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Tensegrity Seminars

Mexico City - January 1996

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To:   The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date:   Thu, 04 Apr 1996 19:55:54 -0600 (CST)

[Translator's warning: the translation is done by one to whom Spanish is a second language. some of the English version is bound to be incorrect.]


Hi, this are my notes of the Tensegrity Seminar in Mexico City 26-28, January 1996.

CC spoke spanish and is easier for me in this language, maybe some of you speak the language, and would like to read it...

Estas son mis notas del Seminario de Carlos Castaneda en la Ciudad de Mexico, es solo el viernes... el sabado y domingo esta en otro Email. Solo escribi lo mas importante para mi... trate de no cambiar las palabras que usaba CC.... nos vemos

These are my notes of the Carlos Castaneda Seminar in Mexico City, Friday only . . . Saturday and Sunday are in another e-mail. I wrote down only what was most important for me . . . I tried not to change the words CC used . . . we'll see.

VIERNES 26 DE ENERO DE 1996. 7:00PM - 10:30PM


CC dice que un escritor, Mesmerm (aproximacion), ya habia hablado sobre parar el juicio, sobre que nos habiamos equivocado.

CC says that a writer, Mesmerm (or something like that) [actually Friedrich Anton Mesmer, Austrian physician and early experimenter with human energy fields and hypnotic cures: as in "to be mesmerized"] had already spoken to the issue of halting our judgement [judgementalness] which is a mistake that we made.

Todos quieren estar en las candilejas solo yo, yo, yo! La humanidad entera yo, yo, yo!

Everyone wants to be in the footlights. Only me, me, me! All humanity is me, me, me!

DJ le dijo entre mas chaparro mas egomaniatico! DJ le agradecia mucho a CC porque decia: "el mero hecho de verte llegar me dan ganas de vomitar! Cada vez que vienes me renovo!"

DJ told him the shorter the man, the more egomaniacal they are! DJ valued Carlos a great deal, as he said: "the very fact of seeing you arrive makes me want to vomit! Every time you visit I renew [or remodel, renovate] myself!"

CC admiraba mucho a un maestro de la facultad que hablaba muy bonito a este maestro le cuestionaban sobre algo y se quedaba varios minutos en silencio moviendo la boca, como masticando, pensando, hasta que empezaba una larga perorata, que los dejaba anonadados... DJ le decia: quieres ser como tu maestro? observalo! CC se dio cuenta que era un genio de 8 a 3pm... despues no era nada!!! era todo lo que hacia! Todo lo que el descubre y hace no tiene influencia en su vida como es posible!!! Para un brujo eso es inaudito!!!

CC greatly admired a professor at the university who spoke beautifully. Someone would ask a question and he would keep silent for several minutes, moving his mouth as if chewing, thinking, until he would begin a long oration that left them dazzled [overwhelmed]. DJ said: you want to be like your professor? Look closely! CC realized that the man was a genius from 8 to 3 pm . . . after that, he was nothing!!! It was all he did! Nothing he learned or did had any influence in his life. How is it possible!!! For a sorcerer, this is outrageous [unheard-of].

CC habla sobre las 3 chacmools que ya no son chacmools: Las 3 luchan contra su ego! quisieron ser jefas cada una y se fueron a donde se fue padilla!

CC speaks of the 3 Chacmools that are no longer the Chacmools: All three are fighting the ego! They all wanted to be chiefs, and they wound up going where Padilla [folk saying] went!

DJ: No se puede insistir! las cosas si quieren salir, salen.... si se insiste, no! Habla del New Age.... eso es de Old Age... son egomaniacos...

DJ: You cannot insist! [demand? push yourself forward?] Things that want to come out, will come out . . . if pushed, no! They speak of the New Age . . . This is the Old Age . . . They are egomaniacs.

