Tensegrity Seminars
Pomona - February 1998
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 23:46:30 PST
How fluid are you Pomona? (HFAYP)
#1 in a seriesHello Warriors, I am Juan Jose Yera. This is a narrative of what I saw at Pomona. Thanks to every one that has posted on this topic. I hope I don't repeat too much of your stuff. I hope I can convey the impact it had on me. Since It did have such a profound impact, I wanted to tell the whole story, what led up to It and immediately after. My notes consisted of six sentences so I hope I have it right. It's funny how Pomona was so many things to so many people. Thanks to all the fine warriors I met there. My heart soars. Welcome to all the newcomers on IML from the Pomona workshop.
To start, I want to state that I think that New Nagual and his cohorts, along with the staff at Cleargreen are participants in a warriors maneuver of great proportions. We, all of us on this journey, contrary to what some of us believe, are in fact members of a warrior party, apprentices on a journey. The quest for freedom. I have understood that this group is being directly guided by a careful and impeccable plan perpetrated by the "New Seers". The instrument of this plan is of course Cleargreen. If you have the ears to hear then fine. I have stopped counting coincidence a long time ago.
I had been to other seminars and knew the mission of the Cleargreen staff. To saturate us with Tensegrity. I decided to take a different approach this time. What I decided to do was to start my saturation the week before the seminar. I doubled my Tensegrity intake for the week. It was indeed a very special time for me at an energetic level. The whole week went like clock work. Every single thing fell into place. With no exceptions. Everything flowed from one event to the next virtually with out seams. Even the a car I rented, to my surprise, was the exact model of the car I drive. The flow continued as I drove to LA. This flow of course was in the form of the most torrential down pour imaginable. As I climbed the Grapevine over the mountains going south on I-5 I was not deprived of anything on this trip up to and including a giant port-a-potty laying on its side in the middle of the road. I could have died that day but some other thing awaited me. With all the wind and the rain buffeting my car I thought to my self, "Now the shit has really hit the fan" I arrived in LA and made some stops to pick up my room mates for Pomona. A veritable UN. That night we did Tensegrity. All the passes we all knew and of course it was a bit strange as one can imagine the normal disagreement as to whether the circles go forward or back. However, we managed and had a rip snoring time:)
The next day turned out to be a perfect day. We all went to the workshop. Five of us by now. The arrival was typical, the Number Givers, registration, the stinking badges, the wand wavers, the bag searchers, and of course the same two Walmart greeters checking badges. At the entrance, milling around, was a plethora of men women and children(yes children) all of different races and nationalities. Something was different about the souvenir stand this time. It was mostly manned with the Tensegrity instruction staff. Doing normal work, if you can imagine that formidable energy eater Kylie counting T-shirts and Miles working the credit card machine. They were very preoccupied with their tasks. Very detached.
This brings to mind our continuing preoccupation with what is seen as the commercial nature of the Warriors Way. However, my questions and conclusions about this are clear. As modern warriors engaged in an impeccable task, providing a service, the whole organization is acting as impeccable merchants and service providers. Where in this world can you go and get such a service for free? No where! Salaries must be paid, rents are due, insurance, utilities, travel, salaries of persons needed prior to, payment of time spent preparing for the work shop, security costs. I am sure the list goes on. I can't imagine that anyone here could afford to dedicate the time these people do and then not get paid. That is of course not-doable. Can anyone here get along with out income in today's world? No, we can't. So I have vanquish my thoughts about these things. These activities are what sustain me. My life now revolves around the sorcerers world, longing to be more and more a part of it each day. They (and I) see their world as a good bargain at any price.
Lets say any of us out there, an architect for example. Can he or she do his or her job without a calculator, rulers, paper drawing pads? No again. The tools that I need to bring me closer to my goals are sold at the store of infinity(cryptic name isn't it). Books, Teflon balls, BB-bags for inner silence, even my recapitulation pen was something that I know was meant just for me. Intended as warrior's tools. Where else can I get these tools? Nowhere. How many of us don't wear a T-shirt a ball cap, most of us do. Why not spend my money to support that which I want to make grow? I love my TENSEGRITY HAT. I get silent when I wear it. An outward sign of my practice. But then also an enigma to those that read it. My warriors uniform so to speak. So again I see all of this as an impeccable maneuver on the part of the Cleargreen organization to create a new intent in the world. There primary mission is the warriors way, not money. It would be like saying that the primary mission of the church in their, heart of hearts, is money (OK maybe wrong example) but you know what I mean.
