Tensegrity Seminars
Mexico City - January 1996
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 19:55:54 -0600 (CST)
Nosotros no estamos interesados en una confrontacion, no queremos quitarnos la mascara, la mascara de la compasion...
We are not interested in a confrontation, we don't want to take off the mask, the mask of compassion . . .
DJ decia: fijate yo amo a mi espiritu y tu ni a ti mismo te quieres...
DJ said: Look, I love [amar] my spirit and you don't even care for [querer] yourself . . .
DJ: lo mas tenebroso para mi, es la compasion profesional, esa de "te abrazo para que mueras conmigo", escupelos!!!! Cuidar a los ninhos no es lo mismo, eso se aplaude!
DJ: the worst thing for me is the professional compassion, this thing of "I embrace you so you will die with me," spit on it!!!! To take care of children is not the same thing, that's to be applauded!
Premisa del brujo: Todos vamos a morir!
Premise of the sorcerer: All of us are going to die!
DJ decia: no hablen y coman porque les salen pedos!
DJ said: don't talk when you eat because it will make farts!
Parece que como raza total estamos al final, por lo que veo no tenemos manera de ubicarnos... No tenemos ubicacion filosofica, es el augurio de que no hay tiempo...
It appears that as a race [species] we are at an end, from what I see we have no way to situate ourselves . . . We have no philosophical location, it's an omen that we have no time.
pregunta- Necesitamos salir al campo a practicar lo aprendido...? a la sierra...? CC: no necesitas un sitio ad-hoc hazlo aqui! yo aplico todo lo que me ensenho DJ en esto (refiriendose al seminario y andar en la ciudad)
question- Do we need to go out into wilderness to practice what we learned? To the mountains? CC: You don't need some ad hoc site . . . do it here! I apply everything DJ showed me in this (referring to the seminar and walking in the city)
La mujer y el hombre estan hechos para procrear y para evolucionar, uno es capaz de eso y mucho mas!!!!
Women and men are made to procreate and to evolve, one is capable of this and much more!!!!
Los pases magicos no fueron inventos, fueron descubiertos por los brujos antiguos Ellos se dieron cuenta que ciertos movimientos corporales repetian lo que habian sentido en los ensuenhos (para mas energia)
The magical passes were not invented, they were discovered by ancient sorcerers. They realized certain corporal movements reproduced what they had felt in dreaming (for more energy)
pregunta- que hay de cierto del explorador azul? El entra en el mundo de DJ por culpa de el, DJ le dijo que no se metiera con los inorganicos, pero siempre que le decian que no, iba y lo hacia, cuando vio al explorador azul lo vio como una nena de 7 anhos que se parecia mucho a su papa, esta le dijo ayudame, el le dio toda su energia para que saliera. Al explorador azul lo atraparon por explorar. Carol Tiggs le da vida. Es ahora hija de Carol Tiggs. Esa ninha es el epicentro de varios de ellos! puede hacer muchas cosas, pero por lo demas es normal..... casi... La aparicion de ese explorador es la confirmacion de la extincion de DJ
Question- what's for sure about the Blue Scout? It was Carlos' fault she entered don Juan's world, because DJ always told him not to, but he went, and when he saw the blue scout he saw her as a 7-year-old child that looked a lot like his father, she said help me, and he gave all his energy so she could leave. They trapped the blue scout for exploring. Carol Tiggs brought her to life. She's now the daughter of Carol Tiggs. This girl is the epicenter of several of them! she can do many things, but otherwise is normal . . . almost . . . The appearance [coming out] of this explorer is confirmation of the extinction of DJ [DJ's lineage?]
La energia la tienes o no la tienes, nadie te la puede dar! You have energy or you don't have energy, nobody can give it to you!
DJ dice: yo no necesito a nadie, no necesito ensenharle a nadie, pero ... la idea de que Florinda Donner puede volar es un gusto indescriptible
DJ says: I don't need anyone, I don't need to teach anyone, but . . the idea that Florinda Donner can fly is an indescribable joy.
