CYSTS AND POLYPSSYMPTOMSIn the nose: chronic difficulty in breathing through the nose. In the colon: Bleeding or a mucous drainage from the rectum are common symptoms. In the bladder: Blood in the urine. In the cervix: A heavy watery, bloody, discharge from the vagina. Bleeding may occur after intercourse, between periods, and after menopause. CAUSESPolyps (polyposis) are growths of various sizes, and are especially found in certain portions of the mucous membranes: the nose, large intestine (colon), bladder, and cervix. They are especially common in the rectum and the portion of the colon just above that (the sigmoid). These growths are benign (that is, not cancerous) and, growing on stalk-like structures, look something like narrow mushrooms. They tend to be hereditary. Nasal polyps: Generally when the nose is clogged, the cause is a heavy cold or possibly chronic catarrh. But it can be nasal polyps. These are a special kind of tumor, which usually form as a result of a chronic infection in a sinus or in persons having allergies. Surgical removal is done to remove them. Colon and rectal polyps: These growths in the outlet end of the colon can become cancerous. A colectomy is the surgical removal of these polyps, but is generally done, not by cutting out the polyps, but by removing part of the colon! Sometimes the rectum is left in place and the small intestine is connected to it. But, whether this drastic operation is performed or not, the polyps generally return. Bleeding from the colon can be a sign of polyps or of cancer. Bladder polyps: The medical route is removal of the bladder. Unless they are removed, by natural methods or unnatural, bladder cancer may result. Cervical polyps: These polyps line the inside of the cervix of the uterus and are more common in women who have not had children. They rarely return after being removed. TREATMENT
Read the sections on "Cancer" and "Cancer Prevention" for detailed information. ENCOURAGEMENTThroughout the trials of life we have a never-failing Friend. God can do for you what you could never do for yourself. Ask Him for help. TUMORS (including Fibroids)SYMPTOMSTumors, swellings, or growths on the body. They seem to contain solid or semifluid material and be abnormal in their growth. CAUSESWhen something has no apparent reason to be growing, it is growing abnormally. These structures are called tumors. They can be either benign or malignant (cancerous). Malignant tumors spread to other parts of the body; whereas benign ones generally do not spread. Fibroids are tumors which most often occur in the uterus. Hysterectomies are done to remove them. But the effect of a hysterectomy on a woman's hormonal system can be devastating. Avoid them, if at all possible. Diet and environment are special causes of tumors. Changing both can reverse the process, and even eliminate these strange growths. It is best to eliminate them, whenever possible. Even the benign ones, although small, may later become cancerous. TREATMENT
Read the sections on "Cancer" and "Cancer Prevention" for detailed information. ENCOURAGEMENTHow thankful we can be that we can go to God for help. He who sent His Son to die, so we could have eternal life, can help you. SKIN CANCER (Melanoma)SYMPTOMSIdentification is especially important in dealing with skin cancer. Here are official warning signs of skin cancer:
Here is a description of one of the more common types of skin cancer: large flat, tan, or brown spots, with darker black or brown areas dotted on its surface. The edges may, or may not, be clearly defined. The spot may appear mottled. Moles should also be watchedespecially those that change in size or color, are irregularly shaped, have ridges around the edges, widen, bleed, itch, or seem to be continually irritated by clothing. Here are still more identifiers of skin cancerthe so-called "A-B-C-D checklist":
Spots which are dry, red, and scaly (most frequently found on the face, neck, or backs of hands) may be actinic (solar) keratoses. These are lesions which result from years of overexposure to the sun. They can be precancerous. Later they may become hard to the touch and grayish or brown in color. CAUSESSkin cancer is also called melanoma, or lentigo-maligna melanoma, and appears on body surfaces which are most frequently exposed to the sunlight: the face, neck, arms, and trunk. It can also occur on the lips and even eyelids. The best thing about skin cancer is that it is often slow in spreading and invading the deeper layers of the skin. As long as the cancer is only on the surface, it can easily be removed. There are three types of skin cancer; the first two are the most common, and the third is the most dangerous. Yet all three types can be eliminated if treated early. The medical route or natural methods can be used to eliminate each of these. But, either way, be sure it is gone. As long as it is treated early, you can easily see if it is gone. Basal cell carcinoma: This is the most common type, and the slowest growing. It does not spread until it has been present for a number of years. It is an ulcer-like growth which spreads very slowly. The first sign is a large pearly lump, generally on the face, nose, or area around the eyes. About six weeks later it becomes an ulcer with a moist center and a hard border which may bleed. Scabs continually form, then drop off, but with no healing of the ulcer. Another form is flat sores which slowly widen. Treatment is the same as for squamous cell cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma: Due to damage to lower-skin surface, a lump forms on the skin. Looking like a wart or a nonhealing ulcer, physicians cut it off, freeze it off, chemical it off, or irradiate it off. A skin graft may be applied