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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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his own responsibility in measures required for "the final and definitive struggle between two opposed political systems." By Order of the Führer four mobile killing units (Einsatzgruppen) of the Sipo-SD were created. These groups, progressing immediately behind the Wehrmacht, were to break down all resistance in the Soviet population. The agreement between the High Command of the Army (OKH) and the Sipo-SD was concluded in March April 1941 (100).

The order to exterminate all of the Jews in the occupied Soviet regions is not explicitly mentioned in the officials texts defining the missions of the Einsatzgruppen. In contrast, the reports on their action carefully enumerate the quantities of Jews massacred and refer on this subject to a superior order that they are carrying out (101). According to the testimony of Blum, chief of a sub group in one of the four Einsatzgruppen (NO-4145), the officers of these formations were convoked to an information meeting in May 1941 under the presidency of Heydrich. It was explained to them that "according to the Führer's opinion, eastern Judaism was the intellectual reservoir of Bolshevism" (102) and that because of this it had to be exterminated. Ohlendorf, Commander of the Einsatzgruppe D, testified in the same way (NO-2890) (103).

The Wehrmacht engaged in the East was informed of the necessity of drastic military actions against the Jews. The order of the day of June 4,1941, of the General Staff of the Army (104) began its "Directives for the behaviour of soldiers in Russia" as follows:
"Bolshevism is the mortal enemy of the National Socialist German People. It is against this corrosive ideology and those who bear it that Germany is engaging the struggle. This struggle requires ruthless and energetic intervention against Bolshevik instigators, partisans, saboteurs and the Jews; and the total elimination of all resistance, active or passive (restlose Beseitigung jedes passiven oder aktiven Widerstandes)."
The massacre of the Jews began in July 1941. The principal instruments of it were the Einsatzgruppen of the Sipo-SD. But the men of the Wehrmacht were witnesses of these massacres, and it happened that they took part. In October 1941, the Generalfeldmarschall v. Reichenau, Commander in Chief of the Sixth Army, addressed the following order of the day to the soldiers, an appeal which one may consider as emanating from Hitler, for the latter approved it warmly (D 411) (105):
"In the regions of the East, the soldier is not only a combatant [sic] in conformity with the rules of the art of war, but also the bearer of the intransigent populist idea (voelkische) and the avenger of all of the beastialities [sic] inflicted on the German popular entity or on a related species. That is why the soldier must have a full understanding of the necessity of a tough but just expiation inflicted on the Jewish sub humanity. Another goal is to nip in the bud revolts behind the back of the Wehrmacht which, as experience proves, are always fomented by Jews."
It was foreseeable that the Soviet power would engage in guerrilla warfare against the Nazi invader. Hitler commented on the Soviet decision in a conference of July 16,1941 (L-221), with Goering, Keitel, Lammers and Rosenberg (106):

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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