Zionist Watch: The Writings of Patrick Grimm

February 28, 2008

Zionist Watch Celebrates One Year Anniversary

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 1:10 pm


By Patrick Grimm

It’s hard for me to believe it has been exactly one year today since Zionist Watch began, since I decided to place my fingers upon a keyboard and start composing my sometimes overly verbose writing projects, essays, articles and more than a few rants. Now 365 days down the track, I must say that the work of railing against and exposing the hypocrisies and daily outrages of Jewish extremism and international Zionism has become one of the grandest joys of my life.

Thanks to many great writers, books, websites and web logs which have influenced my thinking and shaped my approach to the Jewish Question, I am now equipped to tackle the conundrum of this alien ethnic radicalism in my own unique style and with an approach that I hope (but do not presume) the reader finds fresh, hard-hitting and iconoclastic. There are many other authors, intellectuals and ideologues of both left and right who are more educated in this most forbidden of all areas of inquiry. They have been my guides and my unofficial mentors in this journey of free thought. I dare not list them all, but I thank them unreservedly, for many of these individuals know who they are.

To my delight, my work has been well-received across the internet and is now posted in a wide swath of different places. I have received e-mails from people of every station, political perspective and religious faith who now frequent Zionist Watch. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Arabs and even a few non-supremacist Jews have corresponded with me and thanked me for my efforts. Without their encouragement, I might not still be writing with the energy I currently possess.

In August of 2007, Zionist Watch was yanked from Google Blogspot after pressure and haranguing from Jewish extremists not at all happy about its truth-telling agenda and its pro-European-American, pro-freedom, anti-Zionist, anti-war and anti-supremacist message. But unbeknownst to these particular Jews, they did me a great favor. Since moving my operation to WordPress I have grown by leaps and bounds, though I hope to grow even larger in 2008, expanding and refining my craft.

If I have learned one thing since joining the anti-Zionist movement, it is this. You cannot be all things to all people, but you can certainly make a good go at it! I have strived to write for everyone at some point or another.

Often I write for the choir and only attempt to spur them on to further unearth, trumpet and expose to the public the greatest hazard to freedom on planet earth, the force of Jewish extremism. These are the inflammatory pieces, what some opponents have dubbed “screeds”, and these adversaries are often correct with this classification.

Other times I will try to comprise something softer, less heated as I “turn down the volume” for the novice just venturing naively, or only minimally enlightened, into the orbit of the “Query of Jewry”.

Both of these clusters of people do not require the same reading materials, at least in my opinion. The first cluster needs energizing and a rousing to action, someone to shake the fog of apathy from their brains. The second cluster needs to take a few baby steps in understanding and to give them a small primer discussing the rudiments of our crisis is essential. The main goal should be firing up the first group and then transforming the second group into a superior version of the first group. It’s a tall order, but not impossible.

Today I am celebrating the one year anniversary of Zionist Watch with optimism in my heart. I am proud to be just a cog in the revolutionary movement for freedom that is taking place in every nation and among every race and people. All of humankind is yawning and hazy from its somnambulistic stumble down the path to one-world Jewish government, a Talmudic empire long ago foretold by the hateful Levite separatists. We are only now awakening, and we must, as T-Bone Burnett sang “Keep on shakin’ till we shake ourselves loose.”

We shall know freedom and the yoke of Zionism and Jewish supremacy shall be broken forever. That yoke will be thrown off of our backs and off of our nations and states. It will be thrown off of our families and children, and off of our schools and communities. It will be thrown off of our media and our information, off of our governments and our leaders. It will at last, heaven be praised, be thrown off of every race and every destiny, never to confine, corrupt, imprison, poison, bankrupt or impoverish us again. It will no longer set one race against another, one nation against another or man against his own brother to oppose his own kith and kin. We, all people, every race, ethnicity, nation and religion will be liberated to breathe free of the monster that now collectively suffocates us all.

I can speak for no one else, but in this struggle for freedom, I will do my small part.


February 25, 2008

Jewish Hypocrisy on the Issue of Intermarriage

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:36 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Judaism and Zionism are both based on extreme ethnic supremacism. For those people not familiar with the tenets of Judaism and its political wing named Zionism, this is a reality that will become clearer once one starts reading the statements, books, articles and transcripts of lectures put out by mostly Zionist Jews, whether they be religious or non-religious. What makes the ethnocentrism of Jews so unique is how adamant it has proven to be when compared to the attitudes of other ethnicities. Jews, at least the politically and religiously aware ones, oppose the marriage of a Jew with a non-Jew (Gentile or Goy) in the most strident language possible. In fact, the religion of Judaism contains powerful prohibitions in its texts (the Torah and Talmud) against Jews mingling their blood with those who don’t share their Jewish heritage.

What makes these attitudes on the part of Jews odd is the fact that Jews have been the main supporters of and provided much of the funding for the civil rights movement in the United States. They were the prime movers in both the marches and the eventual legislation which saw the integration of white neighborhoods, restaurants and businesses. Those of European descent were forced by the weight of law and government power to allow blacks into all spheres of white America. By the 1960s, Hollywood films, all of them written and directed by Jews, were extolling the virtues of interracial relationships and even intermarriage between blacks and whites. By the 1970s, Jewish and liberal activists, with the help of a compliant media and court system had succeeded in getting miscegenation laws (laws prohibiting interracial unions) overturned in nearly every state.

Even an individual who is only marginally politically observant cannot help but notice that the media daily lauds the virtues of a multicultural, multiracial, integrated and diverse society. This media is overwhelmingly run by those of Jewish descent. Yet this same media also gives almost uniformly favorable press coverage to Israel, the only Jewish state in the entire world. Jews run the Israeli government and its schools and push legislation and educational curriculum that promotes Jewish solidarity, teaches Jewish history and pride in Jewish accomplishments. Israel is also a country that is strictly segregated, with Jews-only apartment buildings, settlements and businesses. In fact, there are laws on the books in Israel specifically prohibiting non-Jews from owning any media outlets.

While the Jewish-owned press in the United States continually lectures whites on the necessity of bringing more blacks into their neighborhoods, on the “immorality” of not renting to black tenets, while also telling our people that we should encourage our daughters to mate with and wed African-American men, they are silent about the realities of Jewish life in Israel. They are silent about the fact that Israel is the most rigidly segregated country on earth. While the media is promoting miscegenation in America, few people are aware that the world’s only Jewish state does not allow the marriage of a Jew and a non-Jew. It is not just frowned upon. It is actually illegal in Israel for a Jew and non-Jew (Gentile) to unite in marriage. Yet there is not a word of criticism in the American media. There are no editorials in American newspapers decrying Israel’s laws against intermarriage which are stricter even than the Nuremburg laws once touted by Nazi Germany. Yet white people are instructed by the very same Jewish Zionists who are silent about Israel’s discriminatory policies, to assimilate themselves with other races and to intermarry with them, thus losing their genetic heritage forever. Those who disagree with miscegenation are often called racists, bigots and potential closet KKK members, even if their reasoning is not based on hatred, but only on preserving their European lineage.

Every major Jewish organization in the United States including the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish National Fund and many others all have programs and position papers discouraging Jews from intermarrying with the non-Jewish populace. During George W. Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign, the media roundly condemned him for speaking at Bob Jones University, a fundamentalist Christian school that discourages interracial dating. After much negative coverage, Bush was finally forced to publicly condemn BJU’s “racism”. Strangely, the media had no criticism for the fact that both Bush and Al Gore gave numerous speeches to Jewish groups who had been denouncing all marriages between Jews and non-Jews for decades.

Lest you still think I exaggerate about Jewish attitudes regarding intermarriage or think them an anomaly amongst organized Jews, here is a rather lengthy excerpt from a prominent Jewish columnist named Esther Jungreis, who is a Rebetzin, or wife of a rabbi. Jungreis is often called “the Jewish Billy Graham” and speaks on Jewish issues around the globe. Jungreis is not a marginal Jew by any means. She is a long-time supporter of George W. Bush and even spoke at the Republican National Convention in support of his candidacy. She has an online column called Dear Rebetzen Jungreis, which is sort of a Dear Abby-style question and answer forum. Here is one letter she received on the issue of Jewish intermarriage:

Dear Rebbetzin Jungreis

I am in my second year of college and recently met a wonderful, intelligent, compassionate young man. I am very much in love with him. He is not Jewish, however, and this seems to be a “tragedy” to my parents. Rebbetzin, I just cannot understand it. My parents are not religious people. Their entire Judaism consists of buying High Holiday tickets once a year. They do not keep a kosher home, they do not observe any of the customs and traditions, and they never gave me a Jewish education. So how on earth can they censor me for wanting to marry this boy?

Believe me, Rebbetzin, my parents are no more Jewish than my boyfriend. He is a good hearted, kind individual, with all the characteristics of what my parents consider a “nice Jewish boy”. The real reason that my parents are opposed to him is because they are worried what people will say. They don’t really care about my happiness, but what others will say and how this will reflect on them.

I cannot see any difference between being Jewish or gentile, we are all created by God, and therefore we are all brothers. My parents never gave me a Jewish upbringing so why should I care?

I have reached the point where we are about to announce our engagement–unless you can show me a reason not to.

I have no respect for the hypocrisy around me.

