Section 17
Tumors, Cancer

Part 2
Cancer Prevention


Here are the special risk factors for each of the fifteen main types of cancer:

Skin—Exposure to the sun, especially for those who have fair skin; history of moles (malignant or otherwise); moles on the feet or in areas irritated by clothing; scars from severe burns and scars or sores that won't heal; family history of skin cancer.

Lung—Smoking; exposure to asbestos, chromates, nickel, or radioactive materials; history of tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis; exposure to certain chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides.

Breast—First childbirth after age 35; having no children; family history of cancer; high alcohol and/or caffeine intake; high-fat diet; diabetes. Estrogens and oral contraceptives have been linked to breast and uterine cancer. There appears to be a link between sugar intake in older women and breast cancer.

Stomach—Pernicious anemia; lack of hydrochloric acid and dietary fiber; high-fat diet; chronic gastritis; stomach polyps.

Colon—Lack of dietary fiber and calcium; polyps; family history of colon cancer; continued constipation and/or diarrhea; a buildup of toxins in the colon; a high-fat diet.

Leukemia—Hereditary factors; radiation exposure; chronic viral infections.

Cervical and uterine—More than 5 complete pregnancies; first intercourse before age 18; a history of gonorrhea or genital warts; multiple sex partners; infertility.

Ovarian—Not having had children; high-fat diet.

Laryngeal—Heavy smoking; alcohol consumption.

Lymphoma—Hereditary factors; immune system dysfunction. Some cases are linked to a viral cause.

Mouth and throat—Use of chewing tobacco; smoking; irritants inside the mouth, such as a broken or sharp tooth, or ill-fitting or broken dentures; excessive alcohol intake.

Endometrial—Never having been pregnant; being past menopause; family history of cancer; diabetes; obesity; hypertension.

Bladder and kidney—Exposure to certain chemicals, such as benzidines, aniline dyes, napthalenes; smoking; excessive consumption of caffeine and/or artificial sweeteners; history of schistosomiasis (a tropical disease); frequent urinary tract infections.

Testicular—Undescended testicle.

Prostate—Recurring prostate infection; history of venereal disease; diet high in animal fat; high intake of milk, meat, and/or coffee; use of male hormone (testosterone) in treatment of impotence; vasectomy; being over age 50.


Venereal disease can lead to breast, cervical, uterine, and prostate cancer.

• The following can also lead to cancer: too much sunlight (skin cancer); mechanical, physical, or chemical irritation; prolonged irritation of warts, pimples, or sores (skin cancer); and radiation (leukemia).

• The clothes should have no constricting bands and should keep the neck, head, arms, legs, and feet warm. As many layers of clothing should be worn on the extremities as are worn on the trunk. This is especially important in cancer of the breast or skin.

• A biopsy is a thin slice of tissue, taken to examine it for possible carcinoma (cancer). But, when the slice is made, the cancer (if any) stored in that area, can immediately begin spreading throughout the body.

X-ray, radium, and other forms of radiation therapy, along with chemotherapy, weaken the body and intensifies the toxicity and weakened conditions initially producing the cancer. The cancer generally returns with 6 to 12 months in greatly strengthened form.

• Here is a brief list of some of the significant factors leading to cancer: Chemical additives in food, refined and fragmented food, use of nicotine and/or alcohol, a heavy protein diet, excessive use of dairy products, commercial oils and fats (especially when heated and reheated), all grease, hydrogenated oil (added to many foods), diethylstilbestrol, hormones, contraceptives, nitrates (often added to food), medicinal drugs, hard drugs, monosodium glutamate (in food and tobacco), refined sugars, saccharin and other artificial sweeteners, biopsies and other forms of surgery, pollutants (occupational and environmental), X-rays and radium exposure, cosmetics, detergents and soaps, water (chlorinated, fluoridated, or contaminated), and aluminum.


• Jethro Kloss said that his cancer cure was correct food, herbs, water, fresh air, massage, sunshine, exercise, and rest. Yet some famous medical dictionaries say nothing about diet in cancer treatment, except to keep the diet under 2,000 calories. The truth is there is a close relationship between the food we eat and what happens in our bodies.

• Meals, bedtime, periods of study, etc. should be according to a regular schedule. Avoid noise, smog, television, worry, stress, and confusion. Do some reading every day. Reading in God's Word, accompanied by simple trustful prayer brings healing to heart, soul, and body.

• Dr. Josef Issels' cancer clinic, in Germany, is an example of a well-rounded program. In addition to other things mentioned in this book, he prescribes plenty of rest, complete freedom from worries and mental stress, and plenty of fresh, pure air day and night. To the degree the patient is strong enough for it, and as he improves, there is lots of exercise and walking.

• Some, in a position to do so, may wish to move to a warm, unpolluted climate (any left?) where fresh air and sunshine is continually available. Build up the system with good food, exercise, and rest.

Continual overwork and exhaustion can lay the groundwork for the development of cancer.

City living, with its hurry, noise, confusion, and air and water pollution, can also provide the inferior living conditions which lead to malignant conditions.


Stress is also considered a significant factor. More and more research indicates that, as Dr. H.F. Dunbar says, "only certain types of people succumb to cancer."

• Two Soviet researchers (Serov and Troskin) demonstrated that negative emotions reduce the white blood count in an alarming manner, hindering a major body defense against disease.

• Researchers at the Rochester Medical Center in New York have found that people are more likely to contract cancer if, more than others, they have a harder time dealing with severe emotional conflicts and stresses, have uncontrolled anxieties and worries, experience traumatic emotional experiences or losses, have strong feelings of loneliness, inadequacy, hopelessness, and desperation. It may not be that such negative attitudes cause the cancer, but they keep the person from resisting and conquering it.

• Maintain a strong sense of purpose. Find something to do with yourself. In one church which the author once pastored, a woman bedridden for years before her death would phone people at random and encourage and pray with them. Between calls, she would pray for them. She was a radiant sunbeam.

• A strong trust in God and peace in Him is the solution. Man innately knows that he cannot solve his own problems; he needs God! Only in Him can we find the strength and courage to press forward. Only then can we be genuinely happy amid life's problems.

Read God's Inspired Word—the Bible—every day, and be happy, contented, thankful, and helpful to others. This is a powerful inducer to healthful conditions in the body.


• As far back as the second century A.D., the Greek physician Galen noted that melancholic women were more likely than others to develop cancer.

• Today, the effect of emotions and stress (or rather the attitude toward stress) is recognized even more. Over the past 75 years a number of studies have linked stress to susceptibility to cancer (R. Ader, Psychoneuroimmunology, 1981). Strong stress in a child can also lead to it (B.L. Bloom, et. al., Psychological Bulletin 85 no. 4, 1978). Adults who who had recently lost a loved one, or were widowed, divorced, or separated, have the highest cancer rates (B.L. Ernster, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 63, no. 3, 1979).

• Ronald Grossarth-Maticek, M.D., a European researcher, spent 20 years working along a line of study which has been rejected by orthodox medicine. His concept is called Creative Novation Behavior Therapy, and it concerns people with certain personalities; that is, having certain mental-emotional attitudes, are the most likely to contract cancer.

• Grossarth-Maticek is a Yugoslavian oncologist (cancer specialist) who used mortality data in Heidelberg, Germany.

