Zionist Watch: The Writings of Patrick Grimm

March 28, 2007

War Wants You

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 12:00 pm

By Patrick Grimm

“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” So go the words of Leon Trotsky in the early twentieth century. This early Communist who is now the hero of American Jewish neo-conservatives (and where else but America could you have a rightist movement run by admirers of Trotsky) had it pegged just about right. You may not want or desire war, but it sure as heck wants you. War and bloodshed, thanks to George W. Bush, as Judaized a Gentile president as we have ever had, desire nothing else. Or it could be that the Likud Party in Israel has simply laid down the marching orders and the weak and compromised Bush really has no choice in the matter. Either way, war wants us, whether we give war a hug back or not. And with the political climate in America and Europe and the burgeoning anger of the world towards Israel, and towards the United States for supporting Israel and the Israeli right wing, war seems ready to jump the bones of a body politic whose good will is all spent on the idea of Zionist hegemony and our role as an overmuscled bouncer carrying it out.

How bad does war want you? Oh, war is pretty turned on. The latest news sensation, of British soldiers held by Iran for crossing into Iranian waters, is only going to be used by the Zion-con Jews who own the Wall Street Journal and the Weekly Standard and all the rest of their little media organs to chant for, salivate after and then haughtily demand that America take out enemy number two in the tinpot triumvirate of Israel’s so-called antagonists. But it will be in “America’s best interests”of course. Yeah, right. Listen to former UN ambassador John Bolton, licking his bloody chops for more Zionist-induced intervention, even as Iraq turns into a stomach-souring mess and the Israelis set up shop as contractors and sell the country off to the highest bidder. The Zionists only have time for that when they are not doing false flag Mossad terrorist attacks on the ground to keep the sectarian violence good and churned up. Oh, yeah, here’s Bolton: “I believe that either regime change in Iran or, as a last resort, military action is the only thing that will stop the Iranians from getting nuclear weapons[.]” [1]

Apparently, Israel using nuclear weapons against another nation or launching insane attacks on civilians (like they did in Lebanon in their “summer of love” last year) is perfectly appropriate and eminently permissible. And gosh, after all, they will get Democrats on board for this fascistic, orgiastic new American empire project as IDFist Oded Tira assures us. “We must turn to Hillary Clinton and other potential presidential candidates in the Democratic Party so that they publicly support immediate action by Bush against Iran. We should also approach European countries so that they support American actions in Iran, so that Bush will not be isolated in the international arena again. We must clandestinely cooperate with Saudi Arabia so that it also persuades the US to strike Iran.” [2]

War wants you, ladies and gentlemen. It may just ravage you when you least expect it, really giving you a good old-fashioned rogering. And if you aren’t so amorous in its direction, don’t worry, you will be. I predict right now that another terrorist attack, probably carried out by the Israeli Mossad, will be launched against American civilians at home or American interests abroad, and it will be just big enough to get the unthinking flag-wavers and Christian fundies in this country to go along to get along. The Hageeite rapture bunnies and the Falwellian War-Speakers will joyously cheer for war with Iran and the neo-con media will tell us tearfully courageous stories of poor little Israel standing up yet again to a Second Holocaust and undeserved, unprovoked anti-Semitism. It will all be lies and propaganda of course, but that’s okay, isn’t it? After all, war wants you so much. It likes you, maybe even wants to make a sexy blood toy out of your son or daughter and grab a limb or two for Israel’s sake. So go ahead. Take war out for a date and maybe even fool around with it a little. But don’t be surprised when it insists that you pay for dinner.


[1] John Bolton, Former American Envoy to the United Nations, as quoted by Janine Zacharia and Bill Varner, “Bolton Says U.S. Should Seek ‘Regime Change’ in Iran”, Bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com, http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a.m.58sr9RqM&refer=home, (1 March 2007).

[2] —Brigadier General (Res.) Oded Tira, Former IDF Chief Artillery Officer, “What to do with Iran?”, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3346275,00.html, (30 December 2006).

March 26, 2007

Taboo Topics and the Bible

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:03 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Jewish world economic power and profit is as taboo a subject as the rest of the Zionist Judaic agenda. Most people, whether American or European, are either uninformed about its reality or are scared stiff to discuss that reality, mainly because the consequences of doing so are exceedingly dire, dark and foreboding. But there is a clear pattern of Jewish economic exploitation spanning back centuries, indeed millienia. The fact that many people, mainly American Christians (and chiefly evangelicals) are ignorant of this particular pattern seems especially surprising. I will explain why very shortly.

Since 1913, American has been under economic tyranny. Many economists and political scientists concede this. The Federal Reserve, an institution which is a central bank, controls interest rates, the creation of currency and every aspect of our lives as economic actors. What many people do not understand is that the Federal Reserve is not a part of the colossus of the federal government. Look at your phone book and you will not find the Federal Reserve in the pages listing government agencies and government services. Where you will find the Federal Reserve is in the Business section. It is a business and its job is to sit atop America’s back, profiting obscenely even as the American dollar loses its value and the American people work harder and harder for a smaller piece of an ever-shrinking pie. This is only one facet of the Jewish control of America’s financial as well as banking sector, and I will delve deeper into the dangers of the Federal Reserve in a future article. No mainstream conservative or liberal will touch this issue and no Christian will denounce it on a moral basis, as the Catholic Church, to its credit, denounced the evils of usury and capitalistic exploitation in times past.

The Rothschild banking family is another example of Jewish opulence and wealth and they are probably the richest family in the world, having collected most of their fortune from financing sundry wars and then lending money to both sides of the conflict. This Jewish monetary dynasty has been getting rich off of Gentile skirmishes for centuries. But the sad reality is, the Rothschilds are hardly ever mentioned by anyone other than gimlet-eyed conspiracy theorists whose pronouncements are never taken seriously, especially among today’s Jew-worshipping Christian religious fundamentalists (John Hagee, for instance). No Christian will follow the precedent set by Christ, who stormed into the temple and threw a big anti-Semitic fit, smashing all the moneychangers’ tables.

We know that Alan Greenspan headed the Federal Reserve and that it has been directed by Jews of some stripe right from its inception. Paul Wolfowitz, a Zionist neo-con Israel-first fanatic, who was one of the chief architects of Bush’s Iraq war debacle, now runs the World Bank. The World Bank is in charge of moving billions, perhaps trillions of dollars of wealth among different countries and can destroy a nation’s economy faster than George Soros on a bender. But even to suggest to anyone in America, (and God help you if you say it in an evangelical church) that radical Jews are economically exploiting us will either cause you to be dismissed as a crank Jew-hater or have some philo-Semite call your allegations a “canard.” The fact that Protestant Reformer Martin Luther also railed and thundered against the Talmudic Jews for economic parasitism is an embarrassingly inconvenient fact of history that most contemporary believers don’t find congenial to their simplistic understanding of the Bible.

Jewish or Israeli economic chicanery is overlooked or unknown by most Christians. They are as pro-Zionist as the Jewish Defense League and fail to see the Jewish group evolutionary pattern replicated again and again and again throughout history. If religious believers have missed this pattern, played out right here in the year 2007, then they are failing to spot what is right under their noses. What have Christians overlooked? Ummm, perhaps both the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible.

For further reading on this topic of economic exploitation, of which I am now abruptly done discussing, first read the story of Joseph in Genesis chapters 37-50 and then the words of Christ to the Pharisees in the four Gospels. Thanks for your support of Zionist Watch.

March 24, 2007

The Jewish Prophet Prophesies Woe

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:49 am

By Patrick Grimm

Woe unto you, Zionists
Thou art not the harbingers
of anything,
save vice
The flesh, the shekel
the broken line
Yea, the shattered vessel

Woe unto you, Zionists
Thou art the mincemeat midwives
of everything,
but truth
The pseudo, the con
The starting point
Content of our context

Woe unto you, Zionists
Thou hast been the carrions
of our demise
Tightened purses
Societal Hearses

Woe unto you, Zionists
Thou art not the carriers
of the light,
to us.
The Marx, the Freudite
Art thou our saviors
Nay, but our chains worn light

March 23, 2007

Conservatism, Dead On Arrival

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:03 am

By Patrick Grimm

The conservative movement is dead in America. When Ken Mehlman, an Orthodox observant Jew, took over as chairman of the Republican National Convention several years ago, essentially heading up what was a majority white Christian party, we should have known that conservatism was dead on arrival.

When some of the biggest critics of Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ were Republican neo-conservative ideologues like Charles Krauthammer, who labeled a movie based on the New Testament text “anti-Semitic”, it revealed so well that the Republican Party and the conservative journals, think tanks and foundations had been “turned.” We should have realized that conservatism was dead on arrival.

When Ann Coulter, who is touted as the “leading edge” in the rightist movement declared that Israel should have wiped Lebanon off the map, even as 25,000 Americans resided there, we should have known something was a little off. In reality, around 40% of Lebanese people are Christians, but it is hardly a shock that the American pseudo-right would side with atheistic Jews over their own co-religionists. We all should have been aware that conservatism was dead on arrival.

When President George W. Bush, probably the worst Republican president in American history, created a Department of Global Anti-Semitism to monitor any and all criticism of criminal Jews and Zionist excesses, why didn’t we see that the end was near? There is no department monitoring the persecution of Christians around the world, and persecution is quite common for believers in radical Communistic and Islamic countries, as well as in the Middle East’s only “democracy” (try not to laugh out loud) where a Christian can be jailed for up to five years for telling a Jew about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and where Jews who convert to Christianity are often beaten, spat upon and compared to Nazis. Real conservatism, of the Goldwater variety, is now dead on arrival.

When the Anti-Defamation League, a group who supports the Republican Party’s War Party agenda, labeled Dr. D. James Kennedy, a respected Presbyterian minister and an opponent of the Left, a “Christian supremacist” and there was hardly a peep of protest from today’s bought-and-paid-for Judeo-con Gentiles, it should have been clear that we the people no longer have a voice. The fact that Israel and the AIPAC traitors essentially write the foreign policy for today’s Wilsonian warmongers at the Republican brain trust seems to bother no one, especially not a president who is almost dyslexically dim-witted when it comes to oratorial skills. The real supremacists run the show and the price of admission is to abandon all true conservative principles. Can you say “DOA”?

But I’m weary of pointing out facts that should be obvious to all but the most intellectually addled among us. The Zionist impulse of always having to control everything, of constantly having to lord power over the rest of us, is almost becoming tiring in its predictability. There is no conservative movement left. The last vestiges of it have been jettisoned for what is truly a sinister set of priorities. Those priorities are simple. Protect Jewish and Zionist interests, mainly those designated with the Likud nomenclature, while America sinks beneath the burden of endless war, economic disaster and more red ink. The social upheaval, the moral decline and the pushing of every sort of degeneracy is the price we pay for no longer being masters in our own house. We have allowed those with alien allegiancies, alien values and alien agendas to take over our once pretty structure and sully it. Truly, conservatism is dead. But so is America. The American Dream is DOA, not from one fierce and withering attack, but from death by a thousand cuts, a myriad of tiny lacerations. If civilization is a thin crust over a volcano, then that fragile crust has been long picked away, and the eruption has already occurred. All we can do now is name the enemy and struggle to shake ourselves free of his grip. The only problem is, our few buffers are gone.

