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The Holocaust History Project.
The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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The entirety of our current knowledge on the number of victims of the "final solution" may be summed up in the following manner:
Categories Total Dead Survivors
"Evacuees" (with-
out Russia)
2,550,193 2,422,683 127,510
"Excess Mortality" 83,889 83,889  
Concentration Camps 36,474 34,192 2,282
Work Camps 185,776 139,332 46,444
Prisons 458 343 115
Ghettos (without
297,914 283,018 14,896
Russia 1,939,001 1,842,061 96,940
TOTAL 5,093,673 4,805,518 288,170
In conclusion, it may be affirmed at the current writing that out of 5,093,673 persons, 4,805,518 died (94.3%) and 288,170 survived. (5.7%).

But once again it must be strongly underscored that these figures do not at all correspond to the total number of victims. This is because, on the one hand, for most of the countries Korherr's data stop at March 31, 1943, and that in the current state of our knowledge, it seems impossible to validly complete them. Such are the cases of Poland in its frontiers since 1945, of Norway, Greece, Slovakia, Croatia and Bulgaria. On the other hand, and for the same reasons, we have aside from our preoccupations countries such as Italy, Yugoslavia and Rumania.

No doubt a day will come when the progress of our knowledge of Nazi sources will allow us to bridge these gaps. In the meantime, we have renounced trying to do so. This was all the more easily done because our objective was not to try to establish the total number of victims of the "final solution." It was rather only to demonstrate to the sincere reader all of the absurdity of the figures advanced by Rassinier and his pupils, who go far beyond the "master" in outrageousness.

It has been done thanks to Mr. "Inspekteur für Statistik" of the SS and with the august approval of Mr. "SS-Reichsführer." More competent authority on the matter cannot be found.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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