The Freedom of Information Act allows any requester to get as FOIA case logs.
Below, you will find a list of all FOIA requests and Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests made by the public to various agencies.
These are very useful to see who is requesting wDISAhat and can be very useful for ideas!NS
FOIA Case Log Memorandums
Declassified Case Logs
U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)
FOIA Case Logs
Air Combat Command (ACC)
2012 [100 Pages]
Army / Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)
2014 [18 Pages, 1.1MB]
2010-2011 [46 Pages, 8.61MB]
FY 2008 [21 Pages, 4.1MB]
2009 [17 Pages, 4.71MB]
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
2010-2011 [30 Pages, 90kb]
Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)
FOIA Case Logs
FY 2018 [15 Pages, 1.2MB]
FY 2016
FY 2015
FY 2008nat
Oldest Pending FOIA Requests
5 Oldest FOIA Requests and Notes – as of June 2016 [381 Pages, 19.5MB]
Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP)
2013 [6 Pages, 0.3MB]
Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
CY 2007-03/28/2013 [976 Pages, 1.72MB] – Unfortunately, this FOIA Case Log did not have the topic of the requests, but is archived here for reference.
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Central Command (CENTCOM)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
FOIA Case Logs
2018 [106 Pages, 48MB]
2017 [87 Pages, 52.2MB]
2016 [81 Pages, 34MB]
2015 [103 Pages, 63.4MB]
2014 [96 Pages, 4.5MB]
2013 [156 Pages, 14.06MB]
2012 [39 Pages, 4.24MB]
2011 [78 Pages, 9.51MB]
1986 [82 Pages, 7.7MB]
Mandatory Declassification Review Logs
2018 [106 Pages, 48MB]
2017 [12 Pages, 6.8MB]
2013-2015 [32 Pages, 1.2MB]
July – December 2012 [5 Pages, 1.2MB]
Coast Guard (USCG)
August 27, 2011 – December 31, 2013 [355 Pages, 2.61MB]
Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks
2006 [110 Pages, 15.07mb]
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
FOIA Case Logs
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [1,779 Pages, 4.0MB]
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
2016 [8 Pages, 150KB]
2015 [8 Pages, 150KB]
2014 [8 Pages, 200KB]
2013 [10 Pages, 130KB]
2012 [9 Pages, 130KB]
2010-2011 [35 Pages, 350KB]
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [72 Pages, 3.6MB]
2013 [10 Pages, 0.1MB]
2012 [11 Pages, 0.1MB]
2011 [12 Pages, 0.1MB]
2010 [47 Pages, 0.15MB]
2009 [29 Pages, 4.1MB]
2008 [36 Pages, 9.5MB]
2003 – 2007 [118 Pages]
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
2013-2015 [2 Pages, 0.7MB]
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
FOIA Case Logs
2018 [57 Pages, 1MB]
2017 [87 Pages, 2.3MB]
2014-2016 [209 Pages, 52.7 MB]
2013 [39 Pages, 5.9 MB]
2012 [32 Pages, 5.40 MB]
2010-2011 [74 Pages, 12.2 MB]
2009 – 5 Oldest FOIA Requests [117 Pages, 11.8MB] – This FOIA request for a copy of the top 5 OLDEST FOIA Requests, took nearly 8 years to process.
