Perl Contexts: Void, Scalar, List, and Boolean
are three main lvalue (left-hand value) contexts
in Perl; void context, scalar context, and list context. They
typically operate when subroutines are called or when an
lvalue assignment is made:
localtime( ); # Step 1: Void context, nothing returned
$this_time = localtime( ); # Step 2: Scalar context, scalar returned
print "$this_time \n";
@array_time = localtime( ); # Step 3: Array (or list) context, array
print "@array_time \n"; # returned.
This code produces:
Wed Mar 6 22:40:40 2002
40 40 22 6 2 102 3 64 0
Let's look at the three contexts illustrated here.
void context the localtime( ) function fails to
return anything. Otherwise Perl uses a built-in
wantarray operator in the background to return
whether the function is supposed to return a scalar value or an array
the lvalue is a scalar, as with
$this_time, we know a scalar is required, so
localtime( ) supplies us with a single string of
Wed Mar 6 22:40:40 2002
In our last
code line, wantarray tells us that an array is
required in list context, so localtime( ) gives
us an array of different time-based variables supplying seconds,
minutes, hours, day of the month, month, number of years since 1900,
the weekday, the day of the year, and a daylight savings time flag:
40 40 22 6 2 102 3 64 0
There is no
boolean variable type in Perl, just Boolean
context. In essence, if a scalar is a string and it is either empty
"", or set to
"0", then it is interpreted as
false. If it is numeric and 0 or 0.0, it is interpreted as false.
Absolutely everything else, except the special undef
value, is interpreted as true. (This can go against the
grain for shell programmers, where 0 is true and everything else is
false, but is natural for C programmers from the ol'