DJ le decia a CC que tenia un clavo que necesitaba sacarselo... CC muchas veces le dijo a DJ: Don Juan, saqueme el clavo.... DJ le contestaba: No, no, hoy no. :-)

DJ told CC that he had a nail [peg, plug, pin?] that needed to come out. CC said many times: Don Juan, take the nail out for me . . . DJ answered: No, no, not today.

Don Juan me decia: "No hubo pasion, tu mama ni supo lo que le paso, nada! Observate, observate, observate, no te estas quieto." (CC con temblorina)

Don Juan told me: "There was no passion, your mom did not even know what happened to her. Nothing! Look, look, look, you can't even hold still. (CC had the shakes)

La mayoria de nosotros somos iguales por eso no podemos brincar bien y perdemos energia en cosas que no........

Most of us are the same, and that is why we cannot make the leap and we lose energy in things that don't [or that aren't] . . .

CC: Mi origen fue una cojida aburrida, don Juan me decia si no te gusta puedes decirte CA, ademas me llamo Carlos Aranha.

CC: My origin was a bored fuck, don Juan told me that if I did not like that, I could say CA [cojida aburrida], since my name was _Carlos _Aranha.

Don Juan no queria fotos, ni publicidad para sus discipulos, porque no tenian energia, se iban a agotar.

Don Juan wanted no photos, nor any publicity for his disciples, because they did not have energy, and that would wear them out [exhaust them].

Por que tensigridad?

Why Tensegrity?

Un estudiante de DJ se fue (Carol Tiggs) En el cosmos total hay otro medio, el mar de la consciencia, ella estuvo ida por 10 anhos. Ella regreso! Una vez que estaba dando un seminario en Los Angeles, al fondo del salon vi un resplandor ambarino, muy diferente a los de las demas personas, al ver vi a Carol Tiggs, esta muy joven! algunos de ustedes la han visto y esta muy jovencita....

One student of DJ went away (Carol Tiggs) In the total universe there is another medium, the sea of awareness, she was gone for ten years. She came back! I was giving a lecture in Los Angeles, and at the back of the room I saw an amber radiance, very different from the other people, and when I looked, I saw Carol Tiggs, very young! Some of you have seen her and she is very young.

Disciplina para un brujo es un proposito, su proposito es la libertad, para llegar se pulen

Discipline for a sorcerer is a proposition [a goal] whose purpose is freedom; to get there requires polish.

Somos conjuntos de campos energeticos, un conglomerado Algo nos mantiene en orden.

We are a combination of energy fields, a conglomerate. Something keeps us together [maintains our order].

DJ decia: "No se puede dominar esta fuerza (idiotas!), se puede acceder. Fue el error de los brujos antiguos."

DJ said: "You cannot master [dominate] this force (idiots!), but it can be used [agreed with?]. That was the error of the ancient sorcerers."

Si podemos tener acceso al Mexico aquel... que nos detiene? que hacemos? .... nos emborrachamos, nos drogramos y eso es amor por si mismos? egomaniaticos!!! uno no les puede ver... porque se enojan!

If we could have access to that Mexico . . . what could hold us back? What do we do? . . . we get drunk, take drugs; this is loving oneself? Egomaniacs!!! One cannot even look at them . . . they will get mad!

DJ le preguntaba: "Cual es la contribucion de tu hombre al sistema de pensamiento?! que dijo tu abuelo? que te dijo tu padre? que dices tu? ... " pucha! que cosa bruta! que quieres de la vida? CC contesta: No se! (despues de mucho pensar) quiero amor ( CC cuenta que se estuvieron riendo de el por mucho tiempo... cada vez que lo veian venir decian: ahi viene el que anda buscando amor!)

DJ asked: What is your man's contribution to thought? What did your grandfather say? What did your father tell you? What do you say? "pucha!" What a tough one! [or, What stupidity!] What do you want from life? CC answers: I don't know! (after much thought) I want love. (CC says they laughed at him for a long time . . . every time they saw him coming, they said: here comes the one who goes around looking for love!

CC: yo muchas veces le preguntaba a DJ sobre algo que no tenia explicacion y el me cantaba ... "preguntale a las estrellas que por las noches me ven llorar...."