afterward. Melanoma: This is the most dangerous of the three, and can run in families. It often begins as what appears to be a mole. Most people have moles, but be especially beware of those which appear after the age of 40. Any mole that is unusual or that changes in size or color should be eliminated. If in doubt, see a physician! A melanoma mole arises out of the deeper pigment layer of the skin. For this reason, it spreads more quickly. Melanomas most frequently occur on the upper back and legs. But they may also occur on mucous membranes or under the nails. A fourth type of skin cancer might be noted here. It is the rare mycosis fungoides. For years there will be itching skin lesions. Eventually they become firm and begin ulcerating. Later they involve the lymph nodes and produce cancer of the lymph (lymphoma). Over 600,000 Americans develop skin cancer each year, and 10,000 die of it. More than 90% of skin cancers can easily be eliminated, if done so early. TREATMENT
Suggestions for eliminating the skin cancer:
Read the sections on "Cancer" and "Cancer Prevention" for detailed information. ENCOURAGEMENTTake your problems to God, for He can help you know what to do. He can lead you to solutions which are the best. BREAST CANCERSYMPTOMSIn the most common types: Lumps are firm, do not go away, and are generally pain free. Lumps which do not move around may be malignant or may not be. In another type: There is itching, redness, and soreness of the nipple. In yet a third type: The breast becomes extremely tender and appears infected with something. These three are explained in more detail below. CAUSESBreast cancer is a leading cause of malignant death among women in the United States. Women over forty are more likely to develop breast cancer than younger women. Lung cancer kills about 56,000 women in America each year, and breast cancer is responsible for the death of about 46,000. It is vital that early detection be made. Discussions of how to carry out breast self-examination are readily available elsewhere and need not be repeated here. As you conduct it, watch for subtle changes in the breast. You are looking for special types of lumps in the breast. These lumps are firm, do not go away, and are generally pain free. Lumps which do not move around may be malignant or may be caused by normal fibrocystic changes during the menstrual cycle. The experts say a biopsy will detect what kind of lump it is. But you should know that biopsies can be dangerous. A biopsy is a slice of the tissue which is then sent to a lab for microscopic examination. The problem is that slicing any suspected tissueimmediately releases its cancer (if any is present) into the body, where it can more rapidly spread. You may or may not choose to have biopsies made, but you should be aware of this fact. You will often hear it said that "1 in 9" women will contract breast cancerbut that is sometime within a lifetime. The average 30-year-old white woman has a 1 in 5,900 chance of getting it; at 50 years, it is 1 in 430. There are several different types of breast cancer. Most of them are similar, producing lumps described above. But a few are different: Paget's disease of the nipple affects the nipple, and cannot be detected by a self-examination. Cancer cells have migrated to the nipple. The symptoms are itching, redness, and soreness of the nipple. This form of cancer only occurs when a different form of cancer is present elsewhere in breast tissue. Inflammatory carcinoma is a different type. The skin thickens and turns red. The breast becomes extremely tender and appears infected with something. The lymphatic system and blood vessels have become clogged because of a tumor. This type of cancer spreads very rapidly. Professionals recommend a biopsy; but, if you choose not to do so, you must be planning to go on an intense natural remedies cleansing, to eliminate the problem. Whatever you do, you had better set to work and do it. TREATMENT
Read the sections on "Cancer" and "Cancer Prevention" for detailed information. ENCOURAGEMENTTake all your problems to God in prayer. He can wonderfully change the most hopeless outlook. And whatever happens will be for the best, if we are trusting in Him. PROSTATE CANCERSYMPTOMSPossible pain or burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, a decrease in the size and force of urine flow, an inability to urinate, blood in the urine, and continuing lower-back or pelvic discomfort just above the pubic area. But there may be no symptoms until an advanced stage or until the cancer spreads out beyond the prostate. Many, many, times the above symptoms point to a benign enlargement of the prostate and is not cancer in that organ. CAUSESThe prostate is a walnut-sized gland at the base of the bladder and encircles the urethra, the tube through which the bladder voids urine. The prostate makes prostatic fluid which nourishes the sperm. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in Americans. Poor diet, exposure to environmental toxins and cancer-causing chemicals, and overactivity of the sexual organs are possible causes. There is a link between a high-fat diet and prostate cancer. It is believed, by some, that a vasectomy may increase the likelihood that this problem will later develop. Men over 65 have 80% of the cases of prostate cancer, and 80% of 80-year-old men have it. The younger a man is, when he is diagnosed with prostrate cancer, the worse the outlook. Those with recurring prostate infections are at greater risk. Men whose ancestors had prostate cancer are more likely to develop it. African American men have the highest rate, and Asiatic American men have the lowest. A careful, but relatively simple, rectal examination can reveal if cancer is developing in this organ. There are also other screening methods, and PSA (prostate-specific antigen) appears to be the best. The PSA test should be taken twice if there is an indication of cancer. For much, much, more discussion and suggestions on this, and other, malignancies, see "Cancer." TREATMENT