March 22, 2007

Some Zionist definitions

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:40 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Anti-Semitism - any criticism of Jews, Zionism, Israel, the Holocaust, criminals with Stein on the end of their surname; not cheering when Jews slaughter Palestinians or destroy Christian churches and landmarks in the Holy Land; believing that Israel should be held to the same standards as other “so-called” developed nations; blaming a person of Jewish descent for any wrongdoing whatsoever; having anything less than praise for Jews as a group; believing that the Holocaust does not excuse genocide, criminality or gangsterism committed by Jews; commenting on negative personality traits possessed by some Jews

White supremacist - anyone who criticizes Jewish supremacism; a person not desiring the genocide of all whites through miscegenation or Jewish-supported open borders; a white man or woman who does not hate him or herself and his or her heritage, traditions and religion; an individual not wanting to be destroyed by extremist Jews; a person who protests “don’t hurt me!” when a Jew comes at him with a Talmud in hand; a Caucasian who complains when the ACL-Jew makes it easier for perverts to diddle his kindergarten children in the playground; a white person who doesn’t believe all races are identical in ability, morals and intellect; a light-skinned person who won’t declare that Jews are more intelligent, moral and enlightened than whites, even as they give pornography to his kids and teach his son the joys of sodomy and fisting; a white person who actually notices that Jews run our perverted anti-white media from top to bottom

Holocaust denial - asking any question whatsoever about the six million figure; not bowing your head and whipping your backside and screaming “I’m so SORRRYYYY!” when the Holocaust is mentioned; questioning any aspect of the gas chamber stories, the lampshade hoax and the Jewish soap absurdity; not sobbing OUT LOUD and visibly feeling love towards the Jewish people when you watch Schindler’s List; feeling boredom when you see another Holocaust special on television; holding onto the bars of your German or Austrian solitary prison cell and not having warm thoughts towards the Jews who put you there

Blood libel - believing that a Jew anywhere has ever committed murder; believing that a Jew anywhere has ever drawn blood from a person who was not a Jew, even if that blood was not used in a delicious matzah recipe; believing that Israel had some hand in the 9/11 terrorist acts, whether directly or indirectly

March 21, 2007

A Stylistically Insouciant, But Deeply Committed Patriot

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 4:49 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I come across many outstanding blogs which capture my attention with great articles, links and vital information arguing against both Zionism and the radical cultural leftist idiocies which the Jewish extremists bestow on our society like a smiling dosage of Strychnine. The maladies of multiculturalism, the devastation of deconstructionism in the academy and the ravages of the radical Communist homosexual agenda are all symptoms of what I call “the Zionist disease.” They are all brought to us courtesy of our convivially-challenged Jewish ‘friends’ in the media, in the universities and in the intellectual community. But hey, with friends like the radical Jews and their Zionist state of Israel, who really needs enemies, right? But the only cure to the “Zionist disease” is the antidote of truth, the administering of facts and data to the uninformed and ignorant mind.

And that brings me to my first hearty recommendation since creating this subversive little unassuming blogspot three weeks ago, constructed during a fit of anger at the latest Jewish supremacist cultural atrocity (and there are so many I don’t even remember which one was the straw that broke the camel’s back). If you really want to access a great blog archiving the Jewish leftists’ latest punctiliously precise shots at our freedoms and liberties as Americans, whether it be the global warming socialist racket, the grab for our guns by the one-worlders or the brainwashing of our children with Derrida-deconstructive dreck, you will find it all at one place. Head for News From The West at http://newsfromthewest.blogspot.com and learn about every facet of the anti-American agenda and its literal revocation of our very Constitution. The_West, a stylistically insouciant, but deeply committed patriot, has not only posted cutting edge news items, essays and expository from other sources, he has also written a string of articles and commentaries himself, detailing the adroit attempts to shred our rights, our liberty and our Christian heritage. Don’t wait for the socialist Left, with the prodding and funding of Judaistic jingoists, to take everything you hold dear. Inform yourself, create a consensus amongst your friends and family, and fight for your liberation. News From The West is a powerful tool in the battle to open the eyes of our people after the anesthetizing effects of an alien-controlled media. Check it out today.

March 20, 2007

Some Interesting Quotes By And About Jews

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 3:05 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Here are a few quotes relating to Jews, Judaism and Zionism that I have personally collected from various sources. Some are simply interesting while others are quite revealing. Some of these quotes are made by Jews while others are stated by Gentiles. Many reveal the hatred, bigotry and egoistic sense of superiority that extremist Jews exude. Jewish power is immense and ubiquitous and it now stands athwart our collective throats. It’s nice to know that a few people have taken notice of this reality. Read on and enjoy.

Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

-Jesus Christ
The Gospel of St. John 8:43-47

‘You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.’

‘A Real Case Against the Jews,’ Marcus Eli Ravage, The Century Magazine, January 1928, Vol. 115, No. 3 pp. 346-350. Part 2 appeared in the following issue, pp.476-483.

‘We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people.’ Rabbi Reichorn in Le Contemporain, July 1, 1880

‘The Jew alone regards his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah.’ Goldwin Smith, Professor of Modern History, Oxford University, in Nineteenth Century, October 1881

‘I declare that the “Holocaust” cult is a vulgar form of the Jewish religion itself and that by means of the US Holocaust Museum, Judaism, contrary to the US Constitution, is emerging as our de facto state religion.’ Michael A. Hoffman II, August 1998

“Anti-Semitism is so instinctive that it may quite simply be called one of the primal instincts of mankind, one of the important instincts by which the race helps to preserve itself against total destruction. I cannot emphasize the matter too strongly. Anti-Semitism is not, as Jews have tried to make the world believe, an active prejudice. It is a deeply hidden instinct with which every man is born. He remains unconscious of it, as of all other instincts of self preservation, until something happens to awaken it. Just as when something flies in the direction of your eyes, the eyelids close instantly and of their own accord. So swiftly and surely is the instinct of anti-Semitism awakened in a man…there is not a single instance when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fury of their persecutors.” (Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, (1934), p. 64).

“The Jewish Idea has a tremendous infiltrating force and a serious degenerative power. It is a powerfully disintegrating influence. It eats the substance out of the civilization which it attacks, destroys its moral virility, throws don its reverence, saps its respect for authority, casts a shadow on every basic principle. This is the way the Jewish idea works in American civilization…They have built their international power upon the exact opposite of the Mosaic law.” (The International Jew, Dearborn Publication (1922), Vol. IV, p. 227).

“It was Marxist Jews who were behind the anti-white ‘civil rights’ movement in America to break down the natural barrier between the white and colored races. It was the Jew Joel Spingarn who had founded and headed the ‘National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’ in 1909. After his death his son Arthur headed the NAACP until 1965. The Vice President was another Jew, Rabbi Solomon. In 1965 another Jew, Kevie Kaplan, took over the organization. Two longstanding Jewish lawyers for the NAACP were Andrew D. Weinberger and Jack Greenberg.” (Weinberger and Greenberg had filed briefs of amici curiae in the U.S. Supreme Court, on behalf of the NAACP, to strike down a Virginia statute which prohibited interracial marriages, in the case of Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1(1967). Two Jewish lawyers, Benard S. Cohen and Philip J. Hirschkop argued the case for the appellants (the interracial couple). The Virginia law was held to violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The Jews won!). (Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom, p. 107).

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).

“We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not…You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.” (Chaim Weizmann, Published in “Judische Rundschau,” No. 4, 1920)

“Your people are so paranoid, it is obvious we can no longer permit you to exist. We cannot allow you to spread your filthy, immoral, Christian beliefs to the rest of the world. Naturally, you oppose World Government, unless it is under your Fascist-Christian control. Who are you to proclaim that your Christian-American way is the best? It is obvious you have never been exposed to the communist system. When nationalism is finally smashed in America, I will personally be there to fire-bomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools and re-educate them to become the future leaders of a One-World Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are taking over the world and there is nothing you can do to stop us.” (Letter from a Spokane, Washington Jew to Christian Pastor Sheldon Emry).

VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet) 18th century French philosopher, writer:

“Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws; they either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race…”
“The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous - cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” (Essai sur le Moeurs)
“You seem to me to be the maddest of the lot. The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.” (From a letter to a Jew who had written to him, complaining of his ‘anti-Semitism.’ Examen des Quelques Objections…dans L’Essai sur le Moeurs.)

“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).

“A Jew, by the fact that he belongs to the chosen people and is circumcised, possesses so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him. In fact, he is considered almost the equal of God.” (Pranaitis, I.B., The Talmud Unmasked, Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1892, p. 60).

“One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the Crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle the job. If I’d had charge of executing Christ, I’d have handled it differently. You see, what I’d have done was had him shipped to Rome and fed him to the lions. They could never have made a savior out of mincement!” (Rabbi Ben Hecht)

“Today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.” Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, October 17, 2003.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Matthew 23:27-33.

-Jesus Christ

March 18, 2007

Do You Get It Yet?

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:48 pm

By Patrick Grimm

HERE is an article chronicling a criminal Jewish organization, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, this time its New England chapter, openly and unabashedly working to assist more illegal immigrants who are breaking into America. You still don’t get it yet? You still don’t see that the balkanization, the fragmentation and the dissolution of your nation is being orchestrated by one group and one group alone? It is the Jews, mostly Zionist Jews, who are sticking it to us.

Do you not yet understand that the Jews work better in a society that is not monocultural, but instead a stew of warring ethnicities more ripe for Hebrew control? Are you not yet capable of seeing the double standard and blatant hypocrisy of the international Zionist disease that is gripping America and indeed the entire Western world? I’m not mincing words here and I’m not going to disguise my ideas in pseudonyms about “liberals” and “secularists” when it is one group and only one group who is united in their desire to destroy us. Wake up! Wake up before it’s too late for all of us. Call me an alarmist if you want to. Call me an extremist, but as Barry Goldwater reminded us “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” He also told us that “Moderation in the defense of liberty is no virtue.” I won’t be a fence-sitter as American slides into the Jewish sewer right down that slippery slope that organized Jewry has planned for us.

Isn’t it funny (strange in this context) how the Anti-Defamation League can criticize the most tolerant, pluralistic and open society on earth for its irritation and anger towards illegal invaders who are slowly transforming America into a Third World cesspool and stealing our European heritage, while the ADL supports their criminal brethren in Israel who are bulldozing and stealing Palestinian homes and cheerily shooting Palestinian children through the head for pure sport? The smirking Jew terrorists in Israel can build “Jews-only” roads, bridges and neighborhoods and the Israeli Defense Force can grope and paw at Palestinian women derisively at checkpoints and kill anyone at will, but let one American patriot complain that the United States is losing its white majority to criminal scum, drug runners and Mexican gangs and they will be labeled with “xenophobe”, “racist” or “Klansman”.

