God's Eternal Purpose


1. Universes made to be inhabited.
“The myriads of planetary systems were all made to be eventually inhabited by many different types of intelligent creatures, beings who could know God, receive the divine affection, and love him in return. The universe of universes is the work of God. and the dwelling place of his diverse creatures. ‘God created the heavens and formed the earth; he established the universe and created this world not in vain; he formed it to be inhabited.’” (21.2) 1:0.2 Isa. 45:18.
2. Finites exist because of the eternal purpose.
“The realms of the finite exist by virtue of the eternal purpose of God. Finite creatures, high and low, may propound theories, and have done so, as to the necessity of the finite in the cosmic economy, but in the last analysis it exists because God so willed. The universe cannot be explained, neither an a finite creature offer a rational reason for his own individual existence without appealing to the prior acts and pre-existent volition of ancestral beings, Creators or procreators.” (1260.5) 115:1.4
3. The eternal purpose is attainable by all.
“There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. And the infinite treasures of such a matchless career are yours for the striving!
“The goal of eternity is ahead! The adventure of divinity attainment lies before you! The race for perfection is on! Whosoever will may enter, and certain victory will crown the efforts of every human being who will run the race of faith and trust, depending every step of the way on the leading of the indwelling Adjuster and on the guidance of that good spirit of the Universe Son, which so freely has been poured out upon all flesh.” (365.3) 32:5.7
1. Infinite plans of the eternal purpose.
“Because the First Father is infinite in his plans and eternal in his purposes, it is inherently impossible for any finite being ever to grasp or comprehend these divine plans and purposes in their fullness. Mortal man can glimpse the Father’s purposes only now and then, here and there, as they are revealed in relation to the outworking of the plan of creature ascension on its successive levels of universe progression. Though man cannot encompass the significance of infinity, the infinite Father does most certainly fully comprehend and lovingly embrace all the finity of all his children in all universes.” (35.3) 2:1.10
2. Vast scope of God’s eternal purpose.
“The Father constantly and unfailingly meets the need of the differential of demand for himself as it changes from time to time in various sections of his master universe. The great God knows and understands himself; he is infinitely self-conscious of all his primal attributes of perfection. God is not a cosmic accident; neither is he a universe experimenter. The Universe Sovereigns may engage in adventure; the Constellation Father may experiment; the system head may practice; but the Universal Father sees the end from the beginning, and his divine plan and eternal purpose actually embrace and comprehend all the experiments and all the adventures of all his subordinates in every world, system, and constellation in every universe of his vast domains.” (34.3) 2:1.4
3. All creation is a part of the divine plan.
“There is a great and glorious purpose in the march of the universes through space. All of your mortal struggling is not in vain. We are all part of an immense plan, a gigantic enterprise, and it is the vastness of the undertaking that renders it impossible to see very much of it at any one time and during any one life. We are all a part of an eternal project which the Gods are supervising and outworking. The whole marvelous and universal mechanism moves on majestically through space to the music of the the meter of the infinite thought and the eternal purpose of the First Great Source and Center.” (364.3) 32:5.1
4. The glorious plan of the eternal purpose.
“The eternal purpose of the eternal God is a high spiritual ideal. The events of time and the struggles of material existence are but the transient scaffolding which bridges over to the other side, to the promised land of spiritual reality and supernal existence. Of course, you mortals find it difficult to grasp the idea of an eternal purpose; you are virtually unable to comprehend the thought of eternity, something never beginning and never ending. Everything familiar to you has an end.” (364.4) 32:5.2
1. All things unfold according to the eternal purpose.
“Within the bounds of that which is consistent with the divine nature, it is literally true that ‘with God all things are possible.’ The long-drawn-out evolutionary processes of peoples, planets, and universes are under the perfect control of the universe creators and administrators and unfold in accordance with the eternal purpose of the Universal Father, proceeding in harmony and order and in keeping with the all-wise plan of God. There is only one lawgiver. He upholds the worlds in space and swings the universes around the endless circle of the eternal circuit.” (46.6) 3:2.2 Matt. 19:26.
2. Differential execution of the eternal purpose.
“The reactions of a changeless God, in the execution of his eternal purpose, may seem to vary in accordance with the changing attitude and the shifting minds of his created intelligences; that is, they may apparently and superficially vary; but underneath the surface and beneath all outward manifestations, there is still present the changeless purpose, the everlasting plan, of the eternal God.
