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Edited by Joseph H. Peterson, copyright © 1998, 1999.
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Here begineth the .2. parte of clensyng or makyng clene to obtayne the syght of the deyte. |
Here begins the second part: Of cleansing or making [onesself] clean to obtain the sight of the Deity. |
After that, he that wyll see ye deyte hathe pourged & clensyd & macerated his body we comaunde him yt he kepe him selffe allwayes very clene, & to be garnysshed wt all vertues & lett him allwayes remembre god, & pray vnto him for ye forgyuenes of his synns, for god is righteous & ought to be feared, for he yt dothe nott loue him, as salomõ sayeth the begini~ge of wisdome is to feare god, therfore every man ought to feare him for no man of his owe~ worthines or [59r] goodenes dothe deserue or dothe gett glorye or helthe nor can see god wt owt grace of his savyor, & agayne lett him fast other .12. dayes bread and water holly wt owt any other refeccyõ doinge as he dyd before in ye other dayes untill he cum to the .13. daye which must be a thursdaye, & the~ agayne yffe he perseue any wyckednes or syne in him selffe lett him pourge it, & then agayne receyue ye body of chryst sayinge ::::: |
After that, he that will see the Deity hath purged and cleansed and macerated his body; we command him that he keep himself always very clean, and to be garnished with all virtues. And let him always remember God, and pray unto Him for the forgiveness of his sins, for God is righteous and ought to be feared, for he that doth not love Him, as Solomon sayeth, "the beginning of wisdom is to fear God." [compare Ksol chapter 1.] Therefore every man ought to fear him, for no man of his own worthiness or goodness doth deserve or doth get glory or health nor can see God without grace of his savior. And again let him fast other twelve days bread and water wholly, without any other refection [refreshment], doing as he did before in the other days until he come to the thirteenth day, which must be a Thursday. And then again if he perceive any wickedness or sin in himself, let him purge it, and then again receive the body of Christ, saying: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A prayer to be sayde before ye receyving of the body of chryst::::: |
A prayer to be said before the receiving of the body of Christ. |
O thow lorde Iesu chryst ye savor of all men whych dydest wouchsaffe to sacryfyce thy bodye for ye helth of me most myserable synner & for other yt liue in ye world wt ye whych ye .5. day that is to saye ye thursdaye ye daye of thy supper thow dydest fide thy holy apostles wt thy precyous body & blovde couminavding yt in thy name or holy mother ye churche shulde consecrate thy most holy body & bloude yt it might be ye helthe & lyffe of ye soules yt beliue in ye, I vnworthy synner receyvinge ye o lorde Iesu chryst knowing & confessinge ye to be my lorde & my creator whome I oonly shall see in my fleshe & noone other, whom I looke for to cõme to be my Iudge graunt vnto me mercyfull lorde by ye vertue of thys holye misterye yt lyke as I doo confesse & know vysyblye thy devine spirituall & corporall power by ye redemptyon of thy most holy bodye & bloode, so wochsaffe to claryfy & pourge my body, yt my body being washed my soule may vysyblye see ye wt thy .9. orders of angelles wylles I lyue & prayse ye which lyvest & reygnest god worlde wyth owte ende. Amen. |
O thou Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of all men, who didst vouchsafe to sacrifice thy body for the health of me, most miserable sinner, and for other[s] that live in the world with the which the fifth day, that is to say the Thursday the day of thy supper thou didst feed thy holy apostles with thy precious body and blood, commanding that in thy name our holy mother the Church should consecrate thy most holy body and blood, that it might be the health and life of the souls that believe in thee. I, unworthy sinner, receiving thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, knowing and confessing thee to be my Lord and my Creator, whom I only shall see in my flesh and none other, whom I look for to come to be my judge, grant unto me, merciful Lord, by the virtue of this holy mystery that like as I do confess and know visibly thy divine spiritual and corporeal power by the redemption of thy most holy body and blood, so vouchsafe to clarify and purge my body, that, my body being washed, my soul may visibly see the with thy nine orders of angels whilst I live, and praise thee, who livest and reignest, God, world without end. Amen. |
This doone Go home to thy Howse and begin thy worke after thys soorie :::::: Thow shallte saye ye same thursday ye psalter wt ye letannye wt ye proper prayers folowinge it. After yt thow shalte saye ye . 25 . 26 . 31 . prayer & thow shalte add ::: peticyo ::: that thow by ye a~nu~cyatyõ conceptyon natyvite cercvmcysyon perching, baptyme, and ascentyõ of thy most blessyd sonne or lord Iesu chryst woldest wouchsaffe to claryffye and pourege my body ::: peticyo ::: yt it being washed I maye visybly see the whyle [59v] I lyue wt thyn .9. orders of angelles yt my soule maye worship & prayse ye. at the last thvs ende yor prayer for yu god art mighty aboue all & mercyfull which lyuest & reygnest god in vnite and trynite and shallt raygn worlde wt owt ende. Amen. |
This done, go home to thy house and begin thy work after this soorie:
Thou shalt say the same Thursday the psalter with the litany, with
the proper prayers following it. After that thou shalt say the
25th, 26th, and 31st prayer, and thou shalt add:
Petition"... that thou by the annunciation, conception, nativity, circumcision, piercing, baptism, and ascension of thy most blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, wouldst vouchsafe to clarify and purge my body (Petition) that it being washed I may visibly see thee whilst I live, with thine nine orders of angels, that my soul may worship and praise thee." At the last thus end your prayer: "... for thou, God, art mighty above all and merciful, Who livest and reignest God in Unity and Trinity, and shalt reign, world without end. Amen. |
ffrom hence forthe thow shalt be in some secret place where there is no greate resorte of people & every daye yu shalt saye thies prayers folowinge wt those yt goe before yt be appoynted for him yt shall worke wt these names folowinge . Agla . monhon . tetragramaton . ely . deus . ocleyste . ampheneton . lamyara . Ianemyer . sadyon . hely . horlon . porrenthymon . yelur . gofgamel . emaunel . on . admyel . honzmorib . ioht . helon . resamarathon . anethi . eryona . yvestre . saday . maloht . sechce ::::::: After that yu shalt saye this prayer :::::: |
From henceforth thou shalt be in some secret place where
there is no great resort of people and every day thou shalt
say these prayers following, with those that go before, that be appointed
for him that shall work, with these names following:
Agla + Monhon + Tetragrammaton + Ely + Deus + Ocleyste + Anpheneton + Lamyara + Ianemyer + Sadyon + Hely + Horlon + Porrenthymon + Yelur + Gofgamel + Emaunel + On + Admyel + Honzmorib + Ioht + Helon + Resamarathon + Anethi + Eryona + Yvestre + Saday + Maloht + Sechce. After that thou shalt say this prayer: |
O my god father allmighty of everlastinge power which arte able to make him clene yt is conceyved of an vnclene seede . primogenitus . primellus . principium . sapientia . vertus . sol . splendor . gloria . pax . lux . panis . os . verbum . salus . angellus . sponsus . perpheta . agnvs . ovis . vitulus . serpens . aries . leo . vermis . here mercyfully ye prayers & invocatyons of thy servant yt thorow ye vertue of thy holy names my body being washed I maye see the visiblye whilles I liue wt thy .9. orders of angells yt my soule may worship & prayse the. Amen ::::::: After that saye these names ::::::: |
O my God, father almighty, of everlasting power who art able to make him clean that is conceived of an unclean seed. Primogenitus + Primellus + Principium + Sapientia + vertus + Sol + Splendor + Gloria + Pax + Lux + Panis + Os + Verbum + Salus + Angelus + Sponsus + Perpheta + Agnus + Ovis + Vitulus + Serpens + Aries + Leo + Vermis. Hear mercifully the prayers and invocations of thy servant, that through the virtue of thy holy names, my body being washed, I may see thee visibly whilst I live, with thy nine orders of angels, that my soul may worship and praise thee. Amen.
