Edited by Joseph H. Peterson, copyright © 1998, 1999.
Permission is hereby granted to make one handwritten copy for personal
use, provided the master bind his executors by a strong oath (juramentum)
to bury it with him in his grave. Beyond this, whoever copies this sacred
text without permission from the editor will be damned.
Section numbers in square brackets [] follow GH. Corrected readings are indicated
by * in front of the correct form. Text in <> is to be deleted.
Correncymon (vel Correrimon) the mediator of all creatures &
operatyons of whome naturally com~ethe all good thinges and all good gyftes
and all effectuall and p'fytt thinges whose worde is lyuely and cõmeth from
the pryncely seate, thorow thy grace into ower harts, all other thinges in
the meane whyle kepinge scylence in a meane thorow thy greate loue and
charyte so order my understandinge that I may obtayne the most excellent
mistery of this arte and of thy holy visyon that I may
obtayne the perfytt
effecte of the hooly thinges. Amen.1
[LXVII] [Oration 12.]
Correncymon (or Correrimon) the mediator of all creatures and operations, of whom naturally
cometh all good things, and all good gifts, and all effectual and perfect things, whose word is
lively, and cometh from the princely seat, through thy grace into our hearts all other things in
the meanwhile keeping silence in a mean through thy great love and charity, so order my understanding
that I may obtaine the most excellent mystery of this art and of thy holy vision, that I may
obtain the perfect effect of the holy things. Amen.
1. S, S2: 12a Oracio.
Porcenthimon: mediator omnium operacionum et creaturarum a quo omnia exeunt
naturaliter bona: et omnium dona a quo omne quod est solidum et perfectum cuius omnis sermo
recens est et de regalibus sedibus venit gracia in corda nostra dum medium tenerent omnia
silencium media ratione et mente me tua charitate in intellectum bonum construe ad perficiendum
hæc tanta excellentissima misteria huius artis sanctæ tuæ visionis et
istorum sacramentorum perfectum consequar effectum. Amen.
O ffather allmyghty judge which hast shewed unto hus thy saui~g helthe
and in the sygte [sic] of all people hast reuelyd thy iustice, open myn
eyes and lyghten my harte wt thy helthfull justice that I may se the
glorious meruells, & how miche inuocencye I maye obtayne in this arte &
clernes of understandinge, & yt thorow the helpe which oñely doest meruells
I may in this worke sodenly be made wholy yt thorow my holynes and
innocencye ioyned wt thy loue (dic petitionem tuam sed pro deitate dic ut
sequitur) I may se and behold thé & thy holy visyon & thorow ye
intercessyon of thy celestyall powres I may honor thé world wythowte ende.
[LXVIII] [Oration 13.]1
[Ihelur], O father, almighty judge, which hast shewed unto us thy saving health and in
the sight of all people hast revealed thy justice, open mine eyes and lighten my heart with thy
healthful justice, that I may see thy glorious marvels, and how much innocence I may obtain in
this art, and clearness of understanding, and that through the help which only dost marvels
I may in this work suddenly be made holy, that through my holiness and innocence joined with
thy love (Here recite your petition — if for the Deity say as follows) I may see and
behold thee and thy holy vision, and through the intercession of thy celestial powers I may
honor thee, world without end. Amen.2
1. S: 13a Oracio.
2. S: Ihelur: Judex omnipotens pater qui novum [GH: notum] nobis fecisti salutare
tuum et in conspectu gentium revelasti iusticiam tuam revela oculos meas et cor
meum illustra salutari iusticia tua ut mirabilia de tuis tam gloriosissimis videam quatinus
per ea tantam in hac arte consequar innocenciam et intelligentia clarificenciam ut te prestante
qui solus mirabilia facis magna in ipsa opera subitus celebs efficiar ut mea celebitate et
innocencia cum puritate et charitate recepta te speculando speculer et te videndo videam et tuam
sanctam visionem videam et intercessione virtutum cœlestium honorem te in secula
seculorum. Amen.
Gosgamel (vel Gasgamyel) the honor of all wisdome, ye gyuer of all
knowledge to them in whome is noo synne, ye master of all spirituall
disciplyne & spirytuall gyft ye banysher of all vyce, thé do I besiche o
lorde by thy ãgells, & archãgells, thrones, pryncypatp, potestates, &
vertues, by cherubyn, & seraphyn, & 24 elders, & by all ye celestyall hoost
I doo worshipe, inuocate, desyre, & feare gloryffye & exalte thy most holy
ffearfull & mekest name. I beseche ye o lorde yt thow wylte this illumyne
my harte wt ye lyghte of thy holy spryte yt it may be made fruytfull &
clensyd wt ye grace of yi
hooly visitayon [sic] and that thow wylte
strengthe it wyth charyte thow which art thre persons & oone Substance.
[LXIX] [Oration 14.]1
Gasgamel, the honor of all wisdom, the giver of all knowledge to them in whom is no sin, the
master of all spiritual discipline and spiritual gifts, the banisher of all vice, thee do I beseech,
O Lord, by thy angels and archangels, thrones, principalities, potestates and virtues, by cherubin and
seraphin, and 24 elders, and by all the celestial host, I do worship, invocate, desire and fear,
glorify and exalt thy most holy fearful and meekest name. I beseech thee O Lord, that thou wilt this
[day] illumine my heart with the light of thy Holy Spirit, that it may be made fruitful and cleansed
with the grace of thy holy visitation and that thou wilt strengthen it with charity thou which art
three persons and one substance. Amen.
1. S: 14ta Oracio.
2. S: Gasgamel [GH: Gofgameli]: omnis sapienciæ decus [GH: Deus] et scienciæ donator illis in
quibus peccatum non est omnis disciplinæ spiritualis magister et doni spiritualis cuiusque largitor
et maculæ omnis elimator, te domine per angelos et archangelos tues [*tuos] per thronos et
potestates principatus e virtutes per cherubin et seraphin, per 24 seniores per omnem miliciam
cœlestis excercitus adoro, invoco, flagito, vereor, et glorifico exalto nomen tuum sanctissimum
terribile et micissimum te quæso domine ut hodie cor meum spiritus sancti lumine et gracia tuæ
visitacionis fœcundatum clarificatum et charitate corroboratum illustres tu qui es trinus et unus. Amen.
Emanuel I worship thé O kinge of kinges my god And My Substance, and
Also my knowledge my memorye And My Strengthe whych In oone Hower dyddest
gyue dyuerse kynde of Speches to the buylders of the tower, and which Also
diddest shide In to thy Holy apostles the Anoynting of the Seuen folde
grace of thy holy Sprite and didest then ye gyfte Sodenly to Speke All
maner of langwages, & commaundest them to teche us the princyples or
letters of all those Spiches by the vertu of thy worde, wher wt thow hast
made all thinges, And by the power of this holy thinge breath in to my
harte and power into it the dew of thy grace that I beinge sodenly breathed
upon wt the lighte of thy holy sprite may obtayne ye effecte of this worke
and the puryfycatyon of my soule and the effecte of all these holy visyons,
and A subtyle, and A wyttye, and A clensyd, and puryfyed mynde. Amen.2
[LXX] [Oration 15.]1
Emanuel I worship thee O king of kings, my god and my substance, and also my knowledge, my memory,
and my strength, which in one hour didst give diverse kind of speechs to the builders of the tower, and
which also didst shide into thy holy apostles the annointing of the seven-fold grace of thy Holy Spirit,
and didst then the gift suddenly to speak all manner of languages, and commandest them to teach us the
principles or letters of all those speechs by the virtue of thy word, wherewith thou hast made all things,
and by the power of this holy thing, breath into my heart, and pour into it the dew of thy grace that, I
being suddenly breathed upon with the light of thy Holy Spirit may obtain the effect of this work and the
purification of my soul, and the effect of all these holy visions, and a subtle, and a white, and a
cleansed, and purified mind. Amen.
1. S, S3: 15ta Oracio.
2. S: Emanuel: adore te rex regum et deus meus et substantia mea, simul [S3 omits, GH: salus] et
revelacio mea memoria [S3 omits the last 2 words] et virtus mea qui hora una diversarum genera linguarum
edificantibus turrim dedisti et qui sanctis apostolis tuis unccionem septiformis [S3: septiformi gracie]
spiritus sancti infundisti [GH: infudisti] et illis ydiomata [S3: Idiomata, GH: ediomata] que nobis
[GH: nos] docerent de omnibus linguis eisdem [deest S3] repente loqui tribuisti per virtutem verbi
tui in quo omnia fecisti [GH: creasti] per potenciam huius sacramenti inspira cor meum et infunde in
illud rorem graciæ tuæ ut subito tui spiritus sancti afflatus [S3: afflati9] lumine \\\
[S3 omits \\\] efficaciam huius operacionis innocenciam et purificacionem animæ <meæ>
[S3, GH omit] et harum sanctarum visionum capax voluntatem subtilem et ingeniosam et mentem
clarificatam valeam consequi. Amen.
Hon (vel Lynozathemos)2 ezethomos iezemonos hazalathon azaithon hentynethel
hezemtinethel [*hezemtynethel]4 zamay zathon [*zamayzathon]5 hamanzathon zamarzathon
Hezemegnor6 zecromanda iechomancha7 ieraphay zaraphamy phalezethon phabogheton
[*phaboghecon]8 seremyhal sacramyzan iethemathon sacramazaym secranal9 sacramathon
[*sacramathan]10 iezemy halathon hathezihatos [*hathezihacos]11 iecely [*ieceley]12
mathon13 ateriathos zay [*zai]14 mazay zammazazay [*zamma zazay]15 guygu cheibib
[*guygucheibib]16 gigithios guahiros megalon
senegalon heracruhit ciarhuht [*ciarihuht]17 haracrihuz.
[LXXI] [Oration 16.]1
Hon (or Lynozathemos) ezethomos iezemonos hazalathon azaithon hentynethel hezemtynethel zamayzathon
hamanzathon zamarzathon Hezemegnor zecromanda iechomancha ieraphay zaraphamy phalezethon phaboghecon seremyhal
sacramyzan iethemathon sacramazaym secranal sacramathan iezemy halathon hathezihacos ieceley mathon ateriathos
zai mazay zamma zazay guygucheibib gigithios guahiros megalon senegalon heracruhit ciarihuht haracrihuz.
1. S: 16 Oracio.
2. GH omits "vel Lynozathemos". 3. S: hazabathon. 4-5. Per GH, S.
6. GH: hezemeguor. 7. S: iecomantha. 8. Per GH, S. 9. GH: se{cr}anal. 10-12. Per GH, S.
13. GH: mathan. 14-16. Per GH, S. 17. Per GH; S: tiarihuht.
O lord god incompshensyble invysyble and immortall and wt owt mans
understandinge whose countenance angells and archangells and all the
celestyall powers doo ardently desyre to beholde whose maiestye I desyer to
worship euerlastingly and contynually to my power I doo exerc yse myselfe
to worship the ome [sic] god worlde wythowt ende. Amen.1
[LXXII] [Latin Oration.]