Voladores? Los voladores son conciencias de ser sin organismo Cuando DJ le explica a CC, CC dice que no existen, DJ le dice que como sabe que la conciencia de ser tiene que tener organismo?
Flyers? The flyers are awarenesses without organisms When DJ explained them to CC, CC said they did not exist. DJ asked him how he knew that awareness had to have an organism?
Los voladores se alimentan de la conciencia total The flyers feed on all awareness [or, on total awareness]
DJ no prepara nada todo lo lee en la pared DJ does not prep anything, he reads it all on the wall.
El hombre es la unica especie que no tiene limite, todas las especies tienen limite. Toda nuestra conciencia del ser llega a una franja del dedo gordo, eso es todo!! Toda nuestra conciencia del ser es comida por los voladores, lo unico que nos queda es un pedacito! Todo mundo con yo, yo, yo
Man is the only species without limits [borders], all species have limits. Our entire awareness [of being] amounts to a thumb-wide fringe [band], that's all! All of our awareness is eaten by the flyers, all that's left to us is a little slice (piece)! The whole world goes I, I, I.
CC: El brujo explica que los voladores son como sombras, como grillos saltando.
CC: The sorcerer explains that the flyers are like shadows, like crickets jumping.
La conciencia del ser es como un arbol, si no se poda crece! (los podadores son los voladores)
Awareness is like a tree; if unpruned, it grows! (the pruners are the flyers)
El raciocinio del dedo gordo! es todo lo que nos dejan... si nos comen un poquito mas nos morimos!
Reasoning the thickness of a thumb! That's all that's left to us . . . if they ate a bit more, we would die!
Alguien de los asistentes dice que vio un volador, CC dice que lo que ella tiene es talento, por poder ver voladores, dice: "a los brujos no les gusta el talento, les gusta la disciplina"
One of the people attending says she saw a flyer, and CC says that to see flyers, she must have talent, but: "talent is not what sorcerers like, they like discipline."
Que nos coman no es chiste, es muy serio!! That we are being eaten is no joke, it's very serious!!
A los voladores la disciplina no les gusta! nosotros con 3 dias de no ser comidos es suficiente para ver!!!
Flyers don't like discipline! 3 days of not being eaten is sufficient to let us _see_!!!
Las maniobras de los voladores nos convierten de ingenieros en creyentes! Como es posible que un ser tan inteligente sea tan duro en eso (creer en cualquier divinidad) Quien nos dio esas creencias? los brujos dicen que los voladores!
The maneuvers of the flyers change us from engineers into believers! How is it possible that a being so intelligent can be so stuck in this (to believe in a supreme being)
Los voladores nos dieron la mente, la mente no es nuestra! Flyers gave us the mind; the mind is not ours!
le pregunto a DJ: que pasa si la mente se esfuma? que pasa? DJ: otro nivel, no piensas, hay conocimiento!
I ask DJ: What happens if the mind disappears? What happens? DJ: A different level, no thinking; there's knowledge!
le digo a DJ: 2 y 2 son 4 le entiendo DJ me dice: no entiendes! usas un proceso!
I say to DJ: 2 and 2 are 4, that I understand. DJ says to me: You are not understanding! You are using a process!
El arte del brujo es liberarse de la mente! The art of the sorcerer is to liberate the self from the mind!
Estamos a merced de esas entidades (voladores). Nos comen como nosotros comemos pollos, los cuidamos y luego nos los comemos
We are at the mercy of these entities (flyers). They eat us the way we eat chicken; we raise them and then we eat them.
DJ me hacia usar mi raciocinio para llegar a una opinion negativa de los voladores
DJ made me use reason to arrive at a negative opinion of the flyers.
Sin gritos, sin alardes el guerrero lucha impecablemente Without shouting, without showing off, the warrior fights impeccably.
El intelecto nos fuerza en convoluciones que a veces no........ The intellect forces us into convolutions that at times do not . . .
La mente nos fuerza a conceptualizar! La instalacion extranjera es la mente, pensaron todo los brujos del linaje hacer las cosas sin pensarias mucho, espanta a la mente!
