LUNG CONGESTION (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)ACTIVE CONGESTIONFomentation to back; Cold Compress to chest with Hot Leg Pack, followed by Cold Mitten Friction and dry heat to legs; short cold applications to hands and arms, followed by Hot Packs to arms; Revulsive Douche to legs; Hot Leg Bath with very Cold Compress to the chest and to the back opposite the chest. Change compress as soon as it is warmed. PASSIVE CONGESTION OF CHESTApply Fomentation over chest for 10 minutes every hour; during the interval between, apply a Cold Compress, renewing it every 15 minutes, rubbing surface well at each change. This condition most frequently occurs in fevers. Prevent it by frequent change of his position. Apply same derivative measures as for active congestion (see just above). PULMONARY HEMORRHAGEIce Pack to chest; remove and rub the chest with dry warm flannel, 1-2 minutes every 15 minutes; Hot Leg Pack, very Hot Sponging of the upper half of the spine. Place hands in ice water for 1-2 minutes; maintain skin circulation by dry rubbing. Keep him very quiet. After hemorrhage ceases, graduated cold treatment to increase resistance and combat the disease causing the hemorrhage. See "Tuberculosis of the Lung." Also see "Pneumonia." PNEUMONIA (Lung Fever)SYMPTOMSFever, chills, aching muscles, coughing, sore throat, bloody sputum, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, pain in the chest, rapid, difficult breathing, and cyanosis (bluish skin and nails from lack of oxygen). In bacterial pneumonia, it comes suddenly and the cough is dry at first; then a rust-colored sputum is produced, and breathing becomes rapid and labored. The viral form is more variable in seriousness, from the time it begins. CAUSESPneumonia is a serious infection of the lungs and bronchial tubes. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoa. The tiny sacs in the lungs (which look somewhat like grapes hanging from their stems) are where the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange is made. These sacs become inflamed and filled with mucous and pus. Generally an upper respiratory infection (in the throat and the bronchial tubes), such as a cold, the flu, or perhaps the measles, occurs. Those under one year or over 60 are the most susceptible. Bacterial pneumonia is more dangerous and severe than the viral type. There is also a fungal pneumonia, but those with HIV are most likely to contract it. In children, the pain of pneumonia is frequently located in the abdomen, and cause others to think there is acute indigestion or appendicitis. TREATMENT
Also see "Lung Congestion," "Bronchio-pneumonia," and "Lobar Pneumonia." Also see "Bronchitis" and "Pleurisy." ENCOURAGEMENTIt is essential that every child of God obey His law. He never asks that you obey in your own strength. But, in Christ, you can be an overcomer, resisting all the wiles of the devil. BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERAL MEASURESSee "Pneumonia, Lobar." BRONCHIAL IRRITATIONSteam Inhalation, 15 minutes every hour; Fomentation to chest every 2 hours for 15 minutes, followed by Heating Compress; Hot Blanket Pack. CYANOSISShort Hot Half Bath; pour Cold water over head, spine, and chest, to induce cough, if cough is checked or inefficient while secretion is abundant. It is well to have him sit in a tub with a small amount of hot water while a Cold Pail Pour is given, followed by vigorous rubbing and wrapping in dry blankets in bed. AFTER CONVALESCENCE BEGINSHeating Chest Pack night and day. Graduated cold applications, to build up general resistance. Also see "Pneumonia." LOBAR PNEUMONIA (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERALExercise special care, to prevent lung congestion due to exposure of shoulders or chest to chill by evaporation. Provide him with an abundance of pure warm air; have a supply of oxygen at hand for immediate use if required. MAINTAIN GENERAL VITAL RESISTANCECold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub 2-4 times daily, after some appropriate heating procedure, as a Fomentation to chest or back, Hot Blanket Pack, or Sweating Wet Sheet Pack. COMBAT LOCAL CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS AND INVASION OF THE SPECIFIC BACILLUSFomentation to the chest (both front and back) for 15 minutes every 3 