O Lord God, incomprehensible, invisible, and immortal, and without [beyond] man's understanding, whose
countenance angels and archangels, and all the celestial powers do ardently desire to behold, whose
majesty I desire to worship everlastingly and continually to my power I do exercise myself to worship
the one God, world without end. Amen.
1. S, S2: Oracio latina.
Domine deus incomprehensibilis invisibilis immortalis et intelligibilis cuius vultum angeli et archangeli
et celestes virtutes ardenter videre desiderant cuius maiestatem eternaliter desidero adorare atque
continue pro pesse [GH: posse] meo excerceo [GH: exerceo] adorans te deum unum
[GH: vivum] in secula seculorum. Amen.
Admyhel lorde god hooly and almighty father here this daye my prayers
& bowe dou~e thyn eare to my petycyons
chemon gezomelyhon samaht gezagam iezehator lesebator
sezehacon saymanda samay gezihel gulahentihel iezel iezetihel
galatihel gazay hetihel
 +1
[LXXIII] [Oration 17.]
Admyhel, Lord, God, holy and almighty father, hear this day my prayers and bow down thine ear to my
Chemon gezomelyhon samaht gezagam iezehator lesehator sezehacon saymanda samay gezihel gulahentihel iezel
iezetihel galatihel gazay hetihel.
1. S: 17a Oracio.
Admyhel [S3: Admihel]: domine deus sancte pater omnipotens exaudi preces meas hodie et inclina aurem
tuam ad orationes meas.
chemon gezomelyhon samaht gezagam iezehator lesehator sezehacon saymanda samay gezihel [S3: Gezibel]
gulahentihel iezel iezetihel [S3 omits] galetihel gazay hetihel
(vel hehhel vel helier) [S3: hetyhel]
[In marg:] *oe **** arte *********** ********** **********
********** ********* by the power of thy holy [Spirit into my mind and understanding, and grant that the] gifte
of thy grace may shine into my harte & into my sowle nowe & ever more.
Amen. (that must folowe after the prayer admel w***** ye ** prayer.1
[LXXIV] [Latin Oration.]
Oh God eternal, the way, the truth, and the life; give thy light and the flower and virtue of thy Holy Spirit
into my mind and understanding, and grant that the gift of thy grace may shine forth in my heart, and into my
soul, now and evermore. Amen.
1. Oracio Latina.
deus [S3 adds meus] semper via vita veritas da lucem tuam florere per virtutem
sancti spiritus in conscienciam meam et mentem meam et concede ut fulgeat et clarescat domus [GH: donum]
operacionis tuæ et donum graciæ tuæ in cor meum et [S3 adds: in] animam meam nunc et
per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.
honzimorib (vel horysmorb)2 lemogethon Hegemothon Hazathay Hazathar
Hazamathar [hazatha hazamathar]3 Iazamathan Zegomothay Gohathay Zachana Legomothay
Iathama [*iachama]4 Legomezon Legornezon Lemdomethon Hathanathyos [*hathanathios]5
Lamdomathon Iegomaday Hathaman [*hathamam]6 Zachamos Hathanayos Hellestymon [*helesschymon]7
Zelezyon [*zelezion]8 Naderabar [*uaderabar]9 Nagedarom [*uagedarom]10
Lamuanaht [*lamnavaht]11 Lamandy [*lamandi]12 Gemethor13 Guomon Gehor
Genamchor14 Hellemay Iezecromay Iecromal Iecrohaly [*iecrahaly]15 Tholomanos
CColomaithos [*colomaithos]16.
[LXXV] [Oration 18.]
honzimorib lemogethon Hegemothon Hazathay Hazathar Hazamathar hazatha hazamathar Iazamathan Zegomothay
Gohathay Zachana Legomothay iachama Legomezon Legornezon Lemdomethon hathanathios Lamdomathon Iegomaday
hathamam Zachamos Hathanayos helesschymon zelezion Vaderabar Vagedarom lamnavaht lamandi Gemethor Guomon
Gehor Genamchor Hellemay Iezecromay Iecromal iecrahaly Tholomanos colomaithos.
1. S: 18a Oracio.
2. GH: Honzmorb; S: "Homzmorp" corrected from
"Honzmab." 3. Missing from R, but found in S, GH. 4. Per GH; S: iochama.
5-9. Per GH, S. 10. Per S; GH: uagedaroin. 11. Per S; GH: lauinauaht. 12. Per GH, S.
13. GH: gemechor. 14. S: genamohor (?). 15. Per GH, S. 16. Per GH; S: colomarthos vel colomarnthos.
O the lyffe of men and of all creatures visible and inuisible ye
euerlastinge bryghtenes of ye celestyall sprites the endeles helthe of all
men the fowntayn of all godelines which knowest all thinges before thei be
done which iudgest all thinges visible and inuisible, and by thy
unspekeable dispotycyon
doest diserrne them, gloryfy thy hooly and
ineffable name this daye & stregthe [sic] my harte my understandinge & my
sowle, and encrease myne innocencye and confyrme my prayers & make my sowle
pure & cleane ffrom all vyce, & indwe it wt vertues & pe~ance, wt morninge &
inuocencye yt thorow ye abundance of puernes & inuocencye gyven me of thé &
thorow the ssyle of pennance, & of thy grace I may laude & prayse thé and
know ye wt owt any shadow or fygure & yt I may se thé face to face and may
gloryfye thy name to thy honor & prayse worlde wt owt ende. Amen.1
[LXXVI] [Latin Oration.]
O the life of men and of all creatures visible and invisible, the everlasting brightness of the celestial
spirits, the endless health of all men, the fountain of all godliness, which knowest all things before they
be done, which judgest all things visible and invisible, and by thy unspeakable disposition dost discern them,
glorify thy holy and ineffable name this day and strengthen my heart, my understanding, and my soul, and
increase mine innocence, and confirm my prayers, and make my soul pure and clean from all vice, and endue it
with virtues and penance, with mourning and innocence, that through the abundance of pureness and innocence
given me of thee, and through the sile of penance, and of thy grace I may laud and praise thee and
know thee without any shadow or figure, and that I may see thee face to face, and may glorify thy name to
thy honor and praise, world without end. Amen.
1. S: Vita hominum et omnium creaturarum visibilium et invisibilis claritas æterna cœlestium
spirituum omnium hominum salus indeficiensquæ pietatis origo qui omnia novisti antequam fiant
qui iudicas omnia quæ videntur [GH adds: et non sunt et que non videntur] et sunt [et] ineffabili
disposicione discernis glorifica sanctum nomen tuum et ineffabile hodie. corroborae [GH: corrobora]
cor meum et intellectum meum et animam meam et auge innocenciam meam et confirma precem meam et a vicijs
expeditam redde animam meam clarificatam in virtutibus et pœnitencijs et fletibus et innocencijs et
facultate puritatis et innocenciæ a te mihi collata et lima penitencie et tuæ gracie ut [S2 om.]
laudem te et agnoscã [S2: cognoscam] te sine enigmate et videam facialiter te et glorificem nomen
tuum ad laudem tuam in secula seculorum. Amen.
Ioht2 omaza (vel Phet)3 behea theon megal
menehon exhehal4 tirigel harapheiocom [*harapheiocon]5 Semenoyn6 Sehumeny
hachemathan7 hiemaraym [*hiemarayn]8 Gemehehon lucharanochyn exnotheyn
themelyhen [*themelihen]9 segyhon hyhanenyr [*hihovenyr]10
HacrisentHeon [sic] [*hacrisientheon]11.
[LXXVII] [Oration 19.]1
Ioht omaza behea theon megal menehon exhehal tirigel harapheiocon Semenoyn Sehumeny hachemathan
hiemarayn Gemehehon lucharanochyn exnotheyn themelihen segyhon hihovenyr hacrisientheon.
1. S: 19a Oracio.
2. S adds ":". 3. S omits "(vel Phet)."
4. S3: exhebal. 5. Per GH, S. 6. S: semonoyn. 7. S: hachamathan. 8. Per GH, S, S3.
9. Per GH, S; S3: themelyhen. 10. GH: hihoueuyr; S: hilovenyr; S3: hyhonemyr. 11. Per GH, S, S3.
kynge of kynges god of Infynite mercye & maiesty ye graunter ye
disposer, & distributor & stablysher of all foundatyons laye ye foundatyõ
of all thy vertues in me & take frõ me ye folyschenes [foolishness] of my
harte yt my sences may be stablysshed in ye loue of thy charite, and lett
thy holy sprite be my instructer acordinge to thy creatyõ & inuocatyõ of
thy name yt I may haue effectually ye syghte of thy face whiche liuest &
regnest god worlde wyth owt ende. Amen.1
[LXXVIII] [Latin oration.]
King of kings, God of infinit mercy and majesty, the granter, the disposer, and distributor and establisher
of all foundations, lay the foundation of all thy virtues in me, and take from me the foolishness of my
heart, that my senses may be established in the love of thy charity, and let thy Holy Spirit be my
instructor according to thy creation and invocation of thy name, that I may have effectually the sight of
thy face, which livest and reignest God, world withoit end. Amen.
1. S: Oracio latina. S3 adds: cum eodem dicenda.
Rex regnum Deus infinitæ misericordie et maiestatis immensæ largitor ac dispositor atque
dispensator stabilitor omnium fundamentorum pone fundamentum omnium tuarum virtutum in me et aufer a me
insipienciam cordis mei ut stabiliantur sensus mei in dilectione charitatis tuæ et informetur
spiritus sanctus in me secundum [re-]creacionem et innovacionem voluntatis tuæ
[S3 omits the rest and substitutes: recita peticionem qi viuis]
ut habeam efficaciter tuam facialem visionem, qui vivis et regnas deus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.
hofely (vel zozely) god the ffather allmighty form whome all good
thinge dothe cõme whose greatenes is incomperhensyble here this daye my
prayers which I offre in thy syghte and graunte me ye gyfte yt I aske of
ye, & geve me ye Ioye of thy ^***ge helth,
& yt I may this day forsake all mye
iniquytes, & take thy wayes & ye pathes of thy knowledde, and lett all
stubborne & unbeliuers conuerte unto ye, & even as I thynke wt my harte, &
speake wt my mouthe so lay ye fowndatyon in me yt in this worke I may seme
and appere to be holpen of thé. Amen.1
[LXXIX] [Oration 20.]