After that, say these names: |
Escha . fortis . abbdya . iuste . alpha et omega . piissime . leiste . dulcissime . oristion . potentissime . yeremon . ercell . entissime . hosbr . excelse . merkerpon . adiutor . elzephares . defensor . egyrion . protector . pheta . largitor . here gentely ye prayers of thy seruãt yt thorow ye gyft of thy grace and thorow ye intercessyon of ye blissed virgin mary thy mother & of thy angells & archangells . michael . gabriel . vriel . and raphael . & all other thy celestyall angells, & of thy apostoles peter . paule . Ihonn . & Iames . andrew . mathew . simond . & Iude . philip . thomas . & barthlemew . my body & cc cc :::: |
Escha + Fortis + Abbdya + Iuste + Alpha et Omega + Piissime + Leiste + Dulcissime + Oristion + Potentissime + Yeremon + Ercell + Entissime + Hosbr + Excelse + Merkerpon + Adiutor + Elzephares + Defensor + egyrion + protector + pheta + largitor. Hear gently the prayers of thy servant, that through the gift of thy grace and through the intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary thy mother, and of thy angels and archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, and all thy other celestial angels, and of thy apostles Peter, Paul, John, and James, Andrew, Matthew, Simon, and Jude, Philip, Thomas, and Barthlemew, my body and (etc.). |
+ After that saye these names + |
After that, say these names: |
Ombonar . ineffabilis . stimulamathon . in substantia . inuisibilis . oryon . inestimabilis . ethion . Impermutabilis . nomios . clementissime . pep . incõmensurabilis . nathanathoy . incorruptibilis . theon . inmense . vsiston . gloriose . porho . tocius . misericordiæ :::: After yt saye this prayer folowinge -> |
Ombonar + Ineffabilis + Stimulamathon + Insubstantia + Invisibilis + Oryon + Inestimabilis + Ethion + Impermutabilis + Nomios + Clementissime + Pep + Incommensurabilis + Nathanathoy + Incorruptibilis + Theon + Immense + Usiston + Gloriose + Porho + Totius + Misericordiae.
After that, say this prayer following: |
looke gentely to thy prayers of thy seruant not hauing respect to the innvmerable iniquites which I haue done against the for yf yu regardest owre iniquites o lorde who may abyde ye but thow o lorde doest lyft ye feeble ffrom ye earthe & the poore owt of ye myre . in ye vertu of holy humilyte & obedyence as it is writte~ he was obedyent evyn to deathe & in another place I haue humbled my selfe very low which humelite thow didest wouchsaffe to take vpon ye, & to suffer for synners . so gentely receyue my prayers for I confesse & know yt yu hast mercye vpon all creatures yt call vpon ye faythffully as dauyd sayeth an humble & a contrite harte thow shall nott dispyse, & in another place ye lorde is nighe to them yt call vpon him truely yt yu wilte rayse my soule ffrom the darknes of my body & from ye fylthynes of synne that my body being washed & cc cc as before at this signe ::::::: here ffoloweth the names of the lyvyng gode :::::::::: |
Look gently to the prayers of thy servant, not having respect to the innumerable iniquites which I haue done against thee, for if thou regardest our iniquities, O Lord, who may abide thee, but thou, O Lord, doest lift the feeble from the Earth and the poore out of the mire. In the virtu of holy humilty and obedience, as it is written, "He was obedient even to death," and in another place "I have humbled myself very low which humility thou didst vouchsafe to take upon thee," and, "to suffer for sinners." So gently receive my prayers, for I confess and know that thou hast mercy upon all creatures that call upon thee faithfully, as David sayeth, "an humble and a contrite heart thou shall not despise," and in another place, "the Lord is neigh to them that call upon him truly," that thou wilt raise my soul from the darkness of my body and from the filthiness of sin, that my body being washed and, (etc. as before at this signe :::::::)
Here followeth the names of the Living God: |
+ Rothon + maker of heauen & earth . lethellete + which ast stretched owt heaven above the heyght of the clowdes + ysmas + which hast stablysched the earth aboue the waters + Adonay + which hast appoynted ye sea her bowndes which she cane nott passe + Bathinadir + which hast sett ye sonne and the moone and all ye sterres in ye heyghe of heaven + Onoitheon + which hast done all thinges thorow wysdome + hosga + which the .6. daye dydest created [sic] man to thyn owen symylytude and lykenes + lemdra + which didest putt adam and eve whom yu gavest him for acompanyon in ye paradyse of [60v] pleasure, whome also for transgressing of thy commaundement yu dyddest by and by cast owt of the same + nosulaceps + which didest accepte abells ablatyon + tutheon + which didest dystroy ye worlde avr the wickednes therof wt ye water of the flowde + telemoht + which didest saue noe & those that were wt him in ye water of ye deluge by whome also thow didest restore agen mankynde + paraclitus + which didest appere to abraham thy servant at ye footte of mambre in ye lykenes of .3. persons + occynonenon + which didest take vp enoche and helyas into heavens to fyghte agaynst ye tyranne + Ochothas + which mercyfully delyverdst thy servant loth from the drowninge or synkinge of sodome & gomorre + Abracio + which didest speke to thy serwant moyses in the midest of a bushe in a flame of fyer + Anepheneton + which madest aarons rodde, to budd & floryshe and to bringe forthe frute, + Abdou + which browghtest thy people mightely owt of ye lande of egypt ffrom there captyvite + melche + which openedest ye waye in ye myddes of yt ye went thorow drye ffooted + Sother + which gavest thy people a lawe in mownt synay by ye handes of moyses + vsyryon + which gauest to thy thyrsty people owt of ye hard roke inumuerable waters to drinke + baruch + which browghtest danyel ye prophet owt of ye lyons denne saffe and sownde + Sporgon Go + which cawseddest ye .3. children .sydrac . mysaac . and abdenago . yt is to saye . Ananias . Azarias . and misael . to cum harmles owt of ye burninge fornace + tenonem + which delyuerydst susanne having a sure stust in ye ffrom ye fallssecrime of ye fallsse Iudges + messyas + which didest preserue ye prophet Ionas in the whalas bely .3. dayes and .3. nightes + pantheon + which madest the prophet to escape ye handes of golyas with victory, O Iust mighty and pacyent god . agyos . otheos . hiskyros . athanathos . eleyson . ymas . christ . stronge allmighty & Immortall god . Iesus of nazereth ffull of mercy which only thorow contricyon of harte doest fforgeue synns here most [61r] gentil and mercyfull lorde ye prayers of thy servant which I speke thorow ye power of thy maiestye yt thorow thy mercye & grace which yu haste gyuen to thy sayntes thow woldest wouchsaffe to graunt vnto me lett the powre of thy holy sprite cu~ downe vpon me thy servant allthovgh I be full of synne yet made of ye which may obtayne forgevenes of my synns yt thorow thy celestyall dewe ye fowlnes of my body maye be putt awaye yt my body being wasched and cc cc as beffore :::: petysyon ::::: II . thys prayer aforesayde owght to be sayde in all perrylls and daungers ffor it kepethe men in helthe, it maketh sycke men hole, it dothe obtayne remissyon of synns, it pacyfyeth angre, and encreasyth frendship, it cõforteth desperat persons, it cherysschythe the poore, it mitygateth the wrathe of god, it overcometh all tribulatyons and perversytes, it dryveth away tempestes, it dothe frustrat Inchaunteme~tes, it dothe constrayne and bynde sprytes: and it owght to be sayde fastinge and knelynge, and wt great devocyons, and he yt shall worke by it must be humble pacyent and chast. thus therfore shalte yu the .fryday . saturday . sonday . munday . twesdaye . & wendensdaye . ffolowinge saye all thes and .3. everye daye that is to saye in the morninge att nonne and at mighte [sic]:*: |
