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7.4 Coding with Oracle::OCIIn the following sections, we're going to present essentially the same example coded three different ways; each creates a simple table description:
7.4.1 Pure Oracle::OCI CodeThis first example (Example 7-1) shows pure unadulterated Oracle::OCI code. Notice how just logging on takes over a page of code. (We'll work through the steps after the example.) Example 7-1. rawOCI.pl — Oracle::OCI in action#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Pure-ish Oracle::OCI use strict; use DBI qw(neat); use Oracle::OCI qw(:all); # Step 1: Get the environment right, and set up your target # database and user, before we initialize. $ENV{ORACLE_SID} ||= 'ORCL'; my $dbuser = $ENV{ORACLE_USERID} || 'scott/tiger'; # The following call to new_ptr( ) and bless are 'scaffolding' # which this version of Oracle::OCI requires, but these will not be # needed in future versions. This will reduce the clutter # and bring the code much closer to the equivalent OCI C code! :-) sub new_ptr { my $class = shift; my $modifiable = do { my $foo = shift || 0 }; return bless \$modifiable => $class; } # Initialize the environment via OCI. my $envhp = new_ptr('OCIEnvPtr'); OCIInitialize (OCI_OBJECT, 0, 0, 0, 0); OCIEnvInit($envhp, OCI_DEFAULT, 0, 0); # Step 2: Allocate the various handles. # Get the Error Handle OCIHandleAlloc ($$envhp, my $errhp=0, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, 0, 0); bless $errhp => 'OCIErrorPtr'; # Get the Server Contexts etc. OCIHandleAlloc ($$envhp, my $svrhp=0, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, 0, 0); bless $svrhp => 'OCIServerPtr'; OCIHandleAlloc ($$envhp, my $svchp=0, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, 0, 0); bless $svchp => 'OCISvcCtxPtr'; # Step 3: Now Attach and set the attribute server context # within the Service context, before logging on. OCIServerAttach ($svrhp, $errhp, 0, 0, OCI_DEFAULT); OCIAttrSet ($$svchp, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, $$svrhp, 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER, $errhp); OCIHandleAlloc($$envhp, my $authp=0, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, 0, 0); bless $authp => 'OCISessionPtr'; my ($user, $pass) = split /\//, $dbuser; my @user_buf_len = oci_buf_len($user); my @pass_buf_len = oci_buf_len($pass); OCIAttrSet ($$authp, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, @user_buf_len, OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, $errhp); OCIAttrSet ($$authp, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, @pass_buf_len, OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, $errhp); # Finally, meine kleine Freunden, we begin a session... my $status = OCISessionBegin ($svchp, $errhp, $authp, OCI_CRED_RDBMS, OCI_DEFAULT); warn get_oci_error($errhp, $status) unless $status == OCI_SUCCESS; OCIAttrSet ($$svchp, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, $$authp, 0, OCI_ATTR_SESSION, $errhp); # Step 4: Now prepare the description of the target table, # and start some data processing. OCIHandleAlloc($$envhp, my $dschp, OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, 0, 0); bless $dschp => 'OCIDescribePtr'; my $tablename = $ARGV[0]; OCIDescribeAny ($svchp, $errhp, oci_buf_len($tablename), OCI_OTYPE_NAME, 1, OCI_PTYPE_TABLE, $dschp); # Get the parameter descriptor. OCIAttrGet ($dschp, OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, my $parmp, 0, OCI_ATTR_PARAM, $errhp, 'OCIDescribePtr'); # Get the table list, number of columns and description. OCIAttrGet ($parmp, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, my $collst, 0, OCI_ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS, $errhp, 'OCIParamPtr'); OCIAttrGet ($parmp, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, my $numcols, 0, OCI_ATTR_NUM_COLS, $errhp, 'OCIParamPtr'); my $errstr; # Describe the target table. printf ("\n------------------\n"); printf ("TABLE : %s \n", $tablename); printf ("------------------\n"); my %col_attr = ( OCI_ATTR_NAME => "ColName", OCI_ATTR_IS_NULL => "NULL?", ); foreach my $colnum (1..