Read the sections on "Cancer" and "Cancer Prevention" for detailed information. ENCOURAGEMENTNo friend can help us as wonderfully as God can. Go to Him in prayer and ask for His help. Trust your life to Him, and believe that He will work everything out for the best. CANCERSYMPTOMSThe most common symptoms of cancer: any sore that does not heal on the skin, mouth, tongue, or lips. Any irregular or unusual bleeding or discharge from any body opening. A persistent change from normal in the action of the bowels or bladder. Any persistent lump or thickening in breast or anywhere on the body. Hoarseness or nagging cough. Difficulty in swallowing. Persistent indigestion or loss of appetite, especially if accompanied by loss of weight. Sudden or rapid changes in the form, appearance, or rate of growth of a mole or wart or if it bleeds. Fatigue. To the basic eight cancer signs, listed above, we are adding three others which are important: any condition which does not respond to treatment, inflammation from blood clotting (thrombophlebitis), and putrid intestinal gas. Skin cancer: A lump under the skin, moles which change color or size and have raised edges, an ulcer which does not heal, flat sores, lesions which look like moles. Mouth or throat: Chronic ulcer of the mouth, tongue, or throat which does not heal. Larynx: Persistent cough and hoarse throat. Lung: Persistent cough, bloody sputum, and chest pain. Breast: Lump which is hard, does not go away, and does not move; inflammation or thickening of the skin. (See "Breast Cancer" for more signs.) Leukemia: Whiteness of skin, weight loss, fatigue, repeated infections, easy bruising, nosebleeds. Stomach: Indigestion and pain after eating. Bladder and Kidney: Blood in urine and increased urination frequency. Bloody urine is generally not a cancer symptom, but it can be. Ovaries: Usually there are no obvious symptoms until later stages. Endometrium: Bleeding between menstrual periods, unusual discharge, painful periods, heavy periods. Cervical and Uterine: Bleeding between periods, unusual discharge, painful periods, heavy periods. Prostate: Weak or interrupted urine flow; continuous pain in lower back, pelvis, and/or upper thighs. Testicles: Enlargement of a testicle, lumps, thickening of scrotum, sudden excess of fluid in scrotum, mild ache in lower abdomen or groin. Colon: Blood in stools, rectal bleeding, changes in bowel habits (diarrhea and/or constipation). Lymphoid Tissue: Enlarged, rubbery, lymph nodes; itching; night sweats; unexplained fever and/or weight loss. CAUSESIn this article, you will find an overview of many research studies and data. Cancer is now the second most common killer in the United States and is increasing. One in every three people will die from some form of it. Over 1,400 Americans die each day with it. Cancer cells are wild, irregular, and different from other body cells. They grow rapidly and gradually invade and fill surrounding areas. They rob neighboring cells of nutrition, resulting in a gradual wasting away of the patient. They can migrate to new locations and multiply. Wherever they go, there are abnormal growths and tumors. Cancer cells are classified by the organs they initially invade (liver, breast, colon, lung, lip, etc.). There are more than 100 different varieties of cancer. Each varies in its symptoms and how fast it spreads. There are four main types of cancer: Carcinomas affect the skin, mucous membranes, glands, and other organs. Leukemias are blood cancers. Sarcomas affect muscles, connective tissue, and bones. Lymphomas affect the lymphatic system. Early detection and treatment is vital. One person dies every 3 minutes from cancer. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner, stated: "More is known about the cause and prevention of cancer than most any other disease." Dr. Ronald Raven, Chairman of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, said: "Seventy-five percent of all cancer can be prevented if we utilize the facts we now possess." At the Eighth International Cancer Congress, Dr. Kavetsky said: "It is essential in the treatment of tumorous disease, not only to act on the tumor, but to endeavor to strengthen the compensatory and defensive reaction . . of the entire system." When a cancer becomes noticed, it is already far advanced. At this stage, it is important that the one with it place himself under the care of a competent physician who understands and uses nutritional therapy. However, the patient needs to understand, for himself, what is required and what he must do. There are situations in which a cancer victim has no one to help him, and he must carry out such a program entirely on His own. But, whether helped by others or going it alone, unless the individual fully cooperates with right principles, he cannot be successfully helped. He must cease his violations of the natural laws, given by God to mankind, and live fully in accordance with them. The type of food we eat, the way we live, and environmental factors gradually build up or weaken the body. If the organs of elimination cannot keep up with the amount of toxic waste we are producing, in desperation the body eventually turns to the formation of tumors and cancers. Soft cancers are cells gone wild because of the excess waste in the system. Hard tumors are garbage cans prepared to hold the toxic waste. Cancer generally has a lengthy incubation period of years. Nourishing the body, building up