• People who view life in a certain way are more prone to develop cancer.

Type C persons are unable to solve problems in relationships with other persons, situations, and goals. When relationships are crushed, circumstances go back, or goals become unachievable, these people react by sinking into a depression, characterized as feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Type C people are highly prone to cancer.

Type H persons also have the same difficulties named above, but they react quite different to such problems. Instead of feeling hopeless and helpless, they become angry and frustrated. Type H people tend to develop heart disease.

Type F persons learn how to roll with the punches. They are free of fears and worries, for they give them into God's hands to care for. Although they encounter problems as others do, they trust in God, recognize their own limitations, and, when difficulties arise, keep moving forward cheerfully. This type tends to die of other causes, such as accidents. They tend not to die of cancer or heart or circulatory problems.

• These people are not living under stress, with aroused hormonal flow, such as type 1 and 2 personalities have. They are at peace with life. They accept what has to be, change whatever they can change, and, with God's help, keep cheerfully on their way, helping others as they go.

• Still other researchers have found other aspects of this Type C (cancer-prone) personality.

The main aspect they have noted is loss, either loss of a loved one, or loss of hope. Many cancer patients feel a profound sense of helplessness and despair, particularly about the meaning of their existence. Frequently, they need peace with God.

• A second characteristic is the suppression or repression, of emotions.

• The third factor is loneliness. Such people tend not to have close friends. (H. Dreher, Your Defense Against Cancer, 1988, 246-247.)

• All three factors could be nicely resolved if such individuals would come to God and find in Him the encouragement, the forgiveness, and strength they need to meet life's difficulties.


• Cancer is less prevalent in physically active people, so exercise is important.

• Obtain plenty of exercise. Fresh air has remarkable healing, strengthening properties. God gave it to us for a purpose. Let it cleanse the lungs, purify your blood, and tone up your organs.

• Do deep breathing exercises. Take 20 deep breaths, hold each one for several seconds, and then slowly exhale. Exhale to full compression, and then inhale again. Do this several times a day—always outdoors. This, along with outdoor walking, will help clean the lungs.

• Soviet scientists demonstrated that a complex link exists between cancer and not breathing deeply enough or breathing stale air too much. One researcher in the Western world said that forced deep breathing, out of doors, at least 3 times a day to the point of dizziness, will help furnish an ample supply of oxygen.

• It is well-known that cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.

• (Many researchers seem not to be aware of the negative ion factor. Breathing deeply out of doors supplies both oxygen and negative ions to the body. Negative ions provide a much-needed electric charge needed by the nerves.)

• If at all possible, sleep in a room that receives sunlight during the day. It has been scientifically proven that patients' rooms on the north side of a building have more disease germs on the floor and furnishings.

The bedroom should be properly ventilated at all times.


Keep the eliminative organs active. The five primary ones are the lungs, the skin, the liver, the kidneys, and the bowels. Add to this a sixth: the lymphatic system. Add to that a seventh: the immune system, working together with the white blood cells, the T-cells, and vitamin C. (Vitamin E also purifies and detoxifies, but it carries on this function in the liver.)

• The first step is to cleanse the blood by relieving constipation, making all the organs of elimination active, and keeping them active. Take herbal laxatives or enemas.

• A daily bowel movement is essential, even if an enema or colonic is required. All foods which ferment in the bowel should be avoided. Absolutely no meat or fish!

• Bowel movements need to be complete evacuations, even if enemas are necessary. The cleansing program is releasing so many toxins, it is important that they be flushed out. Enough water must be drunk every day.

• If necessary, keep the bowels clean with herbal laxatives or enemas. When the body is toxic, the bowels become sluggish; waste matter is reabsorbed by the blood and lymphatic system, which is circulated throughout the body and stored in tumors or other trash sites. It is best that you not use these over a long period of time.

• Many aspects of cancer therapy, including chemo and radiation therapy, pain killers and sedatives, reduce muscular contractions in the intestines, resulting in constipation. Sometimes physical assistance is needed. Using the flat side of your fist, gently massage with rocking motions, pushing about 1-2 inches. Be gentle and slow! This not only helps reduce constipation, but increases muscle tone.


Coal tar dyes are highly carcinogenic. All artificial colors, flavors, and odors are made from coal tar. You will find them in all soft drinks, cosmetics, and many medicines. Foods which have bright colors, strong flavors, or odors often have coal tar in them. (The FDA lists thousands of approved food additives. The more natural and unprocessed the food is, the less likely it is to have additives. Junk foods are the worst.)

• Research has shown that cyclamates, an artificial sweetener, will in later years cause cancer of the stomach and other digestive organs. Ditto for saccharin.

Food additives like MSG, BHT, BHA, DES, and others are poisons. Read the labels carefully. Keep in mind that many harmful food additives are not listed on the labels because the FDA considers them to be "Generally Regarded as Safe" Those chemicals you will find in the FDA GRAS List. But that does not mean they are safe!

Diethylstilbestrol (Des) has been shown by the FDA to cause cancer of the uterus, breast and other reproductive organs. This is an artificial sex hormone widely used in food production. Dangerous residues of stilbestrol are in 85% of all the meat sold in the United States. This is the main reason why 15 countries around the world now refuse to import American meat; 21 nations have a total ban on the use of stilbestrol in food production or processing.

Nitrosamines cause cancer of the liver, stomach, brain, bladder, kidneys and several other organs. Dr. William Lijinski, of the University of Nebraska, says they are "perfect carcinogens." When chemical preservatives and color enhancers are ingested, they cause the body to produce nitrosamines. Another source is nitrates and nitrites, which are heavily added to meat during processing. Runoff of nitrates and nitrites from fields sprayed with chemical fertilizers get into aquifers and wells and, when the water is drunk, can lead to cancer.

• Yes, aluminum cookware is a type of "food additive!" Throw it all away. It is poisonous to your body. It is outlawed in Sweden; outlaw it in your kitchen. Aluminum is a poison, and also a relatively soft metal. Particles of it gradually melt into the food you are cooking. That is why it remains so shiny inside!

• Use only stainless steel or glassware for cooking.

• Be very careful that you rinse all the soap off your dishes and pots, or you will have added an additional chemical "food additive" to your next meal.


• Avoid chemicals such as hair sprays, all other aerosol products, fresh paints, garden pesticides, cleaning compounds and waxes, insecticide strips, mothballs and crystals, etc. Anything unnatural.

• Dr. Max Gerson would not allow his cancer patients to dye their hair while recovering from cancer.

• Old-fashioned soap is all you need to disinfect, but when hexachlorophene is added to that soap, the soap becomes more deadly. Widely used in maternity and other hospital wards, as well as in cosmetics and deodorants, "hex" is a powerful cancer producer.

Chemicals encourage the formation of free radicals in the body, which may lead to cancer. Do not be around or use chemicals. The body has to work to throw off the chemicals, when it should be attacking the cancer cells.

• Exposure to certain chemicals, such as benzidines, aniline dyes, and napthalenes, tends to promote development of bladder and kidney cancer.

• Exposure to asbestos, nickel, chromates, pesticides, herbicides, and radioactive materials induces lung cancer.

Aflatoxins (found especially in peanuts and soy sauce) must be avoided.

• Avoid amines (which are in cheese, meat, and unrefrigerated foods).

