Sacred Texts  Islam 


E.H. Palmer


Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 9


Part I   |   Part II

Title Page
XVII. The Chapter of the Night Journey
XVIII. The Chapter of the Cave
XIX. The Chapter of Mary
XX. The Chapter of T. H.
XXI. The Chapter of the Prophets
XXII. The Chapter of the Pilgrimage
XXIII. The Chapter of Believers
XXIV. The Chapter of Light
The Chapter of the Discrimination
XXVI. The Chapter of the Poets
XXVII. The Chapter of the Ant
XXVIII. The Chapter of the Story
XXIX. The Chapter of the Spider
XXX. The Chapter of the Greeks
XXXI. The Chapter of Loqmân
XXXII. The Chapter of Adoration
XXXIII. The Chapter of the Confederates
XXXIV. The Chapter of Sebâ
XXXV. The Chapter of the Angels
XXXVI. The Chapter of Y. S.
XXXVII. The Chapter of the 'Ranged.'
XXXVIII. The Chapter of S
XXXIX. The Chapter of the Troops
XL. The Chapter Of The Believer
XLI. The Chapter 'Detailed.'
XLII. The Chapter of Counsel
XLIII. The Chapter of Gilding
XLIV. The Chapter of Smoke
XLV. The Chapter of the Kneeling
XLVI. The Chapter of El A‘hqâf
XLVII. The Chapter of Mohammed, Also Called Fight
XLVIII. The Chapter of Victory
XLIX. The Chapter of the Inner Chambers
L. The Chapter of Q
LI. The Chapter of the Scatterers
LII. The Chapter of the Mount
LIII. The Chapter of the Star
LIV. The Chapter of the Moon
LV. The Chapter of the Merciful
LVI. The Chapter of the Inevitable
LVII. The Chapter of Iron
LVIII. The Chapter of the Wrangler
LIX. The Chapter of the Emigration
LX. The Chapter of the Tried
LXI. The Chapter of the Ranks
LXII. The Chapter of the Congregation
LXIII. The Chapter of the Hypocrites
LXIV. The Chapter of Cheating
LXV. The Chapter of Divorce
LXVI. The Chapter of Prohibition
LXVII. The Chapter of the Kingdom
LXVIII. The Chapter of the Pen
LXIX. The Chapter of the Infallible
LXX. The Chapter of the Ascents
LXXI. The Chapter of Noah
LXXII. The Chapter of the Ginn
LXXIII. The Chapter of the Enwrapped
LXXIV. The Chapter of the 'Covered'
LXXV. The Chapter of the Resurrection
LXXVI. The Chapter of Man
LXXVII. The Chapter of Those Sent
LXXVIII. The Chapter of the Information
LXXIX. The Chapter of Those Who Tear Out
LXXX. The Chapter 'He Frowned.'
LXXXI. The Chapter of the Folding Up
LXXXII. The Chapter of the Cleaving Asunder
LXXXIII. The Chapter of Those Who Give Short Weight
LXXXIV. The Chapter of the Rending Asunder
LXXXV. The Chapter of the Zodiacal Signs
LXXXVI. The Chapter of the Night Star
LXXXVII. The Chapter of the Most High
LXXXVIII. The Chapter of the Overwhelming
LXXXIX. The Chapter of the Dawn
XC. The Chapter of the Land
XCI. The Chapter of the Sun
XCII. The Chapter of the Night
XCIII. The Chapter of the Forenoon
Chapter XCIV. The Chapter of 'Have We Not Expanded?'
XCV. The Chapter of the Fig
XCVI. The Chapter of Congealed Blood
XCVII. The Chapter of Power
XCVIII. The Chapter of the Manifest Sign
XCIX. The Chapter of the Earthquake
C. The Chapter of the Chargers
CI. The Chapter of the Smiting
CII. The Chapter of the Contention about Numbers
CIII. The Chapter of the Afternoon
CIV. The Chapter of the Backbiter
CV. The Chapter of the Elephant
CVI. The Chapter of the Qurâis
CVII. The Chapter Of 'Necessaries.'
CVIII. The Chapter of El KâuTHar
CIX. The Chapter of Misbelievers
CX. The Chapter of Help
CXI. The Chapter of Abu Laheb
CXII. The Chapter of Unity
CXIII. The Chapter of the Daybreak
CXIV. The Chapter of Men