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Title: Carlos Castaneda - Magical Passes: Fourth Series: Fourth Group: Right  •  Size: 6434  •  Last Modified: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 11:13:05 GMT
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"Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico" - ©1998 by Carlos Castaneda

The Fourth Series: Fourth Group: The Three Magical Passes for the Right Body

The first magical pass for the right body consists of five movements.

1. The right hand, at a ninety-degree angle to the forearm and with the palm facing front, makes a complete circle from left to right, to the level of the right ear, and comes to rest at the same position that it started, about a foot in front of the waist (fig. 368).

2. From there, the arm moves in a sharp arc at the level of the chest by acutely bending the elbow. The palm faces the ground; the fingers are held together and straight with the thumb locked. The index finger and thumb nearly touch the chest (fig. 369).

3. The forearm moves briskly away from the chest so that the elbow is bent at a forty-five-degree angle (fig. 370).

4. The hand rotates on the wrist; the fingers point to the ground for an instant and then flip up above the head, as if the hand were a knife (fig-371).

5. The hand descends. Using its outer edge as if it were a cutting tool, it cuts to the level of the navel.

The second magical pass for the right body consists of the following twelve movements.

6. From the side of the waist, the hand shoots out to a point in front of the body. At the arm's maximum extension, the fingers separate (figs. 373,374).

7. The arm is retrieved to the level of the waist. The elbow protrudes back, sharply bent (fig. 375).

8. The hand is turned so that the palm faces up (fig. 376).

9. The arm is extended forward with the palm open and facing up (fig. 377).

10. With the palm still facing up, the arm returns again to the level of the waist (fig. 378).

11. The palm is turned to face downward (fig. 379).

12. The arm makes a full side circle, going to the back, above the head, and to the front, and ends in front of the navel by slamming the palm down as if it were hitting something solid (fig. 380).

13. The palm is turned toward the body, in a movement that resembles the action of gathering something on the right body (fig. 381).

14. The arm is raised above the head as if the hand were a knife that is being wielded (fig. 382).

15. It makes a diagonal cut to the midpoint in front of the body, a foot and a half away from it. The palm is facing left (fig. 383).

16. The hand, with the palm straight, is raised to the level of the face, in a straight line (fig. 384).

17. It makes a diagonal cut with the palm slightly slanted downward to a point in front of the edge of the right body, a foot and a half away from it (fig. 385).

The third magical pass for the right body is made up of twelve movements.

18. The right arm, with the elbow sharply bent toward the right and the hand held with the palm toward the body, moves in an arc from the right side to a point in front of the solar plexus (fig. 386).

19. Pivoting on the elbow, the forearm makes a quarter of a circle downward, turning the palm to face the right side (fig. 387).

20. The arm makes a small outward circle, from left to right, going up, then down again, and ending with the palm by the waist, facing up (figs. 388a, 388b).

21. Another circle from the front to the back is made. It ends up at the point where it started, with the palm of the hand facing up (fig. 389).

22. The palm is turned to face down (fig. 390).

23. The hand then moves slowly to the front (fig. 391).

24. The wrist is turned so the palm faces the left. With a straight palm, fingers held tightly together, and thumb locked, the hand is raised straight up as if it were a knife (fig. 392).

25. Then it draws a small convex arc to the left, so that the palm flips to face right, and cuts straight down just to the left of the line drawn previously, to the level of the navel (fig. 393).

26. With the hand still facing right, it moves upward and retraces the same line it drew before (fig. 394).

In the preceding three movements, a long oval figure has been drawn.

27. Then the hand cuts down, as if to cut off one-third of the long figure (fig. 395).

28. The palm turns to face right again (fig. 396).

29. It scoops whatever it has cut and has turned into a ball, and splashes it on the front of the right body (figs. 397, 398).

30. The hand is dropped down to the crest of the right hip (fig. 399).

31. The hand rotates as the arm makes a half-circle going from the front (fig. 400) to the back, stopping behind the right shoulder (fig. 401).

32. As if it were a knife going into its sheath, the hand slides over the energy center around the liver and gallbladder (figs. 402, 403).