CC: I often asked DJ about things that had no explanation, and he would sing to me: "ask the stars which by night see me crying . . ."

DJ: "Como un mortal, tengo que encontrar todo lo que pueda!"

DJ: "As a mortal, I have to encounter [meet with] everything I can!"

DJ: "Yo no estoy obligado a honrar acuerdos en los que yo no participe"
DJ: "yo no participe en el acuerdo de ser viejo, mirate tu! mirame!"

DJ: "I am not obligated to honor agreements in which I did not participate."
DJ: "I did not participate in the agreement to be old. Look at yourself! Look at me!"

DJ me decia, hablas en renglones sintaxicos "es que nadie me comprende"

DJ told me, you talk in syntaxical grooves [lines?] . . "it+s that nobody understands me."

DJ: deja todo lo que le incumbe al mundo cotidiano, te estas matando por comportarte como normal, eso lo haces con el dedo chiquito. La lucha esta en el horizonte!!!

DJ: Leave everything that ties you to the everyday world, you are killing yourself trying to act normal, you can do that with your little finger. The fight is at the horizon!!! [or, _on the horizon]

DJ: deja de ser el macho latino...

DJ: stop being a Latin macho . . .

yo decia yo quiero acabar con la hegemonia gringa, el problema esta en que los paises como los estados unidos nos tienen... (larga rollo sobre arreglar el mundo) DJ se me quedaba viendo y me decia: por que no dejas de fumar? :-)

I said I would like to end the hegemony of the gringos, that the problem was that countries like the United States have us . . . (long thread about fixing the world) DJ kept looking at me and said: why don't you quit smoking?

CC habla de como DJ lo "ayudo" a dejar de fumar: DJ una vez le dijo que iban a hacer un viaje que duraria varios dias, asi que le dijo que se preparara y llevara unas 20 cajas de cigarros y las envolviera muy bien porque habian muchos coyotes que se la podian robar o mordisquear. CC las forro muy bien, hasta les puso una puertecita donde solo cupiera su mano, y poderla cerrar. Cuando andaban en la sierra de Chihuahua, un dia CC se levanto y vio que habia desaparecido su paquete especial donde guardaba sus cigarros, DJ lo ayudo a buscarla y encontraron huellas de coyotes, los cuales probablemente se la habian llevado, pasaron muchas horas buscandola, pero no pudieron encontrarla. Despues DJ le dice que se habian perdido con tantas vueltas y que no sabia como regresarse, CC se enojo mucho con DJ diciendole muchas tonterias, reganhandolo porque como era posible que se hubieran perdido asi, el tan conocedor de toda la sierra.... y se sento enojado esperando que DJ le pidiera perdon... hasta que se dio cuenta de que nunca lo iba a hacer, se pusieron a caminar porque CC pensaba que facilmente encontrarian un pueblo o ciudad en cualquier direccion que caminaran, caminaron mucho, pasaron 2 barrancos y nada... hasta que CC se dio por vencido, pensaba que se iba a morir, estaba seguro de que no se iban a salvar. Comentaba con DJ que ya no tenian salvacion, es cuando
DJ le pregunta: ya no te importa nada mas que salvarte?
CC contesta que si
DJ: y que paso con los cigarros?
CC: no, los cigarros ya no me importan, todo lo que me importa es salvarnos!!!
Entonces DJ le dice "vamonos", caminan y se da cuenta que la carretera esta a unos 20 metros de donde estaban, atrasito de una lomita!