The mind forces us to conceptualize! The foreign installation is the mind; all of the sorcerers of the lineage were determined to perform without thinking a lot, to scare away the mind!
Existen 3 tipos de personas: los pedos, los orines y los vomitos
There are 3 types of people: the farts, the pisses, and the vomits
los pedos son pesadisimos, te dicen vete al carajo, puto, no los puedes respirar los orines son suavecitos, no te mojes los zapatos, los vomitos son los por favor, parece que tienes
Farts are very heavy, they tell you to go to hell, you male whore, you can't get a word out [can't get a breath]. Pisses are smooth, don't get your shoes wet. Vomits are the please, it looks like you have . . .
La complejidad no es cierto, solo es una capa de pintura Los psicologos no sirven para nada
Complexity is not true; it's only a coat of paint. Psychologists aren't worth anything.
CC dice que trata de dirijirse a esa otra entidad de nosotros.
CC says: try to direct yourselves to the other part of ourselves.
CC dice que es el mismo viaje que DJ
CC say that is is the same trip that DJ
La gorda Maria Elena se murio de egomaniatica diciendo que era la mujer nagual, que todos comian de su mano.
La Gorda, Maria Elena, died of egomania saying she was the nagual woman, that everyone ate from her hand.
Aqui es el epicentro! Mexico! (La Cd. de Mexico)
Here is the epicenter! Mexico! (Mexico City)
Una bruja en Mexico lo ayudo! Un dia sera libre, pero ese dia le sera dada! Le falta poco tiempo porque algo le sera dado Otros linajes? debe haber, esa sea, debe ser
A female sorcerer in Mexico City helped him [CC]! Some day she will be free, but that day she'll be given. [?] There is little time left, because something will be given to her... Other lineages? There must be, that is, there should be.
Como se convoca el intento? Llamalo intento, intento, intento!!
How do you call intent? Call it. Intent, intent, intent!!
La idea del suplicante no existe, los brujos no piden, no suplican, ordenan!!!! pero ordenan como un pedido quedito!
Not with the attitude of a supplicant--sorcerers don't plead, don't entreat, they command!!!! But a command like a gentle request!
Nosotros usamos el intento sin darnos cuenta. Si sabemos usar el intento, por que no usarlo de una manera total
We use intent without realizing it. If we know how to use intent, then why not use it totally?
Pensar antes de hablar! en 2 horas la mente la deja
Think before talking! In 2 hours the mind will stop
El brujo puede pensar sin intelecto
A sorcerer can think without the intellect.
Nada de lo que dice se pierde, se esta refiriendo al cuerpo energetico de uno! Nothing of what is said is lost; referring to one's energetic body!
En Los Angeles se hicieron seminarios y salieron 40 personas y se ven lindisimas, el seminario en agosto, redujeron su peso, es la tensigridad!
They did seminars in Los Angeles and 40 people showed up [or came out] and they were very beautiful, the seminar in August; they lost weight, it's Tensegrity!
El valle de Mexico es un epicentro, que es como una campana, todo puede suceder aqui!!!
The valley of Mexico [Mexico City valley] is an epicenter, like a bell, everything [anything] can happen here!!!
pa' que esta alharaca del yo yo yo del brujo?
Why this fuss from sorcerers about the I, I, I?
El orden social no toma en cuenta la supervivencia del hombre
The social order does not take into account the survivorship of man.
Los murcielagos estan evolucionando Bats are evolving.
Disonancia cognitiva es el arte de parar el mundo por un instante
Cognitive dissonance is the art of stopping the world for an instant.
Los suenhos lucidos son yo (la mente) si son ello puede ser serio Lucid dreams are about I (the mind); if they are about IT, they can be serious.
Uno adquiere un increible respeto por lo infinito..., por lo inaudito
One acquires an incredible respect for the infinite . . ., for the unknown.
El molde del hombre es el Dios que nosotros conocemos
The mold of man is the God we know.
