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Edited by Joseph H. Peterson, copyright © 1998, 1999.
Permission is hereby granted to make one handwritten copy for personal use, provided the master bind his executors by a strong oath (juramentum) to bury it with him in his grave. Beyond this, whoever copies this sacred text without permission from the editor will be damned.
GH | G�sta Hedeg�rd (2002) |
R | British Library MS Royal 17Axlii |
S | Sloane 3885 |
S2 | Sloane 3854 |
S3 | Sloane 3853 |
Section numbers follow GH.
Corrected readings are indicated by * in front of the correct form. Text in <> is
to be deleted.
[(Royal MS 17Axlii)] | [(Modernized)] | Notes |
NYNE prayers are sett in the begi~ni~ge which doo last unto this prayer helisthemaht hazaram wherof the firste 8 are a preparatyon of the way to worke and to prepare the worke to obtayne but the 9 is off the effect of this worke as for the fyrst 8 they oughte to be sayd euery day that yow wil worke very early in the morninge before the breke of the daye and no more to be sayd that day and the 9 owght alwayes to be sayd in the beginninge of the prayers that foloweth those 8 and in the ende of them also, |
[L]NINE prayers are set in the beginning which do last unto this prayer: 'helisthemaht hazaram' whereof the first 8 are a preparation of the way to work and to prepare the work to obtaine, but the 9 is of the effect of this work. As for the first 8, they ought to be said every day that you will work, very early in the morning before the break of the day, and no more to be said that day. And the 9 ought always to be said in the beginning of the prayers that followeth those 8, and in the end of them also. |
S: Novem orationes sunt in principio posite usque ad illam orationem: 'Helistemaht, hazaram...', quarum octo sunt preparacio vie ad operandum et preparacio operis ad obtinendum, sed nona est prima oratio de intrincesitate huius operis. de octo dico [tibi] quod summo mane paululum ante crepusculum matutinum ante incepcionem operis cuiuslibet diei ipse sunt proferrendae, et non oportet de tota die amplius, de nona dico, quod semper in principio orandi per orationes alias ab illis octo praedictis et in fine est proferenda. |
after that there be othere 8 prayers folowing which be called the 8
termes and the be good to cause yow to obtayne your request at godes hande,
so upon ye fryday after that yow haue truly repented your selfe and
confessyd yow shall fast breade and water and very early in the morninge
before the breke of the daye thoe shalt say 10 prayers which thow shalte
fynde wrytten after that is to say the 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, and these muste ye saye wt greate deuocyon.
After that there be 8 other prayers following, which be called the 8 terms,
[or "Ends"] and they be good to cause you to obtain your request at God's hand,
so upon the Friday after you have truly repented yourself and confessed, you shall fast
bread and water, and very early in the morning before the break of the day, thou shalt say
10 prayers which thou shalt find written after, that is to say, the 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32. And these must ye say with great devotion.
S: Octo orationes sunt in fine positae quae octo termini nuncupantur et de illis dico,
quod valent ad habendum divinum concessu.
Sic primo una die veneris, postquam eris vere pœnitens et confessus, ieiunabis pane et aqua et summo mane circa principium crepusculi matutini dices decem orationes, quas invenies infra 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. suaviter et intente atque sedulo prorumpendo. |
After that yow shall pawse a whyle remembring your petycion and
rehersing it and then shall ye saye the 8 termes afore wrytten and in the
ende of euery terme yow shall powse a lytle and reherse your petycyon.
After yt
when yow haue thus donne once in the morninge yow must doo so
agayne abowt the 3 hower and lykewyse abowt the middaye & then yow may
After that you shall pause a while, remembering your petition and rehearsing it, and then shall ye
say the 8 terms afore written, and in the end of every
term you shall pause a little and rehearse your petition. After that, when you have thus
done once in the morning, you must do so again about the 3 hour, and likewise about the midday,
and then you may dine.
S: deinde facto parvo intervallo postulatis et cogitando dices illos 8 terminos
intervallum similiter parvum et postulativum in fine cuiuslibet termini faciendo. deinde cum mane
semel dixeris eodem modo penitus circa tertiam semel dices et similiter circa meridiem semel et
tunc poteris prandere. |
The day folowinge yt is to saye upon satturday yow moste doo euen as
ye did the day before in any wyse upon the sonday yow shall doo lykewyse
sauinge yt yow shall nott fast but that yow may eatte fyshe or fleshe as ye
will but moderately. Then after none, that is to saye when ye haue prayed
3 tymes, then in the nyghte folowinge shall be reuelyd unto yow by an
angell whether yow shall obtayne your petycyon or noo.
The day following, that is to say upon Saturday, you must do even as ye did the day before
in any wise upon the Sunday you shall do likewise, saving that you shall not fast, but that you may
eat fish or flesh as ye will, but moderately. Then after noon, that is to say when ye have prayed
3 times, then in the night following shall be revealed unto you by an angel, whether you shall obtain
your petition or no.
S: In crastino, scilicet in die sabbati, eodem modo penitus facies. In die dominica
similiter, nisi quod non ieiunabis, immo quod vis, vel pisces vel carnes, commedere quibus post
meridiem, scilicet finita tertia vice orandi.
tuuc in nocte sequenti in somnis revelabitur tibi per Angelum concessus vel repulsa. |
Yf your petycyon be graunted then shall ye doo as yow shall be tawght
in this booke, and yf hit be denyed then shall yow awayte another tyme and
in the meane whyle ye shall prepare your selfe better that yow may obtayne
your petycyon:
If your petition be granted, then shall ye do as you shall be taught in this book, and if it be denied,
then shall yuw await another time, and in the meanwhile ye shall prepare yourself better, that you may
obtain your petition.
S: Si concessus facies ut docebitur tibi in hoc libro. Si repulsa spectabis aliud tempus in quo iterum quæres concessum et tunc te melius preparato apud deum, unde veniet concessus. |
But here is to be noted that this prayer, "O Jesu the
sonne," etc.
with that prayer that foloweth, "Elyminator" be cause it is parte of the
same prayer owght to be sayde thryse after euery tyme of your prayinge
softely and allwayes at the ende of them to reherse your petycyon then yf
yt be put backe that thow doest nott obtayne, then doo as yow dyd the
fryday saturday and sonday before sauynge that upon the sonday in stede of
your fast yow shall geue almose ["alms"] to 3 poore folke charytably and wt
good deuocyon.
But here is to be noted that this prayer, "O Jesu the Son," etc.
with that prayer that followeth, "Elyminator" because it is part of the
same prayer ought to be said thrice after every time of your praying, softly and always at the end
of them to rehearse your petition; then if that be put back that thou dost not obtain, then do as you
did the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before, saving that upon the Sunday instead of your fast, you
shall give alms to three poor folk charitably and with good devotion.