CC talks of how DJ "helped" him quit smoking. One time DJ told him they were going on a trip that would last several days, so he should prepare and carry about 20 packs of cigarettes, and he should wrap them really well because coyotes could steal them or gnaw on them. CC enveloped them carefully, to the point of making a little opening just big enough for his hand, which could be closed. As they hiked around the Chihuahuan Sierra, one morning CC got up and saw that his special cigarette bundle had disappeared. DJ helped him look around and they found some coyote tracks, said animals presumed to have carried them off. They spent many hours hunting, but couldn't find them. Then DJ said he had gotten lost making so many circles and he didn't know how to get back. CC got mad and said a bunch of nonsense [stupid things], scolding him, asking him how it was possible that he, the one who knows everything about the mountains, could get lost . . . and he sat down in anger waiting for DJ to ask his pardon [beg for forgiveness]. Until he realized DJ wasn't ever going to do that, then they started out walking because CC thought they would easily find a village or town whichever direction they walked. They went far, past 2 ravines, and . . . nothing. Until CC gave up and thought they were going to die, he was sure they were not going to survive. He commented to DJ that there was no hope anymore, and DJ asked him: you mean the only thing that matters is surviving?
CC answered yes.
DJ: and what happened to the cigarettes?
DD: no, the cigarettes don't matter, the only thing that counts is to save ourselves.
Then DJ said, "Let's go," and they walked behind a little hill and there was a road, 20 meters from where they were.

Al volver Carol Tiggs rompe varios canones, ya no es el mundo de DJ el no nos encaro, lo unico que le importaba era continuar su linaje, DJ no era un maestro, un= dia me doy cuenta que no soy como el. Yo estoy aqui para cerrar y apagar su linaje, pero debe ser con elegancia! Los pases magicos son una fuerza aglutinante. Estos ejercicios son super secretos para los brujos, pero no para CC y las 3!

By returning, Carol Tiggs broke several rules, and now it is no longer the world of DJ he did not aim us for [no longer the world DJ pointed us to?] the only thing important to him was to continue his lineage, DJ was not a teacher, one day I realized I am not like him. I am here to close and switch off his lineage, but to do it with elegance! The magic passes are an agglutinating force. These exercises are super-secrets for the sorcerers, but not for CC and the 3!

Van a hacer los pases magicos genericos, si se puede llegar a ese conglomerado en conjunto todos nosotros! el no supo de la masa de su hombre. Nosotros vamos a terminar su linaje con una explosion!!

You are going to do generic magical passes, to see if it's possible for all of us to arrive at that comglomerate together! He didn't know about the mass of his people We are going to end his lineage with an explosion!

Solo el hombre europeo, sabe pensar ... NO! Pensar es un salto mortal a lo inaudito! Sin drogas, alcohol.......

Only European man knows how to think ... NO! To think is to take a mortal [or conclusive] leap into the inconceivable [the unheard of]. Without drugs, alcohol.......

Somos una manga de borrachos!! a eso nos han reducido!!! Esta vida es una cosa aburridisima! El mundo cotidiano nos embrujo!! En Washington la casa blanca es el intento total de nuestra civilizacion... Una persona ve en la casa blanca todo nuestra civilizacion, para un brujo no hay nada... La Casa Blanca existe en el intento de toda la masa.

We are a waterspout [stream] of drunks!! That's what we have been reduced to!!! This life is such a bore!!! The everyday world has bewitched us!! In Washington, the White House is the sum total of the intent of our civilization. A person sees in the White House the epitome of our civilization; for a sorcerer, there is nothing. The White House exists in the intent of the entire mass.

Llamar al intento... es una fuerza que existe y esta conciente de si misma. La idea de Don Juan es que cuando menos hay que estar concientes en lo que hacemos!

Call intent . . . it is a force that exists and is aware [self-aware?] Don Juan's idea was that at the very least we have to be aware of what we do!

(alguien pregunta sobre el ensuenho) Primero quitar el yo personal, el ensuenho no se va a poder hasta que se quite el yo personal. Ensonhar es mirar en la eternidad como microbios que somos.

(someone asks about dreaming) First, get rid of the personal "I." Dreaming is not possible until the personal self is cleared away. To dream is to look into eternity like the microbes we are.

CC dice que nosotros no podemos ensonhar porque no tenemos poder. Lo que tenemos son solo viajes egomaniaticos...
CC: Uno ensuenha cuando no hay nada adentro, no deseos, enojos, ni siquiera felicidad. Es un estado supremo. El ensuenho te catapultea, es un estado trampolin, de interrupcion del sistema interpretativo.