Yours Sincerely,

Jewish in Name Only

Here is Mrs. Jungreis’ reply to this young Jewish woman who is conflicted about the love she feels for a non-Jewish man:

Dear Jewish in Name Only,

While it is true that your parents have failed to give you a Jewish education, their negligence does not exonerate you from YOUR responsibility, nor does it permit you to walk away from your people. There is no justification for abandoning your faith, your people or your God. Understand that by opting for intermarriage you are bringing your family’s Jewish existence to a close after thousands of years.

Nevertheless, I can comprehend your feelings of resentment at having been deprived of a Jewish education. Judaism has never been made meaningful to you….you have never been challenged by its majestic call. Therefore, it is understandable that you feel apathetic, if not hostile, to your faith. And so, under the circumstances it would not seem realistic to demand that you sacrifice the man you love for a religion which is unrelated to your life.

We must, however, confront the truth: you belong to a generation of American Jews who have been short-changed. Although you have been given every educational and material opportunity, you have been Jewishly deprived. You were raised in a spiritual wasteland….in a vacuum. Your contacts with Judaism have at best turned you off, and at worst, provoked you to disdain.

Whenever I visit a high school or college campus I am confronted by young Jews who are articulate in every subject but their own….Young Jews who are experts in investment banking, computers and the sciences….who are senstive to the nuances of music and who are at home in the arts and culture. Yet if confronted with the most elementary questions about spirituality, Jewish thought, the Bible or the Talmud–they remain totally inarticulate. We have become a people who suffer from amnesia; a people without a past, without a memory.

In order for you to comprehend the magnitude of your loss you must first gain some awareness of that which you once possessed. But you sadly lack this awareness. Therefore as I see it, the problem at hand is not so much to persuade you to give up this relationship, as it is to open your mind and your heart to your own glorious history and destiny. Once you comprehend this then forgoing intermarriage will be a natural byproduct of your newly gained insight, for it is impossible to be knowledgeable of Torah and at the same time remain impervious to its mystical call.

And so, my friend, while I can empathize with your apathetic state of mind, I cannot condone it, for YOU ARE A JEW, and you have a responsibility. Before you relinquish your heritage, before you give up the faith of your fathers and mothers, you owe it to yourself to discover your roots: to probe your history so that the decision you ultimately make will be one that is informed and intelligent rather than one based on ignorance and default.


Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

And so we see with this letter and the concomitant reply from this Jewish Rebbetzin the traditional historical attitude of most Jews to intermarriage, the same sort of intimate integration that their media outlets tell us will benefit our people. The hypocrisy rings out from the Zionist Jewish community, clear as a bell, revealing to us the many double standards that still exist. If any white person dared to publicly express the sentiments of Esther Jungreis he would be completely slandered by the Jewish-controlled media and the entire Zionist political machine would bring opprobrium and ridicule upon his head until a tearful apology and a recantation was the end result.

But that’s the way things work in America. The hypocrisy of political Jewry when it comes to intermarriage will not be exposed. In fact, it has never been discussed openly and candidly in any American media forum. Why is this the case? Why are the Esther Jungreises of this nation never called on the carpet for their hypocritical stances? The main reason is very elementary. He who controls information, controls all. He who controls information, eventually controls the thoughts and the focus of the multitude. Jewish media power and the domination of ethnocentric extremist Jews upon our press and publications is the only thing permitting this dichotomy, this blatant double standard to go unspoken and unnoted by the general public. It is also the reason why so many European-Americans have such a hard time understanding the elementary realities of the Jewish ethnic supremacist problem we currently face.




February 23, 2008

There Must Be 15 MORE Ways To Destroy Your Country: How the Jewish Supremacists Are STILL Wrecking America

By Patrick Grimm

The ways of Jewish supremacist treason, treachery and flimflam are a reality as cold and piercing as the point of a knife cutting at the heart of our society and its health, safety and potential for survival. They span out like an eternal unfurling drop-down list of wrongs, all undermining the non-Jew, the European-American and his place at the head of his own table. America’s greatest enemy is not radical Islam or fundamentalist Christianity, but the unspoken threat of Jewish supremacism, its Talmudic Jewish hatred of non-Jews and the political machinations, flair and money of international Zionism. How have they destroyed us in the past and how are they still launching unprovoked broadsides in the present against our freedoms, liberties and ability to resist the toxins they inject into the body politic?

Come, let us count the ways.

1. They have pushed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), all of which have served to hollow out America’s manufacturing base. The neo-conservative Jews (former Trotskyites) have substituted their enthusiasm for international Communism with a naïve or malevolent embracing of international capitalism, which is simply an inverted brand of Marxism. It is as utopian and pie-in-the-sky as anything concocted by the old Comintern they once cherished. Of course, these neo-cons care little for the impact that “free trade” policies have had on European-Americans whose jobs are being shipped away to China, Mexico and any other destination where the regulations are sparse and the pay for cheap labor even sparser. All of this “free market” fundamentalism has been the gospel read by many converts in the modern periodical Bibles of neo-conservatism, the Weekly Standard, the American Spectator, the Wall Street Journal and the National Review, all run by Zionist Jews.

2. They have made up the lion’s share of spies and traitors throughout American history. These spies include Harry Dexter White (a crypto-Jew), Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Harry Gold, Morton Sobel and Jonathan Pollard among many, many others.  All of these Jews have compromised American security by passing on our most guarded secrets to nations like the former Soviet Union, China and of course their favorite state, Israel. After the attacks of 9/11, Michael Chertoff, a Zionist Jew and dual citizen of Israel who is the head of Homeland Security, allowed over 100 Israeli spies who had failed lie detector tests and were suspected by the FBI, to leave the United States. They returned to Israel where they were forever out of the reach of American law enforcement. Since this time Jewish espionage has only been emboldened by our complacency and two officials from the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman have been indicted for passing along secret US documents to Israel.

3. They have accrued a king’s fortune and propagandized an entire generation with the new American religion of Holocaust, converting the masses with the evangelistic outreach of Holocaust films like Schindler’s List, The Diary of Anne Frank or The Pianist. Many Euro-Americans, thanks to these movies, now see the Jews as history’s “premier victims” who have been persecuted without cause, despite the fact that Jews run almost the entire Western media, steer and manipulate its foreign policy and pursue legislation designed to implement a genocide against white people the world over. Due to the lies, half-truths and exaggerated absurdities now attached to the events of the Second World War, Jews currently make up an untouchably holy upper crust, an overclass of elitists who demand absolute obeisance and the curtailment of the rights of non-Jews living within their host country, the United States.

4. They have led the media attack on the American white male, portraying him in TV commercials as a brain-dead buffoon, a cuckolded dunce and a predictable bumbler. He is only saved from his Mr. Magoo-like meanderings by his intelligent wife or a genial and golden-hearted minority, usually an African-American who is educated and amiable. On situation comedies and in Hollywood fare, the white male is either sex-starved and the butt of jokes and disrespect (Married With Children) or a liar, lecher and degenerate (American Beauty). These jaundiced portrayals are crafted by Jewish writers whose views are inimical to our heritage and hostile to our mores and traditional values.

5. They have infiltrated patriotic white nationalist movements, directing their focus away from our real enemy, the Eternal Jew, onto blacks, Mexicans and Muslims. Jewish partisans have even created faux neo-Nazi organizations all for the sole purpose of manufacturing a contrived climate of “hatred” and “intolerance.” For example, Frank Collins, a neo-Nazi who marched through a Jewish community in Skokie, Illinois, was revealed to be Frank Cohen, a crypto-Jew utilized by the Jewish-run American Civil Liberties Union. False flags are the way of Jews and Zionism and arm band-wearing walking stereotypes of National Socialists such as Bill White and others of his ilk who are showered with media attention should be treated with the greatest of suspicion, for many of them are infiltrators bought and paid for by the enemy.

6. They have purchased almost every last vestige of the American political machine and almost every politician with dirty Zionist dollars. At last count Jews provided around 60% of the funding for the neo-liberal and pro-Zionist Democrat Party and 40% of the funding for the neo-conservative and pro-Zionist Republican Party. There is not a single candidate for President, whether it be McCain, Huckabee, Clinton or Obama who is not in the pocket of Big Jewry, ready to dedicate more billions for Israel and fight more wars of conquest for the terroristic Middle East hegemon that is the paranoid Jewish state. If any politician defies the will of the Jews, he will be summarily crushed.

7. They have subverted countless Christian churches, most of which now serve Jewish ends. Rather than labeling modern Jewry as being “of their father, the Devil” as Christ did in the New Testament, most American ministers, especially the televised ones, wish Jews godspeed and shower them with worship, adulation and the moneys of their mindless flocks of sycophants. John Hagee, Pat Robertson, the late Jerry Falwell and other Jew-enablers have only quickened the demise of America and its once venerable Christian tradition by allying themselves with Christ-and-Christian-hating Jews out of fear and moral cowardice and now cheer on the fire-breathing theocrats in Israel who are attempting genocide on the Palestinian people.

8. They have turned the greatest justice system in the world into a universal laughingstock. Frivolous lawsuits, ambulance-chasing and class action suits are the sullied sustenance of Jewish bottom feeders who shop for grievances using TV advertisements. Have you ever noticed how almost every commercial for trial lawyers is generally an ad for a Jewish attorney or a Jewish law firm? Goldman, Feinberg, Nachman, Krasnow, Stein, Klein and other stereotypical names are always found in these ads. At last count, nearly 25% of judges in America were Jewish, though making up only 2% of the population and we now have two Jews on the Supreme Court, who are, not coincidentally, the most radically liberal and leftist on the bench. One of them, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, admits that in her “judicial activism” she follows the tenets of the Talmud. This is telling and is exactly what is wrong with American law and an American judicial process swarming with Jewish parasites.

