Zionist Watch: The Writings of Patrick Grimm

July 31, 2007

Kantian Ethics, Stanislavskian Methods and the Jewish Question

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 3:36 am

By Patrick Grimm

I took a Philosophy class about ten years ago, a course taught by a very great teacher, the kind of teacher who inspires a student to want to learn more about the subject at hand. This particular instructor was a reflexive leftist, probably by all indications a member of the socialist camp, but he was not your typical leftist. He was open-minded, receptive to the ideas of others and never dismissive of worldviews which didn’t jive or gel with his own. Actually, I have met a few leftists like this professor, and of course, a few others who fulfilled every stereotype. But this could be said of all “groupings.”

This philosophy class is mentioned because there was one particular philosopher who stood out far and above all of the others whom I voraciously read, except for perhaps Socrates or Aristotle. This thinker was Immanuel Kant. I can recall digesting selections from his work and being illuminated, feeling as if a great moral framework had been put before me, laid out like a pathway, that, if followed, could truly lead not just myself, but every human being to a better world and a more qualitative life. Of course, like all novel ideas, Kant’s thoughts raised as many questions as they attempted to answer, and in that sense are imperfect (as all philosophies are) as a signpost on the path to moral self-improvement.

Immanuel Kant laid out his “categorical imperative” in one simple sentence which has now become famous in the philosophical world. “I am never to act otherwise than so that I could also will that my maxim should become universal law.” [1] An internet dictionary defines “maxim” as:
1. An expression of a general truth or principle, esp. an aphoristic or sententious one: the maxims of La Rochefoucauld
2. A principle or rule of conduct [2]

In other words, every action should be applied to the entire human race. I should ask myself carefully before I behave in a certain fashion “If this behavior were made into universal law, could humanity live with the results of it?” Or similarly “If everyone in the world conducted themselves in the way I am conducting myself, what would happen? Would the result be something humanity could live with or would anarchy ensue?”

This “categorical imperative” is very close to the Golden Rule put forth by Jesus Christ in his much-lauded teachings which have served to better Western Civilization in a myriad of ways. The only real difference is, Kant’s “imperative” broadens the scope and gives us the same adage the environmentalist greens often slap onto their bumpers. We should “Think Globally, Act Locally” when judging our actions. Would every human being gain beneficence if they followed the same course? Would a “civilized society” even be a possibility if this moral course was universalized?

Being an actor personally and having done a lot of stage work in the past, let me complicate things still further. Think of the “categorical imperative” this way. The “categorical imperative” is simply the Golden Rule of Jesus Christ melded or combined with the godfather of modern acting, Konstantin Stanislavski’s “Magic What-If” Method used for character development in a stage play. The “Magic What-If” suggests that “The actor should approach the role of asking, ‘What would I do if I were this character in this particular situation?’ He must find out all he can about the character and the situation.” [3]

How does this work, you may or may not ask? Take “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and then, keeping in mind the repercussions of doing or not doing unto your neighbor, add a “What-If” such as “What if I committed adultery with my neighbor’s wife and then what if every man in the world committed adultery with his neighbor’s wife? What if everyone was engaged in this? Would it be good or bad for the world (Think Globally) if I fornicated (Act Locally) with a married woman and every man followed suit?” Of course it would not be good or beneficial, hence according to Immanuel Kant, adultery or illicit fornication is an immoral choice.

Let’s apply the same Kantian standards to the issue of Jewish supremacism (and you knew I would get to that) and the answer becomes quite obvious. “What if I remain silent and apathetic about the reality of Jewish supremacist subversion of the world? What if everyone remained silent and apathetic?” We can almost answer this one from experience. Most humans on this planet, at least of the Western persuasion, have remained not only silent and apathetic, but fearful, cowering and sometimes worshipfully prostrated before the Jewish extremists who run our governments, our media and a sizeable chunk of our planet. We have sat back and watched it happen, let them trammel us with their anti-white propaganda and their hatred for our heritage.

Now, thanks to our cowardice, our institutions are not even recognizable, the European-American has become a serf, a second-class citizen in his own nation and a Jewish-led gaggle of Third World invaders are rushing to our raped and despoiled country to displace and replace us and emaciate a culture they would never have had the intelligence to create on their own (and they haven’t and never will). Now white folks are pushed to the back of the line IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY and told by “multicultural” Jews that they must give up their birthright, their opportunity to advance as far as their talents will carry them because someone with an IQ 15-20 points lower than them deserves a “fair shot”, that we must “level the playing field.” No, the truth is, Third Worlders and those American citizens who think and behave like them deserve no such “fair shot” and “leveling the playing field” is just another misnomer which truly means “spreading the mediocrity” and “survival of the dimmest.” It’s an equalitarian mirage that the Jews have concocted to dismantle what they would call “WASP hegemony” or the “white power structure.”

You want to know what the answer to the “categorically imperative” question posed above looks like? Then take a good look around and feast your eyes on the “Jewish paradise” you reside in. Whites can now be killed with impunity and with a concomitant media black-out. The only time black or illegal alien crime is highlighted to any significant degree is when blacks or Mexican invaders speak or act against Jews. Then racism is an unspeakable evil that must be stamped out. No, our silence has gone on for long enough!

What if I say nothing, you say nothing and we all say nothing about Jewish supremacism, Jewish hatred, Jewish duplicity and Jewish thievery? What if we are just too polite, too genteel and too “nice” to call them on the carpet for a century’s worth of crimes, blood-letting, murder and mayhem that they have never been forced to answer for, all while they chase down 90-year-old Nazi camp guards for prosecution? The answer is elementary. You get a world that looks just like the one we live in. It’s a world (and especially an America) of profit at any price, mindless consumerism, greed, globalism, rampant sexually transmitted diseases, child porn, the mainstreaming of every type of perversion, wars without end, internationalism, open borders, broken economies, anti-white propaganda, anti-family propaganda, a dumbed-down populace, radical feminism, soft Communism, neo-conservatism (neo-Bolshevism), cheap labor and on and on it goes. We are, for all intents and purposes, a Jewish nation, a squandered resource, an annex for Israel. Our morality has now been alienized, our priorities are into whack with those of the Mammonite Jews who now lead us to wreck and to ruin. To remain silent is no longer an option, at least not for me.

What would Immanuel Kant say of our people if he could gaze upon us now, the Europeans he had such faith in? He, as well as any lettered man of his day understood the “Jewish Question” which he saw as a “Jewish Problem” at the worst of times. His philosophy, though not a perfect solution to every prickly moral quandary we land ourselves in, gives us the answer we need in these circumstances. When we universalize indolence to Jewish fanaticism, we reap a bitter harvest and a perhaps irreparably damaged nation. Here’s a new “What-If” for you. “What if we all decided to stand up and tell the truth about what the supremacist Jews are doing to the United States and the world?” The answer is as straight-forward and as simple as the question. Find the courage to ask the question, then internalize the answer. “Invent nothing, deny nothing,” an acting coach once taught me. But for God’s sake, do something.

[1] http://www.hi.is/~joner/eaps/kantim1.htm
[2] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/maxim

July 30, 2007

Unpacking Persecution

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 3:20 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Consignation to Jewish power seems to be the crux of the Gentile swoon into an eternal nightmare brought on by acquiescence to Hebrew anesthetizing. Every day we are fed the sedatives of television entertainment, the carnival of 24-hour news networks whose only focus is a lack of focus on our real problems, the “bread and circuses” of celebrity America and all that entails, and the historiography of suffering which has weakened us and guilted us into accepting the Jews as our masters. They suffered in history, hence they have the right, nay, they have the Divine Right to rule and run roughshod over our once beautiful world.

For you see, suffering by the Jews is like the eraser on the blackboard, blotting away a trillion Jewish wrongs. So much blood accumulated by the Jewish zealots of the universe can be wished away, can be bartered off by any Jewish blood spilled in history at any time and for any reason. A rock pelted through a poor innocent Jewish woman’s window 400 years ago cancels out the debit of 100 million Gentiles tossed like garbage into mass graves by Jewish Cominterns and Jewish abortuaries and Jewish soldiers in Palestinian neighborhoods in Gaza. The injustice done to Dreyfus is a blood offering taking away the sins of the Jewish world. A swastika spray-painted on a Jewish headstone in Europe negates all the Arab tombs bulldozed over and turned into fertilizer for Israeli olive orchards.

Jewish sins go unanswered, unacknowledged, unaccounted for. For all their transgressions, the Jews on our planet never wear the stain of their iniquities, never lose sleep over the gross injustices foisted on our countries, our communities and our children. Why? Because Gentile life is cheap, very cheap indeed. We have permitted this to be so.

To those birthed into “Chosenness” and nursed on the self-actualization of deity, what are the broken eggs of Gentile corpses? They are nothing more and nothing less than a Hebrew fingernail. The fact that the omelet’s creation required the cracking of skulls and the ripping of sinew is not a case against murder or a call for caution and realistic reassessments. No, more eggs must be separated and finally, at long last, the Messianic dream can be realized.

If Dreyfus delivers absolution for minimalist Jewish crimes, the “Holocaust” gives a cosmology of carte blanche to the totality of Jewish wrong-doing for all time and space. The Holocaust is the Passion Play, the Jews are the Savior, blameless, sinless and bloodied, but rising like a Phoenix from the ashes of near extinction, extinction narrowly avoided and absolving them of all, past, present and future trespasses against the moral order.

What is Ahmadinejad but Haman, Pharoah and Hitler rolled into one, unmasked and unthinkingly animalistic in his thirst for Jewish blood, blood so infinitely valuable that no amount of violence or genocide, no loss of innocent life (which if Gentile is a footnote) and no measure of world upheaval is too high a price to pay to stop its shedding? Why is our blood so worthless and so cheap to these Jews, who by the force of will can cajole the United States into goring any “monster” they decide upon as a target? It is because we are not “divine” in their eyes. Every cell of our DNA does not denote divinity. Our Gentile natures are inferior and therefore expendable. This is the real danger of Judeocentrism and explains the lack of guilt, the self-remission they afford themselves in the face of an ocean of blood-letting. This is the fierce and tawdry bigotry that has deranged and vitiated many a Jewish mind each and every century, passed on like a disease generation after generation.

Our very presence is to the Jewish fanatics a “persecution” much like it was in the annals of the Old Testament. They are not “persecuted” by Gentile acts, “anti-Semitism,” pogroms or potential genocidal uprisings. Their persecution comes from our existence in their presence. Supremacy paints the Gentile as an unreasoning animal which at any time could turn and rend the Jew. But this is not the “persecution complex.” Their supposed superiority is tortured by the presence of the “inferior” and this includes all of non-Jewish mankind.

Gleeful genocide was not the order of the day in Deuteronomy because other tribes and cultures were making life hard for the Judeans and the Levite segregationists. Most of these separated entities were in all likelihood not even physically aware of the “Chosen” before their arrival. No, the very presence of the “Other” had to be “pulled down” because it was “Other.” It is a matter of “us vs. them” in the Judaized mind. “Them” is different from “us”, thus “them” must stop “persecuting” what is “us”, even though “them” had done nothing of the sort. The “Other” and the fact that he drew breath was the biggest insult of all to the solipsistic Jewish supremacists of yore, their self-love grotesque and sweeping and domineering. Their self-righteousness was, and is, simply staggering.

Why are the Jews “persecuted” everywhere they traverse? They are “persecuted” because to the mind that is Jewishness, all that is not of them is against them. All that is not Jewish in all its non-Jewish vainglory is like a burn against the flesh of that which is god-like. This is why any attempt at policies of détente with Jewish extremists always fail, for the very terms of the war guarantee no resolution and the beneficial denouement must necessarily go to the side that will give no quarter. This is the Jewish side, and it is winning because the Gentile side doesn’t comprehend, indeed often cannot comprehend that its very existence is the problem.

They don’t hate us because of who we are, what we are or what we believe. They hate us because we are, because we move and breathe and are living beings. Jewish supremacist hatred is such that for the Jew to stop his war against us, we must cease to breathe, cease to move and live upon earth’s surface. If we move, if we draw air, copulate and replenish ourselves, we are “persecuting” him (the Judeo“god”). One Jewish supremacist put it succinctly: “We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” [1]

But the Judeo“god” does not ravage us openly, does not kill our children in the streets (at least not yet), but works quietly within the gates to assuage his hate quietly against the “Other.” He does it in many countless and underhanded ways, which have all been recounted elsewhere. But his “persecution complex” remains, even as he scales the heights, inhabits the upper echelons and acquires a fortune that the kings of ancient fiefdoms could never have dreamed of. There is no assuagement, for the “Other” remains intact, and the cruelest cut of all is that the “Other” still has some modicum of power in his own land, his own house.

Asking “What does the Jew want?” is a hapless question, for it has a clear answer and at the same time no answer. The supremacist Jew wants his “persecution” to end by ending the non-Jewish “Other” through either genocide or utter physical enslavement under a Noahide Talmudic empire he is “prophesied” to sit athwart. The why of the ‘what’ question can never be unpacked satisfactorily and its answer is probably buried in the foggy and lost chronicles of very ancient history. But as we have seen, this history has had real repercussions for all the non-Jewish inhabitants of the world, who now live under the threat of a jealous and racially-charged enemy that is insatiable in his wants, his perceived needs and in his capacity to “feel persecuted.”

[1] You Gentiles, by Maurice Samuels, p. 155

July 29, 2007

It’s Time To Outlaw Zionism!

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:58 am

By Patrick Grimm

After watching a video by anti-Zionist beat reporter Frank Weltner, who is a former librarian and an indefatigable researcher on the Jewish Problem, I find myself in full agreement with this wise scholar. Weltner, who has moved beyond mere audio talks which in the past adroitly dissected the body of lies that served to further the world Zionist deconstruction project, now is disseminating his video lectures across the world of YouTube and is opening eyes, minds and hearts to the depth of the problem. You can access all of Weltner’s latest Jew Watch videos here.

What I found so novel, even groundbreaking in Weltner’s calm and reasoned mini-dissertation was one of his suggestions on how to stop or curtail the ADL/AIPAC subversion of America’s sovereignty. He suggested, in his somewhat curmudgeonly trademark style that the only way to ebb the tide of Jewish extremist treason was to outlaw Zionism and label it as a terrorist philosophy. After looking at the problem extensively myself, this does seem to be the only solution available to us.

If Islamic radicals, jihadist Arabs from the Middle East had seized our media organs under the radar, even if they were American citizens, most people in the US would stand and loudly demand that something be done, by both the President and the FBI and with firm and unbending legislation from Congress banning those with allegiance to a foreign power from controlling the flow of information. Americans would understand that Islamic jihadists could not dispassionately report the news, especially news concerning the Middle East. These Islamists would not be allowed to hold onto newspapers, magazines, network news stations and other types of media. They would absolutely never be allowed to get a foothold in the news-making field and any monopolies would be crushed like a Palestinian child in Gaza.

In fact, according to the Zionist Jews, no one but their people should have any media of any kind. It was the Jewish community, well-funded and heavy-handed as always, which succeeded in getting Al-Jazeera banished permanently from Canada. The Zionist Jews want no competition in the arena of ideas, and many of them despise the ubiquitous scope of the internet for this very reason. They slant and spin and lie endlessly because, save the world wide web, they are the only game in town.

This must end. We must, for the sake of America’s future and America’s survival, pass legislation that brands Zionism permanently as a criminal, a terrorist and a treasonous ideology, and one which desires world domination and control over all other peoples. The fact that the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee essentially writes our MidEast policy only guarantees that America will be drawn into endless war, endless bloodshed and endless death and decimation of other nations for the sake of world criminal Zionism and for the benefit of NO ONE ELSE. The Jewish supremacists have been allowed to lord it over the rest of humanity for long enough! I’ve had enough and the world has certainly had its fill of the warmongering agenda of radical Zionist Jews! These Jews now control most of our federal government and their grip has to be dislodged and smashed!

But before some of the members of the intellectually and morally bankrupt Ziogentsia scream that this type of anti-Zionist legislation would be “anti-Semitic” and that it would amount to little more than “Jew-baiting” let me make something very clear, so clear that even a 75-IQ “Christian” Zionist Mogen David-lover can begin to comprehend it. The anti-Zionist legislation that both myself and Weltner would endorse would punish treasonous Zionist Gentiles just as much as it would punish Zionist Jews.

Legislation designating Zionism as a terrorist ideology would necessarily require the impeachment and imprisonment of both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney as Zionist war criminals, it would result in the removal and arrest of all our Zionist politicians, frauds like Rick Santorum and John McCain and Rudy “Jew”-liani and Bill and Hillary Clinton and so many more. Both Gentile and Jewish Zionists alike would be fined, jailed or at the very least be stripped of their lofty positions.

The AIPAC and ADL traitors would be imprisoned, the neo-con Jews and Gentiles in this present administration would be charged with Zionist war crimes and either serve lifetime sentences or possibly be executed for the blood they helped to spill on the sands of Iraq, all for concocted Israeli lies and propaganda, cherry-picked and fed to our feckless politicians like candy.

I am angry as hell and I believe that more and more Americans are starting to wake up and smell, not the coffee, but the awful stench of the blood and guts spilled forth by Zionism! Zionism is killing us, it’s killing our soldiers, it’s killing the Iraqi people and it’s killing our sovereignty! Even now, the Jewish neo-cons are pushing the open borders Ending of America Project and getting by with a little help from their friends in the Jewish media and their Goyim pals like drunkard Ted Kennedy on the Left and the disgraced megalomaniac John McCain on the other side of the fence.

Tamar Jacoby, a hideous neo-conservative ultra-Zionist Jewish semi-woman who has nothing but disgust for this country and its heritage, is one of the Bushites who is fervently trying to shove the open borders amnesty bill down our throats, while at the same time keeping the American money washing over Israel like a wave of beneficence, insuring that the apartheid “Jews-only” nation is revved up for more murder and bloodlust and genocide. This is what we are supporting with our hard-earned taxes! Yet to mention it makes me the hater!? No, this country has been besieged by Jewish bigots and anti-white racists for too long! None of us should remain silent as Jewish supremacists seize us by the short-hairs and do not ask, but demand that we do their will! I suppose they will collapse our economy if we prove recalcitrant!

It’s time to outlaw Zionism. It’s time to realize that Zionism is about controlling other people, about keeping them under the radical Jewish extremist jackboot by any means at the Chosen’s disposal. In 1962, David Ben-Gurion, the supposed George Washington of Israel stated the true motives of Zionism when he fearlessly put the world on notice: “…With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.” [1]

So now perhaps this will elucidate the Christian Zio-zombies to the truth. Zionism is not about the Jews having their own little “peace-loving” country where they can live unmolested. No, it’s about radical racial supremacist Jews becoming the lords of the earth and dispensing justice (Talmudic justice) on the rest of us, the inferior and soulless Goyim cattle whom they loathe with every fiber of their self-worshipping beings. Wake up, world! If you are supporting Zionism, you are placing a stamp of approval on your own genocide!

If things get bad enough, ugly enough and depraved enough in the United States of Israel, perhaps Zionism can be outlawed and the whole rotting structure of Jewish racism and supremacy can be toppled forever. With the displacement of Zionism would come the pulling down of all of its agents, both Jew and Gentile. This would start an era of real American freedom, not the slavery packaged as liberty that our President, an agent of Big Jewry and the Zio-fanatics, rhapsodizes about in broken and semiliterate English. No, we have every right to demand independence and even to fight in the streets for it if necessary. As Thomas Jefferson almost omnisciently reminded us “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” [2] We, the anti-Zionists are the patriots, and our tyrants are any and all who would force us to live under the oppression of a foreign and alien power.

[1] http://templemountjerusalem.blogspot.com/2007/07/israels-chief-rabbi-invites-foreign.html
[2] http://www.quotedb.com/quotes/2074

July 28, 2007

More Quotable Quotes of Patrick Grimm

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:45 am

By Patrick Grimm

“Humility is a trait deserving of praise, but false humility is deserving of nothing save scorn, for it is simply ‘chutzpah’ and underhandedness wearing the mask of selflessness and piety.”

“The Jews are a formidable opponent of the European-American, not because they declare their malign intentions openly, but because they force us, through their immense influence and wealth, to deny that they have any inordinate power whatsoever.”

“Jewishness, at its arrogant and pernicious worst, is nothing more than conceit taken to the umpteenth power, then multiplied by endless doses of faux innocence derived from a god complex that answers to no greater authority than itself.”

“Most of what passes for a ‘Chosen People’ tableau takes little of its inspiration from religion. What it does rob from liberally is the quasi-theology of a Nietzschean Will To Power that can never be satiated, never be slaked and can never be contented. To satisfy Jewish demands is to issue upon yourself and your heritage self-immolation and finally, a Gentile group suicide pact. The terms are thus: You can drink the Kool-Aid now or drink it later with a cookie on the side.”

“Arguing with a Jewish member of the supremacist camp is like having a debate with a grizzly bear whose appetite has already been whetted by carnivoristic exploits in the past. He can eat you now or eat you later. He may then offer you the option of being consumed speedily or slowly. In other words, you get not much of an option at all.”

“Anti-Semitism in the truest sense of the worn epithet is not bigotry. It is a will to live, to thrive and to not be stymied by an alien tribe. The fact that anti-Semitism is used as a feared insult tells you nothing about the labelee and everything about the labeler. The labeler does not will your survival, but what he does will is his control in any and all relationships.”

“There is no such thing as a selfless act. For any action to be selfless, the self would have to be removed from the human equation. This is not possible, hence selflessness is impossible.”

“The Jews have been called a ‘Wandering People.’ I believe that the Gentiles are a ‘Wondering People.’ The wondering people wonder why the wandering people hate them so much.”

