φλύκταινα, 193
Phocion Grammaticus, 66
Pictor, P., 2
Pigments, 34-35, 199-200, 208
Pilulia, 55
Pindarus, 107
Pisolite, 167
Pissasphalt, 61
πισσάσφαλτος, 62
Pitch, 61, 112
irXanos, 154 πλαταμών, 154
Plasma, 15, 142 Plasterers, 27, 31-32, 163 Plating, 188-190
C, cited as an authority throughout the text Plutarch, 40 Polycrates,
133 Posidonius, 36, 61, 65, 67 Potolomaeus, 74 Pottery, 25-27
Pozzuolana cement, 219 Prase, 6, 108, 127, 147 Prisons imbrex, 165
Proustite, 6, 205-206 Pselus, 64, 78 Ptolemaeus, 74 Pumice, 12, 80,
107-108 Pyrargyrite, 205-206 Pyrite, 12, 17, 47, 209, 211-212, 221
Pyrope, 135-136 Pyrrhus, 141 Pythagoras, 119 Pytheas, 73
Quadrigarius, 93, 94
12, 14, 108, 111, 114, 116, 118-123, 124, 130-131, 139, 147 chatoyant,
127, 142, 147 cryptocrystalline, 6, 7, 13, 102-105, 107-108, 112-114,
116, 117, 125, 127, 129, 132, 134, 138-144, 147, 164, 170, 220 iris, 6,
120-121 sagenitic, 143 Quartzite, 106-107 Quarzum, 121 Quicksilver, 169, 174-176 minerals, 207
Ramentum, 170 Realgar, 8, 56-58, 202 Resin, 61, 63, 77-80, 112 Retinite, 78, 112
Rocks, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 111, 112, 148-156, 158-163 bituminous, 8, 12, 61-62, 79-80, 112,
202 igneous, 12, 14, 111, 150, 152, 154,
155, 162 metamorphic, 11, 15, 83, 112, 148-156,
mythical, 12, 85-86 sedimentary, 9, 12, 105, 143 St. Stephen's, 144
Royal sickness, cure for, 144 Ruby, 137 Rust, 18, 36, 56, 183
Sabinian silex, 157
Sacon, 131
Safetv masks, 208
Saffron, 52
Sal ammoniac, 37, 41, 89
Salt, 7, 9, 36-42
Salt of Sodom, 37
Samian earth, 13, 14, 29-30, 32, 34
Samothracian gem, 61
Sand, 159-160
Sandstone, 9, 157-159
Sapphire, 108, 114, 115, 130, 147
coloring of, 130 Sard, 6, 132 Sarda earth, 28 Sardonyx, 114, 132-133
Satyrus, 2, 71, 136 Scale, 190, 194 Scorifiers, 26 Scylla bird, 145
Scythanum, 52 Selenite, 7, 13, 90-93 Selinusia earth, 30 Semiramis, 66
Serapio, 63, 64, 65, 71, 78, 212 Serpentine, 152, 153 Seutonius, 177 Shale, 9, 12, 67
143, 162, 215-216 Sicilian oil, 62 Sicyonius, 2 Sigstein, 12, 143 Silenus, 151 Silver, 8, 169, 172-174
foam of, 195-196
plating, 188-189
ruby, 204, 205-206, 207
206 Size of minerals, 15 Slag, 110, 190-192, 212 Sliekenside, 95
Smaltite, 214 Smectis earth, 28 Smithsonite, 96, 187, 193 Socrates, 2
Sodium carbonate, 13, 42-44 Soils, 23-24 Solder, 56
Solinus, 69, 120, 132 Soluble minerals, 10