Organon of Medicine
Samuel Hahnemann
6th Edition translated by Dudgeon & Boericke



   Examples of accidental homœopathic cures.

   Non-medical persons have also found the treatment on the principle of similarity of action to be the only efficacious mode.

   Even some physicians of an earlier period suspected that this was the most excellent mode of treatment.


Text of the Organon

1, 2.   The sole mission of the physician is to cure rapidly, gently, permanently.
   NOTE.—Not to construct theoretical systems, nor to attempt to explain phenomena.

3, 4.   He must investigate what is to be cured in disease and know what is curative in the various medicines, in order to be able to adapt the latter to the former, and must also understand how to preserve the health of human beings.

5.   Attention to exciting and fundamental causes and other circumstances, as helps to cure.

6.   For the physician, the disease consists only of the totality of its symptoms.
   NOTE.—The old school’s futile attempts to discover the essential nature of disease (prima causa).

7.   Whilst paying attention to those circumstances (§ 5) the physician needs only to remove the totality of the symptoms in order to cure the disease.
   NOTE 1.—The cause that manifestly produces and maintains the disease should be removed.
   NOTE 2.—The symptomatic palliative mode of treatment directed towards a single symptom is to be rejected.

8.   If all the symptoms be eradicated, the disease is always cured internally also.
   NOTE.—This is stupidly denied by the old school.

9.   During health a spiritual power (autocracy, vital force) animates the organism and keeps it in harmonious order.

10.   Without this animating, spirit-like power the organism is dead.

11.   In disease, the vital force only is primarily morbidly deranged, and expresses its sufferings (the internal change) by abnormal sensations and functions of the organism.
   Explanation of the word Dynamis.

12.   By the disappearance of the totality of the symptoms by the cure, the affection of the vital force, that is to say, the whole internal and external morbid state is also removed.
   NOTE.—It is unnecessary for the cure to know how the vital force produces the symptoms.

13.   To regard those diseases that are not surgical as a peculiar distinct thing residing in the human frame is an absurdity which has rendered allopathy so pernicious.

14.   Everything of a morbid nature that is curable makes itself known to the physician by disease-symptoms.

15.   The affection of the diseased vital force and the disease-symptoms thereby produced constitute an inseparable whole—they are one and the same.

16.   It is only by the spiritual influences of morbific noxæ that our spirit-like vital force can become ill; and in like manner, only by the spirit-like (dynamic) operation of medicines that it can be again restored to health.

17.   The practitioner, therefore, only needs to take away the totality of the disease-signs, and he has removed the entire disease.
   NOTES 1, 2.—Illustrative examples.

18.   The totality of the symptoms is the only indication, the only guide to the selection of a remedy.

19.   The alteration of the state of the health in diseases (the disease-symptoms) cannot be cured by the medicines otherwise than in so far as the latter have the power of also producing alterations in man's health.

20.   This power of medicines to alter the state of the health can only be ascertained by their effects on (healthy) persons.

21.   The morbid symptoms that medicines produce in healthy individuals are the only thing wherefrom we can learn their disease-curing power.

22.   If experience should show that by medicines that manifest similar symptoms to the disease the latter would be most certainly and permanently cured, we must select for the cure medicines with similar symptoms; but should it show that the disease is most certainly and permanently cured by opposite medicinal symptoms, we must choose for the cure medicines with opposite symptoms.
   NOTE.—The employment of medicines whose symptoms have no actual (pathological) relation to the symptoms of the disease, but which act on the body in a different manner, characterize the allopathic method, which is to be rejected.

23.   By opposite medicinal symptoms (antipathic treatment) persisting disease symptoms are not cured.

24, 25.   The other remaining method of treatment, the homœopathic, by means of medicines with similar symptoms, is the only one that experience shows to be always salutary.

26.   This is dependent on the therapeutic law of nature that a weaker dynamic affection in the living organism is permanently extinguished by one that is very similar to and stronger than it, only differing from it in kind.
   NOTE.—This applies both to physical affections and moral maladies.

27.   The curative power of medicines, therefore, depends on the symptoms they have similar to the disease.

28, 29.   Attempt to explain this therapeutic law of nature.

30-33.   The human body is much more disposed to let its state of health be altered by medicinal forces than by natural disease.

34, 35.   The correctness of the homœopathic therapeutic law is shown in the want of success attending every unhomœopathic treatment of a long-standing disease, and in this also, that two natural diseases meeting together in the body, if they be dissimilar to each other, do not remove or cure one another.

36.   I. The older disease existing in the body, if it be equally as strong or stronger, keeps away from the patient a new dissimilar disease.

37.   Thus under unhomœopathic treatment that is not violent, chronic diseases remain as they were.

38.   II. Or a new, stronger disease, attacking an individual already ill, suppresses only, as long as it lasts, the old disease that is dissimilar to it, already present in the body, but never removes it.