S: Sed nota quod illa oratio 'Ihesu dei filius' cum illa 'Eleminator' que est pars
euisdem orationis nisi quod ibi debet fierit minimum intervallum postulativum debet dici ter submisse
post quamlibet vicem orandi horis praedictis. Si autem repulsam habueris fac ut dictum est die veneris,
sabbati et dominici, nisi quod in die dominico loco ieiunij debes dare tres elemosinas tribus pauperibus
misericorditer et devote.
after that in the fyrst moone that is to say the munday folowinge doo
as ye dydest before and after the same maner lykewyse the 2, 3, and 4 moone
or munday and so euen to the ende that ^paduenture god will haue mercy upon
thé, but in the latter prayers Yu must change thy petycyon that is to saye
Yu shallte nott desyer of god to graunte thé thy petycyon butt onely that
he wyll haue mercy upon thé.
After that in the first moon, that is to say the Monday following, do as ye didst before, and after the
same manner. Likewise the 2, 3, and 4 moon or Monday, and so even to the end that peradventure God will
have mercy upon thee, but in the latter prayers thou must change thy petition, that is to say, thou
shalt not desire of God to grante thee thy petition, but only that he will have mercy upon thee.
S: deinde prima luna, scilicet in die lunae sequenti, fac ut prius penitus et eodem modo similiter
luna 2a et luna 3a et lunae 4ta et sic usque ad finem. Et si forte deus
miserebitur tui. tamen in orationibus latinis tunc oporteret peticionem mutare, scilicet peticione
concessus in peticionem miseracionis. |
And it is to be noted that he that will saye those prayers or suche
lyke must be chaste and cleane and he must say them with greate deuocyon
and he that doth otherwyse he shall be openly plaged of god, in those
hebrue and chaldey prayers there be the most sacred and hooly names
of god and his holy angells which owght nott to be spoken of man but only
thorow the mercy of godd, and when thow arte put bakke of thy request thow
oughtst not to dispayre but truely to confesse thy selffe and not to
dissemble with god and to serche thy conscyence thorowly and to geue almose
["alms"] largely, and to cause dyuerse massys to be sayd, and to say dyuers
prayers knelyng upon thy knees and with bitter teeres to entrete and
besiche almighty god to be merciful unto ye ffor thus were the wyse men
wont to doo to cume to theyr purpose.
And it is to be noted that he that will say those prayers or such like must be chaste and clean, and he
must say them with great devotion, and he that doth otherwise he shall be openly plagued of God. In those
Greek, Hebrew, and Chaldaic prayers there be the most sacred and holy names of God and his holy angels,
which ought not to be spoken of man but only through the mercy of God, and when thou art put back of thy
request thou oughtest not to dispair, but truly to confess thyself and not to dissemble with God, and to
search thy conscience thoroughly, and to give alms largely, and to cause diverse masses to be said, and
to say diverse prayers kneeling upon thy knees and with bitter tears to entreat, and beseech almighty
God to be merciful unto thee for thus were the wise men wont to do to come to their purpose.
S: Et nota quod qui tales orationes vult dicere debet esse castus et mundus et devote
proferre et qui aliter fecerit procul dubio punicionem manifestam videbit. In illis enim orationibus
grecis hebraicis et caldaicis sunt sacratissima nomina dei et angelorum que non nisi ex misericordia
ab homine proferri permitterentur.
Et quando tibi accidit repulsa non debes desperare sed confiteri et renes magis perscrutari et multas elemosina laete largiri et missas diversas [facere celebrari et orationes diversas] genibus flexis ad dominum alloqui sive fari et tempestivis et protervis fletibus et orationibus dominum hortari et amplecti. haec solent facere sapientes, ut veniant ad effectum. |
YFF ADONAY, that is to say, allmyghty god, doo graunte the thy request
or petycyon, that is to say, revele unto the in thy slepe that thow shalt
obtayne, then must yu worke as here after folowythe, that is to
saye, ye 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 of the moone in the morning thow shallte say
these prayers folowynge oonce abowt 3 of the cloke oonce abowt 9 of the
cloke and oonce at eueni_~g, yt is to saye, "Assaylemaht and nazaihemaht
lameht leynaht, O most high and inuisible god theos", and "I beseche the_~ O
my lorde", and that which is the prologge, that is to saye, quot;O most hyghe
and inuisible god," but that those 3 fyrst prayers are of the secretes of
this arte, "alpha et omega" and "helischemaht"
and "theos megale patir" with there prologe "O almyghte and euerlastinge
god the father the lyght" which ought to be sayd after yt must be sayd fyrst
[LI] [The beginning of the cleansing]1IF ADONAY, that is to say, almighty God, do grant thee thy request or petition, that is to say, reveal unto thee in thy sleep that thou shalt obtain, then must thou work as hereafter followeth, that is to say, the 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 of the Moon in the morning thou shalt say these prayers following once about 3 of the clock, once about 9 of the clock, and once at evening, that is to say, "Assaylemaht and nazaihemaht lameht leynaht, O most high and invisible God theos", and "I beseech thee O my Lord", and that which is the prolog, that is to say, quot;O most high and invisible God," but that those 3 first prayers are of the secrets of this art, "Alpha et Omega" and "helischemaht" and "Theos megale patir" with their prolog "O almighty and everlasting God, the father the light" which ought to be said after that [which] must be said first.2 |
1. S2 titles this section "Prima Mundacio". 2. S: "1. Si Adonay largiente concessum habueris et opereris secundum modu, subscriptum, luna 4a, 8a, 12a, 16a, 20a, 24a, 28a, 32a, in die circa matutinum semel circa, tertiã semel, circa nonam semel, circa vesperas semel dices has orationes prescriptas scilicet Saylemaht [*Assaylemaht] et hazaihemaht que est 2a pars eius et lameht leynaht et deus summe deus et te quaeso domine. Et que est prologus eius scilicet deus summe deus nisi quod illae tres orationes prime de intraneitate artis. Alpha et ![]() |
and after that lett "hassailemaht" be sayd but yow must fyrst pawse a
lytle and reherse your petycyon yt same most holy prayer "lameht ragna"
with his parte folowinge "Semeht Segaht" with his prologge ought to be sayd
the fyrst daye of the moone 4 tymes, that is to saye, early in the morning abowt 3 of the cloke oonce,
abought 9 of the clok, 3 abowght myddaye, 3 and the 3 moondaye ye must saye it thryse that is to
saye in the morning oonce, abowte 9 of the clokke oonce, and abowt the myddaye oonce,
And after that let "hassailemaht" be said. But you must first pause a little and
rehearse your petition that same most holy prayer "lameht ragna" with his part
following "Semeht Segaht" with his prolog ought to be said the first day of the Moon
4 times, that is to say, early in the morning about 3 of the clock once, about 9 of the clock,
3 about midday, 3, and the 3 moonday ye must say it thrice, that is to say in the morning once,
about 9 of the clock once, and about the midday once.
S: et post ille hassailamaht dicantur facto tamen modico intervallo postulati~o.