So finally drifting past the souvenir stand and buying a book signed by the Nagual(seven dollars cheaper than at B. Dalton Booksellers). I find my spot. I, inadvertently, stopped right on it. I turned around and saw the now familiar sign that tells me I'm on track. I read it, right on the wall, a big red nine. I knew I had chosen right. So I marked it for the duration. Cause as we will see later, it's a predatory universe in there.
Of course the announcer, Lorenzo Drake, came out and announced "the schedule as published had been change"... Duh. This is something that seminar goers have seen every time. How fluid are you Pomona? Lorenzo was attired all in black, in what seemed to be a wintering over parka. It's length, fell down below his knees. Either he was engaged in some stalking maneuver, or he was making a hell of a fashion statement. Not until now did I ever understand that these changes in schedule were being used to jolt my immobility. To make me not so sure of what was going to happen next. This to me was the start of the message of fluidity.
We were all asked to gather around the podium for a lecture. My memory is flawed and can only remember sporadic sayings, but my feelings and understanding of the impact of the statements and actions made during the lectures is unmistakable. The three cohorts of the Nagual, in my opinion, have changed dramatically. They have sort of gotten more homogenous. They are more like each other. They all seemed "Taisha Like". Florinda's "mask", if I can call it that, was now of a patient, deliberate, and articulate person where before she had been as if spun up like a top. Her words were slow careful and droning. A totally new person not the Florinda that I had seen before at all. Taisha was more secure, more strong, her voice seemed more steady. And Carol was more emotional, not the sure thing that I had seen before. Not Dona perfecta.
The morning lecture was by Florinda, she seemed more sober somehow. Her talk was about the same topics that are always enumerated. The luminous ball, the assemblage point, the glow of awareness. Explanations of the terms that are so familiar but terms we all love hearing about again and again. She did not say "bored fuck" or talk about condoms at all. Again I would say that she was very different than she normally had been. The extent of her fluidity was overwhelming. She in her presentation was some other person. The discipline and change she showed us was more significant than her droning of the Castaneda litany. Her doing spoke louder than her words to me and to others in the party.
The moment of truth finally came and we started our Tensegrity. Between the two days we were taught the Westwood series individual passes and the long forms. So how fluid are you Pomona? Yes, they have changed again. Resistance is futile. The Instruction staff again seemed to be carrying out a careful plan of constant change. They seem to accept the changes as a mater of need. Change was essential and a matter of course. I will attempt to write the changes at a latter posting.
END #1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 11:29:59 PST
#2 HFAY Pomona JJY
It seemed that El Nino and the witches had gotten together to drive the point home.
At about 1048, with out finishing the 5 concerns, we started with the passes for not doing. These passes were taught by the blue scout and I believe the person known as the orange scout. Two beings, it is reported, that the nagual thinks identical in every way. It is claimed that when he practices these movement with them his assemblage point moves automatically. He ends up "going through the roof". And apparently a lot of the practitioners did as well, as we will see. The attraction that this being has for me is remarkable. She just does not seem human. One of the cohorts took the words right out of my mouth when she said they "looked like some exquisite, exotic creature" projected up on those screens. This is a reference to the fact that through a series of movie cameras they project the images of the demonstrators on giant screens all around the room.
It was pouring rain out side. You could hear the water flowing through the pipes and on the curved surface of the building. The passes for not doing are completely different than what was taught in LA last summer. How fluid are you Pomona? I really can't remember the first set taught but I think it was The legs rule vitality (thanks Jo and Turnbuckle for clearing that up). However, like I said, same name - different passes. Just a note about the passes they seem to get more natural, more refined every time. More perfected and flowing. Simplicity it self. It seems that the big plan is being followed even in the doling out of passes. "We shall teach no pass before its time" seems to be the call.
The passes for not doing were truly magical. While doing these passes, at times, I actually felt like I was seeing my double sitting in front of me. I became conscious of this during The Legs Rule Vitality #24 A strike to the clavicle... My kinesthetic memory seems to have improved from that awkward day at Westwood when they said OK form around the stages and give yourselves some room. When they demonstrated those first movements, I was ecstatic. This whole new world of possibilities opened up to me and only now after two years of practicing them is the impact finally starting to sink in
Lunch the first day came and went. One of my roommates got a $99.00 refund from his hotel:) It did not seem as if there were as many people practicing the passes in groups as at other seminars.
