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PNEUSTEA , See also:Pocock). See also:Section a. Pectinifera. See also:Order 1. Scorpionidea. Sub-order a. Apoxypoda. b. Dionychopoda. Section $. Epectinata. Order 2. See also:Pedipalpi. Sub-order a. Uropygi. Tribe I. Urotricha. " 2. Tartarides. Sub-order b. Amblypygi. Order 3. Araneae. Sub-order a. Mesothelae. „ b. Opisthothelae. Tribe I. Mygalomorphae. 2. Arachnomorphae. Order 4. Palpigradi (= Microthelyphonidae). Order 5. Solifugae (= Mycetophorae). Order 6. Pseudoscorpiones ( = Chelonethi). Sub-order a. Panctenodactyli. „ b. Hemictenodactyli. Order 7. Podogona ( = Ricinulei). Order 8. Opiliones. Sub-order a. Laniatores. „ b. Palpatores. c. Anepignathi. Order 9. Rhynchostomi ( =Acari). Sub-order a. Notostigmata. End of Article: PNEUSTEAAdditional information and CommentsThere are no comments yet for this article.
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