Items 750 - of a provisional bibliography of over 1100 modern books on the subject of alchemy. Back to modern books page 751 Phaneg, G. Cinquante merveilleux secrets d'alchimie. Paris 1912 752 Philaletes, Irenaeus. De open toegonag tot het gesloten paleis van de koning. [Edited by Guido Martens and Annie van Keymeulen.] n.p. 1989 753 Philalethes, Eirenaeus. Alchemical works: Eireneus Philalethes compiled. Edited by S. Merrow Broddle. Cinnabar Boulder 1994 754 Philosophers of Nature. Ora et Labora. Issues 1-7. [Later continued as an appendix in The Stone.] Philosophers of Nature. Boulder 1994 755 Philosophers of Nature. The Stone. 1990-1997. Philosophers of Nature. Boulder 1990- 756 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco. Opus aureum. [Edited by Maurizio Barracano.] Carmagnola 1979 757 Planis Campy, David de. l'Ouverture de l'escolle de philosophie transmutatoire metallique. [Paris] 1979 758 Plessner, Martin. Vorsokratische Philosophie und griechische Alchemie [...] Studien zu Text und Inhalt der Turba Philosophorum. Wiesbaden 1975 759 Poisson, Albert. Histoire de l'alchimie (...) Nicolas Flamel. Sa vie (...) [N.Flamel]. Livre. Pernety. La lettre. Paris 1893 760 Poisson, Albert. Nicolas Flamel. [Paris] 1981 761 Poisson, Albert. Theories et symboles des alchimistes. Paris 1891 762 Poisson, Albert. Teorie e simboli della'alchimia Moizzi Milan 763 Ponce, Charles. Papers toward a radical metaphysics. Alchemy.
North Atlantic Books Berkely 1983 764 Ponce, Charles. Working the Soul. Reflections on Jungian Psychology. North Atlantic Books Berkeley 1988 765 Porta, John Baptista. Natural Magick. Basic Books New York 1957 766 Po-tuan, Chang. Understanding Reality: A Taoist alchemical classic. Translated by Thomas Cleary. Hawai 1987 767 Powell, Neil. Alchemy, the ancient science. Aldus Books. London 1976 768 Powell, Neil. Alchemy, the ancient science. Doubleday & Company New York 1976 769 Prinzler, Heinz. Hortulus alchimiae : vom Werden und Vergehen der Alchemie. VEB Deutscher Verlag f�r Grundstoffindustrie Leipzig 1979 770 Pritchard,Alan. Alchemy; A Bibliography Of English Language Writings. Routledge London 1980 771 Raleigh, Dr. A.S. Science Of Alchemy: A Treatise On The Science Of Soul-Transmutation. Hermetic Publishing Company San Francisco 1616 772 Raleigh, Dr. A.S. Scientifica Hermetica; An Introduction to the Science of Alchemy. Hermetic Publishing Company San Francisco 1916 773 Raleigh, Dr. A.S. Philosophia Hermetica: A Course Of Ten Lessons: Being An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Alchemy. Hermetic Publishing Company San Francisco 1916 774 Raleigh, Dr. A.S. Scientifica Hermetica; An Introduction to the Science of Alchemy. Hermetic Publishing Company San Francisco 1925 775 Ramon de Luanco, J. Ramon Lull considerado como alquimista. Barcelona 1870 776 Ramon de Luanco, Jose. La alquimia en Espana. Paris-Valencia Valencia 1997 777 Ramon de Luanco, Jose. La alquimia en Espana. (2 vols.) Ediciones Obelisco Barcelona 1889-97 778 Randolph, Paschal Beverly. Hermetische Lehrbriefe �ber Sternenweistum und Alchemie. [Edited by Raphael.] Leipzig 1924 779 Ranque, Georges. La pierre philosophale. Paris 1972 780 Raphael, Alice. Goethe And The Philosophers Stone. New York 1965 781 Ray, P.C. The History of Hindu Chemistry. Indian Chemical Society. Calcutta 1956 782 Read, John. Through alchemy to chemistry. G. Bell & Sons London 1957 783 Read, John. Through alchemy to chemistry. London 1961 784 Read, John. Prelude to chemistry. London 1966 785 Read, John. Humor and humanism in chemistry. London 1947 786 Read, John. Prelude to chemistry. MIT Press Mass 1966 787 Read, John. From alchemy to Chemistry. Dover 1961 788 Read, John. De l'alchimie a la chimie. Paris 1959 789 Read, John. Prelude to chemistry. Macmillan New York 1937 790 Read, John. Prelude to chemistry. London 1936 791 Read, John. The alchemist in life, literature and art. London 1947 792 Redgrove, H. Stanley. Alchemy: ancient and modern. University Books New York 1969 793 Redgrove, H. Stanley. Bygone beliefs. Albuquerque 1981 794 Redgrove, H. Stanley. Bygone beliefs. Rider London 1920 795 Redgrove, H. Stanley. Alchemy: ancient