CC says that _we_ are not able to dream because we do not have power. All we have are egomaniacal voyages.
CC: One dreams when there is nothing inside, no desire, anger, not even happiness. It is a supreme state. Dreaming will catapult you, it is a springboard, an interruption of the interpretive system.

Nosotros 4 no podemos irnos sin dejarselos (los ejercicios). La gente que practica tensigridad se ve lindisima, mas delgada, mas viva, con brillo en los ojos.

We 4 cannot go without leaving these for you (the exercises). The people who practice Tensegrity look beautiful, more slender, more alive, with a shine in the eyes.

Una mujer le dice a CC que las 3 (Tiggs, Abelar y Donner) se ven como amas de casa popof, y el le pregunta que como le gustaria que se vieran?... ella contesta: como yo!

A woman says to CC that the 3 (Tiggs, Abelar and Donner) look like "popof" housewives [Popov--Russian author?], and he asked her what would you like them to look like? . . . She answers: like me!

Now, on with the lecture . . .

- ( platicando sobre los problemas con personas de la vida diaria) DJ le decia: No andes peleando con esos senhores, halagalos!! Diles cosas inauditas.... como por ejemplo... Tu eres casi una deidad! CC una vez se lo dijo a un jefe suyo y ... se lo trago! Uno no debe escatimar esfuerzos, Adulalos!! Por que andar con enojos? la batalla esta en el horizonte. Si esta es la unica vida que tengo, por que desperdiciarla?

- (talking about problems with people in the daily world) DJ tells him: Don't go around quarreling with these people, fawn on them [cajole them]!! Tell them outrageous things . . . like for example . . . You are almost a god! CC said that once to a superior of his . . . and the guy swallowed it! One shouldn't scrimp on the effort, flatter them!! Why go around angry? The battle is on the horizon. If this is the only life I have, why waste it?

La lucha es arida! Si tuviera que escoger, escogeria este camino otra vez!

The fight is arid! [dry? solitary? --slang I don't know?] If I had to choose, I would choose this road all over again!

- (hablando de preocuparse por tonterias) Yo siempre decia hace mucho frio, mucho calor, mucho viento....

- (talking of worrying about nonsense) I always said it's cold, it's hot, very windy . . .

Nosotros no podemos acritar a nadie, somos seres insulares, tenemos linderos... No podemos quitar ni dar energia.

We cannot (acritar) anybody, we are insular beings, we have boundaries. We cannot take or give away energy.

Nosotros tenemos 3 centros energeticos:
  1. Pancreas e higado
  2. Vaso
  3. Rinhones (adrenales)
Las mujeres tienen un cuarto:
  4. Vientre   <--- solo mujeres We have 3 centers of energy:
  1. Pancreas and liver
  2. Gall bladder ? Spleen? [vaso = drinking glass]
  3. Kidneys (adrenals)
Women have a fourt:
  4. Womb   <--- only women

Alguien de los presentes pregunto que si que pasaba con las que les habian extirpado el utero, CC dice: "entonces tienen lo que se le llama un utero fantasma!" :-))

Someone present asked what happens to those who have had the uterus removed, CC says: "then they have what is called a phantom uterus!"

CC: La energia sexual sirve para reproduccion o para evolucion... o... para las 2 cosas!!

CC: Sexual energy serves for reproduction or for evolution . . . or... for both!!

CC dice que estamos a punto de extinguirnos por nuestro bajo nivel de esperma, el hombre se extingue y nosotros seguimos con nuestras p......

CC says we are at the point of extinguishing ourselves because of the low sper+vel, man goes extinct and we continue with our p.......

Un gran fisico le dijo una vez: Sus libros me distrajeron un tiempo de joven... no me puede probar lo que hace... CC le contesta que el tampoco le puede probar sus teorias de fisica, porque para entender las teorias sobre la gravedad hay que estudiar mucho, por ejemplo, necesita llevar fisica 1, 2, 3, 4....

