[ Team LiB ]

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J2EEUnit (EJB testing tool) 
J2SE, Mock Objects support 
JAR files
    building (Ant) 
jar task (Ant buildfiles) 
java.awt.Robot, simulating user input 
javac task 
JavaScript, testing 
    default server environments 
    EAR and WAR files, deploying to 
    web applications, hot deployment 
JDBC code
    creating testable 
    mock objects, testing with 
Jemmy (GUI testing tool) 
JFCUnit (GUI testing tool) 
Jikes compiler 
JSPs (Java Server Pages)
    designing testable 
    output, testing with Cactus 
    web applications and 
JUnit  2nd 
    assert methods 
    asynchronous testing 
    concurrent testing 
    database logic testing 
    duplicated testing code, avoiding  2nd 
    exception handling 
    HTML form element testing 
        Cactus server-side testing and 
        testing repeatedly 
    reloading classes 
    repeating tests 
    running tests 
    static web pages, testing for 
    subclassing for common test behavior 
    Swing code testing 
        threading problems 
    test cases
        naming conventions 
    test organization 
    test output 
    test suites, creating 
    unit testing, granularity of 
    web site 
junit target (buildfiles) 
junit task 
    testing web applications 
JUNIT_HOME environment variable 
    Ant integration 
    load tests 
    timed tests 
        individual response times 
        load conditions 
        obtaining metrics for failed tests 
    when to use 
    Ant tasks, creating for 
    generating tests 
JUnitPerfDocletSubTask, creating 
JUnitPerfTagHandler class, creating 
JUnitPerfTagHandler class, template file for 

[ Team LiB ]