and modern. Barnes & Noble London 1973 796 Redgrove, H. Stanley. Alchemy: ancient and modern. London 1911 797 Redgrove, H. Stanley. Alchemy: ancient and modern. London 1922 798 Redway, George. A catalogue of remarkable books. London 1887 799 Regardie, Israel. The philosopher's stone. St. Paul 1970 800 Regardie, Israel. The philosopher's stone. London 1938 801 Reichen, Charles-Albert. A history of chemistry. New York 1963 802 Renatus, Sincerus. Die warhaffte und vollkommene Bereitung des philosophischen Steins. Rotterdam 1976 803 Retschlag, Max. Die Alchimie und ihr gro�es Meisterwerk der Stein der Weisen. Leipzig 1934 804 Retschlag, Max. Von der Urmaterie zum Urkraft-Elixier. Leipzig 1926 805 Retschlag, Max. Das Gold der Alchimie. Leipzig 1921 806 Rhumelius, Johann Pharamund. Medicine spagyrique. Paris 1932 807 Ripley, George. Les douze portes d'alchimie. n.p. 1979 808 Riviere, Patrick. La medecine spagyrique. n.p. 1988 809 Riviere, Patrick. Alchimie et spagyrie. Caen 1986 810 Riza Scienze. Numero 11, Aprile 1986. Elemire Zola, L'Oro nascente, la materia prima del cosmo. Trimestrale di scienze per l'uomo. Milan 1986 811 Roberts, Gareth. The Mirror of Alchemy: Alchemical Ideas and Images in Manuscripts and Books London 1994 812 Roger, Bernard. A la decouverte de l'alchimie. St-Jean-de-Braye 1988 813 Roger, Bernard. Paris et l'alchimie. z.p 1981 814 Roob, Alexander. Das hermetische Museum. Alchemie und Mystik. Benedikt Taschen Verlag Koeln 1996 815 Roob, Alexander. The Hermetic Museum. Alchemy and Mysticism. Taschen London 1997 816 Rosenkreutz, Christian. A Christian Rosenkreutz Anthology Steiner Books Blauvelt 1981 817 Ross, Percy. A professor of Alchemy (Denis Zachaire). London 1887 818 Roth-Scholtz, Friedrich. Deutsches theatrum chemicum. Hildesheim 1976 819 Roth-Scholz, Friedrich. Bibliotheca chemica. Hildesheim 1971 820 Roussinus. Le Livre sur l'operation de la pierre des philosophes. [Edited by Bernard Biebel.] Paris 1986 821 Roux, M. Mat�riel de chymie � l'usage des plus n�cessaires pr�parations de la philosophie : catalogue descriptif accompagn� de photographies et de figures explicatives Paul Couty Clermont-Ferrand 1984 822 Ruland Martin. A lexicon of alchemy. London 1964 823 Ruland Martin. Lexicon Alchemiae Georg Olms Hildesheim 1964 824 Rupescissa, Joannes de. La vertu et propriete de la quinte essence de toutes choses. Milan 1971 825 Ruska, Julius and K. Garbers. Vorschriften zur Herstellung von scharfen W�ssern bei Gabir und Razi. n.p. 19.. 826 Ruska, Julius. Die bisherigen Versuche, das Dschabirproblem zu loesen. In: Dritter Jahresbericht des Forschungs-Institut f�r Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften in Berlin. p. 8-22. Berlin 1930 827 Ruska, Julius. Zozimos. Dschabir. Pseudo-Geber. n.p. 1929 828 Ruska, Julius. Der Urtext der Tabula Chemica. n.p. 1934 829 Ruska, Julius. Avicennas Verh�ltnis zur Alchemie. n.p. 1934 830 Ruska, Julius. �ber die Quellen des Liber Claritatis. n.p. 1934 831 Ruska, Julius. Al Razi (Rhases) als Chemiker. n.p. 1922 832 Ruska, Julius. Chemie in Iracq und Persien im zehnten Jahrhundert n. Chr.. n.p. 1928 833 Ruska, Julius. Zwei B�cher De Compositione Alchemiae und ihre Vorreden. n.p. 1928 834 Ruska, Julius. Studien zu Muhamed ibn Umail. n.p. 1936 835 Ruska, Julius. Woher kommt das Wort Tara? n.p. 1922 836 Ruska, Julius. Turba philosophorum. Berlin 1970 837 Ruska, Julius. Wem verdankt man die erste Darstellung des Weingeists?. n.p. 1913 838 Ruska, Julius. �ber den gegenwartigen Stand der Razi-Forschung. n.p. 1924 839 Ruska, Julius. Al-Biruni als Quelle f�r das Leben und die Schriften al-Razi's. n.p. 1922 840 Ruska, Julius. Arabische Alchemisten. Heidelberg 1924 841 Ruska, Julius. Quelques problemes de litterature alchimiste. n.p. 1931 842 Ruska, Julius. �ber die Quelle von Gabirs chemischen Wissen. n.p. 1926 843 Ruska, Julius. Die Alchimie ar-Razi's. n.p. 1935 844 Ruska, Julius. Tabula smaragdina. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der hermetischen Literatur. Heidelberg 1926 845 Ruska, Julius. �ber den falschen und den echten Kazwini. n.p. 1914 846 Ruska, Julius. Weinbau und Wein in den arabischen Bearbeitungen der Geoponika. n.p. 1913 847 Ruska, Julius. Alchemie in Spanien. n.p. 1933 848 Ruska, Julius. Die Alchemie des Avicenna. n.p. 1934 849 Ruska, Julius. Zahl und Null bei Gabir ibn Hajjan. n.p. 1929 850 Ruska, Julius. l'Alchimie a l'epoque du Dante. n.p. 1934 851 S.R.I.A. Metropolitan College Transactions 1922. Privately Printed 1922 852 Sadoul, Jacques. Le grand art de l'alchimie. Paris 1973 853 Sadoul, Jacques. Le tresor des alchimistes. Paris 1970 854 Sadoul, Jacques. Alchemists and gold. Putnam New York 1972 855 Salant, Nathan. Encountering Jung on alchemy. Princeton 1995 856 Sandy, Isabelle. l'Homme qui fabriquait de l'or (ou l'histoire de Nicolas Flamel). Paris 1932 857 Sch�fer, Heinrich Wilhelm. Die Alchemie. n.p. 1886 858 Sch�fer, Th. �ber die Bedeutung der Alchemie. Bremen 1885 859 Scheeben, Heribert Christian. Albertus Magnus. Bonn on the Rhein 1932 860 Scheible, J. Christoph Wagner, Faust's Famulus. Don Juan Tenorio von Sevilla. Die Schwarz-kunstler verschiedener Nationen. Stuttgart 1846 861 Schein, David A. Basilius Valentinus und seine Tinkturen aus dem antimon. Munich 1977 862 Schmieder, Karl Christoph. Geschichte der Alchemie. Ulm-Donan 1959 863 Schmieder, Karl Christoph. Geschichte der Alchemie. Munich-Planegg 1927 864 Schmieder, Karl Christoph. Alchemistische Transmutations. Geschichte aus Schmieders Geschichte der Alchemie. Berlin-Wilmersdorf 1923 865 Schmieder, Karl Christoph. Geschichte der Alchemie. Halle 1832 866 Schneider, Wolfgang. Paracelsus - Autor der Archidoxis Magica? Deutscher Apotheker Verlag Braunschweig 1982 867 Schneider, Wolfgang. Lexikon alchemistisch-pharmazeutischer Symbole. Weinheim 1962 868 Scholem, Gerhard. Alchemie und Kabbala. n.p. 1925 869 Schuler, Robert M. Alchemical poetry 1575-1700 from previously unpublished manuscripts. Garland 1995 870 Schuler, Robert Michael. Hermetic and alchemical traditions of the English Renaissance and 17th century, with an essay on their relation to alchemical poetry, as illustrated by an edition of 'Blomfild's Blossoms', 1557. UMI Ann Arbor 1971 871 Schwaeble, Rene. Nicolas Flamel. Paris 1911 872 Schwarz, Arturo. Arte e scienza. Alchemia la tradizione. "XLII esposizione internationale d'arte La Biennale di Venezia". Venezia 1986 873 Schwarz, Arturo. La croce nella tradizione alchemica. Estratto de "Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica" Vol. V. giugno 1981 fascicola 10. Naples 1981 874 Schwedt, Georg. Paracelsus in Europa. Auf den Spuren des Naturforschers und Arztes. Eugen Diederichs Verlag Muenchen 1993 875 Scott, Walter. Hermetica. [Abridged.] Solos 1993 876 Scott, Walter. Hermetica: The ancient Greek and Latin writings which contain religious or philosophical teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus [Edited with translation and notes.] Clarendon Press Oxford 1924 877 Scott, Walter. Hermetica. [Vol 1 of the 4 vols.] Shambhala 1990 878 Scotus, Michael. Curious investigation concerning the nature of the sun and the moon. Edmonds 1984 879 Seligmann, Kurt. Magic, Supernaturalism and Religion. The Universal Library New York 1968 880 Seligmann, Kurt. Das Weltreich der Magie. 5000 Jahre geheime Kunst. Deutsche Verlags Anstalt Stuttgart 1958 881 Seligmann, Kurt. Magic, Supernaturalism and Religion. Pantheon Books 1948 882 Sendivogius, Michael. Novum lumen chemicum. n.p. 1989 883 Sendivogius, Michael. Le cosmopolite ou nouvelle lumiere chymique. [Edited by Bernard Roger.] Paris 1976 884 Sendivogius. Lettre philosophique. Paris 1920 885 Shelley, William Scott. The Elixir. An alchemical Study of the Ergot Mushrooms. Cross Cultural 1995 886 Shirley, Ralph. Occultists & Mystics Of All Ages. University Books New York 1972 887 Shumaker, Wayne. The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance. Berkeley 1972 888 Shumaker, Wayne. The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance. 1972 889 Shumaker, Wayne. Renaissance Curiosa. 1982 890 Shumaker, Wayne. Natural Magic and Modern Science. 