


Murakami:  Since you are interested in brain matters, you have developed a variety of softwares related to them, haven't you?
Yamagishi:  That's right.  What urged me to develop them was my curiosity to know if I could be able to block the star-shaped ganglion.  That ganglion is located at the base of the neck, and all the stress signals of the body that go to the hypothalamus concentrate in it.  Then, the present state of the body is determined in the hypothalamus.  Also many adjustments and regulations like the one regarding body's temperature are performed there.
Normally, that's how balance is maintained, reacting to different factors.  However, in a stressful environment as the one existing in these days, a lot of warning-signals about the existence of stress accumulate, and if that accumulation becomes excessive, the hypothalamus acquires the same stressful state.
Then, if it can't correctly decode the information coming from all parts of the body, the hypothalamus eventually starts to emit incoherent instructions and to produce different diseases. One of the worst is atopic dermatitis.
For that reason, when someone is suffering from excessive stress, a treatment called "Star-shaped Ganglion Blocking" is performed.  This treatment consists in stopping momentarily the flow of information, and in the meantime the hypothalamus is made to go back to its normal state.  The flow of information is stopped by injecting an anesthetic in the neck.
Murakami:  Is this something practiced in the field of general medicine on regular basis?
Yamagishi:  Yes, it is.  That's a method employed in modern medicine.  Two injections are applied in the neck every day.  Since I don't like injections at all, I wouldn't tolerate that.
Our General Director's suggestion to try to perform this method by using energy instead was the reason for all the subsequent development.
Murakami:  Is the General Director proficient in medicine?
Yamagishi:  Yes, he is.  He has read a wide variety of books.  My interest in the brain started when he asked me if I could do it.
At the beginning, I developed a software called "Stress Blocker", which precisely blocks the star-shaped ganglion using energy.  However, it produced strong headaches.
Since in spite of being effective it produced a very annoying pain, I started to wonder if I could fix it.  Then, I figured out that if I provoked dopamine (pleasure producing substance) secretion, headaches would be eliminated.
The nerve A10, which produces dopamine goes through the hypothalamus.  When the star-shaped ganglion is blocked, it is assumed that there is no stress because the information going to the hypothalamus is interrupted.  For that reason, I thought that if there was stress I should stimulate the nerve A10 for it to produce dopamine according to the amount of stress.  The whole idea consisted in the fact that if dopamine was produced to stimulate the nerve A 10, headaches could be eliminated by interrupting the flow of stress.  So, I developed an energy type called "Narcotic,"whose function is to stimulate the nerve A10.
When we played the "Narcotic" CD in order to try it, the headache disappeared immediately.
For example, when we tried it in a large room, playing "Stress Blocker" at the front of that room and "Narcotic" at the back, the people sitting in the middle of the room started to feel a headache when walking towards the front, and it gradually disappeared while walking towards the back.
Succeeding in these tests was challenging, and my interest in the brain intensified.
From there, I have been more involved in brain matters, and now I am able to produce different substances.
Regarding the pituitary gland, a substance called propimelano-cortine forms, and from it, ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) and endorphin are produced.
If the pituitary gland is stimulated to produce ACTH, this substance travels to the kidneys as a stimulating hormone for the suprarenal gland and produces the adrenocortical  hormone.
As a result of medical investigations, it was determined that when this energy type was listened by patients receiving adrenocortical doses, the amount of the hormone they produce  increases, and  therefore, external doses can be reduced.
If the CD corresponding to endorphin is listened by people suffering from mental stress, they start to feel good and stress disappears.
Murakami:  Endorphin is a sedative, substance.  isn't it?
Yamagishi:  Yes, it is.  In the brain there is something called endorphin receptor, and this substance acts when it adheres to that receptor.  The reason why chances to develop cancer in patients suffering from intoxication with morphine or any other similar drug is high, is because this kind of substances adheres to the receptors before endorphin does, hampering its action.  Since NK cells, whose function is to kill cancerous cells, can't act without the presence of endorphin, immunological capacity decreases.
