Tensegrity Seminars
Barcelona - June 1997
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 00:13:19 +0000
This is a translation of a posting in Spanish. Credit and thanks go to the original poster, the errors are all mine.
Talk by Florinda Donner-Grau
Barcelona Tensegrity Seminar
Pavilion of the Beautiful Sea
June 21, 1997During the Tensegrity Seminar held in Barcelona on the 20, 21 and 22 of June of 1997, in the Pavilion of the Beautiful Sea, Florinda Donner-Grau made several appearances speaking of the facts and the basic explanations that they have given as the difficult rational explanation of Tensegrity. The points treated in most of the talks were already familiar to the initiates, as well as being addressed in the only talk given by Taisha Abelar. It was in the part devoted to requests and questions in which there was a little more "meat" regarding news or small pearls that, it seems, the sorcerers have us so accustomed to catching on the wing. Surrounded by the seminar assistants and sitting on the central dais of the pavilion of the Beautiful Sea were Miles Reed, Tala Bey, Florinda Donner-Grau and Brandon Scott. These were the answers that they gave to some questions:
[What do the sorcerers eat?] "People think that the sorcerers are people that only eat potatoes and meat. No. We eat everything. We strive not to eat sugar because we all know that it is bad. Also we avoid alcohol, coffee, etc. Clearly there are people that can not avoid the temptation of the meal... or of the meat (laughs). One must eat all, above all now that they are submitted to much wear by this Tensegrity. Balanced nourishment is basic and.... what do they want? I even saw a beer taken from time to time by the old nagual. Well then, now they are not going to get drunk tonight....... Alcohol is bad, coffee is bad, sugar is bad, .... chocolate is good (laughs)."
[Concerning practicing Tensegrity in the open air] "The currents of air are not always what they seem. The old nagual was horrified when he would see people jogging, thinking that they were doing something healthy, with all that wind blowing on their bodies."
[Someone returned to the question of why they had decided to make public the topic of the Magic Passes] "It is the interpretation that the four of us (Castaneda, Tiggs, Donner and Abelar) finally gave to Don Juan's slogan "to close the Lineage with a Gold Clasp."
[Of how it is possible to reach freedom without a group] "I said yesterday: we are not a group. All have been taught and each one has to do the work. It is very simple: the personal "I" has to die, that is what anyone of us has to do. I do not know what is going to happen to me tomorrow ... perhaps die, I do not know. As such, it only remains to be impeccable in each moment, all that remains is the inflexible attempt of be Florinda Donner-Grau each day that passes, without rest."
[And the question on sex, celibacy, the saving of energy... etc.] "I do not know if you are familiar with the term "Bored Sex". It may be that to you it seems a little gross, but it is certain that we all have a quantity of energy determined by the moment in which we were begotten, and that most of us were begotten in a moment of extreme boredom, so that we have very little energy and that this has to be hoarded if in truth we want to use it to move us to the immensity out there. What do you want us to say? Do what you wish. It will not be us to say do not make love, that is a very personal decision."
[Question on whether Tensegrity can be practiced while pregnant] "Yes. All the passes except those of the womb."
[Someone asked how to tell if one is Dreaming. Florinda wanted that Miles to answer that question, since, according to her, he was Dreaming. Finally he answered,] "Look, dear heart, if you ask me that question you are not Dreaming. When you Dream you know that you are Dreaming. Dreaming is not having lucid dreams: dreaming means moving the assemblage point."
[Someone asked that they explain a little more regarding the topic of the Eagle. Florinda, after commenting that that topic was a little arcane, passed the question to Brandon and he answered] "The shamans of the ancient Mexico used metaphors to explain things that, they insisted, could not be explained rationally in any way. They would see something that to them recalled the figure of an eagle and therefore described, in a poetic way, that monstrous force as an eagle. But what is certain is that as apt as certain metaphors could be, because we do not see energy directly as it flows in the universe, we do not know in reality what is happening."
[Topic of menstruation: what happens, energetically, when a woman menstruates] "Traditionally, in our society, the woman is separated during that period of time: it is dirty and smells bad. It is certain that during that state it is more easy to Dream, and certain cultures recognize that in some way, as for example the Yaquis: they utilized a group of menstruating women to decide matters of importance."
[A vague question on the steps to take for Dreaming. This question was answered by Brandon] "It is not easy. In addition to attempting to attract the dream attention, according to what we can read in "The Art of Dreaming," one must accumulate seconds of internal silence. Establish a routine that it is not routine: move not to react as we always react..."
[Question on whether Tensegrity can solve diseases, serious or not] "Definitely we believe so. I do not say that it will be infallible but I have seen people that have cured ulcers and similar problems. There is a person in Los Angeles that was very ill with cancer and that even had to go in a wheelchair. The other day I saw him in Santa Monica inserting coins in a parking meter. From what I know, because of the impossibility of practicing Tensegrity in the wheelchair, he was carried to practice it in a pool."
[Question on the Tenant] Response: "The Tenant has gone."
[Question on what can happen if Tensegrity is practiced wrong. Florinda passed the question to Brandon] "But...why do they go to practice it wrong...? Since they practice well, no? (laughs). Now seriously: what is important is to practice, even if is practiced wrong. Do not give it too much importance if you don't remember too much of a pass. The thing is to do it, don't stop practicing because of that."
[A woman asked what happened with women that had been operated on and their uterus removed, in reference to the passes of the womb] "In that case - answered Florinda - those women have to be strengthened as if they were a man, who also does not have a womb."
[Speaking on the people attending] "You are providing an exquisite energy in this seminar. You are dreaming Tensegrity."
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