Antibiotics predispose to cancer. This would include tetracycline, penicillin, aspirin, diuretics, immunosuppressants, Azolid, Butazolidin, Presamine, Tofranil, Sk-Promine, Tapazole, Methotrexate, antihistamines, amphetamines, Atromids, etc.

Aspirin inhibits lymphocytes (white blood cells) which are crucially needed in immunological defenses.

• No medicinal drugs ever healed anything; it is nature which heals. Drugs are given to shock the body into healing itself. A poison is introduced, and this rouses the body to a supreme effort to throw off the poison. The result is generally a weakening of body organs, a transfer of the site of disease to a different location, and sometimes a smothering of symptoms—till a later, more deadly, form emerges.

• The taking of birth control pills, estrogen, and other female hormones is damaging to the body. A later result can be cancer. One anticancer physician (Gerson) found that the only cancer patients he could not recover were those who were taking hormones or who had damaged livers.

• The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported (May 1972) that pregnant women who take hormones can result in cancer in their daughters when they enter their teens. The rate of leukemia rate is highest in affluent areas, where medical help can be afforded and lowest among poorer people.

City living is depressing. It is also unhealthful. The carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and other photochemical pollutants in city smog definitely cause cancer of the lungs. Smog is somewhat present in rural areas, but the thickest in the cities where it is especially produced.

Automobile exhausts and phosphate fertilizers produce cadmium. This trace mineral is very toxic in larger amounts and produces various diseases, including cancer. Cadmium is concentrated in animal livers and shellfish. Avoid both of them.


Radiation is a cause of leukemia.

• You may be thin and need an electric blanket. But avoid them if you can. There is the possibility that they might impose an electrical current on the body. That can happen the easiest if your skin is sweaty and directly next to the blanket. Research also indicates that it is changes in currents from blankets which may be the most deleterious.

X-rays, even diagnostic ones (the types used by dentists and physicians) can lead to later leukemia or other cancers.

Strontium 90 and Iodine 131 are radioactive element fallouts from distant nuclear bomb tests. Both are especially found in milk products. The first causes bone cancer and leukemia; the second causes thyroid cancer.

• Stay eight or more feet from television sets. Because of possible leakage, do not use microwave ovens.


• Nearly all physicians and nutritionists agree today that sunlight is harmful, even dangerous. But is this really true?

It is not easy to arrive at clear-cut answers in this debate, but certain facts should be mentioned:

First, some sunlight on your skin is extremely important as a purifying agent. An entire book has been written about the physical benefits of obtaining some sunlight on your body.

Second, you need some sunlight in order to obtain enough vitamin D for your bones. The oils just below the surface layers of skin are irradiated by sunlight and vitamin D is produced.

Third, the author of that special book, Sunlight, by Zane Kime, M.D., is the recognized world authority on the subject—and in a special section on cancer, he provides 25 pages of detailed information about suntans in relation to skin cancer.

Kime declares that sunlight does not cause skin cancer, if the diet is correct! Here, briefly, are several of his points:

Sunlight can change cholesterol near the skin surface into free radicals, which can cause cancer. But a good diet will eliminate the free radicals.

A high-fat diet increases the likelihood of skin cancer. This includes too much oil of any kind in the diet—grease, hydrogenated oil, trans-fat, and vegetable oil.

Trans-fat (fat which is not polyunsaturated) stops oxygen utilization by the cell, and leads to cancer. Liquid vegetable oil can be up to 6% trans-fat, margarines up to 54%, and solid shortening up to 58%.

If you are on a low-fat diet, sunlight hitting your skin actually inhibits cancer.


• Our actual daily protein requirement is 20-30 grams a day, but many eat over 100 a day. Almonds, well-chewed, are a good protein source for those recovering from cancer. Brewer's yeast is also.

• Proteins should be in the form of seeds and nuts. Almonds are excellent, so are sesame and sunflower seeds. Chew them well. Eat 10 raw almonds daily. They are high in laetrile, an anticancer agent (although not as high as apricot seeds).

• Do not eat peanuts. Limit, but do not eliminate soybean products. Soybeans contain enzyme inhibitors, so are not the best until you are well.

• Eat all concentrated protein at only two meals (breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner). Do not eat them at the third meal. In this way there are no proteins being digested for a 15-hour period, and the pancreatic enzymes are able to focus their attention on digesting cancer cells present in everyone.

Overeating on protein leaves no extra pancreatic enzymes to digest cancer cells throughout the body.

• Make sure you have enough hydrochloric acid, so the protein you do eat is being properly absorbed.


• Avoid meat in all forms. It is dead matter, low in minerals, and produces uric acid in excess which is a waste product. The incidence of cancer is in direct proportion to the amount of animal proteins, particularly meat, in the diet.

• However it is true that devitalized, processed, and sugared food can also cause cancer—even in vegetarians. But far more often, when cancer strikes, those eating the junk foods are also eating meat.

• Nations and groups which consume less meat have less cancer. Hospital records show that Seventh-day Adventists, who eat little or no meat, suffer far less from cancer than the average meat-eating American. Dr. Willard J. Visek, research scientist at Cornell University, stated that the high protein diet of Americans is linked to the high incidence of cancer in the U.S.

• Another cancer physician, who also worked with hundreds of cancer patients, said that anyone who does not eat meat, eats only good food, and does all he can to protect his liver, may never get cancer.

• Cancer is less a disease than a condition existing in the whole body. Cancer would be almost unheard of if no devitalized food or meats were eaten. Cancer cannot exist where there is a pure bloodstream.


• Do not eat animal protein. Never eat luncheon meat, hot dogs, or smoked or cured meats. Restrict consumption of dairy products.

Milk and milk products are harmful, so they should be avoided. Milk contains a growth hormone for growing calves large in a few weeks and months. It will stimulate tumor growth. The pasteurization of milk destroys the phosphatase enzyme needed for assimilation, and many allergies and digestive problems result. Calves fed on pasteurized milk die of heart attacks in 8 months, yet we still give it to our children.

• The synthetic vitamin D added to milk is one of the most toxic food additives known. Some of it unites with undigested calcium, forming calcified deposits which can be focal points for developing tumors.

• Those with cancer should not use milk, with the possible exception of two tablespoons of yogurt daily.

• Eggs can cause cancer. Many chickens die of carcinoma (cancer). It is known that the cancer germ can pass from the chicken into the egg.


• Keep the weight down. Obesity is another factor linked to cancer, especially in women. Overweight women more frequently have cancer of the uterus, and do not recover as easily from breast cancer.

Accumulated fatty tissue in the body affects female hormones. The more that is present, the more estrogen is produced and converted into a special type of endocrine substance which stimulates cells to divide in the breast and reproductive system. Overweight men and women are more likely to develop cancer.

• A high-fat diet dramatically increases the occurrence of colon, breast, endometrium, and ovarian cancer, as compared with a low-fat diet. Eating a lot of fat encourages the development of cancer in both men and women. Colon cancer is more likely to occur in men.

• Those who eat the most saturated fat are twice as likely to develop polyps.