+ Rothon + maker of Heaven and Earth, + Lethellete + who hast stretched out Heaven above the height of the clouds, + Ysmas + who hast established the Earth above the waters, + Adonay + who hast appointed the sea her bounds which she cannot pass, + Bathinadir + who hast set the Sun and the Moon and all the stars in the height of Heaven, + Onoitheon + who hast done all things through wisdom, + Hosga + who the sixth day didst create man in thine own similitude and likeness, + Lemdra + who didst put Adam, and Eve whom thou gavest him for a companion, in the paradise of pleasure, whom also for transgressing of thy commandment thou didst by and by cast out of the same, + Nosulaceps + who didst accept Abel's oblation, + Tutheon + who didst destroy the world and the wickedness thereof with the water of the flood, + Telemoht + who didst save Noah and those who were with him in the water of the deluge, by whom also thou didst restore again mankind + Paraclitus + who didst appear to Abraham thy servant at the foot of Mambre in the likeness of three persons, + Occynonenon + who didst take up Enoch and Helyas into heavens to fight against the tyranne + Ochothas + who mercifully didst deliver thy servant Lot from the drowning or sinking of Sodom and Gomorrah, + Abracio + who didst speak to thy servant Moses in the midst of a bush in a flame of fire, + Anepheneton + who madest Aaron's rod to bud and florish and to bring forth fruit, + Abdou + who didst bring thy people mightily out of the land of Egypt from their captivity, + Melche + who didst open the way in the midst of that they went through dry footed, + Sother + which gavest thy people a law in Mount Sinai by the hands of Moses, + Usyryon + who gavest to thy thirsty people out of the hard rock innumerable waters to drink, + Baruch + who broughtest Daniel the Prophet out of the Lion's den safe and sound, + Sporgon Go + who didst cause the three children, Shadrac, Mishac, and Abdenago (that is to say, Ananias, Azarias, and Misael) to come harmless out of the burning furnace, + Tenonem + who didst deliver Susan having a sure stust in thee from the fallssecrime of the false judges, + Messias + who didst preserve the prophet Jonas in the whale's belly three days and three nights, + Pantheon + who madest the prophet [David] to escape the hands of Goliath with victory. This prayer aforesaid ought to be said in all perils and dangers, for it keepeth men in health, it maketh sick men whole, it doth obtain remission of sins, it pacifieth anger, and increaseth friendship, it comforteth desperate persons, it cherisheth the poor, it mitigateth the wrath of God, it overcometh all tribulations and perversities, it driveth away tempests, it doth frustrate enchantments, it doth constrain and bind spirits. And it ought to be said fasting and kneeling, and with great devotions, and he that shall work by it must be humble patient and chaste. Thus therefore shalt thou the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following say all these three times every day, that is to say, in the morning, at noon, and at night. |
now to the effect of the worke ::: upon thurday early in the morninge saye as thow saydest before and then make a cowche of heye, and a bowt it strew assches that be cleane cyfted and in them wryghte the hundreth names of god |
Now to the effect of the workUpon Thurday early in the morning, say as thou saidst before, and then make a couch of hay, and about it strew ashes that be clean sifted, and in them write the hundred names of God. |
:::: these are the names of godd ::::::: |
These are the names of God: |
Aglai [S2: Agla] .1. monhon .2. tetragramaton .3. olydeus .4. Ocleiste .5. Aniphinethon .6. Lamiara .7. Ianemyer .8. Saday .9. Hely .10. Horlon .11. portenthymon .12. Ihelur .13. GofGamep .14. Emanvel .15. On .16. Admyhel .17. Honzmorp .18. Ioht .19. Hofob .20. Rasamarathon .21. Anethi .22. erihona [61v] .23. Iuestre .24. Saday .25. maloht .26. Sethee .27. elscha .28. Abbadia .29. Alpha et omega .30. leiste .31. Oristyon .32. Ieremon .33. hosb .34. merkerpon .35. elzephares .36. egyryon .37. Betha .38. Ombonar .39. stymulamathon .40. Orion .41. eryon .42. noymos .43. peb .44. nathanothay .45. theon .46. ysyston .47. porho .48. Rothon .49. lethellete .50. ysmas .51. adonay .52. Athionadabir .53. Onoytheon .54. Hosga .55. leyndra .56. nosulaceps .57. tutheon .58. Gelemoht .59. paraclitus .60. Occymomyon .61. ecchothas .62. Abracio .63. Anepheneton .64. Abdon .65. melche .66. sother .67. vsiryon .68. baruch .69. sporgongo .70. genonem .71. messyas .72. pantheon .73. zabuather .74. rabarmas .75. yskyros .76. Kyryos .77. Gelon .78. Hel .79. rethel .80. nathi .81. ymeynlethon .82. Karer .83. sabaoth .84. sellaht .85. cirhos .86. Opyron .87. nomygon .88. Oryhel .89. theos .90. ya .91. horha .92. christus .93. hosbeke .94. tosgar .95. occymomos .96. elyorem .97. heloy .98. Archyna .99. Rabur .100 :::::::: |
And when he hath thus doone, thus lett him begyn his worke lett him take fayre clere water and colde of aspringe wherin he shall washe him selfe sayinge ::::::::: | And when he hath thus done, then let him begin his work. Let him take fair clear water and cold of a spring, wherein he shall wash himself saying: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
O lorde hooly father allmyghty and everlasting god whose spryte before the creacyon of ye worlde was borne vpon ye waters, which in ye creacyon of ye worlde didest blesse it wt ye other elementes which didest gyve it to thy thyrsty people for there refreshinge, and yt the owtwarde ffylthynes of this worlde shulde by them be washed away, which woldest be baptysed in water of Iordane by Ihon baptyst yt thorow yemisierye of thy most holy body all waters thorow the blessing shulde encrease, and lyke as by it all owtwarde ffylthynes is wasshed away even so by it and by thy holy sprite owre inwarde ffylthines yt is to say ower synns may be wasshed awaye, as ye prophet david testefyeth saying yu shall [62r] sprinkyll me wt ysope and I shall be cleane yu shalte washe me and I shall be whyter then snow, which in reme~berance of this hooly mistery dydest thy hooly apostles ffeete which gauest vnto hus owt of thy percyons syde water to drinke ffor the refectyon of or soule and dyddest wouchsaffe to haue thy syde bytterly percyd wt a spere for us, graunt I besyche the that lyke as by this water my owtwarde partes of this my wretchyd body are washed so by ye vertue of thy holy baptyme which I haue receyued vpon me in thy name vautsaffe yt the dew of thy grace maye descende vpon me wherby my inwarde synns may be washed awaye that my body beinge washed and cc cc as before at this marke :::: petycyon :: |
O Lord, holy Father, Almighty and everlasting God, whose spirit before the creation of the world was born upon the waters, who in the creation of the world didst bless it with the other elements which didst give it to thy thirsty people for their refreshing, and that the outward filthiness of this world should by them be washed away, which wouldst be baptised in water of Jordan by John the Baptist, that through the misery of thy most holy body all waters through the blessing should increase, and like as by it all outward filthiness is washed away even so by it and by thy Holy Spirit, our inward filthiness, that is to say our sins, may be washed away, as the prophet David testifieth saying, "thou shall sprinkle me with Hyssope and I shall be clean, thou shalt wash me and I shall be whiter than snow," which in rememberance of this holy mystery didst wash thy holy apostles' feet, which gavest unto us out of thy percyons side water to drink for the refection of our soul, and didst vouchsafe to have thy side bitterly pierced with a spear for us, grant I beseech thee, that like as by this water my outward parts of this my wretched body are washed, so by the virtue of thy holy baptism which I have received upon me in thy name vouchsafe that the dew of thy grace may descend upon me whereby my inward sins may be washed away, that my body being washed and (etc. as before at this mark :::: petition ::::). |