Hofely, God the father almighty, from whom all good things doth come, whose greatness is incomprehensible,
hear this day my prayers which I offer in thy sight, and grante me the gift that I ask of thee, and give me
the joy of thy saving health, and that I may this day forsake all my iniquities, and take thy ways and the paths
of thy knowledge, and let all stubborn and unbelievers convert unto thee, and even as I think with my heart, and
speak with my mouth, so lay the foundation in me, that in this work I may seem and appear to be helping of
thee. Amen.
1. S, S3: 20a Oracio.
Hosely [GH: Hofob] deus pater immense a quo procedit omne quod bonum est cuius magnitudo [GH inserts misercordie]
incomprehensibilis est, exaudi hodie preces meas quas in conspectu tuo refero et concede mihi donum quod
a te [S3 omits "a te"] peto. redde mihi lætitiam salutaris tui et ut deleam iniquitates
meas hodie et accipiam vias tuas et semitas scienciarum tuarum et convertantur
ad te rebelles et increduli ut <et> corde repeto et ore commemoro in me radicitus habeant
fundamentum ut [*et] in operibus tuis efficax videar et adiutus. Amen.
Messamarathon (vel Azeffamadathon) gezomothon ezomathon haihaca [*haihatha]2
hagibar [*hagihar]3 hagiathar haihatha4 Lethasiel Lechisihel Gethidnhal
[*gethiduhal]5 Geguhay Iechonay [*iethonay]6 Samazaraht [*samazataht]7
Samazarel Zamazchel [*zamazthel]8 Sergomazar Hazomathon9 Hazothynathon10
Iesomathon Iezochor Heihasai [*heihazay]11 Heihazar Samy Zamyn Helihel Saraehelyhel
[*samehelihel]12 Syloth [*siloth]13 Sylereht [*silereht]14
Gezemachal [*gezemathal]15 Ierezonay [*iecoronay]16 Iecornenay Samyhahel17
Hefemyhel [*hesemyhel]18 Secozomay Sedomazay [*sedomasay]19 Sechothamay
[*sethothamay]20 Saima21 Rabiathos [*rabihathos]22 Hamnos
Hamnas23. Amen.
[LXXX] [Oration 21.]1
Messamarathon gezomothon ezomathon haihatha hagihar hagiathar haihatha Lethasiel Lechisihel
gethiduhal Geguhay iethonay samazataht Samazarel zamazthel Sergomazar Hazomathon
Hazothynathon Iesomathon Iezochor heihazay Heihazar Samy Zamyn Helihel samehelihel siloth
silereht gezemathal iecoronay Iecornenay Samyhahel hesemyhel Secozomay sedomasay sethothamay
Saima rabihathos Hamnos Hamnas. Amen.
1. S: 21 Oracio.
2-3. Per GH, S. 4. S: haihacha. 5. Per GH. 6-8. Per GH, S.
9. GH: hazomathan. 10. S: hazethynathon. 11-15. Per GH, S. 16. Per GH; S: ietoronay.
17. S: samyhehel. 18-20. Per GH, S. 21. GH: sanna. 22. Per GH, S. 23. S: hãnas.
O everlastinge god king & Judge ye sercher of all good conscyence
clense and puryfye this day my mynde ffor thy holy names sake by thyes thy
holy sacramentes, yt even as water falleth owt of heauen so maye inuocentye
entre into my inward partts & lett it cum in to my bonnes lyke oyle thorow
ye o god ye savyor of all thinges which arte ye fowntayne & springe of all
goodenes & all godlynes, dyrecte me and bringe me to thys hooly visyon
whych I aske of thé whych arte 3 persones and oone Godd. Amen.
[LXXXI] [Latin Oration.]
O everlasting God, king and judge, the searcher of all good conscience, cleanse and purify this day my mind,
for thy holy name's sake, by these thy holy sacraments, that even as water falleth out of heaven, so may
innocence enter into my inward parts, and let it come into my bones, like oil through thee O God, the savior
of all things which art the fountain and spring of all goodness and all godliness, direct me, and bring me to
this holy vision which I ask of thee, which art three persons and one God. Amen.
1. S: Oracio latina.
Rex eterne deus iudex et discretor omnium [con-]scienciarum bonarum tu hodie clarifica
me propter nomen sanctum tuum et per hæc sancta sacramenta tua purifica <cor meum et>
[GH omits] mentem incã [*meam] ut intret inocencia tua [in] interiora mea sicut aqua fluens
de cœlo et sicut oleum in ossibus meis per te deus salvator omnium qui es fons bonitatis
et totius pietatis origo dirige me et promove me in ista sancta faciali visione quam deposco tu
qui es trinus et unus. Amen.
hanethi (vel hamethy) the god of all Godlynes and creator of all
thinges ye euerlasting Helthe, and ye redemptyon of ye people, ye inspyrer
of all Graces & holynes ye Graunter of all pure operatyons or workes of
whose onely Gyfte and mercy thy Servantes haue remissyon of there sines
whych hast Graunted unto me wretched synner ye way to know thy secret
misteryes, thow lorde defende me and pourge my soule & delyuer my harte
from ye wicked thowghtes of this worlde and all pleasures therof, qwenche
in me utterly & subdew all ye lustes of fornycatyõ yt I may delyghte in
clennes, & in ye workes of ryghteousnes, & in all vrtues, & yt yu wyllte
Gyue me ye petycyon of my harte yt beinge confirmed & hauynge pleasure in
thy glorye maye loue. (peticyon) and yt I may effectually see ye face
whylles my body lyueth & yt ye power of thy holy sprite maye increase in me
by thy helthe and ye rewarde of all faythfull people to ye helthe bothe of
soule & body. Amen.
[LXXXII] [Oration 22.]
Hanethi, the God of all godliness and creator of all things, the everlasting health and the
redemption of the people, the inspirer of all graces and holiness, the granter of all pure operations
or works, of whose only gift and mercy thy servants have remission of their sins, which hast granted
unto, a me wretched synner, the way to know thy secret mysteries, thou, O Lord, defend me and purge
my soul, and deliver my heart from the wicked thoughts of this world and all pleasures thereof,
quench in me utterly, and subdue all the lusts of fornication that I may delight in cleanness, and
in the works of righteousness, and in all virtues, and that thou wilt give me the petition of my
heart that being confirmed, and having pleasure in thy glory may love.
(Here recite the petition) and that I may effectually see thy face whilst my body liveth,
and that the power of thy Holy Spirit may increase in me by thy health and the reward of all faithful
people to the health both of soul and body. Amen.
1. S: 22a Oracio.
S: Hanethi deus totius pietatis auctor et fundamentum omnium salus æterna et redempcio populorum
inspirator omnium graciarum et sanctitatum omnium purarum operacionum largitor immense de cuius munere
et misericordia venit ut tantum nobis famulis tuis indulgenciarum inspirare digneris augmentum qui et
[*eciam] mi [*michi] misero peccatori viã [*tua] concessisti scire sacramenta tu[ere]
domine defende et clarifica animam meam et libera cor meum de pravis huius mundi cogitacionibus et
incenciva [GH: incentiva] libidinis voluptate et omnis fornicacionis desideria in me potenter extingue
et reprime ut puritatibus tuis et actibus misticis ac virtutibus [GH adds: intentus] delectem
[GH: delecter] in eis et des mihi peticionem cordis mei ut in glorificacione tua confirmatus et
delectatus diligam te, quod valeam efficaciter tuam facialem visionem et sanctam meo vivente
corpusculo obtinere et augeatur in me virtus sancti spiritus per salutem tuam et renumeracionem
fidelium in salutam animæ [GH adds: mee] et corporis mei. Amen.
O God the almighty ffather of whõe cõmethe all yt Good Is & most
mercyfull O most myghty God burne my reynes wt the Grace of thy holy
sprite, & wt ye fyer of thy vysytacyon vysytt me this daye and be mercyfull
to me, & Graunte me thy mercy yt I may drynke of thy well evyn my fyll, &
yt I maye knowe thy wyll that I maye singe & see thy mervells whych arte 3
persõnes and oone God. Amen.
O God, the almighty father of whom cometh all that good is and most merciful, O most mighty God burn my
veins with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, and with the fire of thy visitation, visit me this day, and be
merciful to me, and grant me thy mercy, that I may drink of thy well even my fill, and that I may know
thy will, that I may sing and see thy marvels, which art three persons and one God. Amen.1
1. S: Deus pater immense a quo procedit omne quod est bonum misericordissime omnipotentissime deus
ure renes meos ex gracia spiritus sancti ut visitationis tuæ, visita me hodie, et propitius
esto mi [GH: michi] misericordiamque tuam conceda ut potem et satiar [GH: sacier] de
fonte qui deus es [est] et sciam voluntatem tuam benignissime et psallam et videam mirabilia tua
tu qui es deus trinus et unus. Amen.
heriona (vel haryona) allmyghty incomperhensible invisible &
indiuisible god this day doo I worship thy holy name I onworthy & most
wretchyd synner lyftinge up my prayers my understanding & my reason to thy
holy temple of thy celestyall ierusalem, & to stande befor thé this day my
god knowleginge ye to be my lord, & my creator, & my savyor & I a
reasonable creature I this day besiche thy glorious mekenes yt
thy holy sprite maye vyset my infyrmyte,
and thow o lorde my god which gavest to
moyses & aaron thy seruants, thorow fayth & puryte grace to see thé, gyue
unto me this daye ye grace of thy abundante swettenes wherwt thow didest
indewe thy seruantes, & wt ye knowledge which yu gauest them by ye
prophettes, & euyn as yu didest for aspace gyue unto them thy grace, even
so giue [sic] me ye grace of inuocencye which I desyer & powrge my
conscye~ce from dead workes, & leade my understandinge in to thy holy waye o
thow lorde god which didest vouchsaffe to create me to thyn owne image and
lykenes here me in thy ryghtewossies, & teche me in thy truthe, &
replenishe my soule wt thy grace accordinge to thy greate mercy yt I may so
miche ye more delyghte in ye multytude of thy mercyes, & in thy greate
workes, & yt I may haue pleasure in ye fulfillinge of thy cõmaundementes, &
being holpen with thy grace, & restored to good workes shall reioyce in
harte, & my conscyence beinge pourged I maye trust in ye, & may ffeede in
thy syghte, & exalte thy name becawse it is good, o lord sanctefy me this
daye in ye sighte of all thy sayntes yt I maye lyue in faythe pffytte hope,
& constante charitye of the visyon which I desyer, & yt thorow grace gotte~
I may be exalted strengthened & illumyned I may loue ye & know ye, & yt I
may haue assuredly inuocentye wisdome clennes & holynes whych yu
promisedest to geue unto men from ye seates of thy euerlastinge hylles, &
yt I may retayne them in my memorye o Jesu christ the only be gotte~ sonne
of god into whose handes ye father before (?) all worldes gaue all thinges
gyue unto me this daye for thy holy gloryous & ineffable names sake compete~
norischement & a redy yt whatsoeuer I aske thorow thy mercy & truthe, &
will it maye be gyuen me & all my prayers & actes maye be rooted
in thé and
confyrmed according to thy pleasure open unto me o lorde my god & father of
my lyffe ye fowndacyõ of ye syghte which I desyer to see, open unto me o
lorde ye fowntayne which thow openedest to ower forfather adam, and to
abraham, Isaac & Jacob thy seruantes yt thei mighte biliue loue & obey
glorifye and sanctefy ye, receue for me this day ye prayers & intercessyons
of all sayntes, and of all ye celestyall powers that I may be made apte to
be tawght. Amen.