But no, the beer-swilling, Jew tube-watching, unthinking American imbecile believes it’s just radical Islam we have to fear. Present these facts to the average American and they will tell you “But Israel is our only ally in the Middle East. We have to support them.” But here’s the rub. Before Israel and the Zionist terror state came into existence, we had no enemies in the Middle East. Sure, we may not have agreed with the Muslim religion (understandably) or some of their autocratic and theocratic governments, but they did business with us and they happily sold us oil. Now it seems that some of them will do anything to hurt us, mainly because they are tired of the Zionist state trying to control their entire region and using American-made bombs and bullets to accomplish its hegemony. They are tired of Jewish-produced pornography flooding out of America into their countries and corrupting their youth. They don’t want their sons to be homosexuals and they don’t want their daughters to dress like street prostitutes. And they, like those of us in the anti-Zionist movement, understand the way the Jews do business. They know that many Jews make it their goal to lower the moral tone of every culture they enter into and debauch and defraud most every country they attach themselves to. The Muslims get it. Why are the Americans so thick-headed?

But the main question of the hour is “Do you get it yet?” Do you? Are you clear on it yet, and if not, what in the world will it take to convince you? If the aforementioned piece on the Jewish Zionist promotion, encouragement and actual funding of the illegal immigrant invasion doesn’t persuade you, what will? Will it take seeing your pastor or your priest locked into an eight-by-ten for criticizing Jews or homosexuals? Will it take having your basic First Amendment Constitutional rights ripped away from you by Jewish-drafted “hate crime” legislation? Or maybe when your first grade child comes home describing to you the intricacies of anal sex taught to him by his government school teacher in curriculum written by the sick perverted Jewish deviants of the Anti-Defamation League (and the ADL has written just this sort of curriculum) and passed off as good ol’ sex-ed, you will start to get the big picture. Maybe that Rorschach ink blot of convoluted agendas will suddenly morph into something static for you, a clear portrait of what Jewish control of a society looks like and what it means for your future.

Or maybe not. Perhaps you would rather tune out the truth, turn on the Jew tube and drift into a land of fantastical oblivion, a land of sweet packaged falsehoods and comfortable little lies. Perhaps the Talmud was right all along. Most Gentiles seem to prefer a life as chattel, as unthinking consumers in a Jewish-run Orwellian Mammonite state. If this is truly the case, then we deserve the kind of world that our masters have planned for us. We deserve to be slaves. We don’t deserve the heritage our forebears bequeathed to us. But just one last question for you. Do you get it yet?

March 17, 2007

John Hagee: Bloated Blowhard Bastard Betrayer of America

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 7:00 pm

By Patrick Grimm

A warning to the reader: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, and if he is playing with strings, don’t you dare mention that either. Stop it. Don’t stare. Don’t look at that character.

John Hagee is a big, bloated, bloviating, blustering, bonehead blowhard bastard betrayer of beloved America. Too harsh to say about anyone, you may interject. Not a chance. Or you may just wonder who the heck this Hagee fellow is. Let’s allow Hagee’s own website to speak for itself.

“Dr. John C. Hagee is the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 18,000 active members. Dr. Hagee is the President and C.E.O. of John Hagee Ministries which telecasts his national radio and television ministry carried in America on 160 T.V. stations, 50 radio stations, eight networks and can be seen weekly in 99 million homes. John Hagee Ministries is in Canada on the Miracle Channel and CTS, and can be seen in Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and is in most Third World nations.”[1] To read more about this minister/social activist simply go HERE.

But Pastor Hagee’s outreach to beleaguered Third Worlders and his various “satellite” projects is not our focus here. What defines this 300-plus pound pulpit-pounding puppet is his ardent (and I would say dastardly) embrace of what he calls “Christian Zionism.” There is no evangelical minister more committed to being pro-Israel and pro-Jewish-everything than John Hagee. Hagee may even be almost as pro-Zionist as he is pro-cookie, pro-doughnut and pro-buffet.

As his website states proudly “Dr. Hagee was awarded the ‘Humanitarian of the Year’ award by the San Antonio B’Nai B’Rith Council. It was the first time in the history of San Antonio that this award has been given to a gentile. Dr. Hagee was presented the ZOA Israel Award by U.N. Ambassador Jean Kirkpatrick. This award was given by the Jewish Community of Dallas, Texas. He was presented the ZOA Service Award by Gov. Mark White. Mayor Kathy Whitmire issued a special proclamation in his honor declaring Pastor John C. Hagee Day in Houston, Texas. Dr. Hagee has received numerous honors and accolades from national Jewish Organizations for his unwavering support of Israel.”[1] Hagee has met with every Israeli prime minister since terror-lord Menachem Begin and has allied himself with the Christian-and-Arab-loathing Likud Party. Hagee has taken the hard-earned money of his parishoners and has handed Israel a cool $8.5 million in cash.

As if all these facts were not disturbing enough, Hagee has gone on in recent weeks to speak in front of AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) the biggest pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington and an organization now being investigated by the FBI for espionage and spying against America. Columnist Justin Raimondo notes the treason of AIPAC when he states “AIPAC was pretty busy that summer, particularly Rosen and Weissman; not only were they picking up ‘codeword protected’ intelligence and passing it on to Israeli officials, but the latter was also telling ‘FO-1′ about a ’secret FBI, classified FBI report’ (the indictment cites snippets of wiretapped conversations throughout) about the Khobar Towers bombing. Weissman was boasting to his Israeli handler that he had gotten the information from ‘three different sources, including United States government officials.’”[2] None of these nefarious shenanigans have deterred most of our Congress and half of our Senators from attending the AIPAC conference and taking bribes from their Jewish masters to keep the gravy train of money rolling into Israel by the billions. But Hagee seems either innocent of all this, or simply thinks that spying and stealing from America are perks that the Chosen should be allowed because they are, after all, “the apple of God’s eye.”

Pastor Hagee has proven himself to be quite useful to the Zionists, which could be why they ignore his crackpot Christian theology and simply take the support he offers and grab the money the useful dolts in his church donate and run. Hagee, who is a fiery speaker who delivers hyper-caffeinated, or possibly Twinkie sugar-rush-induced, sermons to a television audience on a weekly basis, brought his signature brand of bombastic pomposity to an almost entirely Jewish audience at the AIPAC soiree. Hagee thundered out “In the words of Winston Churchill to Adolph Hitler, ‘we demand absolute surrender!’ He would settle for nothing less than total victory! Let us learn that lesson from America’s greatest generation. America should never send her troops into battle without the clear objective of total victory. Today the Church of Jesus Christ is in a culture war for the soul of this nation. It is a war of light vs. darkness, of Christ vs. antichrist, the Word of God vs. secular humanism. There will be a winner and a loser! To the winner go our children and our grandchildren. There is no compromise with the enemy. There is no neutrality in this war!…”[3] To watch Hagee’s entire disgusting AIPAC oratorial display, go HERE.

Pastor Hagee is surely correct about there being a war between good and evil in America. He just has the players all wrong. Israel and organized Jewry are not honest brokers in this war and they are definitely not our allies. It is organized Jewry, standing all alone with its appalling pall of decay and decomposition (and that includes many of the Jews at the AIPAC circus) that has declared a full frontal war on Christianity and all its works. It is Jews, not Muslims of either the moderate or radical stripe, who are seeking the total removal of Christendom from America.

Is Hagee willfully blind to this reality or is he simply on the payroll of a sinister cabal of Judaic confidence men who are using him to pull more Christians into the pen of the Zionist Goyim barnyard? Yes, John, there is no neutrality in this war taking place on our soil. It is a war waged by an enemy that often looks like us, but that harbors an ancient hatred of Jesus Christ and all of his universalist teachings of salvation for all, regardless of race or ethnicity. These proud Jews think Christianity is for the Gentile cattle, not for their superior breed of little messiahs, and they intend it total liquidation, John. And if you think that our military is in Iraq for anything other than a proxy war for Judaism, you better wake up, John, take that McD’s burger out of your mouth and start perusing the facts. (Yes, it’s a cheap shot, but bear with me.) If you really desire American boys (and girls) to die on the battlefield for Israeli aims rather than America’s true interests, then what else can I call you but a traitor? Hopefully you can buy a lot of Bear Claws with your thirty pieces of silver.

John Hagee, along with most of our Congress and Senate, and every member of the AIPAC criminal network, should be arrested, tried and hanged for treason against America. They have sold out every interest of America to a Middle Eastern powderkeg, a rogue state that has actually committed terrorism against us on numerous occasions by orders of their own crooked Jewish government. But to Hagee and his infinitely suggestible simpleton Christian supporters, this should never be spoken of. The Chosen should be coddled, embraced and indeed funded by Christians, even as these same Zionist Jews rip crosses from war memorials, pull any mention of Jesus from the public schools that they have poisoned and even be able to demand the blood of American citizens to be spilled in furtherance of Israel’s adventurism in the MidEast. No way and no more, John Hagee, you betrayer of this once great United States of America, before extremist Jews got their hands on the levers of our political machinations. You are a slovenly sell-out political pimp for Israel and the Talmudic Jews who control this whole sick apparatus of power that is strangling the life out of what was once a Christian nation.

Why don’t you go and live in Israel for a while and you can smile indulgently as hateful Jews spit in your fat face and scream curses against the Lord Jesus Christ you purport to serve? Then maybe you will learn that Judaism is the only religion on earth that hates our Savior with an irrational vehemence that they do not even direct towards Adolf Hitler. In fact, Judaism truly is the only religion on earth that has any ill will towards Christ. Even Islam reveres Jesus as a great prophet and believes that he will return one day. Screw your chubby cranium on straight, Johnny and stop giving offerings to your eventual executioners. There is no reason to support these Jewish supremacists who have done nothing but plot and fund our demise. Unless perhaps these rich Jews promised you a whole chain of Old Country Buffets all to yourself.

So we are back to that man behind the curtain. He is the radical Jew, pulling the strings like a pro puppeteer, making John Hagee and the other Christian Zionist rubes dance a Jewish jig. The puppets of organized Jewry are not few in number. They are the Gentile Rosenbergs of our modern times, they are the Judases of old, resurrected, brought back and bloated up, in the case of Pastor Hagee, with pastries, pasta and the gasbag of their own pre-packaged philo-Semitic propaganda. They should not be applauded by Christians, but instead be marched to a prison cell and a traitor’s end. They deserve nothing less.

[1] http://www.jhm.org/pastor.asp
[2] http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=6890
[3] http://www.muzzlewatch.com/?p=117

March 16, 2007

When Fascism Comes To America

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 12:30 am

By Patrick Grimm

Fascism is socialism melded with nationalism. Communism is socialism conjoined with internationalism. And the bad news is, we have strains of both in America.

Sinclair Lewis once remarked that “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”[1] He was half right. Fascism has come to the United States and it is swaddled in the flag, or at least some version of it, along with lots of platitudinal crypto-patriotism from our politicians and media overlords. But the cross seems conspicuously absent in the equation. The cross has been stricken from this nation. It plays no part.

