"The objective of the Rule of the nagual is to generate parties; that is, self-aware organisms capable of flying into the immensity out there. Such organisms are made up by the sum of a group of warriors who have harmonized their individual intents. The purpose of that design is to perpetuate a non-human dimension of awareness."
"That's it. A dimension in which personality is no longer the aim.
"Human beings are unable to enter and remain for any extended length of time inside the realm of cosmic awareness - the state which Don Juan called 'the third attention'. Either we leave it and forget, or we stay and melt into that unfathomable sea. But the power that governs us has found the way to get around this limitation, by creating organisms in which individual entities work as members.
"At the core of these organisms a radically new kind of attention is generated, an intent oriented towards exploring the unknown, investigating in teams what we otherwise cannot know. Feelings of individuality are no longer their operative center, because they have been substituted by something much more intense: Living as part of the whole, an energy state that no ordinary man can even conceive of. There are no routines, there is no ego, there is no ignorance, there is no interpretation. That kind of organism is only one stage on the infinite path of awareness, but for us human beings, that stage is final."
I asked him how the awareness of a party operates.
He gave me an analogy of the physical body.
"Although only in a hazy way, each one of our cells is conscious of their unity and, within certain limits, each one can act independently. However, their individual intent is subordinate to a superior purpose, which is to form the whole, which we call 'me'.
"When we finally arrive at the incredible achievement of realizing the global purpose, we can discern a superior evolutionary line. We perceive the possibility of being integrated with our complementary energetic beings, creating a form of life whose purposes are as far from the concerns of the daily world as the awareness of a single cell is from our totality. New seers call that life-form 'the party of the nagual'."
"Who are our complementary energetic beings?"
"Human beings who possess luminous characteristics that complement each other.
"Energy is recurrent, it generates patterns that we all share. In general terms, it can be said that there are four basic luminous patterns with twelve variants, synthesized by the nagual man and nagual woman. As a tonal approaches the ideal luminosity for its type, it manifests a superior degree of awareness.
"When ideal models meet, they combine. The feelings of attraction among human beings can be explained as a result of the fusion of their energy molds. Normally, such a fusion is partial, but sometimes a sudden and inexplicable wave of sympathy occurs; a seer would say that an act of energy reciprocity has taken place.
"The warriors of a party combine in such a way that their relationship produces optimal results in the sense of gaining and accumulating power.
"It is difficult to find characteristic luminous bodies who are available for the task of the nagual; the usual is to find tonals deformed by the life of the world. But when a nagual is able to integrate his party, the energy of his warriors will fuse. They sacrifice their individuality for a superior goal, and returning to their previous isolation is no longer possible, it would only mean death for them. You may say that a party is not composed of individuals, but is rather a single, living organism, with capabilities that are not human."