2001-2009 [299 Pages, 91.67 MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
2014-2015 [7 Pages, 1.9 MB]
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
2016 [226 Pages, 1.1 MB]
2014 [287 Pages, 1.31 MB]
2013 [492 Pages, 1.31 MB]
2012 [392 Pages, 78.5 MB]
2010 – 2011 [21 Pages, 3 MB]
Defense Security Service (DSS)
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB)
FOIA Case Logs
2018 [3 Pages, 1MB]
2007 – 2017 [11 Pages, 2MB]
2001 – 2006 [10 Pages, 1MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
Appeal Log, 01/01/2009 – 10/31/2016 [5 Pages, 3.4MB]
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
2017 [11 Pages, 0.5MB]
2016 [.xlsx File, 22kb]
2013 [.xlsx File, 22kb]
2012 [5 Pages, 2.2MB]
2011 [3 Pages, 20kb]
2010 [3 Pages, 30kb]
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
FOIA Case Logs
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
FOIA Case Logs
CY 2016 [25 Pages, 3.5MB]
FY 2013 [67 Pages, 0.7MB]
FY 2009
FY 2008 [172 Pages, 0.9MB]
FY 2006-2007 [31 Pages, 18MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
FOIA Appeals Log, 01/01/2009-11/10/2016 [7 Pages, 0.5MB]
Department of Agriculture (USDA) / Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
FOIA Appeals Log, 01/01/2009-10/31/2016 [4 Pages, 0.5MB]
Department of the Air Force (USAF)
FOIA Case Logs
2015 [74 Pages, 0.6MB]
2008 [4 Pages, 450k]
February 1999 [100 Pages]
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
Department of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)
FOIA Case Logs
Department of the Air Force Retirement Home (AFRH)
2010-2012 [5 Pages, 4.11mb]
Department of Commerce
FY 2013 [42 Pages, 0.7MB]
2011 – September 2012 [51 Pages, 12.5MB]
Department of Commerce – International Trade Administration
7/1/2010 – 9/30/2010 [21 Pages, 1.7MB]
Department of Defense (DOD) / Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
5 Oldest FOIA Requests, as of February of 2014 [11 Pages, 1.5MB]
FY 2012 [73 Pages, 872k]
FY 2011 [115 Pages, 0.6mb]
FY 2010 [99 Pages, 2.0mb]
FY 2009 [236 Pages, 2.3mb]
FY 2008 [172 Pages, 922k]
FY 2007 [158 Pages, 3.36mb]
FY 2006 [148 Pages, 977k]
FY 2005 [112 pages, 2.07mb]
FY 2004 [146 Pages, 469k]
FY 2003 [136 Pages, 449k]
FY 2002 [108 Pages, 364k]
FY 2001 [109 Pages, 374k]
FY 2000 [57 Pages, 228k]
Department of Defense / Inspector General (DoD/IG)
FOIA Case Logs
FOIA Appeals Logs
2012-2015 [11 Pages, 0.7MB]
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
MDR Log of all DOD/IG MDR cases through November 9, 2016 [4 Pages, 0.6MB]
Department of Education
5 Oldest FOIA Requests and Appeals (as of December 2016) [113 Pages, 15.5MB]
Department of Energy (DOE)
FOIA Case Logs
FOIA Appeals Logs
Appeal Log, 01/01/2009-11/1/2016 [12 Pages, 0.6MB]
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
FOIA Case Logs
2004-2018 (.ZIP file of .PDF Files) [115MB]
10 oldest Requests – a/o January 2020 [47 Pages, 10MB]
FOIA Appeals Logs
CY2018 [22 Pages, 10MB]
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) / Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
FOIA Case Logs
2014-2016 (.ZIP file of Excel Spreadsheets) [10.1MB]
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) / Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
FY2010-2011 [198 Pages, 1.53mb]
2009 (October – December) [32 Pages, 0.2mb]
FY 2009 [115 Pages, 2.6mb]
2008 [18 Pages, 8.57mb]
FY 2007 (07-23-2007 through 11-30-2007) [47 Pages, 160kb]
FY 2007 (10-02-2006 through 07-23-2007) [47 Pages, 160kb]
FY 2006 (10-03-2005 through 09-26-2006) [47 Pages, 160kb]
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) / Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)
2011-2016 [36 Pages, 0.9MB]
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) / Office of the Inspector General
October 2010 – May 2016 [114 Pages, 23.2MB]
Department of State
FOIA Case Logs
FOIA Appeal Logs
2014-2015 [30 Pages, 3.3MB]
Department of State / Office of the Inspector General (STATE/OIG)
FOIA Case Logs
2010-2016 [24 Pages, 1.2MB]
Department of the Interior (DOI)
2016 [154 Pages, 10.7MB]
2012 [19 Pages, 3.32MB]
2010-2011 [19 Pages, 352kb]
2007-2009 [19 Pages, 3.0MB]
Department of the Interior / Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (DOI/BOEM)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [12 Pages, 0.6MB]
Department of the Interior / Bureau of Indian Affairs (DOI/BIA)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [154 Pages, 8.5KB]
Department of the Interior / Fish & Wildlife Service (DOI/FWS)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [136 Pages, 1.7MB]
Department of the Interior / Inspector General (DOI/IG)
FOIA Case Logs
Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary (DOI/OS)
FOIA Case Logs
FY2007-2016 [376 Pages, 1.2MB]
Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey (DOI/USGS)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [0.1 MB]
Department of the Justice / Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [127 Pages, 1.3MB]
Department of the Justice / Office of Information Policy (DOJ/OIP)
FOIA Case Logs
2010-2012 [250 Pages, 5.88MB]
Department of Justice / Office of Legal Counsel (DOJ/OLC)
01/01/2006-03/24/2016 [140 Pages, 9.9MB]
Office of Labor (DOL)
2016 [388 Pages, 7.2MB]
Department of the Navy
Department of the Navy / Marine Corps
Department of Transportation (DOT)
FOIA Case Logs
2007-2012 [165 Pages, 1.2MB]
Mandatory Declassification Review Logs
2013-2015 [1 Page, 0.7MB] – No MDR’s during these dates.