Illa autem sanctissima oratio Lameht Ragna cum sua particula Semeht sagaht
et cum suo prologo debet dici luna prima quater scilicet summa mane semel circa tertiam semel
circa nonam ter circa meridiem ter.
the 3 daye of the moone it must be sayde 3 in the morninge oonce,
abowte 9 of the cloke oonce, and abowte 12 of the cloke oonce,
the 6 daye of the moone it must be sayde twyse that is at 9 of the cloke oonce, and at 12 the 9 daye it must be sayd 3 in the morninge 3 at 9 of the cloke 3 and 3 at 12 the 12 daye it must be sayd 3 in the mrning [sic] 3 at 9 of the clokke 3 3 at noune and 3 at nighhte the 15 day it must be sayd 3 in the morninge at 9 of the cloke 3 at 12 of the cloke 3 and 3 at nyghte, and upon the 18 daye, 21 daye, and the 23, 26, 29, and 30 daye ye must say them euyn as yow dyd upon the 15 daye but note that this prayer must be saye in greate chastite and cleines.1 |
The 3rd day of the moon it must be said 3 in the morning once,
about 9 of the clock once, and about 12 of the clock once.
The 6th day of the moon it must be said twice, that is, at 9 of the clock once, and at 12. The 9th day it must be said 3 in the morning 3, at 9 of the clock 3, and 3 at 12. The 12th day it must be said 3 in the morning 3, at 9 of the clock 3, 3 at noon, and 3 at night. The 15th day it must be said 3 in the morning [3], at 9 of the clock 3, at 12 of the clock 3, and 3 at night. And upon the 18th day, 21st day, and the 23rd, 26th, 29th, and 30th days ye must say them even as you did upon the 15th day. But note that this prayer must be said in great chastity and cleanness. |
1. S: Luna 3a proferatur ter: circa mane semel, circa meridiem semel,
circa nonam semel.
Luna 6ta proferatur bis in mane, bis in meridie, bis in nona.
Luna 9a, proferatur ter in mane, ter in meridie, ter in nona.
Luna 12a proferatur 3 in mane, 3 in meridie, 3 in nona, ter in vesperis.
Luna 15a proferatur [in] mane ter, [in] tertia 3, in meridie ter, in nona 3, in vesperis ter.
In 18a luna 21a, 23a, 26a, 29a, 30 legantur similiter sicut in 15a. Sed nota quod ista oratio in castitate et in mundicia. |
It is good to be sayde also agaynst all perrylles and daungers of fyer
beastes and dyuells but then yow nyde ["need"] not haue respecte to the day
our hower, but that most holy prayer "hazaram hihel" wt his 4 partes
folowinge which be these "hihelma helma" &c "agloros theomythos" and c,
"megal agal" and c, "hamicchiahel" and c, with there prologges which are
these, "confyrme, strengthen", and c, "almyghty and euerlastinge god", and
c, "O the truthe the waye", and c, "I wretched synner", &c, as the ly be
fore [as they lie before] in order owght to be sayd plesauntely and with
good deuocyon after the forsayd prayers "lameth ragua" the same dayes and
howers excepte hit be in one cause that when your petycyon is for sume
great busynes as to speke with sprytes or to se the deyte, then it ought
nott to be sayd but oonce that is to say in the morninge
It is good to be said also against all perils and dangers of fire, beasts, and devils, but then
you need not have respect to the day or hour, but that most holy prayer
"Hazaram hihel ..." [chap XXXI]
with his 4 parts following, which be these, "Hihelma helma ..." [XXXII],
"Agloros theomythos ..." [XXXIV], "Megal agal ..." [XXXV],
"Hamicchiahel ..." [XXXVII],
with their prologs, which are these, "Confirm, strengthen ..." [XXXIII], "Almighty and
everlasting God ..." [XL], "O the truth, the way, ..." [XXXVI],
"I, wretched sinner..." [XXXVIII],
as they lie before in order, ought to be said pleasantly and with good devotion after the foresaid
prayers "Lameth ragna ..." [XXVIII] the same days and hours, except it be in one cause that when
your petition is for some great business as to speak with spirits or to see the Deity, then it ought
not to be said but once, that is to say in the morning.
S: et fide prolata valet similiter contra pericula ignis, bestiarum vel daemonum, et tunc
nihil de horis vel lunacionibus respicere oportet.
Illa autem oratio sanctissima Hazaram hihel cum suis particulis 4, quae sunt lihelma [sic] helma etc. Agloros thromahos (vel - thromahnos) etc. megal agal etc. hammlstiahel etc. cum suis similiter prologis, scilicet Confirma, consolida etc. o deus omnip's qui es etc., O lux veritas etc., Ego in conspectu tuo etc. seriatim ut prius iacent, debent prorumpi suaviter et intente post illam predictam. Lameht Ragna eisdem diebus et horis nisi in uno casu, scilicet quando pro magno negocio petitur, puta loqui cum spiritibus vel videre deum. Tunc ipsa non debit dici nisi semel, scilicit circa mana. |
but when yow aske for scyence or knoledge to be saued from euylles, or
for the knowledge of the heauens & angells and there seales or suche
thinges then muste ye
doo as is afore sayde of "lameht ragna" and this
prayer hathe the same effycacye and strengthe that "lameht ragna" hathe and
sumwhat more specyall or that is better excepte it be in case yt yow wil
aske of ye celestyall sprytes any greate or harde thinge as to come doune
and speke to aman or ells to constrayne the sprytes of ye ayer or of ye
earthe to cume and obey yow
But when you ask for science or knowledge, to be saved from evils, or for the knowledge of
the heavens and angels and their seals, or such things, then must ye do as is aforesaid,
of "lameht ragna" [XXVIII] and this prayer hath the same efficacy and strength that
"lameht ragna" hath, and somewhat more special, or that is better, except it be
in case that you will ask of the celestial spirits any great or hard thing, as to come down
and speak to a man, or else to constrain the spirits of the air or of the earth, to come and
obey you.
S: Set quando petitur sciencia vel tutela a malis vel cognicio cælorum vel angelorum
et sigillorum etc. tunc sicut dictum est de 'lameht ragna' est faciendum. Et hæc
oracio eandem efficaciam cum 'lameht ragna' habet et aliquid possit [*plus] in speciali
vel quod melius est, in casu quo petitur fieri a spiritibus cælestibus aliquid
arduum et magnum eis approbatum, scilicit descendere et cum homine loqui vel cogere
spiritus Aereos et terreos ad veniendum et obediendum.
and this prayer "Semoht Gehel" and ye other "Almyghty and euerlasting
Gog [sic]", and this other prayer "Semoht lamen" with this "O Jesu" shall
be sayde in those dayes in the which ye other owght nott to be sayde as is
before appoynted that the shulde not be sayde as ye 2 day of ye moone the
5, 7, 14, and so forthe of other as is auperythe ["appears"?] before and
not [note] yf any man hathe any greate cause beforee a judge which cane
nott be determyned, then ye daye before he shall go to ye courte to plaite
his cause lett him fast breade and water and after lett him saye twysy
these 3 prayers folowinge softely "Semoht Gehel", and c, "Almighty and
euerlasting God", and "Semoht lamen", and there shall be suche wysdome and
eloquence gyuen him in propownding of his cause yt he shall soune obtayne
but he must be chast and clene also yow ought to say this prayer with
"lameht Ragna" when any spryte is called and dothe come that yow may auoyde
ye perylls and daunger and to abtayn wysdome and eloquence to speke boldely
unto the sprite that is called.
