Tensegrity Seminars
Pomona - February 1998
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 17:17:21 +0100
I just want to share some of my notes on last seminar.Feb. 7th - Morning: Lecture by Florinda Donner-Grau
Florinda was smiling, she seemed to be in her best mood. She was reading written notes. A translator asked her to talk slowly and she commented: "Now I will be even more boring" (Or something like that). When she stated that they are the last link of Don Juan's lineage I felt that it's true and that there are energetic reasons for that (although I don't know them). She said that this was their 33rd workshop; they started on 1994. As soon as CT returned, they started to teach the movements in small groups, but then they realized that it wasn't the right move, so they continued to teach them in formal seminars. The team of instructors that teach the first three series of not-doings is called: "Awareness through the same". These two beings are not similar, they are the same being (although they don't even look similar). Don Juan told Carlos about this kind of beings, but C. forgot about it because he had never met anyone like that. They call them: "Double blast". She wasn't supposed to tell us, she said, but our attention forced her to. When Carlos gets in touch with the two girls performing the not-doings, he gets angry because he's moved. He said that he's too old for that. Carlos still gets angry, and his rage is terrible, being a nagual.. but he can detach himself from it very easily. This team affects deeply all of them, and it will affects us too. She said that we may feel that during the seminar of after the seminar, but we will surely feel it. Florinda said that Carlos is rearranging his world, he's busy doing something else. She is sure that he will make it (to do what he has to), because now he is only a being that he's going to die... he doesn't have anything else. Florinda also told us that our luminous egg should be covered by a sheen of luminosity but it is not because of the wear and tear of everyday life. Our daily turmoil is due to our nasty behavioral patterns. She wasn't going to talk us about it, because her lectures are supposed to be very abstract. Taisha and Carol will talk about it. But, she said, an example of a nasty behavior is: "Do you like me?".
Feb. 7th - Nuri and Hailey: (Awareness through the same)
They spoke in an alternative fashion during this day. They said that the ancient sorcerers had a pattern of behavior: what is the best thing to do for a being that is going to die. They said that the purpose in life is to allow individual awareness to expand itself. The Blue Scout said that it took her a long time to realize that vitality and awareness are the only things that matter. She said that the only thing that sustain the people who are teaching tensegrity is tensegrity. When she was teaching the series: "The running man" she stated that these passes are to be done as if there is no tomorrow: She sang a little song: "There is no tomorrow (3) today".
I found that they were exactly as Don Juan's party members would be today. For instance, they had the same mood: light and joking but stern and cutting at the same time.
Feb. 7th - Afternoon: Lecture by Taisha Abelar
She said that the not-doings will have a beneficial effect on us and it will continue after the seminar, it will be a permanent change. Don Juan had 4 different personalities, for his 4 disciples. T.A. also has different personalities, she talked about multiple personality. During the last 6 months she entered a different personality, until yesterday. Yesterday (Friday) she was in a big store, where they sell cabinets, iron and wooden materials, and so on. In that personality she's a woman who enjoys working, she doesn't like to spend money, she chooses the cheapest things. Then she went to the restaurant next to the store and a girl (the waitress?) exclaimed: "I could be on my worst day, but when I see a sorcerer I walk on clouds." T. looked around, there was only a man in the restaurant, but he didn't look like a sorcerer. So, she realized that she was talking about Taisha, and she vaguely remembered to be Taisha. She asked the girl if she had attended some seminar, and the girls replied yes, she was very enthusiastic about it, and she asked something about recapitulation. But Taisha at the moment was not Taisha and she didn't know anything about recapitulation. So she changed subject and she started to talk about the cabinets in the store. The girl looked very disappointed. T. said that it's very important to change our name, in order to be fluid. When we were born our parents chose our names, filling us with expectations. In order to free ourselves from the weight of our names we should use different names, different personalities. She also talked about a book, "Dona Perfecta" (does anyone remember the author's name?) It's about a woman who thinks she's perfect, she's beyond any criticism. We are all like that, especially women.
Feb. 8th - Morning: Lecture by Carol Tiggs
CT was very warm during her lecture and she seemed to be moved. She talked about the team "awareness through harmony" formed by Zaia and Miles ( but now their names are Zaio and Maila??). They are like two acrobats; they perform the movements to perfection and they risk to die any moment. She ended up saying that she, CC, TA and FD are at a stage of the game which Carlos defines as: "I live moment by moment" (or something like that). Any moment is wonderful, no matter what happens, because you can't waste your last moment on anger, worry, etc...
Feb. 8th - Zaia and Miles:
Zaia said that this series never changed because it's the cornerstone of not-doings. Miles said that "awareness through harmony" means that awareness takes on a special value when you are with someone with whom their is only harmony, no need of competition. Then awareness flows. He said that this awareness will flow through us as well. I was fascinated by Miles and Zaia's dramatic mood. They were extremely concentrated, as two acrobats risking their life, indeed. I guess it's because there is too much power flowing through them, so they cannot afford any mistake. I was very surprised by the fact that during their performance there were people walking around, going to the toilette, etc.. The energy that was flowing at that moment was so intense and pure.. Probably not everyone was feeling what I was feeling.
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