Nuestra soberbia (los voladores) nos incita a eso.... creer en Dios
Our arrogance [pride] (the flyers) incites us to this . . belief in God
El escrutinio tiene que ser amplio y despiadado
Our scrutiny [self-examination] has to be widespread and pitiless
Solo el hombre esta como si estuviera cortado por un cuchillo, no se por que?
Only man is trimmed as if cut with a knife, who knows why?
Parece que van a hacer el seminario para mujeres aqui. quiza el proximo mes!
It looks like we may have the seminar for women here. Perhaps next month!
DJ cree que es el unico Ser que es victimizado.
DJ thinks he/she is the only Being that is victimized.
Los voladores saben que lo primero que deben atacar, es a la mujer, tienen el poder, tienen otro cerebro.
The flyers know that their first one they must attack is the woman; she has the power; has another brain.
DOMINGO 28 DE ENERO DE 1996 - 9:00 am
SUNDAY JANUARY 28, 1996 - 9:00 am
En un dia la diferencia ya es marcada con los movimientos de tensigridad.
[CC says:] After one day the difference with Tensegrity movements is noticeable.
DJ era tan simple que me asustaba
DJ was so simple that it scared me.
Nuestras ideas hay que sostenerlas, el unico modo de mantenerlas es enojarse.
Our ideas have to be upheld; and the only way to maintain them is to get angry.
El brujo dice nadie quiere se libre.
Sorcerers day no one wants to be free.
Si sigo con este camino mis hijos se van a quedar sin nada... pero que tienen ahora?
If I continue down this road my children are going to wind up without anything . . . but what do they have right now!
El brujo dice nadie quiere se libre.
Sorcerers say no one wants to be free.
El asunto es desviar la confrontacion.... Vivimos de ideologia, la ideologia del yo, nos referimos a una idea de uno mismo Nosotros intrinsicamente no somos asi!!!
The point is to ward off the confrontation . . . We live off of ideology, the ideology of "I," we refer to an idea of ourselves. We are intrinsically not that way!!!
Los voladores nos han impuesto esta idea, pero no podemos darnos cuenta porque no tenemos energia.
The flyers have placed that idea in us, but we can't see it [realize it] because we don't have the energy.
Los brujos son tremendamente simples y directos
Sorcerers are tremendously [frightfully] simple and direct.
Quiere hacer lo mismo que DJ pero en masa, CC dice que no puede hacerlo de 1 a 1.
He wants to do the same thing DJ did, but in mass, CC says. He can't do it 1 to 1.
CC dice alguien va a descubrir la maniobra de los voladores, va a llegar el momento en que esos centros estaran repletos
CC says somebody is going to uncover the maneuver of the flyers; going to arrive at the moment in which these centers are full [loaded, replete].
DJ dice que no tenemos los pies en la tierra Tenemos los pies en idealidades, tenemos miedo, a la disciplina, ni siquiera es nuestro. La mente es la que hace que nos de miedo
DJ says we don't have our feet on the ground; we have our feet on idealities; we are afraid, of discipline, even if it is our own. The mind is what makes us fear.
La mente dice: pero esto no es cientifico, es una estupidez! Si! Tienes que desenganchar la mente! trata! haz esfuerzo!
The mind says: but this is not scientific; it's stupid! Yes! You have to unhook [disengage] the mind! Try it! Make the effort!
!o.- fijarme en lo que estaba diciendo, antes de hablar, piensa tu mente se va a cansar
Or! Take a look at what I'm saying, before I speak. Think, your mind will get tired.
Lo horrible es que tienes que leer libros escritos por volares The worst thing is that you have to read books written by the flyers.
Que pasa cuando se desengancha la mente? no cavilaciones, pensamientos directos
What happens when the mind is disengaged? No fretting [brooding], direct thoughts
No se puede cogitar, se cogita pero se cogita mal No hay pensamiento especulativo, no hay el "que pasaria si...." La mente se convierte en algo tremendamente funcional
One cannot cogitate; cogitating but cogitating poorly No speculative thinking, no "what if . . ." The mind gets converted into something tremendously functional.