1989 891 Siebmacher, J.A. The sophic hydrolith. Edmonds 1987 892 Siebmacher, Joh. Ambrosius. Wasserstein der Weisen. Freiburg im Breisgau 1977 893 Siggel, Alfred. Katalog Der Arabischen Alchemistischen handscriften deutschlands. Fruher Staats Bibliothek Berlin 1949 894 Sighart, Joachim. Albertus Magnus. Sein Leben und seine Wissenschaft. Regensburg 1857 895 Silberer, Herbert. Hidden symbolism of alchemy and the occult arts. Dover New York 1971 896 Silberer, Herbert. Probleme der Mystik und ihrer Symbolik. Darmstadt 1969 897 Silberer, Herbert. Probleme der Mystik und ihrer Symbolik. Darmstadt 1961 898 Silberer, Herbert. Probleme der Mystik und ihrer Symbolik. Vienna 1914 899 Singer, D.W. Catalogue of Latin and Vernacular Alchemical Manuscripts in Great Britain and Ireland, Dating from before the Sixteenth Century. (3 vols.) Brussels 1928-31 900 Sivin, Nathan. Chinese alchemy. Harvard University Press Cambridge, Mass. 1968 901 Sivin, Nathan. Quality and Quantity in Chinese Alchemy. 1960 's 902 Skerra, Heiko. Alchemie. Der Stein der Weisen. Das Geheimnis der Goldherstellung. Ewert Verlag Rhede (Ems) 1992 903 Smith, Pamela. The business of alchemy: Science and culture in the Holy Roman Empire. Princeton 1994 904 Sneyder de Vogel, K. De rozeman. Den Haag 1942 905 Solazaref. Introitus ad philosophorum lapidem. n.p. 1984 906 South, Thomas. The enigma of alchemy. Edmonds 1984 907 South, Thomas. Early magnetism in its higher relations to humanity. London 1846 908 Speigelberg, Frederic. Alchemy as a way of salvation. Stanford 1945 909 Spunda, Franz. Das Weltbild des Paracelsus. Wilhelm Andermann Verlag Wien 1941 910 Spurrel, F. C. J. On remedies in the Sloane collections, and on alchemical symbols. n.p. 1894 911 Srigley, Michael. Images of Regeneration: A Study of Shakespeare's The Tempest and its Cultural Background. Uppsala 1985 912 Stahl, Carl. Eighteenth Century Chemistry: as it relates to Alchemy. Mi 1978 913 Stange, Albert. Die Zeitalter der Chemie in Wort und Bild. Leipzig 1908 914 Stapleton, H. E. Probable sources of the numbers on which Jabirian alchemy was based. n.p. 1953 915 Stapleton, H. E. Further notes on the Arabic alchimical manuscripts in the libraries of India. n.p. 1936 916 Stapleton, H.E. and M. Hidayat Husain. Three Arabic treatises on alchemy by Muhammed bin Umail (10th century A.D.). Calcutta 1933 917 Stapleton, H.E.; R.F. Azo and H. Midayat Husain. Chemistry in Iraq and Persia in the tenth century A.D.. Calcutta 1927 918 Starkey, George, Eirenaeus Philaletes. Preparations of the sophic mercury. Edmonds 1985 919 Starkey, George, Eirenaeus Philalethes. An open entrance to the closed palace of the king. Edmonds 1984 920 Starkey, George, Eirenaeus Philalethes. The secret of the immortal liquor called alkahest. Edmonds 1984 921 Starkey, George. The admirable efficacy and almost incredible virtue of true oil of sulphur. Edmonds 1984 922 Starkey, George. Eirenaeus Philalethes. L'entree ouverte au palais ferme du roi. [Edited by Maxime Preaud. Paris 1970 923 Stillman, John Maxon. The story of alchemy and early chemistry. Dover New York 1960 924 Stillman, John Maxon. The story of alchemy and early chemistry. New York 1924 925 Stillman, John Maxon. The story of alchemy and early chemistry. Dover New York 1940 926 Stok, Hans van der. Contemplations on the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. Camphill Press Whitby 1981 927 Stolcius, Daniel. The little mystic-magic picture book. The Aries Press. Chicago 1937 928 Stolcius, Daniel. Viridarium chymicum ou le jardin chymique. Paris 1975 929 Stolcius, Daniel. The hermetic garden. Ed. Adam McLean. Edinburgh 1980 930 Stolcius, Daniel. Kleines mystisch-magisches Bilderb�chlein. [Edited by Garuda.] Leipzig 1925 931 Stolcius, Daniel. Chymisches Lustg�rtlein. [Edited by Ferdinand Weinhandl.] Darmstadt 1964 932 Streich, Hildemarie. Musikalische und psychologische Entsprechungen in der Atalanta fugiens vom Michael Maier. From Eranos 1973. Brill Leiden 933 Strindberg, August. Breviaire alchimique. Lettres d'August Strindberg a Jollivet Castelot. Paris 1912 934 Strunz, Franz. Astrologie, Alchemie, Mystik. Munich-Planegg 1928 935 Strunz, Franz. �ber die Vorgeschichte und die Anf�nge der Chemie. Leipzig 1906 936 Strunz, Franz. Die Vergangenheit der Naturforschung. Jena 1913 937 Sullivan, Lawrence E. Hidden Truths : Magic, Alchemy, and the Occult. Macmillan Company New York 1987 938 Surya, G. W. [Demeter Georgiewitz-Weitzer]. Hermetische Medizin, Stein der Weisen, Lebens-elixiere. Berlin-Pankow 1923 939 Symbolos. Symbolos. Revista Internacional de Arte Cultura Gnosis. [Vol. 11-12]. Agartha Guatamala 1996 940 Szydlo, Zbigniew. Water which does not wet hands: The Alchemy of Michael Sendivogius. Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw 1994 941 Tanckius, Joachim. Promptuarium Alchemiae. Graz 1976 942 Taylor, F. Sherwood. The alchemists: Founders of Modern Chemistry. Collier Books London 1962 943 Taylor, F. Sherwood. The alchemists. London 1976 944 Taylor, F. Sherwood. The alchemists. Heinemann London 1951 945 Taylor, F. Sherwood. The alchemists. New York 1949 946 Taylor, F. Sherwood. The alchemists. Barnes and Noble New York 1992 947 Taylor, F. Sherwood. The idea of the quintessence. London 1953 948 Telle, Joachim. Sol und Luna. Literar- und alchemiegeschichtliche Studien zu einem alt-deutschen Bildgedicht. H�rtgenwald 1980 949 Theoricus Degree. Rosicrucian, masonic & alchemical script. [Edited by Hans Nintzel.] n.p. 1985 950 Thibodeau, Robert. The Hermetic Dream. Hermes Press Detroit 1978 951 Thomas van Aquino, Pseudo-. De natura materiae. [Edited by Joseph M. Wyss.] Fribourg 1953 952 Thomas van Aquino, Pseudo-. Der alchemistische Traktat Von der Multiplikation. [Edited by Dietlinde Goltz, Joachim Telle and Hans J. Vermeer.] Wiesbaden 1977 953 Thomas van Aquino. Traite de la pierre philosophale. Traite sur l'art de l'alchimie. Milano 1979 954 Thomas van Aquino. Traite de la pierre philosophale. Paris 1898 955 Thompson, C.J.S. Alchemy. New York 1974 956 Thompson, C.J.S. The lure and romance of alchemy. London 1932 957 Thompson, C.J.S. The lure and romance of alchemy. Bell Publishing Co New York 1990 958 Thompson, Charles J. Alchemy Source of Chemistry and Medicine. Sentry Press New York 1974 959 Thorndike, Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science up to the Seventeenth Century. (8 vols.) MacMillan and Columbia University Press. New York 1929-58 960 Thorndike, Lynn. Michael Scot. Nelson London 1965 961 Thorndike, Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science up to the Seventeenth Century. (8 vols.) Cornell New York 1964 962 Thurneisser zum Thurn, Leonhardt. Der alchymist und sein Weib. Gauner- und Ehescheidungsprozesse des Alchymisten Thurneysser. [Edited by Will-Erich Peukert.] Stuttgart 1956 963 Thymme, Thomas. A light in darkness, which illumineth for all the Monas Hieroglyphica of the famous and profound Dr. John Dee. [Edited by S.K. Heninger.] New Bodleian Library. Oxford 1963 964 Tierie, Gerrit. Cornelis Drebbel. Amsterdam 1932 965 Tomasso d'Aquino. L'alchimia ovvero trattato dell pietra filosofale. Cura e traduzione di Paolo Cortesi. Tascabile economici Newton Rome 1996 966 Trevor-Roper, Hugh. Princes and artists. Patronage and ideology of four Habsburg courts. London 1976 967 Trinick, John. The fire-tried stone (Signum atque signatum). Marazion (Cornwall) 1967 968 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis. Koeln 1972 969 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis aneb slunecni zare sedm traktatu o Kamenu mudrcu Trigon Prague 1994 970 Trismosin, Salomon. Eroeffnete Geheimnisse des Steins der Weisen oder Schatzkammer der Alchymie. Graz 1976 971 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor Solis. Reproduction de la serie complete des 22 figures. Milano 1975 972 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis. Yogi Publ Chicago 1980 973 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor Solis. Alchemistische verhandelingen. [Edited by Julius Kohn.] Amsterdam 1980 974 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis. [Edited by Adam McLean.] Grand Rapids 1991 975 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor Solis. Alchemical treatises. [Edited by Julius Kohn.] London 1925 976 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor Solis. Alchemical treatises. [Edited by Julius Kohn.] Yogi Publication Society London 1990 977 Trismosin, Salomon. La toison d'or. [Edited by Bernard Husson.] Paris 1975 978 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis. Des