July 26, 2007

And They Call That “Progress”

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 3:30 pm

By Patrick Grimm

C.S. Lewis, apologetics expert extraordinaire, children’s author and trenchant philosopher once mused, probably while smoking a pipe and holding a glass of ale “We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” [1]

There was someone who recently told me, quite earnestly and ever-so self-congratulatorily–though I fault him not for these attitudes which are par for the course–that “I consider myself a liberal (although this term is now so drained of meaning that, like many, I now prefer the word “progressive”)

I have a news flash for this gentleman (and he was mostly a gentleman, save his self-congratulations). We are all “progressives” of one kind or another. We all desire a “progression” towards some goal, some ideal of health which each of us holds in his/her mind. Though not all of us are political animals with rooted and concrete ideologies, we all have at least fleeting and ephemeral flashes of what we envision as the “common good.” For the Left to snatch the term “progressive” and self-ordain themselves as the arbiters of what “progress” will resemble is the worst kind of hubris.

There is nothing inherently wrong with a person taking up the label of “progressive.” In a way, we are all “progressives.” Yet what has been put forth as “progress” is anathema to what I believe the term to embody, and the blame for our many maladies can be spread to both the neo-liberal Left and the neo-conservative faux-Right (which was actually founded by former Trotskyites and Straussians).

Is it progress to outsource our jobs, ship away our economic base and then to offer up our sovereignty to the gods of globalism and internationalism to boot? I would dare to assert that it is not.

Is it progress to allow broken borders, unfettered immigration and an unrelenting flood of inassimilable Third World people to overtake our country? No, it is most assuredly not.

Is it progress to allow a Middle Eastern power to use the United States as its own personal pit bull, ravaging its enemies with abandon and for no real American interest? Absolutely not.

Is it progress to continue voting for “the lesser of two evils” knowing that our politicians are bought and paid for by fat cats with allegiances to other nations (Israel, Saudi Arabia, China, etc.)? No, it isn’t.

Is it progress to further degrade our children’s educational quality with a centralized, unionized bureaucracy that cares more about political correctness, chic egalitarianism at any cost, sundry fever swamp leftisms and the enrichment of the National Education Association, than actually teaching students how to be more than functionally illiterate? Of course it’s not.

Is it progress to allow a media monopoly by the moneyed Jewish few? This media essentially works like a Trojan Horse against the interests of America, promoting perversion, deviancy, degeneracy and hatred for white people. We have a media that is virulently biased against European-Americans and their heritage. Horrific crimes against our people by minorities are often concealed and never reported, while the rarest violent act perpetrated on a minority by a white is made into a top headline for months on end. This is the result of an alien Jewish supremacist monopoly intent on our dissolution and disenfranchisement.

In my opinion, none of these things represent true “progress”, but they have led to ignorance, disease, the daily celebration of malignancy, unilateral military adventurism with no end in sight, unending black-on-white violence fueled by the unremitting talk of “white racism”, a shrinking job base and lastly, the loss of our sovereignty and the European roots of our nation. I trust and pray that the “progressive” gentleman would not count himself among the endorsers of these detrimental policies, though there are some who see them as the apex of “social justice” and “fairness.”

Perhaps the true “progressive” is the one who will turn from the way he is going, trudge back to that fork in the road and then choose the other path. Some might mislabel such a move as “regression” or “devolution.” I would call it common sense.

[1] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/cslewis132782.html

July 25, 2007

John Hagee: Commodity For the New Comintern

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:02 am

By Patrick Grimm

He’s at it again. The Texas TV preacher John Hagee is choosing sides. Of course, in true Hagee fashion, this fundamentalist lover of all things Jewish, Zionist and Israeli has chosen to turn his back on his own Christian brothers and sisters and instead embrace the most extreme kinds of haters in the American Jewish community. In fact, Hagee is even willing to toss Jesus Christ Himself under the bus to garner favor and ingratiate himself to the moneyed Jews he is so fond of courting. It’s Israel-First and the Christian doctrines held since the Reformation must be crumpled up and thrown away, all to get the Jews smiling and the Jewish money and influence flowing in the direction of Cornerstone Church. It doesn’t hurt that Hagee is the only Gentile to ever receive a humanitarian award from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. They know a good commodity when they see one. In fact, it was Jewish-owned religious TV stations that made this man a dispensationalist kingpin.

While the New Comintern of the ADL descends on Washington DC like a flock of vultures, demanding that the entire Jewish community be shielded from having their darling little feelings hurt by criticism from those who don’t like the crimes that Jews are allowed to get by with in America, John Hagee throws in his lot with some of these very same Jews to do a circle jerk for Israel’s apartheid state and their genocidal policies against Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim.

The legislation B’nai B’rith wants will complete the incremental transformation of America, from a free republic, to a police state whose government possesses the power to imprison those who say anything not praising and fawning about Big Jewry, the hate-filled Jewish religion, the Zionist state of Israel, Jewish crime, Jewish hatred of Gentiles and on and on it goes. Truth needs censoring and censuring, and lies now become truth in the upside-down world that is the Talmudic thought process. Christians will be the targets of this totalitarian legislation, bulls-eyes etched on their backs for the Jewish snipers. There is no doubt about that.

Hagee is silent about all these easily proven facts. He spends most of his televised sermons describing atheistic, often Communistic Ashkenazi Khazarian pseudo-Jews as the “apple of God’s eye” and as “God’s Chosen People” and other tweaked anti-aphorisms. There is not a word spoken about the Jewish ADL/ACL-Jew war on Christians and Christian churches, Jewish Hollywood’s daily demonizing of religious people and the mocking of Jesus Christ, nothing mentioning the Jewish-owned hard-core porn industry or the fact that the Jewish religion is the most despicable Christ-hating force for evil upon this earth. The fact that Palestinian believers are suffering under heavy-handed Zionist oppression is a non-starter with Reverend Hagee. Jews are sacrosanct angels that can do no wrong, even when they lacerate the Christian flock.

At the same moment that this neo-Communist legislation is introduced over and over again by Big Jewry, what does Hagee do? Does he stand up for the rights of Christians to speak freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment? Of course not. John follows the money, and the money is always on the side of Zionism and Jewish power. Hagee lies or distorts the truth (and he can’t use ignorance as an excuse), he provides cover for the criminals whose hands are drenched with the blood of our American soldiers dying for the Zionist Jews in Iraq. He holds the coat for the killers of Palestinian Christians and those who have nearly made it a crime to speak openly about the Gospel in Jerusalem. Hagee says nothing about Israel’s thriving white sex slave trade, their rape and murder of blonde-haired, blue-eyed white women, many of them from majority Christian countries. There is not a whisper about organ-trafficking, Mossad false flags or Israeli spies selling off America’s well-guarded secrets to the highest bidder.

For you see, Jews must be cheered, must be applauded, and most of all must be showered with gifts. The Reverend recently shook down his congregation for seven million dollars to deliver to the coffers of smug, Christian-hating Jewish millionaires who needn’t bother fleecing middle and lower-middle class church-goers to pay the theocratic Likud piper. They have a Gentile televangelist to do it for them!

What Hagee and the other Jew-ingratiatories have the most disdain for is the truth. They are either too afraid or too corrupted and compromised to speak out. Yes, perhaps John Hagee would be removed from the airwaves if he dared to mention the Self-Chosen in anything but worshipful tributary obeisant words, but at least he would have integrity.

Love may cover a multitude of sins, as the Good Book says, but love also delights in the truth. It surely doesn’t delight in obfuscation and deals with the Devil of Big Jewry and all its minions. There is nothing the Reverend John Hagee can now do to redeem himself. He has betrayed his faith, those under his tutelage, his country and his conscience. But unlike the long line of traitors we have read about in American historiography, Hagee will not meet a traitor’s deserved demise. For his treason he will receive from the Zionist Jews praise, riches and media acclaim. However, those who support this disgraced man will only continue to swallow the bones and thin gruel of a toxic pseudo-Gospel.

July 24, 2007

Two Parties At Loggerheads

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:15 pm

By Patrick Grimm

There are two parties fighting against each other in America, and no, they aren’t the Republicans and the Democrats, two sides of the same Jewish supremacist/Zionist-minted coin. Who are these two warring factions?

The first party would best be signified as “the party of exposure” and the second party would be ominously titled “the party of subterfuge.” These two groups are constantly at loggerheads with each other and the ideological battle wages incessantly, day and night on every front you can imagine.

But there is a profound difference, a schism between the mindsets of the members of these two human infrastructures, as the commenters on this very blog make abundantly clear.

The party of exposure generally desires a discussion of the issues on their own merits and is amenable to logic, facts, research and at least some degree of civility, though occasionally certain persons of the “exposure” camp do lose their cool and behave badly, but such is the way of human beings. Perhaps most importantly they can generally admit when they are wrong or factually incorrect. Most exposurists rely more on common sense, logical dialectic and inferential reasoning rather than appeals to emotion or to subjective feelings, though passion and a fiery presentation have their place.

The party of subterfuge generally frames the discussion as being some sort of childish feud. Instead of keeping their arguments on the topic at hand, they tend to always make it personal and they have fashioned name-calling, petty insults and bullying into an art form. They rarely, if ever, will dispute the points put forward by their enemies in the party of exposure. What they will do in spades is indict someone’s character, insinuate that they have latent sinister motives and often suggest that those who don’t agree with them are not just horribly wrong, but probably among “the forces of darkness.” I know this from experience.

The party of subterfuge fears certain ideas, insists that particular thoughts, attitudes and “prejudices” must be quieted and stamped out. What they are essentially saying with these actions is that the ideas of the opposite party cannot effectively be disputed or debunked. The subterfugites are very big on book-banning (both of David Duke’s books have been officially banned by the Big Jewry government in Canada and other countries), book-burning (they have incinerated volumes they dislike around the world) and the jailing of any soul with the temerity to verbally challenge their Inquisitionally-imposed ideals. It’s a compliment to us that they feel the need to go to such draconian lengths to stop free expression, free speech and the free flow of all ideas.

Since I am a blatant member of the exposurist gang, certain uninformed people, persons who know nothing about me whatsoever, constantly call me a “hater”, a “lunatic”, a “neo-Nazi”, an “anti-Semite” and many other reflexive kosher sobriquets. What they never do is break down and disprove the points I make. However, they will resort to amateur Freudianesque psychotherapy to try to plumb the roots of my “hatred”, explain to me that I feel ripped off personally by Jews, that I have “fetishes” I can’t overcome as well as an irrational fear of the “unknown” that until they pointed it out to me, I was wholly unaware of.

Of course this is all nonsense, but what it does is take the focus off of the subject before us, the issues already raised, making it instead about my shortcomings, my supposed phobias and peccadillos and neuroses, which are all irrelevant and the mention of them by the subterfugites only serves to skirt the issue and avoid genuine debate, of which they are incapable. They won’t engage in an impersonal back-and-forth because they have nothing but fervor and anti-rational emotion on their side. But I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t have a real argument with my opponents either if I had nothing but a sense of moral superiority to sustain me.

How do you know which party you belong to? Here’s an easy test:

If someone brings up the Jewish Question and you reflexively scream shrilly “You’re an anti-Semite! You’re probably a neo-Nazi fan of Hitler who wants to kill all Jews!” then you are most assuredly a card-carrying member of the party of subterfuge.

If someone brings up the Jewish Question and you respond with “Whether or not you are an anti-Semite or do or don’t like Jews is irrelevant to the discussion. Can the points you make be backed up with proven facts?” then you are now a proud member of the party of exposure, or at the very least, the party of honesty and open inquiry.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my work.

July 23, 2007

The Unholy Trinity

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:33 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I have spoken previously about an unholy triumvirate, an odious trinity that now grips America by the hairs of her collective head. Let us name this triad in order of power and importance, as well as danger and cruel efficacy. It is simply: Big Jewry, Big Liberalism and Big Business.

If you open your Bible to the book of Revelation (and this is not for the purpose of a theology lesson or hermeneutics) you will read an allegorical and symbolic purview of the “End Times.” Whether you trust or do not trust the veracity of this time-line, it makes little difference. For the benefit of our discussion let us gaze upon the horrific description of an Unholy Trinity. This trinity is a counterfeit imitation of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is the threesome, the Three Amigos of Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet.

We have much the same phenomenon in America; we have a well-organized trifecta, if I may be so bold. Trifecta is exactly the right terminology because this ternion is oiled and lubed for efficiency. This is a tawdry trio slathered with the lubricants of opportunism, profits over people and an agenda that will not just displace European-Americans, but will replace us with alien Third World invaders, many of whom possess no loyalty to our founding principles or the Constitutional values that at least a few of our people still espouse in their more lucid moments. These marauding Third Worlders (some of whom are not here to despoil us, but are hard-working and only want greater opportunities, though they should still be promptly deported) are not the folks at whom we should be pointing the fingers of blame.

The unhallowed scrooges, the scoundrels and skinflints of the Unholy Trinity, a trinity headed up by supremacist Jews, but also comprised of many “House Goyim” and Gentiles of an internationalist mindset, desire our extinction, sometimes out of hatred (Jewish supremacism), sometimes out of utopianism (think Strobe Talbot trippy John Lennonesque internationalism) and sometimes for the pure unadulterated worship of the almighty Mammonite god of profit (the Walton family springs easily to mind).

A trinity in any form would necessarily be united, for its disunity would fracture the almost ethereal nature of its being. The Unholy Trinity has found the last four decades to be halcyon days of unity amongst its three spurious parts, all arms of One-Worldist global ambitions, although the players each have their own special reasons for bankrupting us, “dividing-and-conquering” and spreading “endless war for endless peace” and other Orwellian police state concepts into the body politic. Something as simple as scatologically-bent porn mags or as complicated as Marcusian neo-Marxism both fit the bill. The fact that the Unholytarians even congregate themselves on both sides of an issue only shows their diabolical spirit, their understanding of how to manipulate the debate so that the truth never ever leaks forth.

Here is one example: The “liberal” media assures us that the Iraq War is mostly about oil and greed on the part of the Bush administration, Cheney, Haliburton, etc. etc. yawn yawn. The “conservative” media pounds the point unceasingly that the Iraq War was about liberating the Iraqi people from the “Hitler of the Middle East” and “fighting them over there so we won’t have to fight them at home” or whatever inane and idiotic way Sean Hannity would word it with his 75 IQ comprehension of simple realities. Neither template tells the truth, that the Iraq War was about securing Eretz (Greater) Israel and protecting it from its Arab enemies who must be dealt with so the armies of Zion can eventually, in true Messianic pipe dream colonialism, grab all the land that surrounds them. Okay, and Israel might get her own oil pipeline too. You see how it works? It’s cooptation at its most cynical. It is also the way business is conducted in the American media.

Through all the convolution and with only a passing notice from the citizengentsia (uninformed Americans who have delusions of being almost overinformed) the Unholy Trinity has been allowed to cast its enervating spell, and multitudes have fallen under, or prey, to it. Much like the apocalyptic biblical epic penned by John in Revelation, a sort of possession has taken place, semi-spiritual, but more out of political necessity than anything else. It is the possession, the imbuing of one spirit, already debauched and depraved, with the almost scintillatingly satanic aura of an even more sinister spirit, almost tinged with the scent of sulfur and smoke as it ascends from a nether world of unspeakable wickedness and grasping excess. But enough didactic preachiness and verbal gymnastics and indulgence. Here’s the rub. The Unholy Trinity could best be relayed this way:

The Devil = Big Jewry
The Antichrist = Big Liberalism
The False Prophet = Big Business

The Devil

Like the Beelzebub of biblical lore, Big Jewry has had their nose in this crap shoot that is the human drama for a very long time. Organized with a cadre of demons in tow, Big Jewry, whether of the Levitical Torah bent or the Talmudic Ku Klux Lubovitcher brand, has fought for control over peoples and nations the world over, attracting the hatred and enmity of most of humanity, who in the present day have forgotten the lessons their ancestors tried to instill concerning this Tribe, which has brought heat and fire and wars and contention, but very little in the way of truth, progress and light. Starting as “middle-men” and money lenders, the nature of Big Jewry has never been altered, whether they be Judeans, Talmudists, Khazars or the Zionists and Jewish supremacists who now only make demands, but never accept responsibilities.

The smooth-talking agents of Big Jewry always have a glib tongue and a ready shekel, and because of their penchant for finance, they tend to rise and hobnob with the non-Jewish elite. This automatically ensures backlash in the common citizenry when the Big Jewry boys come to collect to fill the king’s coffers, and riots, pogroms and rebellion against the Jewish influence follow quite naturally. Hence, expulsion after expulsion after expulsion, with no lesson learned from history and history always being a constant repetition of past blunders resulting in unnecessary violent fallout, even against innocent Jews who are not working with Big Jewry. This is their modus operandi and their goals, dreams of world domination, financial control and the suppressing of dissent have never been altered. Big Jewry still beckons like the serpent to Eve, appealing to the weakness and the flaws that lie buried in the heart of every Gentile garden-dweller.

But one thing did change along the way. The hidden hand, which in centuries past, kept getting tipped, the marked cards visible to the other players, resulting in Big Jewry getting tossed out of the game for cheating, has now managed to cover itself in velvet, the iron fist of Jewish bigotry and enmity against the nations softening a bit, if not in its true reality, at least in its public image. This is where the Antichrist enters the picture.

The Antichrist

If Big Jewry is the Devil in the details, the iron fist smashing what are seen as “false idols” by its leadership, but getting ejected from Heaven or the Garden for hubris and a god-complex gone too far, then the Antichrist, Big Liberalism is the enticing embodiment of Big Jewry in a more human or “humanistic” form that is much easier to warm up to. Like the demonically-deitized Satan figure in Revelation, a leader that will woo the masses like a lover, Big Jewry has been transfigured, it has shape-shifted in a most luxuriant fluctuation.

There is no open war, no open call for enslavement of the Gentile, no overt display of theft and robbery of the hard-won fruits of the Goyim’s labors. No, its sweetness and light. It’s lollipops and daisies on the TV screen. Any movements which could prove hazardous to the Gentile’s health or future or livelihood are no longer stamped with “Made by Big Jewry.” The Antichrist is much too slick for that. No, he is the embodiment of that angel of light, yet the horns are not visible, his intentions are blurred and muddled by talk of “universal brotherhood”, a “new world order”, “pluralism”, “diversity”, “multiculturalism”, etc. He’s even got a whole gaggle of “House Goyim” telling you how this is all going to blossom and bloom into utopia in the sweet by and by land of liberal mental illness.

The rhetoric of Big Liberalism is Big Jewry with a make-over, it’s Abe Foxman with a mood stabilizer medication shot into his veins. Big Liberalism makes the ghastly agenda of Big Jewry sound innocent, almost appealing, as if any Gentile who opposes it would almost be opposing humanity and his fellow man.

Open borders are “pluralistic” and “tolerant” and “the American way.” Sure, it’s a steam roller crushing a beautiful flower, but it won’t be seen that way, reported that way, and most of all, it sure won’t be worded that way. Integration is “racial justice”, “love”, “brotherhood”, “our Christian duty”, “social justice” and “reconciliation.” When crime, robbery, rape and murder ensues, more of the same dishonest phraseologies will have to be applied like a balm sold by a dishonest vendor and “adjustments” through sweet-sounding propaganda will cover the ugly boil of a diseased society, ripped and frayed beyond recognition, but still gulping down falsities for sustenance. A lot of the “idealistic” Gentiles are buying it and we all get the delight of funding it with our taxes, and any of the newspapers who ever complained have long since been snatched up, bought out and reprogrammed to spout the Pravda line.

Big Liberalism, the fork-tongued Devil of Big Jewry disguised as common inclusive humanity, is feather-duster rhetoric concealing a chain saw reality. Like a smiling housewife with a Swiffer, Big Liberalism grins amiably as it quietly dabs away the dust of our sovereignty and our independence, not harshly, but only in incremental swabs at our foundations. Before we even know what has occurred, we are displaced and finally completely replaced with aliens, permitted to do their displacing and replacing by other aliens, those who run the institutions, those who comprise the Devil of Big Jewry.

It’s egalitarianism, equalitarianism, equal outcomes that can never be attained except under tyranny and sundry other deadly promises sheathed in sugary words and Pollyanna optimism, but wrapped in hidden Hebrew fraud.

Look closer at that housewife. She is not happy. A more attentive gaze at the merry duster reveals that she is dosed to the eyeballs with pharmaceuticals, barbiturates chased down by a tumbler of Jack Daniels. She is wiping away what she believes to be dusty refuse, but what is in actuality particles of gold. That gold is our heritage.

The False Prophet

As one online biblical enthusiast assures us “This false prophet seems to do good, but the purpose of his miracles is to deceive, my precious ones!!” [1] Oh, does he ever. The False Prophet of Big Business is always seen as the utilitarian dream, the “greatest good for the greatest number.” Corporations, the neo-conservatives assure us, are what make America great. Yet John Stuart Mill must be writhing discomfitedly in his grave. “Free trade” is a god, but a false god, a graven image. It promises good, but delivers a shelling out of American industry and the impoverishment of the American worker, now reduced to a pauper status as the companies leave, outsourcing our future. The United States, once the envy of the world is becoming as Gordon Gekko sneered “a second-rate power.”

Yet the returns for the “Chosen” few have never been bigger. Buyouts, mergers and unfettered capitalism are the order of the day. A John Stuart Millstein of 2007 would smugly philosophize, probably in the pages of the Weekly Standard “The lowest wage for the largest number.”

But give the Devil his due. No wait, the Devil has already been paid quite handsomely for the knee-cutting capitalism infused on all sides by the avaricious heart of Big Jewry. Jewish capitalism is cutthroat, internationalist and the corporatist is literally “a man without a country.” The miracles of a Fed economy are illusory. Our Rothschild currency is next to worthless and soon there will be no industry left to pay out the Monopoly money. The First World must be hobbled down to the level of the Third World.

Stop worrying, little Goyim. Big Jewry always seems to come out on top and a lot of that money does siphon down quite handily to Big Jewry’s adjuct, Big Liberalism. The False Prophet is all about False Profit in the truest sense of the words. Miracles in the short-term signal Recession and Depression on the backburner. If a magician is an actor playing a magician, then the False Prophet is the greatest thespian to have ever hit the circuit.

