SPERMATORRHEA1 (Nocturnal Emission)SYMPTOMSInvoluntary loss of semen, without orgasm, often while asleep. CAUSES AND TREATMENTThe male generative organs, the testes, must remain somewhat cooler than body temperature. When they become overheated (by taking a hot tub bath), a release of sperm will be made in the night, since that supply of sperm has become damaged. If you sleep too warm at night, due to an electric sleeping blanket set on high, the overheated testicles will eject sperm the next day. Another cause is visual or thought sexual stimulation. A poor diet is another cause. A low-protein diet, free from the use of eggs may also prove of benefit. Also see "Spermatorrhea2." ENCOURAGEMENTPray with unshaken faith and trust. The Angel of the covenant, even our Lord Jesus Christ, is the Mediator who secures the acceptance of the prayers of His believing ones. God can give you the help you need. SPERMATORRHEA2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)BASICGraduated cold applications, to improve general conditions. GENERAL NERVOUS IRRITABILITYProlonged Neutral Bath at night. IRRITABLE PROSTATE, IRRITABLE URETHRAProlonged Neutral Sitz Bath, 30-60 minutes, at bedtime; Revulsive Douche to perineum with little pressure; tepid Colonic at 800 F. RELAXED EJACULATORY DUCTSRubbing Cold Sitz Bath; cold or alternate hot and cold Colonic; Cold Douche to feet and legs; Cold percussion Douche to lower spine. Bowels must be kept regular by the Cool Enema, if necessary, and proper diet. An aseptic dietary is essential. Condiments must be strictly avoided. CAUTIONWhen losses are frequent or parts irritable, avoid Cold Sitz Baths and prolonged Hot Baths. Also see "Spermatorrhea1." PROSTATE DISORDERS (Prostatitis; Enlarged Prostate, Prostate Hypertrophy; Prostate Cancer)SYMPTOMSPain on urination, frequent urination, urine retention, often a fever. There may be a discharge. Acute prostatitis: fever, frequent and burning urination, pain between the scrotum and rectum, a feeling of fullness in the bladder, pus or blood in the urine. Chronic prostatitis: frequent and burning urination, blood in the urine, lower back pain, impotence (inability to copulate). Gradually, urination becomes still more difficult. CAUSESThe prostate is a doughnut-shaped male reproductive gland. It is under the urinary bladder, and surrounds the urinary tube (urethra). Muscles located within the prostate squeeze prostatic fluid into the urethral tract during ejaculation. Most of the semen consists of this fluid, which provides nourishment and protection for the sperm. There are three primary prostatic problems: Prostatitis: This is inflammation of the prostate gland, is common in men of all ages, and is the most frequent type of prostate problem. The inflammation tends to block off the urine flow (urine retention), and this causes bacteria to build up. Sometimes hormonal changes, from aging, may be a contributing factor. When urine retention results, the bladder becomes distended, weak, tender, and liable to infection. Infection can easily pass up the ureters to the kidneys. Enlarged prostate: This is also called benign prostatic hypertrophy. It is the gradual enlargement of the prostate, and occurs in half of all men over 50, and three-fourths of men over 70. It is probably the most common infirmity of aging in the human male. More than 500,000 American men are afflicted each year. It is believed that, with age, testosterone production and levels decrease, and certain other hormones (prolactin and estradiol) increase. This results in more of a powerful form of testosterone, called dihydrotestosterone. This hormone causes an overproduction (hyperplasia) of prostate cellsand that causes the prostate gland to become larger. As it does, it eventually tends to pinch upon the urethra, and interfere with the flow of urine. As a result, neither the bladder nor kidneys empty fully. This produces pressure which can damage them. Urination becomes more frequent. It flows more slowly, and there may be difficulty in starting and stopping the flow. Sometimes there is blood in the urine. Here is how to check your own prostate: The prostate can be felt (palpated) with the gloved finger. If you are going to do this effectively, you would need to examine it monthly. The normal prostate is firm like an orange and about the size of a walnut. You would reach into the rectum, to carry out this examination. The prostate is found at a depth in the rectum that is just comfortably in reach of the index finger. An acute case of enlargement may be hard while a chronic enlargement may be boggy. Tumors, either benign or malignant tend to be irregular and nodular. Prostatic cancer: An enlarged prostate can become cancerous; but, fortunately, it always proceeds very, very, slowly. So slowly, in fact, that an operation to remove the prostate, because of cancer, is generally not needed. This is because, before the man is likely to die of prostate cancer, he is quite aged and dies of something else first. But, of course, you will want to consult your medical specialist. The suggestions below are for prostate problems, in general. For more information on home care, in those instances in which cancer is present, see "Cancer." Vasectomy, for sterilization, has been linked to prostate disorders and even cancer. TREATMENT
Also see "Prostatitis" and "Prostate Cancer." ENCOURAGEMENTCling to God with all your heart, and He will guide you aright. You need His help every moment. Trust and obey His Written Word. PROSTATITIS (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)BASIC APPLICATIONSRevulsive Sitz Bath; Hot Colonic; Neutral Sitz Bath, for 30-60 seconds; Cold Mitten Friction. PAINRevulsive Sitz Bath; Fomentation or the Revulsive Douche to perineum, with little pressure; Colonic in chronic cases. Hot Enema, when bowels are constipated. CHRONIC ENLARGEMENT WITH INDURATIONGood results often follow the use of the following measures: alternate hot and cold Colonic; Shallow Cold Rubbing Sitz Bath, for 4-8 minutes; cold pelvic pack (Wet Sheet Pack over pelvic area) with Hot Leg Pack; massage of prostate; graduated tonic baths; ice bag to perineum, with Hot Hip and Leg Pack for 15-30 minutes. CAUTIONSWhen pain is present, avoid general cold baths, cold Sitz Baths, Cold Footbaths, and chilling of feet. Absolute sexual continence is essential. TESTICLE INFLAMMATION, ACUTE (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)BASIC POINTSRest in bed; elevation of scrotum upon a tense broad band of cloth, placed about the thighs close to hips; Hot Pelvic Pack or Hot Hip Pack with Cold Compress over genitals, every 3 hours. During intervals, Compress at 600 F. over perineum, genitals, and over stomach, with heat to feet. Tepid Enema, twice daily; Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub, twice a day; prolonged Neutral Bath or Neutral Pack to control temperature, if necessary. TESTICULAR ATROPHYSYMPTOMSProgressive wasting and shriveling of the testes. CAUSESThis condition is not uncommon in aging men. It can also follow an episode of mumps. Testicular atrophy may result in lessened sexual drive and possible feminization. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTJesus says to ask God for the help you need. It is wonderful to be able to call on God. Do not neglect this privilege. He can do for you that which you can never do for yourself. |