Download Taisha Abelar's book, Carlos Castaneda's 12 books, Florinda Donner's 3 books, Armando Torres' book, and the "Interviews/ Articles" in HTML format.
Essentially, this is the entirety of this website, but without the text or audio files.
This is a ".zip" file, which is a file containing multiple files and folders compressed into a single file for ease of transfer. 10.0 megabytes (2007.10.05)
Note: this link will open in a new window/ tab.
These text files are intended to make it easier for you to search for certain words or word phrases which you want to get back to; but which you may not remember the exact location of :o)
Note: Be aware that the large size of these files (most notably the first one containing all 17 books) may crash older or slower computer systems like "Windows 98" if viewed with "Notepad" or "Wordpad"; for example.
Note: this link will open in a new window/ tab.
Taisha Abelar's book, Carlos Castaneda's 12 books, Florinda Donner's 3 books, and Armando Torres' book; in a single text (*.txt) file.
taisha_abelar-carlos_castaneda-florinda_donner-armando_torres-17_books-text-070824.txt 8.2 MB (2007.08.24)
These files are ".mp3" audio files which I have compressed and converted into ".zip" files.
I could have stored these files as "mp3"s instead of storing them as *.zip files, but if I had and you were to left-click on their links instead of RIGHT-clicking them, the mp3 file may have attempted to play in your browser: And / or the mp3 file may have attempted to completely download first: And that would have caused major problems for novice computer users.
See the page titled Tips for downloading, saving, and opening *.zip files from the internet for information on downloading and uncompressing .zip files.
Note: This link will open in a new window/ tab.
These are the audio files above at only slightly less quality, but at significantly smaller size.
Download Manager Info
If you are having trouble getting these files because you have to disconnect your internet connection, or possibly your internet connection does not stay connected long enough; thereby forcing you to restart the download each time you reconnect; then you need a "Download Manager" which will restart the download from where it left off.
Information on free download managers is at
I have always been confused by Carlos Castaneda's apparent brilliance at one moment, only to find that at a later point in his writings (be it later in the same book, or in a later work) he seems not to remember or understand ideas that he had previously explained so clearly.
I have found the repetetive nature of this trend quite maddening to nearly everyone I have recommended his books to.
The creator of this web site, www.prismagems/castaneda/index.html, has quite wisely distilled don Juan's words out of Carlos' books.
This site is therefore, a streamlined written and oral accounting of the ultimate in human attainment; from the mouth of the teacher, without our having to wade through the often rambling nature of the unwilling student's pen.
.. a pen which I am infinity grateful for: but then, I have nearly infinite patience for what I percieve as a peerless set of clues.
I am impressed by the amount of work which went into the creation of this site.
The audio recordings are done by someone just like you or me, and "Have an extremely calming effect"; to quote a friend of mine from the other side of the Earth.
I dare to venture a guess that this work was the impetus for Carlos' own decision to create "The Wheel of Time".
"A site to promote and to assist Spiritual Evolution."
This seems to be a very relaxed community of individuals dedicated to helping each other unravel the mystery which we all are.
The primary philosophical approaches are Toltec, as presented by Carlos Castaneda; and Zen in its various presentations.
However, this site is not exclusively devoted to these two ways since each of us has our own way.