hours. During the interval between, apply Cold Compress at 600 F., changing every 15 minutes or as soon as warmed. Lengthen the period between fomentations and change the compress less frequently as the temperature is lowered, the pain less, and the stage of the disease more advanced. Several Ice Bags may be used in place of the Cold Compress, but the bags should be removed at least every half hour and the chest should be rubbed until red and warm, to maintain surface circulation and skin reflexes. The skin must be kept warm. ELIMINATION OF POISONSSweating Wet Sheet Packs, continued for 2-4 hours, followed by Cold Mitten Friction, carefully administered. The Sweating Bath may be preceded by the short Full Hot Bath. Copious water drinking. Neutral enema twice daily. COUGHFomentations every 3 hours; Heating Compress, changing every 15-30 minutes during the interval in between. Steam Inhalation 15 minutes, every hour; sipping half a glass of hot water when inclined to cough; careful protection of neck and shoulders from chilling by contact with wet bed clothing. Keep shoulders covered. PAIN IN CHESTRevulsive Compress covering the whole chest before and behind. EXUDATION (ELIMINATION) OF PHLEGMAlternate Compresses for 20 minutes 3 times a day, with continuous well-protected Heating Compress during the intervals in between and after convalescence begins; for unresolved exudation, Alternate Fan Douche or Alternate Spray. CONSTIPATIONDaily Cold Enema or Cold Colonic. DIARRHEAEnema at 960F. after each bowel movement; Cold Abdominal Bandage, renewing every half hour; Fomentation every 2-4 hours, if pain or tenderness is present. TYMPANITES (gaseous distension of abdomen)Hot Enema followed by small Cool Enema; Cold Colonic; Cold Abdominal Compress, changing hourly. GASTRO-DUODENITISFomentation over stomach and bowels or Hot Trunk Pack every 3 hours. During intervals in between, Cold Compress at 600F., changing every 30 minutes; Neutral Enema daily. JAUNDICELarge Hot Colonic at 1050F., followed by small Cold Enema twice daily. Fomentation over the liver and stomach every 2 hours. During the interval in between, Heating Compress, changing every 30 minutes. WEAK HEART, FEEBLE PULSECold Compress or Ice Bag over the heart for 15 minutes every 2 hours. Cold Mitten Friction every 2 hours. Prolonged Neutral Bath with Ice Bag over heart, Cold Pail Pour to back of head and upper spine at the end of the bath. CYANOSIS (BLUENESS)Hot Blanket Pack for 15 minutes, followed by Cold Mitten Friction. Avoid exposure of the body to chill by evaporation. HEADACHEIce Compress to head, or Ice Cap; Hot Pack to legs and hips, or other derivative treatment; Hot and Cold Head Compress [Simultaneous Hot and Cold to the Head]. NOSEBLEEDIce Bag to back of neck, short hot Fomentations to face. DELIRIUMHeating Wet Sheet Pack, Ice Cap to Head, Prolonged Sweating Wet Sheet Pack. INSOMNIANeutral Wet Sheet Pack. CEREBRAL CONGESTIONHip and Leg Pack, Ice Cap to head. FEVERProlonged Neutral Bath, Wet Sheet Pack, Cooling Enema. SUBNORMAL TEMPERATUREDry Pack, Hot Blanket PAIN IN ABDOMEN AND BACKHot Blanket Pack or large Fomentations over affected parts, followed by Heating Compress. CAPILLARY BRONCHITISHot Blanket Pack followed by Sweating Wet Sheet Pack. Hot Enemas followed by Cold Friction, carefully given. Fomentation to the chest followed by Heating Compress or Chest Pack, to remain in place an hour or until thoroughly warmed. Repeat bath when temperature rises to 1020F. CONTRAINDICATIONSDo not use Cold Full Baths or anything equivalent. GENERAL METHODMaintain warmth and activity of the skin, taking special care to avoid chilling of the shoulders, which should be especially protected by a wrapping, closely applied. Combat pulmonary congestion by local applications made as directed above. Keep the temperature down by carefully managed hydrotherapy measures such as the Heating Pack, the Hot Blanket Pack, followed by Cold Mitten Friction and like measures rather than Cold Full Baths and Cooling Packs, which aggravate lung congestion by producing retrostasis. Promote vital resistance by frequently repeated partial Cold Frictions, and thus sustain the vital powers until opportunity has been afforded for the development of antitoxins and the suppression of the disease by the natural healing processes. Also see "Pneumonia." TUBERCULOSIS1 (Consumption)SYMPTOMSCoughing, general fatigue, loss of appetite, chest pain, night sweats, and low-grade fever. The cough is at first not too productive, but later increasing amounts of phlegm are coughed up. The person loses weight and the sputum becomes bloody. CAUSESIn the 19th century, tuberculosis (TB) was called consumption, for the person seemed to waste away. It is caused by a highly contagious bacteria, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although it generally affects the lungs, it can attack any part of the body: kidneys, bones, skin, intestines, spleen, and liver. In adults, pleurisy is frequently a complication of tuberculosis. The sharp chest pain one may feel might be the pleurisy (which see) It is spread by coughing. Tiny droplets are inhaled by others. The germ enters the lungs and remains there. As long as the person maintains a healthy lifestyle, the body encapsulates the germs; that is, a tiny calcium shell is placed around the TB germ, to render it harmless. If the person continues to eat right, get enough calcium in his diet, obtain adequate rest, exercise out-of-doors, and breathe vigorously to keep his lungs in good healthhe will not develop TB, even though the germs are in his lungs. TREATMENT
Follow the cleansing and healing program given in "Bronchitis," and "Pneumonia." Also see "Pleurisy." Also see "Tuberculosis2." ENCOURAGEMENTDay by day we are to live for God. Day by day, we are to help those around us. As we do this, angels work with us, and what a joy is ours! TUBERCULOSIS2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERALDestroy sputum (spit); he should avoid swallowing it again; live in the open air and sleep in cool, well-ventilated rooms. INCREASE GENERAL VITAL RESISTANCEGraduated Cold Baths, twice daily; fattening dietary; systematic exercise; out-of-door life; cool, dry, elevated climate; very brief Radiant Heat Bath, daily or 3 times a week. ANEMIACold Bath twice daily; food rich in blood- making material; easily digested foods, rich in protein. INDIGESTION, ANOREXIADry aseptic dietary, dry toast, malted cereals. Hot Abdominal Pack; Ice Bag over the stomach half an hour before meals. CHILLRest in bed, Dry Pack, hot-water drinking. COUGHFomentation to chest, followed by Heating Chest Pack; sipping hot water when inclined to cough. PAINRevulsive Compress for 15 minutes, 2-3 times daily; during intervals between, well-protected Heating Compress. PULMONARY (LUNG) HEMORRHAGE OR CONGESTIONVery hot application to spine between shoulders, Ice to chest, ice to hands, Hot Leg Pack; keep the extremities warm; elevate the chest and shoulders. FEVERNeutral Pack for 15-20 minutes. Free water drinking. Rest in the horizontal position until the daily evening temperature becomes nearly normal. NIGHT SWEATSVery Hot Sponging at bedtime. HYPOPEPSIA, ATONIC DYSPEPSIADaily, general cold applications; Ice Bag over stomach for half an hour before meals. DIARRHEAEnema at 950 F., after each bowel movement, followed by Cold Abdominal Compress at 600 F., changing every half hour. Rest in bed till checked. CONTRAINDICATIONSAvoid general cold baths when hemorrhage is threatened. This includes Cold Full Baths, Cold Pail Pours, Cold Sitz Baths. It also includes Steam Baths. GENERAL METHODThe great object to be kept in mind, in the hydrotherapy treatment of this disease, is to build up his vital resistance by carefully graduated cold applications (the various Tonic Frictions), repeated 2-3 times a day. The intensity of the application should be steadily increased from day to day in order to secure good results. No one is too feeble to receive water therapy of some sort; and, by careful graduation, persons of feeble physique, but in whom the disease is not yet far advanced, may be trained to receive very vigorous cold applications with excellent effects. In making the cold applications, care must be taken to avoid chilling him; for this would immediately aggravate his cough. Also see "Tuberculosis1." EMPHYSEMASYMPTOMSIt is only with great effort that the person can exhale air from his lungs. There is continual breathlessness. Most any exertion brings coughing. It is hard to breathe in, but worse to breathe out. The neck veins often stand out from the effort, and he breathes through the mouth in order to try to