts, Richard. Tarot revelations. Vernal Equinox Presss San Anselmo 1982 157 Canseliet, Eugene. Deux logis alchimiques. Jean Schemit Paris 1945 158 Canseliet, Eugene. Alchimie. Etudes diverses de Symbolisme hermetique et de pratique Philosophale. Jean-Jacques Pauvert [Paris] 1964 159 Canseliet, Eugene. L'Alchime expliquee sur ses textes classiques. Jean-Jacques Pauvert 160 Canseliet, Eugene. Trois anciens traites d'alchimie.
La nature a decouvert. par le chevalier inconnu. 1669
Explication tres curieuse des enigmes de notre-dame de Paris.
par Esprit Gobineau de Monluisant, gentillomme chartrain.
Traite du Ciel terrestre , de Vinceslas Lavinius de Moravie.)
[14 illustrations]
societe nouvelle des editions Jean-Jacques Pauvert [Paris] 1975 161 Carbonelli, Giovanni. Sulle fonti storiche della chimica e dell' alchimia in Italia. Rome 1925 162 Carmel, Ephraim. Mystical Library. Montpelier Sandelson London 1995 163 Caro, Roger. Deux esais sur la pierre philosophale. Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer 1967 164 Caro, Roger. Concordances alchimiques. Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer 1968 165 Caron, M and Serge Hutin. The alchemists. Grove Press New York 1961 166 Carter, Frederick. The Dragon of the Alchemists. London 1926 167 Castillejo, David. The Expanding Force in Newton's Cosmos as shown in his unpublished papers. Madrid 1981 168 Centeno, Yvette K. A alquimia e o Fausto de Goethe. Lisbon 1983 169 Centeno, Yvette K. A Simbologia alquimica no conto da Serpente verde de Goethe. Lisbon 1976 170 Centeno, Yvette K. A alquimia do amor. Lisbon 1982 171 Centeno, Yvette. Literatura e alquimia. Lisbon 1987 172 Chaney, Robert G. Transmutation. How the alchemists turned lead into gold. Astara Upland, CA. 1969 173 Ch'iao-p'ing, Li. The chemical arts of old China Journal of Chemical Education Easton, Pa 1948 174 Chih-Ch'ang, Li. The Travels of an Alchemist. Routledge London 1963 175 Chikashige, Masumi. Alchemy and other chemical achievements of the ancient orient. Tokyo 1936 176 Chkashige, Masumi. Oriental alchemy. New York 1974 177 Choucha, Nadia. Surrealism & the Occult. Destiny Books. Rochester, NY. 1992 178 Christoph von Paris. Elucidarius. Berlin 1931 179 Clarke, Lindsay. The Chymical Wedding. Cape London 1989 180 Clulee, N.H. John Dee's Natural Philosophy. RKP London 1988 181 Clymer, R. Swinburne. Divine Alchemy: Practical Instructions For The Transmutation Of The Baser Metals Into Pure And Shining Gold. Quakertown, PA 182 Clymer, R. Swinburne. The Science of Spiritual Alchemy Philosophical Pub. Co Quakertown 1959 183 Cockren, A. Alchemy rediscovered and restored. Philadelphia 1940 184 Cockren, A. Alchemy rediscovered and restored. London 1941 185 Coenders van Helpen, Barend. Thresor de la philosophie des anciens. Milan 1967 186 Coenders van Helpen, Barend. l'Escalier des sages. Milan 1971 187 Colnort-Bodet, Suzanne. Le code alchimique devoile : Distillateurs, alchemistes et symbolistes. Librairie Honor� Champion Paris 1989 188 Colonne, Francois-Marie-Pompee. Les secrets les plus caches de la philosophie des anciens. [Edited by Crosset de la Haumerie.] Neuilly-sur-Seine 1977 189 Colquuhoun, Ithell. Sword of Wisdom. Macgregor Mathers and the Golden Dawn. Spearman London 1975 190 Comenius, Johannes Amos. Via lucis. De weg van het licht Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam 1992 191 Conger, George. Theories of Macrocosms and Microcosms in the History of Philosophy. New York 1922 192 Connell, Evan S. The Alchymists Journal. North Point Press San Francisco 1991 193 Constantius Pisanus. The book of the secrets of alchemy. [Edited by B. Obrist.] Brill Leiden 1990 194 Cooper, J.C. Chinese Alchemy. The Taoist Quest for Immortality. 1990.