But what is so intrinsically fascist about this country is the way dissent is so often crushed by our government, as surely as the fascists of the early 20th century smashed the kneecaps of their opponents in the streets. But this time it’s done all in the name of patriotism and nationalism and “security”, even though this country has been hollowed out by the elites like a rotting tree stump. These fascists may not crush every obtuse voice of protest with a billyclub to the sternum, but the neo-convicts who have captured this country from top to bottom have other ways. It’s all about audits and spying on citizens (Patriot Acts) and media smears. It’s about the FBI and their databases being controlled and infiltrated by the mad dog megalomaniacal paranoia of the Chosen Tribe. It’s all about blackening the names of the critics of a foreign entity, an alien terror state that plays this country like a Steinway piano. And Steinway is such an appropriate piano for them to be playing.

But this country has its Communist strain as well, often running like a separate stripe through the same gang of bandits who have pickpocketed America’s future in every way the human mind could imagine. The neo-convicts who have hijacked and steered this country to disaster may play the fascist game, may mouth the words of the national anthem as they oversee the American police state, but most of them are internationalists to the core. Their patriotism is but a sham, their loyalties to our over two-century-old republic a transparent hoax only played out on the pancake makeup, plastic media stage they parade across, like coy actors reading a script full of contradictions. These internationalists are only loyal to that tiny fleck of land halfway across the earth that is run by demigods, those purloiners and rapacious thieves who literally think they are gods as they oppress their broken victims with satanic hatred and violence. The land these one-worlders love is, not by coincidence, the most rigidly segregated society in the world. But these career ‘cons’ talk a good game and spew their flower-covered bilge about ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity’ when you watch them on the idiot box, don’t they?

No, fascism and Communism have already arrived in America a long time ago. Sinclair Lewis just got the players wrong. They may wrap themselves in an American flag and feigned fealty to so-called American interests, but underneath they simply wait to tear us asunder, always lurking like a ravenous lion in our societal nightmares, undermining, taking, imprisoning us, mind, body and soul, robbing us of both the wages earned by the sweat of our brows and our very sovreignty as a people. But they assuredly do not march en masse behind the banner of the cross of Jesus Christ. Think of an American flag rent asunder, a six-pointed star and the commingling of two cousin political ideologies who are more friend than foe. Think Zionism.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Lewis

March 13, 2007

There She Goes Again: "Jewish Billy Graham" Is A Jewish Supremacist

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 3:20 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The sacrosanct Bushbot, RNC supporter and neo-conservative Zionist Israel-firster Rebetzan Esther Jungreis is at it again. This time she is in Canada pushing her message, her hypocritical Jewish agenda, to college students. Here is an article from the Canadian newspaper The Ottawa Citizen. The Citizen is controlled by Zionist-owned Can West, a Jewish media conglomerate which has sucked up all of Canada’s media and placed it into Hebrew hands. The fact that they would print a piece such as this just shows their brazen disregard for the Gentile majority and the fact that they fear no concomitant criticism from that majority, mainly because any critics will be jailed or fined in the merry ol’ People’s Jewish Republic of Canuckistan. The official editorial policy of most papers located to the socialist North is that no criticism of Israel is allowed. Here is the article discussing Jungreis’ Judeocentric crusade to indoctrinate Jewish young people into more anti-Gentilist thinking, more insularity, more conceit and most of all, more superiority complexes (which they need like a hole in the head). This controversy arose on March 7th and is a contemporary news item. But don’t let me interrupt. Read on.

Pauline Tam
(The Ottawa Citizen,Wednesday, March 07, 2007)

The high rate of Jews who marry non-Jews has created a “spiritual holocaust” that threatens the survival of Judaism, says an Orthodox scholar and leading opponent of intermarriage.

Esther Jungreis, an international lecturer who has been called “the Jewish Billy Graham,” equates intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews with self-imposed annihilation on the scale of the Nazi extermination campaign.

Mrs. Jungreis’ comments, in advance of a speech she is to give tonight in Ottawa, have thrown her into the centre of a sensitive debate within the city’s Jewish community. Her use of the Holocaust as an analogy and her criticism of conversions have already received a sharp rebuke from Ottawa’s most prominent Orthodox rabbi, Reuven Bulka.

Mrs. Jungreis says she is disturbed by the prospect of children who grow up in intermarried households without a strong connection to Jewish practices and faith.

“It’s a question of understanding that Hitler’s aim was to annihilate our people, and intermarriage is also a form of annihilation, which is sometimes even more deadly than the Holocaust,” she said.

Her lecture at Carleton University is part of a series organized by an Ottawa Jewish-education group; in order to attract interest, the group is offering to pay students $50 if they attend all four talks.

Mrs. Jungreis, a Holocaust survivor and New York-based author, argues there is a moral imperative for Jews to marry within the faith.

“I was able to raise Jewish children, and they carry on the name and legacy and the heritage of my ancestors, who perished in the Holocaust,” she said.

“But if they intermarry, there’s no one to carry on. Entire families could be wiped out. There’s no memory. That’s what we call spiritual holocaust.”

While Mrs. Jungreis’ opposition to intermarriage reflects the prevailing view among Orthodox Jews, at least one prominent Orthodox Jewish leader in Ottawa takes issue with the way she likens intermarriage to the Holocaust.

“I don’t like using the Holocaust for anything other than what it was, and that is an unprecedented act of evil,” said Rabbi Bulka, of the Orthodox Congregation Machzikei Hadas. “But on the issue (of intermarriage) itself, this is an ongoing communal concern.”

Mrs. Jungreis is the author of The Committed Marriage and Life is aTest: How to Meet Life’s Challenges Successfully. Life is a Test is a call for Jews to strengthen their commitment to their faith.

She is also the founder of the Hineni Heritage Center, a group that promotes Judaism by offering religious education in settings where single Jews mingle. In 2004, she was a speaker at the Republican National Convention and has become a regular guest at the White House.

Her lecture at Carleton, titled The Holocaust and the Final Solution to Intermarriage, is not sponsored by the university, but by Jewish Education through Torah, an Ottawa group whose mission is to promote traditional Jewish education.

The lecture is part of the group’s new outreach program targeting university students, at a time when half the city’s estimated 13,500 Jews don’t belong to a synagogue and nearly seven of 10 marry non-Jews. The trends are similar among Jewish populations across North America.Mrs. Jungreis rejects the idea that non-Jews who marry Jews can be converted.

“Conversions are usually a sham, you know, in name only. It’s easy come, easy go, and there’s no commitment behind it. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just to accommodate someone in the family.”

That view drew a rebuke from Rabbi Bulka, whose congregation includes a number of converts. “For them it was not a joke, it was not a sham and it’s almost insulting to suggest that.”

His view is echoed by Rabbi Steven Garten of Ottawa’s Temple Israel, a Reform synagogue. He calls Mrs. Jungreis’ ideas about conversion “antiquated.”

“I think it’s a fallacy to say if you intermarry, by definition you neglect the Jewish faith and don’t raise your children in that tradition,” said Rabbi Garten, whose congregation includes many intermarried couples.

“The conversions that I see are not fraudulent at all. They reflect a personal commitment to Judaism. If the choice is between two Jews marrying who make no commitment to Judaism and a couple who are intermarried but choose to raise their children in the Jewish faith, I’d choose the latter.”

Barry Levy, dean of the faculty of religious studies at McGill University, said such polarized views of intermarriage and conversion are intensifying at a time when the world’s Jews — estimated to number about 20 million — are dwarfed by the billions of Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists.”

Clearly, on a political level, it’s a major concern because if you have a high intermarriage rate, after a couple of generations, the assumption is that the number of Jews will decrease significantly,” said Mr. Levy.

He indicated that despite making up a minority of the Jewish community, Orthodox Jews stand to become a dominant force in Judaism in the near future.”These people have a much higher rate of child-bearing and they have a much more successful strategy for teaching commitment to their religion.”

In that way, Mr. Levy noted, the Jewish debate over intermarriage and conversion, which pits the Orthodox minority against a largely liberal majority, reflects a religious polarization that is increasingly found in other religions.

“What you find is that the most successful groups today are the fundamentalist groups, whether they be evangelical Christians, Muslims or Hindus, because they are the ones that are growing, that are maintaining their community identities and that are actually succeeding in convincing people to adhere to their traditions,” said Mr. Levy.”

The more liberal groups are the ones that are being weakened.”According to a study published last year by the Jewish Outreach Institute, the face of Jewish Ottawa is changing dramatically because of intermarriage, immigration and integration.

The study, based on 2001 Census figures, indicated that half of the city’s married Jews have a spouse who is a non-Jew. In families that are nominally Jewish, nearly two-thirds of children under five live in intermarried households.

The rate of intermarriage is rising sharply given that nearly seven out of 10 Jews under the age of 30 marry outside of their faith.

The figures suggest that without migration from other provinces or countries, Ottawa’s Jewish population would have fallen significantly.

For that reason, organizations such as Jewish Education through Torah, which teaches from an Orthodox perspective, are targeting more outreach efforts at university students. The idea is to reach them at a stage when they’re searching for a life partner as well as answers to life.

“This is an age when people are most disconnected from religion generally, and a lot of people are searching. From a Jewish perspective, we feel that a lot of people know they’re Jewish but they don’t really know what Judaism is, ” said Rabbi Zischa Shaps, director of the Jewish Education through Torah.

The four-lecture series on why Jews should marry within the faith (Mrs. Jungreis’ lecture is the second in the series) marks the launch of the group’s campus outreach program.

To attract more people, the group has taken the unusual step of offering a $50 stipend to students who attend all the lectures. Rabbi Shaps said about 20 students attended the first lecture when it was held last month.

The talk by Esther Jungreis, The Holocaust and the Final Solution to Intermarriage, takes place Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in room 360 of the Tory Building at Carleton University. It is open to the public.

Interesting little piece, isn’t it? The Orthodox Talmudic Jewish extremists like Jungreis and company compare intermarriage to a second Holocaust and rail about it being a literal genocide of the Jewish people. (This woman is a virtual gold mine when it comes to exposing Jewish supremacism!) The logic of this Zionist activist (who married her first cousin, by the way) is very simple. Here it goes:

1. Intermarriage of a Jew to a Gentile wipes out the Jew’s genetic Jewish lineage.
2. If the Jew’s genetic lineage is wiped out, this equals genocide.
3. Therefore, intermarriage equals genocide for Jews.

In this respect, Esther Jungreis is actually correct and I really don’t fault her for wanting to protect her Jewish heritage. It is one of the most natural human impulses. Though not speaking for Jungreis personally on this issue, I do understand that most Jews don’t want people of European background, and I am talking about white European-Americans here, to be able to preserve their genetic and cultural heritage. Most politically active Jews, whether Orthodox, Reformed, Conservative, secular, Communist, neo-conservative or what have you, work to keep America’s borders open and a flood of non-white Third World dregs streaming into the United States in droves. If their little Zionist scheme is not curtailed, indeed stopped very soon, white European-Americans will soon be a minority in their own country. But this is only part of their twisted hateful agenda for white folks.