get enough air in and out. Breathing is usually rapid and short. He may breathe 25-30 times a minute, and still not get enough air. Eventually his chest becomes barrel-shaped, his face ruddy, and he speaks with short, broken phrases. CAUSESThe word, "emphysema," comes from a Greek word meaning "to puff up with air." The walls of the lungs lose their elasticity, so air cannot be easily pushed in and out, as should normally happen. So there is air in the lungs, but it is not moving in and out. As emphysema progresses and there is more obstruction to airflow, the lungs enlarge with trapped air. The most frequent cause is smoking, but air pollution also receives some of the blame. Live in the country and do not have tobacco in your home, and you should be able to avoid this problem. Emphysema has become the most common modern lung infection in the Western world. Needing a continual exchange of air to survive, we use about a thousand cubic feet of air each day. It passes over lung surfaces which, if laid flat, would be as large as a tennis court. In emphysema, a large portion of the alveoli (the grape-like sacs where the air exchange occurs) are destroyed, and the blood is not properly aerated. TREATMENT: LIVING WITH THE PROBLEM
TREATMENT: SOLVING THE PROBLEM The suggestions above are typical of what you will find in most books. It is difficult to find remedial solutions, but here is one: Several years ago, a Christian mother visited her neighbors, and met a woman with emphysema. It was a small, stuffy house and the lady smoked. So the mother went back home and eventually found a treatment; it was a wet heating pack from Kneipp's book, written nearly two centuries ago. She gave the treatment to the woman, who got well within several weeks. This was the treatment:
In the years that followed, the mother mentioned the incident to a number of medical people and doctors, who were astounded; for everyone says there is no cure for emphysema. ENCOURAGEMENTBy both creation and redemption we are the Lord's property. We are required to obey His laws, but we are never asked to do it in our own strength. Christ helps us in all that we do. LEGIONNAIRE'S DISEASESYMPTOMSIt initially appears to be the flu. There is headache, fatigue, achiness, and moderate fever. But then it develops into what seems more like pneumonia: a high fever (105o F.) with coughing, diarrhea, chills, disorientation, slow heart rate, dry cough, infection of the pleura, vomiting, severe chest pain, and shortness of breath. From lack of oxygen, the skin becomes bluish and sputum that is coughed up, eventually, is gray or blood-streaked. CAUSESThis is the strange disease which was first identified at the American Legion convention in 1976, which affected 182 partying in a hotel. Those who smoke, drink, have diabetes, emphysema, or kidney problems are more likely to contract the disease. Younger people quickly recover, but the elderly can die from respiratory failure. The Legionella pneumophila bacteria can be in heating and cooling systems. That is how the Legionnaires got it in that hotel. The disease is not directly transmitted from person to person, but through cool water droplets. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTCopy the example of Christ: His love, tenderness, and obedience. Minister to the needs of everyone around you. They need the peace and happiness that you have found in Christ. Q FEVERSYMPTOMSSome of the symptoms are like those of typhus (which see), and some are like those of broncho-pneumonia (see Pneumonia, Bronchitis). There is a sudden onset of fever, headache, weakness, and a pneumonia-like infection. CAUSESQ fever is quite rare in the Western world. It is caused by a rickettsial organism (Coxiella burnetii) and is worldwide in its coverage. First discovered in Australia, it is now known to even occur in the United States. It is endemic in domestic animals. Sheep, goats, and cattle are the primary reservoirs for transference to humans. The disease is spread to humans by bites from an infected tick (Dermacentor andersoni) and from drinking raw milk. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTThere are many from whom hope has departed. Bring back the sunshine into their lives. You can do this as, prayerfully, you seek to bring a knowledge of Jesus into their lives. |