In order to produce invigoration in NK cells, we provoke the secretion of endorphin substance.
Later, I developed another one called "Hippocampus," whose function is to stimulate the hippocampus, located inside the brain.  According to some books, if a weak electrical current is applied to the hippocampus, past events can be easily remembered.  For this reason I decided to stimulate that part.
When we experimented with it, capacity of concentration increased remarkably.
For instance, if a CD containing "Hippocampus" energy is played in low volume while many people talk, the conversation maintains a high level of interest, in such a way that when people notice it is already midnight.  Normally, conversations end at 9 P.M., but in this case, conversations become animated and go on indefinitely.  We noticed how late it was when the waitress told us it was time to close.
In this kind of situations, capacity for concentration increases in a remarkably.

The human body can endure stress physically and mentally.  According to this sketch the function of the ACTH is to eliminate physical stress.  On the other hand, the function of endorphin is to eliminate mental stress.

Yamagishi:  I have carried out investigations in order to stimulate different parts of the body, and as a result I have found very interesting things.  There is a part called nucleus amygdalae that when stimulated, people fall in love with the first person they see, be it a man or a woman.  However, I stopped working on it since it would be a problem to make somebody fall in love with a person of  the same sex.
Murakami:  Does that part have anything to do with feelings?
Yamagishi:  Yes, it does.  Basically, when a person falls in love, the nucleus amyigdalae is stimulated and the defects the other might have are overlooked.  After being married for three days, stimulation of the nucleus stops and the defects start to be seen as what they really are.
Murakami:  In the past, there was a drug called "ecstasy,"which was originally used as a remedy against autism.
This drug was in fashion in Los Angeles, and the person who used it was prone to fall in love.  There was a slogan which said: "If you use it, don't get married within a week."
I believe that this substance, which is used to treat autism, is contained in the brain and there must be a way to let it out without limits.
I believe that falling in love with someone just by seeing him, or after a brief chat, is due to some substance produced by the body, and I also think it has something to do with the nucleus amygdalae.  In those situations, the heart opens up, and people become very kind.
Yamagishi:  Yes, that's true.
Murakami: Is there any special energy which activates NK cells?
Yamagishi:  I have developed an energy type called "NK Saibou Fukatsu" which facilitates the activation of NK cells.  We have tried it in mice inoculated with cancerous cells.  Even though all of the mice have died already, probably because the number of cancerous cells was too high, the life prolonging rate has considerably increased.
Many comparisons were made by using mice. To some of these animals nothing was done, and to others Kikou was applied.  In this last group of mice, the way cancerous cells grew was different than in the first group.
However, we haven't been able to cure it in 100%  of the cases.
In cells, there is something called ionic channel, and even in cell membranes, there is a part through which substances are received and other through which wastes are eliminated.  It is for this reason that cells can live.  The same happens with cancerous cells.  I presume that if the ionic channel of cancerous cells were disturbed, those cells could be controlled or killed.  Regarding this subject, although at present we find ourselves in a stage barely understood , we are devoting time to its investigation.
The problem we have is to be able to disturb only the ionic channel of cancerous cells without doing the same to normal cells.  Failing to do it would be a real problem.
Now, we are following a process of trial and error to keep that from happening.
I believe that what makes it so difficult is that cancerous cells originally are proper cells.  For example, in the past the treatment against eczema was a difficult one.  If a differenciation between normal cells and cells belonging to the eczema fungus weren't so difficult, an appropiate treatment had been found quickly; but for a long time, that difference wasn't noticed.
However, about ten years ago, fungicides such as Crotrimazol, Miconazol or Econazol, were developed.  Specially, the first one is a substance that modifies permeability in fungus membranes.
After the creation of these remedies, which are found in the market nowadays, eczema can be cured.
For this reason, an effective treatment against cancerous cells would be possible if the difference between them and normal ones could be found.