“Out in the universes, perfection must necessarily be a relative term, but in the central universe and especially on Paradise, perfection is undiluted; in certain phases it is even absolute. Trinity manifestations vary the exhibition of the divine perfection but do not attenuate it.” (36.1) 2:2.3
3. Who really knows the eternal purpose?
“The Universal Father has an eternal purpose pertaining to the material, intellectual, and spiritual phenomena of the universe of universes, which he is executing throughout all time. God created the universes of his own free and sovereign will, and he created them in accordance with his all-wise and eternal purpose. It is doubtful whether anyone except the Paradise Deities and their highest associates really knows very much about the eternal purpose of God. Even the exalted citizens of Paradise hold very diverse opinions about the nature of the eternal purpose of the Deities.” (54.1) 4:0.1
1. The eternal purpose will triumph.
“In the affairs of men’s hearts the Universal Father may not always have his way; but in the conduct and destiny of a planet the divine plan prevails; the eternal purpose of wisdom and love triumphs.” (51.2) 3:5.3
2. God pursues the realization of an eternal purpose.
“The infinite and eternal Ruler of the universe of universes is power, form, energy, process, pattern, principle, presence and idealized reality. But he is more; he is personal; he exercises a sovereign will, experiences self-consciousness of divinity, executes the mandates of a creative mind, pursues the satisfaction of the realization of an eternal purpose, and manifests a Father’s love and affection for his universe children. And all these more personal traits of the Father can be better understood by observing them as they were revealed in the bestowal life of Michael, your Creator Son, while he was incarnated on Urantia.” (53.5) 3:6.7
3. Predestination and free will.
“You are all subjects of predestination, but it is not foreordained that you must accept this divine predestination; you are at full liberty to reject any part or all of the Thought Adjusters’ program.” (1204.5) 110:2.1
4. Mission of adversity.
“The confusion and turmoil of Urantia do not signify that the Paradise Rulers lack either interest or ability to manage affairs differently. The Creators are possessed of full power to make Urantia a veritable paradise, but such an Eden would not contribute to the development of those strong, noble, and experienced characters which the Gods are so surely forging out on your world between the anvils of necessity and the hammers of anguish. Your anxieties and sorrows, your trials and disappointments, are just as much a part of the divine plan on your sphere as are the exquisite perfection and infinite adaptation of all things to their supreme purpose on the worlds of the central and perfect universe.” (258.11) 23:2.12
“This was according to the eternal purpose which he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Eph. 3:11.
“For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it?” Isa. 14:27.
“As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.” Isa. 14:24.
“This is the purpose that is purposed concerning the whole earth.” Isa. 14:26.
“I have purposed, and I will do it.” Isa. 46:11.
“My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.” Isa. 46:10.
“According to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will.” Eph. 1:11.
“I have purposed; I have not relented nor will I turn back.” Jer. 4:28. Christ Jesus our Lord.” Eph. 3:11.
“He has made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of his will, according to his purpose which he set forth in Christ.” Eph. 1:9.
“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him.” Rom. 8:28.
(In the Revised Version predestination is usually rendered “foreordained.”)
“You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good.” Gen. 50:20.
“And as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.” Acts 13:48.
“For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.” Rom. 8:29.
“He destined us in love to be his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” Eph. 1:5.
“Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world.” Eph. 1:4.
“We impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God...decreed before the ages for our glorification.” 1 Cor. 2:7.
“Chosen and destined by God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit.” 1 Peter 1:2.
“They disobey the word, as they were destined to do.” 1 Peter 2:8.
“To do whatever thy hand and thy plan had predestined to take place.” Acts 4:28.ph. 3:11.
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9
“Though they were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad, in order that God’s purpose of election might continue, not because of works, but because of his call.” Rom. 9:11.
“Therefore, brethren, be the more zealous to confirm your call and election.” 2 Peter 1:10.
“But for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” Matt. 24:22.
“And will not God vindicate his elect, who cry to him day and night?” Luke 18:7.
“Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect?” Rom. 8:33.
“Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect.” 2 Tim. 2:10.
“In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without favor.” 1 Tim. 5:21.
Notwithstanding all these teachings about predestination and election, Jesus unceasingly proclaimed: “Whosoever will may come.”
Note concerning the Perfection Plan: Jesus’ mandate—”You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt. 5:48)—was foreshadowed by the Old Testament injunction—”For I am the Lord your God...be holy, for I am holy.” (Lev. 11:44).
Topical Studies
- Absolutes
- Adam and Eve
- Angels
- Christology
- Cosmology
- Education
- Evil and Sin
- Evolution
- Evolution of the Soul
- Faith
- God's Eternal Purpose
- Hope
- Justice
- Local Universe Creative Spirit
- Local Universe Sons
- Love
- Machiventa Melchizedek
- Man
- Marriage and the Home
- Mercy
- Mind and Spirit
- Ministry
- Paradise
- Permanent Citizens
- Personality
- Prayer and Worship
- Providence
- Religious Experience
- The Corps of the Finality
- The Creator Sons
- The Doctrine of God
- The Holy Spirit
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- The Local Universe
- The Morontia Life
- The Paradise Sons
- The Paradise Trinity
- The Paradise-Havona System
- The Plan of Salvation
- The Plan of Survival
- The Power Directors
- The Spirit of Truth
- The State
- The Supreme Spirit - And Other Personalities
- Thought Adjusters
- Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
- Worship
- Yahweh