9. They now control, with a few exceptions, the publishing industry of the United States. With this power they are free to publish and then heavily promote those books which abet their agenda and to ignore any volumes which offer criticism of Jewish extremism or the Israeli state’s hateful policies of displacement, war and death. Simon and Schuster, Random House, Basic Books, the Free Press, Viking and many others were either founded by Jews or later fell to the wrecking ball of Jewish hostile takeovers or a concerted and concentrated ethnic team effort of cooptation.

10. They are the chief movers and shakers in the fashion industry. These Jews have promoted a feminine ideal of sickness, bulimic purging and a female form resembling that of a pre-pubescent boy or a heroin addict. Jewish garment mogul Calvin Klein used adolescent models in his ads. They were photographed “in various stages of undress, poised to offer both sexual pleasures and the fantasy of sexual availability”. These pictures were rightly compared to child pornography. Hollywood celeb mags now tell young girls that Kate Moss thin is in and overt sexual exploration in the very young is normal and healthy. This has led to myriad health problems amongst teen girls and in some cases has even led to death. It has also led to sexual exploitation of children. As if this Jewish frontal assault on our European-American girls is not enough, the Jewish fashion industry is now promoting an anorexic and waifish look among young male fashion models as something hip and attractive.

11. They are the number one reason that America is despised and hated by large segments of the Muslim world. Many Muslims, whether moderate or radicalized, see America as a diseased and degenerate colony run by Jews (they are correct), a New Jerusalem of debauchery, an annex for the bandit Zionist state. They don’t want the pornographic filth that the Jewnited Snakes of America is disseminating around the globe. They don’t want to live under a usurious credit system run by the greedy Self-Chosen and they sure don’t want their daughters to be inundated with the sexual libertinism and permissiveness that Hollywood outre-peddlers count as normalcy.

12. They have drugged our talented and intelligent white children, especially boys who dare to behave in a masculine manner or who prove recalcitrant when pigeon-holed by a cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all educational system run by leftist bureaucrats and social engineers. It was a Jewish psychiatrist, Dr. Robert Spitzer who invented the sham diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). It used to be diagnosed as “boys will be boys” but no longer. No, any boy who could be a future liability for the one-worlder Jewish agenda must be chemically lobotomized until he is a brain-fried zombie. Creativity and manliness amongst our young males is being killed by Jewish ideologues who are quite content to have multitudes of drug-addled Goyim who are easier for them to contend with.

13. They have been the chief promoters of gun control in the United States, preferring a disarmed American population to an armed, confident and self-reliant one who exercises its Second Amendment freedoms. Jews like Charles Schumer, Howard Metzenbaum, Alan Dershowitz, Diane Feinstein, Arlen Specter and many others have been the pushers of legislation curtailing our rights to own firearms. Of course, these same Jews give a vivacious thumbs-up to the state of Israel, where any Jewish citizen can walk down the street carrying an AK-47 assault rifle or an Uzi submachine gun if he so desires. Jews see gun control as Goy control and like the Palestinians, who are not permitted to possess so much as a tiny handgun to protect themselves, Zionist Jewish supremacists want to be the only people holding the weaponry at the end of the day, a day when they will control everything, including the words allowed out of a non-Jew’s mouth.

14. They have been in charge of some of the biggest drug cartels in US history. Arnold Rothstein (Chicago Black Sox scandal) was the first major American drug dealer and he predated the eventual influx of the “Russian” (Jewish) Mafia into this country. Israeli networks and even many ultra-Orthodox “pious” Jews have been the prime players behind the growing American drug problem, garnering profits in the billions of dollars for the Tribe. Cocaine, heroin and the chic Ecstasy pills flooding into America are mostly arriving from Israel. Of course, mum’s the word from the kosher media, who seems only to focus on Italian gangsters and their small scale (when compared to Jews) criminality.

15. They have been the expeditors for, and the aiders and abbeters of a ludicrous, but strictly regimented dual morality, a jiggered juxtaposition of two contradictory standards of behavior, one for Jews and the other for European-Americans. For example, Jews tell us that “Israel must be preserved as a Jewish state” while clucking that “Calling the United States a white Christian country is racist, xenophobic and nativist.” Jews want monoculturalism for themselves and the slow drip IV suicide of multiculturalism for those of European heritage. Why? Because there is strength and purity of purpose for Jews and Jews alone in countries where non-whites are overtaking white majorities with high birthrates, while there is weakness and anomie for those said whites, who do not possess the tribal instinct the Jews have culled from constant minority status among the nations. Jewish dual morality is devious, shrewd and surreptitious in its sly and almost clandestine philosophy. You could even call it the Jewish Hypocritic Oath.

This list imparts to European-Americans only one thing. What does it impart? It gives us a distinguishable name for our pain. It is Jewish supremacism. Anything we can do to weaken and undermine its power, its scope and its influence is good for us. No liberty, no survival and no future awaits white America without its wholesale abolition, its complete and utter destruction. Are you, the European man or woman reading these words, willing to dislodge this hateful creature of international Jewry from atop your country where it sucks your blood and gains succor from the sweat of your brow and from the lucre raked in from the sicknesses it brings to your loved ones who have fallen victim to its media machine, its influence peddling and its catalogue of lies, disinformation and agitprop? We are losing, but there is still time to win. We do not as of yet require armed revolution. First we need consensus and consensus can only be achieved by telling our people the hard truths “polite society” pegs as verboten and tawdrily taboo. Do not be afraid to speak the truth and to reveal the hate that knows no boundaries. It is the hatred of Jewish supremacism and international Zionism. Disclose this terrible truth to the world!

For additional reading on these issues or to confirm anything on this list I would kindly suggest:

When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America

Jewish Supremacism - By David Duke

Defensive Racism - By Edgar J. Steele

The Controversy of Zion - By Douglas Reed

Recommended websites for the newcomer to this issue:






To read my previous article “There Must Be 15 Ways To Destroy Your Country: How the Jewish Supremacists Wrecked America” simply click here.



February 20, 2008

Beware the Power of the Jew [Condensed]

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:42 pm

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here is a condensed version of this widely disseminated short essay that touches on the commonality of all historical admonishments about Jewish power. It is condensed mainly because its value lies in the simple raising of the warning, a warning sounded throughout the annals of history, rather than in a rehashing of the “drop-down list” of Jewish crimes against our people, which have all been recounted elsewhere. Enjoy.

By Patrick Grimm 

All of history attests in one fulminating and tumultuous voice “Beware the power of the Jew!” Men strewn throughout the annals of time, men of every political persuasion, social standing, occupation, men unconnected by country or origin or class or creed or religion attest to one blaring and incontrovertible fact. They warn us, each in their own individualistic way, of the dangers of Jewish primacy, Jewish purse, Jewish power and Jewish prowess. They cannot afford to be ignored, for we discard their words at our own peril and at the risk of our own endangerment, indeed our own potential extinction. These great men, great for so many different and antithetic reasons, all knew one thing, and if they concurred or agreed on nothing else, they agreed on this. They boomed in their writings, in their speeches, in their orations, their words dripping with ominous and ill-boding truth “Beware the power of the Jew!”

What are the chances, the odds that so many disconnected men, scattered across an expansive globe, never having met each other, living centuries, sometimes millennia apart, could all attest to the same thing, and describe it often in terms, in phrases, in patterns that seem so similar, so eerily familiar. Some commentators, fools though they are, will try to describe this as simple “anti-Semitism” and this might be believed if these observations about the Jews had been noted in one, two or even merely three places. An anomaly, perhaps, if it were so isolated. But no, the statistical odds of these warnings occurring over and over and over, scattered like stones across the history of mankind, throughout his rise and evolution upon the globe, are billions to one. For all the warnings given were first-hand observances of the treachery of the Jews, their scheming, their unmitigated hatred for all of the Gentile world, their mighty strength of their united front, allied against the “Other” fiscally and often religiously, the vitriolic power of their Talmud or their Torah egging them on.

No, my friends, we must not shut out the lessons our forebears tried to teach. Before we take up our chains and call them jewelry, we must comprehend the height, length and breadth of Jewish historical crimes.

Cicero, Martin Luther, Ulysses Grant, Henry Ford, William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Richard Wagner, Charles Lindbergh, Voltaire, Thomas Aquinas, H.L. Mencken, Ezra Pound, Francis Bacon, Napoleon Bonaparte, Henry Adams and so many more men of renown all tried to forewarn humanity. They sounded the cry, they arose to divulge what they knew. But alas, we would not listen.

This is a lesson that history has tried to tattoo, stamp upon our minds, indelibly if we will so receive it. But we haven’t. Even now our minds have been dulled, our thoughts distracted and muddled, our warning signals stymied and crossed by propaganda. Our taboo-meters need to be shattered. The lesson just won’t take. It doesn’t register as the cautionary monitorial scream it still sounds like as it shrieks, begging us, for the sake of our countries, our children and our future to heed its exhortations. It admonishes, it entreats us to acknowledge the verisimilitude of its simplistic words, to guard ourselves, to inculcate its reality and inseminate its truth like a seed that will grow into a horror we must act upon. “Listen to me! I have but one lone axiom for you!” all of accumulated human history and human wisdom pleads. “Beware the power of the Jew!”