[LXXXIV] [Oration 23.]
Heriona, almighty, incomprehensible, invisible, and indivisible God, this day do I worship thy
holy name, I unworthy and most wretched sinner, lifting up my prayers, my understanding, and my reason
to thy holy temple of thy celestial Jerusalem, and to stand before thee this day my God, acknowledging
thee to be my Lord, and my creator, and my savior, and I a reasonable creature -- I this day beseech
thy glorious meekness that thy Holy Spirit may visit my infirmity, and thou, O Lord my God, which gavest
to Moses and Aaron thy servants, through faith and purity, grace to see thee, give unto me this day the
grace of thy abundant sweetness wherewith thou didst endue thy servants, and with the knowledge which
thou gavest them by the prophets, and even as thou didst for a space give unto them thy grace, even so
give me the grace of innocence which I desire, and purge my conscience from dead works, and lead my
understanding into thy holy way. O thou Lord God, which didst vouchsafe to create me to thine own image
and likeness, hear me in thy righteousness, and teach me in thy truth, and replenish my soul with thy
grace according to thy great mercy, that I may so much the more delight in the multitude of thy
mercies, and in thy great works, and that I may have pleasure in the fulfilling of thy commandments,
and being holpen with thy grace, and restored to good works, shall rejoice in heart, and my conscience
being purged, I may trust in thee, and may feed in thy sight, and exalt thy name because it is good.
O Lord, sanctify me this day in the sight of all thy saints that I may live in faith, perfect hope,
and constant charity of the vision which I desire, and that through grace gotten I may be exalted,
strengthened, and illumined [that] I may love thee and know thee, and that I may haue assuredly
innocence, wisdom, cleanness, and holiness which thou promised to give unto men from the seats of thy
everlasting halls, and that I may retain them in my memory. O Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of
God, into whose hands the Father before (?) all worlds gave all things, give unto me this day for thy
holy, glorious, and ineffable names' sake competent nourishment and a ready (?) that whatsoever I ask
through thy mercy and truth and will, it may be given me and all my prayers and acts may be rooted
in thee and confirmed according to thy pleasure. Open unto me, O Lord my God and father of my life,
the foundation of the sight which I desire to see. Open unto me, O Lord the fountain which thou
openedest to our forefather Adam, and to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob thy servants, that they might
believe, love and obey, glorify and sanctify thee. Receive for me this day the prayers and
intercessions of all saints, and of all the celestial powers, that I may be made apt to be taught.
1. S: 23a Oracio.
Heriona omnipotens incomprehensibilis invisibilis deus adoro hodie nomen tuum sanctum ego
indignus et miserrimus peccator extollens Oracionem meam et intellectum meum et rationem meam
ad templum sanctum tuum cœlestis Ierusalem et assisti [*assisto] tibi hodie deus meus
ostendens te deum meum creatorem meum et salvatorem meum et ego creatura rationabilis invoco
hodie gloriosam clementiam tuam, ut visitet hodie spiritus sanctus tuus infirmitatem meam et tu
domine deus meus qui Mosi et Abrahamo [GH: Abrahe] servis tuis per fidem et puritatem visionis
tuæ graciam contulisti confer mi hodie graciam superioris dulcedinis tuæ
qua rorasti servos tuos et investigacionis qua investigasti eosdem per prophetas et scire [GH: sicut]
voluisti eis momentaneam conferre graciam. adhibe mi innocenciæ graciam quam
desidero et emunda conscienciam meam ab operibus mortuis et mitte cor me in viam rectam et
aperi illud ad te videndum. Destina intellectum meum ad viam sanctam tu domine deus qui me ad
imaginem et similitudinem tuam creare dignatus es. exaudi me in tua iusticia et doce me in tua
veritate et reple animam meam [gracia tua secundum magnam misericordiam tuam, ut] in similitudine
[*multitudine] miseraconum tuarum amplius <me> delecter et in operibus tuis magnis et
complaceam in administracionem [*administracione] mandatorum tuorum et secundum opera grciæ
tuæ adiutus et restauratus exaltabo [*GH: exaltato] corde et consciencia mea emundata
confidem in te et epuler in conspectu tuo et exalte nomen tuum quod est bonum.
O domine in conspectu sanctorum tuorum sanctifica me hodie ut in fide viva et spe perfecta et
charitate constanti visionis quam desidero adepta gracia exaltatus corroboratus et illuminatus
dilligam te et cognoscam te facialiter et innocenciam sapienciam et purificentiam de sedibus
tuis moncium æternitatis que hominibus [GH adds: dona] donanda promisisti sanctimonia et
firmiter habeam et memoriter retineam Ihesu Christe fili dei unigenite cui ante secula dedit
pater omnia in manus da mi hodie propter nomen sanctum tuum gloriosum et ineffabile
nutrimentum corporis et animæ. Ydoneam presta mihi et perspicuam voluntatem et animam
liberam et expeditam ut quicquid postulavero in tua misericordia et veritate pro voluntate
disponatur et omnis oracio mea et actio mea in beneplacito tuo radicata et confirmata existat.
[Here is a symbol like a "7" with circles in the three corners.] Aperi domine deus meus
et pater vitæ meæ fundamentum visionis quam desidero. Aperi mi fontem quem
app aperuisti prothoplaustro [GH: prothoplausto] Adæ et quem aperuisti servis tuis Abraham
Isaac et Iacob ad credendum diligendum obediendum clarificandum et sanctificandum. suscipa
[*suscipe] pro me hodie preces et Oraciones domine omnium sanctorum et omnium sanctarum celestium
virtutum [ut] omnium sancimoniarum tuarum docebilis constantor efficiar. Amen.
Iuestre (vel Celieste) I worshyp the kinge of kings & lord of lordes,
O everlasting & impmutable [sic] kinge understondinge this daye my crye,
and ye morninge of my sprite & harte yt my understoni_~ge [sic] being changed
& hauinge a fleshly harte in ye stidd of a stonye harte I maye trust in ye
O my lorde & sauyo^r^ [=savior], washe me inwardely o lorde wt thy new
sprite, and for ye evil understondinge of my fleshe giue me thy holy
understandinge & take from me yt that is evill changinge me into a new man
& yt thorow ye loue wherwt yu haste reformed ye worlde yu wilte reforme me,
& yt thy holynes may geue unto me ye encrese of all holynes, here this daye
O lorde my prayers wt ye which I cry unto ye, and open yu ye eyes of my
fleshe yt I may consyder perceue & understande ye meruells of them yt shall
be powrched & gloryfyed by thy spirytuall grace, yt beinge iustefyed in thy
ryghtewonsnes I maye preuele in ye sighte of ye devill which is aduersarye
to all faythfull people, here me O lord my god & be mercyfull unto me yu
which hast creatd me shew me this day thy mercy & putt forthe to me ye
helthfull cuppe yt I
may drinke, & be satisffyed of ye well of thy grace yu
O god & yt I may be oone of those which shall be sanctefyed & yt shall see
thy holy visyon which I desyer & wysche for this daye yt I may singe wt
under standinge in my soule, & may stande & beholde thy holy visyon, & lett
ye grace of thy holy sprite cum thys daye owt of heaue~ and rest in me.
[LXXXV] [Oration 24.]
Iuestre, I worship thee, king of kings and Lord of Lords, O everlasting and immutable king,
understanding this day my cry, and the mourning of my spirit and heart, that my understanding being
changed and having a fleshy heart instead of a stone heart, I may trust in thee O my Lord and savior.
Washe me inwardly O Lord with thy new spirit, and for the evil understanding of my flesh give me thy
holy understanding and take from me that which is evil, changing me into a new man, and that through
the love wherewith thou hast reformed the world thou wilt reform me, and that thy holiness may give
unto me the increase of all holiness. Hear this day, O Lord, my prayers, with the which I cry unto
thee, and open thou the eyes of my flesh, that I may consider, perceive, and understand the marvels
of them that shall be powrched and glorified by thy spiritual grace, that being justified in thy
righteousness I may prevail in the sight of the devil, which is adversary to all faithful people.
Hear me, O Lord my God, and be merciful unto me, thou which hast created me. Shew me this day thy
mercy, and put forth to me the healthful cup that I may drink, and be satisfied of the well of thy
grace, thou O God, and that I may be one of those which shall be sanctified and that shall see
thy holy vision which I desire, and wish for this day, that I may sing with understanding in my
soul, and may stand and behold thy holy vision, and let the grace of thy Holy Spirit come this
day out of Heaven and rest in me. Amen.
1. S: 24a Oracio.
Yrestre [GH: Yvestre] adoro te rex regnum [GH: regum] et domine dominancium rex æterne
inpermutabilis intellige hodie clamorem meum et spiritus mei et cordis mei gemitum
ut commutato intellectu meo et dato mi corde carneo pro lapideo respirem in
te dominum et salvatorem meum lava domine interiora mea spiritu tuo novo pro intellectu carnis
meæ malo pone domine intellectum tuum sanctum [GH adds bonum] et aufer a me quod malum
est commutans me in hominem novum ut dilectione qua reformasti mundum reformes me et salus
tua sancta mi bonae [*tue] sanctimoniæ tribuat incrimentum. exaudi hodie
domine preces meas quibus clamo ad te et revela oculos carnis meæ [ut] considerans
intelligens et custodiens mirabilia [de] glorificaturis et purificaturis graciæ tuæ
spiritualis ut [GH: in] iustificatus [GH: vivificatus] in iustificacionibus tuis prævaleam
in conspectu adversarij fidelium diaboli. exaudi me domine deus meus et propitius esto
mi qui plasmasti me. ostende mi hodie misericordiam tuam et parrige [GH: porrige]
mi vas salutare ut potem et sacier de fonte graciæ tuæ tu qui deus es ut de
sanctificaturis et de visionis tuæ facial'r [GH: facialis] monstrataris quas desidero et
adapto [GH: adopto] hodie psallam cum intellectu et anima et intuor [GH: intuer] et stem et fruar
in via immaculata visionis tuæ et veniat hodie de cœlo gracia spiritus sancti et
requiescat in me. Amen.
