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Title: Encounters With The Nagual: The Task Of The Seers Of Today  •  Size: 4705  •  Last Modified: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 11:04:59 GMT
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"Encounters With The Nagual" - ©2004 by Armando Torres
Part III. The Rule of the Three-Pronged Nagual

The Task Of The Seers Of Today

"Upon verifying the Rule of the three-pronged nagual, Don Juan deduced that, inevitably, the time of a new breed of warriors was at hand; I have called them the modern seers."

"Are there any peculiarities in the luminous composition of those warriors?"

"No. In every era, man's energy pattern has been very homogeneous, so the organization of the parly is the same. However, the warriors of today are experiencing a slide towards green in their luminosity, which means that they are recovering characteristics of the old seers. This is something unforeseen, although it is for sure covered by the Rule.

"The true difference between seers of the past and those of today is in their behavior. At the moment, we are not subjected to the same repressions as in previous eras, and therefore sorcerers have fewer restrictions. Clearly, this has a purpose: Popularization of the teaching.

"I have lived a moment of renewal. My task is to close the lineage of Don Juan with a golden key, and to open up possibilities for those who come later. That is why I have said that I am the last nagual of my lineage, not in an absolute sense, but in the sense of radical change."

At this point, Carlos took a break in his presentation and reminded me of a conversation we had when we first met.

At that time, I had asked him to tell me tales of power. He replied that he could not refuse what I was asking, but to hand over those stories without any directions would have been to trivialize them.

"I hope what you have seen during these years fulfills your expectations. I did what I could, considering your limitations as

well as mine. I know you have already begun to train your dreaming double, and that guarantees that you can continue by yourself; your double won't leave you alone until you arrive at your totality. The theoretical part is finished, and it is time to give you a last gift."

The tone of Carlos' voice as he spoke these words, somewhere between familiar and solemn, made me concentrate all my attention.

"The final teaching says that in connection with intent, every person, whoever it may be, who approaches the nagual, has his place inside the total context of the Rule. So you are not alone; sorcerers are expecting something from you."

"What?" I asked, a little confused. He explained:

"All warriors have a task. Yours is to fulfill what the spirit told you to do; that is your path to power."

"And what is that task?"

"Well, your personal mission is something your benefactor will communicate to you some day. However, in accordance with the Rule of the three-pronged nagual, I am following a long-term strategy devised by Don Juan, which commits you to my teacher's intent.

"What is expected from you is that you say to those who surround you: 'You are free, you can fly by yourselves! You have the necessary information, what are you waiting for? Act impeccably, and see how energy finds a way.'

"Warn everyone that with the culmination of Don Juan's lineage, the knowledge is wide open. Each warrior is responsible for himself, and can provide himself with the minimum opportunity, which is to organize his own party."