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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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"…The Russians have given the order now for a guerrilla war behind our front. This guerrilla warfare also presents an advantage for us: it gives us the possibility to exterminate (auszurotten) what rises against us."
The next day the order was taken which made Himmler responsible for security in the Soviet Union (PS-1922), in conformity with the directive of March 13,1941. The fact that the guerrilla war in the Soviet Union was part of the action of war of this state against the Reich gave Hitler an appearance of justification for taking himself, as Supreme Chief of the Wehrmacht, the decision of extermination the Jews as part of the Soviet population declared as a whole to be engaged in the guerrilla war. Bolshevism was proclaimed the malediction of humanity and the Jew its creator and bearer. In these conditions, the order that every Jew present in the occupied Soviet territories was to be liquitated [sic] was claimed to be militarily justifiable. It was an act of war of the German State against the Soviet State.

A report made in December 1941 by an inspector of armaments in the Ukraine, addressed to General Thomas, Chief of the Economic Department of the High Command of the Wehrmacht (PS-3257), contains the following description of the anti Jewish action in this part of the Soviet Union (107):
"This action... took place absolutely publicly with the involvement of the Ukrainian militia and unfortunately also with the benevolent participation of members of the Wehrmacht. The manner in which the operations were executed, directed at men, old people, women and children of all ages, was frightful. By the quantity of executions, the operation is the most gigantic of all the analogous measures taken in the Soviet Union..."
One may also quote the report of January 25,1942, of the General Commission for the region of Slonim (in Bielorussia) (CXLV a-8) (108):
"The operation accomplished by the SD on November 13 rid me of voracious, useless mouths. During a certain time the Wehrmacht proceeded generously to a clean up (Saübering) in the open country, unfortunately only in localities of fewer than ten thousand inhabitants... Given that the Wehrmacht no longer accepts undertaking operations in the open country, 1 shall concentrate all of the Jews in two or three principal towns... The best specialists among the Jews will have to communicate their art to intelligent apprentices, so as to make the Jews useless in artisanry [sic], too, and eliminate (ausschalten) them."
An Order of the Führer given personally by Hitler, Supreme Chief of the Wehrmacht, must be the basis for the massacre of the Soviet Jews. It was in fact a measure considered as belonging to the military operation. The orders of the military command bear witness to this. So does the fact that the reports which the Einsatzgruppen established regularly, with details on the quantity of Jews killed, were distributed to a multitude of authorities of the Reich, ministries and offices of the Party. Himmler himself presented the extermination of these Jewish Populations as a task entrusted to him by Hitler personally. He wrote on July 28,1942, to Berger, Chief of the Principal Office of the Central Direction of the SS and responsible for liaison with the Ministry of Regions Occupied in the East (NO-626) (Himmler in this letter rejected certain limitations in the definition of the Jew that this Ministry wanted to have adopted) (109):

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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