In Jewish-written, produced, directed and financed Hollywood films, whites are encouraged to intermarry with other races. It all started with Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner in the 1960s, a film created by Jewish filmmaker Stanley Kramer, a man who I’m sure would want his own daughter (if he has one) to come home with a “nice Jewish boy.” And the steady slew of movies propagandizing white Americans on the virtues of miscegnenation have been coming out of Hollywood ever since. Jews want us to throw away our genetic heritage (imperfect though it may be) while they preserve their own through rigid mores and folkways that can never be violated.

Let’s revert to logic again:

1. Intermarriage of a white European-American to a non-white wipes out the white person’s genetic lineage.
2. If this white European-American’s genetic lineage is wiped out, this equals genocide.
3. Anti-white Jews encourage white European-Americans to wipe out their genetic lineage.
4. Therefore, anti-white Jews desire genocide for white European-Americans.

It’s simple when you break it down logically, isn’t it? What the radical Jew wants for himself, he attempts to wrest away from us. We can literally say that these Jewish supremacists desire our genocide, using their very own logic against them. Yes, some could argue that there is no such thing as a pure white person, but that is missing the point completely. There are really no pure Jewish people either, this tribe having intermarried with other groups of people, at least on a limited basis, over thousands of years. (Don’t even get me started on the Khazars.) But Jews still want to preserve a Jewish heritage, the same way European-Americans, some of whose ancestors also married people of other groups over the millenia, used to want to hold onto their heritage as well. Nothing could be more natural for a human being of any type.

The one characteristic that sets apart European-American activists from Jewish activists, is that those of us in the former category don’t want to deny Jews or any other people the same rights we want for ourselves. We aren’t like the Esther Jungreises and the Abraham Foxmans, who see themselves as “Chosen” or better than everybody else. We are not supremacists, but Jews like the Rebetzan and her Orthodox brethren most assuredly are. It’s all about them, their heritage, their rights, and everybody else’s can be damned. But the dangerous reality of it is, they want other Jews, especially the young, to swallow the same poison pills of distrust, disdain, illiberality and insularity that they have so pompously ingested. And I’m guessing that they probably washed them down with a spritz of seltzer.

March 12, 2007

Neo-cons, Depart!

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:24 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Here is a piece I wrote on November 8, 2006 following the great Republican crack-up, the day after Democrat electoral victories swept the country. It was, not surprisingly, rejected for publication by the editors of my “local” Zionist-owned newspaper. With the 2008 presidential elections just around the corner, I believe it is as pertinent as ever. Enjoy.

The neo-con takeover of the Republican Party has already begun to reap real political nightmares for the GOP. The phony so-called “neo-conservatives” who parade themselves before the media spotlight, are neither new (neo) nor conservative. Starting with the ascendancy of Irving Kristol, a former Trotskyite and a fellow traveler of cryptic ideologue, Leo Strauss, they sought to transform what we called conservatism from a Southern and Western phenomenon into something which would resemble the New York, mostly Jewish, intelligentsia. In this regard, Kristol and his cohorts succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The “neo-cons” of today, including Irving’s chutzpahishly smug son, Bill Kristol and a cadre of pseudo-conservatives like Norman Podhoretz have long ago completed their “long march” through the organs of what was classic paleoconservative thought, the think tanks, the journals, such as National Review and the foundations which dispense money to those who are supposed to advance a rightist, America-first and traditionalist conservative agenda. Sadly, this is no longer what animates what used to be a great movement. Today’s conservatism has more to do with fealty to Israel and a Wilsonian interventionist foreign policy in Israel’s, not America’s interests, than the platform of Barry Goldwater or Ronald Reagan.

As the returns of the November 7th election trickled, sometimes poured in, America had spoken. They had not rejected conservatism per se, but the Jewish-controlled neo-conservative Israel-first interventionism of George Bush and would vote for anybody who opposed it. Unfortunately, that includes many Democrats. Most leftists are against the Iraq war, but are too uninformed or afraid to say the real reason for this disastrous American attempt at a quasi-Empire. It is surely not for oil, because most of the Big Oil magnates were squarely against the war. What the war obviously is about, as Walt and Mearsheimer argued persuasively last year, is securing and buttressing Israel’s hegemony in the Middle East. This interventionism is unacceptable to most Americans of conscience, for some because they know the truth about Israel’s lobby and for others because of the simple fact that much American blood and treasure has been expended without any seeming goal or ultimate end in sight.

Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater would never have imagined a war being waged to “eliminate all terror from the world” and would have considered it as utopian and short-sighted as they did most of the Left’s grandeurously absurdist grandiose projects. Not so with this administration. After the disaster of 9/11, the neo-cons, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith and the rest, knew it was time to cash in on the anger of the American people. These neo-cons, having already taken the right-wing media over, knew that this would not be as difficult as some would imagine. With trumped up lies from Israeli intelligence and fear mongering about Saddam’s WMDs, selling the war to a puppet like Bush was all too easy.

But the American people are not fooled. They know that today’s Republicans don’t represent their values, their heritage or even their pocket books. From the morass of Iraq to weakness and capitulation on illegal immigration to the pernicious CAFTA, the neo-cons have been the snake oil salesmen of a fraudulent and ultimately anti-American agenda. The sooner the Republicans drive these former Trotskyite Israel-First opportunists from their ranks, the better. Until then, if the Republican leadership continues to be lulled by the siren song of the neo-conservative frauds amongst them, they will continue to be handed a string of defeats. November 7th could just be the beginning of the end for the great party of the Great Communicator who finally ascended to his “shining city on a hill.” It could be that this neo-con cabal forever relegates the GOP to the dustbin of history. For true conservatives, this would be a monumental catastrophe, but to the neo-cons this would only force them to change their labels and search for a new way to repackage their snake oil. These arrogant ideological blowhards would be better suited writing propaganda for a resurrected Pravda.

March 9, 2007

Jewish Hypocrisy Writ Large

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 2:51 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Judaism and Zionism, as I have stated in previous articles, are both based on extreme ethnic supremacism. This is obvious when you start reading the statements, books, articles and the transcripts of lectures put out by mostly Zionist Jews, whether religious or non-religious. What makes the ethnocentrism of Jews so galling is the fact that they attempt to deny all other peoples, races and groups the same right. Jews, at least the politically and religiously aware ones, oppose the marriage of a Jew with a non-Jew (Gentile or Goy) in the most strident language possible. Yes, these particular Jews are bald-faced hypocrites, and yes, the Jewish media never discusses this issue.

All of this is not exactly a shocking reality when you understand the group strategy dynamic behind Jewish supremacist movements and social action. For example, the fact that Jews organized the black civil rights movement in America and orchestrated and funded it from top to bottom is not exactly news, except to the most uninformed reader. Jews, leftist and Communistic Jews, to be more precise, were the catalyst that brought integration to the United States and succeeded in getting most anti-miscegenation laws repealed over the last 35 to 40 years. Without getting into the merits and demerits of the civil rights movement, it is fascinating to note the differing standards of morality which Jews apply to a Gentile nation as opposed to a majority Jewish nation like Israel.

Leftist Jews in the American media laud the virtues of a multicultural, integrated and diverse society. What they don’t inform you of is the fact that Israel, the world’s only “Jewish state” does not allow the marriage of a Jew and a non-Jew. It is not just frowned upon. It is actually illegal in Israel for a Jew and Gentile to unite in marriage. Yet there is not a word of criticism in the media. There are no editorials in Jewish-run newspapers decrying Israel’s bigoted laws promoting discrimination and Jewish supremacism. Yet white people, and indeed all people in this country, must embrace other races and be ready and willing to intermarry with them. Those who disagree with miscegenation are called racists, bigots and closet KKK members, even if their reasons are not based on hatred.

Lest you think I exaggerate about Jewish attitudes regarding intermarriage, here is a rather lengthy excerpt from a Jewish columnist named Esther Jungreis, the wife of a rabbi. Jungreis is often called “the Jewish Billy Graham” (which would make sense if Billy Graham was a white supremacist member of the Aryan Nations who wanted funds for a radical theocratic Christian nation that worked to subjugate its non-Christian population and terrorize its neighbors) and speaks on Jewish issues around the globe. She has an online column called Dear Rebetzen Jungreis, which is sort of a Dear Abby-style question and answer forum. Here is a telling clip confirming everything I have just told you:

Dear Rebbetzin Jungreis

I am in my second year of college and recently met a wonderful, intelligent, compassionate young man. I am very much in love with him. He is not Jewish, however, and this seems to be a “tragedy” to my parents. Rebbetzin, I just cannot understand it. My parents are not religious people. Their entire Judaism consists of buying High Holiday tickets once a year. They do not keep a kosher home, they do not observe any of the customs and traditions, and they never gave me a Jewish education. So how on earth can they censor me for wanting to marry this boy?

Believe me, Rebbetzin, my parents are no more Jewish than my boyfriend. He is a good hearted, kind individual, with all the characteristics of what my parents consider a “nice Jewish boy”. The real reason that my parents are opposed to him is because they are worried what people will say. They don’t really care about my happiness, but what others will say and how this will reflect on them.

I cannot see any difference between being Jewish or gentile, we are all created by God, and therefore we are all brothers. My parents never gave me a Jewish upbringing so why should I care?

I have reached the point where we are about to announce ourengagement–unless you can show me a reason not to.

I have no respect for the hypocrisy around me.

Yours Sincerely,

Jewish in Name Only

Here is Mrs. Jungreis’ reply to this young Jewish woman who does not hold supremacist attitudes towards Gentiles and dares to believe that we are all on equal footing before God:

Dear Jewish in Name Only,

While it is true that your parents have failed to give you a Jewish education, their negligence does not exonerate you from YOUR responsibility, nor does it permit you to walk away from your people. There is no justification for abandoning your faith, your people or your God. Understand that by opting for intermarriage you are bringing your family’s Jewish existence to a close after thousands of years.

Nevertheless, I can comprehend your feelings of resentment at having been deprived of a Jewish education. Judaism has never been made meaningful to you….you have never been challenged by its majestic call. Therefore, it is understandable that you feel apathetic, if not hostile, to your faith. And so, under the circumstances it would not seem realistic to demand that you sacrifice the man you love for a religion which is unrelated to your life.

We must, however, confront the truth: you belong to a generation of American Jews who have been short-changed. Although you have been given every educational and material opportunity, you have been Jewishly deprived. You were raised in a spiritual wasteland….in a vacuum. Your contacts with Judaism have at best turned you off, and at worst, provoked you to disdain.

Whenever I visit a high school or college campus I am confronted by young Jews who are articulate in every subject but their own….Young Jews who are experts in investment banking, computers and the sciences….who are senstive to the nuances of music and who are at home in the arts and culture. Yet if confronted with the most elementary questions about spirituality, Jewish thought, the Bible or the Talmud–they remain totally inarticulate. We have become a people who suffer from amnesia; a people without a past, without a memory.

In order for you to comprehend the magnitude of your loss you must first gain some awareness of that which you once possessed. But you sadly lack this awareness. Therefore as I see it, the problem at hand is not so much to persuade you to give up this relationship, as it is to open your mind and your heart to your own glorious history and destiny. Once you comprehend this then forgoing intermarriage will be a natural byproduct of your newly gained insight, for it is impossible to be knowledgeable of Torah and at the same time remain impervious to its mystical call.

