[ Team LiB ]

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X]

    -nosticky option 
    custom routines 
    Exporter module and  2nd 
    File::Basename module and 
    subroutines  2nd 
    use operation and 
@INC array
    require operator and 
    use operation and 
indices, sorting with  2nd 
indirect object notation 
    sorting indices 
    @ISA variable and 
    code reusability through 
    composition versus 
    constructors and  2nd 
    DESTROY method and  2nd 
    isa method testing 
    method invocation and  2nd 
    multiple inheritance 
installation (of modules)
    alternate library locations 
    alternate locations 
    distribution considerations 
instance methods
    APIs and 
    class methods and 
    invoking  2nd 
    Math::BigInt module 
    OO modules and 
    parameters and 
    restricting to 
instance variables
    filehandles as 
    hash keys 
    object destruction and 
    in subclasses  2nd 
    accessors and 
    blessed references and  2nd 
    defined  2nd 
    hashes and 
    isa method testing 
    methods working with 
    distribution considerations 
    File::Basename module  2nd 
    File::Spec module 
    maintenance considerations 
    version numbers and 
IO::File class  2nd 
is function (Test::More)  2nd 
@ISA variable
    features  2nd 
    inheritance hierarchies and 
    multiple inheritance 
isa method (UNIVERSAL)  2nd 
isa_ok function (Test::More) 
isnt function (Test::More) 
iteration versus recursion 

[ Team LiB ]