Saday oo lord I sinner confesse unto ye oo ffather maker of heauen &
earthe & of all visible & inuisible creatures ye disposer of all vertues, &
gyuer of all good graces, which, which kypest thy wysdõe & knowledge & thy
charyte frõ ye proud and wicked, & deest shew it to ye humble & meke,
humble this day my harte & stablyshe my understandinge, & my mynd, encrease
my understandinge & my cõscyence yt I may loue ye, understand ye & se ye,
sygne me this day O lord wt ye lyghte of thy countenãce that I beinge
renewed & clensed from all dede workes & all my sinnes may preuayle amonge
the~ yt shall see ye, proue me O most mercyfull & almighty god, & burne my
raynes strengthen my harte this daye, & illumyne it wt ye grace of thy holy
sprite, & vysett me wt Ye feruent grace of thy visitatyon lighten my mynde
& gyrde my loynes wt stronge stabylite, & piett in to my righte hande the
staffe of comforte, & lett me be washed amonge them yt shall be washed wt
thy droopes, & dyrecte my mynde into thy holynes, & confyrme my sprite wt
ye worke of thy handes yt all vyces & ffylthynes of synne beinge rooted owt
of me I maye strongely preuele in ye loue of thy mercyes inspire in to me O
lorde ye breihe of lyffe & encrease my mynde & my understandinge thorow ye
constancye & stablenes of thy holy spryte yt my spryte maye be conforted
[sic] & encrease in ye exercyse of thy workes & prayse, beholde O lorde &
cõsyder this daye ye worke of my mynde & lett thy godly will be shewed in
me & send owt of heaue~ unto me into ye earthe ye cõfortor thy holy spryte
yt he may stablyshe me & helpe
me, that I maye se thé and prayse thé and
enioye ye whõe I desyer which arte my grace my glorye & my defence. amen.
[LXXXVI] [Oration 25]
Saday, O Lord, I a sinner confess unto thee O Father, maker of Heaven and Earth, and of all visible
and invisible creatures, the disposer of all virtues, and giver of all good graces, which, which
keepest thy wisdom and knowledge and thy charity from the proud and wicked, and dost shew it to the
humble and meek, humble this day my heart, and establish my understanding and my mind. Increase my
understanding and my conscience, that I may love thee, understand thee, and see thee. Sign me this day
O Lord with the light of thy countenance, that I being renewed and cleansed from all deeds, works, and all
my sins, may prevaile among them that shall see thee, prove me O most merciful and almighty God, and burn my
rains (?), strengthen my heart this day, and illumine it with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, and visit me
with the fervent grace of thy visitation. Lighten my mind and gird my loins with strong stability, and
piety into my right hand the staff of comfort, and let me be washed among them that shall be washed with
thy droopes (?), and direct my mind into thy holiness, and confirm my spirit with the work of thy hands,
that all vices and filthiness of sin being rooted out of me, I may strongly prevail in the love of thy
mercies. Inspire into me, O Lord, the breath of life, and increase my mind and my understanding, through
the constancy and stableness of thy Holy Spirit, that my spirit may be comforted, and increase in the
exercise of thy works and praise. Behold O Lord, and consider this day the work of my mind, and let thy
godly will be shewed in me, and send out of Heaven unto me into the Earth the comforter thy Holy Spirit,
that he may establish me and help me, that I may see thee and praise thee, and enjoy thee whom I desire,
which art my grace, my glory, and my defense. Amen.
1. S: 25 Oracio.
Saday. domine confiteor tibi ego reus hodie pater cœli et terræ deus conditor omnium
visibilium et invisibilium creaturarum atque virtutum omnium et graciarum bonarum dispensator atque
largitor qui custodis sapienciam tuam scienciam et humilitatem tuam et charitatem tuam a superbis
et reprobis et revelas parvulis humilia hodie domine cor meum et intellectum meum stabilem facias
et mentem meam firmam et intelligenciam meam et conscienciam meam augmenta ut te diligam intelligam
et videam. signa domine hodie lumen vultus tui super me ut prorsus innovatus et mundatus ab omnibus
operibus mortis [&mortuis] et a pecctis meis prevaleam in visionibus et speculaturis tuis. proba me
misericordissime et omnipotentissime deus et vres [*ure] renes meos. corrobora hodie cor meum et
illustra gracia spiritus sancti et igne graciæ visitacionis tuæ visita me et illumina
mentem meam et fortitudine stabilitatis tuæ precinge lumbos meos et baculum confortacionis
da in dextram meam et in lauaturis stillarum tuarum me lotum facias et in sanctimoniis tuis dirige
mentem meam et in opera manuum tuarum. confirma spiritum meum et eradicatis vicijs omnibus et
sordibus peccatorum meorum prevaleam fortiter in dilectione misericordiarum tuarum.
[Here again the "7" symbol.] Inspira mi domine [hodie] spiraculum vitæ
et auge mentem meam et intellectum et racionem meam per spiritus sancti firmitatem et constanciam
ut in operibus laudum et visionum [GH: visurarum] tuarum excercitatus spiritus meus confortetur
et augeatur. vide domine et considera hodie laborem mentis meæ et fiat voluntas tua benigna
in me et de cœlo mitte in terram mihi consolatorem spiritum sanctum ut me stabilitate
perfecta muniat et auxilium mi conferat in videndis visionibus tuis et laudandis
laudibus tuis et fruendis fruicionibus tuis quas desidero quæ sunt gracia et gloria et
defensio mea. Amen.
Maloht + otheos + hara + magiel [*hatamagiel]2 + hacaha
[*hataha]3 + maryhel [*marihel]4 + gezozay + iezoramp [*iezoray]5 +
Gezozay + Saziel + Sazamay + Iezoramp + Zazamanp6 + Sacamap7 + Zachamay +
Iecornamas8 Iecoharnampde [*iecohornampda]9 + Salatiel [*salatihel]10 +
Gezomel + Zarathiel [*zarachiel]11 + megall [*megalis]12 + nachama13 +
nechamyha + Sazamaym + Suphonaym [*sophonaym]14 + Lazamar [*lazamair]15 +
mehisrampna + Hamamyl + Zamanyl + Syhel [*sihel]16 + Deloth + Hamamyn +
Hazeme + Loch [*hazemeloch]17 + moys + Ramna + Secozam [*secoram]18
Hanasichonea19 + Seronea + Zaramahe [*zaramahem]20 + <Sacromaahe>21 +
Sacromohem + Iegonomay + Zaramohem22 + Chades + Bachue [*bachuc]23 +
Iezemeloht + Harngo + Semorgizethon [*sezorgizechon]25 + Malaparos +
Malapatas + Helatay + Helahenay + mechay [*methay]26 + meray +
[LXXXVII] [Oration 26.]1
Maloht + otheos + hatamagiel + hataha + marihel + gezozay + iezoray + Gezozay + Saziel +
Sazamay + Iezoramp + Zazamanp + Sacamap + Zachamay + Iecornamas + iecohornampda + Salatiel +
Gezomel + Zarachiel + megalis + nachama + nechamyha + Sazamaym + sophonaym + lazamair +
mehisrampna + Hamamyl + Zamanyl + Sihel + Deloth + Hamamyn + hazemeloch + moys + Ramna +
Secoram + Hanasichonea + Seronea + Zaramahem + Sacromohem + Iegonomay + Zaramohem +
Chades + Bachuc + Iezemeloht + Harngo + Sezorgizechon + Malaparos + Malapatas + Helatay +
Helahenay + Methay + Meray +
1. S: "26 Oracio". The following oration is not marked with crosses or capital letters in S.
2-5. Per GH, S. 6. S: zazomanp. 7. S omits. 8. S: iecornanas.
9. Per S; GH: iecohoruampda. 10. Per GH; S: sabatihel. 11-12. Per GH, S.
13. S: nathama. 14-16. Per GH, S. 17. Per GH; S: hamemeloth. 18. Per GH; S: lecoram.
19. S: hanasichovea. 20. Per GH, S. 21. GH and S omit. 22. S: zaramahem
23. Per GH, S. 24. GH: harugo. 25-26. Per GH, S.
O mercyffull god O gentyll god O almighty god ye gyuer of all thinges
doo for me this daye whych doo beliue althynges possible helpe thys daye my
unbeliffe and haue mercy upon me eue~ as thow haddest mercy of adam when he
repented which also didest gyue unto him asoodayn gyfte of all vertues
thorow ye mercy of thy allmightynes giue unto me this daye thoro thy mercy
ye grace that I desyer yt I hauing delighte in ye greatenes of thy workes
may obtayne ye effecte of thy visyõ which I desyer, O most gentyll ffather
be nighe this daye unto my worke, O most gentyll sonne of god confyrme &
strenthen me breathe upon me wt thy holy sprite O holy & allmighty god
stablyshe my worke this daye and teche me that I may walke innocentely in
thy sighte O glorious god yt yu mayste delyghte in the abundance and thy
plentyfull grace yt ye violence of ye ffloode of thy most holy spryte may
make ye cyte of my harte gladd & may make it pwer in ye faythe of thy holy
visyon and in ye hope of ye effectuall inuocencye for ye which I labour and
maye replenishe my harte wt thy abundant charite, and quicken me
ye beames of thy holy spryte and defend me wt ye everlastinge loue of thy
abundant mercy, and yt thy grace be nott voyde in me I besiche thé o lorde
my god, but yt it maye abyde in me alwayes abundantly, hele my soule o
lorde wt thy inestymable & ineffable goodnys because I haue sinned agaynst
ye comfort my harte this daye yt I may receue inwardely that which yu wylte
gyue me and kepe it that I maye be apte and mite to see thy face thorow the
most holy sacramentes aforsayd thorow ye workinge of the grace of the
father of the sonne & of ye holy goost. Amen.
[LXXXVIII] [Latin Oration.]
O merciful God, O gentle God, O almighty God, the giver of all things, do for me this day, which
do believe all things possible, help this day my unbelief and have mercy upon me even as thou hadst
mercy on Adam when he repented, which also didst give unto him a suddain gift of all virtues
through the mercy of thy almightiness, give unto me this day through thy mercy the grace that I
desire, that I having delighted in the greatness of thy works may obtain the effect of thy vision
which I desire. O most gentle father, be nigh this day unto my work. O most gentle Son of God,
confirm and strengthen me. Breath upon me with thy Holy Spirit. O holy and almighty God, establish
my work this day, and teach me that I may walk innocently in thy sight, O glorious God, that thou
mayst delight in the abundance and thy plentiful grace, that the violence of the flood of thy most
Holy Spirit may make the site of my heart glad, and may make it pure in the faith of thy holy
vision, and in the hope of the effectual innocence, for the which I labor and may replenish my
heart with thy abundant charity, and quicken me with the beams of thy Holy Spirit, and defend me
with the everlasting love of thy abundant mercy, and [grant] that thy grace be not void in me.