• Dr. Ott Warburg, made that discovery in the 1920s. He demonstrated that the metabolism of cancerous tissue differs radically from that of normal tissue. A regular cell is nourished by oxygen which it uses to break down nutriments; without oxygen it dies. But a cancer cell lives by using chemicals to break down nutriments—not oxygen—and needs little or no oxygen to exist. The tumor, being a parasite, has a restricted circulation of blood, sometimes as low as 2% of normal, hence it lives on fermentation of sugar, like a plant or fungus, instead of oxygen. Later experiments by Warburg revealed that normal living tissue will become cancerous, if deprived of oxygen. It was this research which brought Warburg the Nobel Prize.

• Since the blood provides the cells with oxygen, Warburg concluded that the condition of the bloodstream played an important part in the development of cancer. This is substantiated by the fact that malignant tumors are frequently found near scars, at the sides of ulcers, in atrophied organs, or wherever the blood supply is poor.

Rancid oils and heavy protein diets thicken the blood, and weaken its ability to transport food and oxygen to the cells.

• Unlike other cells, cancer cells do not need oxygen. Rancid oils and fats are dangerous, for they decrease oxygenation and weaken normal cells while strengthening cancerous ones.

Rancid food and oils are unsafe and can produce cancer. Even health foods which have been on the shelf (not refrigerated) for too long can be rancid. Try to make sure that the wheat germ, wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseed oil, and whole wheat flour are fresh. Natural, unprocessed foods are extremely perishable. Refrigerate as soon as possible after purchasing them. Wheat germ is a special problem; it turns rancid a week after it is made. Vitamins E, A, and F are totally destroyed in rancid foods. During the process of turning rancid, very harmful chemicals, such as peroxides, are produced. Because they are strong chemical irritants, after being ingested they can cause cancer. Research on this was done in Germany by Dr. H. Anemueller, and, in the University of Pennsylvania, by Drs. Rownee and Barrett.

Heated fats (animal or vegetable), when heated to a high temperature, become carcinogenic. Never fry food, never eat fried food. Instead add no oil to your cooking, but place measured amounts on your food after it is served at the table. In this way, you will be better able to control your oil intake.

• Oil in the coffee bean turns rancid when heated; do not drink coffee because of that and several other reasons. Coffee has been shown to produce cancer of the bladder.


• Researchers in Sweden estimate that 40% of cancer in males and 60% in females is caused by dietary deficiencies and wrong eating.

Chew your food four times as long, thus making it four times as digestible. Cancer is often caused by mineral deficiencies. How can you get enough, if you are not chewing your food properly? When you chew your food well, you do not need to eat as much to satisfy both hunger and body needs.

• As noted elsewhere, do not use dairy products, fried foods, heavy starches, or high protein foods. Keep the diet simple and use cleansing foods.

* Rats fed simple, natural food were far less likely to develop cancer than rats fed "purified" foods (i..e, processed foods).

• Do not eat tainted or partly-spoiled food: fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. Definitely do not eat spoiled protein foods (such as nuts)!


Modern food processing, canning, and cooking destroys enzymes vital to digestion and body needs. When food is heated to 106o F., some of these enzymes are damaged; many are destroyed when 120o F. is reached. Try to keep foods, which have been subjected to heat, to below 25% of the diet. Too much cooked foods throw an extra burden on the pancreas. It must try to produce additional enzymes to detoxify that cooked food, which tries to produce a normal output of the same enzymes used throughout the body to destroy cancer cells.

• When you do cook, measure the water and keep track of the time needed to cook the food—so that you will know exactly when to turn off the fire, and there is only a very small amount of water remaining in the pot. Then be sure and drink that water.

• It has been reported that cancer which has been controlled, starts returning if over 25% of the food is cooked and processed. This is probably due to the extra demand on the pancreas to replace enzymes destroyed by heat. This paragraph is worth remembering later on.

• Cook all sprouts slightly to eliminate a certain enzyme. But do not heat alfalfa sprouts; eat them raw.


• Eliminate fats, salted foods, fried foods, smoked foods, pickles, soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and all processed, fried, and junk foods from the diet.

• A high alcohol and/or caffeine intake is cause of breast cancer. The use of alcohol or tobacco leads to cancer of the larynx. Smokeless tobacco produces cancer of the lip, mouth, tongue, and throat. Smoking cigarettes or cigars produces lung cancer and is a factor in bladder and kidney cancer.

• Do not eat too much salt. Research in Japan disclosed that the frequency of stomach cancer is definitely related to the quantity of salt eaten.

Caffeine also interferes with production of those enzymes.

• Cancerous tumors require sugar in order to grow. Older women who use generous amounts of sugar are much more likely to contract breast cancer. Do not use any cane sugar products, such as cake, pie, jelly, ice cream, candy, etc.

• In animal studies, progressive increase in sucrose in the diet leads to a dose-dependent decline in antibody production.

• An epidemiological study of 21 countries revealed that high sugar intake is a major risk factor toward breast cancer.

Artificial sweeteners are cancer-causing drugs.

• Do not use China tea (the regular tea you buy in the grocery store); it contains tannic acid. Only use herbal teas.

• Some natural-remedy cancer therapists say never use tomatoes at all, if you have cancer. There is something about tomatoes that tend to aggravate the situation for those with active cancer.

• Others say that those with cancer can eat tomatoes by themselves, not with other foods. Some say it is all right to make a meal of them if you wish—eaten alone. Some say they can be eaten with fresh-baked zwieback (bread which has then been toasted in the oven until it is hard and chewy). Probably the best decision is avoid tomatoes entirely if you have a malignancy.

• Do not take supplemental iron tablets. The body tries to withhold iron from cancer cells, because the inorganic iron helps the cancer grow. People with excess iron levels in the blood tend to have an increased risk of developing cancer, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. Excess iron suppresses the cancer-killing function of the macrophages and interfere with T- and B-cell activity. The richest source of good iron is blackstrap molasses.

• Cancer thrives on glucose. They produce a 3- to 5-fold increase in glucose uptake compared to healthy cells. Studies of cancer patients revealed that they tended to eat more sugar than healthy people. It was also found that high sugar intake increases the likelihood breast cancer.

Simple sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose [white sugar]) honey, and orange juice significantly impaired the capacity of neutrophils to engulf bacteria, but starch ingestion did not have this effect. However, you still need simple sugars, so eat them in moderation.


• The average Westerner eats 1,500 pounds of food per year. The food we eat is an important factor in health or degeneration. Only nutritious foods should be eaten, and in moderation.

Overeating is associated in 35% of all cancers.

• One group of mice were allowed to eat as much as they wanted (about 3 g per day); the other was restricted to 2 g. Over half the mice on the unrestricted diet developed cancer after 90 weeks. Later experiments repeated this result, producing all types of tumors (lung, liver, skin, etc.). In every experiment, the more the diet is restricted in calories, the less incidence of cancerous growths.

Carotenoids and bioflavonoids are both free radical protectors. Both stimulate the immune system, while there is evidence that carotenoids may be directly toxic to tumor cells. Carotenoids are the yellow coloring matter in green and yellow vegetables. Deep green leafy vegetables and fresh carrot juice are the best sources. Bioflavonoids are found in citrus, whole grains, honey, and other plant foods.

• Animals fed cruciferous vegetables had markedly lower cancer rates matched controls. This family of vegetables includes broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower. Of them, broccoli has been found to be the best. Since that 1970 discovery the University of Minnesota, the active ingredient, called indoles, have been isolated from the vegetables is provides unusual protection against cancer. Scientists at Johns Hopkins found that lab animals fed cruciferous vegetables, and then exposed to the deadly carcinogen aflatoxin, had a 90 percent reduction in cancer rates.