and know that noo man yt is trobeled wt worldely thinges canne doo this thinge ffor the soule by means of earthely blyndenes is vtterly sequestrate from all goddely secretes therfore it doeth very hardely vnderstand them but so muche the more as ye fleshe dothe consent to the workes of ye sprite soo muche the soner and easelyer doeth it vnderstande the secret misteryes and therfore they that founde owt these scyences did ye more abyde in secret places because they wolde nott thorow worldely temptacyons be lett from there workes. and yff he that shall worke but for a parte of this scyence must be sequestred ffrom worldely thinges how muche the more owght he to abstayne that shall worke ffor the whole ::::: then lett him put on a heyr nexte to his skyn and blacke clothes, and so goe into the quere and there sytt, then lett him begin the psalter wyth the letany & the proper prayers folowinge, and all other as I said before and when he hathe donne lett him say thyes names folowing :::::: |
And know that no man that is troubled with worldly things can
do this thing, for the soul, by means of earthly blindness
is utterly sequestrate from all godly secrets. Therefore it
doth very hardly understand them but so much the more
as the flesh doth consent to the works of the spirit, so much
the sooner and easier doth it understand the secret mysteries.
And therefore, they that found out these sciences did
the more abide in secret places, because they would not
through worldly temptations be let from their works.
And if he that shall work but for a part of this science
must be sequestered from worldly things, how much
the more ought he to abstain that shall work for the
Then let him put on a hair next to his skin, and black cloths, and so go into the quere and there sit, then let him begin the Psalter with the litany and the proper prayers following, and all other as I said before, and when he hath done, let him say these names following: |
zabuather . rabarmas . yskyros . kyryos . gelon . hel . tethel . nothi . ymei . alethon . karex . sabaoth . sellal . chiros . opron . nomygon . oryel . theos . ya :::: a prayer ::: |
Zabuather + Rabarmas + Iskiros + Kyryos + Gelon + Hel + Tethel + Nothi + Ymei + Alethon + Karex + Sabaoth + Sellal + Chiros + Opron + Nomygon + Oryel + Theos + Ya. A Prayer: |
O GOD allmyghty stronge in batyll kinge of eternall glorye ye plesauntnes of whose brightenes dothe fyll heaven and earth whome angells and archangells doo feare worship & prayse sayinge . Holy . Holy . Holy . lord god of sabaoth heaven and earth are full of thy glorye . Osanna in the highest which to be lorde over mankynde cammest owt of heauen dowe~ to the earthe . OrHa . which be gabryel in the temple of Ierusalem dydest gyue knowledge to marye ye vergin thy mother of ye beginninge of thy incarnatyon . Christus . which dydest shadow thy selfe in her wombe wt owt spott of corruptyon evin as the sonne entereth into a glasse . Hospsk . which madest the dry rodd to floryshe in the handes of Ioseph . GofGar . which by Ihon baptist dydest sende vnto thy people of Israell testymonye and aforknowledge of thy cumminge by prechinge of those thinges whiche were spoken of the and of thy byrthe by the prophetes and dydest send a lighte vnto men sytting in darknes by ye which they knew thy hooly comminge. Octynnomos . which dydest sende the fyrst starre to the .3. kinges Iaspar melchyor and balthazar wch cam to worship the, and thow dydest receyue there gyftes shewing thy selfe vnto them to be very god and mortall man, and shewest vnto them in there slepe by thy angell the fallshed [falsehood] of herode, which hast crowned gloryously in heaven the holy innocente whiche [63r] suffered for thy name . elyorem . which being presented vnto god in the temple of Ierusalem by the handes of Symeon gauest vnto the same Symeon the effect of knowledge as he dothe wyttenes him selfe sayinge now lord lettyst yu thy seruant depert in peace ffor myn eyes haue seen thy saluacyon, which yu hast prepared befor ye face of all people alight to lyghten the gentylls and the glorye of the people of Israell . theloy . which at the maryagh of a certen ruler dydest turne water in to wyne . Archima . which .32. yeres dyddest preche vnto the people the catholyke ffaythe which didest make peter, Iames, and Ihon, barthemew, and thomas, and other of the apostles perfect in knowledge and grace . Rabuch . which by the space of .40. dayes dydest fast in the desert, and there warte tempted of the deuyll, which dydest remytt and forgyue marye magdelen weping most bytterly at thy fyte wepinge them wt her here and anoyntinge them all here synns, and dydest rayse agayne from dethe lazarus her brother which had lyne deade .4. dayes, and gauest sighte vnto him that was bornne blynde, and dyddest voucsaffe thy body to be sacrafyced to be drawen crelly, to be entretyd and spytefully to be Iudged, and to be blasfemyd, & to be bytterly whipped wt sharpe cordes, to be vexyd wt buffetts & spyttinges, to be crowned wt thorne, to be nayled to ye crosse wt sharpe naylles bothe hand & footte, to derinke vynegar & gall, & thy syde to be openyd wt a spere & to be [63v] layde in thy graue, and to be kepte of souldyers & all for vs myserable synners, which by thy mighty power and wt the sygne of thy holy crosse wt ye which I doo now sygne me wt myn owne handes |
O God, almighty, strong in battle, king of eternal glory, the pleasantness of whose brightness doth fill Heaven and Earth, whom angels and archangels do fear, worship, and praise, saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, Heaven and Earth are full of thy glory. Hosannah in the highest," which to be Lord over mankind camest out of Heaven down to the Earth. |
In the name off the father + and of ye sonne + and of ye holy gost + brakest ye brasen gaates and delyuerydst thy fryndes owt of ye darke places of hell, also o lorde by ye fayth which I confesse and know and haue in theis holy misteryes evy~ so delyuer my soule from ye darknes of my bodye yt in this corruptyble body I maye visibly see the wt ye .9. orders of angells yt whyle I lyue my soule may looke vpon ye prayse ye and gloryfy ye, thow therfore lorde which the thrid [sic] daye didest ryse agen from ye deade and didest revele thy resurrectyon on to mary magdalen and to mary Iames and to mary solome, and to thy disciples, & didest shew thy wondes to saynt thomas, and after .3. dayes yu didest ascende into heaven frõ whence yu dydest send ye holy gost to thy discyples thow also lord which didest shew to paule thy apostle and to Ihon ye euangelist thy secretes & didest open ye heavens to stephen when he [64r] was stonyd as he sayeth he did see thy maiesty wt his corporall & bodely eeyes saying beholde I see ye heavens open & ye sonne of man standinge at ye righte hande of ye power of god which didest graunt to thy mertyres to suffer tormentes pacyentely which shall comme to Iudge ye quicke & ye deade & ye worlde wt fyer, looke vpon me & here my prayers yt thorow thy grace & power of thy holy names yu woldest voutsaffe to delyuer my soule ffrom ye darkenes of my body and from ye filthynes of my synn ffor in ye doo I ende my lyffe o my god + stoexhor + abalay + scyystalgaona + fullarite + kesphiomoma + remiare + baceda + canona + onlepot + which saydest on the crosse It Is fynished */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Ghost + breakest the brazen gates and deliveredst thy friends out of the dark places of hell, also O Lord, by the faith which I confess and know and have in these holy mysteries, even so deliver my soul from the darkness of my body, that in this corruptible body I may visibly see thee with the nine orders of angels that while I live my soul may look upon thee, praise thee, and glorify thee, thou therefore Lord, who on the third day didst rise again from the dead and didst reveal thy resurrection unto Mary Magdalen and to Mary James and to Mary Solome, and to thy disciples, and didst show thy wounds to saint Thomas, and after three days thou didst ascend into Heaven from whence thou didst send the Holy Ghost to thy disciples, thou also Lord who didst show to Paul thy apostle and to John the Evangelist thy secrets and didst open the Heavens to Stephen when he was stoned, as he sayeth he did see thy majesty with his corporal and bodily eyes, saying, "behold I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of the power of God," who didst grant to thy martyrs to suffer torments patiently, who shall come to judge the quick and the dead, and the world with fire, look upon me and hear my prayers that through thy grace and power of thy holy names thou wouldst vouchsafe to deliver my soul from the darkeness of my body and from the filthiness of my sin, for in thee do I end my life, O my God + Stoexhor + Abalay + Scyystalgaona + Fullarite + Kesphiomoma + Remiare + Baceda + Canona + Onlepot + who saidst on the cross "It is finished." |
