Stannum, silver-lead alloy, 19, 183-184, 188
Stannum argentarium, lead-tin alloy, 186-188
Stannum tertiarium, lead-tin or lead-bismuth alloy, 186
Stelechites, fossil, 14, 101
Stella, minerals with internal reflections, 15
Stereotis, massive lead oxide and carbonate, 195
Stibi, stibnite, 19, 181, 209, 211
Strombites, fossil, probably a gastropod, 100
Sualternicum, reddish yellow amber, 71
Suceinum, amber, 8, 61, 70-79
Sulfur, sulphur, 58-60
Sulfur vivum, native sulphur, 58
Syenites, hornblende granite, 14, 152, 154
Synodontites, unknown stone, or bone from head of synodus fish, 146
Syriacus, fossil crinoid, 96
Syricum, red pigment, 200-201
Syringites, petrified reed, 82, 112
Syrtites, garnet, 136
Syrtitis, unknown yellow gemstone, 139
Taenarium, black marble, 149 Tecolithos, fossil or calcareous material,
80, 96, 112, 142 Telicardios, unknown stone, possibly a
fossil, 142 Telirrhizos, unknown stone, possibly
onyx, 144 Temperatura, alloys, 186 Tenerius, incorrect name for pebble
found in geodes, 104 Tephrias, stalagmite calcite pt.; serpentine pt., 152 Tephrites (tephritis), fossil, 14, 99, 112 Terebinthizusa, chrysocolla, 139 Terra lemnium, cimolite in part, 32 Terra samia, calcareous earth pt.;
kaolinite pt., 13, 14, 29-30, 31, 32, 34, 219
Terra tripela, siliceous earth, principally
tripolite, 28 Theamedes, unknown stone, 12, 85-86 Theodotion, green chalk or clay, 12 Thracia, plasma, bloodstone and related
varieties of cryptocrystalline
quartz, 142 Thyites, green marble or chalk, 14, 112,
148 Tincar, artificial hydrous sodium carbonate, 43 Tofus, tuff pt.; tufa pt., 11, 24, 115, 156,
157, 167 Topazius, yellow and green gemstones
and stones, principally peridot, 11,
115, 128-129, 147, 153 Trichrus, hematite in part, 88 Triophthalmos, eye-agate, 142 Trochites, fossil crinoid stem, 12, 96-97,
100, 101 Troezenius, garnet, 136 Turcica, jasper, 139
Unio, pearl, 146-147
Veientana, calcareous tufa, 143 Veneris crines, sagenitic quartz, 143 Venetus, sapphire, 132 Viride aeris, copper acetate, 197 Vitriolum, blue and green hydrous iron
sulphates, principally melanterite,
Xanlhos, yellowish white jasper, 6, 116,
144 Xistios, unknown stone, 145
Zanthenes, a hydrocarbon, probably
resin or paraffin, 79, 112 Zmilaces, blue-gray marble, 145 Zoronisios, unknown stone, 144, 145