Jims New Book

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Asthma after contracting allergic bronchial aspergillosis, Gone!!!
I started very slow, 1 drop per day and then increased to 7 drops 9 times a day. At that moment I began with my usual asthma attack but not as severe as the ones which took me to the hospital 5 times in a year. The amazing thing it was that I could breath from the middle of my upper chest while my bottom part of lungs where full of mucus which I was coughing. Amazingly after 5 days with asthma like symptoms they stopped and I recovered after 3 weeks only. I haven\'t been sick nor taking any asthma medicines since 5 months ago. My blood work came negative for Aspergillus sp. God bless you, Mr. Jim Humble.
Maria R. ( Guatemala ) Apr 05 2011 12:00am


Athletes foot
I had athletes foot, as long as i can think of, i'd say ,I inherited it from my mother.. I'm 68 now and i gave up on it,using all the available brands of anti fungus salves on the market, to no a...
Franz ( Austria ) 04/05/2011 12:00am
amazing healing
I've been taking MMS for 2 years and could not ingest enough to win. Then added wrapping a towel over my body and found improvement. About 4 months ago began squirting 2 squirts in a tub and soaki...
Dave Cunningham ( Florida ) 04/05/2011 12:00am
No more cancer!! Mr. Kaspar says -
Dear and beloved reader of Nova Regena,
I would like to share with you the story of my father and his fight with cancer. Therefore, I have decided, with his consent, to write everything what coul...
Dominika Waloszkova. ( No more cancer!!! , No more cancer!!!! ) 05/03/2011 12:30am