Los voladores nos dieron la mente!
The flyers gave us the mind!
Yo creia que la mente eran las experiencias de mi vida, pero DJ me dijo que no Hay un substrato que es el yo, que adquirio todas esas experiencias...
I believed that the mind was my life experiences, but DJ told me no. There is a substrate that is the I, which acquired all those experiences . . .
DJ me invita a esta pelea incesante Esta lucha lo deja a uno nuevo, el oponente vale la pena! si se descuida uno, se lo comen hasta los talones!
DJ invites me to this incessant battle This struggle leaves one new; the opponent is worth the trouble! If one is careless, he gets eaten down to the heels!
Uno es mas sobrio, porque le quita el enojarse con todo el mundo
One becomes more sober, because anger at the world is cleared away.
A los voladores no hay manera de vencerlos! que puede hacer un pollo audaz? se escapa! se sale del gallinero!
There's no way to defeat (conquer) the flyers! What can an audacious chicken do? Escape! Flee the coop!
No tengo nada extraordinario, no tengo nada especial, ya busque en el cuerpo energetico
I am not extraordinary, I have nothing special, I have searched in the energy body
Las ideas ya las puedo manejar con el dedo chiquito DJ dice que nuestros allegados caen con la adulacion Lo que me interesa es la libertad?
Ideas I can now handle with the little finger DJ says that our assertions [declarations?] fall with flattery What interests me is freedom.
Como parar la mente? A patadas!!!
How to stop the mind? Kicking it!!!
DJ decia: para parar a la mente de segundo a segundo.... primero un segundo, otro segundo, 2 segundos, 3 segundos, 4.... 8 segundos... hasta que sucede por acumulacion que tiempo se necesita para que se caiga la mente? No se puede saber! Es una tarea dificilisima pero digna
DJ said: to stop the mind second by second . . . first one second, another second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 . . . 8 seconds until it happens by accumulation How long does it take for the mind to fall? That's something that can't be known! It is a difficult task, but worthy.
no prepare lo que iba a decir, yo no estoy pensando, yo no estoy cogitando, yo les estoy hablando desde ese silencio desde hace 35 anhos
I did not prepare what I am going to say. I am not thinking, I am not cogitating, I am speaking to you from 35 years of silence.
(Varias personas asistentes en la reunion del sabado, hicieron preguntas muy largas y rebuscadas, CC les dijo que esas preguntas eran hechas directamente por voladores, una persona se enojo mucho porque no le respondio su extensa pregunta... mmmm... entendimos mejor de lo que hablaba CC)
(Various people attending the Saturday session asked long and affected [unnatural] questions, and CC said these questions were made directly by the flyers. One person got angry because he did not respond to his extensive question ... mmmm . . . we understood better what CC had been talking about)
Yo le hacia preguntas a DJ como de media hora, te estas haciendo aleman! el verbo al final!
I used to ask DJ questions that were an hour long, you are becoming German! the verb at the end!
DJ era un experto en la disonancia cognitiva
DJ was an expert in cognitive dissonance.
DJ una vez me envio con Florinda Donner a que me ensenhara sobre disonancia cognitiva: Florinda me dice: esta bien, el lunes a las 7, vienes y me coges (estaban en jueves) que!!! me volvi loco pensando, dandole vueltas al asunto, como yo iba a hacer eso....... y pasaban los dias y cada dia era peor....... hasta que llego el lunes... pues me cambie, fui, abrio la puerta y... me desmaye!!! desde ahi me conocieron como el "cumplidor" Florinda Donner le decia: dejate de disonancias y ven a cogerme! yo no tengo chile, esas son pendejadas de los hombres!
DJ once sent me to Florinda Donner [Error! to Florinda _Matus] for her to teach me about cognitive dissonance: Florinda says to me: O.K., Monday at 7:00, come over and fuck me. (this was on Thursday) What!!! I went crazy thinking, turning it over in my mind, how was I going to do this . . . . and the days went by, each one worse . . . . until Monday arrived . . I dress, went over, opened the door and . . . fainted!!! From then on I was known as the "promise-keeper." Big Florinda said: "drop the strife and come fuck me!" I don't have a "chile pepper," these are the pubic ornaments of MEN!