Unholiness Recapped

How does the Unholy Trinity pull it off? They pull it off because they are united, often indivisible, though internecine in-fighting is not unheard of on the rarest of occasions, though most of the squabbles are staged simulations only acted out to create “the illusion of a choice” in the scrubbed minds of the populace. But solidarity is usually the better strategy for this tasteless triune of treason, treachery and carefully tabulated tripe.

The Devil (Big Jewry) “has been a liar from the beginning.” The Antichrist (Big Liberalism) is “the lawless one revealed” but hidden behind a façade of peace and good intentions. The False Prophet (Big Business) can “produce signs (mostly dollar signs) and wonders” but often deceives. Let us fear all three, but never cease to unearth and bring to the light of day both their obvious and their hidden sins.

[1] http://www.jctv.org/forum/topicDisplay.php?topicID=8383

July 22, 2007

Answering Some Fan Mail

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:45 pm

I post this comment and my response to this comment with my eyes wide open. I realize that many readers of my work will condemn me for even acknowledging those frequenters of ZW whose sole purpose in life seems only to be a “sliming” of their opponents. Nevertheless, I will wade into this back-and-forth without hesitation and with the intention of informing and educating in the truest sense of those words. So without further ado, JEWESS MIRIAM K!


I find this article deplorable for six reasons:

1. It is factually incorrect.

2. It is sloppily written and contains spelling mistakes (‘favor’ instead of ‘favour’) and also numerous errors in punctuation.

3. It contains references to matters about which you can have no first-hand personal knowledge, e.g. events in the Soviet Union in the early Twentieth Century, well before the date you were born. (Unless you are over 90 years old).

4. Quotations taken out of context, semantic distortions, and numerous epistemological ambiguities. Also, a very poor grasp of Latin. (It should be “CUI BONO”, not “QUI BONO”).

5. Stale and recycled arguments that we have all heard before, especially: “The Jews are a bad lot etc etc.…”

6. The whole article is anti-Semitic and objectionable in the extreme from a humanitarian point of view. It insults the Holocaust. It wants new concentration camps built for Jews. It is also anti-God.

For all these reasons, I condemn the article utterly. You give me the creeps, Grimm. You represent the Gentile at the end of his spiritual tether, symbolizing for me the forces of darkness.


My riposte below:

Miriam K,

I realize that I am probably wasting my time even responding to a Zionist Jew such as yourself, but I’ll play along. Unlike you, I can have a discourse without insulting you personally, though after reading the vile stream of vulgarities you have written and I have allowed on my blog, you truly deserve whatever insults you are slathered with. Yet if someone gives you some of your own bitter medicine, you will undoubtedly morph into an aggrieved victim yet again, everlastingly innocent and full of sweetness and light.

1. How is my article factually incorrect? Of course, you don’t say because it is not factually incorrect. You are a typical non-arguer, thinking that by calling me an “anti-Semite” you will quiet me. You won’t, so don’t bother with that old canard. The Jewish Encyclopedia agrees with my views on Jewish Bolshevism, so why can’t you? In fact, they are glowing with pride at the fact that Communist Jews brought the world such a murderous ideology.

2. There are no spelling mistakes. I don’t know where you live, but the word is spelled “favor” not “favour” in America. You are using the British spelling method, which is fine. Neither spelling is technically “incorrect.” Even if there were a couple punctuation problems, how in the world would this have any bearing whatsoever on what the article was essentially saying? These are just more irrelevancies, more non-arguments from one Miriam K., admitted Gold Star Talmudist Fan Club member.

3. If everyone required first-hand knowledge in order to comment on an event, there would be no historians. This is more silliness and non-argument that you apply selectively and would certainly never apply to the Holocaust you are so fond of referring to every three sentences. At least be logical. But you can’t or won’t. Why? It doesn’t suit your deceptive non-arguments which are spigoting forth from an anti-intellectual non-entity. Those types of statements might go over oh-so-kosherly at the B’nai B’rith meetings, but they don’t fly here.

4. Which quotations were taken out of context? Name them. You can’t. Most of the quotations used were idioms that can be applied subjectively such as the “heaven and hell” saying. Others were phrases I coined myself and placed in quotations. Did you notice that some of them were unfamiliar to you? You are correct about “qui bono.” It should be spelled “cui bono.” Golly gee whiz, you caught a mistype! I guess that proves I am human and capable of making mistakes. Unlike “Self-Chosen” persons such as yourself, I am a big enough man to admit when I am wrong. Mistake corrected. Thank you.

5. There were no recycled arguments about “the Jews” being a “bad lot.” I only referred to Talmudic hateful Jews, and you admittedly belong to that group as your brash comments about Jesus Christ “boiling in hot semen” prove. Don’t complain when someone names you correctly. As Philosophy 101 will teach you, the objective of a philosopher is to “name things correctly.” I’m not an official philosopher, but I think I’ve got you pegged, sweetheart.

6. According to your slanted and disingenuous criteria, ANY article about Jews would be “anti-Semitic” by default, so why bother throwing out that worn old label? That tired old dog doesn’t hunt anymore, Miriam. Truthfully, that dog is on the verge of an internal hemorrhage, death by a thousand exhausting, but lucrative hunting expeditions.

The article never mentions the Holocaust specifically. Are you an intentional liar or just hopelessly confused? I am asking the question sincerely. This piece obviously never calls for “new concentration camps built for Jews.” You’re a flagrant liar, but perhaps it is not done intentionally. Perhaps your martyr complex only gets in the way of the use of your brain, though you seem to be a person without scruples. There is no “anti-God” reference. The Judean Levite “god” of the Old Testament is referenced, though this god was a creation of a self-segregated people who only wanted to justify their genocidal practices. The Old Testament is full of genocide against people who were not part of “the Tribe.” You know it and I know it. Perhaps if you shed some of your own hatred, you would find the Gentile majority more amenable to your presence. To me you have all the charm of a JAPish chatty Cathy doll with a bevy of Jewish string-pullers.

Frankly, I don’t care what you “condemn” or don’t “condemn.” You can hardly be honest or objective about your own people. Even now your heart is full of implacable hatred for my people, though they have opened their arms to the Jews time and time again only to have their hands bitten by the evil leadership of Big Jewry. Everything stated in my newest article is easily proven, and you know it. You merely choose to lie because it is expedient and plays perfectly into your narrative of eternal Jewish innocence. All Jews are not angels, Miriam, any more than Gentiles are. But in your twisted mind all Jews are angels and most, if not all Gentiles are devils only hiding and disguising their “anti-Semitic” lust for Jewish blood. This is nonsense, but I’m sure you’ve been taught from infancy to believe it. You got it in Momma’s milk, didn’t you?

Yet I was raised with a respect for Jewish traditions and the Jewish people in the Christian schools I attended. Perhaps you’ve heard of the flagrant fallacy of “Christian” Zionism? It was only later in life that I discovered the rudimentary anti-Gentile attitudes inculcated into far too many Jewish boys and girls, these attitudes poisoning hearts and minds. Read Israel Shahak, a Jew who warned that “Anti-Semitism and Jewish chauvinism must be fought simultaneously.” You might learn something from his invaluable works. But no, you probably fill your head with the ravings of Zionists like Alan Dershowitz. I read three of Dershowitz’s books before my “awakening” and they either bypass or ignore the true causes of what is commonly labeled as “anti-Semitism.” Jewish supremacism is the cause of “anti-Semitism” as surely as repetitous heterosexual sex is the eventual “cause” of pregnancy. There is cause and effect, but to you everything is seen inside a vacuum.

Miriam, you can prattle on and on about suffering and victimhood, endlessly and hawkishly and combatively. But guess what? Nobody is buying what you are selling anymore. That is what scares you, what haunts and unsettles you. Your lottery ticket of victimization is losing its trump value. Even if everything you state about the Holocaust were true (and it’s not), does that reality cover all future Jewish sins? No, it doesn’t. It won’t cover the crimes of the Israeli state. How could it? Use logic if you are able. Also look at the plaque at Auschwitz. Jewish historians succeeded in getting the number of victims on the plaque lowered by three million, yet the six million figure for Jewish deaths remains and is repeated like a mantra in the media almost daily!? Do you comprehend basic arithmetic? Stop embarrassing yourself. Not all Gentiles are as stupid and insipid as you suppose.

One last question for you, Miriam K. If I represent darkness and evil to you, why are you compelled and drawn almost magnetically to continue to read my work? No one is forcing you to frequent my blog except yourself. For your own mental health and so I will not “give you the creeps”, perhaps an avoidance strategy would be in your best interest. But the fact is, you are curious, almost fascinated by my work. You just can’t help yourself because you aren’t used to any Gentiles standing up and speaking the truth about the behavior of the supremacists amongst your brethren, and I am fully aware that not all Jews share your hatred and spew venom like you do. There are Jews (like the previously mentioned Mr. Shahak) who have left the ghettoized Talmudic straight-jacket of an anti-Gentilist worldview. I hope you too can disentangle yourself from this morass of hatred, sooner rather than later. I don’t wish you ill. In fact, I wish you all the best. Keep reading, sweetheart, and you might learn something. We’re glad to have you. Mazel tov!

Patrick Grimm

July 21, 2007

The Talmudic Heart of Darkness

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 7:04 pm

By Patrick Grimm

There is a saying that has been repeated over and over ad nauseam to me through the years, whether I had a positive or negative outlook on life at the time, or whether I saw the glass as half empty or half full. It is this: “There is no heaven or hell, but thinking makes it so.” Absolutely right.

Yet some on the Jewish supremacist side of the aisle seem to have their heads full of hellish anti-Gentilist thinking, and the twentieth century was rife with the consequences of this kind of devilish thought process, culminating in the sorrowful and unheralded and seldom-observed kosher slaughter of Gentiles in the Soviet Union. In fact, the Jewish media, including the Hebraic New York Times spent forty years engaged in both subterfuge and doublespeak, burying the crimes and mass murder adventurism of their Jewish Comintern brothers in the Talmudist world march of mayhem and forced slavery. That they still remain in childish denial of the crimes of the Jews is not surprising. In fact, it would seem as if the earth were almost slipping off of its axis if these Zionists and Trotskyites and neo-Communists (neo-cons) were even capable of telling the plain truth about anything.

Now Russia is under a new menace, though the menace is simply the Jewish emperor adorned and swaddled in new clothes and given a new name. Yet the Jewish extremist scions learn nothing, forget nothing, forgive nothing, admit nothing and above all, apologize for nothing.

The analysis of the new Zionist imprisonment of both Russia, Ukraine, Hungary and other unlucky locations around the world is grist for another mill, more grain for the grind of the intellectual journey that is anti-Zionism and anti-Jewish-extremist philosophy. But what is pertinent and provocative is the hate that is still lodged in the hearts of many Jews full of “grievances”, these grievances mingled with god complexes. As if victimology is not a “religion” with a big enough tent to cover the malignant masses of Big Jewry, a pseudo-godish “light unto the nations” liturgy must also be applied.

Of course this “god” is false, it is war-like and it takes no prisoners. It is the very god the “Judeans” of antiquity heeded when they “pulled down” what the “Other” (and that encompasses all non-Jews) had built up. Even those denizens of the “Other” camps who tried to help and extend a neighborly hand to the warmongering Hebrews were rebuffed and often annihilated or enslaved. Just ask the Samaritans, seen by the Judeans in the same way the modern-day Palestinian people are described, unabashedly in Israeli literature for school children. When a slew of terrorist prime ministers likened the Palestinians, even innocent babies and tiny boys and girls in the streets walking for a loaf of bread to “beasts walking on two legs” you can bet that the age-old “imprisonment and atavistic hatred unto the nations” has not ceased, has not been curtailed and has not been reversed in its evil unrelenting march over the sands and civilizations of recorded, and unrecorded history.

The Jews of Zionism, the Jews of the Talmud and the Torah, worship a god of death, a god that is racio-religious, a god who is fickle and “jealous” and tribal. Ask their own teachers and in a frank (or perhaps Frank) moment of candor, they will admit the truth, that Judaism is a religion that desires to “pull down” what they perceive to be “false idols” but what Gentiles would only label “decency” and “fair play” and “traditional values” and “the bedrocks of Western civilization.” This is not to say that white Gentiles have a history free of bloodshed and colonialism and strife. They do not. We have committed injustice like any race surely has. What we have also done is create the greatest and the freest societies on earth, bar none.

But a monkey wrench has been thrown into the works, into the gears of the humming machine, and that wrench has been tossed by Big Jewry, both its secular and religious adherents. Call them B’nai B’rith or Chabad Lubavitchers or what have you. It makes no difference. There are political wings to this world Zionist monstrosity and then there are religio-racial wings that serve to unite the haters under one unifying umbrella when the secular justifications for this war, this “clash of civilizations” don’t tickle the ears of the foot soldiers any longer. But it’s all the same sickness, whatever nomenclature you slap upon its scaly exoskeleton, almost impenetrable now due to police state laws and punishing statutes that serve to cover the creature’s crimes and duplicity and gangsterism. Silence is golden for the Zionist Leviathan, for full disclosure would puncture its pretensions and pierce its dark and malodorous ooze-filled heart.

Even in the Ukraine, the dissidents fighting the Zionist imprisonment of their people, who have already been starved out in the past by these same groups of vampires and vipers, are careful to relate to others how they are not “anti-Semitic”, but are only protesting Zionist abuses and Zionist wrongdoings. This is excuse-mongering, from a people, the Ukrainians, who are always portrayed by Hollywood in film as human refuse, as something barely better than excrement by Jewish moviemakers, all because the Ukrainians don’t have warm feelings toward the crypt-keepers who now hold the keys to their survival and their future, mainly through the manipulation of currency and media.

Judaizing campaigns of smear are desirable and “collective guilt” is applied liberally and Jewishly to any group who could possibly in the past have held “anti-Jewish” twinges of latent “anti-Semitism”, in other words, any person who longed for self-defense for his own people as he watched Jewish monsters bulldoze his society and rob his heritage. All of this falls under the rubric of “anti-Semitism” for to resist the Jew who wants your life, who desires your demise or the theft of your country’s sovereignty, invariably makes you the hater!

The template is identical around the world. It’s familiar, isn’t it? The “pulling down” must be accepted quietly, meekly and our anti-acquiescence is never allowed to rise above the decibel of a squeak. If the cry grows to a loud crescendo, “anti-Semitism” will be reported to be “on the rise” and the dangers of “nationalism” are decried. Isn’t it funny how nationalism is always seen as the enemy of the Zionist vultures in Eastern Europe? This is no coincidence, for what else could nationalism be but an enemy, an implacable enemy to an internationalist “Nation within all nations.” When the enemy pulls down one society for his benefit, he is content to live within the shards of whatever is created to replace it, for his allegiance was never towards his home country in the first place. This is Zionism, this is Jewish supremacism. Let him with eyes not too blurred by lies and fear and kosher proselytism see the truth!

Yet we can understand that starving millions of Ukrainian families in 1933 was apparently not enough for the Jews who still desire blood, revenge and the eternal “pulling down” of societies they never created and never could create in their wildest dreams. Their tribal god cheers as they exact blood and store up for themselves treasure upon the earth they have blighted. You can read more about it here if you still wish to. If you don’t, I can’t blame you. It makes my heart heavy and weary at times. Yet I am drawn to its appalling and macabre reality like a moth to a blow torch that will smolder, singe and finally deconstruct its tiny wings.

Disclosure is surely preferred, but with that disclosure comes an awful weight, the taxing and back-breaking mental gulag of the reflexive smear, the tarring and feathering and even the physical beating of the honest man or woman. They will “pull” you down, or like the Talmudist Bolsheviks, string you up if they achieve their poison promise.

Anti-Gentilism resides in the hearts of these warriors marching behind the banners of disreputable causes. Their misdeeds are not misdemeanors, are not mere lapses in judgment or good taste. No, friend, the benefit of the doubt must not be stretched like a rubber band on the verge of snapping to accommodate what they have done. Whether it is the tribal god and the racist doctrine of the Lubavitchers or the secular theology of socialism, globalism and internationalism which animates their waking moments, it makes little difference.

If heaven and hell do play themselves out in the human brain, the indictable among the Judeans, the Khazars and the Ashkenazi Jews (whichever name you prefer) have the blueprint of an ideological “Hades” sprawled across their meretricious membranes. To dissect the layers upon layers of lies that infuse their agenda, we must smash, crush our taboo-meters forever beneath our feet and shout, write, act as virtual missionaries to rouse the slumbering, the ignorant and the unaware. The complicit Gentile only deserves our shunning and our scorn.

To fear “anti-Semitism” is literally an invitation by the Zionists to Gentile self-deception. Not only do they invite us to imbibe their lies. They coax us to deceive ourselves, to white-wash the compartments of our minds where the term “Jews” lies discarded or idealized. History and memory have been rewritten, refashioned and molded to serve certain ends. Ask yourself “Cui bono = Who benefits?” When you can figure out the ‘who’ then the ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ will flow from the starting point like a river flows towards the sea of blood now vast and well-accumulated by Talmudic Jewry.

Your answer, correctly ascertained, may cause you to ask “How deep does the rabbit hole go?” This is a more difficult question. The rabbit hole extends as far and as deep as the hate, the animus and the atavistic debasing desires all stretch unfurled like a serpent in the Talmudic heart of darkness. This serpent is the Boa Constrictor of the Jewish supremacist totalitarian trap, squeezing tighter, tighter, until the expiration date of Western Civilization draws nigh.

July 20, 2007

The Jewish Hybrid

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:36 am

By Patrick Grimm

I see two types of Jews featured prominently in the American media, and these are not the only types on the political spectrum. The good thing and the bad thing is, they are both partially right.

There is one kind of Jew who says “I hate what Israel is doing, oppose their apartheid policies, their apartheid wall, the dispossession being waged against the Palestinians. Israel should be punished. I hate Zionism. Yet I like open immigration and unguarded borders at home, the homosexual agenda, the abortion license and the rest of the leftist social agenda.” Norman Finkelstein would be an apt example, as would be Philip Weiss. They are absolutely correct about Israel and Zionism, but the rest of their politics are reflexively leftist and short-sighted.

There is another kind of Jew who says “I oppose the radical homosexual agenda, I am fiercely against open borders, I think abortion needs curtailment, I support gun rights and the rest of the conservative agenda. However, I think Israel is a wonderful country and an ally of America in the ‘War On Terror’ and that Israel deserves our unflinching endorsement with money, military aid and loan forgiveness.” Dennis Prager or Michael Medved would qualify for this category. They are wrong about Israel and Zionism, but most of their other views are conservative.

I am calling for a new brand of Jew, a political hybrid Jew who will select the best of both worlds from the smorgasbord of politics. Is that so much to ask for?

July 19, 2007

I’m Stuck In the Middle With ‘Jews’

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:24 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I have been criticized and chastised by some for painting Jews with too broad a brush. A reader or a friend will reply to my writings with the expected rejoinder, the long-awaited riposte “But I’ve known lots of Jews who don’t have the attitudes, beliefs, sense of superiority or the hatred for Gentiles you are always accusing ‘the Jews’ of possessing.” This is surely correct. I too have known Jews who were wonderful human beings, and they did not share the troubling traits that many in this movement have labeled “supremacist”, “extremist”, “chauvinistic”, “ethnocentric”, etc.

But it seems that I as a writer, cannot win. I am trashed in my comment forum for not being harsh enough on the Jewish people as a whole, for not “black-washing” the entire Tribe. On the opposite hand, others who read my work have complained that I use casual stereotypes and libelous characterizations to impugn the motives, the decency and the character of an entire group. So I’m stuck in the muddled middle, it seems. Or am I?

For those who say I am not mean-spirited and exclusive enough, I would simply answer “If you are looking for hatred and hysterical rantings, then go elsewhere!” I won’t give them to you here.

To those who insist that I am not inclusive enough, and that my utterings are not fraught with enough nuance, I would explain that it is just a matter of grammatical brevity which sometimes requires, or at least compels me to use terms like “the Jews do such-and-such” or “the Jews are involved in this.” When I say “the Jews” I simply mean those Jews who share the racist, supremacist and domineering characteristics that can be observed in both the Zionist Left and the neo-con “Right.” This Jewish supremacist posturing also explains the behaviors on display in a country like Israel. All Jews don’t exude this brand of “chutzpah”, to phrase it kindly, but the Jews who are intertwined with the subversive movements I find so deadly to our heritage surely do. These are the Jews I am calling out and these are the Jews whom I point to when I say “the Jews.” Clear enough?

There are no people on earth who are uniformly evil, criminally-inclined or sinister. However, there are peoples, races and ethnicities which are more evil, criminally-inclined and sinister than others. This is empirically, or at least statistically proven, if only one is honest enough to face uncomfortable truths and politically incorrect “inconvenient facts.”

There is a deceased songwriter named Mark Heard, who was a Christian folk singer. In one of his songs he wails plaintively “I’m too sacred for the sinners, and the saints wish I would leave.” Often this is how I feel, as a man who only wants to shine a light on facts and on the perils that await us if we so choose to ignore those facts. Right this very moment I can say with not one ounce of hesitation that I am not, nor have I ever been motivated by hatred. I know my own heart, and it is not darkened by such emotions. I love the truth, delight in the speaking of it and will not recant one iota.

July 18, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 12:07 am

Due to some of the hateful and obscene comments from a few of the more rabid frequenters of Zionist Watch (and they come from both sides of the divide) I am currently considering disallowing anonymous comments altogether. This would truly be a shame considering the large amount of qualitative thoughtful anonymous feedback this site receives on a daily basis. At the very least, I am going to begin deleting posts which contain threats of violence, excessive and gratuitous profanity and other things which are inappropriate, add nothing to the debate and which also serve to destroy the credibility of the work I am trying to do here. The next few days will be a trial period, and I hope that those who enjoy this open forum exercise responsibility. If not, I will do what PC Apostate has been forced to do on his blog. I will only post those comments which I have previously approved.