Even though many investigations have been carried out, that difference hasn't been determined yet.
My intention isn't to say that our energy will cure cancer, but I think it would be convenient to use it as a resource to defeat cancerous cells.
Murakami:  Apparently, in India there is a doctor who cures all kinds of diseases by using spices, but seemingly, he doesn't have any remedy against cancer.  It is said that he doesn't recommend to eat nutritious food because if the body is invigorated, so are the cancerous cells.
Yamagishi:  The same happened to mice, too.  We delivered a group of mice inoculated with cancerous cells to a student in order to take care of them, and because of an oversight, he didn't feed these animals.  Because of the fasting, cancerous cells in these mice stop growing.
Murakami:  But in this way, living beings can't obtain strenght.
Yamagishi:  Yes, that's right (laughter).
Murakami:  Nowadays, in ancient countries like India and China besides using millenary therapeutic methods, they also use modern medicine.  They might have different roles.
Also in your case, the fact of having specialized in pharmacology in the past, and feeling interested in the brain at present gives me the impression of being something symbolic.
Some time in the past, I experimented with remedies acting upon the nervous system.
I was interested in the brain before writing my novel "Coin Locker Baby's." nbsp; At the beginning, I investigated about schizophrenia, and while reading about it, I learnt there were a great deal of investigations not only in the field of psychology, but in other scientific areas such as those regarding the nervous system or endocrinology.
Recently, I also read a book named "Brain and Medicine" written by S.H. Snider, and published by Tokyo Kagaku Doojin.
Also, there was a book which said, among other things, that there were many unknown aspects regarding the brain. It also said  that its mechanism would be known through the study of how the signals and the receptors in that organ act when drugs like sedatives or stimulants are used.
First, you specialized in pharmacology and later acquired ultracapacity, didn't you?  However, you haven't treated ultracapacity as something modern science can't explain, or as something exceeding the scope of modern medicine. Instead, you are walking side by side with modern medicine.  I feel that, by following this scheme, it will be inevitable to obtain results in the future.
Yamagishi:  Lately, it has been  possible to measure, by using equipment, the type of activity existing inside the brain, or to determine what part is excited.
For example, in the past it was said that the only function the cerebellum had was to regulate movement.  However, now, it is said that its surface dimension is related to knowledge.  Seemingly, when reading in silence, by just using the sight, the language center is stimulated as if talking.  I believe these scientific areas are of great importance, and in the future a deeper understanding will be acquired.


Murakami:  Among the energy types you have developed, there are some which produce results only in specific parts and others which have a wide rank of effectiveness.  In the ones belonging to the second type, effectiveness follow an order of appearance called "story."
Yamagishi:  That's correct.  "Papaberu" is one of them because it relaxes muscles by following an order starting with the more tense and, after working on it, passing to the next.
Murakami:  Does it mean that the CD itself has the capacity to develop "story" and act upon a person?  Is the type of energy different?
Yamagishi:  How is it?  I don't know (laughter).  "Story" worked fine when I developed an energy type for Shoushuuten which is a Ki  that circulates around the upper part of the body.  The direction it follows varies according to each person.   For this reason, if a type of energy is created to make Ki circulate in a specific direction, some people will get energized and some will get the opposite results.  "Story" worked  effectively when I tried to make Ki circulate in a direction convenient to everyone.
What I don't know is how it happened (laughter).
Certainly, this energy must act in such a way that it accelerates the right direction, thus performing autoselection.
Murakami:  Is the way to incorporate energy in a "story" CD type different from that used in other types of CD's?
Yamagishi:  Yes, it is.  However, I only have to think about giving it "story" characteristics and it turns into reality (laughter).  I can't explain it.
Murakami:  It must be that way.
Yamagishi:  If I introduce energy thinking about giving them "story" characteristics, that's what I get, and this happens even in energies of the non-story type.