• Greens and the green foods have every known vitamin, except Vitamin D and, possibly, B12. In addition, they have high levels of beta-carotene, potassium, glutathione (an amino acid) and other crucial nutrients which reduce tumor growth.

• A diet high in beta-carotene, especially beta-carotene, has been found to protect against cancer (International Journal of Cancer, September 1984).

Green powders, such as Greenlife, Barley Green, etc., are invaluable. Eat a spoonful with your food or in juice.

• Emphasize raw food to the degree you are able to do so. It is best that most of the food be raw, especially fruits and green leafy vegetables.

Phytosterols are natural chemicals in plants which reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Abscisic acid is a plant dormancy hormone and vitamin A analog found in plants; it has profound anti-cancer activity. Abscisic acid is a carotenoid factor and is especially found in green leafy vegetables.

• While cleaning the body (such as during a fast), breakfast can consist of fresh fruit and fruit juices. Use lemon, orange, grape, carrot, beet, and apple juice daily. All juices should be fresh, with no sugar added.

• But in other foods, a small amount of blackstrap molasses, pure maple syrup, or honey can act as a natural sweetener in place of sugar.

• Use whole wheat or rye in place of white flour. Whole grain products, well-baked, are good. Do not use sourdough bread, sugared bread, or fruit breads. They are too indigestible.

Raw fruit and vegetables are best; lightly cooked or steamed are second best. Salt-free frozen are next. Then comes salt-free canned; but such food should only be used if the first three choices are not available.

Raw fruit and vegetable juices are needed to clean the system and help rebuild it. Use red beet juice (from roots and very little if any from tops) and juice from carrots, celery, grapes, and other darker vegetables and fruits, such as black cherries, black currants, etc.

• Fruit juices are best taken in the morning and vegetable juices in the afternoon and evening.

• Drink spring or steam-distilled water only!

• Dr. Hans Nieper, a cancer researcher, uses fresh raw cabbage and carrot juice with excellent results.

• Some recommend four 8-ounce glasses of freshly squeezed juice daily. Max Gerson, M.D., prescribed 13 glassfuls a day. Along with a scientific program of other remedies, that juice pattern is still followed today at the Gerson Institute in northern Mexico.

Never mix fruit and vegetable juices in the same meal. It is all right to mix vegetables juices together, but do not mix fruit juices (orange, grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, or grape). Some (including the Gerson Institute) recommend a combination of carrot and apple juice.

• Fresh lemon juice should be squeezed on all greens, salads, or lettuce that are eaten. This enables the calcium and minerals to be better absorbed by the system. Dark green vegetables are better than light-colored lettuce.

Lecithin should be included in the diet to keep cholesterol in the blood stream emulsified (so it does not harden on the walls). This will improve blood circulation to the site of the tumor. Lecithin helps regulate metabolism, break down fat and cholesterol, and prevent malignancies.

Wheat germ oil is an extremely rich source of vitamin E, and should be taken daily. Only use cold-pressed (Viobin), and keep it refrigerated until you are ready to use it during the meal.

Omega-3 fatty acids may inhibit cancers, especially breast cancer (Cancer, October 1986). Flaxseed oil is, by far, the best source!

• According to a 1988 medical article (British Journal of Surgery), eating an adequate amount of essential fatty acids helps protect the body against skin cancer. It even helps eliminate them, once they form.

• Take a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses at the end of the vegetable meal. This will provide additional amounts of iron, calcium, and important B vitamins.

• Never eat fruit and vegetables at the same meals. Exception: lemon juice can be squeezed over greens to help you better absorb and calcium and minerals in those greens.

• Use plenty of soaked figs, prunes and raisins.

• Eat garlic daily. Studies done in Japan suggest that taking garlic supplements may help reduce the size of tumors. It has been used for medicinal purposes for 4,000 years.

Garlic is a faithful standby, and protects against cancer in general (Acta Unio. Intern. Contra Cancrum, 20 no. 3, 1964). Cut a thin slice of garlic and carefully tape it over, what you consider might be, a skin cancer. Try to avoid contact of the garlic on good skin. (If it does, the skin will redden and burn somewhat.) Russian research from back in the 1950s revealed that garlic is more powerful than antibiotics in destroying bacteria. It also causes moles and skin cancers to fall off.

Put the garlic on in the morning, take it off and carefully wash the area in the evening before bedtime. Put on a new application. Remove it in the morning, and repeat the process. Do this for about 3 days. The mole or ulcer will dissolve and slough off. Let the area heal. If part of it remains, repeat the process at a later time.

If you keep applying the garlic for more than 4 days, it will begin burning deeper into the skin (you will know, because the area will become very painful.) Such deep burning is not necessary to slough off the cancer, and could be harmful.

• Be sure to incorporate dietary fiber in each regular meal.

Fiber in the diet helps maintain regularity and avoid colon cancer. But it also helps the colon absorb toxins and carry it out of the body. This is important. Be sure to eat at least 3 tablespoons of bran at each regular (non-juice only) meal.

• Try to have a vegetable, fruit, and berry garden of your own, using natural fertilizers, seaweed, etc. You are what you eat. Purchase food where organically-grown food is sold.

• We do not generally think of mushrooms as the best food, for they are in the fungus family. But it has been found that three types (Reishi, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms) have decided anti-cancer factors. Oral extract of Maitake provided complete elimination of tumors in 40% of test animals, while the remaining 60% had a 90% of their cancers eliminated. Maitake contains a polysaccharide, called beta-glucan, which stimulates the immune system and even lowers blood pressure.

Legumes and seed foods (such as soybeans) have protease inhibitors (PI). These tend to protect the seeds from being digested. As such, they were thought to be a problem. But recently it has been discovered that they tend to reduce tumor growth. The National Cancer Institute that some of these substances (isoflavones and phytoestrogens) have potent anti-cancer properties. However, eating a lot of beans is not something you will want to do at home! Too much protein helps feed the cancer cells.

• Certain other foods show an ability to slow tumor growth in some way. This includes apples, apricots, barley, citrus fruit, cranberries, fiber, figs, ginger, spinach, and seaweed.

• There are a variety of digestive enzymes. Take them with a meal to improve digestion, or on an empty stomach if the need is to help fight cancer (first thing in the morning, an hour before breakfast; or the last thing at night, at least two hours after supper.)

Rice bran, pressure cooked, is rich in tocotrienols. (2-3 tablespoons a day).

Aloe vera extract (or, better, fresh aloe vera leaves) contains the active immune stimulant ace mannan.

• Scientists have found that the active culture of bacteria in yogurt (lactobacillus) can fortify the immune system. In both humans and animals, yogurt in the diet tripled the internal production of interferon, a powerful chemical compound used by the immune system against cancer cells. It also slows the level of natural killer cells. Yogurt slows the growth of tumor cells in the gastro-intestinal tract, while improving the ability of the immune system to destroy active tumor cells. It also helps block the production of carcinogenic agents in the colon. Women eating yogurt were found to have less breast cancer. It is well-known that milk is one of the worst allergenic foods, and can carry disease germs from the cows. So you would do well to obtain lactobacillus cultures from health food stores, rather than eating yogurt.