February 18, 2008

A Brief Lesson in Happy White Suicide

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:26 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Today we’re taking drowning lessons
And each time we accidentally swim
We reach out instinctively to grab the anvils
That the deathguard of Jewry throws us
And I suddenly realize with a frown
“We’re getting better at this!”


February 16, 2008

Hate and Endless Anathemas Upon All Our Goyim Heads

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:32 pm


By Patrick Grimm

hate.jpgEuropean-Americans, along with every other non-Jewish subset are under an assault from the Self-Chosen on a daily basis. As much as Jews try to pretend they subscribe to a “free to be you and me” type of multi-culti Kumbayah group-hugging Politics of Meaning, this is only a façade, a mugging for the cameras, to obscure the deep and abiding unspoken hate and endless anathemas they daily declare upon ALL of our Goyim heads. As an escapee from the Jewish prison cult of haughty, hooked-sixer-schnozzed personalities, Israel Shamir explains, Jews see non-Jews as “children of a lesser God.” In other words, we are throwaways, we are urchins and ratty ragamuffins.

Jew TV situation comedies make jokes about European-Americans as “goy toys”, things to be used for labor or quick flings that can be tossed away or treated as less than the Jew ubermensches. The moneymen funding these programs are not patriotic, flag-waving Americans. In fact, they loathe our European heritage, they spit on our traditions and the only country they would have any loyalty to at all is Israel. Of course, all those quips and cracks about “goy toys” are like a Yiddish loudspeaker call for kosher sex in the Unholy Land of brothels and Mogen David snuff films and kiddie pornos starring the Aryan unwashed. Rabbis, while taking a break from reading the Talmud, frequent whorehouses and get to gangbang a voluptuous goy that an Israeli slavemaster grabbed from the Ukraine or Russia.

Understand one thing. Jews have not been victimized more than non-Jews. They just own all the newspapers so that they are able to tell the world if one of their own gets a paper cut or nicks himself with a knife and blames it on a Muslim or spray-paints a swastika on a Jew’s headstone or leaves a ZOG on a Jew day center and pins it on the nearest white person, and God help that Caucasian if he is racially aware. But be that as it may, any anti-Jewish action will be blamed on the Other, always, even after it has been discovered to have been staged. Why? Hate. Endless anathemas.

The mere INJURY of two Israelis was front page news in the past week and hand-wringing and Jew-whines gushed from the neo-conservative websites (that means you, David Horowitz, you lying Jew shill for Zionist criminality), while the fact that thousands upon thousands of Palestinians are hanging on to existence by their fingertips in the world’s largest concentration camp. Yet this reality doesn’t quite get treated as gingerly as Jew-pain by the mafia who runs the media. In fact, if anyone but Israel was washing neighborhoods in raw sewage, shooting children and little babies point-blank through the head and bulldozing and firebombing the homes of political dissidents, it would be, in the jargon of Mediaspeak, a “humanitarian crisis.” But no, this is not the way things work. Jewish blood is valuable. Our blood is very, very cheap. Why? Again, hate. Endless anathemas.

The blacks now being used to wage a race war against European-Americans need to understand that they have become tools in a game run by the Master Manipulator, the Eternal Jew. Most black slums, liquor stores and instant cash outlets are owned and run by opportunistic Jews who are eager and Cheshire-grinning as they rub their hands together, chuckling under their breath as they exploit black misery, poverty, ignorance and lack of education. The Jews stir the pot of anti-white hatred to keep blacks mired deep in the slough of despondency that THEY (Jews) have helped to assemble for the African-American community. The Jew is no friend of ANY race, and the “helping hand” they give in selling blacks a stew of gangster rap music, violence and misogyny only enriches the Self-Chosen and only further pushes the cycle of hopelessness, illegitimacy and despair. African-Americans are now a broken shell of what they were fifty years ago, before Jew agitators and a Jew media that instructs them in the entitlement mentality came along to “assist” the darker-skinned “proletariat”. Blacks must stop “holding the hand that holds them down.” That hand is reaching from one tiny ethnocentric nexus and offers only death and decline as a gift. Why? Yep, you guessed it. Hate and endless anathemas.

Mestizos, Mexicans if you will, are now the latest group to be enveloped and enfolded by the slimy tentacles of the Jew political action groups, massaging and inking up everything in sight, yet always angling for a way to use minorities to spearhead anew the Jewish agenda of division, bigotry and social disintegration. After politicking to break the borders, groups such as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the ADL and the ACL-Jew are hurrying the influx of poorly educated Third Worlders into every white enclave that remains. These Jews are assured of the fact that their brethren in the mass media will not mention their role in this debacle and if the ire and rage of the American populace is stoked, it will be directed, not at the Jewish traitors in our midst, but instead at Mexicans. Furthermore, the Self-Chosen will get the added benefits of a further deracinated (de-European-Americanized) and diluted country that they can socially and economically rape with impunity for years to come. More hatred and more anathemas are on their way for the gaggles of Goyim.

The Goyim, all Goyim, need to wake the hell up from their slumber and learn that Judaism, Zionism and their Talmud-possessed enfant terribles with law degrees see us all as expendable. They don’t care if you live or die, as long as they can make a few bucks on the deal. The God of the Goyim is as sleepy, impotent and powerless as the demonic desert deity of the Jews is animated, virile and supreme in every sense of the word.

The truth is, these Jewish Master Manipulators hate us all, no matter our color, religion or national origin. They believe us to be Goyim, to be cattle and in a sense, they are correct. These Jews have had things their way for so long, with so little resistance, it is no wonder they are so brazen and emboldened. Those non-whites who have gone along with the Jewish deconstruction of white society, believing all the while that they would benefit from it in the long run, are either delusional or thoughtlessly brainwashed by an alien media. Once whites are only a tiny deballed remnant of what they once were, the Jews will then be free to completely enslave every other race, people and nation. They are only trying to neuter those of European descent first because historically we have been their greatest competitor and most able opponent and the only bulwark against their Messianic dreams which will devour every form of higher life if we so allow it.

If all of humanity, every race and nationality can band together and at last recognize that the enemy is–as it forever has been–the Eternal Jew, then we shall prevail. If we cannot, we will have proven ourselves as the throwaways, the urchins and the ratty ragamuffins the Jews already believe us to be.


February 14, 2008

Complete Separation: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:54 pm

“I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation was founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal. For over 1700 hundred years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But, gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only amongst themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty. If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.”

----  Benjamin Franklin

By Patrick Grimm

Again and again it can be reiterated and it probably needs to be. Jews, Zionist Jews in particular, are the most racially intolerant, mean-spirited haters on the face of the earth. If you don’t believe this FACT, go here and read a little something that might interest you. Of course, the media tries to bury this unambiguous reality, but simply dipping briefly into Jewish holy books, including the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (especially Deuteronomy) will explain to you all you need to know, buttressing the case for complete separation of the Jews from every other people everywhere on the planet. Jews have NEVER been content to live in peace with ANYONE in their long and disreputable history of theft, ritual murder, dividing and conquering and plundering and exploiting the money, labor and good will of all nations.

But being vampires–as Benjamin Franklin dubbed the Jews of his day–who were as rapacious as our own Zionist power mongers now scooping up all the wealth of the earth, it is imperative that Jews MUST be separated from us in total. They will not go willingly, because for all their negative talk of us as animals and refuse, they need non-Jews to do the grunt work that they refuse to do themselves. A cursory look at just the United States of America alone, and not even throwing in the damage they have inflicted all over the world, makes it clear that there will never be freedom for our people (or any other race) until Jews are driven from amongst us and forced to subsist on their own labor without their parasitical talons reaching into our pockets, corrupting our children with the pathogens of their sick pseudo-culture and getting our young men killed in their filthy Jewish wars fought only for their aims and their own enrichment and a manifest increase in their personal treasure and bottom line.

So I ask now for every people to face a harsh and glaring reality. Jews must be separate (and separated) from us, separate to run their own affairs, and to run them on land they didn’t steal from others, but acquired honestly, if such noble transactions are possible for them. To keep the Jews away from us and their hands off the levers of our media, our banking, our economy, our entertainment and out of the minds of our children and grandchildren, is the only answer. To have infinitely more peace in this world, fewer wars for profit and less racial and ethnic strife, Jewry’s digits must be bent back at the wrist until they break. There is no other solution.

The Jewish nation (a Trojan Horse nation within every nation) over thousands of years has shown nothing but hostility and atavistic hatred and loathing towards every other people. They have bitten the good hands that have fed and nurtured their greed, deceit and usury again and again and again. Even after bequeathing them their own country, they would not leave us en masse, but have instead utilized their Jewish state as a centralized criminal headquarters to carry on their campaign of complete conquest, domination and supremacy over the planet. For the sake of the safety of the world, Israel as an entity now sucking the American tax teat dry, must be dismantled and all of its Jewish people relocated to an unoccupied tract of land. All other Jews will then join these Jews in what would be a Kibbutz to end all Kibbutzes. ALL JEWS will then be allowed the complete and total “self-determination” they are always caterwauling about and which they assert, straight-faced, that “anti-Semites” attempt to deny them.