And this prayer "Semoht Gehel" [XXXIX] and the other
"Almighty and everlasting God" [XL],
and this other prayer "Semoht lamen" [XLI] with this "O Jesu" [XXVI] shall be said in
those days in the which the other ought not to be said, as is before appointed that they should
not be said as the 2nd day of the moon, the 5, 7, 14, and so forth of other, as appears before.
And note, if any man hath any great cause before a judge which can not be determined, then the
day before he shall go to the court to plead his cause, let him fast bread and water, and after
let him say twice these 3 prayers following softly: "Semoht Gehel..." [XXXIX],
"Almighty and everlasting God..." [XL], and "Semoht lamen..." [XLI], and
there shall be such wisdom and
eloquence given him in propounding of his cause that he shall soon obtain. But he must be chaste
and cleane. Also you ought to say this prayer with "lameht Ragna..." [XXVIII]
when any spirit is called and doth come, that you may avoid the perils and danger and to obtain
wisdom and eloquence to speak boldly unto the spirit that is called.
[S: "Illa autem oratio 'Semoht gahel' et illa 'Omnipotens sempiterne deus' et illa
'semoht lamen' proferantur cum illa 'Ihesu deo filius' in illis diebus in quibus aliae
praedicta proferri non debent. sicut dictum est supra quod debent proferri luna 2a
nec 5a nec 7a nec 14a et sic de alijs ut prius patet.
Et nota quod si coram iudice habet magnam causam quae non possit ad finem produci [et]
ieiunet præcedenti die qua ibit ad curiam propositum causam suam pane et aqua, postea
proferat basse bis illas tres orationes, 'gemoht' et 'Omnipotens' et 'Semoht', tanta
enim sapientia et eloquentia dabitur sibi in proponendo causam suam quod breviter obtinebit,
nisi quod oportet te esse bene mundum et castum.
Similiter hanc orationem [valet] dicere quando aliquis spiritus vocatus venit cum illa 'Lameht
ragna' pro evitando periculum et acquirendo sapientiam et eloquenciam affandi audacter spiritu
Now Seing that he shall doo no other thinge althought he hathe done
nor thought upon any syne yet lett him contynually pray upon god in other
howers then in the fyrst appoynted howres with the 6, 10, and 12 prayers
and in the morning lett him go to the chyrche and as he goeth lett hym
saye the 16 prayer and in the chyrche lett hym saye the 22 prayer
and also ye 14, 24, 21, 32, 33, 34, 29, 30, and so lett hym doo contynually by
ye space of 20 dayes and lett hym alwayes take dylygent hyede that he fall
in to no syn, and yf by chance he fall into syn lett him forthewith repent
and be confessed and yf he cane lett him fast contynually yf nott lett him
release the oone, but by the space of 7 in order he must fast and abstayne
from all dedely syn
[LII]Now seeing that he shall do no other thing although he hath done, nor thought upon any sin, yet let him continually pray upon God in other hours than in the first appointed hours, with the 6th, 10th, and 12th prayers, and in the morning let him go to the church, and as he goeth let him say the 16th prayer, and in the church let him say the 22nd prayer, and also the 14, 24, 21, 32, 33, 34, 29, 30, and so let him do continually by the space of 20 days, and let him always take diligent heed that he fall into no sin, and if by chance he fall into sin, let him forthwith repent and be confessed, and if he can, let him fast continually; if not let him release the one, but by the space of 7 in order he must fast and abstain from all deadly sin. |
S: Cum igitur nihil aliud fecerit vel ad peccatum cogitaverit roget continue deum alijs
horis a primis. 6. 16 [sic]. 12. oracionem et [in] mane vadat ad missam et eundo dicat 16
in templo dicat 22 item 14. 24. 21. 32. 33. 34. 29. 30. et ita faciat continue per 20 dies
cavens sibi diligenter ne incidat in peccatum. Si tamen casualiter in peccatum inciderit
immediate peniteat et confiteatur; ieiunet, si possit continue, si non de duobus unum
relaxat. [set] per 7 dies ordine retrogrado procedendo ab omni mortitinio ieiunet.
then lett hym haue aware and a faythfull priste which may saye unto
hym matters pryme and howres and a masse of the holy gost and in his
introyt lett hym say ye 13 prayer, and after the offertory the 9 prayer,
then take francumsence and incense and cense the alter saying ye first
prayer and be cause the holy fathers did trust in ye sayntes yt were there
named therfore thei did so, and yf he that shall worke haue more douocyon
["devotion"] to any other sayntes then be ther named lett hym change name
for name for faythe dothe alwayes worke as I sayd before.
Then let him have a wary and a faithful priest which may say unto him matters prime and hours,
and a mass of the Holy Ghost, and in his introit let him say the 13th prayer, and after
the offertory the 9th prayer. Then take frankincense and incense and cense the altar
saying the first prayer, and because the holy fathers did trust in the saints that were there
named, therefore they did so, and if he that shall work have more devotion to any other saints,
then be there named, let hym change name for name, for faith doth always work, as I said before.
S: Tunc habeat sacerdotem cautum et fidelem qui sibi matutinam primam et 3am et
missã de spiritu sancto cantet dicens in introitu .13. post offertorium .9. tunc
accipiat thus et suffumiget ut pertinet ad altare dicens primã et quia beati patres in
illis gloriosis sanctis ibidem nominatis sperabant ideo sic fecernut. Operans autem si in
aliquibus alijs sanctis maiorem devocionem habeat mutat nomen pro nõine quia fides
operatur ut prædixi. |
Then lett ye 2 prayer be sayde inimedyatly [sic] and after te igiter
in the masse lett be sayd the 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 prayers and so in consecrating
of ye body of Chryst, let the pryst praye for hym yt shall worke yt thorow
the grace of god he may obtayn the effecte of his petycyon and so must ye
pryst doo in all his prayers that he shall saye for hym yt shall worke but
adde nothinge ells to then [sic], also after yt poscconione ye pryst shall
saye the 26 prayer and after masse he that shall worke shall receue ye
sacrment [sic] sayng the 19 and 20 prayer, but lett hym take hide yt he
receue nott ye body of chryst for an euille purpose for yt were dethe unto
him, wherfore sinn man haue entytuled this booke callinge it ye dethe of ye
soule and yt is trew to them that worke for an euil entente and purpose &
nott to haue sume scyence or sume good thinge for ye lorde sayeth aske & it
shall be geuen yow seke & ye shall fynde & in an other place he sayeth
where 2 or 3 are gatheryd to gether in my name
I ame in the myddest of them
and euery thing that thei shall aske the father in my name and he will
fullfyll and doo it.
Then let the 2nd prayer be said immediately and after te igiter in the mass; let be said
the 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 prayers and so in consecrating of the body of Christ, let the priest pray for
him that shall work that through the grace of God he may obtain the effect of his petition.