I beseech thee, O Lord my God, but that it may abide in me always abundantly. Heal my soul, O
Lord, with thy inestimable and ineffable goodness, because I have sinned against thee. Comfort my
heart this day, that I may receive inwardly that which thou wilt give me, and keep it that I may
be apt and mite to see thy face, through the most holy sacraments aforesaid, through the working
of the grace of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
1. S: Oracio latina.
Pie deus clemens deus misericors deus d'ns omnipotens õis dans fac mi credenti
hodie omnia possibilia et adiuva hodie incredulitatem meam et miserere mei hodie sicut misertus
es Adæ pœnitentis [*-ti] qui ei subitaneam per omnipotenciæ tuæ
misericordiam multarum virtutum contulisti graciam confer mi hodie per omnipotenciæ
tuæ misericordiam graciam quam desidero ut in magnificencia operum tuorum delectatus
potesate tue virtutis efficaciam facialis visionis quam desidero valeam adipisti. adesto
clementissime pater hodie operi meo et clarifica me benigne alme clementissime unigenite fili dei.
confirma me aspira me flamine spiritus sancti. omnipotens sancte deus consolida hodie opus meum et
doce me ut ambulem in innocencia tui ipsius dei gloriosi. et glorieris [GH: glorier] in
multitudine effluentis graciæ tuæ ut impetus fluminis sanctissimi spiritus
unitatem [GH: civitatem] cordis mei letificet et dupurot [GH: depuret] in fide visionis sanctæ
et in spe efficaciæ [et] innocenciæ pro qua laboro et cor meum charitatis largitate
repleat et instauret et radijs spiritus sancti munificet et muniet charitate [GH: c[l]aritate]
æterna affluentis misericordiæ et non sit in me vanitas [GH: vacua te] quaeso deus meus
gracia tua quæ p' [deest GH] manet [GH: maneat] semper et multipliciter in me sana domine
animam meam pietate clemenciæ tuæ ineffabilis et inæstimabilis quia peccavi
tibi et conforta cor meum hodie ut quod mi tribues [GH: trades] in me [GH: intranee]
recupiã [GH: recipiam] et teneam ut aptitudinem facialis et sanctæ tuæ
visionis habeam per hæc sacramenta tua sanctissima prefata cooperante gracia patris et
filij et S. S. Amen.
Sechce (vel Sethye) oo godely father O mercyfull soñe, O gentyll holy
spryte 3 p'soñes and oone god, O ineffable and inestymable kinge I besiche
ye and thy holy name, & thy aboundant ryghteousnes which worketh all
thinges yt yu wylte remitte & forgyue and haue mercy upõ me wretched synner
persumi~g unto this worke which I haue begone yt is to know and haue ye
sighte of ye yt yu O my lorde and thy grace which I desyer may abundantely
wer and grow stronge in me, open o lorde myn eares yt I may here, comfforte
my handes yt I may worke clense ye syghte of myn eyes yt I may see, make me
cercamspecte yt I may p'forme and bringe to passe, strengthen my sytte yt I
may walke, open my nosthrells and my mowgthe yt I may smelle and taste, and
speke, those thinges yt may be plesant unto ye now and euer to the honor of
thy name which is blyssed for euer. amen.
[LXXXIX] [Oration 27.]
Sechce, O Godly Father, O merciful Son, O gentle Holy Spirit, three persons and one God,
O ineffable and inestimable king, I beseech thee and thy holy name, and thy abundant righteousness
which worketh all things that thou wilt remit, and forgive, and have mercy upon me, a wretched sinner,
presuming unto this work, which I have begone, that is, to know and have the sight of thee, that thou,
O my Lord, and thy grace which I desire, may abundantly wer (?) and grow strong in me. Open, O Lord,
mine ears that I may hear, comfort my hands, that I may work; cleanse the sight of mine eyes, that I
see, make me circumspect, that I may perform and bring to pass; strengthen my sight, that I may walk;
open my nostrils and my mouth that I may smell and taste, and speak those things that may be pleasant
unto thee now and ever, to the honor of thy name, which is blessed forever. Amen.
1. S: 27 Oracio.
Sethce [GH: Sechce] pie pater misericors fili clemens spiritus sancte deus rex ineffabilis et inestimabilis
trinus et unus deus adoro te invoco te et deprecor te et sanctum nomen tuum et supereffluentem
æternitatem [GH: equitatem] tuam operantem omnia: quatinus ignoscas indulgeas et
miserearis mihi peccatori misero præsumenti et officium quod aggressus sum de visione
videnda in me sentiam et cognoscam et tu domine mi ut gracia quam desidero efficaciter in me
vigeat et convalescat aperi in me domine aures meas potenter ut audiam. Conforta manus meas
ut operer exterge lumen [GH: luctum] oculorum meorum ut videam dilata circumspeccionem meam,
ut prospiciam et lucescam confirma pedes meos ut ambulem expedi nares meas et os meum ut
olfaciam et sentiam et loquar tibi placita nunc et semper ad honorem nominis tui quod est
benedictum in secula. Amen.
Alstha (vel Elsta) O my God thys daye doo Lyft up ye sensys of my
fleshe unto ye and my harte yt I may please thé this daye O lorde and that
my syghyng may be knowne in thy sight and yt my wordes and workes may be
acceptable in thy sighte, & lett thy allmighty goodenes & mercye shyne in
my bowelles, & lett my mynde be effectually clensed in thy workes & lett
thy glorye encrease in my soule, lett thy
grace floryshe in my harte and in
my mowthe yt ye synne which I haue committed I may putt awaye evyn as marye
magedelen dyd put awaye hers, & yt I maye p'forme and brynge to effecte
that wiche I shall receyue of ye gyfte of thy grace euyn as thy holy
apostle saynt paule dyd, & as abraham kepe It & as Isaac remembred it so I
may remember it & yt beynge fownded and rooted in ye strength of thy
puernes, I may reioyce yt ye fowndatyõ of thy mercy is layd in me, & yt I
delyghtynge in ye workes of thy handes may contynually obtayne rightwosnes
and peace of mynde & body, & shortely after ye holy visyõ of ye & Inioye it
contynually, & ye grace of thy holy spryte plenteosly workinge in me I maye
reioyce yt I haue ouercome all ye craftes and subteltyes of myn enemyes
bothe vysyble and Invysyble. Amen.
[XC] [Oration 28.]
Alscha, O my God, this day do lift up the senses of my flesh unto thee, and my heart, that
I may please thee this day O Lord, and that my sighing may be known in thy sight, and that my words
and works may be acceptable in thy sight, and let thy almighty goodness and mercy shine in my bowels,
and let my mind be effectually cleansed in thy works, and let thy glory increase in my soul. Let thy
grace flourish in my heart and in my mouth, that the sin which I have committed I may put away, even
as Mary Magdelin did put away hers, and that I may perform and bringe to effect that which I shall
receive of the gift of thy grace, even as thy holy apostle Saint Paul did, and as Abraham kept it,
and as Isaac remembered it, so I may remember it and that being founded and rooted in the strength
of thy pureness, I may rejoice that the foundation of thy mercy is laid in me, and that I delighting
in the works of thy hands, may continually obtain righteousness, and peace of mind and body, and
shortly after the holy vision of thee and enjoy it continually, and the grace of thy Holy Spirit,
plentiously working in me I may rejoice that I have overcome all the crafts and subtlties of mine
enemies both visible and invisible. Amen.
1. S: 28a Oracio.
Alscha [GH: Elscha]: extallo sensus carnis meae ad te hodie domine deus meus et elevo hodie
cor meum ad te ut placeant tibi domine hodie gemitus mei et representatio in conspectu tuo et
complaceant ut [?, GH omits] verba et opera mea in conspectu tuo et refugeat hodie
omnipotentia tua et misericordia in visceribus meis et clarificetur mens mea efficaciter
in operibus tuis et conclarescat glorificacio in anima mea et germine gracia tua in corde meo
et ore meo ut quod commisero vel peccavero ita diluam sicut beata Maria magdalena diluit et
ita in tuo dono graciæ quod a te recepero perficiam, sicut sanctus Apostolus tuus
Paulus perfecit et sicut custodivit Abraham ita custodiam sicut memoriter tenuit Iacob
teneam ut in purificaturarum tuarum virtute fundatus et radicatus in me tuæ
misericordiæ fundamentum confirmatum glorier acquisisse et delectatus in operibus
manuum tuarum iusticiam et pacem mentis meæ et corporis et paulo post sanctam visionem
perseveranter adoptem et adipiscar et custodiam et spiritus sancti tui domine plenarie in [me]
operante gracia hostium sive visibilium sive invisibilium mi adversancium insidias
atque versucias gaudeam superasse. Amen.
Obdadia (vel Abladya) O god ye disposer and distrybuter of all
kyngdomes and of all power visible and invisible ye governor of good wells
dispose my wyll after ye cownsell of thy good spiryte and quicke~ this daye
my weykenes and my weyke power, & order my mynde aryghte oo lorde & my wyll
to goodenes O lorde yt it maye please ye, and of thy gentyll lyberallyte
grauntt me mercyffully thy manyffolde grace nott lokinge to ye multytud of
my synnes but acordinge to my desyer gyue me a wyll conformable to ye and a
wytt reioysing in the power gyng ye grace of my soule gyuing unto it a good
affectyon wt thy grace & vysitt me wt ye vysytacyon of thy holy spryte that
the fylthynes which I haue thorow my fleshe or thorow my byrthe may be putt
awaye thorow thydeuyne and ineffable goodenes wt the which in ye begi_~ni_~ge
thow didest wouchsaffe to creat heauen and
earthe yt thy spirytuall & great mercy wt
ye which thow didest
vchsaffe to restore agayne man beinge lost
to the olde state of grace ffrom whome ye will and Judgement of ye deuyll
hadd taken awaye ye lybertye to se thy face thow o lorde whose wytt whose
wisdome and brightenes recheth from the beginninge to ye endinge disposing
all things pleasauntly myghtely and mercyfully restore in me all sinceryte
and puernes that I onworthy and wretched synner being confyrmed in all thy
workes maye of them be made well seme and excellent in those thinges which
I desyer, and that I may obtayne the 3 folde and seuenfolde grace of the
father + ye sonne + and of the holy gost + that I maye obtayne the holy
syght of the hooly and gloryous trynite whyle I lyue the lordgrauntyng &
admynistrynge and workinge it by his most hooly grace which lyuethe and
regneth threy and oone. Amen.
[XCI] [Oration 29.]