And so, my friend, while I can empathize with your apathetic state of mind, I cannot condone it, for YOU ARE A JEW, and you have a responsibility. Before you relinquish your heritage, before you give up the faith of your fathers and mothers, you owe it to yourself to discover your roots: to probe your history so that the decision you ultimately make will be one that is informed and intelligent rather than one based on ignorance and default.


Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

And there it is, that good ol’ Jewish chutzpah we are all so used to. The naked hypocrisy rings out from every utterance of these Jewish supremacists, clear as a bell like a clarion call of chauvinism. If any white person dared to express the sentiments of Esther Jungreis they would be gleefully annihilated by the Jewsmedia and the entire Zionist political behemoth would tighten the screws until a Gentilistic tearful apology was imminent. But that’s the way the cookie crumbles, cause it’s a Jew, Jew world.

Jewish hypocrisy is not going to end, however. And do you know why? It’s obvious. He who controls information, controls all. He who controls information, eventually controls the thoughts of the multitude. The Jewish corner on the market of hypocrisy will never be rectified, will never even be mentioned. It has to be covered up as it gets more extreme, more hateful and more bellicose. To do otherwise might get the Gentile moron thinking about protecting his own heritage, might even make him see the importance of a little pride in his history. No, the Jews will never allow that. They are the only people allowed to even have a heritage, a shared history that unites them and strengthens them. The pride that European-Americans once had in their massive accomplishments, inventions and innovations has been beaten out of us by our Zionist masters, those miserly little bigots who call themselves a people. Hypocrisy is their stock in trade, that is, if you leave out greed and avarice.


March 7, 2007

The Importance of Responsible Language

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:07 pm

By Patrick Grimm

We must be very careful of the kind of language we use in the fight against Zionism and all its attendant evils. I find nothing inappropriate in throwing out terms like “Jewish supremacist” or “Jewish extremist” or “radical Zionists”, etc. etc., mainly because these are terminologies which so often describe the real world actions of extreme Zionist Jews (and that doesn’t include all Jews). But sometimes people within this movement (the anti-Zionist, pro-European-American movement) cross the line, and by doing so they live up to the stereotype which the Jewish-controlled media and Hollywood create to discredit their critics. Language matters. It matters because it reflects what is inside our hearts.

Across the internet there are many excellent resources for obtaining information on the dangers of radical Jewish supremacist perfidy. There are valuable websites and blogs from both the right and the left side of the political spectrum (and I do come from the right side) chronicling the stranglehold the Zionists have over most of the West, as well as their mistreatment, genocide and displacement of the Palestinians. But sometimes people, and some of them may be well-meaning, but just genuinely angry individuals who are sick and tired of their culture being trammeled by Zionism, will cross the line. I have seen several sites where pejoratives such as “kike” have been included in commentary and articles. To use such an offensive word like “kike”, even in anger, is to automatically discredit yourself, regardless of the merits of anything else you are saying. We must not allow our anger and frustration to undermine our judgment. Not only is employing epithets like “kike” or “nigger” or “spic” morally objectionable to me and to most people, they fulfill every stereotype which the uninformed citizen has about our movement. They don’t strengthen us. They only weaken our message and make others question our decency as human beings.

In closing, I simply want to speak for myself. I refuse to resort to profanity, or racial pejoratives or even simple off-color language to argue my points. The views I have are logical, well-documented and grounded in reality. They don’t need to be presented in a way that diminishes me and my readers and only empowers the enemies of our people and our heritage. I won’t play the role of a Jewish-created Hollywood movie stereotype. My beliefs are not based on hate. They are based on love for white European traditions and a hunger for knowledge, for decency and for justice in the world. No amount of crass language can add validity to those beliefs, but irresponsible rhetoric will most certainly siphon my credibility among those who desperately need to have their eyes opened and their minds awakened and enlightened to the truth. I won’t, and you shouldn’t, give the Jewish supremacists what they want.

March 6, 2007

Being Jewish Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:30 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Having grown up in America as a Gentile and a Caucasian male and inundated from birth by media-induced white guilt, I want to do what is always expected of me by our media masters and Anti-Defamation League overseers. I want to apologize in advance for this column and for every word contained in it that may offend. I know what I am saying is true, but as the purveyors of hate crime laws always say “Truth is no defense.” So I will say it. I’m sorry, deeply sorry, and probably guilty as well of holding all kinds of views I should not be allowed to hold, mainly because our PC-thought police get to decide what I am allowed to believe, consider and to think about, as well as read on the internet and in the library.

This is exactly the problem. Gentiles are apologizers. Most of us seem more than ready to apologize when the the media and the anti-American intelligentsia say we should. So you don’t like homosexuality being gleefully promoted by your socialist government school and you speak out about it? Just say “I’m sorry, so sorry,” and you better mean it or you’ll get beaten down by the media. Offended by black criminality and are sick of white neighborhoods becoming drug-infested cesspools when they are integrated. Get ready to issue a big mea culpa as soon as the media catches wind of your comments, realistic though they may be. And God help you if you say anything negative about Israel, Zionism, Jewish Hollywood or differences in black and white IQ. It will be all she wrote, and the only way to save even a smidgen of your career, reputation or your family’s good name will be to throw yourself on the mercy of the media court, the thought-masters, the PC storm troopers who will hound you unto the ends of the earth.

The examples of Gentiles always being chronic apologizers are too many to name. Mel Gibson’s comments on “f***ing Jews” starting all the wars would be one of the best (or worst) examples of the endless need for Gentiles, mostly of the white persuasion, to recant what they say and then grovel for weeks at a time. The Michael Richards “n-word” stand-up situation was another. Richards should have simply said, “I’m sorry for what I said” and never mentioned it again. But no, the apologies only got more and more pathetic as time went on, until the former Seinfeld star was prostrating himself before the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, two black racist demagogue hucksters who have made an industry out of magnifying every perceived racial slight. Even the beloved Reverend Billy Graham, who had made some accurate comments about Jewish media control thirty years ago in confidential conversations with President Nixon, proved himself to be an apologizer. Graham said he didn’t remember the comments, and then apologized for his deeply held personal beliefs if those beliefs had offended “the Chosen.”

But there is one group in America who never apologizes. They are so firmly ensconced in the highest seats of media power in this country that no one can touch them. Stop and think about it. When have you ever heard a Jew apologize for anything? You’ve heard whites apologize for their role in black slavery, for Jim Crow, for segregation, for past discrimination against women, for not doing enough to stop the Holocaust in Germany and for the treatment of American Indians. This has become such a pathetic and common occurrence that it is almost becoming sickening. But when have you heard a Jew, just one single solitary Jew, apologize for anything? Somebody tell me. And the Jews have so much to apologize for.

Perhaps Abraham Foxman and the ADL could start by apologizing for the huge Jewish role in the greatest mass murdering machine of all mankind, much bigger than the holy and sacred Holocaust, which is the event that started America’s biggest religion, Holocaustianity. The Jews, who made up 80% of the Bolsheviks who turned Russia into a slave labor camp, killed somewhere between 20-60 million Gentiles, the majority of them being Russian Christians. Maybe Foxman and the rest of the Shoah industry bandits could start by issuing a heart-felt apology, both verbally and in print, to the living relatives of all the families who were shot execution style through the head by Jewish Trotskyites or herded away to gulags to starve to death or burned alive by Christian-hating Talmudic Jewish Communists.

No, that’s probably too big of an apology to expect right off the bat from a group of supremacists as arrogant, smug, greedy and grasping as the Jews who run these phony civil rights groups. We need to start smaller, get them used to the idea that they are not all God incarnate. Hmmm, maybe we could get the Jews to apologize for their huge role in organized crime, in creating Murder Inc. and for all the Gentiles they ripped off and killed with all their murderous gangsterish activity. No, that wouldn’t work. The Jews are still running the biggest organized crime syndicates in America, in Israel, and especially in Russia, where they have stolen about 80% of the country’s wealth. These Jewish mobsters are sending big bloated checks to the Anti-Defamation League and the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in exchange for Jewish pressure on the FBI not to prosecute their criminal brethren. Nah, not likely to apologize for that.

Let’s see, maybe the Jews could become big apologizers for their humongous role in hard-core pornography. After all, Jews are about 90% of all pornography producers and make up a large number of the male and female performers in porno movies. Yeah, the Jews could at least apologize for porn, couldn’t they? But you see, that wouldn’t work either. After all, a lot of these Jewish pornographers do contribute a lot of money to pro-Israel Zionist causes, and after all, what’s more important than money, right? No, can’t get an “I’m sorry” for that one.

By now you get my point. Gentiles are chronic, almost painstakingly fastidious apologizers. Want an apology? Go to a Gentile and demand one. The Jews, who have much to be sorry for, are not big on “I’m sorries.” The Chosen don’t do apologies. But perhaps one day they will surprise us. Maybe somewhere in the world, once upon a rare and wondrous time, a Jew will turn to some Goy in a supermarket and say “Okay, you can have your penny back.” But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

March 5, 2007

Zionism: Jewish Supremacism in Action

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 12:55 pm

By Patrick Grimm

“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” -Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio

Zionism is spoken about in the controlled media and on pro-Zionist and Jewish Zioncon websites as a movement that is simply about the desire of an eternally persecuted people to have their own state. Predictably, the ADL, a Zionist criminal outfit masquerading as a civil rights group which is now run by Jesus Christ-hating, pornography-loving Abraham Foxman, a smug unhappy little man who sees Nazis under every bed and a Holocaust mentality hidden in every Gentile comment he doesn’t like, defines Zionism in much the same way. The ADL is quoted thus: “Zionism is the Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel - the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. The yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been the cornerstone of Jewish religious life since the Jewish exile from the land two thousand years ago, and is embedded in Jewish prayer, ritual, literature and culture.”[1]

Sounds completely reasonable, doesn’t it? The wonderful, do-no-wrong, eternally innocent, everlastingly blameless Jews who are always being persecuted by Gentiles for no reason at all, who have been driven forcefully from 79 countries (some of them more than once) for no reason other than unreasoning anti-Semitism (it couldn’t be in reaction to their remarkably hateful, treasonous and usuriously criminal behavior over thousands of years), who were not given sanctuary by other countries during WWII, again, I’m sure for absolutely no reason other than the evil nature of Gentile people, now just want a country of their own. It’s such a sweet and cockle-warming idea, isn’t it?

Actually there is nothing about Zionism that is reasonable, sweet or that would warm the cockles of your heart. Zionism is a movement based on hate, radical racial supremacism, genocide and displacement and a Messianic vision that jettisons morality, decency and humanity. It now runs America from top to bottom. Before some of the newcomers to this site accuse me of conspiracy-mongering and paranoia, let’s first take a look at some quotes from prominent and famous Zionists.

Here is Theodor Herzl, father of modern radical Zionism devising a strategy to displace the native people of the country the Zionist Jews would occupy. The country they settled on was Palestine. “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries,while denying it any employment in our own country …. expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”[2] Zionism here is equivalent to dispossession and exploitation.