DJ tuvo tiempo de ensenhar, por anhos y anhos, nosotros no!! El nunca tuvo la posibilidad de una masa, si llegamos a ese acuerdo el impulso valdria 30 anhos!!
DJ had time to teach, for years and years; we don't!! He never had the possibility of a mass of people; if we can reach that accord, the impulse [the push of it] would be worth 30 years!!
Aprender de 1 a 1, necesitan sudar tinta, porque tienen la masa pueden aprender mas rapido!!
To learn one on one, you have to sweat bullets [ink], but since you have mass, you can learn much more rapidly!!
Desde que se empiezan a dar los seminarios, cosa bestial!, en segundos...
From when they first started giving seminars, how wild!, in seconds . . .
Another note: When it said "How do you stop the mind?" I wrote "Kicking it," for "a patadas." "Stomping it out" is the American phrase closer to the Spanish one.
DJ me dijo: tu cuerpo energetico esta en Japon! Tarda anhos juntar el cuerpo energetico!
DJ told me: your energetic body is in Japan! It takes years to unite the energy body.
El final se acerca, tenemos poco tiempo! tengo que esperar para hacer algo... que es? no se!
The final act draws close, we have little time! I have to wait to do something . . . what is it? I don't know!
Es increible en los seminarios he visto que hay gente que puede atraer su cuerpo energetico con solo insinuacion! He visto talento! no se lo que puedo hacer con todo lo que he visto!
It's incredible; I have seen persons in the seminars who can attract their energy bodies from just a suggestion! I have seen talent! I don't know what to do what all I've seen!
El impulso es de la masa!!!! Lo que si puedo decirles, es que aprenden mas rapido! por que? por la masa!
The impetus is from the mass!!!! What I can tell you is that the learning is faster! Why! Because of the mass!
Lo que queremos es la libertad!
What we want is freedom!
-Alguien pregunta sobre las personas de 4 puntos... No vale un pito ser doble!
Someone asks about the 4-compartment person . . . Not worth a tinker's dam!
Nuestra energia esta baja
Our energy is low.
Los gurus te permiten algo o no te permiten Gurus allow you something or don't allow it.
yo le preguntaba a DJ que si donde estaban los voladores DJ decia que la mayoria estan en Argentina :-) (broma)
I asked DJ where the flyers are DJ said most of them are in Argentina (joke)
Los voladores era informacion super secreta de los brujos, pero la foto de un volador, tomada por alguien fuera del grupo, sirvio como un augurio... desde ese momento empece a decir de ellos! Los voladores nos quitan la conciencia del ser!
The flyers were a top secret piece of knowledge of the sorcerers, but the photo of a flyer, taken by someone outside the group, served as an augury [omen] . . . From that moment, I began to talk about them! The flyers take away our awareness!
Carol Tiggs en otro seminario hablo de otro mundo (uno de esos 600), llegar a ese mundo, es algo que nos privaron los voladores! pero si nomas tenemos conciencia del ser en el espacio entre los dedos gordos, por eso solo hablamos del yo! entre mas egomaniacos somos, mas comida para los voladores!
Carol Tiggs in one of the other seminars spoke of another world (one of the 600); getting to that world is something of which the flyers deprive us! But if we just have awareness between our big toes, that's why we talk only about "I." The more egomaniacal we are, the more food for the flyers!
Si llegamos a ese acuerdo, podemos llegar a una masa de luminosidad!
If we reach an accord, we can become a luminous mass.
el intento es una fuerza, no es percepcion, nosotros somos intento!! ya somos magos del intento!! por que no somos magos totales?
Intent is a force, not a perception; we are intent!! We are wizards of intent! Why not be total wizards?
La tensigridad es una llave!
Tensegrity is the key!