Here is the Grimm solution–albeit an at-the-moment unworkable one–not based on hatred but based on the preservation of ALL parties concerned: Complete separation of the Jews from all other people(s). As Edgar J. Steele would intone, it’s “an idea whose time has come.”


February 12, 2008

Some of Patrick Grimm’s Favorite Quotes on the Jewish Question

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:55 pm


Here are a few of my favorite quotes related to the everlasting Jewish Question and the workings of international Jewish supremacist power. If you will pay attention as you read, some of these quotes are asserting the same troubling things about Jews now maintained by anti-Zionist activists, white nationalists and other opponents of Jewry today. This is no coincidence, for the Jewish war against all non-Jewish humanity (but especially whites) still wages unabated, and with the same hatred and remorseless bestial fury of yore. Happy reading.    ----  Patrick Grimm


The fact is you cannot destroy a pure race of White organization  [Here is the secret, and a Rothschild is telling us why the Jews are trying to destroy the White Race. It is because the Jews know, if the race is kept pure, it cannot be destroyed; because it will be protected by Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ!].  It is a physiological fact; a simple law of nature, which has baffled Egyptian and Assyrian kings, Roman emperors, and Christian inquisitors. No penal laws, no physical tortures, can effect that a superior race should be absorbed in an inferior, or be destroyed by it. The mixed persecuting races disappear, the pure persecuted race remains. And at this moment in spite of centuries, or tens of centuries, of degradation, the Jewish mind exercises a vast influence on the affairs of Europe. I speak of their laws, which you still obey; of their literature, with which your minds are saturated; but of the living Jewish intellect.”   ----  Benjamin Disraeli


“The Communists are against religion (Christianity), and they seek to destroy religion; yet, when we look deeper into the nature of Communism, we see that it is essentially nothing else than a religion (Judaism).” ----   Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and Humanity, p. 138.


“Jewish history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world.   ----  Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, page 18.


“Jew and Gentile are two worlds, between you Gentiles and us Jews there lies an unbridgeable gulf…There are two life forces in the world: Jewish and Gentile…I do not believe that this primal difference between Gentile and Jew is reconcilable…”   ----   Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 9.


“The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people.  ---- Le Peuple Juif, February 8, 1919.


“The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into Jewish hands. Private property will then be strangled by the Jewish directors, who will administer the state patrimony everywhere. Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is, the promise that the Jews, at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess the key to the wealth of all the peoples of the earth.”   ----  Baruch Levy, in a letter to Karl Marx, published in the Rothschild controlled La Revue de Paris,

June 1, 1928.


Jung, a world-famous psychologist and a colleague of Sigmund Freud, basically described the Jews as parasites who feed off of Gentiles:

“The Jew, who is something of a nomad, has never yet created a cultural form of his own and, as far as we can see, never will, since all his instincts and talents require a more or less civilized nation to act as host for his development.   ----   from the book “The Zionist Factor: the Jewish Impact on Twentieth Century History” (Costa Mesa, CA., The Noontide Press, 1992) by journalist/political analyst Ivor Benson, chapter 11, p. 135.


“When you draw near to a city to fight against it, offer terms of peace to it. And if its answer to you is peace and it opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall do forced labor for you and shall serve you. But if it makes no peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it; and when the LORD your God gives it into your hand you shall put all its males to the sword, but the women and the little ones, the cattle, and everything else in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as booty for yourselves; and you shall enjoy the spoil of your enemies, which the LORD your God has given you. Thus you shall do to all the cities which are very far from you, which are not cities of the nations here. But in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save nothing that breathes …”   ----   Deuteronomy 20:10-16


And strangers [Gentiles] shall stand and feed your flocks, strangers shall be your plowmen and vinedressers; but you shall be called the priests of the LORD, men shall speak of you as the ministers of our God; you shall eat the wealth of the nations, and in their riches you shall glory.”   ----  Isaiah 61:5-6


“That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.”

----  Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348


A report from Europe carried the following speech of Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952:

“Greetings, my children; You have been called her to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War III within five years.     [ They did not precipitate World War III but they did instigate the Korean War when on June 25, 1950 they ordered the North Korean army to launch a surprise attack on South Korea. On June 26, the U.N. Security Council condemned the invasion as aggression and ordered withdrawal of the invading forces. Then on June 27, 1950, our Jewish American President Truman ordered air and naval units into action to enforce the U.N. order. Not achieving their full goals, they then instigated the overthrow of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem, Premier under Bao Dai, who deposed the monarch in 1955 and established a republic with himself as President. Diem used strong U.S. backing to create an authoritarian regime, which soon grew into a full-scale war, with Jewish pressure escalating U.S. involvement ].

The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (Applause from the gathering). You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930’s, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War. A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while a nation-wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America. This campaign is forcing all the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States. Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans. The failure of the Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through Congress immediately after the 1952 elections.

The Russians, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of Anti-Semitism, which worked so well in uniting the Americans against Germany. We are counting heavily on reports of anti-Semitic outrages in Russia to whip up indignation in the United States and produce a front of solidarity against the Soviet power. Simultaneously, to demonstrate to Americans the reality of anti-Semitism, we will advance through new sources large sums of money to outspokenly anti-Semitic elements in America to increase their effectiveness, and we shall stage Anti-Semitic outbreaks in several of their largest cities. This will serve the double purpose of exposing reactionary sectors in America, which then can be silenced, and of welding the United States into a devoted anti-Russian unit. (Note: — Protocols of Zion No. 9, para. 2, states that anti-Semitism is controlled by them. At the time of this speech they had already commenced their campaign of anti-Semitism in Czechoslovakia).  Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israel, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles.

We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

Question from the gathering: “Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War?”

Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an after-life would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us. [Note: Protocol of Zion No. 17 para. 2, states: ‘Now that freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere (as a result of their efforts they have previously stated) only years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that (Hated) Christian Religion. As to other religions, we shall have still less difficulty with them.’]

We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II, when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand lesser Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay. To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the White Man into weapons against him. His printing presses and Radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him.

Our interests in Washington are greatly extending the Point Four Program (viz. Colombo Plan) for developing industry in backward areas of the world, so that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic warfare, the Whites can offer no resistance against the large masses of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological superiority. And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israeli will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World.” (Note: Every statement made by Rabinovich is based on agenda contained in the “Protocols of Zion.”)


February 10, 2008

Cognitive Dissonance and the Gestalt of Jewish Extremism

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:49 pm


By Patrick Grimm

The Gestalt of Jewish extremism is one unifying configuration that is being showered upon us, not as a pure and clean precipitation (if there exists such a thing), but something more closely resembling radium rain with drops that bear similarities to each other, little increments flecking off of a whole. What is that Gestalt and what is that unifier which animates all that Jews propel onto us? It is mass confusion, it is cognitive dissonance writ large, it is the confounding of all people, but mostly white people. Why white or European-American people? Mainly because they make up the majority of homo sapiens who seem to be contemplating Jews at all or second-guessing their monumental self-congratulatory moral claims.

If schizophrenia requires a human to entertain contradictory concepts about himself or about reality, then so too do the aphorisms a white person is expected to eagerly guzzle down when the media, or worse yet, his church places them like a fistful of knock-out drops onto his trusting palate. Before his consciousness departs, some disconcerting thoughts may or may not arise.

If someone is to “Love his neighbor as himself” then the assumption is that both self-love and love of others must be both instinctual and conducive to a somewhat serene social order, barring the presence of large numbers of enemies or nefarious characters, and we have plenty of both. Yet here is where the double-mindedness kicks in, the schizophrenic and dualistic tendencies that so confuse our people. These tendencies, these memes and newly-discovered mores (an oxymoronic concept created by those who are not at all moronic; think the New Absolutes) are of course, shepherded and tended to like the sinister brainchild of Big Jewry that they are. White folks, trusting and beguiled as they are by Jewish politicos and intellectual machinations, can then add scatter-brained and quarantined to the list of words denoting their thought processes. Allow me to explain.

Whites, European-Americans, Caucasoid humans (those whose discoveries have made life both easier and enjoyable for all races) are taught that “hatred”, “hate speech” and “hate crimes” are the worst of sins. They are taught these things by the world’s oldest autocrats, ethnocentrists and the most neurotic tribe of carrion birds ever to fly away with ill-gotten bounty. Don’t miss the double-minded illogic at work within the schemes of the age-old schemers, for it doesn’t matter if they are Ashkenazis, Judeans or the now Shabbas Sephardim interconnected to the Torah by some nebulous blood line. Those with a trick up their sleeves, at least linguistically, verbally and propagandistically-speaking, all seem to carry a membership card to one Tribe, whether they can really trace their genealogy or were only grafted into the parasite club later on down the track. Now these schemers state as if a truism, an axiom of antiquity that proves itself: “Hate is the worst of all sins” and “We don’t tolerate intolerance” (which is laughably self-contradictory as a slogan, especially for the National Education Association Jews who sloppily crafted it several decades ago), yet it leaves a sour taste in the mouths of those whose mouths were the targets in the first place.

Why are so many of our children confused and unsure of their identities? Some of it relates to the pain and wiles of youth, but it is more than that. White kids, young and inexperienced in the ways of the world, are taught daily in our government schools, using Jew-penned curriculum that “Hatred is the worst of sins” and then on the next page are instructed, sometimes implicitly, but often with all the subtlety of propaganda films played for captive POW audiences, that whites are hateful, genocidal, ethnocentric thieves and slavers deserving of hatred, contempt and finally extinction.