Patrick Grimm

July 17, 2007

The Gentilistic Misunderstanding of Jewish Power

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 2:30 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Jewish power is a subject I often talk about in my writings. In some of my more long-winded pieces I have referred to that power as something almost akin to “omnipotence” or “omnipresence.” One recent poster even says that the fact that Jews are criticized across the internet and that the criticizers are allowed to continue with the criticizing without being purged or molested, proves that Jews are not all-powerful. Point taken, but point irrelevant as well.

But neither I nor anyone else have ever claimed that their power is ‘complete’ and ‘total’ in the truest sense of those words, though it is obscenely disproportionate to their tiny numbers. But what I want you to think about is this: There are 18 million Jews upon this planet, yet they control almost all of the world’s media (even reportedly having bought a 50% share of Al Jazeera, oh the irony!), create and manipulate most of the world’s money supply, own every major publishing company in America and most of the publishing houses in Europe, have passed laws in every European country and in Canada outlawing speech that criticizes them and now have the world’s superpower fighting for them in Iraq and poised to kill for them in Iran. Yet some anonymous poster somewhere wants to quibble over the reality that modestly-frequented blogs say derogatory things about Jewish power. So what? Who is listening, for the most part, except the choir in the first place? Yet there is no harm in helping the choir to harmonize better and sing in key, is there?

What is also ignored is the fact that in our nation’s controlled socialist schoolhouses and libraries, there are ADL-mandated filters placed on most of the computers, blocking out, not hard-core and child pornography (the ADL and the ACL-Jew both assure us that this type of filtering would be unconstitutional) but any website or forum criticizing Jews, questioning the official “Holocaust story” of six million, bringing up uncomfortable realities about Jewish crime and misbehavior historically, and in general anything that digs into the stark facts of complete Zionist manipulation of our government and its institutions. Young children, even elementary school children should be able to feast their eyes on any type of perversion, no matter how twisted, but God help them if they were to learn the truth about those supremacist Jews who have waged thousands of years of war against every civilization that has ever had the misfortune to open their arms and their doors to them. The pattern is so consistent, and history tells its bloody story.

But because dissenting voices are allowed to dissent, and uncomfortable truths are allowed to be told, albeit in a confined environment with nowhere near the audience of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or the Fox Neocon Channel, the Jews are supposedly quaking in their boots. I don’t buy it and neither should you. In fact, they are doing damage control as we speak, damage control that should easily dam up any “troublesome” thoughts that might otherwise leak into the mental stream of the American collective sewer.

Just the other night after turning on the TV for probably the first time in a week, I noticed on my television’s guide, all in a 7:00 time frame, a special on the World Trade Center spinning out the phony 9/11 Arab hijacker story, a program on the History Channel chronicling the heroic uprising of a brave cadre of Jewish prisoners at a German Nazi concentration camp, and then another informatively slanted presentation on a military station that portrayed brave little Israel fighting for her very survival, keeping herself from being “pushed into the sea” by evil Arabs who were full of unexplainable hatred of Jews whom they simply enjoyed killing for fun. Then, over on the Judeo-Christian network there was a Jewish rabbi tearfully and whiningly begging in a Jewish effeminate nasal for generous donations from conservative Christians for the poor and starving children living in Israeli slums. What an absolute joke! Perhaps the rabbi didn’t have the Rothschilds on speed dial.

These are the kinds of propaganda pieces that awash the American mind with lies, half-truths and distorted white noise. Yet the Jews need to worry about shutting Patrick Grimm and Jayne Gardener up? Millions of people sit like nodding zombies and soak in the bilge that is Jewish “entertainment” while my blog will finally hit 6,000 page views sometime this week. Who are you trying to kid?

Why give the average American flag-waving ingester of Judeo-agitprop a blatant photograph of what totalitarianism looks like by conducting internet pogroms of all political and ideological dissent? Yes, why indeed? I mean, the typical American is comfortable in his ignorance, and after all, he is working harder and harder to make the Jewish banking regime richer and richer and fatter and fatter. The Mammonites are getting more Mammonized, after all. Why clue in Joe Six Pack that his country is owned by an alien with alien allegiances, and literally no allegiances to the values he holds dear, old-fashioned ideals like working for a living and not cheating his fellow man out of his paycheck just because he can get away with it and it might help the “Tribe”?

To the Jewish behemoth athwart this country’s back and sucking the blood from it like a leech on a bender, people like myself, Ms. Gardener, Curtis Maynard, Mark Glenn, The West and others are simply nuisances to be ignored, and if necessary, stigmatized so that the brain-washed will obediently jettison all our “anti-Semitic” warnings about Jewish monopolies and Zionist treason. No, our little band of political dissidents don’t present a big enough threat to the Jews robbing this country, at least not yet. Whether the status quo changes or not still remains to be seen.

Another poster inanely remarked “The enemy SEEMS to be omnipotent! In actual fact, they cannot be. If they’d really been smart, they would have conned you into loving them. Their failure to convince you, to evangelize you, to wow you, to have you eating out of their hands, to tame you and turn you into lapdogs, is an indication of their failure. They are not really so clever after all.”

This is about the dumbest gas-bag garbage I have seen spewed from a typist’s fingers in quite a while. The Jews don’t want to “con us into loving them.” Gentiles are the ones who seem to be in such desperate need of love and approval from their masters, trying to prove themselves to be anti-anti-Semitic or philo-Semitic or not racist or some such foolishness. Get it through your thick skull. The Jews don’t care about being loved! I understand crystal-clearly that many of them believe it to be a given that they will be hated and resented for their “chutzpah”, their pushiness, their constant whining and their eternal victimology routine that has started to wear pretty thin on a lot of nerves.

Jews don’t want to be loved, my friend. They want to be FEARED. The Jewish mind has no need of love or approval, tacit or otherwise, from the Goyim. (Yet I’m sure that the very poster of the foolish commentary I just quoted has a secret creeping fear of being thought of as “anti-Semitic” or a “neo-Nazi.” Such is the weakness of the Gentile mind.) The Jews desire more than anything else for you to literally be frightened and horrified of their power, and their power is backed up by the big bad federal government. Their power can be a scary thing, but we must stand up to it with both courage and truth. When enough people on this globe realize that Jewish strength can only exist juxtaposed alongside Gentile weakness, they will see that like a cross makes a vampire wither, their own united opposition to Big Jewry will cause it to wilt like a flower deprived of water.

Why have Jews not “conned” everyone or “wowed” everyone? Quite simple really. There are enough human beings across this planet who have lived amongst Jews, and who see how they behave. No amount of “wowing” or Exodus movies can make people deny what they have experienced and seen with their own eyes. Why do so many Arabs hate Jews? They have lived around large numbers of them. Could there be any other explanation? You don’t get booted out of 79 countries (some of them more than once) because you have great people skills. No Jewish brainwashing campaigns are going to wash away a Gentile’s memory of getting burned doing business with a Jew. My father, who is a very hard-working and honest self-employed man, and who is also quite literally a sheer mechanical genius, has told me countless stories about Jews who have tried to rip him off.

And there’s another reason too. Word of mouth travels fast. In other words, the Jews’ reputation precedes them, and it will continue to precede them until their behavior changes. But the likelihood of that is the likelihood of you getting a good pork sandwich at your neighborhood kosher deli. Don’t hold your breath, at least not for too long. This con game has just worked too well for too many centuries for them to let go of it now. Yet it has also repeatedly backfired, as their dozens of expulsions prove. It will backfire again. History always repeats, yet never quite the same way.

The aforementioned poster states, obviously in a malaise of mental confusion or frontal lobe collapse that “Their failure to convince you, to evangelize you, to wow you, to have you eating out of their hands, to tame you and turn you into lapdogs, is an indication of their failure.” What sappiness! Is there one President, one Congressperson, one Senator or one prominent religious leader who is not their “lapdog”? These are the people with money and influence and the same criminals who pass our laws, who fib to their flocks and who help bankroll Israel and the rest of the spurious Zionist grocery list of greed, treason and globalism. If the dupes who run our nation are their “lapdogs” what difference does it make whether a guy with a blog or a website is enamored of Jews or not? They don’t waste their time on the small fish, Mr. Anonymous. They go right to the top. They surely have no desire to quell Patrick Grimm’s dissenting viewpoints. They schmooze with the money-men and the money-women. They use their strong-arming on them. As I said, they don’t have a great deal of concern about whether or not Patrick Grimm or Jayne Gardener send them a perfumed valentine every February.

I would almost find it flattering if the Jews did see me as a threat to their evil agenda. Yet I know I am a long way from having that kind of influence, the degree of reach that would induce the ADL to place me on a watch list. The crooked Jews who fashion media disinformation and slave day and night for its implantation into willing Gentile brains are sitting pretty, or so they hope. I think they have overplayed their hand again, and in the long run, this will prove to be yet another undoing for them. But I don’t think that we are quite on the absolute cusp of that undoing, though a guy can hope, can’t he? My work is simply an attempt to hurry the inevitability of the collapse of Jewish empire, which may have a few tiny hair cracks in its structure at the present moment. We shouldn’t count them out yet, but at the same time, they shouldn’t underestimate us either. After all, we built Western civilization and the only thing they have ever built is a welfare state in the desert.

July 16, 2007

Thank You, Jewish Readers!

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:14 am

By Patrick Grimm

I would like to take a moment, a sweet and sacrosanct moment, resting from my daily barrage of missives and broadsides on Jewish interests, Jewish crimes, Jewish supremacist attitudes and Zionist Big Lies. I have thanked my regular Gentile Zionist Watch readers in past posts that can be accessed, so I will refrain from repeating myself here. But I do want to turn down the political noise level briefly and say a huge ‘thank you’ to my Jewish readers at Zionist Watch. Thank you, Jews, thank you!

I thank you chiefly for one reason. I thank you loudly, effusively and humbly for making my job of exposing the truth about your people so much simpler. In fact, it’s almost becoming more elementary with every passing day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for living up to every stereotype of shadiness, dishonesty, under-handedness and subterfuge, and as distorters of truth. Thank you too for the eternal ‘victimology’ routine you play out with such Vaudevillean grandeur. It amuses me.

One fact remains. You don’t debate the issues I raise. You merely cry ‘Nazi!’ or ‘anti-Semite’ or any number of other mindless smears, lobbed at your ‘adversaries’ with the same sick glee you exhibit when applying your media falsehoods to a mentally dull public.

Your strategy of “non-debate” or “anti-debate” is a dominant and oft-recognized Jewish trait, probably now engrained into your genes after centuries of covert scheming against Gentile countries all over the world. It’s caused by inbreeding. It is the same reason that your communities have Tay-Sachs, an inbred Jews-only disease. The Jews on my blog have never debated or disproved one, just one of the points I have made about their anti-Gentilist strategy. Not one! In fact, they often will not even bother denying these points. If I am so wrong, then show me how. You can’t, you won’t, and thanks to the media power of your brethren, you are spared the arduous task of ever being forced to make even a weak, half-baked attempt at engaging your critics.

Thank you, Jewish readers, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You make, you prove, you validate my case with far more aplomb and chutzpah than I am able to conjure up. The sleepy Gentile world is awakening to the sickness you spread, and people are getting fed up and madder than hell about it. Despite your best efforts, this awakening will not be reversed, will not be slowed down or stymied. Your Jewish supremacist agenda is finished! I can only smile, grin, smirk and laugh at the help you have inadvertently and unintentionally given me in unmasking your malevolent intentions and your anti-Gentile racist hatred for all of us. All I can say is “KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!”

July 15, 2007

There’s No Business Like Shoah (Holocaust) Business

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 3:42 pm

By Patrick Grimm
(With apologies to Irving Berlin)

There’s no business like Shoah business, like no business I know
Everything you do we call it stealing, anything to make the Goyim pay
In Poland, in Switzerland they’re reeling, as you cart their money all away

There’s no people like Shoah people, they smirk at all the dough
Even when all the numbers are way too high, you just keep spreading the Auschwitz lie
Still you wouldn’t trade it for a matzah pie, you’ll keep pushing that Shoah

Abe Foxman, Wiesenthal, Dave Horowitz, and Dersh
Are Zionist confidence men, it’s true
Abe Foxman, Wiesenthal, Dave Horowitz, and Dersh
They’ll rob anyone blind including you
They’d gladly sell their mother for a price, though Zyklon B was just for killing lice

There’s no business like Shoah business, better than porn, I know
Viewing Schindler’s List is so refreshing, watching all those Gentiles shed a tear
Your overbearing mother is kvetching, cause she will be flying coach this year

There’s no shysters like Shoah shysters, they roll in all that dough
You can bleed that German government bone dry, while shooting all the Arabs you spy
Where else could you keep cashin’ in one Big Lie, Jews keep milkin’ that Shoah

There’s no business like Shoah business, it sure beats sellin’ blow
You call all those researchers ‘deniers’, lock ‘em up and throw away the key
But the media and your paid liars, want Libby and Pollard walking free

There’s no lawyers like Shoah lawyers, they sue for all that dough
Even when the victims are nonexistent, those Swiss bankers are so resistant
The ADL’s chutzpah is quite persistent, ka-ching! It’s cash for the Shoah!

Beware the Power of the Jew

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 2:47 pm

By Patrick Grimm

All of history attests in one fulminating and tumultuous voice “Beware the power of the Jew!” Men strewn throughout the annals of time, men of every political persuasion, social standing, occupation, men unconnected by country or origin or class or creed or religion attest to one blaring and incontrovertible fact. They warn us, each in their own individualistic way, of the dangers of Jewish primacy, Jewish purse, Jewish power and Jewish prowess. They cannot afford to be ignored, for we discard their words at our own peril and at the risk of our own endangerment, indeed our own potential extinction. These great men, great for so many different and antithetic reasons, all knew one thing, and if they concurred or agreed on nothing else, they agreed on this. They boomed in their writings, in their speeches, in their orations, their words dripping with ominous and ill-boding truth “Beware the power of the Jew!”

What are the chances, the odds that so many disconnected men, scattered across an expansive globe, never having met each other, living centuries, sometimes millennia apart, could all attest to the same thing, and describe it often in terms, in phrases, in patterns that seem so similar, so eerily familiar. Some commentators, fools though they are, will try to describe this as simple “anti-Semitism” and this might be believed if these observations about the Jews had been noted in one, two or even merely three places. An anomaly, perhaps, if it were so isolated. But no, the statistical odds of these warnings occurring over and over and over, scattered like stones across the history of mankind, throughout his rise and evolution upon the globe, are billions to one. For all the warnings given were first-hand observances of the treachery of the Jews, their scheming, their unmitigated hatred for all of the Gentile world, their mighty strength of their united front, allied against the “Other” fiscally and often religiously, the vitriolic power of their Talmud or their Torah egging them on.

No, my friends, we must not shut out the lessons our forebears tried to teach. Before we take up our chains and call them jewelry, we must comprehend the height, length and breadth of Jewish historical crimes.

But before we scan all the registers of history, we must glance about us, somewhere closer to home at just a fraction of the deadly and endless drop-down menu of their criminal iniquities.

We cannot silence the blood that cries from the ground, spilled by Jewish commissars executing their brand of Talmudic Jewish Bolshevism against 60 million Russian people, whose country they imprisoned with gulag “justice.” Soon, when their masterdom of the Gentile cattle is unabridged, they will do the same to us, slaughtering Americans for the crime of “anti-Semitism.” Do you doubt it? Even now they are passing ‘hate’ laws, allowing Jews to jail anyone who criticizes them or challenges their superior reign over us.

We must not ignore the killing of US soldiers by the Israeli surprise attack on the USS Liberty, orchestrated and ordered by the Israeli government to instigate an American war with Egypt.

Our citizens, 3000 of them, were blown to bits by the callous and calculated Israeli false flag of 9/11, blamed subsequently on Arabs only to justify more carnage for the filthy Zionist state, the sex slave capital of the world, where beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed white women are sexually violated, raped and sodomized by sick Jews stoked to hatred of the Goyim by their “holy books.”

We must never forget that we fight and kill, and our precious American soldiers are maimed and mutilated and murdered in the proxy war in Iraq for the most nefarious and criminal nation on the face of God’s earth, that being the Jewish state of Israel.

And we must never forget that they have managed to cover up these crimes, concealing them from most of the American people because of their almost omniscient dominion over our government and media.

Cicero, Martin Luther, Ulysses Grant, Henry Ford, William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Richard Wagner, Charles Lindbergh, Voltaire, Thomas Aquinas, H.L. Mencken, Ezra Pound, Francis Bacon, Napoleon Bonaparte, Henry Adams and so many more men of renown all tried to forewarn humanity. They sounded the cry, they arose to divulge what they knew. But alas, we would not listen.

This is a lesson that history has tried to tattoo, stamp upon our minds, indelibly if we will so receive it. But we haven’t. Even now our minds have been dulled, our thoughts distracted and muddled, our warning signals stymied and crossed by propaganda. Our taboo-meters need to be shattered. The lesson just won’t take. It doesn’t register as the cautionary monitorial scream it still sounds like as it shrieks, begging us, for the sake of our countries, our children and our future to heed its exhortations. It admonishes, it entreats us to acknowledge the verisimilitude of its simplistic words, to guard ourselves, to inculcate its reality and inseminate its truth like a seed that will grow into a horror we must act upon. “Listen to me! I have but one lone axiom for you!” all of accumulated human history and human wisdom pleads. “Beware the power of the Jew!”

July 14, 2007

Terror By the Poor and War For the Rich

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:50 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The sage-like Reverend Ted Pike and his intelligent and insightful niece Harmony Grant have written two recent articles leaving us with no doubt that Jewish power and Talmudic Judaism are a much greater threat to America than radical Islam could ever hope to be. Yet, as Pike and Grant tell us, we only hear about one (Muslims) and never about the other (Jews) when we open a newspaper or turn on the Jew Tube. In fact, the chorus of fear mongering regarding Islam has now reached a crescendo, this deafening din, this cacophony drowning out any passing mention of the much better organized Enemy (with a capital E) of humanity that is Big Jewry. Big Jewry is well-oiled in its machinations, its gears grinding up dissent and opposition like ground chuck.

Islam, at least in its more rabid forms, is a fighting faith, and it has launched terror in many different parts of the world. But the fact that Muslims feel the need for these kinds of attacks, rather than other types of protest, doesn’t attest to Islam’s strength. These are a poor people who are desperate and resort to hackneyed forms of terror, while strong states use full-blown war. The old adage goes “Terrorism is the war by the poor, and war is terrorism by the rich.” [1] Exactly right, exactly right.

The war of the rich takes place without end for Big Jewry in Iraq and on many other fronts, while reactionary terror by Islamist foot soldiers attests to the truth of the aforementioned adage. Israel drops bombs on Palestinian neighborhoods, while Palestinians angrily retaliate by hooking explosives to their backs. We can see which side is coming from the position of wealth and strength, mainly because they have American-made bullets, bombs and nukes.

If we are, with a straight and solemn face, supposed to believe that the bogeyman of Islam is the greatest threat to America since the Red Commies, then why does almost every Muslim nation on earth seem isolated, disorganized, backward and poverty-stricken? Muslim states may be enraged at the United States, and as of late, they may have every reason for this enragement, but they hardly seem to be the colossus inflicting calamity that the American-Israeli media want us to believe they are.

Even Israel, one of the biggest nuclear powers on earth and the biggest in the Middle East, slants their public relations statements to the effect of “The Arabs are poised to push the Jews into the sea.” Nonsense. Israel is a nuclear powerhouse, while its neighbors are not the beneficiaries of a drunken sailor US government gone loony, now splashing the Jews with largesse and cutting edge technology and military hardware. The Jews just have better PR than the Arabs do, hence Americans are fooled, and fooled effortlessly.

A people who own the media, Hollywood, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, publishing companies, the US government, the Pentagon, the White House, etc. etc. etc. and are using all those things in a most non-benign manner against the American people are supposed to be ignored, while a ragtag band of Third World Arabs, so desperate that they have to craft dirty bombs and stage suicide attacks, are the people we supposedly should be terrified of. It’s sheer mass stupidity which permits our controlled media to construct this fraudulent template.

And yet, I know, just as surely as Chertoff, the CIA and the Mossad will kill more Americans with false flag attacks, that the Christian Zionists have bought the Big Lie of “Islamofascism.” The “Christian” morons in our churches will allow the Jews to push them right over the cliff. They will fight the wars the Jews want them to fight and kill the people the Jews want them to kill. How do I know this? I know this because the pseudo-Christian Zionists “know” that “God will curse them” if they ever dare to criticize His (Self-) Chosen People. The Jewish Zionist mind and the Christian Zionist mind are as different as a Mensan and the village idiot. They are as different as the disparate, but oddly united “Odd Couple” of “war” and “terrorism.”

[1] http://people.tribe.net/sagerator/blog/21ff5918-89e4-4991-bf4c-6f7d05a365e1

July 13, 2007

Some Integrated Thoughts

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 12:19 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Andrew Winkler, the Australian webmaster of http://ziopedia.org/, and a man I greatly admire as one of the most notable warriors in the anti-Zionist cause, attached an editor’s note to one of my lengthy recent pieces which I believe is very interesting. Here it is:

Editor’s note: In response to a comment made on this article just a quick note that I’m the proud father of a ‘designer mongrel’ from a mixed race marriage, a well adjusted, handsome, highly intelligent boy. That doesn’t stop me from listening to and trying to understand what people like Patrick Grimm, David Duke and others have to say about the perils of racially mixed marriages and the motives of the people who are promoting it. It doesn’t stop me from listening to the warnings of doctors saying that with increasingly common racial mixed marriages it will become harder and harder to find compatible bone marrow for transplants. It doesn’t stop me from seeing merit in the argument that if it is okay to be concerned about bio diversity in flora and fauna, about the ethnic identity of native American tribes in the Amazon delta, then it should be also okay for Anglo-Saxons in the United States to be concerned about protecting their way of life. — Andrew Winkler]

I would first like to thank Mr. Winkler for his thoughts on the matter of interracial marriages and also note that I don’t find these relationships particularly “perilous.” In my opinion, the spouse a person chooses is based on many things, one of them obviously being love, in addition to chemistry, compatibility and personal choice. There is nothing inherently immoral about interracial marriages. My main concern in the matter is exactly what Andrew mentions as “the motives of the people who are promoting” miscegenation on a grand scale. Obviously marriages and sexual unions between different races of people have been going on from time immemorial. That is not the main issue, at least for me.