Then lett him slepe & after yt speke no more and so he shall see ye celestyall palyce & ye maiesty of god in his glorye & ye .9. orders of angells, & ye companyes of all blyssed sprites, butt some man will saye be cause god dothe saye man shall nott see me & lyue, it foloweth then yt he yt seeth god must nydes dye bodely, the~ he shall no more ryse tyll ye daye of Iudgeme~t, ffor no man dyeth bodely twyse, but it is false yt a man shulde dye bodely because he seeth ye deyte, for [64v] the sprite Is carred into heaven, and the body Is fedde in ye earth wt angells foode or meate, ffor we reade of many whych haue bene ravyshed in sprite to whome many celestyall secretes hathe ben reuelyd, for at the tyme of the passyon of or lorde Iesus christ many bodyes dyd ryse as we reade */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* | Then let him sleep, and after that speak no more, and so he shall see the celestial palace and the majesty of God in his glory, and the nine orders of angels, and the companies of all blessed spirits. But some man will say, because God doth say "man shall not see Me and live," it followeth then that he that seeth God must nides die bodily, then he shall no more rise till the Day of Judgement, for no man dieth bodily twice, but it is false that a man should die bodily, because he seeth the Diety, for the spirit is carried into Heaven, and the body is fed in the Earth with angel's food or meat. For we read of many who have been ravished in spirit to whom many celestial secrets hath been revealed, for at the time of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ many bodies did rise, as we read. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
he yt shall worke mvst be willinge in his worke & vtterli clensed ffrom all fylthynes ffor ye more he suffereth ye more he shall obtayne for yf or superyour yt Is it saye christ wolde suffer for his subiected & inferyours bo cause [sic] he wolde glorefy them in his sighte, muche more owght ye infer your suffer for him selffe yt he may please his lorde, ffor ye sighte of ye deyte will nott be hadd wt owt perfett purenes for he will nott constrayned but prayed vnto and entreatyd & yet it wil be very harde to obtayn it, for ye lorde hathe geuen ye earth to men, & ye knowledge of his law as dauyd testefyeth sayinge ye heaven of heavens is ye lordes, but ye earthe hathehe gyven to ye sonnes of men, & in another place take hide my people vnto my law & because faythe dothe nott merytt where man is able to proue it by naturall reason therfor it is ye hardest thinge for a man to see ye deyte or deuye~ maiestye because it is a thinge supernaturall */*/*/* |
He that shall work must be willing in his work and utterly cleansed
from all filthiness, for the more he suffereth the more he shall
obtain, for if our superior, that is to say Christ, would suffer
for his subjected and inferiors because he would glorify them in his
sight, much more ought the inferior suffer for himself, that he may
please his Lord. For the sight of the Diety will not be had without
perfect pureness, for he will not be constrained, but prayed unto and
entreated. And yet it will be very hard to obtain it, for the Lord
hath given the Earth to men, and the knowledge of His Law, as David
testifieth, saying, "the Heaven of Heavens is the Lord's, but
the Earth hath he given to the sons of men," and in another place,
"take heed my people unto my law."
And because faith doth not merit where man is able to prove it by
natural reason therefore it is the hardest thing for a man to see
the Diety or Divine Majesty, because it is a thing supernatural.
In thys worke lett never man reme~ber deathe. for thorow ye vertues of prayer & ye power of god in whome he hathe his hoole trust his body is made as [65r] It were a spirytuall bodye & he shall be fedd wt spirytuall meate evyn as ye younge crowes or younge ravens whome god of his mercye dothe noryshe as dauyd testfyeth saying he dothe gyue ye oxe meat & ye you~ge ravens or crowes yt call vpon him but lett him yt shall worke beware yt he be in noo deadly synn for yf he be he shall be mad ever after, & this is ye cause for his vnderstandinge, which commeth from ye soule the which dothe desyer to see god in whom it delytethe, & dothe nott see him thorow ye Impedyment of synn do the never after remember any other thinge, & therfore as conserui~ge his bodye he is an vnresonable creature, & soo lykewyse we see many which be abstract because they cane nott obtayne ye thinge yt they wolde haue. god therfore of his Infynyte goodenes graunte vs grace to cum to ye sighte of his deyte which lyueth in ye trynite of personnes and in the vnyte of substance worlde wt owt ende. Amen. */*/* | In this work let never man remember death. For through the virtues of prayer and the power of God in whom he hath his whole trust, his body is made as it were a spiritual body, and he shall be fed with spiritual meat, even as the young crows or young ravens whom God of his mercy doth nourish, as David testifieth, saying, "He doth give the ox meat and the young ravens or crows that call upon him." But let him who shall work beware that he be in no deadly sin, for if he be he shall be mad ever after, and this is the cause, for his understanding, which cometh from the soul, the which doth desire to see God in whom it delighteth, and doth not see him through the impediment of sin do the never after remember any other thing. And therefore as conserving his body he is an unreasonable creature, and so likewise we see many which be abstract because they cannot obtain the thing that they would have. God therefore of His Infinite Goodness grant us grace to come to the sight of his Diety, who liveth in the Trinity of Persons and in the Unity of substance, world without end. Amen. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Off the chapters of the fyrst booke */*/*/*/*/*/* |
Of the chapters of the first book |
Now yt ye be tawght to cum to
ye sighte of ye deyte & of ye
knowledge of ye deuyne power of wasshinge awaye
of yor synns & of establyshinge of yor selfe
yt ye fall nott in to moertall synne, & of ye redemptyon
of .3. sowles owt of purgatorye, now will
we Intreate of purgatorye, but yf any man
will worke for any of these .4. doo as is before
sayde for ye vysyon of ye deyte but yow must change yor
petycyon from ye sight of the deyte, in to ye petycyon
of ye knowledge of the dauyne power or in to the petycyon
of remyssyon of synns, or in to ye stablysshingeof
grace, or for ye redemptyon of .3. soules owt of purgatorye
& so wt owt dowt yu shalte ye more easlyer obtaye~
it. And note yf yu wilte worke for all thes thinges aforesayd
then thow must saye everye daye the afforsayd
.8. termes wt these .10. prayers . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 .