So the same Jewish-tilted educational establishment which supposedly eschews hatred with all the ire and moralistic bluster of a Puritan moral crusader or a member of what they believe themselves to be part of, the Party of the Saints, now teaches white children self-hatred that is enervating, demoralizing and an impetus to despair, despondence and finally self-destruction. Alas, this is the actual and the intended end result. But why is anyone surprised? Can the mind really react to incongruous idiocies and acidic ideas antithetical to reason without either rebelling, shutting down or going insane? Hellish is a place, any place, but especially a supposed school of learning, bereft of reason and torn from the moorings of logic and the wisdom of our ancestors. Such is the state of North American Jewish anti-learning. Yet perhaps even this is too lofty a term for what is done to our people in the socialist assembly lines of self-loathing zombiedom. What is occurring could be nothing more than crudely-inflicted mental cruelty and abuse fronting as “a good public education.”

Yet the churches provide no unguent or balm for the mental wounds slashed and etched upon the minds of our white youth, or our white grown-ups for that matter, by a Jewish-manipulated and authored syllabus. Those who attend houses of worship, which should instead be classified as Whorehouses For the Ego-Fellating of Jews, receive a heaping helping of the same dissonance from the pulpit or lectern steadily dished out in our Jew educational mind-brothels. This time, however, the good white Christian Comintern-enablers, those quaint breeds of cro-magnon men and women who frequent the leadership positions of fundamentalist and evangelical churches, no longer need the help of the Jews to brainwash and indoctrinate European-Americans into believing suicide-inducing, incongruous lies.

No, they (the Hagees, Falwells, Robertsons and many, many others) have taken the Christian Zionist dispensationalist correspondence course which gives them thorough and effective instructions on exactly how to mouth Scofieldisms and what to say to get naïve and Jew-struck white Christians to genocide themselves. All of this occurs even without an inflow of Jewish money to hasten the dysgenic evangelistic effort, though Jew lucre or a Lear jet may be forthcoming for these non-Jewish partners-in-arms, those who are boosters of the power agenda of existential obliteration and white obsolescence that is Jewish supremacism, that supremacy which has overseen the hurried evolution of Zionism from just a danger to the Palestinian people (which is bad enough) to an in-your-face, well-oiled, soldered-in, lubed up, growing-by-leaps-and-bounds, death knell-crooning bitch on wheels.

Now from the pulpits of American’s Zionized charlatan ministers, well-heeled and hell-heeled televangelists issue forth all sorts of PC statements and declarations which would have been scoffed at just three or four decades previously. The integration and the incorporation of all races has now suddenly become God’s will, apparently after Almighty Jehovah was given a brain transplant by B’nai B’rith with some assistance from newly-minted Judeo-Christian groupies of the Zion-loving Cyrus Scofield variety. Now I am giddy to report that the operation was a success!

God has come up with all sorts of new bromides, boomed out with all the attendant thunder and lightning we’ve grown to expect. Here are just a few of the swillish doctrines that guarantee that even churches can provide us NOTHING, no solace, no solid rock or anchor from a culture now taken by our eternal enemy, the Jews:

Interracial dating and the dissolving of racial distinctions are the will of God

All-white churches mean “racism” and should be integrated with “churches of color”

Believing in racial differences, whether intellectual or behavioral is contrary to the will of God

Racial awareness is a horrendous sin and should be shunned and scorned by any true Christian

The Bible teaches that all races are exactly the same and that no distinctions should be made between them

This is only an incomplete list, but with doctrines like these coming from houses of worship, no wonder our people are confused and will almost assuredly remain confused and shallow-minded in the face of their dissolution and seem to have no recognition of the reality of their eventual disappearance as a racial entity on planet earth, which almost seems imminent at this late hour.

Yet in the midst of all this talk of racial egalitarianism and equalitarianism ladled out by phony supposed ministers of the Gospel comes a non sequitur so ludicrous as to almost be farcical. Every Judeo-Christian on the Jew tube and on the radio will repeat it again and again for their simpleton audiences and when its illogic is pointed out by more learned minds they will become irascible and unpleasant and shut down all discourse. These Jew-worshipping men (and sometimes women) will declare, without a hint of irony or brain waves, that “all races are equal” and then thunder forth that “the Jews are God’s Chosen People” and that “the Jews are the apple of God’s eye” and that “those who bless them will be blessed and those who curse them will be cursed.”  For you see, this gimlet-eyed new equality theology has a loophole for the Chosen. And through this little loophole, those who placate and pacify the Jews out of fear and cowardice can pass something far larger than a camel. They can guide through and then wash away all the crimes of Israel and Zionism and the ADL and the ACL-Jew and the Jewish bankers and the Talmudic Christ-and-Christmas-haters until they are as clean as driven snow, at least in their own minds. They can wash their own memory banks and those of their hapless followers, scrub them of all the cognitive dissonance gumming up the works and issue an “evangelical fatwa” against any who dissent from this selective, and in the case of their congregation, collective blindness.

Yes, the Gestalt of extremism of the Jewish stripe is confusion, double-mindedness, cognitive dissonance and silent or prostrate schizophrenia rarely noted and even less seldom discussed aloud, either because of “fear of the Jews” or the outright “leveling down” brought on by faulty and compromised institutions, including those I have just made mention of. This “leveling down” intellectually and what the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan called the “defining down” of what used to be deviant and unacceptable, while attaching the epithet of “hatred” to so many things which are instinctual and healthy, such as racial loyalty and the love of one’s own people and one’s own kind, have all combined to create a generation of confused and disenfranchised Euro-American youth who despise themselves and don’t even fully understand why. It has also brought us large numbers of cowed, aberrated and frivolous white adults who sense that something is awry but have no idea what that might be and even less inclination to find out.

We have tried to think with two minds for too long. We have forgotten that “a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways” and have swallowed the knock-out drops aforementioned and chased them with the poison of illogic currently propping up the ideology of Jewish extremism now bashfully accepted by so many. We have no one to blame but ourselves, for we have not rejected the confusion offered by our Jewish enemy. No, we have instead reveled in the music of what our heads say when we beat them against the wall.


February 7, 2008

Beware of Jews Bearing Gifts

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:32 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Call me cynical and a curmudgeonly writer if you want to, but I believe that all of us (non-Jews) must beware of Jews bearing gifts. Every other day someone in this movement (anti-Zionism and anti-Jewish supremacism) will smile and assure us that “Oh, not all those Jews are bad. Look at so-and-so. He’s a great Jew who agrees with us. You see, it has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with how a person thinks!” Or you might get a silly disclaimer like “I’m not anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish. I’m just anti-Zionist.”  This is the foolish tripe and equivocation of the politically correct. As long as Jews continue to align themselves against us as a hostile minority that wishes to destroy our societies, I AM ANTI-SEMITIC, or better yet, ANTI-JEWISH and I am proud of it. When Jews change their behavior, then my attitude towards them will also change accordingly. For you see, I only wish to live upon this planet and for my people to live, and Jews are the main impediment to that simple wish. I won’t apologize for not trusting them and don’t you dare stammer and genuflect for “fear of the Jews” either.

Yet the Marranos or Conversos (Jews who converted to Christianity or pretended to) and the anti-Zionist Jews (Neturei Karta International) parade themselves before us as our friends, our compadres, our fiercely loyal allies. Well excuse me for being just a tiny bit suspicious. It’s just that Jews don’t have a great track record of loyalty, full disclosure or honesty toward non-Jews. In fact, they have a sordid history of the worst kinds of obfuscation, misrepresentation, deceit, intrigue, double-dealing and dirty deeds when it comes to their interactions with our people.

But because of our trusting natures, we are more than willing to take Jews at their word and give them the benefit of the doubt. If they tell us they have converted to our point of view, our religion, our ideology, etc. we rush to embrace them, ignoring the abundance of caveats and all the extant writings and scribblings of the past which scream “Beware of Jews bearing gifts!”  I won’t toss aside the warnings of great orators, statesmen, thinkers, theologians and artists simply to placate the PC brigades or to avoid hurting an individual Jew’s feelings. This is not to say that there are not Jews who have sincerely broken with the Talmudic bigotry of their upbringing. They do exist. I only ask for a little caution and, dare I say, maybe a spoonful of cynicism.

There are particular organizations in the Euro-American freedom movement which have succumbed to Jewish influence. I won’t name these organizations, but what they have in common are that their attitudes toward organized Jewry warmed considerably once Jews were permitted on board. This is the danger of a Jewish intellectual influx and it does not happen by coincidence. The insertion of Jewry into the intelligentsia of any political movement always leads to subversion of its original mission, if not to the thorough annihilation of that mission. This is why I believe that under NO circumstances should Jews be allowed to assume leadership positions in the anti-Jewish supremacist cause, though perhaps their assistance could be utilized at the lower levels of activism. Yet even this is a two-edged sword. It could lead to intellectual dilution or aberration on the one hand, but it could also blunt the charges of “anti-Semitism” coming from Big Jewry’s legions, though this is exceedingly doubtful.

I don’t believe it is at all unreasonable to feel trepidations about allying ourselves with members of the very Tribe who brought us Communism, Zionism, egalitarianism, radical feminism, homosexual liberation, the New Left, the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory, deconstructionism, modern liberalism, neo-conservatism and the squalor of integration, open borders and big government socialist policies in America.  If these are the gifts the Jews are bearing, then we should definitely beware.