the immune system, and avoiding excess and debilitating substances enables the body to resist cancer. Because of intemperate living, eating, sleeping, combined with stress, the body is weakened over the years. This produces a chronic autointoxicationpoisons have accumulated in the body. Vital organs, whose job it is to purify and eliminate wastes (such as the skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, and bowels), become less active and efficient. The system becomes poisoned. These poisons accumulate around the weakest organs or where the body has been injured by a bruise, fall, or blow. The accumulated poisons from years of tea, coffee, tobacco, cola, meat, liquor, fried food, etc., especially accumulate in such an area. Then the body either tries to build garbage cans (tumors), to hold the waste products or the cells in that area go wild from the irritation; so cancer cells form and spread. It is well-known that irritation, such as always picking at a certain spot, can cause cancer. Unfortunately, there are also toxic substances in the air, water, and soil. This makes it the more crucial that we live as carefully as we can. Prevention of cancer requires effort; yet many people give more attention to caring for their prize dogs or their new cars. The human body requires careful attention also. Drs. Hans Nieper and Dean Burk stated that, by the time the tumor is present, a patient's malignancy is already far advanced. As noted earlier, a tumor is something of a strange parasite, which has as little as 2% of normal blood circulation. Its cells are living on sugar fermentation instead of oxygen as normal cells do. It is more like a plant or fungus. Additional causal factors will be noted in Cancer Prevention. Here are two interesting facts: (1) The U.S. Government declares that the five-year survival rate from taking the officially authorized cancer remedies (chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation) has not changed over the past 20 years. (2) Statistics reveal that patients who do not take officially authorized therapy will, as a group, survive longer than those who do. A problem with the cut, burn, and poison routes is their deadly nature. Chemotherapy, for example, produces hair loss, extreme nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, sterility, and damage to the liver, kidneys, and heart. What should you do? That is your decision. On one hand, you can take the officially recommended remedies at your local hospital. Or you can try natural remedies. Your choice. Some of the natural folk remedies are listed here. There are many others. However, you should know that the government and the medical association advises that you should never treat yourself for cancer. Their counsel is that you consult a medical doctor (M.D.), and follow his advice explicitly. Not to do so, they say, could result in your death. TREATMENT
For an in depth look at cancer prevention see "Tumors, Cancer - Part 2". For much, much more information on Cancer, see the author's book, Alternate Cancer Therapies (see order sheet). LEUKEMIASYMPTOMSWeakness, easy fatigue, a remarkable whiteness of the skin, difficulty in breathing, spells of fever, sweats, palpitation, rapid heart, loss of weight, soreness or ulceration of the throat and gums, and a tendency to hemorrhage. In one type, the spleen is enlarged; in another, the lymph glands are also enlarged. CAUSESThis is called cancer of the blood, but it is actually cancer of the bone marrow, where the blood is made. Leukemia (which means "white blood") produces a defect in the production of white blood cells, resulting in large numbers of immature WBCs in the blood stream. WBCs are vital to physical health; and, without them, the body deteriorates. The bone marrow continues to produce an excess of them; yet many of those produced and dumped into the blood stream are essentially useless. A blood test reveals anemia (not enough red blood cells), low platelet count, increased lymphoblasts (an excess of immature WBCs), and an elevated total WBC count. Chronic cases run an up and down course for several years. Acute cases generally end fatally in a few weeks. As a rule, leukemia ends in death. A person can choose to go the medical route or try natural remedies. There will, of course, be a risk and the very real possibility of death, whatever his decision may be. TREATMENT
For information on some of the natural remedies which you may wish to consider, read the sections on "Cancer" and "Cancer Prevention". ENCOURAGEMENTIn Christ we find our hope; in Him we find our salvation. Cry to Him for help and trust that He will work everything for the best for all concerned. You can safely lean on Him. He will not fail you, no matter what the outcome. LEPROSYSYMPTOMSAny unnatural patch on the surface of the skin. If void of sensibility to temperature, pain, or touch, it should be a warning of the possible onset of this disease. Other early symptoms include headache, nosebleed, and fevers. Certain areas may become insensitive, because the disease follows along nerve trunks and especially affects areas on, or close to, the skin. CAUSESLeprosy is a strange infectious disease, caused by a bacteria which, under a microscope, looks like tuberculosis. It is mildly contagious. There may be 2-3 years, and sometimes much longer, after exposure before symptoms appear. Once it appears, it develops very slowly. TREATMENT
Leprosy closely resembles syphilis and tuberculosis, so you may wish to read those articles also. ENCOURAGEMENTFind in God the help that you so much need. He can help you, day by day. Giving your life to Him is the best thing you can do. Whatever the outcome, He has your life in Hands. And that is the best way to have it. |