The comments of Israeli Lukidite Vladimir Jabotinsky carries with it much the same tone of chicanery: “In working for Palestine, I would even ally myself with the devil”– Vladimir Jabotinsky founder of Revisionist Zionism (Likud party roots) responding to condemnation for his alliance with Ukranian pogromist Petlyura. Jabotinsky also embraced, like the leaders of most evil movements, moral relativism and lawlessness. “There is no justice, no law, and no God in heaven, only a single law which decides and supercedes all—- [Jewish] settlement [of the land].”[3] The Jewish people are seen as the be-all and end-all and every other concern can be sacrificed on the altar of pragmatism.

But these comments are tame when compared to the harsh utterings of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, who was an admirer of Soviet Communist dictators, most of whom were ethnically Jewish. Ben-Gurion is referred to fondly as the Father of the Nation of Israel by most afficianados of Zionism. He stated succinctly that the only way the Zionist project could succeed is through totalitarian means. “We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”[4] This is obviously not a political movement content with living side by side in peace with its Palestinian neighbors. No, it’s all about ethnic cleansing, a massive land grab and smug Jewish supremacism and domination.

Ben-Gurion, however, was more honest than most in admitting the injustice of what his Zionist compatriots had done to the Palestinian people. He admits “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”[5]

Sixth Israeli prime minister and Irgun terror-master and Nobel Peace Prize winner Menachem Begin goes Ben-Gurion one better when it comes to upping the ante on Jewish supremacist hatred. In 1982 Begin describes the Palestinians as “beasts walking on two legs.”[6] Comments like this are in perfect accordance with quotes from the Talmud equating Gentiles to cattle and animals of the field which are placed on earth for the sole purpose of serving Jews. His views are seconded by Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat who sneers “We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.”[7]

But no one exemplifies Zionist attitudes better than “ultra-Semitic” hatemonger and war criminal Ariel Sharon who now lies in a coma and will never be tried for his crimes against humanity. Paranoid, vile and soulless, Sharon is the incarnation of the Zionist scourge that has turned the Middle East into a tinderbox and has made every nation, especially the United States, less safe. In his monologue with Amos Oz, the Butcher of Beirut speaks openly, telling Oz:

“I personally don’t want to be any better than Khomeini or Brezhnev or Ghadafi or Assad or Mrs. Thatcher, or even Harry Truman who killed half a million Japanese with two fine bombs. I only want to be smarter than they are, quicker and more efficient, not better or more beautiful than they are. Tell me, do the baddies of this world have a bad time? If anyone tries to touch them, the evil men cut his hands and legs off. They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear me instead of feeling sorry for me. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear my madness instead of admiring my nobility. Thank God for that. Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a wild country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go crazy if one of our children is murdered - just one! That we might go wild and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East! If anything would happen to your child, God forbid, you would talk like I do. Let them be aware in Washington, Moscow, Damascus and China that if one of our ambassadors is shot, or even a consul or the most junior embassy official, we might start World War Three just like that!”[8]

Sharon then explains what the state of Israel is really about and that he will even sacrifice the lives of non-Zionist Jews to achieve his aims.

“Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up one or two synagogues here and there, I don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal. Then you can spruce up your Jewish conscience and enter the respectable club of civilised nations, nations that are large and healthy. What your lot don’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.”[8]

There you have it from their own mouths. And these quotes are just a fraction of the extant pronouncements of Zionists made in this century. There is no atrocity they won’t justify and no limit to the amount of lives they will sacrifice to achieve their hegemony. Wake up. Until this Zionist jackboot is lifted from our throats, we are in for war, war and more war, all to benefit the goals of these zealots who now pull the strings of our government through their money and sheer chutzpah. It is much too late in the game and the stakes are way too high for us to continue pretending that Zionism is an innocuous and idealistic movement of an innocent and persecuted people, instead of the insidious and enervating evil that it really is. Let the ADLs and the AIPACs scream “anti-Semitism” all they want. We must speak up and speak out before all is lost. To respond to domination and supremacism with silence and cowardice will only galvanize our enemies further and allow them to tighten the death grip they have around the American and European throat.

[1] http://www.adl.org/durban/zionism.asp

[2] Rafael Patai, Ed. The Complete Diaries of Theodore Herzl, Vol I

[3] (Righteous Victims, p. 10 8)

[4] http://thinkexist.com/quotation/we_must_use_terror-assassination-intimidation/346611.html

[5] Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp. 121-122.

[6] “Begin and the Beasts”. New Statesman, 25 June 1982.

[7] Chairman Heilbrun of theCommittee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor ofTel Aviv, October 1983.

[8] Israeli daily Davar, Dec.17, 1982

March 4, 2007

The Power of Symbols

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:15 pm

By Patrick Grimm

What are you reading now? Words. What are words? Words are one thing. They are symbols, symbols that when pieced together represent, but only partially explain concepts, ideas, feelings etc.

It is obvious by their hysteria over the internet and so-called “hate speech” that Zionists fear our words. But why? They fear the words of their opponents and enemies because they are symbols pieced together in such a way that they shake the very delicate ground which the Zionsts stand upon and bring their entire fragile edifice of lies tumbling down, much like the circulating air induced by a fan collapses a house of cards. All the letters of the alphabet can be jumbled into literally hundreds of millions of different patterns. We must choose to use our symbols wisely, but always liberally to convey what reads like truth to a true truthseeker. I say “reads like truth” because the symbols are only ciphers on a page. The ideas that they spell out or “symbolize” if you will, are more ethereal. They are bigger than even words can convey.

As you read Zionist Watch, grow to believe in the power of symbols, in the power of words. How important are these symbolic constructions called “words”? Proverbs 25:11 sums it up best. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in frames of silver.”

March 3, 2007

Yogman vs. Winkler: Jewish Bolshevism 101

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:45 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Pictured here: These Christians are but a few of the tens of millions of Christian innocents who were exterminated by All Anti-Christian Jewish Red Commissars in Russia under the orders of Trotsky, the Jewish Commissar of Commissars.

The Zionist Jews, both the Talmudized as well as the secular stripe, who are full of hate and paranoia, fear one thing more than any other. What they fear is the truth of their dastardly deeds becoming public knowledge. Like a vampire withers in the face of a cross (and most of these particular Jewish extremists are revolted by the cross more than the Orthodox are put off by shellfish) the Zionists will not stand for anyone daring to expose their dark criminal actions. Raised from the cradle in the philosophy of totalitarian leftism and given an eternal martyr complex in their mother’s milk, these little Trotskyites have been indoctrinated simultaneously in the politics and philosophy of their own self-aggrandizing right to supremacy over others coupled with distrust of the “Goyim” and his motives that borders on wild paranoia. What else could explain the need of radical Jewish activists to not only demonize and lacerate their opponents politically, but to silence them so completely that they dare not ever open their Gentile mouths again? This is why organized Jewry is so afraid of the internet and the power of websites and blogs to convey the simple truth to ordinary people the world over about the dangers posed by wicked Jewish leadership. The internet is the only organ of the information media that these organized criminals masquerading as a monotheistic religion have not managed to control. But by God, they are trying to change that as quickly as they can and do a quick cover-up before the truth leaks out to the Goy “cattle.”

Which brings us to http://ziopedia.org, a well-constructed website/blogsite that does a wonderful job of exposing the horrific network of Zionism/Judaism. This website, run from Australia, has been specifically targeted by a ferocious militant Jewish lunatic named Ronald Yogman, who has done everything possible to get Ziopedia shut down. Independent left-wing journalist Robert Lindsay describes Mr. Yogman as “a deeply disturbed, paranoid and combative Jew with a chip on his shoulder as wide as the grand canyon is deep” and says that he “probably hallucinates four times the anti-Semitism that really exists.”[1] Yogman has gone on an attack against internet free speech and anything else that rankles his Jewish sensibilities and has promised the owner of Ziopedia, the unassuming Andrew Winkler that “We will bully you by continuing to cut off your purse-strings!”[2]

And according to Andrew Winkler, Yogman has done exactly that. Winkler states “In spite of his anger management problems, our Zionist ‘case manager’ Ronald Yogman is very efficient at what he is doing. It took him only a couple of days each to get both PayPal and StormPay to suspend our donations accounts. He is also very good at threatening people. What he doesn’t realise though is that the harder he hits me, the more motivated I am. He doesn’t realise that I’m not motivated by money, vain status symbols or career success. I’ve been there, done that. He can’t threaten me with bankruptcy. I don’t mind becoming a political prisoner or being beaten up or killed by one of his fellow Zioscum hitmen. One day, when I stand in front of my creator, and am asked what I have done with my life, I don’t want just to be able to say, I’ve added x million of dollars to my net value. I will be able to say - with pride - I have fought against evil.”[3]

This particular incident is hardly an anomaly for the Zionist Jewish mobsters like Ronald Yogman and his confederates. Most of them have spent a lifetime using their throngs of well-heeled lawyers from NYU and Columbia to strike fear into the hearts of every decent individual disturbed by their wholesale liquidation of Christianity and Christian mores and their hearty support of every sort of depravity known to man. It is the time-tested and kosher-approved Bolshevik mentality writ large, casting its net over every country of the world, bellicose, belligerent and totally incapable of self-criticism or sane introspection. It consists of like-minded little tyrants, incapable of and uninterested in rational debate, but always relishing the thought of gulags, work camps and state extermination of opponents. If the Goyim are not quite ready for these things, Yogman will settle for laws promoting thought control and jailing of anti-Zionist dissident troublemakers. Here is just one snippet of this Jewish hatemonger’s demented diatribe against Andrew Winkler taken from their internet correspondence. Notice his threats of harrassment from the CIA, which Israel thoroughly owns. My apologies for the profanities contained herein. And now the erudite words of the charming Ronnie Yogman:

“What a dysfunctional family you must have grown up in…. to be so demented — without a soul and without a conscience. Remove your disguise and prepare for your demise. Mr. Gates has you in his scope. I’ve heard from a few of your fellow shmuck illiterates…and they have been REMOVED FROM THE ROOM. I don’t dialogue with bigots, anti-semites, jerks and jerk-offs ….the likes of you! Try propagating with yourself….or, as some would advise: GO FUCK YOURSELF… You are soooooo low on the food chain, Borat’s roaches would eat you in a flash. Adios, sayanora, adieu . . . FUCK OFF JACK OFF!!!!!! You are one pathetic shmuck! I would support a new Holocaust of vile hatemongers and Holocaust deniers such as yourself — outright liars who are going straight to HELL. You are the lowest scum of the earth, not even a member of the human species. God has a special place for Bigots in HELL . . . and your words and deeds already have assured you and your misguided collaborators a boiling cauldron for eternity awaits you. I wish you sickness, pestilence and a very slow, painful death. Go get a real job and flip hamburgers…. you wannabe historian.”