And so must the priest do in all his prayers that he shall say for him that shall work, but add
nothing else to them. Also after the communion the priest shall say the 26 prayer, and after
mass he that shall work shall receive the sacrament saying the 19th and 20th prayer. But let him
take heed that he receive not the body of Christ for an evil purpose, for that were death unto
him, wherefore some have entitled this book calling it The Death of the Soul, and that
is true to them that work for an evil intent and purpose, and not to have some science or some
good thing; for the Lord sayeth "Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall finde,"
and in another place he sayeth "where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, I am in the midst
of them and everything that they shall ask the father in my name and he will fulfill and do it."
S: 2a oratio immediate dicatur et post 'Te igitur' 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. et sic in
sacrando corpus Christi petat pro operante Sacerdos nisi effectum petitionum suarum per
divinam graciam assequatur. Et ita intellige de omnibus oracionibus q' pertinent ad
sacerdotem et ad operacionem quia sunt generales ad omnes petitiones habendas set nihil
alijs addas. et post communionem dicat sacerdos .26. post missam vero recipiat operans
eucaristiam dicendo 19. 20. Et caveat ne corpus Cristi accipiat pro effectu malo
quia non esset salus immo mors, unde quidam intitulav[erun]t librum
istum sic: 'Incipit mors animae' et hoc est verum male operantibus [et] propeter effectum
malum et non propeter scienciam Nam ait dominus 'petite et dabitur vobis. quærite et
invenietis.' Et alibi dicit dominus 'ubi duo vel tres congregati fuerint in nomine meo ibi
sum in medio' et 'de omni re quam petierint in nomine meo fiet illis a patre meo.'
The prayers whereof sum are named before
and sume here after are thes.
[LIII]The prayers, whereof some are named before and some hereafter, are these: |
S: Oraciones prænominatae et post nominandæ numero sunt hae. |
Agla the lighte the truthe the lyfe and the waye mercyfull judge the
way the strengthe by thy pacyence conserue and helpe me. (hic recita
peticyonem sed p' deitate dic ut sequitue) and helpe me in this holy visyon
and for thy greate mercy haue mercye upon me, and for the service of this
holy fumygatyon, and for this holy sacrafyce of Or lorde Jesus Christ and
by the merytes of the gloryous virgin Marye mother of thy sone owr lord
Jesus Christ and by the merytes of the holy apostells, Peter, Paule,
Andrew, James, Philip, Bartholemew, Mathew, Symon, Thadee, Lyne, Clete,
Clement, Sextus, Cornelius, Cypriane, Laurenes, Grisogone, John, and Paule,
cosme and Damyane, and all thy sayntes thorow whose merytes and prayers.
(hic recita petycyonem tuam sed p' deita dic ut sequitur) thow wilte graunte
me thy holy visyon thorow the sonne owr lorde Jesus Christ. Amen.
[First Oration.]1AGLA, the light, the truth, the life, and the way, merciful judge, the way, the strength, by thy patience conserve and help me. (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) and help me in this holy vision, and for thy great mercy have mercy upon me, and for the service of this holy fumigation, and for this holy sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the merits of the glorious virgin Mary, mother of thy son our Lord Jesus Christ and by the merits of the holy apostles, Peter, Paul, Andrew, James, Philip, Bartholemew, Mathew, Simon, Thadee, Lyne, Clete, Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius, Cypriane, Laurenes, Grisogone, John, and Paul, Cosme, and Damiani, and all thy saints, through whose merits and prayers... (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) thou wilt grant me thy holy vision through thy son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.2 |
1. GH, S, S2: Prima oracio. 2. S: Agla, lux veritas vita via iudex misericors misercordia fortitudo pacientia conserva et iuva me in hac sancta visione et miserere mei propter misericordiam tuã et servicium huius sancti suffumigij et sancti sacrificij domini nostri Ihesu Christi [S2 adds: et propter meritum gloriose semper virginis Marie, matris Domini nostri Ihesu Christi] et meritis [GH: meritum] Apostolorum Petri et Pauli Andrae Iacobi Iohanis et Thomae Iacobi Philippi Bartholomei Matthei Simonis et Thadei Lini cleti Clementis sexti, cornelij Cipriani Laurencij grisogoni Iohanis et Pauli, Cosme et Damiani et omnium sanctorum tuorum quorum meritis et præcibus concedas hanc sanctam tuam visionem per eundem dominum nostrum. |
monhon lorde holy father almightye and euerlastinge god in whose
sighte are all the foundatyon of all vysible and inuisible creatures, whose
eyes hathe sene myn imperfyttenes, whose swite charyte or loue hathe filled
heauen and earthe, whose eares do here all thinges, which haste seene all
thinges before they be doone in whoso booke all dayes are nombred and all
men wrytten looke this daye upon thy servant which hath submitted him
selffe to the Wc all his mynde and all his harte by thy holy sprite
confyrme and stregthen me :::: (recita peticionem sed per deitate dic
vt sequitur) ::::
that I may se thé, blysse me this day and order all my actes and deeds
toward this holy syghte and contynually lyghten with thy hooly visitacyon.
[LIV] [Oration 2.]1Monhon, Lord, holy father almighty and everlasting God, in whose sight are all the foundation of all visible and invisible creatures, whose eyes hath seen mine imperfectness, whose sweet charity or love hath filled Heaven and Earth, whose ears do hear all things, which hast seen all things before they be done, in whose book all days are numbered and all men written, look this day upon thy servant which hath submitted himself to the which all his mind and all his heart by thy Holy Spirit, confirm and strengthen me (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) that I may see thee, bless me this day and order all my acts and deeds toward this holy sight, and continually lighten with thy holy visitation. Amen.2 |
1. S, S2: Scda oracio. 2. S: Monhon: domine sancte pater omnipotens sempiterne deus [in] cuius [conspectu] omnia sunt visibilium et invisibilium fundamenta creaturarum omnium cuius oculi imperfectum meam [*meum] viderunt cuius charitatis dulcedine pleni sunt cœli et terra, cuius aures omnia audiunt qui omnia vidisti antequam fierent in cuius libro omnes formati sunt dies et homines inscripti respice hodie super famulum tuum tibi tota mente et toto corde subiectum. per spiritum sanctum tuum confirma me ut te videam. benedic hodie et protege omnes actus meos hodiernos in [*et] hanc inspeccionem et constantia tuæ visitasionis me illustra. Amen. |
Tetragramathon looke O lorde God most mercyfull and everlasting
father, of all thinges the disposer of all vertues consyder my workes this
day thow whith dost beholde the actes and deede of men and angelles and ye
discerner of them (dic tuam peticionem sed p deitate dic ut sequitur)
therfore I besiche that ye meruelous grace of thy holy sufferance maye
wouchsaffe to fill in me the powre of this hooly visyon and power into me
so miche strengthe to the honor and glorye of thy name which dost schid owt
thy prayse into ye mowthes of them that loue thé. Amen.2
[LV] [Oration 3.]1Tetragrammaton, look O Lord God most merciful and everlasting father, of all things the disposer of all virtues, consider my works this day thou which dost behold the acts and deeds of men and angels and the discerner of them (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) therefore I beseech that the marvellous grace of thy holy sufferance may vouchsafe to fill in me the power of this holy vision and power into me so much strength to the honor and glory of thy name which dost schid out thy prayse into the mouths of them that love thee. Amen. |
1. S: 3a Or'o. 2. S: Tetragmmathon: respice domine deus clemens pater omnium aeterne dispositor omnium virtutum operaciones meas hodie considera tu qui es actuum hominum et angelorum inspectator atque discretor. ideo te rogo ut admirabilis gracia promissionis tuæ in me dignetur subitam adimplere virtutem huius sanctæ visionis et in me tantam efficaciam nomine sancto tuo et magno infundas tu qui laudem tuam in ore te diligencium imponis et infundis. Amen. |
hely god the creator Adonay of all inuysyble creatures most godely
father which abydest euerlastingly in ye lyght inaccessyble and before the
begininge of the worlde disposyng & gouerning all thinges I doo make
intercessyon to thy euerlasting and incomperhensyble deyte withe most
humble wordes yt ye effect of this sacramentall and mistycall worke thorow
thyy power and thy holy angells may so appere in me (dic tuã petycionem sed
p deitate dic ut sequitr) that ye syghte and beholdinge of thé may shyne in
me and by the names of thy holy angells it may abunde and increase in my
munde and memorye that I may know the workes of thy holy visyon and that it
may shyne in me everlastingly. Amen.