Abbadya, O God, the disposer and distributor of all kingdoms and of all power, visible
and invisible, the governor of good wills, dispose my will after the counsel of thy good spirit,
and quicken this day my weakness and my weak power, and order my mind aright, O Lord, and my will
to goodness, O Lord, that it may please thee, and of thy gentle liberality. Grant me mercifully
thy manifold grace, not looking to the multitude of my sins, but according to my desire give me a
will conformable to thee, and a wit, rejoicing in the power, giving the grace of my soul, giving
unto it a good affection with thy grace, and visit me with the visitation of thy Holy Spirit, that
the filthiness which I have through my flesh, or through my birth may be put away through thy
divine and ineffable goodness, with the which in the beginning thou didst vouchsafe to create
Heaven and Earth, that thy spiritual and great mercy with thee, which thou didst vouchsafe to
restore again man, being lost to the old state of grace from whom the will and judgment of the
devil had taken away the liberty to see thy face, thou O Lord whose wit, whose wisdom, and
brightness reacheth from the beginning to the ending, disposing all things pleasantly, mightily,
and mercifully. Restore in me all sincerity and pureness, that I [an] unworthy and wretched
sinner being confirmed in all thy works may of them be made well, seem, and excellent, in those
things which I desire, and that I may obtain the three-fold and seven-fold grace of the Father +
the Son + and of the Holy Ghost + that I may obtain the holy sight of the holy and glorious
Trinity while I live, the Lord granting and administering, and working it by his most holy
grace, which liveth and reigneth three and one. Amen.
S: 29 Oracio.
Abbadya omnium regnorum sive potestatum sive [GH om.] visibilium sive invisibilium dispensator
atque dispositor deus et omnium bonarum voluntatum ordinator tu domine consilio tui boni
spiritus dispone voluntatem meam et vivifica hodie potestatem meam debilem et imbecillitatem
meam et inordinacionem mentis meæ ordina domine voluntatem meam in bonum et in beneplacito
tuo et mi graciam tuam multiformem in benignitate dispenscionis largire propitius
non ad multitudinem pecctorum meorum respiciens sed mihi qui [GH: que] desidero voluntatem
tibi conformem sensum in te iubilantem animæ graciam clarificantem in me confirma et
effectum meum cum gracia tua animæ meæ accommoda et visita me visitacione
spiritus sancti ut <et> quod ex carnis macula sive quod ex nativitate ex peccati
labe contraxi divina tua [illa] ineffabilis pietas aboleat qua in principio cœlum et
terram creare voluisti illa spiritualis magna misericordia tua restauret quia [GH: qua]
hominem perditum ad graciæ pristinum statum amissum revocare dignatus es cui iudicium
Sathanæ facultatis [GH: -tatem] visionis abstulit et intellectus. tu domine cuius
sensus atque sapiencia et claritas est attingens a fine usque ad finem et disponens omnia
fortiter suaviter et misericorditer omnem sinceritatem atque puritatem in me restituas.
ut ego indignus peccator et miser in omnibus operibus tuis confirmatus in [GH adds: hiis]
quæ desidero ab illis [GH: habilis] efficiar et perspicuus et claribundus triplici
et septemplici patris et filij et S. S. largitate officiar ad obtinendum sanctam facialem
sanctæ et gloriosæ trinitatis visionem meo vivente corpusculo deo prestante et
administrante cooperante sua sanctissima gracia qui vivit et regnat trinus et unus. Amen.
Alpha . et . omega God and lord of all lyuinge creatures the admynystrator
and Increaser of all visyble and invisyble thinges Gyvinge all thinges to
all creatures accordinge to ye abundance of his mercye, accordinge to ye
deseruynges of angells and men shide into me the abundance of the
celestyall grace, and the grace of thy holy spryte maye this daye illumyne
my harte, and thow o lorde encrease in me the gyftes of thy holy spiryte,
and strengthen me and renew in me ye Inwarde man and washe me wt ye dewe of
thy grace wt ye which thow hast moystered ye angells adowrne me wt the
abundance of thyn Innocencye, wt ye which thow hast adourned and beautyfyed
thy faythfull frome ye beginni_~ge, yt ye gyftes of ye seue~ffolde grace of ye
holy gost maye worke in me, and ye waters of ye celestyall fluddes of the
celestyall Jerusalem rõin_~g wt great veheme~cye maye washe and fyll the nytt
of my conscyence that it maye ouerfflow wyth the brightenes wherwt thow
cõmest owt of heauen upon ye waters of ye holy & pure sacrame~t of ye
maiesty & cõfyrme in me ye mightie thinges of this most holy visiõ. amen.
[XCII] [Oration 30.]
Alpha and Omega, God and Lord of all living creatures, the administrator and increaser of all
visible and invisible things, giving all things to all creatures according to the abundance of his
mercy, according to the deservings of angels and men, shide into me the abundance of the celestial
grace, and the grace of thy Holy Spirit. May this day illumine my heart, and thou O Lord increase in
me the gifts of thy Holy Spirit, and strengthen me and renew in me the inward man, and wash me with
the dew of thy grace with the which thou hast moystered (?) the angels. Adorn me with the abundance
of thine innocence, with the which thou hast adorned and beautified thy faithfull from the beginning,
that the gifts of the seven-fold grace of the Holy Ghost may work in me, and the waters of the
celestial floods of the celestial Jerusalem, coming with great vehemence may wash and fill the nit
of my conscience, that it may overflow with the brightness wherewith thou comest out of Heaven upon
the waters of the holy and pure sacrament of the majesty and confirm in me the mighty things of
this most holy vision. amen.
1. S: 30a Oracio.
Alpha et omega: deus vivorum dominator et omnium visibilium et invisibilium administrator
fæcundator omnibus omnia singulis singula tribuens secundum naturæ suæ
facultatem pro [e-]qualitate meritorum angelorum et hominum graciæ cœlestis
largitatem in me infunde et [*ut] gracia spiritus sancti hodie cor meum et animam meam illustret
et tu domine multiplica in me dona spiritus sancti et corrobora et innova [in] me interiorem
hominem et facunda [GH: fecunda] me rore tuæ graciæ qua anglos [*angelos] rorasti et
adorna me largitate innocenciæ tuæ qua a principio fideles tuos adornasti ut in me
operentur septiformis graciæ munera spiritus sancti et aque superioris fluminis Ierusamem
cum impitu [GH: impetu] fluentes puteum conscienciæ meæ et animum meum irrigent
repleant et exuberent charitate qua de cœlo venisti super aquas magestatis [GH: maiestatis]
tuæ. huius pure [GH: puri] sacramenti in me confirma magnalia [ac] huius sanctæ
visionis. Amen.
Leiste (vel Trayeste) I conffesse to thé o lorde god the ffather of
all thyng whych hast shewyd unto us thy celestyall secretes thé doo I
humbly besiche, and thy maiesty doo I desyre and prayse yt euen as yu arte
kinge and prynce of thowghts wylls sowls and all other vertues euyn so here
my prayers this daye and lett my workes prosper in thy sighte, and lett my
dedys preuayle in the syghte of all celestyall powers, I cry this daye unto
ye oo my god now here my crye, I make my moone to thé thys daye here the
morning of my harte, and I commende this daye my sprite, my body, my soule
in to thy handes and my thowghts oo my father & my god & lett me nott
perceue my selfe to be forsaken of thé but gyue unto me thy mercy yt thy
name maye be exalted in me. o most gentyll god ye holy gost, whose
goodenes is everlasting, whose mercye is incomperhensible, whose bryghtenes
is perpetuall wherof heaue~ & earthe is full breath & looke upon me oo
lorde, & unto this my worke, and for thy honor & prayse grawnt unto me yt
that I deuoutly aske & all forwardenes towarde thy holy visiõ thorow thy
godely dispensatyõ may be fulfilled in me. teache me O lord for in ye doo
I putt my selfe to be tawght, puryfy me for in ye doo I putt my selfe to be
puryfyed, clarify me for in ye doo I putt mi selfe to be clarefied, make me
cleane for in ye doo I putt my selfe to be clensyd, make me i_~nocent for in
ye doo I putt my selfe to be made i_~noce~t, gloryfye me O lord for in ye doo
I putt my selfe to be glorified, gouerne me O lorde for in ye doo I putt my
selfe to be gouerned, & power ye faythe of thy
grace into me, and fasien it
in me that the holy gost maye cum into me & maye reygne and governe me yt I
may obtayne this holy visyon. Amen.
[XCIII] [Oration 31.]
Leiste, I confess to thee, O Lord God, the father of all things, which hast shewed unto
us thy celestial secrets. Thee do I humbly beseech, and thy majest do I desire and praise, that
even as thou art king and prince of thoughts, wills, souls, and all other virtues, even so hear
my prayers this day, and let my works prosper in thy sight, and let my deeds prevail in the
sight of all celestial powers, I cry this day unto thee O my God, now hear my cry. I make my
moan to thee this day; hear the mourning of my heart, and I commend this day my spirit, my body,
my soul, into thy hands, and my thoughts, O my Father and my God, and let me not perceive myself
to be forsaken of thee, but give unto me thy mercy, that thy name may be exalted in me. O most
gentle God, the Holy Ghost, whose goodness is everlasting, whose mercy is incomprehensible,
whose brightness is perpetual, whereof Heaven and Earth is full, breathe and look upon me, O
Lord, and unto this my work, and for thy honor and praise grant unto me that which I devoutly
ask, and all forwardness toward thy holy vision, through thy godly dispensation may be fulfilled
in me. Teach me, O lord, for in thee do I put myself to be taught. Purify me for in thee do I
put myself to be purified. Clarify me, for in thee do I put myself to be clarified. Make me
clean, for in thee do I put myself to be cleansed. Make me innocent, for in thee do I put
myself to be made innocent. Glorify me, O lord, for in thee do I put myself to be glorified.
Govern me, O Lord, for in thee do I put myself to be governed, and pour the faith of thy
grace into me, and fasten it in me, that the Holy Ghost may come into me, and may reign and
govern me, that I may obtain this holy vision. Amen.
S: Oration 31a.
[S3 adds: dicenda cum o~rone Salomonis Rothon. celi ante Invocationem angelorum.]
