GALLBLADDER INFLAMMATION (Cholecystitis)SYMPTOMSSevere pain in the upper right abdomen, accompanied by fever, nausea, and vomiting. The abdomen may be rigid and is usually tender to pressure at, or below, the lower edge of the ribs on the right side. CAUSESThe gallbladder becomes inflamed. When it happens, it must be cared for immediately. If not, you could die. An acute infection of the gallbladder may be only catarrhal in nature, and recovery will come in a few days. But, in more severe cases, the gallbladder fills with pus. Be very careful, and immediately treat this condition. In case of pus in the gallbladder, there may be (and may not be) chills and fever. Therefore be alert, if chills and fever occur. The presence of gallstones tends to irritate the lining of the gallbladder. Then bacteria in the bile are able to invade the wall and cause inflammation. Inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis) produces similar symptoms (plus jaundice) to inflammation of the gallbladder, but the treatment is the same. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTNo man or woman can be good or great who has not learned to yield his will to God, and to obey with alacrity. Those who learn to obey are the only ones who will be fitted to command. God has a special work for your life. GALLSTONES1 (Cholelithiasis)SYMPTOMSBloating, gas, and discomfort or indigestion after a heavy meal of rich, fatty food. When a gallstone passes (a "gallbladder attack"), the pain can be very severe and last a few seconds or minutes, and recur frequently for hours or days. Chills and fever may accompany the attack. The symptoms often occur after the person has eaten fried or fatty foods. CAUSESGallstones may form in the gallbladder or (more rarely) in the bile ducts of the liver. They may form in the gallbladder as a result of infection or inflammation of the gallbladder wall. They occur more often in women than men, more often women who have given birth to children, especially several of them. They are more frequent in obese women, and occur more often after the age of 40. In the United States, about 10-20% of the population have gallstones. Persons with diabetes, migraines, cancer of the gallbladder, cirrhosis, and pancreatitis are more likely to have gallstones. Gallstones are formed from bile, a brown digestive fluid produced by the liver. Cholesterol (a blood protein) combines with the bile to form stones. But they do not look like regular "stones." Whereas kidney stones are sharp and crystalline, gallstones are smooth, soft, and gelatinous. They feel like dense fat. Often persons with them have no symptoms. But, when they block the exits of the liver or gallbladder, they produce nausea, vomiting, and pain, as described above. TREATMENT
PREVENTING GALLSTONESHere are several points to keep in mind: It is an interesting fact that people who do not eat meat, dairy products, or eggs rarely have gallstone attacks. It is animal fat which tends to form gallstones. Drinking water helps prevent gallstone formation. It has been discovered that those with gallstones drink little water. Drinking a pint of water causes the gallbladder to empty about 10-20 minutes later. This is the ongoing way to keep the gallbladder cleaned out and in fairly good condition; that is, if you do not eat any fats of animal origin. Lack of exercise increases the likelihood of gallstone formation. Cholesterol is excreted more rapidly by the liver and bladder with more exercise. The truth is that everything works better when you exercise regularly. Do not overeat. This is very important. Do not eat processed, fried, sugared, spicy, or junk foods. Do not use alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco. Keep your weight down. Overweight women over 40 who have had several children have the most gallstones. Oral contraceptives (and other drugs containing estrogen) increase cholesterol saturation of bile. Eating eggs greatly increases the likelihood of stone formation. A diet low in vitamin C also does. Eating lots of refined carbohydrates increase stone formation. Not including enough fiber in the diet does also. Taking 2 tbsp. of lecithin each day immediately results in increased phospholipid concentration in the bile. This directly lowers and disperses gallstones. Animal protein in the diet increases stone formation; vegetable protein tends to reduce the size of the stones. Also see "Gall Stones2," and "Liver Flush." ENCOURAGEMENTThe strength of Christ was in prayer. He went alone and pled with His Father for guidance and help. Through Christ's enabling grace, we are to do the same. And we can receive help as Christ did. GALLSTONES2 (Biliary Colic) (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERALFruit diet, water drinking, liquid aseptic dietary. PAINRevulsive Compress, every 2 hours; continuous hot applications to area of liver; Hot Colonic or Hot Enema, every 2 hours; Hot Full bath. FEVERProlonged Neutral Bath; Hot Blanket Pack, followed by Wet Sheet Pack; Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub. AFTERWARDAfter acute attack subsides, give treatment for Gastro-intestinal Catarrh. Also see "Gall Stones1." |