[LVI] [Oration 4.]1Hely God, the creator, Adonay, of all invisible creatures, most Godly father which abidest everlastingly in the light, inaccessible and before the beginning of the world, disposing and governing all things, I do make intercession to thy everlasting and incomprehensible Deity with most humble words that the effect of this sacramental and mystical work through thy power and thy holy angels may so appear in me (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) that the sight and beholding of thee may shine in me and by the names of thy holy angels it may abounde and increase in my mind and memory, that I may know the works of thy holy vision and that it may shine in me everlastingly. Amen.2 |
1. S: 4ta Oracio. 2. S: Hely deus: creator Adonay õnium [visibilium et] invisibilium creaturarum pater pijssime qui [in-]circumscripto lumine habitas eternale[iter] et ante principium mundi omnia ineffabiliter disponens atque gubernans aeternitatem tuam atque incomprehensibilem pietatem ubi [*verbis] supplicantibus aggredior ut huius sacramentalis atque mistici operis in me et per tui et sanctoum angelorum potenciam efficacia tui visio et consideratio clarestat atque per eorudem sanctorum Angelorum nomina in memoria et mente habundet atque sancta opera tua facialis sanctæ tuæ visionis in me cum stabilitate clarescant. Amen. |
hocleiste (uel Athanathos) holy god and godly father the indissoluble
argumentacyon of the harte which hast stabylisched heaven, earthe, the se
and the depthe, in whose sight all reason, all communycatyon,
all workes, and holynes dothe by these precyous sacramentes of thy holy angells graunt
unto me that thing which I desyer. (recita tuam peticionem p deitate dic ut
sequitur) for I beliue yt I shall se ye grace and glorye of thy holy deyte
Wt owt any euil intent. Amen.2
[LVII] [Oration 5.]1Hocleiste (or Athanathos) holy God and godly father, the indissoluble argumentation of the heart which hast established Heaven, Earth, the sea, and the depth, in whose sight all reason, all communication, all works, and holiness doth by these precious sacramentes of thy holy angels grant unto me that thing which I desire. (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) for I believe that I shall see the grace and glory of thy holy Deity without any evil intent. Amen. |
1. S: 5ta Oratio. 2. S: Hocleiste: sancte deus pater et indissolubilis argumentatio cordis qui cœlum terram mare et Abissum et omnia que in eis sunt stabiliri voluisti in cuius conspectu omnis ratio sermo opus et sanctitas subsistit per hæc preciosa sacramenta Angelorum tuorum da mihi ea quæ desidero et credo visionis huius absque malignitatis intentione gloriam et gr[aci]am. Amen. |
hamphimethon2 heloy most mercyfull creator the gyuer of influence, and
ye reformer of all lyuing soules, ye allower & orderer of all good willes
bow doune thy selfe and looke must godely to my mynde yt that which I most
humbly desyre of Ye, of ye abundance of thy mighty power thow wilte graunte
it me lyke as before is promysed me. Amen.3
[LVIII] [Oration 6.]1Hamphimethon + heloy, most merciful creator, the giver of influence, and the reformer of all living souls, the allower and orderer of all good wills, bow down thyself, and look most godely to my mind that that which I most humbly desire of thee, of the abundance of thy mighty power, thow wilt grant it me like as before is promised me. Amen. |
1. S: 6ta Or'o. 2. GH: Hamphynethon. 3. S: Amphymethon: heloy clementissime creator et inspirator et reformator omnium animarum viciatorum et omnium bonarum voluntatum approbator et ordinator deprecationem gloriosus intende et mentem meam respice benignus ut quod ex humilitate deprecor sicut ante [*a te] promissum est mihi de tuæ magnificenciæ largitate concedas. Amen. |
Iamyhara (uel Hamyhamyharam)
allmighty and mercyfull father ye
governer of all creatures, ye euerlastinge judge, our refuge, and lorde of
all lordes which haste wouchssafe to geue to thy sayntes wysdome holynes
and glorye that I may se thy mervells which descenest [sic] & judgest all
thinges lyghte my harte this daye with ye shyne of thy clerenes clennes and
holynes. (dic petitionem tuam sed p deitate dic ut sequitur) that I may
know understinde and se th [sic] face and thy glorye, and that I maye se
thy glorye is all my desyer. Amen.
[LIX] [Oration 7.]Iamyhara (or Hamyhamyharam)1 almighty and merciful father, the governor of all creatures, the everlasting judge, our refuge, and Lord of all lords, which haste vouchsafe to give to thy saints wisdom, holiness, and glory, that I may see thy marvels which descendest and judgest all things, lighten my heart this day with the shine of thy clearness, cleaness, and holiness, (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) that I may know, understand, and see thy face and thy glory, and that I may see thy glory is all my desire. Amen.2 |
1. GH: Lamyhara. 2. 7ma Oracio. Amyhara: omnipotens misericors pater omnium creaturarum ordinator [iuste] iudex æterne refugium [GH: rex regum] et domine dominancium qui tuis sanctis sapienciam sanctitatem et gloriam conferre dignatus es [concede mihi] ut te [GH: possim] videre mirabiliter qui omnia diiudicas et discernis. illumina hodie cor meum fulgore claritatis et mundiciæ atque sanctificenciæ et [*ut] cognostam et intelligam et facialiter videam te et tuam gloriam. et quod huius gloriam videre merear exopto. Amen. |
hanazay (uel Halacazay) zarahoren [*zarahoron]2 hubisenaar
ghu3 hirbaionay gynbar zanaile [*zanailt]4 selchora
<zetchora>5 zelmora hiramay iethohal yfaramel [*ylaramel]6
hamatha mathois iaboha gechors [*gethos]7 cozomerag zosomeraht hamy phodel denos
gerot haoalos [*hagalos]8 meliha tagahel sechamy9 salyhelethon
[*salihelethon]10 monocogristes lemenron hachagnon hamyhon. <Amen.>11
[LX] [Oration 8.]1Hanazay + zarahoron + hubisenaar + ghu + hirbaionay + gynbar + zanailt + selchora + zelmora + hiramay + iethohal + ylaramel + hamatha + mathois + iaboha + gethos + cozomerag + zosomeraht + hamy + phodel + denos + gerot + hagalos + meliha + tagahel + sechamy + salihelethon + monocogristes + lemenron + hachagnon + hamyhon. |
1. S, S2: 8a Oratio. 2. Per S, S2, GH. 3. GH: ghu; S2: glm; S: glm vel ghu. 4. Per S, S2; GH: zanailc. 5. S, S2, GH omit. 6-8. Per S, S2, GH. 9. S: sethamy. 10. Per S, S2, GH. 11. S, GH omit. |
The englishe of ye prayer yt goeth before. |
[LXI] The English of the prayer that goeth before. |
S: Oracio de precedenti latina. |
Ianemyer (vel Zanamyher) on [sic] greate meruelous and euerlastinge
god, ye angell of the euerlasting cowncell ye disposer maker and orderer of
all vertues, this daye garnyshe my understanding & encrease in me reason yt
I may repent & mak me clere & geue unto me ye same knowledge &
understonding yt thow hast geuyn other creatures to pronounce ye names of
ye celestyall angells, & graunte unto me ye same scyence & purnes
accordinge to thy promysse (dic peticionem tuam sed p deitate dic ut
sequitur) and geue unto me affecte of thy visyon yt I may discerne it.