Leyste [S3: Leiste] profiteor tibi hodie [S3: d~ne = domine] deus pater omnium qui secreta
celestia ostendisti [S3: ostende]. Te deprecor suppliciter et maiestatem tuam [S3: tuam maistatem]
precor et exoro ut sicut tu ex [S3: es] rex et princeps cogitacionum voluntatum et animarum et
omnium virtutum aliarum hodie exaudi preces meas et dirigantur operaciones meæ in conspectu
tuo et actiones meæ in conspectu cœlestium virtutum prevaleant clamo hodie ad te
deus meus nunc exaudi clamorem meum ingemisco ad te hodie exaudi gemitus cordis mei et ego
comuendo [GH: commendo] hodie spiritum meum corpus meum et animam meam in manus tuas et
cogitaciones meas pater mi et deus meus et ne me a te senciam derelictum sed [GH: set]
misericordiam tuam mi tibue et exaltetur
[GH: misericordiam tuam in me [senciam], et exaltetur]
nomen tuum in me clementissime spiritus sancti deus cuius bonitas est æterna cuius
misericordia est incomprehensibilis cuius perpetua claritas cuius possessione pleni sunt
cœli et terra. aspira et respire in me domine et [GH inserts: intende] ad hanc operacionem
meam et quod in me [GH: tue] laudis honorem [GH: honore] devote postulo mi concede
et [*ut] in me omnis profectus facialis et sanctæ visionis [GH: visione] dispensacionem
[GH: dispensacione] divina compleatur. doce me domine qd [GH: qui] in te pono me
docendum purifica me domine qd [GH: quia] in te pono me purificandum clarifica me
qd [GH: quia] in te pono me clarificandum, mundifica me [GH adds: Domine]
qd [GH: quia] in te pono me mundificandum, Innocentifica me qd [GH: quia]
in te pono me innocentificandum glorifica me domine qd [GH: quia] in te pono me
glorificandum, rege me domine qd [GH: quia] in te pono me regendum et in me graciæ
tuæ fidem infunde et fige ut spiritus sanctus in me veniat regnet et imperet pro hac
sancta visione divina. Amen.
Horiston (vel Horystyon) O god be cause I ame thy servan_~t I serue thé
this daye and confesse befor the maiestye of thy glorye in whose syghte all
magnyfycence and all holynes is I besiche thy holy and ineffable name yt yu
woldest this daye bowe ye eares of thy pytye to ye offyce of this my worke
& ope~ ye eyes of thy maiestye yt thy hande beinge ope~ I maye be satysffyed
wt ye grace which I desyer & made fruytffull wt
charyte & bryghtenes wherwt
yu hast ffowded heaven & earthe omst [?] godly ffather of thy lyberalyte
which lyuest and reygnest one god worlde wt owt ende. Amen.
[XCIV] [Oration 32.]
Horistion, O God, because I am thy servant I serve thee this day, and confess before the
majesty of thy glory in whose sight all magnificence and all holiness is. I beseech thy holy and ineffable
name that thou wouldest this day bow the ears of thy pity to the office of this my work and open the eyes
of thy majesty, that thy hand being open, I may be satisfied with the grace which I desire, and made
fruitful with charity and brightness, wherewith thou hast founded Heaven and Earth, O most godly
Father of thy liberality, which livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen.
1. S: 32a Oracio.
Horistion: domine quia ego seruus tuus f' [? GH omits] sum servio tibi hodie et confiteor
coram maiestate gloriæ tuæ in cuius conspectu omnis manificencia [GH: magnificencia]
et sanctimonia est, et deprecor sanctum et ineffabile nomen tuum quatinus ad tantæ
operacionis meæ officium [GH: effectum] hodie aures tuæ pietatis inclines et
oculos tuæ maiestatis accomodes ut aperiente [GH adds te] manu tua [GH: manum tuam]
graciam [GH: *gracia] quam desidero sacier et fæcunder charitate et claritate qua
cœlum fundasti et terram, te pater pijssime largitate [GH: largiente] qui vivis et
regnas solus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.
Ieremon (vel ysemon) O most mekest my lorde and my god haue mercy upon
me and forgeve my synnes heale my soule, for I haue synned agaynst ye, deny
nott yt thinge to oone which thow hast gyuen to mãy [many? Mani?!] heare o god
the prayer of thy servant N. & yt in what daye soeuer I shall call upon ye
thow wylte here me quickeli as yu dydest here holy marye magdalene receue o
lorde ye prayers of him yt confessythe hymselfe to ye, & here ye voyce of
my prayer thorow ye intercessyon of ye most blessyd virgin marye thy
mother, & of all thy sayntes yt ye prayers & intercessyons which I make to
thé in this hower for this holy vysyõ may cum to thy pytyffull eares yt I
thorow thy most holy & sacred names which be these: Hosel + Iesel +
Hazaiacol + Iosel + Anthiachar + Hazacol + Gezor + Gezamyhor + namathar +
Senales + Iole + Tharotheos + Lochos + Genos + Halla + Samyyhel [?] + Ramay
+ Sacharios + Logos + Patir + Saraht + Iothosym. Beinge clensyd and
purefyd and clarefyed made innocent and consecrate maye see the glorious
and holy sighte of thy face thorow or lord Jesus christ which lyueth &
raygneth worlde wyth owt ende. Amen.
[XCV] [Oration 33.]
Jeremon, O most meekest, my Lord and my God, have mercy upon me and forgive my sins. Heal my
soul, for I have sinned against thee. Deny not that thing to one which thou hast given to many.
Hear, O God, the prayer of thy servant N. and that in what day soever I shall call upon thee
thou wilt hear me quickly, as thou didst hear holy Mary Magdalene. Receive, O Lord, the prayers of
him that confesseth himself to thee, and hear the voice of my prayer, through the intercession of
the most blessed virgin Mary, thy mother, and of all thy saints, that the prayers and intercessions
which I make to thee in this hour for this holy vision may come to thy pitiful ears, that I through
thy most holy and sacred names which be these: Hosel + Iesel + Hazaiacol + Iosel + Anthiachar +
Hazacol + Gezor + Gezamyhor + namathar + Senales + Iole + Tharotheos + Lochos + Genos + Halla +
Samyhel + Ramay + Sacharios + Logos + Patir + Saraht + Iothosym, being cleansed and
purified and clarified, made innocent, and consecrate, maye see the glorious and holy sight of thy
face, through our Lord Jesus Christ, which liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen.
1. S: 33a Oracio.
S: Seremon [GH: Jeremon]. clementissime domine deus meus et miserere mei et parce malis meis
sana animam meam quia peccavi tibi non obneges [GH: abneges] uni quod pluribus contulisti
exaudi deus oracionem famuli tui N. et in quacunque die invocavero te velociter exaudi me
sicut exaudisti sanctam M. magdalenam. suscipe domine clamorem confitentis tibi [GH: ad te],
audi vocem precantis et [GH adds: per] oraciones beatissimæ Mariæ virginis
matris tuæ atque omnium sanctorum tuorum ut oraciones et preces preveniant ad aures
pietatis tuæ quas ego N. pro hac sancta visione effundo coram te in hac hora ut per tua
sanctissima nomina et sacramenta. quæ sunt hosel iesel hazaiacol. Iosel
anthiathar [GH: authiachar] hazacol gezor gezamyhor namathar senales iole tarotheos lochos
genos halla samyhel ramay sacharios logos patir sarahe [GH: sarahc] iothosym. mundatus
purificatus clarificatus innocentificatus et consecratus ad hanc gloriosam <gloriam> [GH om.]
et sacramti [GH: sacram] tui facialem visionem, [GH adds: pervenire merear]
prestante domino nostro Ihesu Christo qui vivit et regnat per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.
Hosbor O hyghe lord O Inuisible god, O inestimable god O ineffable
god, O incomutable god, O Incorruptyble god, O pytyffull god, O most
swytest god, O hyghe and gloryous god, O Infynyte god, O almighte god,
father of all mercy I unworthye synner full of iniquite deceyte & malyce cu~
humbly unto thy mercye prayinge & besechinge ye nott to looke upon all myn
& innumerable synnes but eue~ as yu arte wonte to haue mercye upon synners &
to here ye prayers of ye humble & meke, euyn so wouchsaffe to here me thy
servant N. allthough unworthe crying unto ye ffor this most hooly & godely
vision most humbly & hartely asking it of ye by prayer adourned wt thy holy
& sacred names which are these: Hosel + Iesel + etc. yt I may haue vertue
& grace which I ought to haue for suche an hyge visyon that Is to saye
pryte, Inuocencye, clerenes, wysdome, holines, charyte, sinceryte,
humilite, stedfastenes & good wyll thorow thy gyft whych syttest in the
hyghest to whome be laude glorye and honoer worlde wyth owt ende. Amen.
[XCVI] [Oration 34.]
Hosbor, O high Lord, O invisible God, O inestimable God, O ineffable God, O incommutable God,
O incorruptible God, O pitiful God, O most sweetest God, O high and glorious God, O infinite God,
O almighty God, father of all mercy, I [an] unworthy sinner, full of iniquity, deceit, and malice
come humbly unto thy mercy, praying and beseeching thee not to look upon all mine innumerable sins,
but even as thou art wont to have mercy upon sinners and to hear the prayers of the humble and meek,
even so vouchsafe to hear me, thy servant N., although unworthy, crying unto thee for this most holy
and godly vision, most humbly and heartily asking it of thee by prayer adorned with thy holy and
sacred names which are these: Hosel + Iesel + etc. that I may have virtue and grace which I
ought to have for such an high vision, that is to say, purity, innocence, clearness, wisdom, holiness,
charity, sincerity, humility, steadfastness, and good will, through thy gift which sittest in the
highest to whom be laud, glory, and honor, world without end. Amen.
1. S: 34a Oratio.
Hostor [GH: Hofbor] excelse domine deus invisibilis deus inestimabilis deus ineffabilis deus
incommutabilis deus incorruptibilis deus pijssime deus dulcissime deus excelse deus gloriose
deus immense deus omnipotens deus pater totius misericordie ego licet indignus et plenus
iniquitate dolo et malicia supplex ad tuam venio misericordiam orans et deprecans
ut non respias ad uniuersa et innumerabilia peccata mea. sed [GH: set] sicut consueuisti
peccatorum misereri et preces humilium exaudire. ita me famulum tuum N. licet indignum exaudire
digneris clamantem ad te pro hac sanctissima uisione diuina humiliter et desiderantissime a te
postulata prece tuis sanctis sacramentis insignita quæ sunt: hosel iesel
[S2: vosel . iesel .] (ut prius) [GH: et cetera] ut virtutem et graciam quam pro tanta visione
habere debeo habeam. scilicet puritatem et innocenciam et claritatem sapienciam et sanctitatem
charitatem et sinceritatem et humilitatem et firmitatem et bonam voluntatem te ipso prestante
qui sedes in altissimis. cui laus est atque gloria et honor per infinita seucla seculorum.
[Si seriem1 harum oracionum scire vis, respices [GH: respice] seciem .100. nominum dei
huius libri, quia per illa semper incipiunt oraciones. // Et nota quod illa sacra dei nomina
predicta .hosel. Iesel. et cetera debent dici paulo post principium orande eciam in
principia cuiuslibet oracionis.
1. S2 adds.
[The Ms. continues with the second part "of clensyng or makyng clene to
obtayne the syght of the deyte"]