39.   It is just in this way that violent treatment with allopathic drugs does not cure a chronic disease, but suppresses it only as long as the action of the powerful medicines, which are unable to excite any symptoms similar to the disease, lasts; after that, the chronic disease makes its appearance as bad as or worse than before.

40.   III. Or the new disease, after having long acted on the body, joins the old one that is dissimilar to it, and thence arises a double (complex) disease; neither of these two dissimilar diseases removes the other.

41.   Although in the course of nature, it is not seldom that two dissimilar diseases meet in the same organism but this happens much more frequently in the ordinary long-continued employment of powerful, inappropriate (allopathic) medicine, associates itself with the old natural disease, which is dissimilar to (and therefore not curable by) the former, and the chronic patient now becomes doubly diseased.

42.   These diseases that thus complicate one another take, on account of their dissimilarity, each the place in the organism suited for it.

43, 44.   But quite otherwise is it on the accession of a stronger disease to a pre-existing one similar to it; in that case the latter will be removed and cured by the former.

45.   Explanation of this phenomenon.

46.   Instances of chronic diseases being cured by the accidental accession of another similar but stronger disease.

47-49.   In cases where diseases come together in the course of nature, it is only one that displays similar symptoms that can remove and cure the other, a dissimilar disease can never do this; this should teach the physician what kind of medicines he can certainly cure with, namely, with homœopathic ones alone.

50.   Nature has but few diseases to send to the homœopathic relief of other diseases, and these its remedial agents are accompanied by many inconveniences.

51.   On the other hand, the physician has innumerable remedial agents, possessing great advantages over those.

52.   There are but two chief methods of cure, the homœopathic and the allopathic, which are exact opposites, they cannot approach each other or unite.

53.   The homœopathic is based on an infallible law of nature and proves itself as tbe only excellent one.

54.   The allopathic appeared in many very differing systems following each other, all terming themselves rational methods of cure. This method saw in diseases only morbid matter which were classified and created a Materia Medica based on conjectures and compound prescriptions.

55, 56.   The allopathic physicians possess in their hurtful method of treatment nothing but palliatives which still may retain the confidence of patients.

57.   The antipathic or enantiopathic or palliative method treats a single symptom of a disease with a remedy of opposite action, contraria contrariis. Examples.

58.   This antipathic procedure is not defective merely because it is directed against a single symptom of the disease only, but also because in persisting ailments, after it produces a short apparent amelioration, real aggravation ensues.
   NOTE.—Testimonies of authors to the truth of this.

59.   Injurious effects of some antipathic modes of treatment.

60.   Increasing the dose at every repetition of a palliative never cures a chronic affection, but does still more harm.

61.   Whence physicians ought to have inferred the utility of an opposite and only good mode of treatment, to wit, the homœopathic.

62.   The reason of the injurious nature of the palliative, and of the sole efficacy of the homœopathic employment of medicines.

63.   Depends upon the difference between the primary action that takes place under the influence of every medicine, and the reaction or secondary action subsequently effected by the living organism (the vital force).

64.   Explanation of the primary and secondary actions.

65.   Examples of both.

66.   From the smallest homœopathic doses of medicine employed in treatment, the secondary action of the vital force merely shows itself in the restoration of the balance of health.

67.   These truths explain the salutary character of the homœopathic treatment, as also the perversity of the antipathic (palliative) method.
   NOTE.—Cases in which the antipathic employment of medicines is alone admissible.

68.   How is the efficacy of the homœopathic system proved by these truths?

69.   How is the hurtfulness of the antipathic treatment proved by these truths?
   NOTE 1.—Opposite sensations do not neutralise each other in the human sensorium; they are not, therefore, like opposite substances in chemistry.
   NOTE 2.—Illustrative example.

70.   Short summary of the homœopathic system of medicine.

71.   The three points necessary for curing: (1) the investigation of the disease; (2) the investigation of the effects of the medicines; and (3) their appropriate employment.

72.   General survey of diseases—acute, chronic.

73.   Acute diseases that attack single individuals, sporadic, epidemic, acute miasms.

74.   The worst kinds of chronic diseases are those produced by the unskilfulness of allopathic physicians. The most allopathic debilitating treatment of Brousseau.

75.   These are the most incurable.

76.   It is only when the vital force is still sufficiently powerful, that the injury can then be repaired, often only after a long time, if the original disease be at the same time homœopathically eradicated.

77.   Diseases inappropriately named chronic.

78.   Chronic diseases proper; they all arise from chronic miasms.

79.   Syphilis and sycosis.

80, 81.   Psora; it is the mother of all true chronic diseases except the syphilitic and sycotic.
   NOTE.—Names of diseases in the ordinary pathology.