Department of Transportation (DOT) / Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [94 Pages, 1.2MB]
Department of Transportation / Office of the Inspector General
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [9 Pages, 0.5MB]
Department of Transportation / Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
FOIA Case Logs
2014-2016 [31 Pages, 0.9MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
Appeal Log, 01/01/2009-10/31/2016 [1 Page, 0.5MB]
Department of the Treasury
FOIA Case Logs
2007-2016 [585 Pages, 5.8MB]
Department of the Treasury, Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)
FOIA Case Logs
FOIA Appeal Logs
2000-2016 [34 Pages, 4.9MB]
Department of the Treasury, United States Mint
FOIA Case Logs
FOIA Appeal Logs
2009-2016 [1 Page, 0.6MB]
Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
FOIA Case Logs
FOIA Appeal Logs
Dugway Proving Ground (DPG)
2010-2015 [7 Pages, 1.51MB] – This is how the document was received. Can the font get ANY smaller? (The PDF is zoomable)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
FOIA Case Logs
- EPA Claims on January 25, 2017, they no longer generate FOIA Case Logs, and they need to be generated at FOIAOnline.
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Procedure [2 Pages, 0.4MB]
2014-2015 [5 Pages, 0.5MB]
European Command (EUCOM)
2013 [11 Pages, 1.63MB]
2010-2011 [5 Pages, 2.73MB]- Document was in poor condition. Is readable, but needs to be zoomed in. This is the state they sent it to me electronically.
Executive Office of the President (EOP)
2009 [24 Pages, 10.46MB]
Executive Office of the President – Council on Environmental Quality (EOP/CEQ)
FOIA Case Logs
2013-2016 [21 Pages, 1.5MB]
Executive Office of the President – Office of National Drug Control Policy
FOIA Appeal Logs
2009-2016 [3 Pages, 0.5MB]
Executive Office of the President – Office of Science and Technology Policy (EOP/OSTP)
FOIA Case Logs
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
FOIA Case Logs
2018 [336 Pages, 110MB]
2017 [585 Pages, 25MB]
2014 [775 Pages, 59.2MB]
2013 [683 Pages, 176MB]
2010-2011 [830 Pages, 127MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
2018 [11Pages, 3.3MB]
2017 – FOIA Appeals Log [9 Pages, 4.2MB]
2014-2015 – FOIA Appeals Log [20 Pages, 13.7MB]
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
Oldest FOIA Cases
5 Oldest FOIA Requests/Appeals a/o 7/21/2015 [21 Pages, 8.2 MB]
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
10 Oldest FOIA Cases with Processing Notes, a/o August, 2018 [774 Pages, 87.1MB]
10 Oldest FOIA Cases with Processing Notes, a/o June 24, 2016 [624 Pages, 81.7MB]
FOIA Case Logs
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [17 Pages, 0.9MB]
Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
FOIA Case Logs
2006 [9 Pages, 2.1MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
Appeal Log, 2009-10/3/2016 [19 Pages, 0.6MB]
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC)
FOIA Case Logs
2009-2016 [54 Pages, 2.1MB]
Federal Reserve Board (FRB)
2014 [52 Pages, 0.6MB]
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
2010-2013 [35 Pages, 0.9MB]
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
2010-2016 [42 Pages, 0.9MB]
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
FOIA Case Logs
2010-2016 [43 Page, 12.2MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
2009-2016 [1 Page, 0.4MB]
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
FOIA Case Logs
Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [5 Pages, 0.7MB]
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
2012-2016 [14 Pages, 0.6MB]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
FOIA Case Logs
FY 2017 [48 Pages, 21.2MB] (Includes MDR Log and Appeals Log)
FY 2016 [20 Pages, 0.9MB]
FY 2015 [31 Pages, 13.9MB]
FY 2014 [22 Pages, 0.6MB]
FY 2013 [33 Pages, 13.44MB]
FY 2012 [38 Pages, 15.7MB]
FY 2010-2011 [140 Pages, 29 MB]
FY 2009 [11 Pages, 650KB]
FY 2008 [45 Pages, 6.14MB]
FY 2007 [41 Pages, 5.39MB]
FY 2006 [42 Pages, 5.9MB]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) / Glenn Research Center (GRC)