Un anho sali a buscar gurus y no encontre nada!!
One year I went around looking for gurus and didn't find a one!!
(varias personas hicieron preguntas sobre ensonhar, acecho... CC dijo que para hacer eso primero hay que ganar energia! como? practicando los ejercicios de tensigridad!) Ahorita dedicate a la tensigridad, vamos a llegar a otras cosas pero de una manera no intelectual (no hacer) primero hay que tonificar ese cuerpo!
(various people asked questions about dreaming, stalking . . . CC said first one had to gain energy! how? practicing the exercises of Tensegrity!) Right now, dedicate yourselves to Tensegrity, later we will arrive at other things but in a non-intellectual manner. First the body needs toning (tuning)!
Deja los libros de CC de ladito!
Put the CC books aside!
La tensigridad no la hagas en el viento! Hay vientos que no son viento! No todas las corrientes de aire son viento! algunas son entidades! La tierra es un ser viviente
Don't do Tensegrity in the wind! There are winds that are not wind. Not all currents of air are winds! Some are entities! Earth is a living being.
(alguien pregunta por los aliados) por el momento no vamos a hablar de aliados y cosas asi!
(someone asks about the allies) For now we're not going to talk of allies and things like that!
Los voladores andan por el suelo Se instalan en la mente entre los 10 y 12 anhos.... a veces mas... a veces menos (alguien pregunta como cuidar a los hijos de los voladores) no se pueden cuidar... pero si el padre se cuida, los hijos siempre aprenden del ejemplo
Flyers walk along the ground. They are installed in the mind between 10 and 12 years of age. . . sometimes later . . . sometimes earlier . . . (someone asks how to protect their children from the flyers) you can't protect them . . . but if the father protects himself, the children will always learn by example.
(alguien pregunta por las curaciones) DJ no estaba interesado en curar, decia que es inutil borrar los sintomas de la enfermedad, lo que le interesaba era saltar de carril, era cambiar de cuerpo, a uno que no uso, pues estaba mas joven. como saltar de carril? con energia y proposito! DJ habia saltado 11 veces minimo. al nagual Julian le dio tuberculosis por libertino, siempre estaba al borde de la muerte, pero cambiaba de cuerpo
(someone asks about curing) DJ wasn't interested in curing. He said that it is useless to take away the symptoms of an illness. What interested him was to jump tracks, to change the body, to one not used; since he became younger. How to jump tracks? With energy and purpose! DJ had jumped at least 11 times. The nagual Julian got tuberculosis from his libertinism, was always at death's door, but he changed bodies.
(alguien pregunta por las curaciones de Panchita, la bruja) les hacia cambiar de nivel
(someone asks about the cures of Panchita, the bruja) She makes them change levels.
No puedes dar energia! lo que das es el intento! You cannot give energy! What you can give is the intent!
El cuerpo energetico es el doble
The energy body is the double.
Los brujos son seres super pragmaticos! Asi que para los brujos, espacio y tiempo se convierten en entidades concretas! que los brujos tienen que conocer si se van a mover en espacios....
Sorcerers are super pragmatic beings! So for sorcerers, space and time are converted into concrete entities! They have to know if they are going to change spaces [?] . . .
Nacho Coronado, creador de mascaras... era un genio para hacer mascaras, pero tenia miedo de triunfar y por eso no busco triunfar, aunque el decia que queria triunfar! DJ decia: que tristeza que no puedas ser libre, aunque le importe un pepino la demas gente
Nacho Coronado, mask-maker . . . was a genius in making masks, but he was afraid to succeed, and so he did not look for success, although he said he wanted to succeed! DJ said: How sad that he cannot be free, although he doesn't give a fig about other people.
(pregunta sobre el amor) Nosotros somos inversionistas... te quiero porque me quieres
(question about love) We are investors. . . I love you because you love me.
mamfifas = masturbaciones, mamfifotas
Notes taken by J. Garcia: Sonora, Mexico
Translation to English by Bill Parsons.[ 1996 Index | Previous | Next ]
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