
Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines

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Contents, table oi......................3-3
Cooper Gold Mining Co.. referred to.....93
Coosa county, Ala., occurrence of gold in.90
Copper ores, auriferous...........14, 18, 45,
46, 48, 51, 70
Cost of chlorination plants..............119
chlorinating at Franklin mine. .125 "             " Haile mine ... .143
diamond drilling at Franklin
mine ........................124
labor at Arminius pyrite mine...74
" Crawford mine ........94
" Franklin mine .......125
" Haile mine ...........143
" Idaho mine ...........S9
" Kings Mountain mine..67
a parlor mine ..........56
" Pinetucky mine .......88
" Reimer mine.....117, 119
labor, general discussion.......154
milling at Franklin mine.......125
" Parker mine ........55
milling, concentrating, roasting and chlorinating at Iteimer
mine .........................121
mining at Phoenix mine.........62
mining, crushing and tramming
at Franklin mine.............125
mining and milling at Brewer
mine ........................147
mining and milling at Crawford
mine ..........................94
mining and milling in Dahlonega
district ......................114
mining and milling at Idaho
mine .........................89
mining and milling at Kings
Mountain mine ...............67
mining and milling at Lockhart
mine ........................116
mining and milling at Lucky Joe
mine .........................86
mining and milling at Slate Hill
mine .........................74
roasting at Franklin mine......125
" Haile mine ........143
" Iteimer mine ......119
supplies at Franklin mine......125
" Haile mine ........143
stamp mill equipments.....113, 119
Cox mine, Ga............................82
Crandall hydraulic grayel elevator,
32, 102-105
Crandall, W. K., cited..................102
Crawford mill ..........................35
Crawford (Ingrain) mine, N. C....54, 91-95
Crawford Mining Co., referred to........93
' Creighton (Franklin) mine, Ga.81, 82, 121-125 Creighton Mining and Milling Co., referred to ..........................121, 123
Cross, Jno., referred to..................83
Cross mine, S. C. (see Haile mine),
127, 129, 130, 131
Crowell mine, Stanly county, X. C.......56
Crowell mine, Union county, N. C.......63
Crown Point mine, Ala..................86
Crumpton mine, Ala.....................86
Crutchfield mine, Ala....................85
Culp (Little Fritz) mine, N. C...........56
Culpeper county, Va., mines in..........72
Culpeper mine, Ya......................72
Currahee mine, Ga......................SO
Cyanide process, application of......38, 153
Cyanide process at Brewer mine........147
Cabin Creek (Burns)
mine ...........38. 57
Franklin mine...38, 123
Gilmer mines ........38
Gold Hill mines..3S, 60
Jones mine ..........47
Moratock mine ...38. 54
Reimer mine .......121
Russell mine.....38, 53
Sawyer mine.....38, 47
Dahlonega, Ga., early mining population.29 Dahlonega method of mining and milling,
general description ............32, 107-115
Dahlonega method of mining and milling,
future of ........................149, 150
Dahlonega method of mining and milling,
at Hedwig mine..................114, 115
Dahlonega method of mining and milling,
at Parker mine........................55
Dahlonega mining district, Ga...80, 107-115
Dahlonega Mint, the, referred to.........SO
Darlington, Wayne, referred to..........61
Davidson county, N. C, mines in.....47-51
Davidson Hill mine, N. C................63
Davie county, N. C, occurrence of gold in.68
Davis chlorination process...............3S
Davis and Tyson Metallurgical "Works, referred to ..............................38
Davis mine, Halifax county, N. C........43
Davis (Dutton or Morris Mt.) mine, Montgomery county, X. C...................53
Davis (Ophir) mine, Montgomery county,
N. C..................................52
Davis mine, Union county, N. C..........63
Davis Mountain mine, X. C.............47
Dawson county, Ga., mines in...........81
Dean (St. George) mine, Ga.............79
Decomposition of rocks..................11
Deep Flat mine, N. C...................52
Deep River mine, N. C..................45
Delft mine, N. C........................47
Derr mine, N. C.........................Gd
Designolle process ......................39
De Soto Mining Co., referred to.........144
Diabase dikes, influence of on ore-bodies ............................16, 63, 126
Diamond drilling at Capps mine......64-66
Franklin mine .... 123
Haile mine .......132
Pinetucky mine ....S8
Distribution of mines in Alabama.....85-90
Georgia ........7S-S5
Maryland ..........71
Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Page of 172 Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines
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