28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . for these yu shalte regarde neyther
the moone nor ye hower, but shalte specyally saye them
in ye morninge & abowt .3. of ye cloke & abowt ye myd
daye ffor thes prayery [sic] doo bringe agayne to righte
whatsoever a man thorow his ffraylte hathe wrought
amysse & ye more & oftener they be sayde soo
muche ye more is ye fawt ame~did & saued frõ erringe.
Now that ye be taught to come to the sight of the Diety, and of the
knowledge of the Divine Power, of washing away of your sins, and of
establishing of yourself that ye fall not into mortal sin, and of
the redemption of three souls out of purgatory, now will we treat
of purgatory. But if any man will work for any of these four, do as is before
said for the vision of the Diety, but you must change your
petition from "the sight of the Diety," into the petition of
"the knowledge of the Divine Power," or into the petition
of "remission of sins," or into "the establishing of
grace," or "for the redemption of three souls out of purgatory."
And so without doubt thou shalt the more easier obtain it.
And note, if thou wilt work for all these things aforesaid,
then thou must say every day the aforesaid Eight Termes with these ten
prayers: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32.
For these thou shalt regard neither the Moon nor the hour, but shalt
especially say them in the morning and about three of the clock,
and about midday, for these prayers do bring again to right whatsoever
a man through his frailty hath wrought amiss, and the more and oftener
they be said so much the more is the
fault amended, and saved from erring.
here begineth the .2. treatyse of the seconde booke. |
Here beginneth the Second Treatise of the Second Book. |
Now that we haue ffynyshed the fyrst treatyse
of thys booke here foloweth now the second which
lyke as the fyrst had .6. chapters of ye which we haue
by ye grace of god entreatyd soo hathe this booke .27. as here
folowyth, the fyrst of ye knowledge of ye heavens, of ye
knowledge of the angells of every heaven, of ye knowledge of
every angell his will and power, of the knowledge of the
seales of euery angell of ye knowledge of ye superyor of
euery angell, of ye knowledge of ye offyce of every angell,
of ye Inuocatyon and companye of everye angell how
to obtayne yer will by every angell, how to obtayne all
scyences, how to know ye hower of deathe, to know all
thinges prsent past & to com~e, to know ye planetts & sterres
and there influences, to alter & change ye influence of
ye planetts, to change ye daye into nighte & ye nighte in
to daye. to know ye sprytes of ye fyer & there names &
there superyors there seales and there power & vertu,
to know spritttes & bestes of ye ayer, to know ye name
& names & powers of there superyors, to know there
seales & there vertyues, to know ye cõinnctyons &
alteratyon of ye elementes & of ye bodyes made of them,
to know all herbes & treys & all bestes vpon the
earthe & there vertuer, to know ye natuere of man
and all ye deedes of men yt be secret or hydd, to know
ye sprites of ye water and of the bestes, and there
vertues, there superyours, to know the earthely
and infernall sprittes, to see pourgatorye and hell
and to know there soules there beinge to haue
this booke consecrated */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Now that we have finished the First Treatise of this book,
here followeth now the second, which like as the first had six chapters,
of the which we have by the grace of God treated. So hath this book twenty-seven,
as here followeth:
here ffoloweth the treatyse off the nature and offyce of the seconde angelles |
Here followeth the Treatise of the Nature and Office of the Second Angels |
Now that we haue doone wyth the vysyon of the dayte, and of the .9. orders of angelles [66v] now lett vs begin to treate of ye seconde angells whose nature is sache that thei doo princypally serue god & after that man whome they doo naturally loue and they doo reygne in the sphyers of the sterres, & they doo take vpon them a fyrye bodye when thei be sent, by the commandement of god to man in this worlde that be clensyd and puryffyed to company wt them, and to comforte them, and of them there Is .7. sorttes whose natures ought to be knowen for euery on of them hathe his proper offyce appoynted him all thowght they may at sume tyme take su~e other office | Now that we have done with the vision of the Deity, and of the nine orders of angels, now let us begin to treat of the second angels, whose nature is such that they do principally serve God, and after that, man whom they do naturally love. And they do reign in the spheres of the stars, and they do take upon them a firey body when they be sent by the commandment of God to man in this world that be cleansed and purified to company with them, and to comfort them. And of them there are seven sorts whose natures ought to be known, for every one of them hath his proper office appointed him although they may at some time take some other office. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
off the sprites that be vnder the planet saturne.And of these sum~e be called satrnynes which be these |
Of the spirits that be under the planet Saturn.And of these some be called Saturnines, which be these: |
the sealle of the angells of satvrne Is thys */*/*/*/*/*/* |
The seal of the angels of Saturn is this: |
![]() [67r] make snow and yse, there bodyes are longe and gentyle paale or yelow and there regyon Is the northe */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
![]() |
Off the sprytes that be vnder the planet Iupyter.other there be which be Iouialles or vnder Iupiter whych are these */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Of the spirits that be under the planet Jupiter.Other there be which be Jovials, or under Jupiter, which are these: |
the sealle of the angells of Iupyter Is thys */*/*/*/*/* | The seal of the angels of Jupiter is this: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() |
![]() |
Off the sprytes that be vnder the planet mars */*/*/*Othere there be whych are called martyans whych be these */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Of the spirits that be under the planet MarsOthers there be which are called Martians, which be these: |
the sealle of the angells of mars Is thys */*/*/*/* | The seal of the angels of Mars is this: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() |
![]() |
Other there are vnder the sonne which are these */*/*/*
Other there are under the Sun, which are these:
the sealle of the angells of the sonne Is thys */*/*/*/*/*
The seal of the angels of the Sun is this:
Off the sprytes that be vnder planet of venus */*/*/*/*/*There be othere whych are called venereans whych be these */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
the sealle of the angells of venus Is thys */*/*/*/*
Of the spirits that be under planet of VenusThere be others which are called Venereans, which be these:
The seal of the angels of Venus is this:
off the sprytes that be vnder the planet of mercurye */*/*Other there be wch be called mercuryans which be these -
The sealle of the angells of mercurye Is thys */*/*/*
Of the spirits that be under the planet of MercuryOther there be which be called Mercurians, which be these:
The seal of the angels of Mercury is this:
off the sprytes that be vnder the planet of the moone.There be other sprytes of the moone which be thyes */*
the sealle of the angells of the moone Is thys */*/*/*/*
Of the spirits that be under the planet of the Moon.There be other spirits of the Moon, which be these:
The seal of the angels of the Moon is this:
Here ffolowith the makinge of the cyrcle */*/*/*/* |
Here followeth the making of the circle |
Now that yow haue dwe knowledge of there nature power, regyon, and forme when yu wilte call them yu shallt doo thus, take harde stonnes, and playne in the which there Is neyther hoole nor ryft or ells, tyles specyally made for that purpose, and lett him that shall make them be [69v] cleane from all pollucyons, and lett him haue lyme & sande of the seae banke mengled to gether wherwt he shall Ioyne the stonnes, then of them he shall make a place wherin the cercle shall be drawen, and this place shall thus be fashyoned ffyrst lett the cercle be equall wt the earth having in lengthe and brede .14. focte wt in ye which make a croked cercle lyke halfe a cercle higher the~ the other, in length and breade contayning .7. foote, & in heyght .3. ffoote and an halffe, yet be cawse of poverty this place may be made of clene earthe thinke or cley yf it be well purged so that there be no ryft or breke in It, and when the place for the cercle Is fynished then he that shall worke as I sayde be fore muste be clensyd or purged as Is declared in the first clensinge but yor petycyon must be alteryd or changed, for the prist whyle he dothe consecrate the bodye of christ must saye thys prayer ffolowinge */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Now that you have due knowledge of their nature,
power, region, and form, when thou wilt call them
thou shalt do thus:
Take hard stones, and plain, in the which there is neither hole nor rift, or else tiles specially made for that purpose, and let him that shall make them be clean from all pollutions, and let him have lime and sand of the sea bank mingled together wherewith he shall join the stones. Then of them he shall make a place wherein the circle shall be drawn, and this place shall thus be fashioned: First let the circle be equal with the earth, having in length and breadth fourteen feet, within the which make a crooked circle like half a circle, higher than the other in length and breadth, containing seven feet, and in height three feet and an half. Yet because of poverty this place may be made of clean earth think or clay if it be well purged, so that there be no rift or break in it. And when the place for the circle is finished, then he that shall work as I said before must be cleansed or purged as is declared in the first cleansing, but your petition must be altered or changed. For the priest while he doth consecrate the body of Christ must say this prayer following: |
O thow lorde Iusu christ god and man which diddest votsaffe by thyne owne selffe to visytt thy faythfull people to there health I humbly besiche the, pray the, and desyer the, euyn thyn owne sellffe whom I doo now holde in my handes for thy servant .N. that thorow the gyfte and permyssyon of thy grace all those angells whome he shall call to haue there cowncell it [70r] wolde please the to sende them and constrayn them that by the meanys of the he may mercyfully company wt them |
O thou Lord Jesus Christ, God and man, who didst vouchsafe by thine own self to visit thy faithful people to their health, I humbly beseech thee, pray thee, and desire thee, even thine own self whom I do now hold in my hands, for thy servant .N., that through the gift and permission of thy grace, all those angels whom he shall call to have their council it would please thee to send them and constrain them, that by the means of thee he may mercifully company with them. |
::: the ffyrst daye ::: who as I sayd before after yt he hathe receyued the bodye of christ shall departe owt of ye churche saying contynually the .17. prayer. vntill he cõe to the place of the cercle. the consecrating of the cercle, then lett him blysse ye cercle saying .15. prayer and that daye he shall doo no more. the seconde daye he shall goe to ye churche, and after complayne he shall go the cercle saying agen the .17. prayer, and lett him haue a payre of sensors wt cooles in them whervpon he shall cast perles, and wt them he shall perfume the place owt of the which he will call, and the .4. partes of the worlde heaven and earth thryse, sayinge the first and seconde prayer, this doone thryse goinge abowt the cercle and perfumi~g it begining at that place owt of ye which yu wilte call and there endinge agayne yu shalte name ye angells for ye which yu willte worke wt ye angells of ye daye & hower moneth, tyme and the face in the which yu wilte worke saying . michael . miel . saripel . and cc cc . peace dothe over come~, agyft subdueth, pacyence getteth the victorye, humylite dothe noryshe concord, I therfore .N. yu sonne of .N. and .N. humbling my selfe vnto yow gyue me peace vnto yow thus doinge, I gyue my gyfte vnto yow yt yow beinge pacyffyed and pacye~t may ge~tely graunt ye petycyons which by godes meanes & sufferance I shall aske of yow. |
The First Day:Who, as I said before, after he hath received the body of Christ, shall depart out of the church, saying continually the Seventeenth Prayer, until he come to the place of the circle. The Consecrating of the CircleThen let him bless the circle, saying the Fifteenth Prayer, and that day he shall do no more. The Second DayHe shall go to the church and after complain he shall go the circle saying again the Seventeenth Prayer, and let him have a pair of censors with coals in them whereupon he shall cast pearls, and with them he shall perfume the place out of the which he will call, and the four parts of the world, heaven, and earth thrice, saying the First and Seconde Prayer. This done thrice, going about the circle and perfuming it, beginning at that place out of the which thou wilt call and there ending again, thou shalt name the angels for the which thou wilt work with the angels of the day and hour, month, time, and the face in the which thou wilt work saying Michael + Miel + Saripel + (and etc.) peace doth overcome, a gift subdueth, patience getteth the victory, humility doth nourish concord, I therefore .N. the son of .N. and .N. humbling myself unto you, give me peace unto you thus doing, I give my gift unto you that you being pacified and patient may gently grant the petitions which by God's means and sufferance I shall ask of you. |
thys done draw .2. cercles wherof the on shall be a footte
fron [sic] the othere and It must be donne wt a new knyffe,
and wrytte in the compas the names of the angells
of the hower, of the daye, of the moneth, of the tyme
and of the face saying .come all ye angells .N. peceably
vnto the seate of samaym which the lorde commaundyd
the trybes of Israel to ye encrease of his honor, wherfore
I doo Invocate and call yow oo ye .N. as zebedie
commaundid his subiectes to obey, therfore come. the
.7. daye. the .3. daye being bathed having vpon yow
a cleane shyrte or lynnen havinge also whyte apparrell,
and being clene shaven ffrom ye heares of your
bodye havinge your face toward the part owt of the
which yow will call standing vpright wt owt ye cercle yow
shall thus begyn */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
This done, draw two circles whereof the one shall be a foot from
the other, and it must be done with a new knife.
And write in the compass the names of the angels
of the hour, of the day, of the month, of the time,
and of the face, saying:
Come all ye angels .N. peaceably unto the seat of Samaym which the Lord commanded the tribes of Israel to the increase of his honor, wherefore I do invocate and call you, O ye .N., as Zebedie commanded his subjects to obey. Therefore come.
The seventh day. The third day.
