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6.5 Active Directory Integrated DNS

If you've decided to host the AD DNS zones on your domain controllers, you should strongly consider using AD integrated zones. This section will explain some of the benefits of using AD integrated DNS versus standard primary zones.

In the normal world of DNS, you have two types of name servers: primary and secondary (a.k.a. slaves). The primary name server for a zone holds the data for the zone in a file on the host and reads the entries from there. Each zone typically has only one primary. A secondary gets the contents of its zone from the primary that is authoritative for the zone. Each primary name server can have multiple secondary name servers. When a secondary starts up, it contacts its primary and requests a copy of the relevant zone via zone transfer. The contents of the secondary file are then dynamically updated over time according to a set scheme. This is normally a periodic update or triggered automatically by a message from the primary stating that it has received an update. This is a very simplified picture, as each name server can host multiple zones, allowing each server to have a primary role for some zones and a secondary for others.

Each type of server can resolve name queries that come in. However, if a change must be made to the underlying contents of the DNS file, it has to be made on the primary name server for that zone. Secondary name servers cannot accept updates.[1]

[1] This isn't strictly true. While slaves cannot process updates, they can and do forward updates that they receive to the primary name server.

Another option available with Active Directory and Windows DNS server is to integrate your DNS data into Active Directory. Effectively, this means that you can store the contents of the zone file in Active Directory as a hierarchical structure. Integrating DNS into Active Directory means that the DNS structure is replicated among all DCs of a domain. Each DC holds a writeable copy of the DNS data. The DNS objects stored in Active Directory could be updated on any DC via LDAP operations or through DDNS against DCs that are acting as DNS servers. This effectively makes the entire set of DCs act like primary name servers, where each DC can write to the zone and issue authoritative answers for the zone. This is a far cry from the standard model of one primary name server and one or more secondary name servers, which has the obvious downside of a single point of failure for updates to DNS.

6.5.1 Replication Impact

While AD Integrated DNS has many advantages, the one potential drawback is how DNS data gets replicated in Active Directory. Under Windows 2000, AD Integrated zones are stored in the System container for a domain. That means that every domain controller in that domain will replicate that zone data regardless of whether the domain controller is a DNS server. For domain controllers that are not DNS servers, there is no benefit to replicating the data. Fortunately, there is a better alternative in Windows Server 2003, using application partitions as described in the next section.

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