Before I met Carlos, influenced by my oriental readings, I had been in favor of the doctrine of reincarnation. It seemed a logical alternative to the Christian belief in the resurrection of the body. However, in one of his conversations, he observed that the dogmas of Christianity and of the Eastern religions were suspiciously similar, because they start from a common denominator: The fear of death.
His comment threw me into a slate of perplexity. It was a totally new focus on something that had always fascinated me.
When I asked his opinion, Carlos tried to deviate my interest to another topic, as if it were not worthwhile to speak of that matter. But later, changing tactics, he told me that all my beliefs about the survival of the personality were the result of social suggestions.
"They have told you that we have time, that there is a second opportunity. Lies!
"Seers affirm that a human being is like a drop of water that separated from the ocean of life and began to shine by itself. That shine is the point of assembling perception. But, once the luminous cocoon is dissolved, individual awareness disintegrates and becomes cosmic. How could it return? For sorcerers, each life is unique, but you are hoping to repeat it?
"Your ideas originate in the high opinion you have of your own unity. But, like everything else, you are not a solid block, you are flowing. Your 'me' is a sum of beliefs, a memory; nothing concrete!"
I asked him why religions preach their very different doctrines. He answered:
"It is easy to understand; they are answers to the ancestral fears of human beings. Each culture generated its own explanatory propositions, but only seers were beyond beliefs, corroborating those aspects of emanations of the Eagle for themselves."
He explained that there are energy clusters in the universe, to which we are hooked like the beads of a rosary are hooked to each other. We are cyclical; we are the result of a luminous stamp, and every time a new being is born, he embodies the nature of that pattern. But the chain that unites us is not of a personal nature; it doesn't imply transfers of memory or personality, or anything like that.
"To survive death, it is necessary to be a sorcerer. By satisfying the Eagle with a living replica, sorcerers are able to keep the flame of their individual awareness burning for eternities. But that is a feat. Do you think this greatest achievement of a warrior should be a free gift?"
I commented that recent studies had demonstrated that some people, under very special circumstances, are able to remember events of a past life.
He insisted that it was an erroneous interpretation of facts.
"It is true that anyone can tune in to certain living emanations that look place in other times, and feel that he has lived not only one, but many lives. But that is only one alignment among millions of possible alignments."