82.   Among the more specific remedies discovered for these chronic miasms, especially for psora, the selection of those for the cure of each individual case of chronic disease is to be conducted all the more carefully.

83.   Requisites for apprehending the picture of the disease.

84-99.   Instructions to the physician for investigating and tracing the picture of the disease.

100-102.   Investigation of the epidemic diseases in particular.

103.   In like manner must the fundamental cause of (non-syphilitic) chronic diseases be investigated and the great entire picture of psora be displayed.

104.   Utility of noting down in writing the picture of the disease, for the purpose of curing, and in the progress of the treatment.
   NOTE.—How the old school physicians go about the investigation of the morbid state.

105-114.   Preliminaries to be attended to in investigating the pure effects of medicines on healthy individuals. Primary action. Secondary action.

115.   Alternating actions of medicines.

116, 117.   Idiosyncrasies.

118, 119.   The action of every medicine differs from that of every other.
   NOTE.—There can be no such things as surrogates.

120.   Every medicine, therefore, must be carefully proved to ascertain the peculiarity of its special effects.

121-140.   Mode of proceeding when we make trial of them on other persons.

141.   The experiments of the healthy physician with medicines upon himself are the best.

142.   The investigation of the pure effects of medicines in diseases is difficult.

143-145.   Only from such investigations of the pure effects of medicines on healthy persons can a real materia medica be formed.

146.   The most appropriate therapeutic employment of medicines known in their pure effects.

147.   The medicine most homœopathically corresponding is the most suitable, is the specific remedy.

148.   Explanation of how a homœopathic cure is probably effected.

149.   The homœopathic cure of a disease that has occurred quickly is quickly effected; that of chronic diseases, however, demands proportionately more time.
   NOTE.—Difference betwixt pure homœopathists and the mongrel sect.

150.   Slight ailments.

151.   Important diseases have a number of symptoms.

152.   For those with numerous striking symptoms a homœopathic remedy can be more certainly found.

153.   What kind of symptoms ought one chiefly to attend to in the choice of a remedy?

154.   A remedy as homœopathic as it is possible to be cures without much disturbance.

155.   Cause of the freedom from disturbance of such cures.

156.   Cause of the slight exceptions to this.

157-160.   The medicinal disease very similar, but somewhat superior in strength, to the original disease, termed also homœopathic aggravation.

161.   In chronic (psoric) diseases the homœopathic aggravations from (antipsoric) homœopathic medicines occur during a period of several days, from time to time.

162-171.   Rules for treatment when the supply of known medicines is too small to allow a perfect homœopathic remedy to be discovered.

172-184.   Rules for the treatment of diseases with too few symptoms: one-sided diseases.

185-203.   Treatment of diseases with local symptoms; their external treatment is always injurious.

204-205.   All chronic affections and diseases properly so called (that are not merely produced and maintained by a bad mode of living) must be cured only from within, by the homœopathic medicines appropriate for the miasm that lies at their root.

206.   Preliminary investigation of the miasm that lies at their root, of the simple miasm or its complications with a second (or even with a third).

207.   Inquiry into the treatments previously employed.

208, 209.   The other preliminary inquiries necessary for the apprehension of the morbid picture of the chronic disease.

210-230.   Treatment of the so-called mental or emotional diseases.

231, 232.   The intermittent and alternating diseases.

233, 234.   The periodical intermittent diseases.

235-244.   The intermittent fevers.

245-251.   Mode of using the remedies.
   NOTE.—Repetition of the doses according to the latest experience.

252-256.   Signs of commencing improvement.

257, 258.   False predilection for favourite remedies and unjustifiable aversion to other medicines.

259-261.   Regimen in chronic diseases.
   NOTE.—Injurious things in the habits of life.

262, 263.   Diet in acute diseases.

264-266.   Selection of the most energetic, most genuine medicines.
   NOTE.—Change effected in some substances in their preparation for food.

267.   Preparation of the most powerful and most durable forms of medicines from fresh plants.

268.   Dry vegetable substances.
   NOTE.—Preparation of powders so that they shall keep.

269-271.   The mode of preparing crude medicinal substances peculiar to homœopathy, so as to develop their curative powers to the utmost.

272-274.   Only one, single simple medicine should be given to the patient at one time.

275-283.   Strength of the doses for homœopathic use—how it may be increased or diminished. Danger of too large doses.

284.   What parts of the body are more or less susceptible to the influence of the medicines?

285.   External application of remedies. Mineral baths.

286.   Electricity. Galvanism.

287.   Mineral magnet.

288-289.   Animal magnetism. Mesmerism.

290.   Massage.

291.   Water. Baths as remedial agents according to their temperature.


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