A famous scientist once said to him: Your books entertained me for a while when I was young . . . you can't prove to me what you do . . . CC answered that neither could he prove his theories of physics, for to understand theories of gravity one would have to study a lot, taking, for example, physics 1, 2, 3, 4 . . .

CC: Nosotros hemos aprendido a esperar, a amarrarnos nuestros zapatos, a hacer popo en el banho.......

CC: We have learned to wait, to tie our shoes, to doo-doo in the bathroom . . .

Nadie ni un loco, jamas!! se hace caca en el lobby de un hotel... hasta eso llega! ( hasta eso llega lo que hemos aprendido)

No one, not even a crazy, never!! makes caca in the lobby of a hotel . . . It comes to this! (this is what our learning comes down to)

.... el orden social viene de algo indiscutible! no tiene nada que ver con mano a juana

.... the social order comes from something undeniable! It has nothing to do with [masturbation].

CC tuvo un anho en que se le permitio visitar otras filosofias, para ver que similitudes existian... una vez visito a un guru, lo bendijo y le echa con un simbolo falico un liquido... todo lo que contenia el simbolo... le pregunto a uno de los ayudantes del guru que si que era, le dijo que era pipi!! porque dicen que todo lo que sale de su cuerpo es sagrado... y se jactan de no ser egomaniacos!

CC had a year during which he was able to visit other philosophies, to see what similarities existed . . . one time he visited a guru, who blessed him by sprinkling him with a liquid from a phallic symbol . . . everything was contained in the symbol [?] he asked one of the helpers of the guru what it was, and he told him it was pee-pee!! because they say everything that leaves his body is sacred . . . and they brag about not being egomaniacs!

- (Hablando de la gente en general) .... y que hacemos nosotros, unos golfos, huevones... Lo que dice Don Juan requiere una cordura excesiva!

- (speaking about people in general) . . . and what do we do, ragamuffins, couch potatoes [fat testes]. . . What don Juan says would take incredible wisdom! [?]

Por que no ser como tu maestro de 8 a 3pm, pero despues se un ser magico!!! ( CC habla de que nosotros en la vida normal que llevamos, bien podemos practicar lo que el ensenha, sin tener que ir a la sierra, ni al desierto, ni hacer esas cosas extranhas...)

Why not be like your teacher from 8 to 3pm, but afterward be a magical being!!! (CC is saying that in our normal lives, we can practice what he is showing us, without having to go to the mountains, nor the desert, nor do strange things . . .)

La tensegridad es parte del acervo de los brujos antiquisimos... Tensegrity is part of the hoard (assets) of the very ancient sorcerers . . .

DJ en 1973 se extinguio, se transformo en luz, la serpiente emplumada, DJ y sus companheros dieron una vuelta, ufa!!! que belleza!!! ( cuando pasa eso) La tierra te dice vete, te corta la raiz y deja flotar!

DJ came to an end in 1973, transformed into light, the plumed serpent, DJ and his companions gave a loop . . . Ufa!!! What beauty!!! (when this happens) Earth says go, the root is cut, and you float free!

Ahora no hay nada, no hay disciplina. Se necesita disciplina y cojones de acero!

Right now you have nothing, no discipline. You need discipline and balls of steel!

* Empieza sesion de preguntas y respuestas: pregunta- Estan relacionados los ovnis con brujeria de DJ? aliados?
CC: eso si que no se... NO!! dejate de ovnis...

* Question and answer session begins: Question: Are UFO's related to the sorcery of DJ? the Allies?
CC: That I wouldn't know... NO!! forget the UFO's...

CC dice "yo no puedo con los secretos." Explosion es tocarte a vos que belleza! No te enojes si te dan palos, ni tampoco se te suba si te alaban Ellas (Chacmools) se cayeron, pero ya se pararon y no pueden esconder eso porque todo fallaria!