What I find very odd is the fact that a unified group such as the Jews, who have strong prohibitions against intermarriage with Gentiles, are continually and tirelessly promoting and pushing miscegenation and race-mixing in their media, in their movies and in the oh so very many multicultural ads and TV commercials we see every day. The fact that Jews want these things for Gentiles, but not for themselves causes me to begin to ask questions. Why are they so anxious for us to adopt such practices, while these same practices are actually outlawed in apartheid Israel? In a limited way, interracial unions are not particularly pernicious, and I would certainly never judge anyone based on the race of the spouse they chose. I am not a racist or supremacist of any kind, but I do understand the Zionist agenda, as I know Winkler does. His Ziopedia website is a truly indispensable resource for helping others to grasp what supremacist Jews are foisting upon our world.

Like Andrew Winkler, I believe that all peoples, whether white, black, brown or yellow, have a right to preserve their heritage. I don’t advocate anything for white people that I wouldn’t advocate for every group of people upon the earth, including Jews (though I wish Jews would accord me that same right). But I do believe that the Jewish thrust of multiculturalism and so-called “diversity” and the resulting miscegenation has nothing to do with tolerance and respecting differences or any such thing. Miscegenation on a massive scale would result in the diminution or extinction of the white race. I honestly think that this is what the radical Zionists and Jewish extremists desire, as many of their most radical spokesmen, like Israel Cohen, have openly admitted.

Winkler makes another great point when he talks about those who wax poetic when discussing the survival of Native-Americans or the natural environment, but cry “racist!” when whites work for their survival as well. If nature and Native-Americans matter, then whites do too.

In closing, let me say a big ‘thank you’ to Andrew Winkler. Andrew, we appreciate all you do to disseminate and rapidly spread the truth to the world about the dangers of Zionism, for it does pose a grave danger to all peoples, all races, all nations, all cultures and all heritages. Don’t ever stop trumpeting that truth.

Impolite Conservatism

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:48 am

By Patrick Grimm

If you turn on your AM radio, you will get a mental picture as well as an audio earful of the haggard, tired face of American “conservatism” in all its mediocre malsplendor (which is a word I just coined, fusing together malformed and splendor). Everything related to the American brand of supposed cutting-edge “conservative” thought (or groupthink) is polite, archaically out-dated and washed-up. Rush Limbaugh, once the poster boy for a new style of radio, iconoclastic as it jeered liberal sacred cows, now seems recycled and a format out of steam and any fresh ideas. It’s just Republicans vs. Democrats in all its knee-jerk and unthinking staleness, rehashed again and again and again. What amazes me is that people still digest this drivel with a straight face almost as if they are actually digesting profundities rather than banalities, banalities that ceased to be relevant a long time ago.

The most unsettling aspect of “conservative” talk radio is the utterly polite nature of it. Not only are the pundits, Limbaugh, Hannity and O’Reilly predictable, they are so boring and “paint-by-numbers” that you can anticipate their position on any given issue before the words even leave their mouths, spewing the public airwaves with silliness and anti-thought. What transpires on AM radio is not a real intellectual process, but a series of what I would deem “postures and gestures” signifying little or anything more than the host’s delight in hearing his own voice. It’s polite, polite, polite, which means that it’s vanilla, and a vanilla that has been sitting on the counter of Baskin-Robbins a few days before consumption.

What we need is a new conservative movement in this country, what I will christen an “impolite conservative movement” that is unafraid of defying convention and the big guns of both parties. In fact, the two-party system and their antiquated platforms would have to be discarded completely by this new “impolite conservatism” I am attempting to flesh out. What would be some of the public positions that would be seen as “impolite” by the Establishment? Allow me to list them.

Patrick Grimm’s Impolite Conservatism

1. Pro-European-American

For once, just once, conservatism would revert back to its paleo roots. This would mean that white people would dare to be “impolite” to the Jewish media and dare to agitate for their own interests, without apology, without equivocation and without hesitation. We would oppose immigration, not because it hurts our economy or saps our social services or opens us to terror threats. These are all phony and limp-wristed reasons given by frightened white politicians for opposing the immigrant invasion.

We would give a big middle finger to the Jewsmedia and say in a loud voice and with a hard and grim (or perhaps Grimm) expression “We want an America with a white majority! We are not going to be displaced! We, the white people founded this country and we are going to control our own nation! That means we are going back to a pro-European immigration policy, one not decided by Jews! We will not be invaded, displaced or shoved aside! We will have an America based on the principles of our Founders!”

If enough white people and white politicians spoke this way, the Zionist media would have to back off and they would know that they could no longer stigmatize and frighten us. Whites could become as galvanized and organized for their concerns as every other group.

2. America First

In an “impolite” conservative world, taking an America First position on all matters, foreign and domestic would mean no wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or Iran. It would mean that the altar of free trade worshipped by the neo-con one-worlder Mammonites would be pulled to the ground. It would signify the death knell for the Federal Reserve and American involvement with the World Bank. It would signal a policy shift from what’s good for Tel Aviv to what’s good for the United States. It would require a move from constant and over weaning interventionism to a clear-eyed and cautious semi-isolationism.

3. Revived Anti-Zionism

This is the area where being “impolite” is really the only way to travel. Impolite conservatives would recognize the dangers of supporting the crooked and two-faced state of Israel, both because of the higher oil prices we pay as punishment from the Arab world and the ensuing Muslim terrorism stirred like a boiling cauldron by our dishonest brokering efforts in the MidEast peace process, resulting in Americans being further imperiled.

Impolite conservatives would shoot down every media push for more foreign imperialist adventurism for the Israeli common good, which always results in the American bad. Israel would fight her own wars with no assistance from our American men and women.

Israel would be defunded entirely. We would rip the hungry Hebrew mouth from the American teat and make the Israelis get their funding from their shylock friends in the Rothschild banking family. No more military technology would be sent to a state intent on stealing and selling our secrets to the enemy, profiting over and over again from our naivety and good will.

The Jewish media monopoly would be broken through strict and unflinching anti-monopoly laws. Impolite conservatives would protest loudly that the incestuous relationship between Israeli interest groups like AIPAC and the Jewish media machine be ended yesterday.

Campaign finance reform laws would be passed and strictly upheld with severe penalties meted out to those who broke them. Political campaigns would all be funded from the public purse, thus ending the spigot of ill-gotten Jewish money that now buys up the politicians of their choice who are then pressured into upholding every dot and tittle of the dirty Zionist agenda.


These are a few “impolite” things that seem to be woefully missing from today’s almost Victorianly-polite conservative movement. The fact remains that today’s conservatives are much too genteel and weak in the knees to get behind the things I have espoused above. They won’t stand for us, which means that they don’t deserve any support from us, financially, morally or what have you.

Let’s take the “politeness” out of the picture and get as “impolite”, pushy and unapologetic in the interests of European-Americans as Jews get when their little paper tiger feelings get bruised or even nudged by truth-trumpeters and patriotic honesty-mongers. Let us dispense with the vanilla and French vanilla pigeonholes that have served us so disreputably in the past and originate and author a new “impolite” and empowering philosophy that removes us from the back of the line. Our interests, our freedoms and our future have been placed on the backburner for too many years. “Impolite paleoconservatism” implemented to the hilt will put us back where we belong, as masters in our own house. If that means tossing our Jewish landlords to the curb, then so be it. They’ve been raising the rent on us for too long anyway.

July 12, 2007

Marcusian Repression and Kosher Hallucinogens

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:58 pm

By Patrick Grimm

In 1965 neo-Marxist and Jewish Communist Gentile-hater Herbert Marcuse of the anti-white, anti-Gentile Frankfurt School wrote in an essay entitled “Repressive Tolerance” that “Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left. As to the scope of this tolerance and intolerance: … it would extend to the stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed as well as of word. The traditional criterion of clear and present danger seems no longer adequate to a stage where the whole society is in the situation of the theater audience when somebody cries: ‘fire’. It is a situation in which the total catastrophe could be triggered off any moment, not only by a technical error, but also by a rational miscalculation of risks, or by a rash speech of one of the leaders. In past and different circumstances, the speeches of the Fascist and Nazi leaders were the immediate prologue to the massacre. The distance between the propaganda and the action, between the organization and its release on the people had become too short. But the spreading of the word could have been stopped before it was too late: if democratic tolerance had been withdrawn when the future leaders started their campaign, mankind would have had a chance of avoiding Auschwitz and a World War.” [1]

Marcuse goes on to further ‘tease out’ the ideas of “repressive tolerance” in the Prologue to “Repressive Tolerance”. Everything he swills forth matches the current climate of censorship and an almost totalitarian atmosphere of censure which has seized America at the heart of its culture and institutions. Marcuse dares to assert, with no tongue-in-cheek and no apparent sense of being ironical:

“Given this situation, I suggested in ‘Repressive Tolerance’ the practice of discriminating tolerance in an inverse direction, as a means of shifting the balance between Right and Left by restraining the liberty of the Right, thus counteracting the pervasive inequality of freedom (unequal opportunity of access to the means of democratic persuasion) and strengthening the oppressed against the oppressed. Tolerance would be restricted with respect to movements of a demonstrably aggressive or destructive character (destructive of the prospects for peace, justice, and freedom for all). Such discrimination would also be applied to movements opposing the extension of social legislation to the poor, weak, disabled. As against the virulent denunciations that such a policy would do away with the sacred liberalistic principle of equality for ‘the other side’, I maintain that there are issues where either there is no ‘other side’ in any more than a formalistic sense, or where ‘the other side’ is demonstrably ‘regressive’ and impedes possible improvement of the human condition. To tolerate propaganda for inhumanity vitiates the goals not only of liberalism but of every progressive political philosophy.”

These quotations and skewed pronouncements are all taken from a Marcuse fan site for enthusiasts of his political viewpoints, therefore any cries of protest, complaints of his quotes not being cited correctly, etc. become moot and void.

Herbert Marcuse, the author of One-Dimensional Man, a sixties primer for fresh-faced leftists jazzed about changing the institutions and often resorting to street violence, was a totalitarian. He was a totalitarian leftist for the very reason that his ideas can only be implemented in a police state or in an intellectual climate resembling our Jewish-run Ivy League universities, where the Right has been declared DOD and the Left has been dished out a nice dose of ‘carte blanche’ to control the appointments, the tenure process, the multicultural circle jerks stirring up grievances against Western Civ and white people, and the sheer unabashed entitlement zeitgeist that reigns supreme.

Political ideas and speech from the Right have been curtailed and often silenced altogether, not only because many rightist critiques of radical egalitarianism and “post-modernism” cannot be disputed and debunked, but also for the white disenfranchisement that is the inevitable fallout of such wholesale exclusion of the opposition, or what Marcuse would probably signify as the “Establishment” with a capital E. But he has it totally backward, or at least he would in the year 2007. The Left, the Frankfurt-tinged, reactionary neo-Marxist Left is the Establishment. They are capable now of shouting down, intimidating and even launching violent physical attacks on any unfortunate conservative or traditionalist soul who dares to grace the lectern at almost any university. This Stalinist environment forces many conservatives, even moderate conservatives, to fear for their safety and often their lives when traversing onto these indoctrination mill campuses which are supposed places of “higher learning.” Some conservative speakers have even taken to hiring bodyguards when stepping onto the grounds of these leftist schools.

Unencumbered black Marxists, often criminals like Angela Davis, are given a platform and sometimes a professorship to launch hate against the white race and against the United States of America. A soft-spoken and reasonable thinker like David Duke or Paul Fromm would be banned from ever speaking in any place but Eastern Europe, despite the fact that these two men have never advocated or been involved in violence against anyone and only wish to preserve white European culture and traditions. Black racists are “tolerated” while white preservationists are “repressed.” It’s the Jewish Marxist way of doing business, after all.

We see much the same in the media, especially when the subject turns to Jews, Israel or black racial conflagrations. A smug leftist, usually goateed and Jewish, gives a condescending smile and it is quite clear whose side the moderator is on in the whole back-and-forth. A “liberal smirk” ensues and the conversation is rapidly over.

Anti-Zionist Christians too face the same quagmire. Ted Pike is labeled an “anti-Semite” on the numerous “Christian” radio shows he appears on, simply for lovingly wanting to protect rank-and-file Jews from their vile and poisonous Talmudic leadership. Reverend Pike is “repressed” or slandered right out of the box, with no apology, no legitimate answer addressed to his arguments and no quarter given to the fact that he may even be coming from a position of “good will.” No, this is never considered.

Pro-Zionist Christians on the other hand are celebrated, given prime broadcasting spots on Jewish television stations and they are often transformed into media celebrities. Ministers like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, while ridiculed as windbags by liberal Jewry, are still assigned a place of prominence in the TV world, their statements quoted by the media. They are, or were in the case of Falwell, featured on CNN and their opinions are sought by Zionist commentators. They are “tolerated” rather than “repressed” as Ted Pike, or for that matter, Texe Marrs, another brave anti-Zionist Christian would be. The Reverend Falwell may have been bludgeoned for his anti-abortion and anti-homosexual views, but the ADL and other Jewish criminals could always count on the rotund and good-natured preacher to agitate for Zionism and more American monies being drained from the US economy into the Jewish one in the Middle East.

This is the way “repressive tolerance” works, ladies and gentlemen. It’s not about free speech. It’s about “selective speech” chosen by the arbiters of American “freedom”, in other words, the Jews and their chattel Goyim working under the heavy heel of “speech editing” and the “selective consciousness” of “reality” rationed out meagerly to the reliably uninformed of this nation.

Spare me one more example. An “anti-Semite” is now one who declares that Jews control the media and the economy. A “philo-Semite” is one who declares that Jews are smart and hard-working and dedicated people who have a bigger influence on America than their numbers would seem to merit. Both statements essentially say the same thing, but only one is “anti-Semitic” and thus “repressed”, simply because one tells the whole story and the other is incomplete and partially dishonest, not to mention complimentary.

Rest assured, the ideologies of the Frankfurt School are not going anywhere anytime soon. Neo-Marxism never rests and it never ceases to punish the truth. No good or noble deed ever goes unpunished in this “country on life support” because we are no longer free, and haven’t been for many, many decades. Marcuse and his minions have turned us all into Judaized dullards, and only now a few of us are waking up from our Orwellian hypnosis, the totalitarian spell sprinkled over us like a kosher hallucinogen.

[1] http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/60spubs/65repressivetolerance.htm

July 11, 2007

White Genotypes, Jewish Media Swipes and Goyim Troglodytes

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:28 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Brian Smith (and I know nothing personally about this writer) warns his readers in an essay entitled “Dear Mom” about the ever-present danger of Jewish supremacism and the power of Big Jewry over most European nations. Here is one such excerpt:

“I would hate to see the White race destroyed. Its destruction is mainly because of the Jews. Once again, let me explain. The Jews created, with the help of White traitors, all the legislation to allow unlimited Third World immigration to enter and destroy the country. Also, the Jews led the crusade for racial integration. Next, the Jews have power in the form of nearly endless money (which one way or another comes from our pockets) and the Jews own the media: virtually all movies, all sitcoms, all commercials, with very few exceptions, must meet with Jewish approval or they don’t get on the air. The Jew’s power to control the White through his media is absolutely tremendous. And the Jews use this great power to brainwash Whites to think that racemixing is a good idea, that it is the ‘right thing to do.’ Look at the Disney movie *Pocahontas* for example, which glorifies the interracial union of a White and an Indian. The movie also disparages the White race as morally inferior. And look at MTV. And the cinema. And *Sesame Street*. The media’s messages encouraging White interracial mating and deprecating White history are everywhere, on every channel, all day, all night.

Look at how much harm the Jew does! And why do they do it? Do they really hate us that much? Why would they want to destroy the White race?

Believe it or not, the main reason why the Jews use their power to mix the White race is because the Jews feel threatened by the intelligent and culturally-brilliant White. Also, the Jew has grudges against the White race from past history. The Jew also believes he is destined to own and rule the whole world as a ‘master race.’ Just read the Old Testament for yourself. It talks, for example, about how the Jews will someday own the entire world and ‘all the gold of the gentiles.’ It talks about slaughtering Gentiles, too, Mom. Even little boys and girls in the cradle. Read it. Then observe and recall Jewish behavior which you have experienced first hand. But you shouldn’t end your investigation there.” [1]

If you don’t believe that the Jews, mainly the organized Jews, but also a large number of laypersons in the Jewish citizenry, want to genocide the white race, erasing our genotype from the face of planet earth, then you really haven’t been paying close attention. Like Smith, I too believe, in fact I know to be reality, the truth of the Jewish plot to eliminate our people from the world.

Maybe this is too harsh for you fence-sitters and the Judeo-friends in the scatter-brained evangelical Christian community, but I really don’t care how you take these revelations, and they are revelations, because thanks to the twisted monopoly of Jewish power, many of the uninformed and naïve either don’t know the facts, or they feel big, dumb, fat and comfortable and choose not to know what their minds warn them of implicitly, having already cobbled together a fairly accurate mental framework from real-life personal events as well as the sick alliances and causes that they plainly notice are controlled by ethnocentric Jews, most of them brimming over with hatred and racism, but that these whites are too discombobulated over to even consider. Their frontal lobe has been purged of these thoughts, even these possibilities, by propaganda efforts, the Jew Tube idiot box of television or by leftist professors who have scraped dissent from impressionable brains and reprogrammed those brains with white-hating, race-betraying lies, lies fashioned and shaped like a skillful but ill-willed sculptor chisels out a malformed monster of a statue from a piece of stone. These are Jewish lies and they are big, wide and hard to surmount, at least for the unawakened among our people.

But the most advantageous Jewish characteristic, at least for our survival, is the fact that their leadership occasionally lets the truth slip out because of their unapologetic chutzpah and their giddiness over the success of their diabolical social experiments, where whites and other peoples are used by Jewish supremacists almost like lab rats in a convoluted maze of the Ashkenazi Jew’s own design. If I am scaring you with these descriptions, then perhaps you should stop reading now and go watch CNN or look at Jewish porno films, because the worst is yet to come.

I’m not going to sit back and let my people, who have constructed and built the greatest civilizations the world has ever known, and who have invented almost everything of value, be genocided without speaking up. The Jews are not going to stop what they are doing to us! We are going to have to stop them, even if that means separating them from our midst permanently! This is harsh medicine, but you better be ready to swallow it when the rubber meets the road! Soon you will have no choice!

Here is a British writer, McKilliam, warning of Great Britain’s plight under the Jewish jackboot and accessing some pretty scary Jewish quotes in the process:

“The Khazar ‘Jew,’ Rabbi Rabbinovitch stated at a special meeting of the emergency council of European Rabbis in Budapest on January 12th 1952: ‘Our control commission, in the interests of peace and wiping out interracial tension, will forbid the whites to cohabit with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over a world of dark peoples…. we will openly reveal our identity with the races of Africa and Asia.’ This speech was recorded in full in the U.S. publication ‘Common Sense’ and reprinted in the September 1952 issue of the Canadian Intelligence Service. Thus you see that with a few exceptions, every Khazar ‘Jew’ is working for the complete destruction of the White Race and of the British people. They are using Jewry as a device to gain world control.” [2]

McKilliam continues:

“Israel Cohen, a communist spokesman in England in 1912 wrote a book ‘A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century’ setting out communist policy. The following is an extract from this book which was entered into the U.S. Congressional Record for June 7th 1957 (page 7633). ‘We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the programme of the Communist Party. In America, we aim for subtle victory.’”

Unfortunately, these Ashkenazi Khazar Jews have implemented these policies a long time ago. We are on the road to one-world government, not because the white majority wants internationalism, but because Big Jewry desires its implementation. The genocide of Europeans and European-Americans is probably the biggest plank of this poisonous Zionist platform. Prominent Jews have admitted to the truth of this policy of eventual white extinction, and everything that is happening in America and throughout Europe only further attests to it.

Why are they doing this? John “Birdman” Bryant attempts to explain the ‘why’ of the Jewish war on white human beings, making several pointed points.

“The Talmud, central book of the Jewish religion, veritably bristles with hatred for gentiles; and while the majority of Jews are not religious, there is little doubt that this hatred — nurtured by centuries of persecution and refreshed with memories of Nazism — is a significant part of the Jewish psyche.

Their past persecution has given Jews not only a negative attitude toward white gentiles, but a desire to protect themselves from further persecution and — in conjunction with their ‘eye for an eye’ and ‘never forgive, never forget’ mentality — a taste for revenge. The destruction of the white race and its culture ostensibly serves both these purposes.

Jews as a people regard themselves as competing with gentiles, at least in the sense of preferring their own people rather than gentiles to succeed and hold power. And since whites are their major competition, what better way to foster the desired success than to literally destroy the white race and its culture?” [3]

But maybe the ‘why’ question is not nearly as important as the ‘how’ question. How are they accomplishing the destruction of the white genotype throughout the world?

1. Unfettered and uncontrolled Third World immigration

This is their most clever and devilish method for displacing us in our own lands. It was Jews who agitated for and finally got adopted into law the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act that placed no limitations or quotas on massive non-white immigration into the United States. S. M. Neuringer informs us that “In order to sway immigration in a liberal direction, Jewish spokespersons and organizations demonstrated a degree of energy unsurpassed by any other interested pressure group. Immigration had constituted a prime object of concern for practically every major Jewish defense and community relations organization. Over the years, their spokespersons had assiduously attended congressional hearings, and the Jewish effort was of the utmost importance in establishing and financing such non-sectarian groups as the National Liberal Immigration League and the Citizens Committee for Displaced Persons.” [4] This is nothing less than Jewish-sponsored genocide. There is no other way to word it, and yet all we ever hear about is the Holocaust.

