Items 501- 750 of a provisional bibliography of over 1100 modern books on the subject of alchemy. Back to modern books page 501 Jacobi, Jolande. Paracelsus. Selected writings. Edited with an Introduction by Jolande Jacobi. Bollingen Series XXVIII. Princeton 1979 502 Jaffe, Aniela. Aus Leben und Werkstatt von C. G. Jung: Parapsychologie, Alchemie, Nationalsozialismus, Errinerungen aus den letzten Jahren Rascher Zurich 1968 503 Jaffe, Aniela. Jung over parapsychologie en alchemie. Jungs laatste jaren. Rotterdam 1968 504 Jaffe, Bernard. Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry from Ancient Alchemy to Nuclear Fission. Dover New York 1976 505 Jaffe, Bernard. Crucibles. New York 1936 506 Jaffe, Bernard. Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry; from Ancient Alchemy to Nuclear Fission. London 1949 507 J�ger, F.M. Over johan Joachim Becher en zijne relaties met de Nederlanden. 's-Gravenhage 1919 508 Jensen, Ingeborg Hammer. Die �lteste alchymie. Koebenhavn 1921 509 Johnson, Kenneth Rayner. The Fulcanelli phenomenon. Spearman Jersey 1980 510 Johnson, Obed Simon. A study of chinese alchemy. Shanghai 1928 511 Joiner, Dorothy Marie. Hieronymus Bosch and the Esoteric Tradition. UMI Ann Arbor 1982 512 Jollivet-Castelot, Francois. La science alchimique. Paris 1904 513 Jollivet-Castelot, Francois. Comment on devient alchimiste. Paris 1897 514 Joly, Bernard. La rationalit� de l'alchimie au 17e siecle. Vrin Paris 1992 515 Joly, Bernard. Les formes de rationalite a l'oeuvre dans la pensee alchimique au XIIeme siecle. Traduction commentee du Manuscriptum ad Fredericum de Pierre-Jean Fabre. Lille 1988 516 Jong, H.M.E. de. Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens. Bronnen van een alchemistisch emblemenboek. Utrecht 1965 517 Jong, H.M.E. de. Les symboles spirituels de l'alchimie. Amsterdam 1988 518 Jong, H.M.E. de. Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens. Leiden 1969 519 Jonson, Ben. The Alchemist. [Edited H.L. Mares.] Methuen London 1958 520 Jouin, Ernest. Bibliographie occultiste et maconnique : r�pertoire d'ouvrages imprim�s et manuscrits relatifs � la Franc-maconnerie, les soci�t�s secr�tes la magie, etc ; [par] E. Jouin et V. Descreux Revue Internationale des Soci�t�s Secr�tes Paris 1930 521 Jung, Carl Gustav. Studien �ber alchemistische Vorstellungen. Olten 1982 522 Jung, Carl Gustav. Die Psychologie der �bertragung. Zurich 1946 523 Jung, Carl Gustav. Alchemical studies. London 1978 524 Jung, Carl Gustav. Psychology and alchemy. London 1968 525 Jung, Carl Gustav. Mysterium coniunctionis. Princeton 1977 526 Jung, Carl Gustav. The practice of psychotherapy. London 1976 527 Jung, Carl Gustav. Psychologie und Alchemie. Olten 1976 528 Jung, Carl Gustav. The spirit in man, art and literature. London 1966 529 Jung, Carl Gustav. Mysterium coniunctionis. Untersuchungen �ber die Trennung und Zusammensetzung der seelischen Gegensatze in der alchemie. Olten 1978 530 Jung, Carl Gustav. Psychologie und Alchemie. Zurich 1944 531 Jung, Carl Gustav. Der Geist Mercurius. Zurich 1943 532 Jung, Carl Gustav. Psychology and alchemy. London 1953 533 Jung, Carl Gustav. Mysterium coniunctionis. Untersuchungen �ber die Trennung und Zusammensetzung der seelischen Gegensatze in der alchemie. Zurich 1955 534 Jung, Carl Gustav. Verlossing in de alchemie. Rotterdam 1985 535 Jung, Carl Gustav. Droom en indivuatie. Rotterdam 1986 536 Jung, Emma. The Grail Legend. Hodder and Stoughton. London 1960 537 Jungius, Joachim. Praelectiones Physicae. Historisch-kritische Edition. Edited by Christoph Meinel. Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht Gottingen 1982 538 Jungmayr, Petra. Georg Welling (1655-1727). Studien zu Leben und Werk. Stuttgart 1990 539 Junius, Manfred M. Praktisches Handbuch der Pflanzen-alchemie. Interlaken 1982 540 Junius, Manfred M. The Practical handbook of plant alchemy. Healing Arts Press 1993 541 Junius, Manfred M. The Practical handbook of plant alchemy. Inner Traditions New York 1985 542 Kamala-Jnana. Dictionnaire de philosophie alchimique. Argentieres 1961 543 Kangro, Hans. Joachim Jungius' Experimente und Gedanken. Wiesbaden 1968 544 Kaushik, Dr. R.P. Organic Alchemy. Journey Publications New York 1978 545 Kelly, Edward. The alchemical writings. [Edited by A.E. Waite.] London 1893 546 Kelly, Edward. The alchemical writings. [Edited by A.E. Waite.] London 1970 547 Kerenyi, Karl. Hermes Guide of Souls. Spring Publications Dallas 1986 548 Khunrath, Heinrich. Amphitheatre de l'eternelle sapience. Milano 1975 549 Khunrath, Heinrich. Amphitheatre de l'eternelle sapience. (...) douze planches. Paris 1898 550 Khunrath, Heinrich. The amphitheatre engravings. [Edited by Adam McLean.] Edinburgh 1981 551 Khunrath, Heinrich. Vom hylealischen [...] Chaos der naturgem�ssen Alchymiae und Alchymisten. [Edited by Elamr R. Gruber.] Graz 1990 552 Khunrath, Heinrich. Amphitheatre de la sagesse eternelle. [Edited by Papus en Marc Haven.] Lyon 1957 553 Khunrath, Heinrich. Amphitheatre de l'eternelle sapience. Paris 1900 554 Kibre, Pearl. Studies in medieval science : alchemy, astrology, mathematics and medicine Hambledon Press London 1984 555 King, Francis. Astral Projection, Ritual Magic, and Alchemy. Aquarian Wellingborough 1987 556 Kirchweger, Anton Joseph. Die goldene Kette Homers. Stockholm 1972 557 Kirchweger, Anton Joseph. Aurea Catena Homeri. The golden chain of Homerus. San Francisco 1983 558 Kirchweger, Anton Joseph. Annulus platonis. (Aurea catena Homeri oder physikalisch-chymische Erkl�rung der Natur). Berlin 1921 559 Kirchweger, Anton Joseph. Catenae aureae Homeri. Liber III. [Stockholm] 1974 560 Klosowski de Rola, Stanislas. Alchemie. De geheime kunst. Bussum 1974 561 Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. The golden game. Thames and Hudson. London 1988 562 Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. Alchemy. The secret art. Bounty/Crown New York 1973 563 Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. Alchemy. The secret art. Thames and Hudson. London 1973 564 Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. The golden game. Braziller New York 1988 565 Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. Le jeu d'or. Paris 1988 566 Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. Alchemie. Die geheime Kunst. Munich 1974 567 Knapp, Bettina L. Theatre and alchemy. Detroit 1980 568 Kolisko, Dr Eugen, and L. Agriculture of Tomorrow. Capilliary Dynamolysis. Kolisko archive Brookthorpe n.d. 569 Kolisko, L. Gold and the Sun. A account of experiments conducted in connection with The Total Eclipse of the Sun of 19th June 1936. London 1936 570 Koller, Simone. Alexander von Suchten, sein Leben, sein Werk. Zurich 1988 571 