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SCRIP , properly any written document; the word is a corruption of " script " (See also:Lat. scribere, to write), possibly from an assimilation with " scrip," a See also:pilgrim's bag or wallet, which is borrowed from the Scandinavian (cf. Nor. skreppa, knapsack), and is ultimately cognate with " scrap," shred. In commercial usage, scrip " is a document or certificate issued by a public See also:company when instalments upon its shares are ' payable at different See also:dates, or the whole amount to be paid has not been called up: Such a document entitles the See also:person named to be treated as the allottee of the shares mentioned; it is transferable, and entitles the allottee on See also:payment of all the calls to a See also:share certificate. Scrip requires a See also:penny See also:stamp impressed upon it. The word is frequently loosely used for the share certificates or shares collectively. End of Article: SCRIPAdditional information and CommentsThere are no comments yet for this article.
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