POSTNASAL DRIPSYMPTOMSThe back of the mouth drips fluid and runs down into the respiratory tract, starting a coughing attack, or into the voice box. CAUSESMost people only experience postnasal drip when they are sick with a bad cold or something similar. But some have it when they are well. This article is for them. (See Common Cold and similar articles in that section.) Normally, these secretions, from the sinuses, flow down the back of the nose and throat and are swept away by cilia, which are small waving hairlike projections. But sometimes the mucous dries out and the cilia no longer wiggle. Then the secretions pool in the back of the nose, thicken, and then begin dripping into the bronchial tubes or into the voice box. Here are several suggestions, one or more of which may solve the problem for you at such times: TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTIf you can exert a saving influence over one soul, remember there is joy in heaven over the one that repents. You may, by careful effort, be the means of bringing back the lost sheep into the fold of Jesus. It is wonderful to work with the angels. CROUP1SYMPTOMSThe larynx (vocal cords) or trachea (windpipe) narrows because infection causes the walls to swell inward. There is difficulty in breathing; hoarseness; tightness in the lungs; a harsh, barking cough; and even a feeling of suffocation. Because their air pipes are smaller, croup most often occurs in children. The special symptom of croup is a harsh, wheezing noise as air is breathed in through the narrowed windpipe and past the inflamed vocal cords, often accompanied by fits of coughing. CAUSESCroup can be caused by bacteria or viruses. When caused by a bacteria, croup generally follows a cold or another mild respiratory infection. But when it is caused by a virus (as happens more often, especially in boys), more serious conditions, such as the flu, have occurred. Croup most often occurs during the winter months, and most frequently affects children from 3 months to 3 years (9 to 18 months is the peak). TREATMENT
Also see "Croup2." ENCOURAGEMENTWhen we accept Christ, we are adopted into His family. We have a nearness to Him, and can hold sweet communion with Him. We learn what He is like, and we become changed into His likeness. CROUP2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)(1) ACUTE CATARRH OF LARYNX GENERAL TREATMENTHot Bath with Cold Compress to head; hot water drinking; Cold Mitten Friction, every 3 hours; Steam Inhalation, inhalation of vapor from water with calcium in it. Cold Compress at 600 F. over throat, changed every 10-20 minutes; Hot Blanket Pack, every 3-4 hours for 15 minutes; keep feet, legs, and arms warm. (2) FALSE CROUP, SPASMODIC LARYNGITIS PREVENT ATTACKSby hardening the skin with daily Cold Bath. Remove nasal obstruction, hypertrophies, or adenoid vegetation. Inhalations. PREVENT CHILLING OF SHOULDERSduring sleep, by warm sleeping jacket. Proper clothing. DEVELOP RESISTANCEGraduated Tonic Frictions, out-of-door life, careful regulation of clothing. RELIEVE CONGESTIONIf spasm is severe, relieve the congestion by Hot Blanket Pack or Hot Full Bath. Repeat every 3-6 hours. Hot Half Bath with Cold Pail Pour to head, back, and chest. Follow bath with ice-cold Heating Compress to neck, to be changed every 2-4 hours. Fomentation to cervical, upper, and middle spine for 15 minutes each time the ice compress is changed. TO RELIEVE SPASMCompress the phrenic nerve by pressure just above the sternal intersection of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle; percuss (hit) chest with end of cold wet towel or dash cold water over chest and back. BRONCHITISIf present, relieve it with Chest Pack; repeat in 4-6 hours. Cold Mitten Friction twice a day. Steam Inhalation and copious water drinking when bronchial, or laryngeal, catarrh exists. Also see "Croup2." ASTHMA1SYMPTOMSDifficult breathing, coughing, wheezing, tight chest. Attacks of multiple symptoms can occur suddenly or gradually. Sometimes there is coughing with thick, persistent sputum that may be clear or yellow. There is a feeling of suffocation. CAUSESAsthma is a lung disease that results in blockage of the airways. During an asthma attack, the muscles around the bronchi (which are the small passageways of the lungs) tighten and narrow, making it difficult for air to leave the lungs. The chronic inflammation and excessive sensitivity of the bronchi produce those constricting spasms. The bronchial tubes swell and become plugged with mucous. An attack, often occurring at night, usually begins as a nonproductive cough and wheezing, which is often followed by difficult breathing and a tight chest. After a few hours it subsides. But what causes an attack to come on? Only certain people have asthma, and those that do may have an attack triggered by an allergen or other irritant, such as chemicals, drugs, dust mites, feathers, food additives, pollutants, fumes, mold, animal dander, tobacco smoke, etc. But other things can also do it: anxiety, fear, laughing, stress, low blood sugar, adrenal disorders, temperature changes, extremes of dryness or humidity, or respiratory infections. About 80% have an allergic disorder, but the others do not. The experts warn that ever-increasing amounts of pollutants will cause the number of asthmatics to increase. Many workers must continually live with such things as sulfites, urethane, polyurethane, epoxy resins, dry cleaning chemicals, and many other chemicals common to industry. In the last decade alone, the number of asthmatics in America has increased by one third! Children under 16 and adults over 65 suffer the most from it. Asthmatics are frequently very sensitive to foods containing sulfite additives: potassium metabisulfite, sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite, sodium bisulfite, etc. Restaurants use them, to prevent discoloration in salads and other foods. Sulfites are also added to many other foods by the food industry. Nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, and cigarette smoke are also known to precipitate asthma attacks. Fumes and strong odors, such as turpentine, paints, gasoline, perfumes, etc., disturb many asthmatics. There are two types of asthma: intrinsic and extrinsic. Extrinsic asthma usually begins in childhood, is seasonal, and is usually caused by a definite number of substances which can more easily be identified. Asthma is the leading cause of disease and disability in the 2-17 age group. Intrinsic asthma is the more severe, and generally begins after 30 years of age. Attacks can occur at any time, and the causes are much more difficult to identify. About half of asthmatics are diagnosed between 2 and 17, another third after 30. The other one sixth does not fit either the intrinsic or extrinsic category. For example, some may initiate the problem in their 20s and others may, after their 30s, develop reactions to only one or two seasonal allergens. But asthma can be difficult to diagnose, for its symptoms are similar to those of bronchitis, emphysema, and lung infections. Over a period of time, the attacks can become more frequent, so it is best for the person with asthma to learn every possible way to lessen the problem. Here are several suggestions: TREATMENT DURING THE ATTACK
Important: Also see "Hay Fever" and "Allergies." HYDRONeutral Bath at bedtime, Hot Abdominal Pack, copious water drinking, Enema before retiring, graduated Cold Baths, Renal Douche. Cold Colonic daily in cases of toxemia with dilated colon. Correct any existing stomach disturbance. If skin is inactive, give sweating process, followed by a cold bath of an appropriate form. Also see "Asthma2." ENCOURAGEMENTAll who have been born into the heavenly family are, in a special sense, the brethren of our Lord. The love of Christ binds together the members of His family; and wherever that love is manifested, souls are encouraged and helped. ASTHMA2 (Nocturnal Asthma) (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERAL TREATMENTNeutral Bath at bedtime; Hot Abdominal Pack; copious water drinking; Enema before retiring; graduated Cold Baths; Renal Douche; Cold Colonic daily, in cases of toxemia with dilated colon. Correct any existing stomach disturbance. INACTIVE SKINSweating process, followed by a cold bath of an appropriate form. Also see "Asthma1." SUFFOCATIONSYMPTOMSThe person is apparently suffocating. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTWhen we love others as unselfishly as Christ loved us, then for us His mission is accomplished. We are fitted for heaven, for we have heaven in our hearts. |