CC says "I have no secrets." The explosion is [to touch yourself?] What beauty! Don't get mad if I whack you, or swell up if I praise you They (the Chacmools) fell, but now it is stopped, and it can't be hidden because everything would break down.

CC: los pases tratan de juntar la energia periferica y jalarla

CC: the passes try to gather periferal energy and move it [guide it, or pull it]

(CC dice que ha tratado desde hace mucho de que mas gente conosca lo que hace, ha dado muchos seminarios sin cobrar nada, ha invitado a la prensa y hasta una vez le propusieron hacer una pelicula, pero al final los productores pensaron que no iba a funcionar)
CC: hemos invitado a cantidad de periodicos, vienen una vez y ya! no vuelven a venir..
(CC cuenta que un representante de la television en tono paternal le dice: Carlitos.... si lo que dices fuera cierto, nosotros ya lo sabriamos...)

(CC says that he done his best for a long time to see that more people learn about what he is doing, he gave many seminars at no charge, invited the press, and one time they proposed a movie, but then the producers decided it wouldn't work)
CC: we have invited a bunch of reporters, they come once and then! they don't come back. . .
(CC tells of a television representative who said to him in a paternal tone: Little Carlos . . . if what you say were true, we would already know it...)

(CC habla de que todos tenemos una historia) mi historia: soy enano, soy morenito, soy huerfanito
CC: alguien llega y siente lastima por mi y me dice: eres huerfanito?
CC: siiiiii (quejido) :-)
DJ le decia que el era Juan Alonso... entre mas viejo mas sonzo!

(CC talks about how all of us have a story [a history]) My story: I am a dwarf, I am brown-skinned, I'm an orphan
CC: Someone comes along and feels sorry for me and says: are you an orphan? CC: yeessssssss (whining) :-)
DJ said he was Juan Alonso ... the older he got, the more inane!

(habla sobre el miedo a hacer cosas)

(talk about fear of doing things)

El escritor que no escribe porque solo escribe una carta... The writer who doesn't write because he only writes one [a?] letter . . .

- (pregunta: Como se puede parar el dialogo interno?) CC: a patadas! decir NO!

- (question: How can we stop the internal dialog?) CC: Stamp it out [Kick it]! Say NO!

- (pregunta: Podemos vivir esto en la vida cotidiana?) CC: por supuesto

- (question: Can we live this out in the everyday world?) CC: of course

- (alguien pregunto algo sobre mezcalito) CC: toma esos libros de Carlos Castaneda y quemalos! ponte a hacer los ejercicios...

- (someone asks something about Mescalito) CC: take those books by Carlos Castaneda and burn them! Put yourself to work on the passes . . .

- (pregunta: No importa la contaminacion de la Cd. de Mexico?) CC: no importa para nada...

- (question: What about the contamination in the air of Mexico City?) CC: It's of no importance whatsoever . . .

CC: dice que tiene otro tenor que se llama el guerrero en fuga, es el unico modo en que no duelen los dardos!

CC: says he has a different mood called the warrior in flight [escaping, running away]; it's the only way (mode) in which the darts [cutting remarks] don't hurt!

Estas son mis notas del Seminario de Carlos Castaneda en la Ciudad de Mexico, es solo sabado y domingo .... el viernes esta en un Email anterior. Solo escribi lo mas importante para mi... trate de no cambiar las palabras que usaba CC.... algun comentario? con confianza... ya saben mi Email... me gustaria conocer gente cerca de Sonora, Mexico! ahi vivo! nos vemos...

SABADO 27 DE ENERO DE 1996 9:00 AM -
CC: Ser joven cuando uno es joven es chiste, pero ser joven cuando se es viejo...

SATURDAY JANUARY 27, 1996 9:00 AM -
CC: To be youthful when one is young is a joke, but to be youthful when one is old . . .

A CC le dice su amiga, te leo lo que te escribieron, no, no, no porque mi ego puede subir con lo que escriban.... le rogo muchas veces hasta que lo convencio... la carta decia: felicidades en tu 75 aniversario!