2009 [9 Pages, 1.5MB]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) / Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
FOIA Case Logs
2018 [6 Pages, 2.5MB]
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
National Credit Union Administration(NCUA)
APPEAL Log – 2009-10/2016 [3 Pages, 0.2MB]
National Endownment for the Arts (NEA)
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [15 Pages, 4.5MB]
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
All Dates through November 2016 – MDR Log [20 Pages, 1.1MB]
National Guard Bureau
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [8 Pages, 2.5MB]
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
FOIA Case Logs
2005-2016 [1,124 Pages, 29.7MB]
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
2013 [6 Pages, 1.4MB]
2012 [6 Pages, 1.4MB]
2011 [14 Pages, 1.9MB]
2010 [12 Pages, 2.5MB]
2009 [4 Pages, 0.2MB]
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
2013 [27 Pages, 0.2MB]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
2010-2011 [21 Pages, 1.2MB]
2009 [25 Pages, 0.2MB]
2008 [23 Pages, 8.11MB]
2006 and 2007 Weekly Reports [144 Pages, 18.26mb]
National Park Service (NPS)
FOIA Case Logs
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
FOIA Case Logs
2018 [4 Pages, 8MB]
2016 [13 Pages, 2.1MB]
2013 [3 Pages, 1.55MB]
2010-2011 [13 Pages, 1.2MB]
2009 [28 Pages, 2.5MB]
5 Oldest FOIA Requests, as of June 2009 [130 Pages, 2.97MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
2018 [1 Pages, 0.2MB]
Mandatory Declassification Review Logs
2018 [1 Page, 1.0MB] – Requires zooming! Yes, that is how small they sent it to me.
2013-2015 [3 Pages, 1.0MB] – Requires zooming! Yes, that is how small they sent it to me.
2000-2012 [7 Pages, 8.2MB]
FOIA Internal Status Reports
2015-2016 [115 Pages, 6.9MB]
National Security Agency (NSA)
FOIA Case Logs
CY 2016 [100 Pages, 17.2MB]
CY 2014 [232 Pages, 8.9MB]
CY 2013 [315 Pages, 8.1MB]
CY 2012 [60 Pages, 8.5MB]
CY 2009 [70 Pages, 40MB]
January 1 – January 30, 1998 [3 Pages, 500k]
FOIA Appeal Logs
CY 2014-2015 [60 Pages, 6.9MB]
Oldest FOIA Requests
Filed for 5 Oldest FOIA Requests 27 August 2009 [495 Pages, 67.6MB] – This request took nearly 8 years to get a response and has requests going back to 1994 as still being processed!
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
CY 2013-2015 [32 Pages, 4.2MB]
National Telecommunications & Information Administration
2010-2011 [40 Pages, 6.5MB]
Naval Safety Center
FOIA Case Logs
2019-2020 [92 Pages, 2.86MB] (Combined FOIA and Appeal Logs)
FOIA Appeal Logs
2019-2020 [92 Pages, 2.86MB] (Combined FOIA and Appeal Logs)
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
FOIA Case Logs
New York State Office of the Attorney General (NYSO/AG)
2015-2016 [284 Pages, 63.9MB]
Northern Command (NORTHCOM)
FY 2016 [18 Pages, 12.8MB]
FY 2013 [8 Pages, 0.3MB]
FY2012 [8 Pages, 1.9MB]
FY2010-2011 [9 Pages, 0.5MB]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
02/2016-12/2016 [120 Pages, 3.4MB]
2012 [26 Pages, 5.67MB]
2009 [16 Pages, 0.2MB]
FY 2006 [53 Pages, 4.71MB]
Office of Government Ethics (OGE)
2010-2015 – FOIA Logs and Appeal Logs [67 Pages, 3.3MB]
2013 [16 Pages, 2.69MB]
2012 [15 Pages, 0.9MB]
2010-2011 [18 Pages, 1.7MB]
2009 [10 Pages, 1.7MB]
FY 2006 – 2008 [14 Pages, 2.38MB]
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
2010-2012 [12 Pages, 1.04MB]
Office of Nuclear and National Security Information (ONNSI)
Weekly Report from January – October 2001 [245 Pages, 22.17MB]
Office of Special Counsel (OSC)
FY2016 [6 Pages, 0.8MB]
Appeal Log, FY2006-FY2016 [1 Page, 0.9MB]
FOIA Backlog Reduction Goals, 2016-2017 [4 Pages, 1.4MB]
FOIA Case Logs, FY2008-2015 [43 Pages, 1.6MB]
Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff (OSD/JS)
FOIA Case Logs
2017 [146 Pages, 1.9MB]
2016 [275 Pages, 1.7MB]
2014-2015 [332 Pages, 2.7MB]
2009 – 2013 [629 Pages, 3.34MB]
2000 – 2008 [1,146 Pages, 5.5MB]
FOIA Internal Status Reports
2015-2016 [475 Pages, 49.6MB] – PDF Has bookmarks of the three attachments that were received for this FOIA. I combined them for ease of downloading/reading.
