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The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Added to the two preceding, figures, the total obtained is 2,278,485 gassed and 569,642 "workers."

To the latter are added the 185,776 persons who, according to Korherr, were already in the work camps as of December 31, 1942, the 9,127 others designated by Korherr as detained "in the concentration camps" and 458 in the prisons. In all, 195,361 "workers" to add to the 569,642 identified above. One reaches a total of 765,003 persons "enrolled" and submitted to the murderous regime of the camps and whose fate must be determined.

Here we possess a certain number of precise points of reference. Thus Korherr in his report indicates that out of 36,474 Jews detained in the concentration camps in Germany, 27,347 were dead in December 31, 1942. This corresponds to a mortality rate of 75%. In addition, the nominative list of deaths among the men of the convoy which left France on March 27, 1942, is preserved in the archives of Auschwitz. Out of 1,112 deportees of this convoy integrally admitted to the camp without selection on arrival, 70% were dead in the course of the two first months and 83% during the three first (52, p. 119). In the same way, out of 999 persons deported from France on June 22, 1942, and "enrolled" as a whole, at the end of 7 1/2 weeks, 747 had died, or 80%. So its appears reasonable to admit that for the Jewish workers the mortality rate in the camps was about 80% at the end of a few months. Nevertheless, it must be underscored that the statistics mentioned concern the French convoys of the second half of 1942, a period which was particularly murderous; and that the mortality rate in the camps, at all periods, naturally depended on the length of detention. The chances of survival were greater for the deportees in 1944 than for those admitted in 1943 and evidently more so than for those deported in 1942. Because of all this, it is more prudent to admit rather a mortality rate of 75% than of 80%.

By applying this last mortality rate to the 765,003 "workers" enumerated by Korherr, the figures reached are of 574,752 dead and 191,251 definitive survivors.

At the end of this study and before concluding, it is essential to make a final remark which concerns the number of Soviet victims of the "final solution." In fact, we have been able to determine the number of dead among them at 1,842,061. But in all the categories of victims the number of dead is always inferior to the number of captives, for there are survivors. It is thus, for example, that among the 2,550,193 "evacuees" of all the countries of Europe (without Russia), there are 2,422,683 dead and 127,510 survivors. There is no doubt that there were also survivors among the Soviet Jews, and there is every reason to believe that the proportion of dead and survivors in their case was the same as among other nationalities. If such is the case, to 1,842,061 dead must correspond 96,940 survivors; and thus the total number of Soviet Jews who were direct victims of the Nazi persecution was 1,939,001.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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