February 5, 2008

My Heroes Have Always Been “Anti-Semites”

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:51 pm


This article was partially written in January and then subsequently edited with more current info and some sarcasm added later. Enjoy.

By Patrick Grimm

Let’s take a gander at two specific cases from just the last few weeks. But first you must understand one thing and not ever forget it. If a person is loyal, subservient and cravenly deferential and obsequiously slavish towards the agenda of Judeo-Marxism, then they shall receive handsome returns from the Jewish overlords, the kingmakers and the muckrakers of the Zionist media. Who knows? The fortunate forked-tongued enablers of the internationalist agenda of Communistic Big Jewry might even get their own damn holidays.

Dr. Mike King, errrr, Martin Luther King, Jr., the supposedly brave civil rights scion was a degenerate, a philanderer, an adulterer who faked the mantle of moral authority even while he battered white hookers, delved into hard-core pornography, used church funds for trysts, plagiarized most of his doctoral thesis with no repercussions, surrounded himself with radical Marxist Jews and attended Communist training camps in his younger years.

But all is forgiven, all is forgotten and ol’ King is canonized, lionized and eulogized eternally because he chose to bend his knee to the Self-Chosen arbiters of anti-white hate and anti-autonomy. He feasted on the returns of the disenfranchisement of Euro-Americans brought to pass by those with an anti-European animus. Yes, Houston, we have a problem, and it’s still the JEWS!

King bought his martyrdom not just from the shot that rang out in Memphis, but because he said the magical “Abracadabra, Open Sesame!” words that gained him the stuff that cellulose dreams are made of. King defended Zionism and Jewish righteousness and the Jewish Communist revolution that was cutting a sweeping swath of white European genocide across sundry lands. King unwaveringly declared himself committed body and soul to the tenets of Zionism in his “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend” [1] where he breezily dismisses his friend’s oppositions to the Jewish state with talking points that could have been lifted verbatim from an Anti-Defamation League press release, its caveats against anti-Semitic “carelessness” almost aping Stalin’s sneering dismissal of all who spoke of the “Jewish Revolution” openly.

Now behold the contrast. Take a look at the recently deceased Bobby Fischer, an implacable enemy of international Jewry and one of its loudest and most unhinged (the Jewish lobby would say “mentally ill”) critics. Perhaps Fischer was a Jew and had two Jewish parents, but somewhere along the line he figured out the composition of the Jewish character and was a victim of shrill and hateful Jewish defamation for decades, even finally giving up his US citizenship out of disgust. He loathed Zionism and the greed and thievery at the heart of the Jewish Talmudic longing for world domination, with the United States of America as the “democratic” bouncer sending all other comers smashing to the curb of obscurity at the whim of the Jew bankers and the Jews who run our evil Zionist-infested misnomered “government of, by and for the people.” He knew, like many of us do, that we have a government full of “warm Jews” meaning Jews who are predisposed to supporting Israel and betraying America. Because of Fischer’s verbal trespasses against the Foreskinners [2], any MSM stories related to Fischer’s passing have portrayed the chess master as “crazy”, “anti-Semitic” and “delusional” with no reference or even feinting consideration of the relative truth or untruth of his criticisms of a now untouchable elite devoted disproportionately to treason, usury, counterfeiting and pure unalloyed evil enterprises the world over.

No, Fischer has now become a non-human, a less-than-nobody only for his critiques, which were often crass and obscenity-laden, but mostly apt. He knew as clearly as anyone that to array oneself against Jews is to quicken upon oneself the opprobrium tonnage of Jewish smears and Jewish legal haranguing, if not outright death threats, physical beatings, firebombing or “targeted killing” with a little help from the Jewish Defense League and the fine America-funded boys from the Israeli Mossad.

This is why I will say unashamedly that “My heroes have always been ‘anti-Semites.’” If you want to know where the power lies in our country, then look at the lemmings and the quislings who are showered with gifts and bestowed with king-like status by the Jews. They are the twisted troglodytes traipsing down the primrose path to the one-worlder dream of Zion. They are the McCains, the Clintons and anyone else who has made it into the ranks of the political elite. Behold a chimpish George W. Bush visiting the only country he can now enter without being burned in effigy, where the scourge of his treason is still reckoned unto him as righteousness and virtue as he sheds a tear for the non-existent six million at Yad Vashem and whimpers that the United States should have bombed Auschwitz or done something, anything to stop the deaths of the only human beings whose lives really matter in the first place. No tears fell for the 70+ million non-Self-Choseners who perished fighting the Second World Jew War, nor has a ‘thank you card’ been sent to the families of all those who have died for the most contemporary and recent Big Lie spun by the Jews.

Those who tell the hard truth, who step forward risking reputation, good name, family, livelihood, are not heroes, at least not when their names are mentioned by anyone other than working Caucasoid Americans and those who still cherish old Euro-America before its glow was dulled, its spark starved of oxygen beneath the bushel of Judeo-Marxism. The commercially mongrelized who dance to hip hop on the small screen and beg for more diversity and those of the monolithic minds who work our government and orgasm at the mere thought of the “death of whiteness” will always see an MLK as angel and a Bobby Fischer or a David Duke or a Patrick Buchanan as devil, not because these individuals are factually wrong or can be proven to be factually wrong, but because they do not apologize for being so right about racial realism and Jewish duplicity.

I find it more than coincidental that almost every person I admire and who has contributed most to making a better country and a better world is now considered by “conventional wisdom” to be an “anti-Semite.” Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Charles Lindbergh, Thomas Edison, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound and now even Gandhi’s grandson Arun Gandhi have been added to the list of “anti-Semite” villains that the public must, on orders from above, detest. Sure, Mahatma may have set India back 75 years, but Arun at least was brave enough to speak the truth and warn the planet of the death and bloodshed that Zionism, Israel and an excrement-like Jewish culture brings. Of course he is now being predictably chastised and brow-beaten, but such is life in the Jewdasphere, isn’t it?

What do we need now? What we don’t need are more holidays honoring monsters masquerading as saints, just because they were of a darker hue or supported Jewish supremacism and Zionist-Marxist aims. Toss King and the other sock puppets for the Jew money masters aside and learn the heroism to be had from becoming, at least in the eyes of the Jews and their Jewdas-goats, an “anti-Semite.” Our ranks are growing larger, more prestigious and more relentless all the time. Perhaps one day you will join us and the world will not be as one, but a multiplicity of autonomies with true diversity, a tapestry made up of all the races and nations the Jews want to erase forever, but who remain defiantly existent.

[1] http://christianactionforisrael.org/antiholo/ml_king.html
[2] Bryant, John “Birdman”


February 2, 2008

The Costumes of the Dead

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 12:30 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Call me a white nationalist if you will, perhaps even a reluctant one, but I, like many others in this movement fail to see the efficacy or the wisdom of adopting National Socialist (Nazi, for those of you who only get your info and history from the Jewsmedia) regalia and all the obvious and useless pageantry, posturing and trumped-up pride that goes with it. It all feels so forced. This is not even to mention the fact that those who represent National Socialist websites don’t exactly carry themselves like the “best and brightest” of our race rightly should. The whole thing has all the realism of a hurried last-minute dress rehearsal in an amateur theatre production, and I have been involved in more than one of those in my younger years, I can assure you.

As the doomed Ron Paul campaign should have made abundantly clear, racially aware whites, whites still carrying pride in their European heritage, are a peripheral and trivial minority of Americans mainly because the number of whites who have not succumbed to politically correct 24-hour-a-day Jewish propaganda is very, very small demographically. Yet I have come across many of our people who seem to thirst for the martyrdom feelings that irrelevancy and residing on the fringe brings. Hence the National Socialist phenomenon.

Poseurs of questionable morality, integrity and prudence, people such as Bill White, the Commander of the National Socialist Workers Party, seem more than ready to relegate all racially aware whites, Aryans if you will, to the fever swamps where the Jewish supremacists desire us to live. Yet perhaps this is what White and others are truly longing to do. Curtis Maynard notes in a provocative and erudite article entitled “How Big is Bill White’s American Nazi Party?” that:

Until recently, the American National Socialist Workers Party [ANSWP] was led by someone named Bill White. White grew up in a Jewish neighborhood, attended schools predominantly attended by Jewish children, joined the Communist Party USA, and once wrote for Pravda, the former Soviet Unions most prominent newspaper.

In 2006, White appointed himself the “Commander” of the ANSWP and immediately began a well financed disinformation program designed to do several things:

1. To call attention to himself and to promote his divisive agenda.

2. To convince as many people as possible that National Socialism is a virulently racist political doctrine that excludes anyone with a skin tone darker than Bill Whites. This is demonstrably untrue.

3. To use the ANSWP platform to smear individuals that actually are dedicated and working to create a better world. Recently, the ANSWP has focused its efforts on Ron Paul.