Plaines (Ill.) n.d. 979 Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis. [Edited by Adam McLean.] Edinburgh 1981 980 Trojani, Francois. Commentaire alchimique. Garches 1985 981 Trowbridge, W.R.H. Cagliostro. University Books New Hyde Park 1960 982 Tschoudy, Baron de. Tous les rituels alchimiques. Paris n.d. 983 Urbigerus, Baro. The one hundred alchemical aphorisms. N. Flamel. Summary of philosophy. Edmonds 1986 984 Uyldert, Mellie. Metal Magic. The Esoteric Properties and uses of Merals. Turnstone Wellingborough 1980 985 Vallet de Viriville. Des ouvrages alchimiques attribues a Nicolas Flamel. n.p. n.d. 986 VandenBroeck, Andre. Al-Kemi: A Memoire. Hermetic, Occult, Political and Private aspects of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz. Inner Traditions/Lindisfarne Maine 1987 987 Vaughan, Thomas [Editor] The fame and confession of the fraternity of R: C: commonly, of the Rosie Cross Helios Book Service Cheltenham 1970 988 Vaughan, Thomas. The Works of Thomas Vaughan. [Edited by Alan Rudrum.] Oxford 1984 989 Vaughan, Thomas. The Works of Thomas Vaughan, Mystic and Alchemist. Waite, Arthur Edward (editor) University Books New York 1968 990 Vaughan, Thomas. The Works of Thomas Vaughan, Mystic and Alchemist. Waite, Arthur Edward (editor) Theosophical Publishing London 1919 991 Verginelli, Vinci. Bibliotheca hermetica : catalogo alquanto ragionato della raccolta Verginelli-Rota di antichi testi ermetici (secoli XV-XVIII) Nardini Firenze 1986 992 Vigenaire, Blaise de. Traicte du feu et du sel. Paris 1976 993 Vijlbrief, A.A. Alchemistische symbolen in de middeleeuwse kunst. Amsterdam n.d. 994 Vocelka, Karl. Rudolph II, und seine Zeit. Vienna 1985 995 Volz, Gustav Berthold. Der Graf von Saint-Germain. Das Leben eines Alchimisten. Dresden 1923 996 Vreeswyk, Goossen van. Alle de werken [Edited by F.A.M. Peeters.] Tilburg 1982 997 Waite, Arthur Edward. Azoth; or the star in the east. University Books New York 1973 998 Waite, Arthur Edward. Raymund Lully: Illuminated Doctor, Alchemist and Christian Mystic Rider London 1922 999 Waite, Arthur Edward. Azoth; or the star in the east. Theosophical Publishing London 1893 1000 Waite, Arthur Edward. The alchemical papers [Edited by J. Ray Shute.] Monroe 1939 1001 Waite, Arthur Edward. Azoth; or the star in the east. Seacaucus (New Jersey) 1973 1002 Waite, Arthur Edward. Hermetic Papers. [Edited by R.A.Gilbert.] Aquarian Press. Wellingborough 1987 1003 Waite, Arthur Edward. The secret tradition in alchemy. London 1969 1004 Waite, Arthur Edward. The secret tradition in alchemy. Kegan Paul Trench London 1926 1005 Waite, Arthur Edward. Alchemists through the ages. Steiner Books Blauvelt (New York) 1970 1006 Walden, Paul. Mass, Zahl und Gewicht in der Chemie der Vergangenheit. Stuttgart 1931 1007 Waldstein, Arnold. L'alchimie. n.p. 1987 1008 Webster, Charles. From Paracelsus to Newton. Magic and the Making of Modern Science. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge 1982 1009 Webster, Charles. The Great Instauration. 1010 Wellcome Institute. High Matter, Dark Language. The Philosophy of Robert Fludd (1547-1637). An exhibition at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. Wellcome Institute. London 1011 Welling, Georg von. Opus mago-cabbalisticum et theosophicum. Stockholm 1971 1012 Westcott, William Wynn. The science of alchemy. Edmonds 1983 1013 Westcott, William Wynn. The science of alchemy: Spiritual and Material. Theosophical Publ. London 1893 1014 Wiedemann, Eilhard. Nasir al Din al Tusi. n.p. 1928 1015 Wiedenmann, Baptist. Alchimie und Lebenselixier. Leipzig 1938 1016 Wilder, Alexander. New Platonism and Alchemy: A sketch of the Doctrines and Principal Teachers of the Eclectic or Alexandrian School; also an outline of the Interior Doctrines of the Alchemists of the Middle Ages. Wizards Bookshelf Minneapolis 1975 1017 Wilder, Alexander. New Platonism and Alchemy: A sketch of the Doctrines and Principal Teachers of the Eclectic or Alexandrian School; also an outline of the Interior Doctrines of the Alchemists of the Middle Ages. 1869 1018 Wilhelm, Richard. The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life. [Introduction by C.G. Jung.] 1019 Williams, Trevor. Man the Chemist. Social History of Science Library Hove 1976 1020 Wilson, Frank Avray. Alchemy as a way of life. C. W. Daniel London 1976 1021 Wilson,W.J. Catalogue Of Latin And Vernacular Alcheminal Manuscripts in The United States and Canada. Officina Sanctae Catharinae Brugis 1939 1022 Wirth, Oswald. Le symbolisme hermetique dans ses rapports avec l'alchimie et la franc-maconnerie. Paris 1909 1023 Wolfsteig, August. Bibliographie der Freimaurerischen Literature. Olms 1992 1024 Wolfsteig, August. Bibliographie der Freimaurerischen Literature. 