Being bathed, and having upon you a clean shirt or linen,
having also white apparel, and being clean shaven from
the hairs of your body, having your face toward the part
out of the which you will call, standing upright without
the circle, you shall thus begin:
The preparatyon to the Invocatyon */*/*/*/*
Haue the seale of god in thy right hande cleane made
and consecrated & then perfume thy cercle doyng & saying
as I tolde ye before, & the~ perfume ye seale & also thy selffe &
then knele downe and saye the .31. prayer, wt ye prayer
of Salomon the .49. Rothon maker of heaven
and earthe and cc cc: thow shalte add in the ende of euery
prayer yt I may sryndely be accompanyed wt thy
hooly angells which thorow ye sufferance of thy most blessyd
will may fullfyll all my iust desyres & requestes.
The Preparation to the Invocation
Have the Seal of God in thy right hand, clean made and consecrated,
and then perfume thy circle, doing and saying as I told thee before,
and then perfume the seal and also thyself, and then kneel down and
say the Thirty-first Prayer, with the prayer of Solomon
the Forty-ninth, "Rothon, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and etc."
Thou shalt add in the end of every prayer,
"... that I may sryndely be accompanied with thy holy angels
which through the sufferance of thy most blessed Will may fulfill
all my just desires and requests."
heare foloweth an other worke for the angels of the .7. heavens, |
[The rest of the manuscript appears to be an addenda derived from de Abano's Heptameron and Agrippa's de occulta philosophia. Curiously however, Agrippa (book III chap. 29) in turn quotes from "Peter Apponus [Petrus d'Abano] ... as delivered by Honorius of Thebes."] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
and of the .4. tymes or seasons of the yeare accordinge to the nature and dysposissione of the .7. planettes and celestiall bodies, and fyrst heare begeneth the names of the .4. seasons of the yeare and the angels that haue rewle and goverment in the sayde tymes, wt the names of the principall head or rewler of every signe, and the names of ye principall head or rewler of the yearth, wt the names of ye .2. lyghtes that Is the Sonne and the mone, which haue workinge in there qualytes, in the .4. quarters or seasonnes of the yeare accordinge to the providence will and pleasuer of the allmighty god of his Incomperhensibilite created and made */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* | [Compare with de Abano's Heptameron.] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The names of the springe tyme Is called + talui + The name of somer Is called + casmaram + The name of harvest Is called + ardarael + The name of winter Is called + farlae + Thes angels do rewle and governe in the springe tyme.
Thes angells do rewle and governe in the somer tyme.
Thes angells do rewle and governe in ye harvest tyme.
Thes angells do rewle and governe in the winter season.
Thes be the angells of the .12. signes. */*/*/*/*/*/* |
[Compare Agrippa III, ch 24.] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thes be the angells of the .28. mancions of ye mone
Thes be the angells of the .4. wynes and princies. |
[Compare Agrippa III, ch 24.] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thes be the angells of the .4. elementes OE dominators.
[72 angels from Schemhamphoras] |
[The following two paragraphs appear to have been quoted verbatim from the 1533 edition of Agrippa III, ch 25.] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Et hi sunt quipræsident septuaginta duobus quinariis coelestibus,
totidemqe nationibus et linguis, et humani corporis
artubus, cooperanturqe septuaginta duobus synagogæ
senioribus, totidemqe christi discipulis. et nomina eorum secundum
extractionem quam faciunt cabalistæ patent in hac
sequenti tabella, secundum vnum modum quem diximus.
Sunt autem et alii plures modi ex eisde~ versiculis fabrica~di Schemhamphoras, vt cum omnes tres recto ordine sibi subalternatim a dextram sinistram scribuntur, præter illos qui per tabulas Ziruph, et tabulas commutationum extrahuntur, de quibus in superioribus mentionem fecimus et quoniam hæ tabulæ omnibus tum diuinis, tum angelicis nominibus inseruiunt, ideo illas etiam huic capiti subiungemus.
The angels of the .7. planetts after the opinione of zevell */*/*/*/*
The names of the angels of the .xii. signes[Aries] Utiridan + berithz + manstitan + ysmarelion +[Taurus] Geofriel + dridmoyl + frenil + dirigalii + [Gemini] Sinchateriel + anabrochz + gefrel + beliabii + [Cancer] Tetrarchin + froseithz + endiran + cefafin + [Leo] Berferiel + andri + facifon + vridithian + [Virgo] Monosriel + scamburion + liricom + an + [Libra] Ilfiey + drabundin + prothabeon + sephyron + [Scorpio] Gefusieon + grisolis + ophicen + albuth + [Sagittarius] Tebondriel + zedrociel + rufibian + exdromal + [Capricorn] Tiragisneil + sandamruch + gelisedon + nili + [Aquarius] sterlunilon + andebal + gorthz + zahayr + [Pisces] Nolicheil + angiseil + theodropham + salchmeon +
[Ascending node] Exagiel + syimnoy + debroz + [Descending node] + Schyphaon + drudromoy +
ehehii + The names of the princes of the .xii. altytudes are thes folowinge.[Aries] Armiel + gabriel + barachiel + libes + helissan +[Taurus] Pax + princeps + miserecordia + alphay + raym + geon + gereon + armon + geremon + [Gemini] Fortitudo + paciencia + ythanay + elon + evebychay +
[Cancer] yareth + yaran + arneth + zaraney + lux + eye +
The angels of the .7. planetts after the opinion of honorius![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
The names of the angels of the .xii. signes after the opinion of honorius
[Aries] malichidael + [Taurus] asmodel + [Gemini] ambriel + [Cancer] muriel + [Leo] verchiel +
[Virgo] hamaliel + [Libra] zuriel + [Scorpio] barchiel + [Sagittarius] advachiel +
[Capricorn] hanael + [Aquarius] ambiel + [Pisces] barchiel +
The angels of the .xxviii. mancions of the moneGeniel + enediel + amixiel + azariel + caiel + dirachiel + seheliel + amnediel + barbiel + ardesiel + neciel + abdizuel + iazeriel + ergediel + ataliel + azeruel + adriel + egiviel + amutiel + kiriel + bethnael + geliel + requiel + abrinael + aziel + tagriel + atheniel + amnixiel +
Thes are the princes of the .4. windesOf the est Is + michael + of the west Is + raphael + of the northe Is + gabriel + of the sowghte is + nariel + vel vriel + Thes are the dominators and reulers of the .4. elementesOf the ayer Is + cherub + of the water Is + tharsis + of the yearthe Is + ariel + of the fyer Is + seruph + vel nathaniel +
Thes are the angels that beare the great name of god called in the hebrewe tunge schemhamphorasvehuiah + Ieliel + sitael + elemiah + mahasiah + lelahel + achaiah + cahethel + haziel + aladiah + lamah + hahaiah + Iezalel + mebahel + hariel + hakamiah + leuiah + caliel + leuuiah + pahaliah + nelchael + Ieiael + melahel + hahuiah + nitthaiah + haaiah + Ierathel + seehiah + reiial + omael + lecabel + vasariah + Iehuiah + lehahiah + chauakiah + manadel + Aniel + haamiab + rehael + Ieiazel + hahahel + michael + veualiah + Ielahiah + sealiah + ariel + asaliah + michael + vehuel + daniel + hahasiah + Imamiah + nanael + nithael + Mehahiah + poiel + nemamiah + Ieialel + harakel + mizrael + vmahel + Iahhel + annauel + mehekiel + damahiah + meniel + eiael + habuiah + roehel + Iabamiah + haiaiel + mamiah + [finis] |
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