Al Cronkrite informs us that “New York Senator Jacob Javits, also Jewish, who in 1951 had written an article entitled ‘Let’s Open the Gates’ in which he proposed setting a new immigration level of 500,000 per year was an ardent promoter of the Cellar legislation. He was joined by the American Council for Judaism Philanthropic Fund, the Council of Jewish Federations & Welfare Funds, and B’nai B’rith Women. In addition the ACLU and Americans for Democratic action, both with heavy Jewish membership, joined the promotion.” [5]

Open borders are as Jewish as matzah balls, overbearing whiny mothers, chicken soup and Fran Drescher’s portrayal of a Jewish-American Princess. But if you listen to today’s Judaized radio “con-servatives” you would never know it.

Furthermore, not only have Jews been the primary movers behind liberal immigration policies and legislation, but they have actually lent money and legal aid to those criminals who have unlawfully broken into America and who now sponge off of our social services, health care and educational system and now use our safety net as a permanent hammock for their indolent families.

Why do they do all these terrible things to us? One reason is vitriolic hatred and jealousy of the countries we have created. Another reason is simply demographic. Jewish supremacists thrive and thieve more successfully in a country without a strong majority that is well-organized for its own self-interest, as whites used to be before the Jewish Trojan Hebrew Horse rode into town.

We must never forget that their own religious books encourage and foster the kinds of widespread deceptions they try to coax our people into believing. The Talmud, the most hateful collection of writings ever compiled, surpassing even the Old Testament in racially genocidal madness and lunacy, instructs the Jewish people in many miscellaneous ways to cheat, rob, kill and ravage their Gentile neighbors. Pushing illegal immigration and displacement is only one of many creative schemes to accomplish such ends. In this sense, we are very similar to the Palestinian population they are liquidating in Israel, all with American money and with the blessing and god-speed good wishes of nearly every televangelist now soiling the Zionist-occupied airwaves.

Also notice that the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act were both passed in the span of one year. This is not a coincidence, for they were both hyped and pushed by the Jewish media and Jewish political groups too numerous to count, and both were detrimental to the white American majority which the Jewish elite despises so intensely.

2. The civil rights movement

The civil rights struggles and victories of the 1950s and 1960s were Jewish-led and Jewish-financed. These weren’t run-of-the-mill Jews who created the NAACP and helped put together the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. These were hard-core, true-blue Communist and Marxist Jews running these outfits, and under false pretenses of “racial justice” and “social justice” for all. The Jewish efforts toward black civil rights literally took a battering ram to the rights and freedoms of European-Americans. This was intentional, and it was done, not to benefit black Americans, but to further empower ethnocentric Jews who wanted to decrease the power of the white majority by the careful manipulating of the ever-credulous “black proletariat.” Even Martin Luther King Jr., plagiarizer, womanizer and charlatan preacher was surrounded by radical Jewish handlers, chief among them Stanley Levinson, a Jewish Communist. David Duke reminds us:

“The NAACP’s first president was Arthur Spingarn, and only Jews served as NAACP presidents from its founding until the 1970s. Noel Spingarn succeeded his brother, Arthur, and following him, Kivie Kaplan reigned over the organization. The Jewish leadership of the NAACP was little known by the public at large. When I came of age, the only name I heard associated with the NAACP was Roy Wilkins, who was its Black national secretary. Because he was so much in the press and public eye, like most Americans, I thought Wilkins was the NAACP leader. But Kaplan was the actual NAACP president during that time. Benjamin Hooks became the first Black president finally in the 1970s. Once a Black finally made it to the presidency of the organization, no longer did the public hear much about the NAACP ‘national secretary.’ From then on the public spokesman was the NAACP president.” [6]

Just remember one thing. The civil rights movement was not about helping African-Americans. In many ways it has actually harmed their communities. It was about displacing white people and replacing Gentile hegemony with a Jewish financial oligarchy run by central banking and a consolidated media.

Unfortunately we may never recover from this dramatic shift in the balance of power, and now, thanks to our Jewish masters, black crime rages, often unpunished and dishonestly downplayed by the Jewsmedia. White women are raped by the hundreds of thousands and rich Jews just sit back in their elite gated communities, unscathed and laughing at the chaos they have manufactured.

3. Multiculturalism/Diversity/White Self-Hatred

This racket has ‘kosher’ written all over its slimy underbelly. In fact, the whole concept of “multiculturalism”, the kind offered up like a steady dietary staple on a majority of college campuses, was created by Jews. In fact, as political dissident author Curtis Maynard explains, a Jewish woman actually wrote a whole primer to encourage and spread this alien ideology. Maynard notes “You’ll hear many people exclaim today that Jews were the initiators of this divisive agenda, and then you’ll immediately hear these people referred to as anti-Semites for daring to suggest such a ridiculous hypothesis. However, Kessler pointed out in 1991 that Racism and Sexism: An Integrated Study a treatise by the Jewish Paula Rothenberg was described in Newsweek as the ‘primer,’ for multiculturalists. It is so easy for time to wear away the foundation of uncomfortable facts.” [7]

Nowhere has the modern American religion of “multiculturalism” been spouted and espoused more loudly than in our Jewish-owned anti-white media, where white guilt is in, a 60% black crime rate is covered up, and every culture except European and European-American culture is celebrated. We (white people) are literally taught by the media to hate ourselves, our culture, our past, our Founders and our nation, which was founded on genocide by whites against supposedly “peace-loving” Native-Americans with a “superior” culture. White Christianity is supposedly racist and ethnocentrist, while the pantheism and Eastern ideas of other religions are peaceful and only stress coexistence with nature and one’s fellow man. The Jews love this kind of propagandistic pap.

Diversity quotas are unofficially observed and Presidents like Bill Clinton speak reverentially about having an administration “that looks like America” which is very strange considering his administration was 60% Jewish, which goes a long way towards explaining the fact that it was among one of the most criminally-inclined regimes in modern American history.

Our colleges, elite universities and major corporations now actively recruit minorities, always at the expense of better qualified white applicants. Yet for the most part, law schools, medical schools and other arenas of Jewish fiefdom have been left untouched by these quotas, for the simple fact that bringing a slew of minorities into these places would upset the applecart of Jewish monopoly in these fields. What’s ‘good’ for the Goys is bad for the Jews.

Below is one almost mind-blowing example of the Jewish double standards that are never talked about for fear of having to wear the crass tattoo of “village anti-Semite.” Chutzpah is not a strong enough term to begin to encompass what Big Jewry is pulling off. John Masanauskas of the Australian newspaper, the Herald Sun writes the following:

Melbourne - Jewish leader Isi Leibler, a staunch defender of Australian multiculturalism, says the policy has no place in Israel.

“This is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish country for the Jews,” he told a Jerusalem newspaper.

Mr. Leibler has previously said that multiculturalism in Australia was something that “we are all proud being part and parcel of.”

The founder of Jetset Travel moved to Israel two years ago as chairman of the World Jewish Congress. He recently published an essay arguing that Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, was under threat in Israel by “post-Zionists”.

“A post-Zionist is someone who actually looks positively towards the end of the Jewish people in ethnocentric terms, as a national group, and no longer sees the Jewish people as one united people,” he told the Jerusalem Post.

Mr. Leibler said post-Zionists were pushing a universalist agenda in schools aimed at eliminating Jewish nationalism and creating a multicultural state.

But Mr. Leibler, 65, has the opposite view of multiculturalism in Australia.

During the Pauline Hanson debate in 1993, he warned that multiculturalism was under threat by extremists.

“There is a need to sit together and establish a way in which Australians can recapture that spirit of multiculturalism which I think we are all proud being part and parcel of, and which is really under threat,” Mr. Leibler said. [8]

Does anything even need to be said about this Australian article other than a repetition of a bent, but telling Yiddisher axiom? Let me repeat it then. “Monoculturalism for me; multiculturalism for thee.”

As Curtis Maynard is fond of repeating “Wake up, America. You’re being taken for a ride.” The horrifying reality is that someone who is a card-carrying ADL, JDL or AJC member, or a Jew who is a lifelong groupie for the Chabad Lubavitch is probably the one doing the reckless driving.

4. Unrestricted abortion

Abortion is a modern and grisly Jewish death trade. Jews run 50% of abortuaries in America (though only comprising 2% of the population) and they make up the leadership of nearly every pro-abortion activist group. If there is a “blood libel” against Jews that is completely deserved, it is this one. I won’t speculate about their guilt or innocence in the many past centuries, which are clouded by speculation and mystery, of the charges of “ritual murder” of Christian children which have been lodged against them. But abortion is one issue that Jews push with all the relish of a well-dressed Jehovah’s Witness door-to-door religious proselytizer.

Why is this the case? There are a myriad of reasons for Jewish backing and promotion of ubiquitous abortion-on-demand, one of those motivations obviously being monetary gain. But I believe the main impetus or stimulus for the Jewish abortion cheerleaders is to dramatically lower the white birthrate, thereby killing off their chief competitors and decreasing the white surplus population. This view would gel perfectly with the Talmud’s admonition in Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” [9]

A woman I am proud to call my close personal friend, Jayne Gardener has written an insightful article on her blog The Paleoconservative Primer entitled “Abortion: The Kosher Slaughter” where she discusses this phenomenon more thoroughly and with more depth than I am able to devote to it here. Ms. Gardener states:

“Abortion has pretty wide support among Jews in this country and various Jewish organizations in the U.S. are openly and unashamedly pro abortion, organizations such as:

American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
B’nai B’rith Women
Central Conference of American Rabbis [Reform]
Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations
Hadassah Women
Jewish Labor Committee
Na’amat USA
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods [Reform]
National Council of Jewish Women
New Jewish Agenda
North American Temple Youth
Rabbinical Assembly
Union of American Hebrew Congregations [Reform]
United Synagogues of America [Conservative]
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism [10]

Read her piece here and weep for the 50-million-plus fetuses now snuffed out in this country, many of them by Jewish doctors and ObGyns, plying their grisly trade with impunity and without conscience. It is to our everlasting shame that we have allowed this to occur.

This unsung swan song slaughter of our beautiful white people, sadly at the behest of many white women who choose to abort their babies, seems to be an unremarkable fact that hardly makes a ripple in the Jewish media, except when they are portraying pro-life activists, many of them Christians, as rabid, back-scratching Luddites, poised to pose theocracy and a Christianized style of Sharia law on the rest of us.

But everything related to the abortion racket reeks of Big Jewry, from the way the debate is framed (always hopelessly one-sided and favorable to the pro-aborts) to the effortless precision with which the abortionists continue to reap big profits with a “hands-off” approach from the usually vigilant and overzealous governmental regulators, who issue nothing but “red tape” to other industries, but leave abortion clinics unmolested.

If Jews rarely fight in America’s wars (deferments) many of them can be counted on to be the top generals in America’s other killing fields, our abortuaries, where white children are killed off and their organs often harvested and sold for easy cash and profit, with nary a peep of squeaking protest from an emasculated and disenfranchised Euro-American population whose testicles have been handily snipped off.

5. The radical homosexual movement

My compatriot and a Colorado resident who calls himself The West has on his blog http://newsfromthewest.blogspot.com/ a jaw-dropping list located here chronicling the Jewishness of the homosexual mafia that has mainstreamed perversion and has inundated our schoolchildren with falsehoods about the joys of sodomy and anonymous sexual encounters. The sad reality is, many people are woefully unaware of just how radical and well-organized the sodomite lobby has grown. They have infiltrated our schools, they have edged their proselytizing propaganda into curriculum geared toward kids, beginning at the kindergarten level and continuing all the way through high school, just to make sure that the brainwashing sticks in their minds permanently. This is no accident.

As with every other agenda aimed like a hollow-tipped bullet at the heart of white Gentile civilization, this one is no different in its rudimentary alien origins. It is alien because it did not originate with our people, but was brought to this nation by a “wandering people”, a “Nation within many nations”, a Diaspora of Jews from all over Europe, many of them radical Marxists, socialists, Communists, internationalists and one-worlders. These fanatical Jews did not come to us as a “light unto the nations” but as destroyers, as subverters and interlopers determined to defecate upon, both literally and figuratively, everything we hold dear. And they have done that in spades.

The recruitment and sloganeering work done so assiduously by homosexual snake oil salesmen and women in our government-run socialist perversion mills has paid off with big dividends as polls have shown. Most teens in America have a far more favorable view of homosexuals than their parents or grandparents ever did. But this is the Jewish way. Brainwash, propagandize and then recruit, recruit, recruit like hell! But as Jewish homosexual organizations try to indoctrinate sexually confused young people into the gay death style there seems to be more at work here than simple “tolerance” or “diversity” issues. This is an effort to tear asunder the notion of “traditional family” that has been the bedrock of Western survival.

Though not all homosexual enthusiasts are Jewish, their leaders surely are, and it is undeniably true that many of the Gentiles involved in this type of leftist activism are not aware of the Jewish and Zionist roots of the ideas they are spreading and trying to convey as chic and kitsch to the public. But some of the “pink mafia” foot soldiers have become so emboldened by the political victories they have secured in recent years, that they are unabashed in declaring their unquestionably perverse and perilous goals; and these goals are Jewish. Homosexual lunatic Michael Swift haughtily proclaims in a gay publication:

“We shall sodomize your sons…We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups…wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image…. All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men.

All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically, and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy.”(Michael Swift, “Gay Revolutionary”) [11]

This is an across-the-board bullhorn call for pederasty and child sexual abuse by a shameless political army of deviants devoted to exploiting and sodomizing our boys. It is also a promise to ramp up brainwashing to a “Clockwork Orange” level of intensity. But chiefly, it is an attack on the nuclear and traditional family, composed of one man and one woman. It attempts to rip male children from that milieu and substitute stability with sodomy, disease and sickness. It is the same thing the Jews tried to introduce into Russia in the early part of the 20th century in order to weaken and feminize Russian men and make it harder for them to resist the Jewish Bolshevik takeover that was to come like a torrent from hell.

Jews have consolidated their efforts, honed them until the charge of “homophobia” has nearly as much sting to it as the labels “anti-Semite” and “racist” carry. Again, this effort has been directed towards the white Gentile family, as Big Jewry is wont to do, weakening the mores and folkways of their only real competitors on the stage of world power. We see in our public schools, the confused and disenfranchised among our youth “coming out” earlier and earlier in life. Why? Mainly because they are being reached by the homosexual con artists who are now given carte blanche to disseminate their pro-gay, anti-family materials and message to teens and children, who are so lacking in life experience that they are not capable of countering the maladies these perverts peddle.

The blanketing “hate speech” and “hate crime” legislation now solidly morphed into law by Jewish strong-arming throughout Europe and in Canada, ostensibly for battling hatred, but truly implemented to protect Big Jewry from the inconveniences of having the truth revealed about their ultimate objectives, is not only wielded as a hammer against supposed “Holocaust deniers” and “Neo-Nazi” anti-Semites, but is reserved very selectively for those, mainly white Europeans, who sound off too vociferously and openly about the dangers of the sodomistic soldiers of the Marxist homosexual army now goose-stepping through our schools, our streets and even some of our more liberal and leftist-inclined houses of worship, completing the “long march through the institutions” which their Jewish commanders have dreamed of for so many years.

Many of the deranged homosexual marchers in “Gay Pride” galas, clad in drag and other flamboyancies, don’t even realize that they are just a cog in the Zionist wheel now rolling over all things traditional. They don’t grasp the fact that they are pawns for a broader, and wholly unprovoked frontal assault against white people and white families the world over. But again, this is as the Jewish supremacists desire it. The more youngsters they can pull into the homosexual lifestyle only equals fewer white children being born. This too spells out just one more trick of Big Jewry to diminish our numbers, and with this diminishment, our influence and ability to stop them.


All of these facets of the Jewish blueprint have one central theme. They impose sickness and social disease and degeneracy and death by constant fiat. With clustered declarations, with unending harping, smearing, demonization campaigns in the media, agitprop pamphlets, Orwellian Newspeak, secularist Hebrew “evangelistic” efforts, incessant indoctrination and other assorted Zionist ballyhoo, they can sway the weak-minded and the weak-kneed among the white Gentiles to their cause.

Most of the minorities are a given when it comes to “conversion”, but the Jews understand that many whites may prove more recalcitrant, just as they were in Hungary and numerous other places where Jews took lives and took societies by the collective throat. White people, European-Americans specifically, are more, not less likely than other races to fight Jewish reeducation campaign salvos thundering into their mental vicinity and purview. This may be our only hope. Our ability and our will to fight has not been totally atrophied yet, though it has been weakened and often cut off at the knees.

We, the white people, must choose life over death. We must sacrifice all, meaning reputation, livelihood and even our very lives if necessary to secure our survival and future place as a people upon this lonely blue rock that is Earth. We have one enemy, unique in the world in that this enemy has singled out the white race for extinction, for destruction, for utter elimination. They have singled us out because we are the only race in the family of humankind bright enough and smart enough to stand in the way of their Messianic plans for domination and enslavement of all peoples. Their holy books promise them a Jewish utopia where the Goyim will serve at their feet, cowering and bowing before the “Master Race” they believe themselves to be. They await their Jewish Messiah, whom they assert will return to crush the Gentiles beneath his heel and force them into bitter lives of servitude to the “Chosen.”

I say “No more!” The Jewish supremacists have debauched us long enough. They have annihilated our heritage and our societies and our unrivaled accomplishments long enough. While we still have breath and before we are in totality enslaved, before our muscles have weakened and our wills have been ground down to fine powder, while our limbs are supple and wiry, we must fight. We must not give up, for the truth is still in need of a fair hearing among our brothers and sisters. We must not lose them to the siren songs of egalitarianism, of multiculturalism, of collectivism and internationalism. The hour is late and the light is waning fast. Do not let it be blotted out.

[1] http://www.natall.com/free-speech/fs9511a.html
[2] http://www.apfn.net/MESSAGEBOARD/02-04-05/discussion.cgi.8.html
[3] http://thebirdman.org/Index/Jews/Jews-JWAG.html
[4] S M Neuringer, American Jewry and United States Immigration Policy, 1881-1953. Ph.D Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1969.
[5] http://www.covenantnews.com/cronkrite050616.htm
[6] http://www.martinlutherking.org/ma-chapter18.html
[7] http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=983
[8] http://www.ety.com/HRP/jewishstudies/mulcul_not_for_israel.htm
[9] http://www.sherryshriner.com/talmud_tidbits.htm
[10] http://thepaleoconservativeprimer.blogspot.com/2007/07/abortion-kosher-slaughter.html
[11] http://www.geocities.com/graysinfo/svendrobinson.html

July 10, 2007

The Frankfurt School Jews and the Rocky Road of Critical Theory

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:59 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Australian historian Keith Windschuttle warns us that “When history is killed, then only myths remain.” This is a warning we should heed, a sign post beseeching us to turn back from the road we are following and return to orthodoxy and common sense when pursuing historical inquiry, rather than propping up the fallacies of “post-modernism”, “post-structuralism” and the bludgeoning club of “deconstructionist” anti-reason and anti-logic.

Michael Roe of the underrated rock band the Seventy Sevens http://77s.com/ sings plaintively in the song “Do It For Love”, “Turn back from the way you’re going, it’s a rocky road for sure.” Perhaps all of us should heed such wise counsel, whether in our personal lives or in our research and exegetical heavy-lifting. But so many scholars, writers, thinkers and political pundits have carried on, bright-eyed and idealistic, or perhaps lyingly and deceptively, believing that good intentions trump sound thinking, solid logic and impeccable scholarship.

Some anti-Zionists understand the disintegrating effects of the sick Jewish pseudo-scholarship of the Frankfurt School and the rantings of their Marxist ideological “smear-and-run” mental thuggery that has “brought it all down, man.” There is much truth in the fact that the neo-Marxian Jews of the Frankfurters did operate under a guise of legitimacy that was undeserved and that did not gel with the facts of their true agenda, but this is only a snippet of the whole sordid tale. It is also where we will begin our discussion.

Yes, Marcuse, Horkheimer and the rest were Judeo-infiltrators and “Judeo-conspirators” to borrow a term employed by other internet writers on this little topic. They were traitors to the ideals, at least the ideals once vaunted and venerated in American academia before the 1960s, because the things they espoused were based more on atavistic hatred of Gentile white culture than any honest clamoring after the truth.

The fact that the Frankfurt School is still treated with an almost worshipful and fawning degree of respectability in today’s “institutes of lower living”, what I would dub “brainwashing centers”, places like Columbia, Harvard and NYU is truly frightening and sinister. Young and impressionable college students are introduced to these wildly left-of-center Communist-socialist Jewish mantras, and these rubbish Jewish ideas are pounded into their tabula rasas like they are holy writ. Can this trend be reversed? I don’t know and don’t propose to speculate, but surmises are not the basis for the groundwork of what I am laying out.

What are the ideas of the Frankfurt School, where do they come from and what are their potential and concrete dangers to a free and majority white Gentile country (at least for a few more years until our government is completely run from Israel and Mexico) like the United States of America? Into this morass, this quagmire we shall delve happily (or perhaps tepidly) and perhaps walk away with a little more enlightenment and maybe a tad bit of horror as well.

For a simple description of the Frankfurt School let us turn to our favorite Zionist disseminator of skewed information, the Wikipedia library. Wikipedia, in this rare case, is surprisingly frank about its subject matter. They state:

“The Frankfurt School is a school of neo-Marxist social theory, social research, and philosophy. The grouping emerged at the Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung) of the University of Frankfurt am Main in Germany when Max Horkheimer became the Institute’s director in 1930. The term ‘Frankfurt School’ is an informal term used to designate the thinkers affiliated with the Institute for Social Research or influenced by them. It is not the title of any institution, and the main thinkers of the Frankfurt School did not use the term to describe themselves.