Kopp, Herman. Die Alchemie in �lterer und ne�rer Zeit. Heidelberg 1886 572 Kopp, Hermann. Geschichte der Chemie. Braunschweig 1843 573 Kopp, Hermann. Die alchemie in �lterer und ne�rer Zeit. Hildesheim 1971 574 Kopp, Hermann. Beitr�ge zur Geschichte der Chemie. Braunschweig 1867 575 Kraus, P. Dschabir ibn Hajjan und die Ism' ilijja. Berlin 1930 576 Kren, Claudia. Alchemy in Europe: A guide to research. Garland New York and London 1990 577 Krown and Spellman Booksellers. Catalogue 24. A Catalogue for the End of Time. Beverly Hills 1996 578 K�rten, Oskar. Der Sonnengeist Christus in der Darstellung Rudolf Steiners. Basel 1967 579 Kushi, Michio and Esko, Edward. The Philosopher's Stone. One Peaceful World Press Becket 580 La Fontaine, Jean de. La fontaine des amoureux de science. Poeme hermetique de XV siecle. Paris 1861 581 La Fontaine, Jean de. La fontaine des amoureux de science. Milano 1974 582 La Porta Magica. Immagini per un concetto di magia. Mostra al Biblioteca Centro Culturale Roma, 1-29 occobre 1983. Rome 1983 583 Lacinius, Janus. A form and method of perfecting base metals. Edmonds 1983 584 Ladrague, M. Sciences des Secretes (Bibliothec Alexis Ouvaroff). 1879 585 Ladrague, M. Sciences des Secretes (Bibliothec Alexis Ouvaroff). Gutenberg 1980 586 Laigneau, D. Harmonie mystique. Paris 1986 587 Lambert, George. Alchimie. Bordeaux 1909 588 Lambspringk. The book [...] concerning the philosophical stone. Edmonds 1986 589 Lambspringk. The book [...] concerning the philosophical stone. [Edited by Nicholas Bernard Delphinas.] Los Angeles 1936 590 Lambspringk. The book of Lambspringk. [Michael Maier]. The golden tripod. Llanerch 1987 591 Lambspringk. De lapide philosophico. De steen der wijzen. [Edited by Guido Martens.] Gent 1987 592 Lambspringk. Traite de la pierre philosophale. [Edited by Bernard Roger.] Paris 1972 593 Lambspringk. La pierre philosophale. Milano 1971 594 Lancilotti, Carlo. De brandende salamander. Meppel 1980 595 Langeveld, L.A. Alchemisten en rozekruisers. Amsterdam n.d. 596 Langeveld, L.A. Alchemisten en rozekruisers. Epe 1926 597 Lapidus. In pursuit of gold. London 1976 598 Larguier, Leo. Le faiseur d'or, Nicolas Flamel. Paris 1936 599 Latz, Gottlieb. Alchemie. Fourier Verlag [Reprint] Wiesbaden n.p. 600 Latz, Gottlieb. Die Alchemie. Bonn 1869 601 Le Crom [Colonne ?]. Traite du sel des philosophes. Paris 1975 602 Le Tesson, Jacques. l'Oeuvre du lion. [Edited by Bernhard Husson.] Paris 1978 603 Leene, Henk. Die Alchemie der Metalle. Die Transplantation bei Paracelsus. Kassel 1975 604 Lehrs, Ernst. Rosicrucian Foundations of the Age of Natural Science and other articles. St. George Publications Spring Valley 1976 605 Leidtke, Ralf. Die Hermetik: Traditionelle Philosophie der Differenz. Schoeningh Paderborn 1996 606 Lenglet du Fresnoy, Nicolas. Histoire de la philosophie hermetique. Hildesheim 1975 607 Lennep, Jacques van. Alchimie. Brussels 1984 608 Lennep, Jacques van. Alchemie. Brussels 1984 609 Lennep, Jacques van. Art et Alchimie. Brussels 1971 610 Lennep, Jacques van. Hercules chemicus. De laboratoria, bibliotheken en alchemistische versiering van het paleis van Karel van Lotharingen te Brussel. Brussels 1987 611 Lennep, Jacques van. Alchimie. Brussels 1985 612 Lenz, Hans Gerhard. Johann Thoelde, ein Paracelsist und Chymicus. Marburg 1981 613 Lewis, Ralph M. Mental Alchemy AMORC