• Other intestinal microflora products can be used, instead of yogurt (which can be allergenic and contain cow diseases). Some broad spectrum products contain lactobacillus, bifidus, streptococcus faecium. Others contain only lactobacillus, which is milk- and yogurt-free.


You should be aware of the fact that, by the time symptoms of pain accompany cancer, it is in the advanced stages. At that point, the body urgently needs good nourishment, as well as cleansing; it should not be given fasts. For further information on this, see the Gerson Therapy, later in this book.

But, as a cancer preventative, occasional fasting is helpful. Cancer prevention is theme of this entire Part One section of this book.

Fasts on fruit and vegetable juices of 1 to 3 days can be taken. If under the care of someone who knows what to do, and you are not thin, a longer fast may be undertaken.

• Go on a fresh fruit diet for several days. If the patient is thin, after a few days of fruit diet, give him an alkaline nourishing diet. This would consist of vegetable broth (simmer thick potato peelings, carrots, and beets; strain; drink the water on top), mashed half-inch thick potato peelings, brown rice, carrots, greens of all kinds, red cabbage, parsley, and other vegetables.

• Eating good food treats malnutrition, and many people develop cancer because of a lack of the protective, nourishing food needed to resist it.

• There is a theory that you can starve cancer to death. This has been proven untrue. Cancer does better in a malnourished body. One study revealed that pure malnutrition (cachexia) is responsible for at least 22% and up to 75% of all cancer deaths.


IMPORTANT: Throughout this study, when dosage amounts used in research are given, the amounts are always for "per day" (mg per day, etc.) G means grams, not grains.

IMPORTANT: According to the literature surveyed, when overdosage was possible, this was indicated. (See vitamins A, B6, niacin, selenium, cysteine, arginine.) Of course, vitamin D overdose can also be toxic, but it is not listed here as an anti-cancer factor. For a variety of reasons, beware of taking much, if any, iron supplements.

IMPORTANT: Fish oils have also been recommended in the literature as possible anti-cancer agents. But we do not list them here for three reasons: Large amounts must be consumed to be beneficial. Fish oil has a known history of damaging the muscle of the heart. Some forms inhibit blood clotting

Take the supplements, which seem distasteful and hard to swallow, and put them in a fruit or other drink and swallow them all together. If necessary, briefly whiz the mixture in a blender.

When possible, chew the tablets. Break open the capsules and pour the powder onto your food or into a spoon. Crack liquid capsules in your mouth, and spit out the capsule. Do not crack vitamin C in your mouth—the acidity can hurt your teeth. Just swallow it whole.

• It is well-known, by biochemists, that most cancer victims have a deficiency of not only all vitamins, but also hydrochloric acid, potassium, magnesium, iodine, and many trace elements.

Vitamins are very important. Do not trust yourself to the official standardized amounts of needed vitamins and minerals. The actual nutritional requirements are much higher. In addition, living in our chemicalized, polluted age destroys a number of vitamins and minerals.

• For example, vitamin C is destroyed in its effort to combat auto exhaust fumes and mercury in the food. Vitamin E destroys itself in the process of detoxifying cadmium (which nonsmokers breath in when they are in the same room as smokers). The list goes on and on. The world is not as safe now as it used to be. We can be thankful that we are aware of vitamins and minerals and how to obtain them in sufficient quantities.

[Special note: The following data on vitamin A was compiled from information gleaned from sources which had not yet discovered that beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) was the more active agency in cancer prevention, and far more powerful than vitamin A.]

• Vitamin A is crucial in cancer therapy, but can you get too much of this oil-soluble vitamin? High doses of vitamin A (500,000 IU) can have acute reversible effects. Toxicity may start as low as 25,000 IU in those with impaired liver function (caused by drugs, hepatitis, or protein malnutrition) Otherwise, it begins at several hundred thousand IU.

• Toxicity of vitamin A can be reduced by taking vitamin E at the same time. This mitigates lipid peroxide effects.

• Toxicity of beta-carotene (pre-vitamin A, as found in greens and carrot juice) has never been found. One 15-year study involved immense beta-carotene intake.

• Experiment after experiment has revealed that when vitamin A is missing, cancer can be started in animals; but, when it is present in abundance, not even fast growing implanted cancers will not survive in test animals. Vitamin A inhibits the induction and retards the growth of both malignant and non-malignant tumors. Taken over a short period, vitamin A can greatly aid in recovery of cancer. Take large doses (up to 150,000 units per day or you may wish to remain with smaller doses: 50,000 units, twice a day). Later you can reduce this to a smaller amount.

• Take vitamin A in emulsified form to minimize liver involvement. Alternate, taking it 2 weeks on and 1 weeks off. Blurred vision and a soapy feeling in the mouth are signs that the body has too much A. (Vitamin A and D, which are oil soluble, can be taken in excessive amounts, so one must always be careful. Never take large amounts of either for too long a time.)

• In some instances, a person needs to take as much as 300,000 IU of vitamin A. When this must be done, taking 3200 IU of vitamin E will help reduce the risk of vitamin A toxicity.

Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) reverse bronchial metaplasia.

Vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene reduce the risk of cancer by radiation and chemical carcinogen exposure. Vitamins A,D. and E inhibit oncogenes activity.

• Varying amounts of Vitamin A were given to different patients with bladder cancer. Those receiving the smallest dosages were the most likely to have recurring cancer (i.e., the cancer return later).

• The B-complex vitamins help prevent cirrhosis of the liver. This is important because a damaged liver has a 60% greater chance of becoming malignant. Dr. Max Gerson found that to be consistently true. Take a B-complex supplement. Also take 3-4 tablespoons of brewer's yeast each day. Do not eat baker's yeast; it contains live yeast and is not good for you.

• Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner and director of the Max Plank Institute in Berlin, declared that there is a lack of one or more of three B vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid) in tissue which becomes cancerous.

• In various countries, nearly 200 scientists have reported on the importance of niacin (vitamin B3) in preventing and treating cancer.

• 2 grams of Niacin (B3) daily is recommended as an anti-cancer factor.

Niacin has been recommended by the NIH in amounts up to 3000-6000 mg, for lowering cholesterol. But time release niacin is more suspect of causing liver damage; amounts which might do this were not given.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine; pyridoxal with pyridoxal-5-pyrophosphate (P5P) is helpful in reducing damage from radiation therapy and slowing cancer growth from polyamine synthesis of the tumor. Especially good when a B6 ointment is applied to surface melanoma tumors. It helps prevent respiratory and cervical cancer (Nutrition and Cancer, June 1984).

B6-deficient mice exhibited enhanced tumor susceptibility and increased tumor size. In another experiment, animals fortified with B6 and then injected with melanoma (skin) cancer cells, showed a greater resistance to this deadly form of cancer. Studies on humans revealed similar results.

• Less than 500 mg of vitamin B-6 in humans appears to be safe.

Vitamin B12 dramatically augments the tumor kill of vitamin C.

• A combination of folate (folic acid, a B vitamin) and B12 has been found to reverse bronchial metaplasia (pre-malignant lesions). Folic acid protects against cervical cancer (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 1982).