There is an ultra-relaxation method called "Nanso no Hou." nbsp; This a introspection method divulged by a monk named Hakuin who was also called "Rinzaishu  Chuukou." nbsp; This monk became famous during Edo's era.
This method which is described in the book "Yasen Kanna," written by Haukin, was a method created to improve Ki circulation and to stabilize mental and corporal states.  Haukin himself cured his own neurosis and tuberculosis by using this method.
This is an introspection method consisting in imagining that a "Reiyaku" (miraculous remedy) appears over the head and then gets inside it, later it dissolves and disseminates all over the body.
I have developed a type of energy which produces similar effects.
"Nanso no Hou" energy has many "story" characteristics.
Murakami:  Does that thing you call "story" have some kind of cyclic characteristic?
Yamagishi:  I suppose it does.
Murakami:  It would be convenient to listen to "Nanso no Hou" while being in a long airplane trip.  You feel active even after sleeping for two hours.  Once, during a flight to New York, despite being a long one, I felt very well.  However, at the beginning  I overslept, and after waking up I felt a sensation of dullness (laughter).
Yamagishi:  There is a multiple energy called "Gen-ou 666" which is not a CD, but edible granules.  After eating them, the jet lag sensation disappears, and after arriving, the body easily adapts to the new time.
A long time ago, I visited Peru together with three of our staff members.  That was the first time they made a trip overseas and hadn't experienced jet lag before.  Since I gave them "Gen-ou 666" to eat, after arriving at Peru, they could easily adapt to the new time and didn't have problems to sleep.  However, since they had never experienced jet lag in the past, they assumed that what they felt was normal and didn't realize how good it was not to go through it.
That time, I got mad and thought I should have given them "Gen-ou 666" after experiencing jet lag (laughter).
Murakami:  Jet lag is a kind of energy state, isn´t it?
Yamagishi:  Yes, it is.  Humans must be the only ones who suffer from it.  When I was a boy I think I read a book named "Animals internal clock" which stated that if bees were taken to a dark place, they would work according to the schedule of that place.
Murakami:  That thing called jet lag is something like being inside a bag.
Yamagishi:  Yes, indeed.
Perhaps, if the human brain weren't so complex, it could perceive the change of latitude and perform autoregulation.  In the human brain, the part that performs the autoregulation is restrained by the neocortex.
Since the neocortex has a restraining character, stress accumulates without being able to dissipate.  In addition, the neocortex is closely related to intelligence, and the proporcional part to its development restrains the primitive section of the brain.
Also, mice generate stress if they are artificially provoked.  However, in its natural state, they shouldn't have stress.
Murakami: Isn't there a neocortex stress type?


Murakami:  Specifically, which are the energy types subsequent to "Papaberu?"
Yamagishi:  There is one called "Dalm" that means intestine in German.  If it is listened while suffering from an abdominal cooling, this part gets warm immediately.
There is another one called "Hyper Sanso" (sanso=oxygen).  If it is heard while being at a high place above see level, breath is not lost.
In addition, I have created a series called "PC series" which act upon different parts of the body.
Murakami:  Is "PC for the eye," comprised in that series, good for the eyes?
Yamagishi:  When listening to it, eyeballs get warm.  Besides, the occipital region, and what I believe is the optic nerve, get warm too.
A sight adaptation phenomenom occurs when going from an illuminated to a dark place.  In the retina are found cone and rod shaped optic cells whose function involves sight adaptation.  However, in order to perform that function, the retina needs oxygen.
It is said that by consuming vitamin A, hemeralopia can be cured.  Vitamin A has a double union structure which acts as oxygen carrier.  I assume that's the reason why, through the intake of vitamin A, oxygen circulation facilitates and the retina condition improves.
Murakami:  If you didn't know the way in which every part of the body function, or the mechanism of metabolic substances, you wouldn't be able to create all those energy types at all.
Yamagishi:  This time, I was able to create many energy types like those directed to pancreas and liver.  However, those having specific purposes aren't useful for people who don't suffer from any disease.