$$numcols) { my $col_parmdp_int = 0; my $col_parmdp = bless \$col_parmdp_int => 'OCIParamPtr'; OCIParamGet($collst, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, $errhp, $col_parmdp, $colnum); my $describe_attr = { OCI_ATTR_NAME => 0, OCI_ATTR_IS_NULL => 1, }; printf "\n"; foreach my $attr (sort keys %$describe_attr) { my $type = $describe_attr->{$attr}; no strict 'refs'; $status = OCIAttrGet( $col_parmdp, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, oci_buf_len(my $tmp, 90), &$attr, $errhp, $type); warn "$attr: ".get_oci_error($errhp, $status, 'OCIAttrGet') if $status; warn get_oci_error($errhp, $status) if $status; printf "%-20s: %s\n", $col_attr{$attr}, neat($tmp); } } # Step 5: Logout and detach from the server. OCIHandleFree($$dschp, OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE); OCISessionEnd($svchp, $errhp, $authp, 0); OCIServerDetach($svrhp, $errhp, OCI_DEFAULT ); # Step 6: Clean up memory and deallocate handles. OCIHandleFree($$svrhp, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER); OCIHandleFree($$svchp, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX); OCIHandleFree($$errhp, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR); OCIHandleFree($$authp, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION); # Bye, Bye !!! :-) You can see that this is quite a bit of work. Let's go through the code and examine what it is we're doing:
Once completed, we can run the script with the target table supplied: $ perl rawOCI.pl DEPT We received the following output: ------------------ TABLE : DEPT ------------------ NULL? : 0 ColName : 'DEPTNO' NULL? : 1 ColName : 'DNAME' NULL? : 1 ColName : 'LOC' 7.4.2 Pure Perl DBI and DBD::OracleWe did an awful lot of work in Example 7-1 — two pages of code just to get a few simple column descriptions! What if we'd done something similar in Perl DBI instead? We'll do just that in Example 7-2. Example 7-2. rawDBI.pl#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Pure-ish DBI use DBI qw(neat); # Step 1: Get the environment right, and set up your target # database and user. $ENV{ORACLE_SID} ||= 'ORCL'; my $dbuser = $ENV{ORACLE_USERID} || 'scott/tiger'; # Steps 2 & 3: We initialize and log onto the database. my ($user, $pass) = split /\//, $dbuser; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:", $user, $pass, {RaiseError => 1}); # Step 4: Now prepare the description of the target table. my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $ARGV[0]"); $sth->execute; # Describe the target table. printf ("\n------------------\n"); printf ("TABLE : %s \n", $ARGV[0]); printf ("------------------\n"); my %col_attr = ( NAME => "ColName", NULLABLE => "NULL?", ); foreach my $colnum (0..($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} - 1)) { printf "\n"; foreach my $attr (sort keys %col_attr) { my $tmp = $sth->{ $attr }->[$colnum]; printf "%-20s: %s\n", $col_attr{$attr}, neat($tmp); } } $sth->finish; # Steps 5 & 6: Logout, clean-up and check out. $dbh->disconnect; # Bye, Bye !!! 8) There's much less work involved using just Perl DBI and DBD::Oracle, especially with logging on and logging off. Just for the record, we obtained the following results: $ perl rawDBI.pl DEPT ------------------ TABLE : DEPT ------------------ ColName : 'DEPTNO' NULL? : '' ColName : 'DNAME' NULL? : 1 ColName : 'LOC' NULL? : 1 So what's the point of Oracle::OCI — the same result for four times the effort? Has the stardust of Perl lost its magic? No, it has become more powerful than you can imagine. What we're trying to do is get the finely-grained OCI stuff we mentioned earlier without having to do it all in hundreds of lines of C. We'll see how shortly. 