Pangamic acid is vitamin B15. Many scientists (Warburg, Goldblatt, etc.) believe that chronic oxygen deficiency in cells leads to cancer cell formation. Pangamic acid increases the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency. Remember that cancer cells do not use oxygen and that poorly oxygenated cells are the most likely to become malignant.

Laetrile (also called amygdalin, nitrilosides, or vitamin B17) is another substance used to eliminate cancer. It is derived from apricot pits (seeds). Take two 500 mg tablets of laetrile 3 times a day. It is also found in all fruit kernels, except those of citrus. Other food sources, which contain lesser amounts, include lima beans, lentils, mung beans, crab apples, peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, cranberries, sprouted seeds, and apples (chew up the seeds as well as the apple).

• Several apricot kernels (i.e., apricots seeds or pits) should be eaten at each protein meal. Six per day may be sufficient. They should be eaten with food or, better yet, with fresh, frozen, or dried apricots. The slightly bitter ones contain more laetrile (also called nitriloside or amygdalin), and are better for you than are the sweet ones. Do not mix the sweet and bitter varieties; there may be an interaction. If available, 100 mg of oral Amygdalin may be substituted.

• If people regularly ate the seeds when they eat apples, peaches, apricots, they would get enough laetrile. Starting to do this earlier, will help prevent cancer from forming later on.

• But when cancer is already developing, 500-590 mg of Amygdalin, in solid tablet form, should be swallowed at the two larger meals. They should not be taken on an empty stomach.

Vitamin C is a powerful aid in resisting cancer and other diseases. Swedish studies, at Karolinska and Umea Hospitals, revealed that vitamin C in large doses can be an effective agent in fighting cancer.

Vitamin C blocks the carcinogenic effects of most poisons, including nitrates. Vitamin C can be taken to bowel tolerance. This means you can take as much as you can, until you begin to have diarrhea. When the body tissues reach saturation on C, the remainder of this water-soluble vitamin is sent into the bowel, which reacts to the acidity by somewhat runny bowels till the C is gone. Take large doses of 5,000 mg or more a day. It is the most powerful antitoxin known, and can neutralize or minimize the damaging effect of most chemical carcinogens entering your body from the air, water, or food.

• Cancer of the bladder can occur when the amino acid tryptophan is not properly metabolized, resulting in oxidation of its metabolites. Vitamin C prevents that oxidation process, and thus blocks cancer development. It is a preventative agent against a variety of cancers (Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 73, 1984).

Vitamin C is such a potent cancer fighter, that it is well to here provide additional information: Deficiency symptoms include slow wound healing, pain in joints, immune suppression, bleeding gums, irritability, and increased risk of cancer. If you take too much at a time, it will cause mild diarrhea within 30 minutes. Intake: RDA: 60 mg. Usual U.S.: 114 mg. Prophylactic: 500-2000 mg. Therapeutic: 500-100,000 mg.

• Taken in larger doses, Vitamins A and C inhibit hyaluronidase, an enzyme found in cancerous tissues.

Vitamins A, C, and E are antioxidants. When accompanied by the minerals, selenium and zinc, they help protect against malignancies.

• Low serum levels of vitamin A and E were common in patients receiving, and responding poorly to, chemotherapy. The great danger in using chemotherapy and radiation is the damage, introduction of a poisonous conditions, and destruction of anti-cancer vitamins.

Vitamin C and beta-carotene (pre-vitamin A) have been found to be effective in reversing cervical dysplasia and oral leukoplakia in humans.

Vitamins C and K separately showed anti-tumor activity against human cancer cells in vitro, but became synergistically effective at 2% the regular dosage when used together.

• A substance in vitamin D, known as 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol has been discovered to be an anti-cancer factor. But, due to toxicity of vitamin D overdose, must be used only under the care of a professional. For most of us, it is best to avoid using too much vitamin D, although some is needed. Sunshine is the best source. (Fish oils can cause heart trouble.)

Vitamin E, working with C, inhibits the activity of a growth substance (catalyst) found in cancerous tissue. Take up to 1,000 units a day. Vitamins C and E help the body inhibit the activity of the enzyme hyaluronidase, found in cancerous tissue.

• A lack of beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), vitamin E, and B complex in lung tissue may be related to lung cancer.

• Injections of vitamin E, beta-carotene, canthaxanthin (a carotenoid) and algae extract dramatically bolstered levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha, and reversed hamster buccal pouch tumors.

• Human prostatic cancer cells in vitro were markedly reduced when vitamin E was added. It helps protect against bowel cancer (Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 73, 1984).

Vitamin F is the essential fatty acids. Add 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed vegetable oil to each food meal (not juice-only meals). Wheat germ oil and flaxseed oil are the best. Corn oil and soy oil are second best. Safflower oil is not so good. Make sure the oil is fresh and kept refrigerated when not in use. Never use cottonseed oil (it can cause blindness), hydrogenated oils, lard, greases, or animal products. The oil in the nuts is good, if the nuts are fresh.

Vitamin K helps protect the body against certain cancer-causing substances. Take it with vitamin C to increase its cancer-reducing strength.

Quercetin (one of the bioflavonoids which, together, are called vitamin P) increased the cell kill rate in cancer cells, which were exposed to hyperthermia (heat therapy) with no negative effect on normal healthy cells.

Quercetin reduced cancers in animals exposed to two carcinogens.


• A Cancer Control Convention, meeting in Japan, reported that the trace mineral, germanium, in the diet is a significant factor in preventing and eliminating cancer.

• One cancer researcher, who studied in-depth into cancer remedies over the past 150 years, declared that every effective anticancer formula (Glyoxylide, which is the Koch treatment; the Hoxsey herbs; Hypotonic therapy; laetrile; the Gerson method; Krebiozen; and Carcalon) involves extra amounts of potassium. This is very important.

• Be sure to include a significantly higher intake of potassium. Potassium deficiency is considered by Gerson, Scott, and others as a primary contributing cause of cancer.

Potassium foods include almonds, apples, dried apricots, bananas, beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, dulse, grapes, kale, olives, pecans, rice bran, sunflower seeds, wheat bran, and germ. These foods help the body resist and overcome tumors, cysts, and malignancies.

• Center your diet around potassium foods. Here are more of them:

• Dried apricots, asparagus, pearled barley, dried navy beans, fresh lima beans, raw beets, sprouted bread with no salt, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, caraway seed, cauliflower, celery seed, small leaves of chard, dark raw cherries, dandelion greens, dill seed, endive, unsulphured figs (dried or raw), garlic, concord or emperor grapes, grapefruit, fresh horseradish, fresh lemons, lentils, fresh limes, nectarines, okra, onions, oranges, fresh parsley, dried or raw peaches, Bartlett pears, dry or fresh peas, persimmons, raw pineapple (never canned), raw plums, dried or raw prunes, raw quinces, raisins, wild or brown rice, sage, rolled oats, spinach, squash (acorn, Hubbard, yellow summer), tangerines, raw tapioca, raw turnip leaves, and watermelon.

• Drink potassium broths daily. Prepare them from half-inch thick potato peelings, which are then cooked. Draw off the water and drink it.

• You want foods which are high in iodine and potassium, low in sodium, protein, and fat.

Potassium ascorbate (12-20 g) can be taken as a partial potassium supplement. This product includes vitamin C.

