
Latin Mineral Index

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salts, 180 λίίμωνίάτι;*, 124 Lemnia earth, 28, 32 Leonardus, Camillus, 141 Lime, 90, 162-164, 217
manufactured, 90, 162-163, 217
uses, 163-164 Limestone, 105, 162-163
fetid, 154 Limonite, 6, 21 Lingua, 165 Lithostroton, 155 Livy, 174 Lodestone, 83 Lucretius, 83 Lucullus, L., 148 Lunan silex, 157 Luster of minerals, 7 Lutea, 34
λύχΐΌί, 137
Lysistratus, 90
Magi, 144-145 Magnetism, 12, 85-86 Magnetite, 83-86
lodestone, 83-86 Malachite, 140 Maltha, 61, 163 Manardus, 201 Marble (see calcite), 148-156
cutting of, 155-156
form, 154
uses, 154-156 Marl, 24-25, 161-162 Martialis, 76 Mary's Ice, 91 Massicot, 173, 180, 195-199 Matter, classification of, 15-20 Meager minerals, 9 Medea, oil of, 62 Media, 53
Megasthenes, 79, 169 Melanterite, 11, 13, 45, 47-51 Melinum earth, 30 Mercury, see quicksilver Metacinnabar, 11, 207 Metals, 18-19, 169-186
occurrence, 169
plating, 188-190
properties of, 169
unknown, 19 Meteorites, 97-98 Metrodorus, 71, 73 Mica, 7, 14, 94, 95 Millstones, 12, 158, 159 Minerals, 5-20
chemical properties, 12
composite, 217-222
electrical properties, 12
form, 14
medicinal properties, 12-13
mixed, 19-20, 202-217
physical properties, 6-12
simple, 17-19
size, 15 Minium, artificial, 183, 190 Mithridates, 73 Mnesias, 78 Mocha-stone, 141 Molibdaena, 210 Moisture in minerals, 8-9, 12 Moonstone, 123 Muscovite, see mica Mutianus, 104, 167 Mythical stones, 85, 145, 146-147
Natron, 43, 44
Nepos, C, 153
Nicander, 2, 68, 70, 71
Nicias, 2, 72, 73, 78
Nicols, Thomas, 128
Niter, 44-45, 51, 188, 202, 218
VLTpOV, 42
Non-composite minerals, 17
Obsidian, 111 Ocher, 6, 21, 34-35 Odor of minerals, 8 Olearia, 106
όμοιομ^ρής, 5
Onesicritus, 36
Onyx, 133-135
Opal, 7, 116, 122-123, 124, 131, 147
Opizus, Baptista, 201
Ordnance, 45, 186
Organ pipes, 180
Orobitin (όροβίτη!), 53
Oropus, 219
Orpheus, 2
Orpiment, 6, 18, 56-58, 203, 218
Osemutum, 182
Ovid, 81
Ozymum (ocimum), 77
Paretonium earth, 28, 31-32
Paulus Aegineta, 34, 99
Pausanias, 93, 94, 148, 161, 166, 177
Pearls, 146-147
Peridot, 15, 128-129, 147, 153
Persian writers on minerals, 13
■jrevradoipos, 165
Petrifactions, 14, 80-82, 166-167
Petroleum, 61
Pewter, 180
Pharmacist's earth, 67
Phidias, 148
Philemon, 76
Philostratus, 86
Philoxenus, 71
Phlogopite, 95
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