You can read the rest of this correspondence at: http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=6100

I would like to end this little piece by issuing my own thanks to Andrew Winkler for his noble fight against the all encompassing evil of Zionism and encourage my readers to support his work through non-PayPal, non-StormPay donations. I would also like to address Ronald Yogman directly. Ronnie, you can keep up your death threats, you can summon all your low-life Jewish lawyers from the left-wing Jewish-run Ivy League universities that they infest and corrupt, but we anti-Zionists aren’t going away. We are going to keep exposing you and your criminal friends for the scumbag liars and shysters you are. You are a Jewish low-life bottom-feeder and sometime as a child, while you were shoveling matzah or chicken soup into your mouth, I’m sure your overbearing mother probably told you how you were so much better and more special than all the Gentile kids around you. Well, it’s time to get over yourself, Ronnie. You think you’re God Almighty, but you are just a thug with some money and an overinflated view of your place in the world. I don’t have to sprinkle my pronouncements with the f word and use the fifth grade “I know you are, but what am I” insults that you resort to in your smearing of a good and honest man who is sick of the likes of you determining what we can say and think. We know what you and your Zionist heavies are doing to our culture, not just in America but across the entire West. Speaking for myself, I will keep talking about your Zionist criminality, your lies and your control of my people until something changes. You may be winning in the short run, but mark my words, a change is coming. When it does, you and your ilk can then live in the only state you will ever be loyal to, that being the criminal terrorist state of Israel and finally learn to support yourselves without the six billion dollars a year that you steal from hard-working American taxpayers.

If you would like to contact Mr. Yogman at his advertising business in St. Petersburg, Florida and tell him what you think of his Jewish racism, hatred and bigotry (no threats, please) simply call 727-343-3700 or address all letters to Ronald Yogman, Jewish Supremacist Agent of Israel 5511 Central Ave St Petersburg, FL 33710. Thanks for reading.

[1] http://robertlindsay.blogspot.com/2007/02/interview-with-andrew-winkler-of.html

[2] http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=6100

[3] http://pcapostate.blogspot.com/2007/02/beautiful-child-no-you-killed-her.html

March 2, 2007

It’s the Jews, stupid! (With Apologies to Edgar Steele and Curt Maynard)

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 12:55 pm

By Patrick Grimm

We often hear the predictable blather from “conservative” commentators on radio and television, including blowhards like Sean Hannity and many others stating that the attack on Christianity and traditional values in America is being waged by a “radical Left” or “liberalism” or “secular humanists” or a “liberal media elite.” This is all inane pap, and most of these commentators should know better. The full-scale war on Christ and Christians has been waged by one group of people, that being the Talmudic anti-Christ Jews. This can be effortlessly proven and in the following paragraphs I will give you a contemporary example. But the next time a neo-conservative Judeo-con jackass like Hannity opens his trap about a “liberal media” or a “liberal agenda”, I sincerely wish someone would call this 75-IQ dunce and say “It’s the Jews, stupid!” Isn’t it obvious, except among the uneducated, know-nothing Bushbot cheerleaders like Hannity and his ilk? Hey, Hannity, you pathetic excuse for a commentator, IT’S THE JEWS, STUPID!

And now for that utterly unsurprising example that I promised.

Simcha Jacobovici (pictured here) is a radical Jewish extremist partisan of Israel who has written a book called Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies & the American Dream in which he boasts of the fact that Jews in Hollywood have used their vast control of entertainment media to replace Gentile and Christian values with Jewish ones. Jacobovici was born in Israel, near Tel Aviv, but now resides in Canada. He was also a personal friend of former Israeli terrorist prime minister Menachem Begin.

March 4th on the Discovery Channel, Jacobovici with the help of token frontman Gentile filmmaker James Cameron, will give a pathetic example of just how Jews, with their levers on the machinations of popular entertainment, are undermining Gentile and Christian beliefs and traditions. Jacobovici’s documentary The Lost Tomb of Christ states emphatically what would seem ludicrous or impossible to actual archaeologists (Jacobovici has an M.A. in International Relations and is not an archaeologist). He declares that the body of Jesus Christ has been found in Jerusalem. Alongside Christ are the bodies are Mary Magdalene, (his wife in the Gnostic gospels) their son Judah, and other members of his family. This “discovery” has been met with respectful commentary on Zionist media outlets and TV and radio ads for this documentary have treated Jacobovici’s declarations as “gospel” (forgive the terminology) and as the epic finding of the ages, almost as if they can barely conceal their glee that Christianity itself will soon be proven a colossal myth. Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League has purportedly had several nocturnal emissions while dreaming about this upcoming documentary.

One real archaeologist, Amos Kloner, who was the first to examine the burial site in Israel stated emphatically “They just want to get money for it. It was an ordinary middle-class Jerusalem burial cave. The names on the caskets are the most common names found among Jews at the time.” It also cited the film’s own archeologist Dr. Shimon Gibson who stated his own skepticism on Jacobovici’s interpretation of the finds.[1] Archaeologist Joe Zias stated that “Simcha [Jacobovici] has no credibility whatsoever.”[2]

This will not, however, dampen the enthusiasm of Zionist, Talmud-inspired Jews in American media who eagerly await any chance to discredit Christianity or to place doubt within the minds of the Goyim sheeple who gobble up their media pronouncements without a hint of skepticism or independent thought. It was much the same with the warm reception by many American Judaized dullards of The DaVinci Code, also funded and promoted by the Jewish-owned Sony subsidiary. The screenplay was written by Jewish screenwriter Ekiva Goldsman. [3]

But to the moronic, fully Zionized American “conservative” pseudo-intellects like Sean Hannity, the topic of Jewish political and religious subversion is as taboo a subject as incest. Let them bleat on about “liberal” this and “liberal” that, and whine and moan about “radical leftists.” They will never identify the real enemy, most likely because this enemy signs their own overinflated paychecks. To Sean Hannity and the other philo-Semitic media frauds, I simply say “Wake up, open your eyes and see! It’s the Jews, stupid!”

[1] David Warren. “Tomb raiders of the most appalling kind“, Ottawa Citizen, Feb. 28, 2007. Retrieved on March 1, 2007.

[2] “Jesus’ Tomb discovery is titanic fraud”“, Catholic League, February 28,2007. Retrieved on March 1, 2007.

[3] LexisNexis, Corporate Affiliations International, volume 8, 2005.

March 1, 2007

Silence and Its Discontents

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 1:24 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Silence will eventually prove to be deadlier than the most hateful, demagogic and violent of diatribes. The few remaining voices in the United States, those either foolish or exceedingly brave souls who refuse to bend a knee to America’s “untouchable Tribe”, will eventually be squelched out, and their own ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) will quiet them. This tiny band of dissenters will be tossed like thugs into the slammer (think European Holocaust revisionists like David Irving or Ernst Zundel), or be squashed like a mere meddlesome bug beneath the new hammer and sickle government (think the sixty million dead Gentiles, mostly Christians, killed by Jewish Bolsheviks in the former USSR) which the Zionists and the ADL are even now fomenting, conjuring up and creating in leftist courts and in the FBI they have now subverted to deal with their anti-Zionist critics and enemies on both ends of the political spectrum. The message of these radical Zionists is clear: Dare to criticize or even to question us and you will pay, and pay dearly!

And if the aforementioned resources are not enough to hold the tongues of the opponents of organized Jewry, President George W. Bush, a puppet and shill for the neoconservative ZionCon pseudo-Right, has created a Department of Global Anti-Semitism, which in effect labels any critic of Israel or the Jews as a “terrorist” threat to America. Free speech has essentially been declared “unkosher”.

This age, these modern times are slowly morphing into a totalitarian nightmare. As Jimmy Carter and Mel Gibson discovered in the past year, any individual who dares to issue forth with anything but fawning praise and obeisance for God’s Chosen Ethnocentrists, will have his career obliterated or his reputation blackened.

What was Jimmy Carter’s offense in the eyes of the Talmudic Zionist genocide-lovers of the Jew World Order global media empire? He told the truth. The man the Left could always count on to embrace Communist dictators the world over had finally spoken the facts about Israel’s control of the US Congress and their bribing of our so-called political leadership. Carter redeemed himself after an entire lifetime spent truckling to tyrannies of every socialist stripe. But he paid dearly for it and the attacks upon him were withering.

Mel Gibson’s great crime before the totalitarian media court of the Anti-Defamation League and its blood-spattered cohorts was simply a fact stated in an unguarded and inartful drunken moment accusing “f***ing Jews” of starting most wars, a fact easily proven when it comes to American involvement in global conflicts. But for this one sentence Gibson had to prostrate himself before Abraham Foxman, a man bristling with such unspeakable hatred and venom that the Devil himself must surely whisper in his ear.

And now in recent weeks, the old tried-and-true Jewish strategy of absolute public political annihilation is playing itself out yet again. The only difference is that this time it is against a man of Jewish descent who is also an Israeli citizen. Dr. Ariel Toaff, an expert on Jewish life during the Middle Ages has written a ground-breaking book dealing with the subject of Jewish ritual murder or what has historically been called the “blood libel.” In this book, Toaff alleges that the charges made in ancient literature accusing the Jews in certain instances of the murdering and bleeding of Christian children, while not a common occurence amongst Jews, did happen in rare cases. He documents one such case of ritual murder of a Gentile boy which took place sometime in 1247. His book is apparently well researched and carefully documented, but this makes no difference to the Jewish extremists in the American ADL and their Israeli sycophants. Dr. Toaff finally received so many verbal threats and attacks from Zionist Jews that he had the book removed from publication. He has also apparently lost his teaching position at the prestigious Jewish University at Bar Alan.

It is obvious from all these examples that anyone who sets themselves against Zionist ideology or orthodoxy or has anything but words of adulation for Jews will be tarnished by a media elite comprised of the same perfidious Jewish Fifth Columnists who bludgeoned and slandered Carter, Gibson and Dr. Toaff. When the reactionary Talmudic forces of organized Jewry can break former Presidents, famous movie stars and acclaimed academic historians, they send a message to the rest of us. The Jewish extremists warn us ominously of their power and the blowback and terrible and immediate repercussions brought upon those who challenge it.

Our liberties are surely dwindling under the yoke of our Jewish masters. Our values and traditions lie in ruins and our borders are broken open and undefended. In America, and throughout much of Europe, these are not the days of wine and roses. These are the days of the new Bolshevism, the neo-Judaic monarchy which threatens freedom of speech, press and conscience. These are the times when we reap the bitter and poisonous harvest which the Talmudic Jews with Messianic visions of themselves, have in store for us, the children of a lesser God. These are the times which crush men’s souls and drown out their voices beneath a cacophony of lies and propaganda. Silence in these perilous times is not golden, nor even sweet. It will, if left unchecked, finally mark the end of what could be called “the narrative of Western civilization.”

We can raise our voices or remain mute and eyeless before our fate. We can summon our bravery, our virtue and our righteous rage and indignation against our Hebrew antagonists and break their power over us, or we can bow our heads and meekly ask these Zionist fanatics and Talmudic hatemongers for permission to live and breathe. We can grapple and fight to save ourselves, or take another step into a thousand years of darkness. The choice is ours, but as existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre reminded us, refusing to choose is still making a choice.

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