7.4.3 Mixing and Matching Oracle::OCI, Perl DBI, and DBD::OracleWhen you need certain OCI functionality that isn't available in Perl DBI, the most effective thing to do is to mix and match. Where we can save code using Perl DBI, we can do that, and where we really need OCI functionality, we can do that too — all within the same script. As the earlier Figure 7-1 showed, the various interface modules — Oracle::OCI, Perl DBI, and DBD::Oracle — are all tightly integrated. When you set up a $dbh database handle with Perl DBI, for example, you get access to all of the memory handles Oracle::OCI also requires. Take a look at Example 7-3 to see how we use the best of both the DBI and OCI worlds. In fact, this is why we think Oracle::OCI may potentially become the very best way of accessing the entire OCI API in any language. (See Section 7.5 at the end of this chapter.) Example 7-3. blendOciDbi.pl — Combining DBI and Oracle::OCI#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Blended DBI and OCI use DBI qw(neat); use Oracle::OCI qw(:all); # Step 1: Get the environment right, and set up your target # database and user. $ENV{ORACLE_SID} ||= 'ORCL'; my $dbuser = $ENV{ORACLE_USERID} || 'scott/tiger'; # Steps 2 & 3: We initialize and log onto the database. my ($user, $pass) = split /\//, $dbuser; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$ENV{ORACLE_SID}", $user, $pass); # Step 4: Now prepare the description of the target table, this time # using OCI, after we've established our connection with DBI. # Notice the frequent use of the Perl DBI $dbh variable. my $tablename = $ARGV[0]; bless $dbh => 'OCIEnvPtr'; OCIHandleAlloc($dbh, my $dschp, OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, 0, 0); bless $dschp => 'OCIDescribePtr'; OCIDescribeAny ($dbh, $dbh, oci_buf_len($tablename), OCI_OTYPE_NAME, 1, OCI_PTYPE_TABLE, $dschp); # Get the parameter descriptor. OCIAttrGet ($dschp, OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, my $parmp, 0, OCI_ATTR_PARAM, $dbh, 'OCIDescribePtr'); # Get the table list, number of columns and description. OCIAttrGet ($parmp, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, my $collst, 0, OCI_ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS, $dbh, 'OCIParamPtr'); OCIAttrGet ($parmp, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, my $numcols, 0, OCI_ATTR_NUM_COLS, $dbh, 'OCIParamPtr'); my $errstr; # Describe the target table. printf ("\n------------------\n"); printf ("TABLE : %s \n", $tablename); printf ("------------------\n"); my %col_attr = ( OCI_ATTR_NAME => "ColName", OCI_ATTR_IS_NULL => "NULL?", ); my $status; foreach my $colnum (1..$$numcols) { my $col_parmdp_int = 0; my $col_parmdp = bless \$col_parmdp_int => 'OCIParamPtr'; OCIParamGet($collst, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, $dbh, $col_parmdp, $colnum); my $describe_attr = { OCI_ATTR_NAME => 0, OCI_ATTR_IS_NULL => 1, }; printf "\n"; foreach my $attr (sort keys %$describe_attr) { my $type = $describe_attr->{$attr}; no strict 'refs'; $status = OCIAttrGet( $col_parmdp, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, oci_buf_len(my $tmp, 90), &$attr, $dbh, $type); warn "$attr: ".get_oci_error($dbh, $status, 'OCIAttrGet') if $status; warn get_oci_error($dbh, $status) if $status; printf "%-20s: %s\n", $col_attr{$attr}, neat($tmp); } } # Steps 5 & 6: Logout, clean-up and check out. $dbh->disconnect; # Bye, Bye !!! >=8+) When we ran the code in Figure 7-3 in blendOciDbi.pl, we received this output: $ perl blendOciDbi.pl DEPT ------------------ TABLE : DEPT ------------------ NULL? : 0 ColName : 'DEPTNO' NULL? : 1 ColName : 'DNAME' NULL? : 1 ColName : 'LOC' With more than 530 OCI functions to choose from, we're confident you'll find exactly what you're looking for when you combine Perl DBI and Oracle::OCI. For instance, the following bioinformatics code snippet takes LOB processing a helpful bit further than DBI can go. We fetch a LOB locator with DBI, and then process its genetic information with Oracle::OCI: my $lob_locator = $dbh->selectrow_array("select my_lob " . "from human_genome " . "where id = 'insulin' " . "for update", { ora_auto_lob => 0 }); # Start Oracle::OCI OCILobGetLength($dbh, $dbh, $lob_locator, my $lob_len = 0); OCILobTrim($dbh, $dbh, $lob_locator, $lob_len - 2); # Update the Bioinformatics genetic code inside the LOB my ($offset, $amount, $buffer) = ($lob_len/2, 44, ''); OCILobRead($dbh, $dbh, $lob_locator, $amount, $offset, oci_buf_len($buffer, 200, \$amount), 0, 0, 0, 0 ); $buffer =~ s/ATGC/ACTG/g; OCILobWrite($dbh, $dbh, $lob_locator, $amount, $offset, oci_buf_len($buffer), OCI_ONE_PIECE, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); # Back to DBI ... |
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