The Frankfurt School gathered together dissident Marxists, severe critics of capitalism who believed that some of Marx’s followers had come to parrot a narrow selection of Marx’s ideas, usually in defense of orthodox Communist or Social-Democratic parties. Influenced especially by the failure of working-class revolutions in Western Europe after World War I and by the rise of Nazism in an economically, technologically, and culturally advanced nation (Germany), they took up the task of choosing what parts of Marx’s thought might serve to clarify social conditions which Marx himself had never seen. They drew on other schools of thought to fill in Marx’s perceived omissions.” [1]

All of the above is spot-on and concurs with my own research on the Frankfurt School, though Wikipedia does conveniently leave out the reality that every one of the “dissident Marxists” working for this leftist Fifth Column were Jewish, many of them having fled Nazi Germany after having rightly been seen as Trojan Horse traitors in that nation.

The difference between the Frankfurt School and the Old Left of politics is that these particular Jewish “scholars” (and scholars is too generous a name for them) and their Jewish adjuncts were fed up with the cautious socialism and orthodox reading of Karl Marx by leftist thinkers of the past that simply stressed an economic reading of the father of Communism’s influential works.

No, Marx had to be wed to other more all-encompassing thinkers so that his theories could be applied, or perhaps inflicted, in a more general and more “liberal” way upon an unsuspecting and benighted culture, thus morphing a “traditionalist” zeitgeist, which they believed was ripe for change and transformation, into something more akin to a fever swamp rife with numerous aggrieved, galvanized and empowered minorities which could fill the playbill as a sundry ragtag band of designated “proletariats.” To the Frankfurt School Jews, it wasn’t just the worker who was oppressed. It was almost everyone, save the white Gentile man, who took the role of the callous factory owner who had placed chains upon the poor, disenfranchised “proletariat” protagonist.

What was to be employed to accomplish such a dramatic social shift in an America now beginning to become awash in self-doubt about its own inherent and innate goodness? It was what these Marxists called “critical theory.” Before I delve into the intricacies of “critical theory” I will post a list of the names of the influential figures who chose to promote this “new way of seeing” and I will let the reader learn and understand what almost all of them have in common with each other. Below is the list and I encourage you to look up these individuals and engage in further research on them:

Theodor Adorno
Walter Benjamin
Judith Butler
Klaus Eder
Rainer Forst
Paulo Freire
Erich Fromm
Henryk Grossman
Carl Gruenberg
Arkadij Gurland
Jürgen Habermas
Axel Honneth
Max Horkheimer
Otto Kirchheimer
Alexander Kluge
George Kneller
Leo Lowenthal
Herbert Marcuse
Franz Neumann
Claus Offe
Friedrich Pollock
Alfred Sohn-Rethel
Rudolf Siebert
Albrecht Wellmer
Oskar Negt
Craig Calhoun
Slavoj Zizek

I see an interesting little coincidence in the above list, don’t you? Every surname, or almost every surname on this comprehensive list is Jewish in origin. In my opinion, there is nothing coincidental about it. If you are a frequent reader of Zionist Watch, you will already know a good bit about the crucial role that Jews played in the Bolshevik Revolution and the Communization of Russia.

What is critical theory? Here’s a lengthy explanation of this unusual departure from centuries of Enlightenment thinking, culminating in the disastrous train wreck of the countercultural “free love” 1960s era:

“Critical theory, in sociology and philosophy, is shorthand for critical theory of society or critical social theory, a label used by the Frankfurt School, i.e., members of the Institute for Social Research of the University of Frankfurt, their intellectual and social network, and those influenced by them intellectually, to describe their own work, oriented toward radical social change, in contradistinction to ‘traditional theory,’ i.e. theory in the positivistic, scientistic, or purely observational mode. In literature and literary criticism and cultural studies, by contrast, ‘critical theory‘ means something quite different, namely theory used in criticism.

The original critical social theorists were Marxists, and there is some evidence that in their choice of the phrase ‘critical theory of society’ they were in part influenced by its sounding less politically controversial than ‘Marxism’. Nevertheless there were other substantive reasons for this choice. First, they were explicitly linking up with the critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant, where the term critique meant philosophical reflection on the limits of claims made for certain kinds of knowledge and a direct connection between such critique and the emphasis on moral autonomy. In an intellectual context defined by dogmatic positivism and scientism on the one hand and dogmatic ’scientific socialism’ on the other, critical theory meant to rehabilitate through its philosophically critical approach an orientation toward revolutionary agency, or at least its possibility, at a time when it seemed in decline.” [2]

We can see crystal clear that “critical theory” was a camouflage for very extreme Marxist ideas that would not generally be accepted or swallowed by Middle America. To induce the populace, chiefly the young college populace to swallow the poison pill of Marxian indoctrination, these Jewish intellectuals gave the capsule a pseudo-sweet coating called “critical theory” to make it more palatable to their intended target audience. After all, Marxism or Marxism-Leninism is a pretty hard sell, especially after the arduous stand-off/détente/stand-off switchback of many decades of Cold War.

What else does this ideology entail? Critical theory signified a shift in the institutions, what social scientist William Norman Grigg describes when he states:

“In his study The Two Revolutions: Gramsci and the Dilemmas of Western Marxism, Marxist theoretician Carl Boggs emphasizes that ‘the transition to socialism must occur on two distinct but interwoven terrains — the state and the economy.’ Those seeking the triumph of socialist revolution will not prevail by simply overthrowing ‘the existing state machinery, or [destroying] the old institutions, or even [bringing] into power leaders calling themselves ‘communists.’ Beneath the level of insurrection and statecraft there must be a gradual conquest of social power, initiated by popular subversive forces emerging from within the very heart of capitalist society.’ Rudi Dutschke described this process as ‘the long march through the institutions’ — the Marxist conquest of universities, schools, the news media, entertainment, churches and other religious bodies, tax-exempt foundations, and other key institutions.’” [3]

The injection of critical theory and other Frankfurt ideas were the first baby steps in “the long march through the institutions” that Dutschke relished in his utopian wet dreams. The replacement of capitalism with socialism took place at a steady rate, much like the takeover of the universities, and it did arrive, mangy and foaming at the mouth, its arrival heralded and birthed by the anti-capitalist midwives of the Frankfurt School Communists. Grigg in his commentary conveniently manages to sidestep any mention of the thoroughly Jewish nature of all these ideas, pinning the blame on an amorphous Left instead, but that is hardly surprising considering the contemporary intellectual climate in America.

While hooking their wagon, at least in name, to the star of Immanuel Kant’s venerable philosophical legacy, these social engineers tried hard to give their pseudo-scholarship an air of legitimacy that, upon closer inspection, vanishes into thin air, leaving behind nothing but an anti-Gentilist, anti-white and anti-American residue of decay. These were not real social scientists, philosophers and thinkers, but revolutionaries of the Jewish stripe, intent on nothing less than total eradication of all Gentile culture. We will delve deeper into that momentarily, uncovering and bringing to the light of day the tools they chose to accomplish this sledge hammering of what economist John Kenneth Galbraith, in his reference to traditionalist or conservative precepts, snidely labeled as “conventional wisdom.”

The Long March has distinctly occured, and we see more and more evidence of its wholesale control of the institutions that in the past once made this country great, but now spend their free time collapsing our foundations. The colleges, the universities, many of the think tanks, Hollywood, the leftist media, some publishing companies, periodicals and journals have all succumbed to the wave of Frankfurt influence and the masterdom of their toxicants. Considering the preponderance of Jews in elite academia, this was almost inevitable.

To avoid making this essay and expose too long-winded, I will save the interpretation and explanation of other Frankfurt concepts, such as “the language of pathology” (my own nomenclature for certain Frankfurt ideas) and “repressive tolerance” for the second part of this work. I hope you have enjoyed part one.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theory_(Frankfurt_School)
[3] http://www.grecoreport.com/gramsci_a_method_to_the_madness.htm

My Own Awakening

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:12 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I get comments from different people who promptly do a verbal pile-on, scolding, demonizing or insulting me for my views. They seem to attack me from a faulty starting premise, assuming that one day I just woke up and thought it might be a profitable and entertaining gig to start bashing Jews for fun. This is false and I’ll tell you why.

My whole life, until the last two years, I have been a constant and ardent defender of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. Some of this devotion or loyalty to Jews came from my Christian evangelical upbringing, though I never went to a church where Jews were fawned over or treated with a kind of semi-worship. I wasn’t exposed to that. But I was taught that Jews were somehow special and that we should support them. I picked this up almost by osmosis. I went to a Christian school as a youth where conservative Christian teachers spoke of Jews and Jewish traditions with respect and tolerance.

But I always had nagging questions that I could never answer about the Jewish people. I had heard all the “public relations” statements from Jews who spoke of their people as “a kingdom of priests”, a “Chosen People”, a “Holy nation” and many other names that they assigned to themselves or lifted from the pages of Scripture, specifically the Old Testament. My biggest question always seemed to be, if all these terms are legitimate names for the Jewish people, then why do so many Jews seem to be wrapped up in movements that are often jeopardous for our society, like abortion, homosexual rights, radical environmentalism, etc? The big inquiry I made was “Why do Jews always seem to be on the left side of everything?”

These queries were things I wrestled with for many years, always desiring to give the Jewish people the benefit of the doubt, rather than imparting sinister or evil motives to them as a whole. I continued my research on Jews unabated and read many books written by Zionists and by authors sympathetic to Jews, and for a while these volumes quieted my concerns.

It wasn’t until I chose to go to many “questionable” websites, questionable from a philo-Semitic worldview at least, that I unearthed other facts that had been expunged or omitted from the pro-Jewish information I had ingested over many years. I even read David Duke’s book Jewish Supremacism with some trepidation and uneasiness in my heart and mind. (You can read Duke’s book HERE.) But then I noticed something that was particularly damning to the philo-Semitic side of the fence. Almost all of the sources he used were Jewish, and many of them were from well-known and well-respected Jews who obviously had no broad animus towards their own people, but were just having moments of candor which happened to be written down or reported. None of the sources that Duke utilized were from any even potentially questionable sources. His research was impeccable and unassailable.

The quotes from the Jewish Babylonian Talmud were especially horrifying to me, for I had been taught that Judaism was just a monotheistic religion like Christianity. This had been drilled into my head since I was a youth. But reading many of the racist and hateful pronouncements from Jewish rabbis made me rethink this air-brushed presentation of Judaism.

For someone to claim that I am in this anti-Zionist political movement because of hatred or bigotry is absurd, for I have spent most of my life actually defending Jews who have been attacked. When I used to be an Israel supporter, I actually chastised attendees of a Brethren Church I attended for anti-Israel and anti-Semitic bias. Of course, this was before I found out the whole story.

But it often surprises me that people honestly believe I simply jumped on some sort of “anti-Semitic” bandwagon of intolerance, supposedly for personal profit or attention or some such nonsense. I think some of the bromides issued against me are quite crazy, but understand that these people are not aware of how many years I spent on the other side of the Zionist divide. I am certainly not ignorant of the arguments made by Gentile Zionists, for in years past, I frequently brandished them myself.

But facts, honesty and truth-telling are not things to be feared, but instead are honorable pursuits. After all my study, I was awakened to the fact that Jews don’t “support” the Left in America. They are the Left in America! They run the whole sick machine from top to bottom and nothing anyone shrilly yells to try to shut me up will change that reality. It is a reality and I will never apologize for stating it. I won’t recant and I won’t back down or quit telling the truth.

Another source of information that awakened me to the complete picture of Jewish supremacism was the website http://jewishtribalreview.org/ and an over 1000-page book called When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America. Proceed HERE to read this devastatingly cogent and well-organized tome. Like Jewish Supremacism, over 90% of the sources used are from Jews, many of them famous Jews.

But here is the crux of the issue. Of whom should Jews have more fear? Should they fear someone like me who cautions them, warns them and tries to correct them and get them to turn from the treacherous road they are on, knowing that their actions have provoked violent backlashes and pogroms against them in the past? How could such warnings possibly be construed as hate? They are like an adult who slaps a child’s hand away from a hot stove.

No, they should fear the Gentiles who wish them god-speed and literally assist them in their own self-destruction. The Christian Zionists fall into this camp. These people are no friends to the Jews, or to humanity in general, for that matter. The Jews engaged in nefarious practices should be told that if they keep playing their sick games with our future, they are going to face ostracism, violence, expulsion and possibly death. It is not hatred or “anti-Semitism” to issue such warnings, even though they are not likely to be heeded.

The truth-telling anti-Zionists should be seen by those few Jews who have not bought the Zionist, ADL, anti-Gentile, Talmudic line as their only true friends, because we are literally trying to save ourselves from Jewish supremacism, hence inexorably saving those Jews who are not part of the criminal network in the process.

To close, these are things I wish my Jewish readers would contemplate before they try to lambaste me with virulent and enraged comments that evoke more heat than light. I can’t judge the hearts or the minds of others in this movement, but I certainly know my own. I have never thought of hatred as much of a motivator, but love of my European-American heritage is certainly a great one. I only demand the same things that Jews demand. I want to preserve my heritage, my freedom and the future of my once great nation. There is no hatred tied to these goals, but much love, patriotism and vigilance. I will offer charity and friendship to any person who will help me in this quest, but I will not remain eyeless, earless and silent in the face of those who wish for the genocide and disappearance of my people. For this I offer no apology and no equivocation. What else can I do?

July 9, 2007

The Zing of ZOG!

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 1:40 pm

By Patrick Grimm

In the heart-rending song “The Birds Will Still Be Singing” Elvis Costello begs weakly “Spare me the lily-white lily with its awful perfume of decay.” I fear that the lily-white lily has now become Western civilization, as the sky darkens, the sun sets and the blank inky night throws itself upon us like a phantom shadow, covering and blanketing all like a corralling net, sort of like, ummmm, Zionism, anyone?

But guess what, boys and girls? ZOG’s got a brand new bag! ZOG (Zionist-Occupied Government) has a new zing, a new freshness, almost like a refreshingly clean and wonderfully fragrant new brand of soap. It’s sweet, it’s appealing and it sure sells a lot better than the Lava brand the Zionists were pushing. It’s not rough and it doesn’t chafe your Goyish cattle-like exterior.

After all, Abe Foxman and the Jewish boys of the ADL-BB are on our side, aren’t they? Didn’t Abe shed a few tears at the “Save the Christians” rally in Rome, right beside the home of the Catholic Church he loathes more than flying coach? Didn’t he link the persecuted Christians he hates more than pork tenderloin to his poor and eternally innocent Jewish relatives who died and then got resurrected to ask for Holocaust checks from the German government? Aren’t Jews everywhere brothers-in-arms in the global war against Jihadists and Muslim mercenary fighters? Isn’t brave little Israel holding back the mongrel hordes of Arab America-haters? Aren’t Jews joining up in the fight against slavery in 70-IQ (and that’s generous) Africa? My God, I think they are joining the family of man!

ZOG’s got a whole new appeal, kids! Don’t blanche when you hear talk about Jewish-Christian unity and charity and brotherhood. Jerry Falwell was right! By God, I think they are Chosen! ZOG’s got the zing and the spring in its step, trying to revive and resurrect itself all over again like a matzah-loving phoenix from the ashes of disrepute. ZOG loves ya! It wants to stop those nasty Muslims from hurting you, from maiming you, even though ZOG doesn’t mention that ZOG is the main reason the Arabs are so ill-tempered lately. The Jewish groups all pipe up at once “After all, isn’t the happiness of two peoples at stake here?” Thank you, ZOG!

And come on, you nasty anti-Semitic white liberationist supremacists, a lot of ZOGites are turning into “conservatives” and supporting America against the “secular pointy-headed Left” in the universities. ZOG’s on our side, and the only other side is with the dirty Muslim “Protocols-of-Zion”-loving suiciders. You are either with us or against us, our benevolent President warns the world, meaning it’s us (US) and brave and courageous and “democratic” little tiny sweet Israel against the whole planet of “democracy-haters”, isn’t it? Those Jews are becoming patriots for heaven’s sake! I mean, look, they control the conservative movement now, so they must have seen the light, must have thrown out all their spare copies of Das Kapital and started listening to reason.

Don’t you dare question ZOG, you blood-libeling anti-Zionists! And it’s no big deal that the “conservative” movement now has a big “NEO” attached to the front of it and American foreign policy is written in Tel Aviv by the Likud Party. That’s a minor issue.

Can’t you be fair and civil and realize that Jews deserve to run the “conservative” movement? So who even cares that all the “conservative” magazines and newspapers are agitating for open borders and amnesty? This country is too white as it is. All those cumbersome whites make it too inconvenient for ZOG to run things smoothly. Those European-American speed bumps in the road slow things down too much and cause the ZOGites to ding up all those new Mercedes luxury cars they own.

You benighted boys and girls need to brighten up and realize “that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” and “in a most delightful way!” too. Turn that frown upside down, you little bastards and stop that pouting! ZOG is back, energized like a geriatric on steroids, ready to take on new challenges and new inconvenient human beings that might need eliminating for ZOG’s profit. But don’t worry about that, everybody. It will be done with a nice silky-smooth velvet glove and some Goy to clean up the spillage from the wet work. After all, ZOG’s got a zing, a zest, and a whole slew of new ways to fool the foolhardy and idealize the less than perfect scenario they have planned for you. You just need to learn to let go, lighten up and enjoy that self-hugging suit you’ll be wearing.

Introduction to How the Jews Destroyed America

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:06 am

Author’s note: This is the introduction to a book I have begun writing called How the Jews Destroyed America, which is essentially a work in progress. The few chapters I have been working on have not been properly organized to my satisfaction as of yet, or at least have not been organized in a way convivial to my perfectionist sensibilities. But enjoy this intro nonetheless.

-Patrick Grimm


To criticize Jews in the climate of 21st century political correctness is considered the gravest of sins. To dare to suggest that Jews in America could possess anything but virtue, wisdom and kindness can place any individual, no matter how renowned or reputable, outside the company of decent men. The terms “anti-Semite” and “neo-Nazi” are brandished like light and easy weapons, by both Jews and Gentiles alike when any person dares to bring up any negative facet of Jewish behavior in American public life. The particular issue, whatever its merits or demerits, is never debated. It is only the character of the individual, his hidden motives, his latent bigotry and his supposed dark, anti-Semitic heart that is mentioned.

This was not always the case. Even as late as the 1940s, during the time of the Roosevelt administration, famed and much-lauded aviator Charles Lindbergh, probably one of the most respected men in the United States at the time, dared to criticize the power of organized Jewry in America. Lindbergh warned:

“It is not difficult to understand why Jewish people desire the overthrow of Nazi Germany. The persecution they suffered in Germany would be sufficient to make bitter enemies of any race. No person with a sense of the dignity of mankind can condone the persecution the Jewish race suffered in Germany. But no person of honesty and vision can look on their pro-war policy here today without seeing the dangers involved in such a policy, both for us and for them.

Instead of agitating for war the Jewish groups in this country should be opposing it in every possible way, for they will be among the first to feel its consequences. Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength. History shows that it cannot survive war and devastation. A few farsighted Jewish people realize this and stand opposed to intervention. But the majority still do not. Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government.” [Cole 1953, p 144] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Committee

The thought of any individual, whether a politician, pundit, columnist or even an average citizen speaking this frankly today is almost unthinkable. To insinuate that Jewish power and Jewish influence could ever be animated by anything but angelic and pure motives and agendas will instantly bring about the inevitable demise of one’s career, reputation and the blackening of one’s good name. Any American who even thinks that perhaps the hegemony of Jews in our cultural elite could be a negative phenomenon has that thought promptly stricken from his head with an endless barrage of propaganda, whether it be the History Channel’s endless revisiting of the German concentration camps, the brow-beating the Anti-Defamation League gives any opponent of its agenda, or the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee’s endless cries about Arabs “driving the Jews into the sea.”

We have been conditioned, much like Pavlov conditioned his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell‘s tinkling. Any negative word about Jews, whether individually or collectively, will bring the knee-jerk cry of “anti-Semite! from the nearest Gentile. We have been conditioned first and foremost to see Jews as always innocuous and eternally victims of unreasoning, unthinking anti-Semitic hatred and vitriol, whether from Gentile white supremacists, anti-Zionist Israel-bashers, terrorist bomb-welding Arab Islamists or even so-called “self-hating Jews” who dare to stand against the Zionist establishment and condemn the Jewish state.

To add even more confusion to an already convoluted situation, most evangelical Christians, those who in centuries past were a bulwark against societal decay, have been led astray by leadership compromised, politically and sometimes morally, by a strange collusion with political Zionism. Whether it be televangelist John Hagee’s obeisance to the Talmudic leadership of Israel’s Likud Party with his “Night To Honor Israel” at his Cornerstone Church in Texas or the Reverend Jerry Falwell’s accepting of a Lear jet as a gift from Menachim Begin, we see a dearth of leadership in the church.

The point of this book is very simple. Without maligning all persons of Jewish ancestry or descent, I maintain that many of the criticisms leveled at the Jewish establishment are not only accurate, but do not go far enough. Organized Jewry is a worldwide phenomenon that extends its tentacles into most of the countries of Europe. However, for the sake of brevity and to avoid broadening the scope of this book to an inordinate degree, I will focus attention almost entirely on the American Jewish establishment. I will attempt to convey to the reader that Jewish control of the United States has brought mostly disaster for this country. In so many ways, which I will expound on later, this control will, if not curtailed and reversed, bring about the total destruction of America. Those critics of this power, excluding of course fringe conspiracists and those motivated by simple hatred and malice, have attempted to piece together the facets of Jewish control which have been so pernicious to this nation. These individuals will also be addressed and their quotes analyzed on their own terms, without the ad hominem lack of objectivity so often missing in our media and television-saturated culture.

For the lay reader picking this book up out of sheer curiosity, I would simply advise an open mind. You may feel that I am out of line for entitling a book How the Jews Destroyed America and feel that it is something akin to the old “blood libel” found in the literature of centuries past. I assure you that it is not, and that when I say “the Jews” I am not referring to every Jew in this country, but only to those in the Jewish leadership and those Jews which support them, financially, morally or otherwise. Sadly, that number is higher than you might think.