Potassium and magnesium are among the more crucial minerals for cancer recovery. Magnesium helps to stabilize cell membranes and elevate immune activity while potassium plays a critical role in membrane permeability. (Magnesium, 400-800 mg daily from aspartate, citrate, or orotate.)

Magnesium protects against cancer in general (Medical Hypotheses, August 1980).

Calcium and magnesium have a beneficial effect in helping the body resist colon cancer. Natural iron supplements help prevent thyroid cancer. (But many iron supplements are dangerous! Take blackstrap molasses instead of iron pills.)

• The New England Journal of Medicine reported that calcium may prevent precancerous cells from becoming cancerous. Calcium protects against colon cancer (American Journal of Epidemiology, September 1988).

Calcium supplements (2000 mg) provide a marked suppression of rectal cancer proliferation. It inhibits early stages of colon cancer in genetically vulnerable individuals.

Iodine and trace minerals are crucial. You can obtain them by each day eating some Nova Scotia dulse or Norwegian kelp. Both are special seaweeds which have a wide spectrum of trace minerals. Food grown on the continents does not have all those trace minerals; rainwater has gradually depleted the soils.

Iodine protects against breast cancer (Lancet, April 1976).

• It is very important to keep the iodine level of the blood normal, so both the thyroid and body tissues will have proper cell oxidation. Eat a sufficient amount of dulse, or kelp, each day. (Do not use California kelp.)

• People with myxedema, or underactive thyroids, are more prone to developing cancer. So keep your thyroid in good condition with seaweed.

• Japan and Iceland both have low goiter and breast cancer rates. This may be because their diets are rich in iodine and selenium. Breast cancer has been linked to an iodine deficiency. Japanese women have almost no breast cancer. Colon cancer rates in Japan are also low.

• Studies at the University of Zurich and in London Polytechnic revealed that brewer's or food yeast gives improved resistance against cancer development. Brewer's yeast is one of the best sources of selenium, an important anticancer mineral.

Selenium made the headlines, at the end of 1996, as a special trace mineral which could dramatically reduce cancer in the human body. It completely inhibited tumor growth in mice inoculated with tumor cells.

Selenium helps eliminate cancer in five ways: It improves detoxification, bolsters immune function, directly toxic to tumor cells, and may is a valuable anti-proliferative factor (Lancet, July 1983). Selenium intake should not exceed 2500 mcg (2.5 mg) per day.

• Using selenium as a sole therapy, there was a 38.8% favorable response rate in patients with oral cancer.

• High doses of selenium (equivalent to 54 mg in humans) resulted in 83-90% reduction in rate of tumor growth in mice.

• Long-term usage of 5000 mcg of selenium may result in fingernail changes and hair loss. Selenite is more toxic than selenium bound to amino acids (i.e., selenomethionine). Ingestion of 1-5 mg/kg body weight of selenite will produce toxic side effects. This is equivalent to 65,000 mcg in a 65 kg adult.

Chromium as picolinate is very helpful in working with carcinoma. (400-800 mcg.)

Zinc as zinc picolinate (30-100 mg) is also a significant help. It protects against prostrate cancer (British Journal of Urology, October 1983).

Cesium is neither essential nor toxic in cancer reduction. But it slightly alters the pH of cancer cells, rendering them more vulnerable to immune attack.


Chlorophyll is an anticancer agent which slows the growth of cancerous tumors. It creates an environment unfavorable to bacterial growth.

• A diet rich in chlorophyll is therapeutically effective for both external and internal infections, including malignancies.

Blue-green algae and chlorophyll clean and protect the blood

CoQ10 (co-enzyme Q10) and germanium provide oxygen to the cells. So does vitamin E, working in the liver. (Cancer does not use oxygen in the cells.)

CoQ10 increases aerobic (oxygen) metabolism and immune function. Cancer cells thrive where there is a lack of oxygen.

CoQ10 sometimes reduces hair loss in those who choose to take chemotherapy.

• Scientists, at UCLA, have found that sodium linoleate, which contains linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) has the ability to fight cancer cells. Lecithin is a good source.

Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) can be taken as oil of borage, evening primrose, or black current seed. In purified form, up to 1.5 grams per day can be taken.

Alpha linolenic acid (ALA) from flaxseed oil (1-2 tsp. daily). Make sure that it was stored in the refrigerator at the health food store you purchase it from. Flaxseed oil becomes rancid very quickly, so purchase small bottles.


Glutathione (200 grams), functions in the body as an antioxidant and helps destroy free radicals and the toxicity remaining if you already have received radiation treatments and chemotherapy. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, especially) increases the body's own production of glutathione peroxidase (GSH).

Cysteine (N-acetylcysteine) (1-2 grams) is an amino acid which enters into various detoxification systems in the body, helps bolster glutathione peroxidase activity, and can be converted in the body to glutathione, which may become GSH, a potent broad spectrum anti-oxidant enzyme system. Cysteine supplementation promote glutathione synthesis.

• Although safe up to 10 g, the nauseating taste and smell of cysteine can cause vomiting.

• Several studies confirm that arginine reduces tumors and tumor formation. It increases T-cell function, stimulates the thymus and thyroid, and enhances activity of killer cells, as well as interleukin-2 receptors and general immune improvements.

• At therapeutic levels (above 5 g) of arginine, growth of certain viruses may be activated.

Methionine reduces the uptake of mercury, which is a cancer-causing agent.

• Malnourished cancer patients improve when branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) are given. Protein and albumin synthesis are heightened.


The information in this section is primarily for medical researchers, but it is also invaluable for those who want to prevent cancer from gaining a foothold in their bodies.

Because of modern nutritional, environmental, and living conditions, cancer rates are rapidly increasing. In this chapter, the thoughtful reader will have learned a number of things which can help prevent the occurrence of cancer.

• You have been a toxic waste site! And now, before the cancer has a chance to start, you are beginning waste disposal operations. With prayer, diligent work, and the blessing of God, you can have success.

• While some are concerned with treating symptoms, you must be concerned with getting at the causes of cancer and eliminating them. Only then can the problem be permanently solved.

The Gerson Therapy seems to do the best job of eliminating the toxins. You will find it discussed later in this book.

• Well, there you have a number of possible suggestions. What you have just read may seem like a lot of work. But, since cancer will generally mean the end of you, are you sure you do not want to work?

• It is extremely important that you care for and rebuild the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, bowels, and other organs. Dr. Max Gerson maintained that he could eliminate cancer in anyone if the liver was in good condition. Take care of your liver.

If you have cancer, we recommend that you locate a physician and place yourself under his care. A careful, systematic regime of healthful recovery is needed, and you may not know what to do. Regardless of which doctor you go to, while waiting for appointments get started doing the right things! Doctors may be busy, but your life depends on changes which need to start right now. Essentially everything, listed here in Part One of this book, you can do at home to improve health and help prevent malignancies.

• Do not fear. Trust your life to God; obey the Ten Commandments by faith in Christ; and step forward, living your best and doing your best. Entrust the outcome to God.

• America alone spends $800 billion yearly on physicians and hospitals; yet it is 23rd in the world in level of health, vitality, and longevity. Surely, it is time that we start thinking for ourselves.

All information in this section, and throughout this book, is offered purely for educational, research, and experimental purposes—as an objective report, not as a recommendation or endorsement.

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