1911-1926 1025 Yge, Claude de. Nouvelle asemble des philosophes chimiques. Paris 1954 1026 Zacaire, D. Opuscule tres eccelent de la vraye philosophie naturelle des metaux. Paris 1990 1027 Zain, C.C. Spiritual Alchemy, The Doctrine of Spiritual Alchemy Church of Light Los Angeles 1931 1028 Zain, C.C. Personal Alchemy, Three Things Every Neophyte Should Know. Church of Light Los Angeles 1949 1029 Zalewski, C. L. Herbs in Magic and Alchemy. Prism Press 1990 1030 Zentralbibliothek Zurich. Wissende, Eingeweihte und Verschwiegene. Esoteric im Abendland. Zurich 1986 1031 Ziegler, Gilette. Nicolas Flamel. Paris 1971 1032 Alchemy and Mysticism. 30 postcards. Koln Taschen 1996 1033 I Quaderni di Avallon, rivisti di studi sull'uomo e il sacro. L'esperienza mistica. Rimini 1990 1034 Um manuscrito Alquimico iluminado da Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa: Veritas hermetica veritatem quaerenti. Preambulo de Manuel J. Gandra. Centro Ernesto Soares Mafra 1997 1035 [Russian edition of Geheime Figuren, Stolcius' Pleasure Garden and Aesch-Mezareph.] 1997 1036 Artifex. Volume 10, Spring 1992. [Issue devoted to alchemy.] Archaeus Project St Paul 1992 1037 A Hermetic Treatise on the Counterfeiting of Precious Metals and of the Counterfeiting of Precious Stones. Jon Symon 1979 1038 Pleiade alchimique. Sept documents inedits. [Edited by Roger Caro.] Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer 1967 1039 The lives of alchemystical philosophers. London 1955 1040 Elias Ashmole (1617-1692): His autobiographical and historical notes, his correspondence, and other contemporary sources relating to his life and work. Edited by C.H. Josten. (5 Vols.) Oxford 1966 1041 Suite d'estampes de la Renaissance Italienne dite Tarots de Mantegna. Garches 1985 1042 Collectanea chemica: being certain select treatises on alchemy and hermetic medicine. London 1963 1043 The lives of alchemystical philosophers. MacDonald and son for Allen Lackington and company London 1815 1044 Concordances alchemiques. St-Cyr-sur-Mer 1968 1045 Arte e scienza. XLII esposizione [...]. Venezia 1986 1046 Secrets of the Alchemists. Time Life Books [Mysteries of the Unknown] Alexandria, Virginia 1990 1047 The glory of the world and other alchemical tracts. Llanerch 1987 1048 Alchemistische Bl�tter. Erstes deutsches Fachblatt f�r alle Gebiete der Alchemie. [Edited by Otto Wilhelm Barth.] Berlin 1927 1049 A short inquiry concerning the hermetic art. [Edited by William Wynn Westcott.] Edmonds 1983 1050 The alchemical tradition in the late twentieth century. [Edited by Richard Grossinger.] Berkeley 1983 1051 Humanismus und Medizin. [Edited by Rudolf Schmitz und Gundolf Keil.] Weinheim 1984 1052 Tresor hermetique. [I. Baulot] [...] (Mutus liber). J.-C. Barchusen. Le traite. Lyon 1950 1053 Beitr�ge aus der Geschichte der Alchemie. Dem Ged�chtnis von Georg W.A. Kahlbaum. [Edited by Paul Diergart.] Leipzig 1909 1054 The Turba philosophorum. [Edited by Arthur Edward Waite.] London 1914 1055 Secret Symbols of The Rosicrucians of the 16th & 17th Centuries. Aries Press Chicago 1935 1056 Three famous alchemists. Arthur Edward Waite: Raymond Lully; Lewis Spence: Cornelius Agrippa; W.P. Swainson: Theophrastus Paracelsus. Rider London 1930 1057 Chymica Vannus. [Edited by Donatino Domini.] Longo Editore Ravenna 1985 1058 The hermetic museum restored and enlarged. London 1953 1059 The rosary of the philosophers. [Edited by Adam McLean.] Edinburgh 1980 1060 The crowning of nature. [Edited by Adam McLean.] Edinburgh 1980 1061 Karel Alexander van Lotharingen. Gouverneur-generaal van de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden. Brussel 1987 1062 Deux traites alchimiques. Friedrich Herbort. Le compendium hermeticum. Johann Friedrich von Meyer. La table d'emeraude. [Edited by Jacques Fabry.] Nice 1988 1063 Julius Ruska und die Geschichte der Alchemie. Festgabe zu seinem 70. Geburtstag. Berlin 1937 1064 Aurea catena Homeri. Sapere Aude San Francisco 1983 1065 Hermetisches A.B.C. derer �chten Weisen alter und neuer Zeiten vom Stein der Weisen. Berlin 1921 1066 Von Paracelsus zu Goethe und Wilhelm von Humboldt (Salzburger Beitrage zur Paracelsusforschunge, Folge 22). Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Osterreichs Vienna 1981 1067 A compendium of alchemical tracts. Translated by S. Bacstrom. Richardson (Texas) 1977 1068 Janitor Pansophus [...] Quatre grandes planches avec commentaires. Milano 1974 1069 Concordance mitho-phisico-cabalo-hermetique/Concordancia mitofisico-cabalo-hermetica. Barcelona 1986 1070 Le don de Dieu. [Edited by Mino Gabriele.] Paris 1988 1071 The hermetic museum. Weisers New York 1990 1072 Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Mondskind. l'Enfant hermaphrodite du soleil et de la lune. [Edited by Sylvain Matton.] Paris 1985 1073 The hermetic museum. Weisers New York 1991 1074 Secreta secretorum. [Edited by R. Steele.] Clarendon Press. Oxford 1920 1075 Hermetica. Far West 1977 1076 Theatrum chemicum. [Edited by Maurizio Barracano.] Torino 1981 1077 Lives of alchemystical philosophers. Based on Materials Collected in 1815 and Supplemented by Recent Researches. {Edited by A.E. Waite.] George Redway London 1888 1078 Catalogue of books on hermetic philosophy. The E.A. Hitchcock collection. Edmonds 1983 1079 L'alchimie. Histoire, technologie, pratique. [Edited by Emil Ernst Ploss, Heinrich Schipperges et al.] Paris 1972 1080 Tresor hermetique. [I. Baulot] [...] (Mutus liber). J.-C. Barchusen. Le traite. Lyon 1943 1081 Alchymia. Die Jungfrau im bla�n Gewande. Alchemistische Texte des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. [Edited by Richard Scherer.] Moessingen-Talheim 1988 1082 Hermetisches A.B.C. derer �chten Weisen alter und ne�r Zeiten vom Stein der Weisen. Berlin 1915 1083 Cinq traites d'alchimie des plus grands philosophes. [Edited by Albert Poisson.] Paris 1890 1084 Revelation de la parole cachee par la sagesse des Anciens. Paris 1978 1085 Alchemy revisited. Ed. Z.R.W.M. von Martels. Leiden 1990 1086 The turba philosophorum. [Edited by Arthur Edward Waite.] Weiser New York 1976 1087 Aurora consurgens. Ed. Marie-Louise von Franz. London 1966 1088 The hermetic museum, restored and enlarged. London 1893 1089 Deux Traites alchimiques du XIX siecle. [Edited by Bernhard Husson.] Paris 1964 1090 Tresor hermetique. [I. Baulot] [...] (Mutus liber). J.-C. Barchusen. Le traite. Lyon 1947 1091 Musaeum hermeticum reformatum et amplificatum. [Edited by Karl R.H. Frick.] Graz 1970 1092 Alchimie. [Edited by Andre Savoret et al]. Paris 1978 1093 Alchimia. Ideologie und Technologie. [Edited by Emil Ernst Ploss et al.] Munich 1970 1094 Imagini per un concetto di magia. Mostra alla Biblioteca Centro Culturale Roma, 1-29 ottobre 1983. La Porta Magica. Rome 1983 1095 Das Buch der grossen Chemiker. [Edited by G�nther Bugge.] Berlin 1929 1096 The hermetic museum, restored and enlarged. New York 1973 1097 Dossier Fulcanelli. n.p. 1961 1098 Het is niet alles goud... Alchemistische praktijk en filosofie. Groningen 1989 1099 Collectanea chemica: being certain select treatises on alchemy and hermetic medicine. James Elliott & Co London 1893 1100 Etudes sur le Roman de la Rose de Guillaume de Lorris. [Edited by Jean Dufournet.] Paris 1984 1101 The book of quinte essence. [Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall.] London 1965 1102 The turba philosophorum. [Edited by Arthur Edward Waite.] New York 1973 1103 La pierre aqueuse de sagesse ou l'aquarium des sages. Paris 1989 1104 The Turba Philosphorum or Assembly of the Sages. [Edited by Arthur Edward Waite.] George Redway London 1896 1105 Studien zur Geschichte der Chemie. [Edited by Julius Ruska.] Berlin 1927 1106 Le flambeau de la philosophie naturelle. Paris 1979