Sterling New York 1990 195 Cooper, J.C. Chinese alchemy. Wellingborough 1984 196 Cooper-Oakley, I. Comte de St. Germain 1983 197 Cooper-Oakley, I. Comte de St. Germain Rudolf Steiner Press Blauvelt, NY 1970 198 Copenhaver, Brian P. Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a new English translation. Cambridge 1992 199 Corbett, J.A. Catalogue des manuscrits alchimiques latins. (2 vols.) Paris 1939-51 200 Corbin, Henry. l'Alchimie comme art hieratique. [Edited by Pierre Lory.] Paris 1986 201 Corbin, Henry. Avicenna and the Visionary Recital. Spring publications New York 1980 202 Corsetti Jean-Paul Histoire de l'esoterisme et des sciences occultes. Refreences Larousse Paris 1992 203 Corsetti, Jean-Paul. Histoire de l'esoterisme. Larouse. Paris 1992 204 Coudert, Allison. Alchemy. The philosopher's stone. London 1980 205 Coudert, Allison. Alchemie. De steen der wijzen. Deventer 1984 206 Coudert, Allison. Alchemy. The philosopher's stone. Boulder 1980 207 Coudert, Allison. Der Stein der Weisen. Berlin 1985 208 Councell, R.W. Apologia alchymiae. A re-statement of alchemy. Watkins London 1925 209 Crasselame, Marc-Antonio. La lumiere sortant par soi-meme des tenebes. [Edited by Bernard Roger and Bruno de Lansac.] Paris 1971 210 Crassellame, Marc-Antonio. Lux obnubilata. [Edited by Stefano Andreani.] Rome 1980 211 Craven, J.B. Count Michael Maier. Kirkwall 1910 212 Craven, J.B. Count Michael Maier. London 1968 213 Crosland, Maurice P. Historical studies in the language of chemistry. London 1962 214 Crowley, T. Roger Bacon. 1952 215 Cyliani. Hermes devoile. Editions Traditionnelles Paris 1991 216 Cyliani. Hermes devoile. Paris 1915 217 Damigeron. The Virtues of Stones. Translated by Patricia Tahil. Edited by Joel Radcliffe. Ars Obscura Seattle 1989 218 Danciger, Elizabeth. The emergence of homoeopathy : alchemy into medicine Century London 1987 219 De Steiger, Isabelle. On A Gold Basis: A Treatise On Mysticism Rider London 1909 220 De Villars, A. Comte de Gabalis 1914 221 Debus, Allen G. Chemistry, alchemy and the new philosophy 1550-1700. London 1987 222 Debus, Allen G. The English Paracelsians Watts New York 1966 223 Debus, Allen G. Man and Nature in the Renaissance. Cambridge 1978 224 Debus, Allen G. The chemical philosophy. New York 1977 225 Debus, Allen G. Man and Nature in the Renaissance. Cambridge 1993 226 Debus, Allen G. Robert Fludd and his Philosophical Key Science History Publications New York 1979 227 Debus, Allen G. Alchemy and chemistry in the seventeenth century. 1966 228 Debus, Allen. The English Paracelsians. New York 1965 229 Debus, Allen. The chemical dream of the renaissance. Cambridge 1968 230 Dee, Arthur. Fasciculus chemicus / Arthur Dee ; translated by Elias Ashmole ; edited by Lyndy Abraham Garland Pub. New York 1997 231 Delacre, Maurice. Histoire de la chimie. Paris 1920 232 Delobel, Em. Preuves alchimiques. Paris 1913 233 Delobel, Em. Cours d'alchimie rationelle. Paris 1908 234 d'Espagnet, Jean. Hermetic arcanum. Penes nos unda tagi. London 1983 235 Deventer, Charles M. van. Grepen uit de historie der chemie. Haarlem 1924 236 DiBernard, Barbara. Alchemy and Finnegans Wake. State University of New York Press Albany 1980 237 Disher, Joel An Introduction To Alchemy. Croixcroft Press California 1957 238 Dixon, Laurinda S. Alchemical Imagery in Bosch's Garden of Delights. UMI Ann Arbor 1981 239 Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter and Jacob, Margaret C. Newton and the culture of Newtonianism. Humanities 1995 240 Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter. Alchemical Death and Resurrection: The Significance of Alchemy in the Age of Newton. Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Washington 1990 241 Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter. The Janus face of genius. The Role of Alchemy in Newton's Thought. Cambridge 1991 242 Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter. The foundations of Newton's alchemy or 'The Hunting of the Greene Lyone'. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge 1975 243 Doberer, Kurt K. Goldsucher. Goldmacher. Munich 1960 244 Doberer, Kurt K. The gold makers. London 1948 245 Doberer, Kurt K. Die Goldmacher. Munich 1987 246 Doerfler, Peter. Albertus Magnus. Munich 1940 247 Dorbonne-Aine. Bibliotheca Esoterica. catalogue annot� et illustr� d 6707 ouvrages anciens et modernes .. Brueil-en-Vexin Yvelines 1975 248 Dorbonne-Aine. Bibliotheca Esoterica. Coulet Paris 1988 249 Dorbonne-Aine. Bibliotheca Esoterica. 1920 250 Duchanteau. Le grand livre de la nature ou l'apocalypse philosophique et hermetique. [Edited by Oswald Wirth.] Paris 1910