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs
CY 2013-2015 [624 Pages, 5.1MB]
Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)
FOIA Appeal Logs
2011-2016 [2 Pages, 2.7MB]
Offutt Air Force Base (SAC HQ)
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
2014-2015 [25 Pages, 0.6MB]
2013 [8 Pages, 0.3MB]
2012 [45 Pages, 0.5MB]
2010 – 2011 [45 Pages, 0.5MB]
2008-2009 [19 Pages, 0.3MB]
Pacific Command (PACOM)
MDR Log, a/o November 2016 [3 Pages, 0.7MB]
2013 [5 Pages, 0.7MB]
2012 [8 Pages, 6.94MB]
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
FOIA Case Logs
2008-2016 [433 Pages, 142.5MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
2013-2016 [433 Pages, 142.5MB] – This is the same file above, but the last page holds the “Appeals” log.
Peterson Air Force Base
2013 [6 Pages, 0.3mb]
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB)
2010-2016 [3 Pages, 0.9MB]
RAF Lakenheath
January 1, 2007 – November 26, 2008 [3 Pages, 261k]
Redstone Aresenal, Alabama (Army)
Selective Service Systems (SSS)
2008-2012 [11 Pages, 0.3MB]
Social Security Administration (SSA)
FOIA Case Logs
Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
2014 [16 Pages, 1.2MB]
2013 [5 Pages, 0.6MB]
2012 – Open Cases [84 Pages, 0.3MB]
2012 – Closed Cases [128 Pages, 0.3MB]
Security Exchange Commission (SEC)
FOIA Case Logs
2013 [CSV File, 1.75MB]
2012 [151 Pages, 0.7MB]
2011 [CSV File, 1.61MB]
2010 [CSV File, 1.68MB]
2009 [198 Pages, 2.7mb]
FOIA Appeal Logs
FY 2009-2015 [48 Pages, 1.7MB]
Small Business Administration (SBA)
2016 [26 Pages, 1.2MB]
Transportation Command (TRANSCOM)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
3 Oldest Open Requests with Processing Notes, a/o July 2016 [58 Pages, 4.2MB]
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
FY 2012 – 1Q of 2016 [166 Pages, 1.2MB]
United States Census Bureau
10/1/2011 – 08/01/2012 [17 Pages, 3.5MB]
2010-2011 [57 Pages, 6.8MB]
United States Patent and Trade Office (USPTO)
1/1/2011 – 08/01/2012 [27 Pages, 5MB]
2010-2011 [33 Pages, 4.7MB]
United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS)
FOIA Case Logs
2010-2016 [85 Pages, 24.1MB]
United States Postal Service (USPS)
FOIA Case Logs
2010-2016 [1,120 Pages, 112MB]
FOIA Appeal Logs
2010-2016 [85 Pages, 9.9MB]
United States Postal Service / Inspector General (USPS/IG)
FOIA Case Logs
2013-2015 [79 Pages, 15.3MB]
2013 [.XLSX file, 43kb]
2012 [14 Pages, 5.24MB]
2010-2011 [13 Pages, 1.1MB]
2009 [25 Pages, 6.5MB]
United States Secret Service (USSS)
FOIA Case Logs
2018 [8 Pages, 0.6MB]
2000-2015 [475 Pages, 218.8MB] – Note: LARGE File – recommended you right click and press “Save As…” to save it to your hard drive.
United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM)
FOIA Case Logs
FY2013-2014 [8 Pages, 1.1MB]
2009 [19 Pages, 4.7MB]
2006-2008 [19 Pages, 4.7MB]
Vandenberg Air Force Base
FY 2007 [7 Pages, 633k]
Veterans Affairs / Office of the Inspector General (VA/OIG)
FOIA Case Logs
2016 [15 Pages, 5.2MB]