4. To convince as many people as possible that the ANSWP has a large supporter base and is growing larger every day. [Demonstrably false]

5. Ultimately, to cast White people and White interests in as negative a light as possible.
Bill White is an Illusionist, one of his greatest illusions is promoting the idea that he has any members or supporters at all. He’s compelled to do this because he must explain how it is that he and his organization are financed; he can’t just come out and say that he receives a monthly check from the ADL and SPLC can he? [1]

With these kinds of opportunists and/or double agents stepping into the glow of the media spotlight and posing as our friends and allies, why would those of us who are genuinely desirous of fighting Jewish supremacism and the anti-white death cult that is “diversity” and “multiculturalism” even need Jewish enemies? Whether White is on the Jewish payroll or simply a grandstanding blowhard hungering for his fifteen minutes of sure-to-be-fleeting fame, it makes no difference. Though Jews have already become quite infamous for infiltrating any and all movements which oppose their ethnic supremacy and then constructing a false opposition that is flaccid, powerless, and most of all, divided, I believe Gentiles should be blamed for allowing Jews to acquire leadership positions in our movements in the first place. They first tried out this kosher shysterism with their neutering of the American conservative movement some thirty years ago. Currently, any given conservative think tank now looks more like a gathering of Knesset denizens or Likudnik warmongers ready to unleash the Samson Option with their op-eds.

And yet a certain marginalized cadre of whites online want to join the Whites of the Bill variety in the National Socialist brigades and seal their fate as members of the Collective Unconscious. They want to insure that the majority of European-American people will further paint themselves into a corner using a rainbow multicultural gloss, its fumes redolent with the aroma and pall of genotypic death. This is why you will see a plethora of silly and churlish websites like Nuke Israel and Zog’s Nightmare popping up, adorned with swastikas and SS symbology. Thus ordinary Americans remain as red-faced, embarrassed and apologetic about white racial consciousness as their Jew masters want them to be. If these particular sites are not false flags [2], they are perhaps something even worse. They are creations of the “worst and dimmest” of our race, justifiably frustrated, but lashing out in the most ineffectual way possible, while at the same time foisting up the symbols and unfurling the flags and memories of a bygone past that is not capable of being reconstructed anyway, mainly because it is so strongly connected to a war that killed many Americans. This is not purely defeatism on the part of these white nationalists, but political and anti-intellectual suicide of the lowest and stupidest ilk.

European-Americans need new symbols, new ideas and a new vision for the future of our people. What we don’t need is a harkening back to an era that does not evoke nostalgia or allegiance, but visceral reactions and conditioned blanches and recoils tripped off by decades of guilt-invoking, Holocaust-peddling, Jew-empowering, anti-white movies and archival film footage repeated ad nauseous like a spliced tape on the History Channel. Why play into their hands by dressing up in the costumes of the dead and acting the theatrical fool for arrogant and supercilious Jews who make a point of both their own haughty exceptionalism and sweet innocence/driven snow purity simultaneously? Why indeed?

[1] http://curtmaynardsblog.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-big-is-bill-whites-american-nazi.html
[2] For further reading on the subject of “false flags” see my two articles on the topic:


February 1, 2008

The Taboo As Proof

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 7:51 am

“Love may cover a multitude of sins, but so too does censorship, subterfuge and government-sanctioned silence on taboo topics.”

By Patrick Grimm

Taboos, at least the ones possessed of longevity, exist and subsist for a reason. Two taboos that spring easily to mind are the prohibitions against incest and cannibalism. These two prohibitions, mostly unspoken and never even verbally assented to, remain for obvious reasons, mainly having to do with dysgenic consequences and notions of the rights of man culled from both religion and natural law. While other taboos have fallen away, some rightly, others wrongly, these two have stood the test of time, and they have done so because the perils of violating them have been seen in Third World and backward cultures throughout the ages.

But what of other taboos, those topics which have become verboten in contemporary America? This would include the unassailability and the untouchability of Jews as a group, an innocent subset that is only “hard done unto” and never the harbinger of hardship and injustice themselves. In other words, when perpetual victims rule, those they victimize can never lay claim to victim status themselves. In the Jewish mind, considering that they are “history’s premier victims” this is guaranteed in ways that have been covered in other essays, exposes and op-eds that won’t be cited here, but is part and parcel of the extensive psychological programming that the American Gentile public has been subjected to non-stop for at least forty years, though its history goes back much further than this, at least to the beginning of the twentieth century.

The taboos with staying power are imbued with said power because the fallout of knocking down the warning signs and the stigmas attached would be unthinkable. A society that indulges in incest on a ubiquitous scale (which is highly unlikely in most societies) would, given enough time, be a society containing persons with birth defects and other maladies brought on by blood relations producing offspring together. The Orthodox Jewish community and their own specialized diseases and neuroses attest to this. The proof they say, is in the pudding and this taboo seems self-evidentiary, but does not need strong and regular condemnation because it is rarely breached and rightly condemned in the harshest of moral terms when it is violated. The same would go for cannibalism. Social evolution has created these prohibitions quite naturally.

What of the taboo on discussing Jewish power, Jewish motives and the Jewish religion? Has it come from the evolution of societies? Not entirely. Much of it has been imposed from the top down since War World II when sympathy for Jews was the highest and when it could be easily capitalized upon by media, film and political organizations, as well as psychology and sociology, all roughly rounded up and diverted from true intellectualism to the pursuit of crude propagandistic purposes. These were all molded to serve only one purpose. To convince the Gentile that Jews were only victimized, never victimizers and always angels, never devils and were pure spirits who beamed with holy light, with a selflessness and altruism that not even the most pure-hearted humanitarian could exude.

Try an experiment. Talk about “Jewish business practices” and place a serious expression on your face. Use “Jew” as a verb rather than a noun and you will find that you are condemned as worse than someone who practices incest or cannibalism. And don’t you dare say you think they control our economy or manipulate our currency. You might just lose your job and all your friends too.

Try another experiment. Talk about “Jewish business practices” and place a warm smile on your face. When you say “Jew” say it solemnly, in a tone as if you are talking about a godhead or a triune and then literally glow as you marvel at how Jews are so hard-working, how they helped create modern capitalism and how that they have been a blessing to our country with their business and financial acumen. You will find swooning concurrence from your listeners, who will fall all over themselves to outdo your praise.

The taboo against critical Jew-examination is rigid and unbending, for to be an “anti-Semite” is not just to be a moral criminal. It is to be hardly better than a murderer such as Josef Mengele or a chief propagandist like Julius Streicher. You forget that the National Socialists’ greatest crime was not what they purportedly did to their Jewish population, but that they even dared to see Jews as anything but benevolent, as exemplary and as a boon to the nation that they (Jews) had stabbed in the back. Of course, the Jews themselves know that they are rarely any of these aforementioned beneficial things.

But the Jews want immediate revenge, immediate censorship once they realize that they no longer possess, inhabit, control, contort and compress a nation’s mind, as they are slowly finding out too late in the sleeping giant of America, as whites are jumping up with a horror-stricken realization as the broken inner alarm clock gets fixed.

Nationalism as a defense mechanism has the possibility of truncating Jewish supremacist internationalism, Mammonite greed and ADL/Mossad intrigue and treason if it is ever allowed to blossom. Jews are absolutely correct to say that “nationalism” always portends “anti-Semitism” and anti-Jewish outbursts on the part of the citizenry and they desperately work to stamp it out everywhere they reside. Jews hate all nationalism but their own, just like they hate all solidarity and pride in heritage that is non-Jewish. As Russia revives its national pride, its tolerance for Jewish oligarchy, Jewish criminality and Jewish-run media and banking will wear thin. In this case, the populace knows who the enemy is. The Czar was not slaughtered by ethnic Russians, after all.

All taboos exist for a reason. In this case, the taboo against chattering and stream-of-consciousness round-table talk of Jewish power does prevent a disaster, the disaster that would beset the Jewish people if the Gentile majority knew the truth about them, about their criminality, about their lies, about their hate and the repulsion they feel towards our European heritage. The fact that this taboo is so engrained is proof of the reality of what it protects, what it covers up and how it blurs and hides the truth, the unbelievable truth about Jewish supremacism. But you, dear friend, in choosing to believe that unbelievable truth, will take a monumental stride towards a freer, more peaceful, more equitable world for every people, who will be allowed both self-determination and the liberation of being unshackled by the autocrats who now chain them, steal the very money from their pockets, the very food from out their mouths and the very diamonds and minerals from out of their nations’ blessed lands. White European people must free themselves from Jewish oligarchy so that they may help every race and heritage find deliverance from the Zionist monster.

The taboo is the proof and behind every taboo can be hidden either a utilitarian benefit or a reality so horrible that none wish to wrap their brains around the possibility of the possibility of its accuracy. We have both in this instance. The “greatest good for the greatest number” will only occur when this particular taboo is not upheld, but smashed to smithereens. The horrors and terrors of Big Jewry’s anti-white dysgenics, its theft of our earnings, its purloining of our heritage can only be spotted when we jackhammer our way through the concrete foundation of deception and greed. We must tear the voice boxes from the throats of those who feed poison and bile to our children as they tempt them to suicide their race, their honor and their country.

I will only leave you with these lyrics by songwriter Mark Heard that seem at least partially apropos to the predicament I have described:

Like bees in a bottle we are flying at fate
Beating our wings against the walls of this place
Unaware that the struggle is the blood of the proof
In choosing to believe the unbelievable truth

But they have captured our siblings and rendered them mute
They’ve disputed our lineage and poisoned our roots
We have bought from the brokers who have broken their oaths
And we’re out on the streets with a lump in our throats

Thanks for reading. It’s great to be back and doing the important work of Zionist Watch.

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