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Title: Carlos Castaneda Interviews Archive - Introduction - by Martin Netter - 1998  •  Size: 3326  •  Last Modified: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 10:59:59 GMT

Carlos Castaneda Interviews and Articles

Introduction - by Martin Netter - 1998

This page is a Introduction to all of the Castaneda Interviews & Articles which were collected from various magazines, newspapers, radio interviews, & websites. The original compiler called this collection the "Full-text" version.


Carlos Castaneda

Nothing in the world is a gift. Whatever there is to learn has to be learned the hard way. Turn my concepts into a viable way of life by a process of repetition. Everything new in our lives, such as the sorcerers' concepts I am teaching you, must be repeated to us to the point of exhaustion before we open ourselves to it.

Don Juan

Carlos Castaneda was a graduate student in anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles, gathering information on various medicinal herbs used by the Indians in Sonora, Mexico, when he met the old Yaqui Indian, Don Juan.

His first book, The Teaching of Don Juan, was the story of his first period the two men spent together as master and pupil.

This was followed by the other volumes in the series, A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan, Tales of Power, The Second Ring of Power and The Eagle's Gift, all of which are published in Arkana.

He also wrote the Art of Dreaming (1993).

Carlos Castaneda died in 1998.

In its obituary for him the Guardian wrote 'It's hard to find a New Age celebrity who won't admit to having been influenced by Castaneda's powerful prose and paradigm-busting philosophy... Few critics would deny author Joyce Carol Oates's assessment of his books as "remarkable of art"'.

In 1960 Carlos Castaneda first met don Juan, a Yaqui Indian feared and shunned by the ordinary folk of the American South West because of his unnatural powers.

During the next five years don Juan's arcane knowledge led him into a world of beauty and terror, ruled by concepts far beyond those of western civilization.

And that is how it has begun.

I'm very glad to see you here.

If you are here, that means you're interesting of it.

This site was made for people who have interested, but don't know what to start from.

Start from this.

Martin Netter