Cinderella by Charles Robinson

Cinderella: Three Hundred and Forty-five Variants of Cinderella, Catskin, and Cap O' Rushes, abstracted and tabulated by Marian Roalfe Cox

Cinderella by Jennie Harbour

345 Variants
by Marian
Roalfe Cox

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Cinderella Tales

Catskin Tales

Cap o' Rushes Tales

Indeterminate Tales

Hero Tales



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Romero, Sylvio, Contos populares do Brazil. Lisbon, 1885. Section 1. Story No. IX, p. 29. (Told at Sergipe.)



Queen wishes for a child, "even a snake"; has daughter with snake round her neck; no one can remove it. Child is fond of snake. It leaves her neck to play in the sea; one day it returns no more, but tells heroine that when in danger she may call for it, whose name is Labismina--Death-bed promise--Deceased wife's ring marriage test--Unnatural father-- Snake aid-- Counter-tasks--Magic dresses--Heroine flight in ship provided by Dona Labismina, who gives her directions and bids her, after she is married to prince, call three times for Labismina, who will then be disenchanted and a princess--Menial heroine (tends poultry) --Meeting-place (festival)--Threefold flight--Love-sick prince--Recognition food (containing jewel given at third festival) --Happy marriage--Heroine forgets to call Labismina, who remains enchanted; and that is why sea roars in fury at times.


(1) Queen has been long married, and has no children. She longs for one, and says: "God grant me even a snake." She gives birth to a daughter with a snake rolled round her neck. All the family are disgusted, but no one can lake the snake from the child's neck. They grow both together, and the child is fond of the snake. She is accustomed to go to the sea-shore, and there the snake will uncurl herself and play in the waves; but the princess cries till the snake rolls herself again round her neck. They go back to the palace, and nobody knows of it. But at last, one day the snake enters the sea and comes back no more, hut tells her sister to call for her when in danger. The snake is called Labismina, and the princess, Mary.-- (2) Years pass, and queen falls sick and dies, after drawing a ring from her finger, and saying to the king, "When you want to marry again, let it be a princess whom this ring fits-- neither too slack nor too tight."-- (3) After a time king has the ring tried on all the princesses of every kingdom but it fits none. His daughter alone has not tried it.-- (4) he calls her, puts the ring on her finger, and it fits exactly. He says he shall marry her; she is troubled, and weeps.-- (5) She thinks of Labismina, and goes to the sea-shore and calls her. The snake comes, com forts her, and bids her ask king for a robe of the colour of the field with all its flowers. King is vexed, but after a long time procures the robe. Snake now bids princess ask for a robe the colour of the sea with all its fishes, which is also obtained after a long time. Next she is counselled to ask for a rube the colour of the sky with all its stars. Father grows desperate, hut promises to obtain it, and at length succeeds.-- (6) Princess now runs to the sea, and embarks on a ship which snake his been preparing. She is to land in a realm she will touch at, where she will marry a prince. At the time of her marriage she must call three times for Labismina, who will then be disenchanted and become a princess. Mary goes.-- (7) She leaps ashore where the ship touches, and then has to beg employment of the queen, who sets her to take care of the royal poultry.-- (8) Some time after there is a three days' festival in the city. All the palace goes, and the poultry-maid is left behind. The first day she combs herself, dons the dress the colour of the field, begs Labismina for a fine carriage, and goes to the festival. All admire her, and the king's son falls in love with her. She leaves before the end of the feast, puts on her old clothes, and returns to her fowls. Prince comes home and asks mother if she saw the lovely girl; says he wants to marry her, and that she is just like their poultry-maid. Mother tells him to go and see how different the poultry-maid is. Prince finds her, and says, "Poultry-maid, I saw a girl at the festival just like thee." "Prince, you mock me! Who am I?"-- (9) Next day she goes to festival in sea-coloured dress and a grander carriage; and on the third day in the sky-coloured dress. The prince is enraptured, flings himself at her feet, and throws into her lap a jewel, which she keeps.-- (10) Returning to the palace, he falls sick with love, and cannot leave his bed. He will not take his broth. Queen sends everyone to try and tempt him, but in vain. Only the poultry-maid is left, and the queen bids her go. She answers: "Nonsense! Queen, why tease me? What am I to the prince that he should take broth from my hand? But let me make some to send him."-- (11) Queen agrees, and poultry-maid puts into the cup of broth the jewel which the prince gave her. When he sees it he springs out of bed, saying he is quite well, and is going to marry the girl who has charge of the fowls. She is sent for, and appears dressed as at the festival.-- (12) There is great joy and feasting, and Princess Mary marries the prince.-- (13) But she forgets to call Labismina by her name, so she is not disenchanted. And that is why to this day the sea roars and grows furious at times.

Cox, Marian Roalfe. Cinderella: Three Hundred and Forty-five Variants of Cinderella, Catskin, and Cap O' Rushes, abstracted and tabulated. London: David Nutt for the Folklore Society, 1893.

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Available from

Cinderella: A Case Book edited by Alan Dundes

In Search of Cinderella

Beauty and the Beast edited by Jack Zipes

From the Beast to the Blonde by Marina Warner

New Tales for Old by Gail de Vos

Tales, Then and Now by Altman and  de Vos

Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales by Jack Zipes

The Classic Fairy Tales by Maria Tatar Logo

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