San Jose 1978 614 Libavius, Andreas. Die Alchemie. [Edited by Friedemann Rex.] Weinheim 1964 615 Liberius, Benedictus. Liber aureus [...] Das ist: Ein g�ldenes B�chlein. Leipzig 1977 616 Liedtke, Ralf. Die Hermetik. Traditionelle Philosophie der Differenz. Schoeningh Verlag Paderborn 1996 617 Liessem, Franz. Musik und Alchemie. Tutzing 1969 618 Limojon de Saint-Didier, Alexandre Toussaint de. Le triomphe hermetique. [Edited by Eugene Canseliet. Precede du Mutus Liber. [Isaac Baulot]. ] Paris 1971 619 Limojon de Saint-Didier, Alexandre-Toussaint. Le triomphe hermetique [Edited by Eugene Canseliet.] Vincennes 1959 620 Linden, Stanton J. Darke Hierogliphicks: Alchemy in English Literature from Chaucer to the Restoration University Press of Kentucky Lexington 1996 621 Linden, Stanton J. William Cooper's 'A Catalogue of Chymicall Books', 1673-88. Garland 1987 622 Lindsay, Jack. Les origines de l'alchimie dans l'Egypte greco-romaine. Monaco 1986 623 Lindsay, Jack. The origins of alchemy in graeco-roman Egypt. F. Mueller. London 1970 624 Linthaut, Henri de. Oeuvre chimique. l'Aurore. l'Ami de l'aurore. [Edited by Bernard Biebel.] Paris 1978 625 Linthaut, Henri de. Commentaire sur le tresor des tresors de Christofle de Gamon. Paris 1985 626 Lippmann, Edmund O. von. Abhandlungen und Vortr�ge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften. Leipzig 1906 627 Lippmann, Edmund O. von. Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Alchemie. Berlin/Weinheim 1919 628 Lopez-Pedraza, Rafael. Hermes and his children. Daimon Einsiedeln, Switzerland 1989 629 Lorris, Guillaume de [Jean le Meung]. Rosenroman des Berthaud d'Achy. Urb. lat. 376. Zurich 1987 630 Lorris, Guillaume de. Der Roman von der Rose. Vienna 1921 631 Lorris, Guillaume de. Der Rosenroman. [Edited by Gustav Ineichen.] Berlin 1956 632 Lorris, Guillaume de. Der Rosenroman. Stuttgart 1985 633 Lorris, Guillaume de; Jean de Meung. Le roman de la rose. [Edited by Felix Lecoy.] Paris 1965- 634 Lorris, Guillaume de; Jean de Meung. De roman van de roos. [Edited by Ernst van Altena.] Baarn 1991 635 Lubienski, Stefan. Het twaalfvoudig Pinkstermysterie. Diever 1984 636 Lubienski, Stefan. Auf der Schwelle. [Rotterdam] 1930 637 Lubienski, Stefan. �ber die Schwelle. Amsterdam 1937 638 Lubienski, Stefan. De liefde voor het onvolmaakte. Diever 1982 639 Lubienski, Stefan. Op den drempel 1. winter. n.p. n.d. 640 Lubienski, Stefan. Auferstehung, Mysterium und B�hnenspeil. n.p. n.d. 641 Lubiensky, Stefan. De mens als kruisdrager. Diever 1983 642 Lubiensky, Stefan. Erl�uterungen zu meinen B�hnenmysterien �ber die Schwelle, Morgenroete und Auferstehung. [Amsterdam] 1938 643 Lubiensky, Stefan. Morgenroete. n.p. n.d. 644 Luck, Georg. Arcana Mundi. Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Crucible Wellingborough 1985 645 L�dy-Tenger, Fritz. Alchemistische und chemische Zeichen. W�rzburg 1973 646 L�dy-Tenger, Fritz. Alchemistische und chemische Zeichen. Stuttgart 1928 647 Luk, Charles. Taoist Yoga: Alchemy And Immortality. Weiser New York 1972 648 Lullius, Raimundus. l'Arbre de philosophie d'amour. Le livre de l'ami et de l'aime. [Edited by Louis Sala-Molins.] Paris 1967 649 Lytton, E. Bulwer. A strange story. Berkeley 1973 650 Maack, Ferdinand. Das Wesen der Alchemie. Pfullingen 1900 651 Maack, Ferdinand. Poarchemiatrie. Leipzig 1905 652 Maack, Ferdinand. Elias