


My first meeting with professor Heiichi Yano was an event which made a deep impression on me. For that reason I still can remember it clearly.

It was on june 30,1992; one day after coming back to Tokyo from Izumo sanctuary in the dormitory train called "Izumo."

Much earlier, one of the administrative employees had told me that Mr.Yano, a deputy professor of the respiratory system internal medicine course at Tsukuba University, would come to visit me together with a patient suffering from lung cancer.I had to travel to China on the 1st of July in order to make some investigations, and the only day available to meet professor Yano was the day before my departure.  Since it was a rainy day and I hadn´t packed for my trip to China, my intention was to go home early.

Later, I received a message from another employee saying that professor Yano had telephoned to notify that the cancer patient wasn't able to come with him since he had hurt himself when falling down in the bathroom.  That made me think I could return home early.

Even though Professor Yano had said he would come early to our appointment, he didn't arrive until the evening.When we first met, he hardly said hello and showed me a written authorization signed by the regular professor specifying that Professor Yano was coming to TDI in order to investigate non-conventional therapies. When I told him that it wasn't necessary to act in such a formal way, he answered that he was above all a public employee.

So, my first impression about him was that of a serious person.  Apparently, first impressions have high probabilities to be right.Once I started to talk to Professor Yano I realized he wasn't a common scientist.  He inquired thoroughly about things he wanted to know and started to make questions in relation to my capacity from a wide variety of angles.  Until that moment, I had never before referred to my capacity in such a detailed way.

Professor Yano's main objective was to cure lung cancer.  In spite of having collected information through many years of investigations, and since from his position of lung cancer expert he hadn't achieved significant results in the creation of an effective treatment, he decided to investigate other areas like meditation or Kikou, transcending the limits of conventional medicine.His obsession to cure lung cancer regardless of the method was evident.

Urged by that feeling, without noticing it, I started to explain to him about my capacity in a complete way.  Outside, the rain had become torrential, and since the hours continued to go by rapidly, I started to feel unease.  In spite of having tried many times during our conversation to let him know that the next day I had to fly to China, he didn't pay attention to it and kept on asking questions.  Despite reiterating a few minutes later that I hadn't packed, he still didn't take notice of it and went on.  Finally, I gave up and decided not to worry about the time anymore.

Next day, I could sleep comfortably in the airplane which took me from Haneda to Osaka airport and from there to Shanghai.  What made that possible was a dream I had.  In that dream, impressed by the presence of such a studious person (Professor Yano), I stimulated myself in order to continue striving.

Later on, Professor Yano received  TDI's special initiation by means of which our capacity is transmitted, and after receiving our capacity, he started to use it in patients for whom other kind of treatments had been discarded.  He initiated a vigorous activity using our capacity in some of his patients, or asking people who possess our capacity to perform treatment.

Something that attracted our attention was his  total dedication.  He adopted our products to help his patients and requested the creation of new ones.

He never missed any of my courses or lectures and started to participate in our activities by asking many questions and making propositions.  His participation wasn't necessarily the result of a strong admiration to our capacity, but the result of his pure and firm desire as physician and investigator to defeat cancer, considered incurable.

He adopted such an attitude that I started to wonder if he would accept making  his relationship with us official.  I believe opening a door in order to look into our capacity,  pushed by his interest as investigator, may be a starting point for many other researchers.

Now, I have the opportunity to present here a part of  Professor Yano's investigations, and invite you to read it. 

Heiichi YANO