The afternoon lecture was Taisha, She was marvelous. Her message to me was again fluidity and in a round about way she let me know it is not an easy thing. She recounted, as some others have posted, her episode at the restaurant. In not so many words she let me know that she was not able to flow from one stalking character to the other with out some difficulty. It was difficult to pull herself from her current stalking position back to Taisha when approached by the waitress. Again her demeanor was smoother than normal. A friend of mine says that It was not her verbal message that was keeping him at the edge of his seat but her gesticulating which was a flowing movement. She seemed more in control some how rather unexplainable to me. Her basic message being "fluidity, energy and detachment" After the lecture we continued with the blue scout. Again her hypnotic voice was haunting. She sang us a song to the tune of "Yes We Have No Bananas" It said "Yes there is no tomorrow, there is no tomorrow today". This is curious in light of the recent thread on warrior songs and the movement of the assemblage point. She also said that we will arrive at awareness and vitality from these magical passes. We continued with Unbending Purpose. All the passes done by the blue scout were done both in a sitting position and in a prone position. Some time during these sessions with the blue scout my eyes crossed and seemed to stay that way. It was actually a nuisance to have to stop one pass to start the other. Why? Because I and many other people in the hall were shadow gazing. The exquisite roof of the hall, the passes, and the scouts united to deliver several different effects on different people. I, was distinctly in two places, at once, on the ground and in the rafters. My awareness was in both places at the same time. I could feel the cold floor under my elbows and was so close to the rafters I could touch them. Latter on, my roommate, seeing that on several occasions I had reached up to grab something mentioned it and we both realized that we were both seeing the same thing. Except he felt like the roof had come down to him and I thought I had gone up to the roof. There were announcements to the effect that, some people had stood up and as they did had to brush some of the roof off of their clothes. This Indeed has had a profound and lasting effect on me. To this day I still have not turned into the complete asshole that is customary days after the seminars. Indeed the changes from the passes/experience have turned into a permanent effect. The flow from, here and here, was rather easy to sustain during the first day.
After supper we did The Running Man. They were indeed remarkable. One period of these passes was done with abandon no counting just doing them at different speeds and intensity chosen by the practitioner, and then we did them to Vivaldi. Lucky for me they were selling the sound track at the store cause I have no memory for music. Just a comment about the music. I feel that the cohorts have always advocated no music in the background because it calls you. It takes you away from what you are doing. I use ear plugs except when doing the passes specifically to music. Like Silvio Manuel's Passes and The running Man. One thing I recommend is don't learn the music. Leave it as something unknown and outside of your self. Don't learn the words to "You Only Live Twice, or the Music from the LA not-doings. Let the sentiment take you fresh every time. As has been mentioned, the last group of passes was done to Vivaldi. Just as if they were made for each other. Who said you can't dance to classical music! That night it rained cats and dogs. The music and the water carried me away. END #2
To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 15:43:00 PST
HFAYP # 3 Hi I am Juan Jose Yera. This is what I saw the last day of the seminar at Pomona
Sunday morning was a nice cloudy day. My predilection is for cloudy, foggy days. Everything was on track. First thing in the morning we finished the 5 concerns and learned the long form. At the end of the long forms is when I entered the dark sea of stupidity. As I mentioned in the first post it is a predatory universe in there. Before I continue, I want to thank who ever it was that this story is about for giving me this understanding. You were the Petty tyrant of my most fluid of days. Looking back this story it gets rather humorous so tighten your belt. As soon as we finished the Westwood long forms it was going to be time to do the "mat" thing again. One of my roommates had been next to me the whole time. So you can imagine that I had found my niche, and all was fine with the world. It just so happened that he went of to the bathroom. Being the new-bee seminar goer that he was he left and did not mark his spot. I was fiddling with the mats and when I turned around, there she was, the Angel of Death. She had just thrown her mat onto the spot where my friend had just been! How fluid are you Pomona? I courteously informed her that the spot was taken. She let me know "well that's too bad, there was no mark here". We amiably exchanged a few words. I tried my most pleading voice. To no avail. I was in shock.