Although people suffering from a sickness are very sensitive to those energy types, if I listen to them, all I feel at the most is a slight sensation of warmth behind my stomach or my liver, according to the case.
Murakami:  There is one more called "Chakra-pon." nbsp; What is it about?
Yamagishi:  Regarding that one, people say we might receive a complaint from Cambodia, since there is a prince who has the same name in that country (laughter).
Murakami:  Chakra is something transmitted from India, isn't it?
Yamagishi:  That's right.  In the center of the brain something identified as "the third ventricle" is located and there is a theory which claims that the Chakras converge in that ventricle.
"Chakra-pon" was created by a suggestion made by Professor Yano.  He said it would be convenient to stimulate the third ventricle, and affirmed that when doing it, a sensation of warmth is felt in the brain.

Remark: Chakra

According to traditional medicine or IndianYoga, in human body, there are seven energy spots located between the perineal and the parietal regions. It  is said that body and soul conditions improve when they are activated.
Chakras are the seven energy spots located in the brain.  Each has particular characteristics.  They have circular forms and it is believed that when they are opened, the flow of energy is activated.
Murakami:  Terms in English, Spanish and German are employed to name energy CD's.  Wouldn't it be more convenient to unify them?
Yamagishi:  There is no need to do that.
Murakami:  That's unimportant to you,  isn't it? (laughter)
Yamagishi:  Even though other people have made the same remark, those are words which emerge spontaneously from my mind when I am creating a new energy type.  Since the utilization of energy is conceived as thoughts, words harmonizing with those thoughts emerge.
For instance, there is one called "PC for dermal." nbsp; The word dermal is related to the skin, therefore, I was suggested to use the word skin instead.  However, this word describes only the most superficial part, and my intention was to describe not only that part, but also an inferior part.  The term dermal is not a noun but an adjective, and it is employed, for example, in a simple burning called "superficial dermal burning." nbsp; Nevertheless, the idea of expressing thickness was perfectly in accordance with my thoughts.
Murakami: Words are very important.  However, apart from that, there are a lot of new energy types, aren't there?
Yamagishi:  Now, I have stopped introducing energy in tapes and started to use CD's instead.  When the information amount surpasses certain level, tapes cease to be effective.  Energy types whose extent can only be introduced in CD's have been developed.
Murakami:  It means that energy is made from matter, isn't it?
Yamagishi:  It certainly is.  If we suppose that a tape phisically has a value of 1, a CD has a value 40 times higher.  There is a clear difference between analogical and digital.
Murakami:  Regardless of the perspective from which it is viewed, energy is made from matter.
Yamagishi:  Yes, also in that sense, I believe it will serve as a kind of a trigger in order to understand energy scientifically .
Murakami:  Once it is scientifically studied, it will serve as a guide.
Yamagishi:  Since sensors capable to measure it don't exist yet, it can't be scientifically measured for the time being.  However, I believe it would be convenient to use it in a clinical way extensively.
Murakami:  More of its aspects will be known as people continue using it.


Yamagishi:  I believe the fact that so far ultracapacity has been treated as something that the man in the street is unable to practice has resulted in a lost of trust.  The possibility of doing anything that so far hasn't been done or to produce an amazing event doesn't mean it is something unnatural.
It should be considered as a discovery of a new natural phenomenon.
Even though ultracapacity can't be suddenly changed into a scientific or technological resource, the fact that in the future it will be connected to medicine or technology might be considered as an opportunity to reach that point, I guess.  That would be something very interesting.
For example, we know that there isn't anything faster than light, is there?
For science, this is a premise which states that it is impossible to exceed a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second.  It is stated that the higher the speed the greater the gravitational force, and that's the reason why it is impossible to exceed that speed, isn't it?
However, if the cyclotron is continuously accelerated, a violaceous light called "Cherencov radiation" appears.  Even though there are different versions of that light, some people say it exceeds the maximum speed established at present.