Ianemyer (or Zanamyher) one, great, marvellous, and everlasting God, the angel of the
everlasting council, the disposer, maker, and orderer of all virtues, this day garnish my
understanding and increase in me reason, that I may repent, and make me clear, and give unto
me the same knowledge and understanding that thou hast given other creatures to pronounce
the names of the celestial angels, and grant unto me the same science and pureness
according to thy promise, (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity,
say as follows) and give unto me affect of thy vision that I may discern it. Amen.
S: Ianemyer: unus magnus mirabilis aeterne deus [There is an "S" written above
this word.] aeterni consilij Angelus dispositor omnium virtutum et compositor atque ordinator
adorna hodie intelligentiã meã et multiplica in me rationem pœnitendi
et clarificandi et cognicionem ac claritatem quam in proferrendis nominibus cœlestium
angelorum tuis creaturis contulisti et eandem scienciam et puritatem sue [*secundum]
promissionem tuam mihi concede et da mihi huius visionis tuæ efficaciam et
discretionem. Amen.
hadyon2 usyon omnium potestaum [*potestatum] atque regnorum et
iudiciorum eterna conspiratione [*conspiracione!] conspicuus omnium administrans3
glorae [*glorie]4 et tuæ visionis in cuius regimine nullum impedimentum dabis
instaura queso habitam innocentiam5 et repetitam et adhuc maiorem cor meum,
voluntatem myam [*meam]6, linguam meam, opus meam [*meum]7 ad mai
[*mei]8 animam mundificandam [absolvendam]9 et tui faciem facialiter
videndam et edhabendum [*ab habendum]10 quæ in hac arte necessaria11
auctoritas diuina commendat et in me perfectae [*perfecte]12 compleatur
[*compleantur]13. Amen.
[LXII] [Oration.]1Hadyon + usyon + beholding with thy eternal conspiration all powers, kingdoms, and judges, administering all manner of languages to all, and the glory of thy vision, and of whose power there is no end; restore and increase I beseech thee, my heart, my will, my tongue, my work, purifying and absolving my spirit, and grant that I may behold thy living face and whatever thy divine authority commendeth necessary in this art, perfectly fulfill them in me. Amen.14 |
1. S, S2: Oracio. 2. S: Adyon. Sl.3885 has an "h" in the far left margin, and an "S" just to the left of "Adyon". 2. Per S, GH. 3. S adds "thema." 4. Per S2, GH; S: gloriæ. 5. GH: innocenciam; S: innicenciã. 6-8. Per S, GH. 9. Missing from R but found in S and GH. 10. Per GH, S. 11. S omits. 12-13. Per S, GH. 14. Compare Notoria 9 ("Vision...") |
hely azelechias neloreos mohan zama sarnelohatehus saguaht adonay zoma
lenezothos lithon ietemothon sabahot, and thow mercyfull god conffyrme thy
promyses in me lyke as by the same wordes thow dyddest confyrme it to king
Salomon and bysyde, them to Jhon and Paule. Send unto me O lorde thy powre
ow [sic] of heauen yt it may illumyne my harte, and confyrme my mynde, &
comfort O god my understandinge & my soule, renew me and washe me wt the
waters which are aboue the heavens, and power owt of thy sprite into my
flesche and into my bowelles to do and performe thy judgements Wt humblenes
and charyte wherwith thow hast made heauen & earthe & hast formed & created
man to thyn owen simylytude & lykenes shide ye lyght of thy bryghtnes into
my understanding yt I beinge grownded and rooted in thy mercy may loue thy
name, & know & se and wurschippe thé that I may obtayne and understande all
ye wayes of this arte yt I maye obtayne ye visyon or syghte of thé for ye
which all ye mysteryes of fygures and holynes are sent of god by the handes
of his angells, all which thinges I besiche thé I may haue and know in my
hatre and in ye understandinge of my mynde yt I may obtayne ye effecte of
this arte truely thorow the power of thy gloryous and holy name. Amen.2
[LXIII] [Hebrew Oration.]1Hely + azelechias + neloreos + mohan + zama + sarnelohatehus + saguaht + adonay + zoma + lenezothos + lithon + ietemothon + sabahot, and thou, merciful God, confirm thy promises in me like as by the same words thou didst confirm it to king Solomon, and beside him to John and Paul. Send unto me, O Lord, thy power of Heaven that it may illumine my heart and confirm my mind, and comfort O God my understanding and my soul. Renew me and wash me with the waters which are above the heavens, and pour out of thy spirit into my flesh and into my bowels, to do and perform thy judgements with humbleness and charity, wherewith thou hast made Heaven and Earth, and hast formed and created man to thine own similitude and likeness, shide the light of thy brightness into my understanding that I, being grounded and rooted in thy mercy, may love thy name, and know and see and worship thee, that I may obtain and understand all the ways of this art, that I may obtain the vision or sight of thee, for the which all the mysteries of figures and holiness are sent of God by the hands of his angels, all which things I beseech thee I may have and know in my heart and in the understanding of my mind that I may obtain the effect of this art truly, through the power of thy glorious and holy name. Amen. |
1. S: Or'o hebraica. S: Hely: azelethias velozeosmohun zama sarvelo hatehus sagnaht adonay zoma lenozothos lithon iezemothon sadahot. et tu deus propitius in me promissiones confirma sicut confirmasti per eosdem sermones regi Salomoni et preter eosdem Iohanni et Paulo. emitte mi domine virtutem de cœlis quæ cor meum et mente [*mentem meam] illuminet et confirmet, et comforta deus intellectum meum et animam meam. innova me et lava me aquis q' super cœlos sunt, et effunde [de] spiritum tuum [*spiritu tou] in [*super] carnem meum et in viseribus meis ad facienda et comiponenda iudicia tua humilitate et charitate qua cœlum et terram fecista et hominem ad inaginem et similitudinem tuam creasti et formasti. infunde claritatis tuæ lumen <in> intellectui meo ut fundatus et radicatus in misercordia tua diligam nomen tuum cognoscam et videam et adorem te et <intelligam> obtineam et intelligam omnes vias huius artis habendi visionem tuam ob quam hæc data a deo et insignita et emissa per manus sanctorum angelorum sict [*sunt] figurarium [*figurarum] et sanctitatum misteria que omnia in corde meo et intellectu mentis [mee] habeam et cognoscam et huiuc artis vere et efficaciter effectum habeam nominis sancti tui et gloriosi prævalente consilio. Amen. |
Sadyon (vel Herlon) I know yt I delyght in the greate and meruelous
and ineffable worke, and that you wilte geue me the sighte which thow hast
promysed to them yt haue this worke acordinge to thy greate and
incomperhensible truethe2
[LXIV] [Oration 9.]1Sadyon (or Herlon) I know that I delight in thy great and marvellous and ineffable work, and that you wilt give me the sight which thou hast promised to them that have this work according to thy great and incomprehensible truth. |
1. S: Or'o 9a 2. S: Sadyon scio enim quia delecter [*delector] in factura tua magna mirabili et ineffabili [et] dabis mihi visionem quam per hoc opus habentibus illud pollicitus es secundum magnam et incomprehensibilem veritatem tuam. |
theon hatagamagon haramalon zamoyma thamasal ieconomarum [*ieconomaril]3
harionathar [*harionathor]4 iecomagol gelamagos remelyhot [*remelihot]5
remanthar [*remanathar]6 hariomagalathar hananehos nelomannathar [*velomanathar]7
haiozoroy iebasaly.