The only thing that I could think of doing was to scream "You fucking bitch." and grab her little foam mat and fling it across the auditorium and say with my best Scar Face accent "Oh yea, well how do you like that shit." I was devastated. The fluidity that had lasted me for over a week had now finally and tragically come to an end. I was out of control. Luckily Alex, on the other side of me, defused me, calmed me down, with just a few words, enough for me to see straight (Thanks). But I was raging. I was "IN A SEPARATE REALITY". My internal dialog was going a mile a minute. After what seemed an eternity, we finally started the last sets of the Not-Doing passes with Mila and Ziles(SP). I was still having problems concentrating. As we continued - I became less agitated. I was finally able to get a grip and determine a course of action. I decided, I would point my ass in her direction and let go the smelliest, foulest, fart I could muster. After the second or third one my internal dialogue was finally quieting down again. Eventually, I felt the joy of a mischievous child satisfied with a job well done. Then was I able to continue the passes with out any further interruption. Again, if you are on these lists reading this, I thank you for shaking up my smug little world and hope you got a laugh out of this one too even If you did not smell my farts.
The passes of the Warriors code were fluid. They also had the ability to continue my visions from the day prior. By the way most of the passes were done with shoes on except The Running man. These passes were a bit more complicated and required more concentration. It seemed that the pass-leaders also drifted in and out as evidenced by their confused states on several occasions.
Lunch was light and we came back in early so that we could do some passes. I was relentless on those two days and tried to do Tensegrity as much as I could with as much mass as I could persuade to do them with me. We did a bunch, and I sweat my but Off.
Carol Tiggs was the last speaker. She, also seemed more demure. But the magic was obvious. Besides her making me see how critical and Don Perfecto I my self was, she showed me how impeccability could change a person as she herself had done. Two events happened almost sequentially were rather funny and mystifying to see. At one point in her speech she was talking about having children. As she said "Have a Baby" or words to that effect when her Microphone transmitter fell to the ground with a thump. It was still attached to the mic, tucked into her shirt. It gave the effect of giving birth to a dropping baby still attached by the umbilical cord. Quite a surprising effect. After she had her transmitter swapped out she approached the podium. As she put her hand out in a motion as if to pick up her water bottle the bottle moved along the top of the podium for what seemed to be almost a foot, apparently by itself, pulled into her hand by some force. Illusion, freak event, intent, I don't know. Just telling what I saw.
I think it was Carol Tiggs that said these The Running Man passes along with the Five Concerns were all one really needed to reach awareness and balance the body. Also alluding that If they do not, then you must continue to do all the rest of the passes also. At her closing, she repeated a long quote by the Nagual having to do with the fact that all our undertakings should be accomplished with joy. That all our actions should be undertaken in order to increase our joy. As she finished her quote one could hear the cracking in her voice.
After the lecture we went back to our mats and continued the Not-doing Passes the intricate, Code Of The Warriors of Ancient Mexico. We did those a bunch of times to the point of saturation. I must admit that I can not in my everyday memory remember more that a few of them. But perhaps with time they will come. The seminar ended on a quiet note with everyone(at least myself) walking out in an exquisite state of inner silence.
Once we left we looked for one our roommates lost shoes to no avail and departed on our rounds to drop them all off at their destinations. That accomplished, I started on my trip home.
One of the things that I love to do is to sing while I drive. I sing my whole repertoire of world wide songs and catchy tunes. Most of them have a sentiment that moves me to tears and laughter simultanously. I am filled with longing and the deep understanding that, I am alone. The tears mirrored the torrential rains that fell outside. All of a sudden flashing lights came speeding onto the freeway from the on ramp. The only thing I could think of is "Oh my God I'm tripping" A Highway Patrol car. It whizzed by and got in front of me. It slammed on the brakes and swerved in front of me. I was so far gone that I took me awhile to catch on. I thought perhaps "a crazed police man." I even pulled over but he would have nothing to do with me. All the other cars followed behind me. We all slowed down. I was at the head of the pack with nothing in front except for the swerving police car. As those events unfolded in front of my eyes I heard a voice that said "sobriety". All my tears instantly stopped and the rain slacked off. The CHP Sped away on the off ramp. I fealt somehow detached, so I pulled in and had the bigest meatyest hamburger I could get to center me. It worked. Some of us might call the event the California Highway Patrol pacing the traffic or mere coincidence. I look back, and call that - The Spirit
Again thank you to every one that I met and was able to interact with. I owe you a debt of gratitude. This was a very personal view of the events. If anyone can add to or remember something that they saw differently please write it and send it. "Just Do Them". YT Juan Jose.
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