I will prove to you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that almost everything that is weakening America, compromising America and destroying America has been created, encouraged, abetted and funded by one group of people. That group is the Jews. If that pronouncement unsettles you, buckle your seat belt. This book is about to stretch your mind, challenge you, surprise you and even perhaps enrage you. I do not say this because I am a provocateur. I say this because I am a lover of truth, even truth that is uncomfortable, unpopular or politically incorrect. But as writer John Bryant once said “Don’t ask if I am an anti-Semite. Only ask if I am right.”

-Patrick Grimm

Foxman Tries To Outfox Christians

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:28 am

By Patrick Grimm

Below is a very interesting article that I will let you read before I throw out some commentary:

ROME (AP) - Several hundred people rallied Wednesday to demand an end to what they said was the persecution of Christians in the Middle East that has forced thousands to flee the region.

The demonstration was the brainchild of Magdi Allam, Italy’s leading Islamic commentator. It was endorsed by several top Vatican officials and follows recent comments by Pope Benedict XVI.

“We cannot remain silent before a tragedy that affects millions of people,” Allam told the crowd gathered in a central Rome piazza. “The systematic persecution of Christians in the Middle East is a human rights violation.”

The “Save the Christians” rally drew top Italian officials, including former Premier Silvio Berlusconi, as well as Jewish officials, including Abraham Foxman, U.S. director of the Anti-Defamation League.

“I stand here tonight as an American Jew and as a survivor of the Holocaust to say to you that ‘never again’ was a pledge that the Jewish people learned with great pain and sadness,” he said. “But ‘never again’ is not limited to Jewish pain and suffering. ‘Never again’ is an imperative whether they’re Jewish, Muslims or Christians.”

“I pledge to you that our voices will be heard whenever Christians are discriminated against,” he said.

Benedict has become more outspoken about the plight of Christians in the Middle East, decrying the killing and kidnapping of priests and lamenting that thousands of Christians have been forced to flee the region because of persecution and security fears.

He raised his concerns about the plight of Christians in Iraq during his audience with U.S. President Bush on June 9. In Iraq alone, as many as 50 percent of the country’s Christians may have left the country, according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a federal monitoring and advisory group.

In the Holy Land, some estimates say the native Palestinian Christian population has dipped below 2 percent in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Arab East Jerusalem, down from at least 15 percent in 1950. [1]

Now isn’t it the most adorable and sweetest thing to see Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League, his heart bleeding all over his sleeve about the plight of Christians in the Middle East? It warms my heart to know that Foxman has concern, real altruistic concern for the Christian victims of abuse, violence, harassment and discrimination in the Mid East region. Ol’ Abraham, like the biblical patriarch whose name he carries, is finally ready to stand up against anti-Christian injustice and bigotry.

If only this were true, but guess what? I’m not buying one lousy bit of Foxman’s love-fest directed at the worldwide Christian community, and I’ll tell you exactly why. It’s quite simple, and it’s so patently obvious what Foxman’s sudden “change of heart” is all about. This ADL front man understands one thing very clear. He comprehends the need for style, even when no substance is to be found. He gleans, probably from a swift perusal of the internet, that the truth about Jews and Zionism and Israeli criminal capers is being rapidly, and often energetically exposed by patriots, truth-seekers and those ordinary souls who are just now beginning to piece the whole agenda together, frequently with trepidation and often with fear.

But Abraham and the smart boys at B’nai B’rith think that the Goyim are veering perilously close to being brain-dead. If Foxman can throw a sop to the Zio-idiots in the evangelical movement and thinks that they will go for it, then this says much about his mendacity and propensity for deceit (and this man is devilishly deceptive) and it also shows abundantly how gullible the Judaized Christian church sheeple really are (here is the church and here is the steeple, open the door and there’s a whole lot of Judeo-conned sheeple) or have become under decades of Jewish mind-melding.

Let me tell you plainly why this whole kosher Christian-hugging charade is a cheap, but profitable fraud. The first reason that we can read the word ‘fraudulent’ written all over this little rhapsody of Foxman’s is very elementary, so elementary in fact, that even many of the Christian Zionists visiting this blog may be able to put two and two together and still come up with four. Here it is: The thing forgotten in all this is that the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith is, at least in democratic and relatively free countries, the biggest persecutor of Christians and the most powerful usurper of religious freedoms and rights for Christian people. The perfidy and duplicity is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Here is one of their most basic and most base attacks on Christians and the Christian religion. Allow me a quote if you will. Read this and understand its implications:

“The ADL, a premier Jewish lobby now in bed with the FBI, the Israeli Mossad, and other Big Brother groups, is only one of the many Jewish lobby organizations targeting the New Testament. Abraham Foxman, the director of the sinister ADL, suggests in his book, Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, that the New Testament, because it accuses the Jews of guilt in the crucifixion of Jesus, is responsible for six million Jews dying in the holocaust during World War II.

In our most recent newsletter, Abe Foxman, head of the Jewish ADL, was quoted as saying, ‘The New Testament is a lying, hateful, hurtful book, ultimately responsible for the deaths of six million Jews in World War II.’

While this same quote was printed by several other sources, including internet websites, as it turns out, Foxman did not say these exact words and, therefore, this statement should not have been in quotation marks. We apologize and are pleased to clarify what Foxman actually did say.

In his anti-Christian book, Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, Foxman does, indeed, indict the New Testament as leading to the mass murders and pogroms of Jews. He also suggests that the New Testament and its Christian teachings could lead to yet another wave of anti-Semitism and persecution of the Jews. Foxman asserts further, that scholars ‘have traced a direct line from ancient Christian teachings on Jews and Judaism to the death camps of Hitler.’

From these statements, we can easily discern, then, that the ADL’s Foxman does ascribe to the outrageous view that the New Testament and its Gospels are responsible for the alleged death camps of the holocaust. We are pleased to correct the misquote as originally printed, but Power of Prophecy continues to decry the clearly anti-Christian allegations of Foxman and associates.” [2]

So before you make a leap in both logic and common sense, believing that this Jewish leopard (Foxman) has changed its Talmudic spots, perhaps it would behoove you to look closely at what the ADL really thinks about the New Testament, which is the lifeblood of Christianity and forms the centerpiece of all Christian scholarship, exegesis and worship. Without the New Testament in general, and the four Gospels in particular, there would be no Christianity. But Foxman and his Jewish henchmen honestly believe the Christian scriptures to be almost akin to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, if not in tone, then at least in the consequences of its teachings.

But Foxman stands before both Christians and moderate Muslims and makes like a good Method actor, probably for the moment actually internalizing his own lies for the cameras and the newspaper reporters in attendance. What a scam and a sham, but nothing new for this chameleon Mammonite charlatan whose only gods are power and profit and private jets.

We must also not forget that the ADL, with Foxman at its helm, has been on the front lines of ripping away every last remnant of Christian symbols, religious heritage and culture from America’s landscape, and they have been at this dirty work for decades of dishonorable disservice. This would be bad enough, but B’nai B’rith and the Jewish minions who serve and prostrate themselves before its diabolically anti-Christian ideology are also working to quiet the tongues of Christians in a supposedly free nation such as this one. How are they doing this? They are doing it through the power of Big Government, which is now in the pocket of Big Jewry, which is now in the service of Big Liberalism. The ADL is pushing a bill, a piece of legislation covertly, called H.R. 1592 which could actually result in Christians, both ministers and laypersons, being fined or imprisoned for teaching biblical views on homosexuality or other practices of which the Bible clearly calls ‘sin.’

Ted Pike, one of the last Christian evangelical truth-tellers left in America, asks a foreboding question:

“If H.R. 1592 is ratified, how will its inquisition against Christians begin? It will probably follow the pattern of our northern neighbor since 1971. In Canada, the individuals least likely to merit public favor were indicted first. Holocaust reductionists (who question the accuracy of the 6 million figure of Jewish dead during WW II and whether gas chambers were primarily responsible for loss of Jewish life) were the primary victims of ADL’s federal hate bill, The Canadian Human Rights Act. Canadians of a vulgarly anti-Semitic, racist, or bigoted mentality were also arraigned first. ADL indicted when its victims wouldn’t be supported by public opinion.

But in the United States, as in Canada, hate crime legal precedents will quickly add up, enabling ADL to pursue their ultimate quarry: evangelicals. Within a few years, like wolves savaging a flock of sheep, ADL-instructed prosecutors will repeatedly indict Christian pastors, activists, publishers, educators and broadcasters. Christians will be charged with aiding, abetting or counseling those who verbally ‘intimidate’ homosexuals away from their ‘natural’ preferences. As with Austria’s conviction of WW II historian David Irving, it will not matter whether Christians have stopped criticizing homosexuality. Even decades-old statements will be dredged up, ex post facto, and held against them.” [3]

This is the horrifying reality of the unquenchable thirst Talmudic Jews have for the decimation of Christians, using the full weight of the federal bureaucracy against Gentile American citizens. It goes along merrily, part and parcel, with their quest for complete and utter world domination. How can they achieve such a far-sighted and self-aggrandizing objective? Simple. They will put their biggest rivals out of business by making criminals of them. This is what Abraham Foxman and almost every lavishly funded interest group behind Big Jewry longs to do. If Foxman wants to wax empathetic over the persecution of Christians, then perhaps he should start by taking a gander at his own repugnant reflection in the mirror.

But no, the chicanery continues to pour forth from Big Jewry like a broken drain pipe, splashing all of us with its swillish consistency. The attacks from organized Jewish crime fronts against their religious adversaries have only been ramped up to a louder and more obnoxious level in the last few years. Who can forget the brouhaha over something as innocuous as a movie based on the four Gospels? Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ was lambasted and raked over the coals by countless media Jews in 2004 for its supposed “anti-Semitism” and “blood libel” implications. It seems as if Gibson couldn’t have been attacked any more harshly if he had called for pogroms against America’s Jewish community.

Who was leading the charge of anti-Christian hatred, sounding a clarion call of bigotry and intolerance against the evangelical backers of the film? Why it was none other than Abe Foxman and the ADL and all the Jews in the media who lip-sync to their lies on a regular basis. Foxman and others attempted to insinuate that The Passion of the Christ, which they would not absolutely bludgeon as “anti-Semitic”, was instead merely a tool that could increase violence and intolerance toward Jews.

Considering Foxman’s Talmudic disdain for the New Testament of the Bible, it is not surprising that he would hold such a position. The leftist Jewish media went along to string along once again and released ominous op-eds and hysterical polemical shrillness cautioning that the film could promote a new wave of anti-Jewish activity throughout the world. None of their warnings bore fruit, of course, and I’m sure that Foxman and company were disappointed that at least a few Jews were not killed, at least a large enough number to justify the ADL tearfully begging and pleading for more money to fill their overflowing coffers and fight a supposed scourge of revived “anti-Semitism.”

The Bible warns us to beware of false prophets. This is an apt warning, especially when it is applied to the Talmudically-oriented prophets and pawnbrokers who make up a large chunk of the Jewish community, especially in the upper echelons of power. This is why, at the end of the day and at the end of Foxman’s farcical flight of fantastical fibbing inflicted on the good folks at the “Save the Christians” rally in Rome, we must remember to keep our eye on the Big Lie and the Big Liars. The Liar-In-Chief of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith is Abraham Foxman and the Jews who enable him and give him money to carry on his evil works. Foxman has made a career out of evil deeds, evil words, evil attacks and diabolically evil lies. The ADL is an organization founded on evil, having first gained prominence by helping to get a guilty Jewish rapist sprung from jail using their underhanded influence and not a small amount of double-dealing.

I say this plainly and starkly to those reading this, ready and willing once more to give the Jews the benefit of the doubt. Read the facts. Take a hard look at the persons, groups and organized interests who are invested in your demise. Standing at the forefront of this effort and on the cutting edge of criminality and collusion you will find a well-heeled Foxman, smug, smirking and smilingly smarmy as he dances a dastardly Jewish jig in the shed blood of your saints.

[1] http://www.federalnewsradio.com/index.php?nid=82&sid=1181314
[2] http://just-another-inside-job.blogspot.com/2007/04/jews-new-testament-is-anti-semitic.html
[3] http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/federalhatebillpersecuteyou.html

July 7, 2007

Google Blog Technical Problems

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:17 pm

There seem to be some serious problems with the Google blogs. Two days ago, it was taking two hours for posts to appear. Now it has become impossible to use the title headings on the posts, therefore not allowing others to link articles. Hopefully, these glitches will be corrected, but I am not optimistic that it will be done with due speed or diligence.

Are there any other blogs, particularly anti-Zionist blogs, who are experiencing these same difficulties? I only hope that this is a technical problem and not something intentionally inflicted on political dissidents by the Zionist owners of Google themselves. Time will tell.

Patrick Grimm

July 5, 2007

Dunce Caps and Jew Tubes

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 7:50 pm

By Patrick Grimm

A recent MSNBC (notice: Jewish-run media outlet) article “kindly” informs us that there seems to be a frightening amount of ignorance in the American populace about foreign policy, Middle Eastern affairs and other goings-on. The article tells us “For our What You Need to Know Now cover story, we asked our polling firm to test 1,001 adults on a variety of topics, including politics, foreign affairs, business, technology and popular culture. The results were mixed, to be charitible. NEWSWEEK’s first What You Need to Know Poll found many gaps in America’s knowledge—including a lingering misperception about an Iraqi connection to the September 11 terror attacks, an inability to name key figures in the American government and general cultural confusion.

Even today, more than four years into the war in Iraq, as many as four in 10 Americans (41 percent) still believe Saddam Hussein’s regime was directly involved in financing, planning or carrying out the terrorist attacks on 9/11, even though no evidence has surfaced to support a connection. A majority of Americans were similarly unable to pick Saudi Arabia in a multiple-choice question about the country where most of the 9/11 hijackers were born. Just 43 percent got it right—and a full 20 percent thought most came from Iraq.” [1]

Well no kidding! What the article, which you can read if you so desire right here, fails to mention is that the dearth of American knowledge is mainly due to the one-sided, slanted and pro-Zionist organs of media run by Jews who delight in Gentile ignorance, as well as Gentile apathy, especially if the Gentile is a white person. If you are a newcomer and don’t believe that Jews run the entire American media, I suggest that you hurry here and rapidly inform yourself. The article I just referred to is even entitled Dunce-Cap Nation and I believe that this is an appropriate and fitting name for the United States of America, or at least a majority of its citizens. But if there were truly a concern over the lack of fundamental knowledge among Americans, why couldn’t the print and TV media work on ameliorating this deficit? Why? Mainly because they delight in it. They want a nation-state full of people who are like “a little lamb lost in the wood” as Gershwin phrased it in the standard sung so beautifully by Sinatra called “Someone To Watch Over Me”.

The Jews are the people who run the show, literally, when it comes to television and the only way to overturn the effects of a “dunce-cap nation” is for the people broadcasting the news not to be the same people who are collapsing the nation and helping it to be so dumb. Not that many Gentiles help the problem either, what with the lackadaisical lack of curiosity among so many of the Goyim, especially the younger ones. But we will never find out the truth of who (Jews) got us into Iraq and are trying to get us into Iran (Jews) from the controlled media of Big Jewry. We won’t find out a lot of other things either, like the fact that Jews, mostly Israeli Jews, run the Ecstasy drug trade that is flooding America with a deluge of brain-addling pills. Don’t count on the Jewsmedia for that, but you can read about it here.

To sum it up, a “dunce-cap nation” and a picture tube powered by Jews (Jew tube) are as inseparable as Laurel and Hardy. The two waltz hand in hand down a primrose path of stupidity and inane prattle about frivolities. Why do you think you hear nothing about Israeli crimes, Jewish drugs, Jewish white sex slave traders, Jewish child pornography rings and snuff films, yet you are bombarded with a breaking story every time Paris Hilton vomits on her shoes at a celebrity soiree or forgets to leave home without her herpes medication? It is because of this type of hyperbole-celebritytrash-journalism that blogs like this one and many others are growing in popularity. There are a few of us not content to live in a “dunce-cap nation”, a Jewish mental slave state where we are denied the truth and are told fairy tales to placate us like children.

The strange and newest phenomenon that we are witnessing now would almost be amusing, at least in some sick carnival sense, if it weren’t so pathetic. The Jewsmedia is now trying to completely turn the tables. Those of us who do know the truth of their power are now the ones whom they are trying to force the dunce caps onto. With all their characteristic chutzpah that they pride themselves on, they are flailing and babbling as the truth leaks out, attempting to wrestle a dunce cap onto the heads of the truth-seekers and truth-speakers, planting that sharp and pointy head ornament, which appears even more aesthetically stupid than a yarmulke, onto our craniums.

The rest of our Goyim “classmates”, who are drooling and unintelligible and philo-Semitized, are then supposed to laugh and cackle on cue at our supposed “ignorance” and “anti-Semitism” and implacable “hatred” of the Jews. Oddly enough, this strategy doesn’t seem to be working as well as the Jews had longed for it to. People are leaving the “Goyim pen”, departing from the sheeple herd, racing out of the “brainwashing classroom” without a restroom pass, one by one, many of them sensing that something is wrong with our culture and our world, and now wanting to find out exactly what is askew and wonky.

So turn that Jew tube off, remove that dunce cap and toss it in the Hebraic garbage. Join the family of the informed, the empowered and the flat-out enraged. Jewish lies are out, the whole truth is in and the frightened arbiters of what we can and cannot know are so scared that they will ramp the propaganda up to a loud and tone-deaf degree that will only cause more Americans to shut it off and think for themselves. I say good for them. As we move from an informational monopoly to an informational free market, things will only grow worse for the Jewish folk who try to jockey for more control over our minds. They won’t succeed and they can’t succeed. In fact, they are failing miserably as we speak.

[1] http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19390791/site/newsweek/

July 4, 2007

No Thanks To the Cranks

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 4:21 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The prolific internet writer, author, activist and MENSA maverick John “Birdman” Bryant informs us that “The genuine crank is the one who refuses to debate his opponents, who arrogantly dismisses their arguments and denies their credibility, who approves of the suppresson of opinion different from his own, who typically appeals to authority or consensus rather than to facts and logic, whose emotional temperature rises noticeably in the presence of embarrassing counter-arguments, and, above all, who typically labels his opponents as ‘cranks’. In contrast, the genuine truth seeker is one who is eager for debate, who is courteous to his opponents, who remains calm in the face of counter-arguments, who does not seek to silence anyone, and above all who does not describe his opponents with epithets, particularly including ‘crank’, altho their behavior may strongly suggest the aptness of the description.”

Once again the Birdman is deadly accurate in his analysis of the nature of the debate over Zionism, Jews, race, multiculturalism and many other issues that the Hebraic as well as Goyish Left does not wish us to touch, at least not publicly where minds might potentially be changed and transformed. The true handicapping effect of “cranks” is the simple fact that they make honest and cogent dialogue on all the aforementioned topics for all practical purposes, impossible. But this is their intention, for they have no love of truth. In fact they loathe the truth as much as they cherish the Big Lies they that spout, frequently, unashamedly, and to their verbal discredit, quite prosaically as well.

But on this 4th of July, I say that we must declare our Independence anew, not just from Zionism, Jewish influence and politically correct mind control, but from the cranks among us too. These individuals are like rats in an alley. Once the light of the truth and the facts is shone upon their verminous nature, they will scurry and run.

The cranks are always cowards, cowards who are not only afraid of truth-telling, an open society and unfettered freedom of the brand espoused by the Founders, but they are afraid of themselves. I assert that they are more frightened and cowed by themselves than anything else. Why? They are spooked by themselves for the very reason that their minds are full of doubts, mental doubting self-suggestions that their whole worldview, their whole milieu of knowledge, or what they think they know, is a house of cards built on brittle foundations of half-truths, lies and deception. Many of them know in their hearts that this is the case. This is why they are cranks in the first place and are so bellicose, belligerent and apt to resort to berating their opponents at the drop of a hat. I have thought for many years that most of the individuals on the Left, especially the Jewish Left, know that their ideas are wrong, that their theories and silly surmises are shoddy and flimsily slapped together like a cheaply constructed house in the projects.

But the cranks cannot let go of these sacred cows and all of the concomitant vaunted vapidness that follow along with them in train. Why? Because the crank’s whole view of himself is literally at stake. To give up misnomered silly phraseologies like so-called “social justice”, “racial justice” and things like “social democracy” would remove the crank from the ranks of the “enlightened”, the “progressive” and the “tolerant” and “diverse”. Essentially it would place the crank in the same position as the rest of humanity. He would be just another person with limited knowledge, limited ability and a limited capacity to affect whatever leftist changes he desires. To those of the crank brigade, this is a fate worse than death.

It is for this very reason that the Left will never accept “common sense solutions.” The very commonality of these solutions or the commonness of common sense automatically disqualifies them from possibly being accepted by those who believe themselves to be more compassionate, all-knowing and superhumanly concerned than the rest of us, whom they look upon as mere peasants. This especially applies to liberal Jews, who already begin with a sense of “Chosenness” and thus become doubly “Chosen” when they take up the many mantles of modern liberalism.

This is also why so many ideas from the Left never seem to make much sense. They can’t make sense because they are supposed to be “progressive”, discarding and jettisoning the storehouse of wisdom and intellectual enlightenment that truly wise people understand must be culled from the past. The Birdman, in his quote, has the categories just right, and the crank can always be singled out by his own stubborn churlish and boorish refusal to debate. Debate does not concern him in the least. Maintaining his inflexible faith in his own moral superiority is his sole aim. Nothing else matters and nothing else ever will matter to the crank. This is what makes the cranks among us both dangerous and harmless. They pose a danger when they try to impose their ideology through the machinations of government, but are actually as harmless as a fly when forced to defend their ideology in a completely open and unbiased forum. We can both thank the crank for his transparent intellectual bankruptcy while not failing to beware of the hazards awaiting us when a fool takes up what he believes to be a “righteous cause.”

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