Murakami:  Does it mean that there is anything faster than light?
Yamagishi:  Yes, it does.   If it were acknowledged and scientists investigated about it, a new science would be born, I presume.  It would mean we are in front of the birth of the science of the next era in which light speed will be surpassed.
Nevertheless, the fact that we still accept the premise that it is impossible to trascend the currently established light speed is acting as a limitation.
However, that doesn't mean it is a limitation to science, because it (science) advances relentlessly and always has the possibility to change.  The origin of a new science will occur when the conjecture that something faster than light exists is confirmed.
Murakami:  So far, science has continuously evolved in that way,  hasn't it?
Yamagishi:  Yes, it has. And in some way, we could say that the so called "special capacity" is just indicating that there is something faster than light.
It would be enough to perform a thorough investigation and accept that something like that could actually exist.  When that is acknowledged, our world, together with a new judgment of values, will expand.
If the judgment of values weren't renewed , science wouldn't grow.  Science evolves when there is the need to make a dream come true.  Therefore, I think that if we entered a world without dreams or full of limitations, the progress of science would disappear.
It would be very valuable that our capacity were considered as a new judgement of values for the next generation.
I believe that if it is viewed from this perspective, it wouldn't have a mystic look and as investigations move forward, the difference between serious and non-serious matters will be recognized.
Murakami:  You have mentioned the word "dream," but we could also call it "imagination." nbsp; Right?
I understand very well that it must be a free imagination.
Even though I like science, I know it can't comprise the totality of natural phenomena.  However, due to the idea that it can, a great deal of experiences have been gathered since Hellenic times.  For example, let's consider why an apple falls.  In most of the cases, if you let an apple fall, it falls, doesn't it?
Basically, the apple always falls, no matter if somewhere on earth that apple can float, or roll upward on a slope; or if there is a Tibetan monk able to remain suspended on air.
For that reason, Newton wondered why it falls.
I believe we should respect science and physics, and presume you think so too.
However, there are phenomena that, without any doubt, don't comply with physical laws, and I have experienced that myself many times since I started to visit you.  Although it would be impossible to explain many of those phenomena if something like ultracapacity didn't exist, that doesn't mean I consider them supra-scientific.
Yamagishi:  I understand it very well.
Murakami:  I am very interested in the fact that such capacity is being used in relation to the brain, and also believe it is right to go forward using it for medical purposes.
Even though investigations about the brain have achieved  remarkable progress, there are many unknown aspects about it yet.
I think it would be beneficial for man to clarify his doubts in relation to the capacity we have been referring to and to get connected to it.
Within your Organization there are a lot of scientists, and although I believe the elucidation of ultracapacity is their job, probably, the help of some philosophers will be necessary too.
I think that the way to consider things is very important too.
If you lack something, I believe that would be words, even though that can be considered as a
necessary evil.
Yamagishi:  At present, we find ourselves in a state in which nothing, except capacity, exists for us (laughter).
Murakami:  Although there are a lot of people fond of supernatural phenomena, they usually misunderstand things because they don't think scientifically or don't have a distrustful attitude.
Yamagishi:  For that reason, most people become evasive to science.  Or well, when they have some kind of ultracapacity they turn it into religion.
Murakami:  Although I don't have the intention of talking about those kinds of inclinations, they are directly bound at this time.
Yamagishi:  I also believe that it is convenient to let them act as they wish.
Murakami:  Since the world is like that, I think it is better that people act the way they want.
Yamagishi:  In my case, my intention is to leave all I can to future generations without paying attention to people's opinion.
In some way, it would be a legacy for the future.  It would be enough if it became the science of the next generation, but I think I have to leave one door open at least.
I'd like to leave a record indicating that there was someone who made serious investigations about special capacities.  Otherwise, continuity wouldn't exist.
Murakami:  From now on I've decided to call it capacity instead of ultracapacity.
Yamagishi:  Yes, indeed.