Artista redivivus oder das Buch vom Salz und Raum. Berlin 1913 653 MacPhail, I. Alchemy and the Occult. A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts from the Collection of Paul and Mary Mellon Given to the Yale University Library. (4 vols.) New Haven 1968-77 654 Magnus, Hugo Superstition in Medicine Funk & Wagnalls New York 1908 655 Mahdihassan, S. Essays on the History of Alchemy, Medicine and Drugs. Hamdard Foundation Press Karachi 1982 656 Mahdihassan, S. Indian alchemy or Rasayana. Vikas New Delhi 1991 657 Mahdihassan, S. Alchemy: A child of Chinese dualism. Lahore 1962 658 Maier, Michael. Symbola aureae mensae duodecim nationum. [Edited by Karl R. H. Frick.] Graz 1972 659 Maier, Michael. Atalanta fugiens. [Edited by Joscelyn Godwin.] Tysoe 1987 660 Maier, Michael. A subtle allegory concerning the secrets of alchemy. Edmonds 1984 661 Maier, Michael. Atalante fugitive. Paris 1969 662 Maier, Michael. Atalanta fugiens. [Edited by Joscelyn Godwin.] Grand Rapids 1989 663 Maier, Michael. Chansons intellectuelles sur la resurrection du phenix. [Edited by Sylvain Matton.] [Paris] 1984 664 Maier, Michael. Atalanta fugiens. [Edited by Lucas Heinrich W�trich.] Kassel 1964 665 Maier, Michael. Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosie Crosse. (Themis Aurea). Philosophical Research Soc Los Angeles 1976 666 Manilius, Marcus. Les astrologiques ou la science sacree du ciel. [Edited by Rene Alleau en Alexandre Guy Pingre.] Paris 1970 667 Marcard, Rene. Petite histoire de la chimie et de l'alchimie. Bordeaux 1938 668 Marcard, Rene. De la pierre philosophale a l'atome. Paris 1959 669 Marchand, R.F. �ber die Alchemie. Halle 1847 670 Marcus de Veze, J. [Ernest Bosc]. La transmutation des metaux. L'or alchimique, l'argentaurum. Paris 1902 671 Marlan, Stanton Salt and the Alchemical Soul: Three Essays by Ernest
Jones, C.G. Jung & James Hillman, edited with a critical introduction and commentary by Stanton Marlan, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst. Spring Publications 1995 672 Marlan, Stanton Fire in the Stone: The Alchemy of Soul-making, edited with
introduction by Stanton Marlan, Ph.D. Chiron Publications 1997 673 Marquet, Yves. La philosophie des alchimistes et l'alchimie des philosophes. Paris 1988 674 Mathe, Jean-Jacques. Le plafond alchimique de l'hotel Lallemant a Bourges. Braine-le-Comte 1976 675 McCaffrey, Anne. Alchemy & Academe. Ballantine Books New York 1993 676 McCaffrey, Anne. Alchemy & Academe. Doubleday 1970 677 McIntosh, Christopher. The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason. Brill Leiden 1992 678 McIntosh, Christopher. The Rosy Cross Unveiled. Aquarian Press Wellingborough 1980 679 McLean, Adam. A commentary on the Mutus Liber. Edinburgh 1982 680 McLean, Adam. A commentary on the Mutus Liber. Grand Rapids 1991 681 McLean, Adam. The Silent Language: The Symbols of Hermetic Philosophy. Im de Pelikan Amsterdam 1994 682 McLean, Adam. The alchemical mandala. Grand Rapids 1989 683 Mees, L.F.C. Living Metals. Regency Press London 1974 684 Meinel, Christoph Meinel [Editor]. Die Alchemie in der europ�ischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Wiesbaden 1986 685 Meissner, W. Walter. Chymia perennis. Bielefeld-Bethel 1954 686 Mercer, J.E. Alchemy. London 1921 687 Merkel, Ingrid and Debus, Allen G. Hermeticism and the Renaissance. Folger