Theon hatagamagon haramalon zamoyma thamasal ieconomaril harionathor iecomagol gelamagos
remelihot remanathar hariomagalathar hananehos velomanathar haiozoroy iebasaly.
3-6. Per GH, S. 7. Per S; GH: uelouianathar. |
by these most sacred and most glorious and pfounde mysteryes of god &
by the most precyous clennes and vertu of thy visyon encrease in me &
fulfyll yt Yu haste begonne & reforme yt thow hast shewed in me8
By these most sacred and most glorious and profound mysteries of God, and by the most precious
cleanness and virtue of thy vision, increase in me and fulfill that thou hast begun, and reform
that thou hast shewed in me.
8. S: per hæc sacrissima dei et gloriosissima et profunda misteria et preciosissimam
mundiciam virtutem et visionis tuæ graciam auge in me et comple quod incæpisti
et reforma quod [ost]endisti in me.
zemabar henoranaht grenatail9 sazatham [*samzatham]10 iecornazay | Zemabar henoranaht grenatail samzatham iecornazay |
9. GH: grenetail. 10. Per GH, S. |
fundamentum altissime11 omniuum [*omnium]12 bonitatum & scientiarum
atque vertutum [*virtutum]13 tribue famulo tuo tibi displicentia vitare contagia et
lauare14 et tua veritate pura et intentione [*intencione]15 sancta possim
satiari16 ut tuam promissionem toto17 corde desideran et possidens in
omnibus tam vertutibus [*virtutibus]18 quam puritatibus19 et
vitiorum [*viciorum]20 absolutionibus precipue per hæc sancta misteria videar
et cognoscar adipisti [*adipisci]21 et bene in ista arte proficiar [*perficiar]22
penitus [*peritus]23 laudabilis ac pro sancta visione mundus.24
[Compare Ars Notoria, Oration 11: Oh thou great fountain of all goodness, knowledge and virtue, give unto thy servant power
to eschew all evil, and cleave unto goodness and knowledge, and to follow the same with an
holy intention, that with my whole heart I may understand and learn thy laws and decrees,
especially these holy mysteries; wherein that I may profit, I beseech thee.] |
11. S: altissimã. 12-13. Per GH, S. 14. S: levare. 15. For a change S seems to preserve the more original form here. 16. GH: saciari; S: sanari. 17. S: tota. 18. Per GH, S. 19. S: puritate. 20-22. Per GH, S. 23. Per GH. 24. S adds "Amen." |
Hely reuerende allmyghte and gouernor of the superyor angells and
archangells and all celestyall creatures and also infernall of whose
plentyfull goodenes it cõmeth yt we do thé any good seruice
whose power governeth ye 4 partes of the worlde which haste created man of boones soule
and sprite to thyne owne symylitude and lykenes gyue unto me the knowledge
of thys arte (dic peticionem tuam sed pro deitate dic ut sequitur) and the
effecte of thy visyon strengthing me in the lybertei of this vision and
holy scyence. Amen.2
[LXV] [Oration 10.]1Hely reverend, almighty, and governor of the superior angels and archangels, and all celestial creatures, and also infernal, of whose plentiful goodness it cometh that we do thee any good service, whose power governeth the four parts of the world, which hast created man of bones, soul, and spirit to thine own similitude and likeness, give unto me the knowledge of this art (Here recite your petition -- if for the Deity say as follows:) and the effect of thy vision, strengthening me in the liberty of this vision and holy science. Amen. |
1. S: Or'o 10a. 2. S: Hely reverende potens et dominans superioribus angelis et archangelis omnibusque celestibus creaturis [et] tam infernalibus quam celestibus [GH: *terrestribus] de cuius magnificentia plenitudinis venit ut tibi a nobis digne famuletur. cuius a mundi 4 partibus regnat potestas, qui ossibus anima et spiritu hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem tuam formasti da mihi huius artis scienciam et visionis effectum corroborans me in ipsius facultate visionis sanctae et scientiae. Amen. |
horlon (vel Cadion) god which haste made all thinges in number weyght
and measure thorow whose gyft every weake heade shall be lyft up who hathe
appoynted the measures of all momentes and dayes who alone doest name the
starres & nu~bre them gyue unto me the effecte of thy visyon that in the
knowledge and workinge of thys arte I maye loue thé and se thé and of thy
goodenes may haue the gyft of ye visyon or syghte of thé. Amen.2
[LXVI] [Oration 11.]1Horlon (or Cadion), God, which hast made all things in number, weight, and measure, through whose gift every weak head shall be lifted up, who hath appointed the measures of all moments and days, who alone dost name the stars and number them, give unto me the effect of thy vision that in the knowledge and working of this art, [that] I maye love thee and see thee, and of thy goodness, [and I] may have the gift of the vision or sight of thee. Amen. |
1. S, S2: xia Oracio. 2. S: Horlon: deus qui omnia numero pondere et mensura fecisti de cuius mundo omne caput hominis desiderans elevabitur in cuius ordine omnium momentorum sive dierum patens est et aperta dimencio qui etiam solus stellarum nomina numeras et nominas menti meæ constanter tribue visionis tuæ efficaciam [ut] in huius artis cognicione et operacione te diligam et videam et tuæ pietatis munus agnoscam facialis visionis. Amen. |
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