A female friend said to CC, I will read you what they wrote. No, no, no, because my ego might swell up from what they write . . . She pled with him until he gave in . . . the letter said: congratulations on your 75th anniversary!

Fluidez, no enojos, prepotencia no tan intensas, hasta llegar a un lugar de simpatia.

Fluidity, not anger, potential held back [not intense], until arriving at a place of affection.

DJ no esta de acuerdo a honrar acuerdos en los que no participo!

DJ does not consent to honor agreements in which he did not participate!

Los brujos no tienen secretos ni pueden guardar secretos!

Sorcerers have no secrets nor can they guard secrets!

Preguntas y respuestas:

Questions and answers:

CC: los brujos aman pero no son inversionistas! (alguien pregunta que si es amor incondicional o....) No es amor incondicional, los brujos hacen un regalo, es el placer de poder experimentar un afecto total, ellos no quieren que los quieran para que....

CC: Sorcerers love, but are not investors! (someone asks if the love is unconditional or . . . ) It is not unconditional love, sorcerers make a gift, it is a pleasure to be able to experience total affection, they don't love in order to . . . [or so that . . .]

Los brujos sienten un afecto tan intenso... que si quitas un pedacito, se desvanece....

Sorcerers feel an affection so intense . . . If a tiny bit were taken away, [to swoon, to disappear, to evanesce--which?]

El punto de encaje es el mismo para toda la humanidad! El punto de encaje se encuentra a la altura de nuestro homoplato izquierdo, y a un brazo de distancia directamente hacia atras. El punto de encaje al moverse percive otros mundos. Hay muchos mundos inclusivos, los brujos antiguos contaron 600 posiciones.

The assemblage point is found at the height of our left shoulderblade [?], at an arm's length straight back. When the assemblage point moves, other worlds are perceived. There are many complete worlds, the ancient sorcerers counted 600 positions.

No todos los puntos a donde se desplaza el punto de encaje es un mundo inclusivo. ( estas posiciones estan sobre la superficie del huevo luminoso)

Not all positions to which the assemblage point can be displaced engage a total world. (these positions are on the outside surface of the luminous egg)

El arte de acechar es forzar al punto de encaje a que se mantenga en la misma posicion.

The art of stalking is to force the assemblage point to stay in the same position.

Si el punto de encaje se posiciona fuera del huevo, se encuentran mundos que se salen del carril no humano!

If the assemblage point moves outside the egg, worlds outside the human groove [track] are encountered!

Alguien o algo me empujo a un mundo donde la vida no es estereoscopica, aqui vemos lineal, solo vemos el 15% de todo, entre en un mundo de 360 grados de vision! Al entrar en el, algo me fuerza a rotar y no puedo ver, me rechingue la cornea del lado derecho!

Someone or something pushed me to a world where life is not stereoscopic, here we see lineally, we see only 15% of everything. I entered into a world of 360 degrees of vision! Upon entering, something forces me to rotate and I can't see, I fucked-up the cornea of my right side!

DJ deseo siempre entrar en un mundo donde lo humano no cuenta, no pudo! DJ se fue en 1973, se convirtio en un haz de luz.

DJ always wanted to go to a world where the human didn't exist, but he couldn't! DJ left in 1973, transformed into a beam of light.

En 1985 Florinda Matus se fue!

In 1985 Florinda Matus left!

De que vale esto? DJ decia: no vale nada! es para espiritus aventureros, es mejor que morir, el camino es exquisito!

What is it worth? DJ said: it's not worth anything! It is for adventurous spirits, it's better than dying; the road is exquisite!

DJ me decia: pero de verdad sientes compasion por tus semejantes?
CC: si siento
DJ: hasta el punto de dejar de fumar?
CC: No!

DJ said to me: is it true you feel compassion for your fellow men?
CC: yes, I do feel it
DJ: to the point of giving up smoking?
CC: No!

to be continued....

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