London, New York 1988 688 Merkur, Dan. Gnosis. An Esoteric Tradition of Mystical Visions and Unions. SUNY New York 1993 689 Mertens, Mich�le and Halleux, Robert. Les Alchimistes grecs ; publi�s sous le patronage de l'Union Acad�mique internationale Les Belles Lettres Paris 1981 690 Meyer, Ernst von. Geschichte der Chemie. Leipzig 1895 691 Michio Kushi The Philosopher's Stone. One Peaceful World Press Becket, Massachusets 692 Molinier, Denis. L'alchimie de Flamel. Carcassonne 1989 693 Monod-Herzen l'Alchimie mediterraneene Adyar Paris 1963 694 Monod-Herzen, G.E. l'Alchimie mediterraneenne. Paris 1962 695 Moran, Bruce T. The alchemical world of the German court. Occult philosophy and chemical medicine in the circle of Moritz of Hessen (1572-1632). Stuttgart 1991 696 Moreux, Abbe' Th. L' Alchimie Moderne. Chez Gaston Doin Editeur a Paris Paris 1924 697 Morienus. A testament of alchemy. [Edited by Lee Stavenhagen.] Hanover (New Hampshire) 1974 698 Morys, Peter. Medizin und Pharmacie in der Kosmologie Leonard Thurneissers zum Thurn (1531-1596). Matthiesen Verlag Husum 1982 699 Muir, M.M. Pattison. The story of alchemy and the beginnings of chemistry. London 1902 700 Muir, M.M. Pattison. The Alchemical essence and the chemical element : an episode in the quest of the unchanging Longmans, Green London 1894 701 Muir, M.M. Pattison. The story of alchemy and the beginnings of chemistry. Appleton New York 1918 702 M�ller-Edler. Der Schl�ssel zum Garten der Hesperiden. Sersheim-W�rttemberg 1956 703 Multhauf, Robert P. The origins of chemistry. London 1966 704 Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von. Litterarische Nachrichten zu der Geschichte des sogenannten Goldmachens. Kummer, Paul Gotthelf Leipzig 1805 705 Mylius, Johann Daniel. The alchemical engravings of Mylius. [Edited by Adam McLean.] Edinburgh 1984 706 Naber, H.A. 'De ster van 1572'. Cornelis Jacobsz. Drebbel (1572-1634). Amsterdam 1914 707 Nardo, Guido Di Alchimia e cabala alla luce della scienza Istituto della Stampa Naples 1950 708 Nazari, Giovanni Battista. Della tramutatione metallica sogni tre, / diGio. Battista Nazari Phoenix Genoa 1978 709 Neander. Chymia universa in nuce, das ist: Kurtzgefasster gr�ndlicher Unterricht. Berlin 1920 710 Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilization in China. Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1985 711 Neu, John. Chemical, Medical and Pharmaceutical Books printed before 1800 in the Collections of the University of Wisconsin Libraries. University of Wisconsin Press Wisconsin 1965 712 New Observations. Issue 84. Alchemy. New Observations New York 1991 713 Newman, William R. Gehennical Fire: The Lives of George Starkey, an American alchemist in the Scientific Revolution. Harvard University Press Cambridge, Mass. 1994 714 Nicholl, Charles. The chemical theatre. RKP London 1980 715 Nicolescu, Basabar. Science, Meaning and Evolution: the Cosmology of Jacob Boehme. Parabola Books New York 1991 716 Norton, Thomas. Thomas Norton's Ordinal of alchemy. Edited by John Reidy. Early English Text Society London 1975 717 Norton, Thomas. The ordinall of alchimy. [Edited by E.J. Holmyard.] London 1928 718 Nuysement, Clovis Hesteau de. Les visions hermetiques. Traictez du vray sel secret. [Edited by Sylvain Matton.] Paris 1974 719 Obrist, Barbara. Les debuts de l'imagerie alchimique (XIV-XV siecles). Le Sycomore Paris 1982 720 Oreovicz, Cheryl Zechman. Eirenaeus Philoponos Philalethes The Marrow of Alchemy (London, 1654-55): A critical edition. UMI Ann Arbor 1972 721 Pachter, Henry M. Paracelsus: magic into science. Being the true history of ... Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus ab Hohenheim ... Henry Schuman New York 1951 722 Pagel, Walter. Joan Battista van Helmont: Reformer of science and medicine. Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1982 723 Pagel, Walter. Paracelsus: An introduction to philosophical medicine in the era of the Renaissance. S. Karger Basle and New York 1958 724 Parabola. Parabola Vol III., No. 3. Inner Alchemy. New York 1978 725 Paracelsus Research Society - Switzerland. Quinta Essentia : Zeitschrift fur Alchemie Astrologie Qabalah [vols 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 only] Oberarth 1978-1980 726 Paracelsus, Theophrastus. Thesaurus thesaurorum alchimistorum / Le tresor des tresors des alchimistes. Genova 1978 727 Paracelsus, Theophrastus. l'Art d'alchimie. Paris 1950 728 Paracelsus, Theophrastus. Alchemical catechism. Edmonds 1983 729 Paracelsus. Precis de medecine alchimique. (from XIV Livres des paragraphes de
Paracelse) Eric Marie. Editions Paracelse 1989 730 Paracelsus. Saemtliche Werke. Hrsg.: Aschner, Bernhard. Anger Verlag [Reprint] Elck 1993 731 Paracelsus. Saemtliche Werke. Hrsg.: Aschner, Bernhard. Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena 1928 732 Paracelsus. Saemtliche Werke. Ausgabe Huser, Johannes, Basel. Hrsg:
Goldammer. Olms Hildesheim 1971 733 Paracelsus. The Hermetic And Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus. [Edited by A.E. Waite.] University Books New York 1967 734 Paracelsus. Oeuvres Completes de Paracelse. Editions Traditionelles. 735 Paracelsus. The Hermetic And Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus. [Edited by A.E. Waite.] Delaurence Chicago 1910 736 Partington, J.R. A History of Chemistry. (4 vols.) MacMillan. London 1961-70 737 Partington, J.R. Origins and developments of applied chemistry. London 1935 738 Pascalis, Andreas D. Alchemy - The golden Art. The Secrets of the
oldest Enigma. [192 illustrations in black and white and colour.] Gremese International Rome 1995 739 Patai, Raphael. The Jewish Alchemists: A History and Source Book. Princeton University Press. Princeton 1994 740 Patterson, T.S. Jean Beguin and his Tyrocinium chymicum. n.p. 1937 741 Pearsall, Ronald. The alchemists. London 1970 742 Peers, E.A. Ramon Lull. A Biography. 1929 London 743 Pensatia [Helen Merrick Bond]. The Stone and Elixir. Euclid New York 1970 744 Pereira, Michaela. The Alchemical Corpus Attributed to Raymond Lull. Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts XVIII. London 1989 745 Pernety, Antoine-Joseph. Treatise on the great art. [Edited by Edouard Blitz.] Weiser 1995 746 Pernety, Antoine-Joseph. Treatise on the great art. [Edited by Edouard Blitz.] New York 1976 747 Pernety, Antoine-Joseph. Dictionnaire mytho-hermetique. Milano 1980 748 Pernety, Antoine-Joseph. Lettre a l'abbe Villain [sur une histoire critique de Nicolas Flamel.] n.p. 1893 749 Pernety, Antoine-Joseph. Treatise on the great art. [Edited by Edouard Blitz.] Occult Publishing Co. Boston 1898 750 Pernety, Antoine-Joseph. An treatise on the great art. New York 1976